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SESSION 2022-23

Q 1. Identify whether the underlined verbs in the following sentences are

Transitive or Intransitive.
a. The stars are twinkling.

b. The car stopped abruptly.

c. You must speak the truth.

d. She sang a sweet song.

e. The boy is flying a kite.

f. The birds are flying in the sky.

g. The rider broke his arm.

h. The explosion sank the ship.

i. The ship sank suddenly.

j. I wrote a long poem.

Q2. Choose the correct form of the verb given in the brackets:

a. I _______ (am waiting/ wait) for Rita. She ______ (told/said) me that she would
________ (met/meet) me at 3 p.m., but she has not come yet.

b. Well, I don't know why I________ (tell) you all this on the phone, I think it is
because I ________ (not feel) too well. Maybe I _________ (need) to go for a walk
or something. I ________ (know) everything seems a little bit over the top but this is
how things are. I ________ (think) about it yesterday that I __________ (buy) a
boat and sail on the sea. That__________ (do) me good.
Q3. Rewrite the following sentences into Passive Voice:

1) My father gave me a bike.


2) Children fly kites on 15 August.


3) The manager will blame them.


4) Bhaskar bought his sister a silk gown.


5) I am baking a cake.


6) Children were drawing the portraits of famous film stars.


7) My friends had filed a complaint against the corrupt government officer.

8) They have finished their job.


9) They will collect the money for flood victims.


10) George Orwell wrote Animal Farm.


Q4. Fill in the blanks with the correct Verb in agreement with the Subject.
1. Every man and woman ________going to get a gift.(is/ are)

2. Either the captain or you ________to go for batting.(has/ have)

3. The news of our win________ cheered by all.(were/was)

4. Ten years ______a long period of time. (is/are)

5. None of the girls ________taking part in the parade. (are / is)

6. The cow as well as the horse________ grass.(eat/eats)

7. Man’s happiness or misery__________ in a great measure in his own hands.


8. The jury_______ divided in its opinion. (is/are)

9. The cost of all these articles _________risen. (have /has)

10. The accountant and the cashier_________ absconded. (has /have)

Q5. Rewrite the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences. One
has been done as an example.

1) obesity/junk food/to/leads

Junk food leads to obesity.

2) disease/obesity/a kind/is also/of


3) heart attack/and hypertension/can cause/obesity


Q6. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line.
Write the incorrect word and the correction in the blanks provided:
Correct Incorrect
Time is very precious than money. a) _________ ___________
Money once lose can be regained b) _________ ___________
but time once lost was lost forever. c) _________ ___________
A lost opportunities may spoil one’s life. d) _________ ___________
Those who doesn’t act in time e) _________ ___________
has to repent afterwards. An intelligent f) _________ ___________
student prepares his lesson on advance. g) _________ ___________
Hence proper using of time is essential. h) _________ ___________

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