Indigenous People Today A Mix of Traditions Dans Modernity

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Indigenous People Today a Mix of Traditions dans

Ibrahim Morel 10/11/2022

Today, this article is about the Indigenous people who live today and her traditions today.
The Tradition of the Canada have evolved and the Indigenous must have to adapt her
traditions to live in the Modernity.

The three groups of Indigenous in Canada where the First Nations, the Inuit and the Métis.
According to the 2011 census, there are more than one million Indigenous people in Canada, or
4.3% of the country's total population.

Since the European colonization of the Americas, many Indigenous people in Canada have
been victims of assimilation.

Now Today, they have significant economic problems. Many live below the poverty line.

Also, the Indigenous womens suffererd from discriminations and persecutions. There mans
who persecute indigenous people reach a goal : “The destruction of the Indigenous culture”
because the women teach the indigenous people to her childrens.

One of the figures of Indigenous resistance is Shina Nova who publish videos on social
networks to spread the indigenous culture of Canada.

In conclusion, Indigenous people have a lot of difficulty to live in Canada.

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