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NAME______________________________ ADM NO_____
Section A: Answer All Questions
1. DAB is a 60o sector of a circle of radius 120 cm. A complete circle, center Q touches
OA,OB and the arc AB . Find the radius of the circle of center Q. (6 mks)

2. Prove that the sum of any tree consecutive numbers is a multiple of 3. (6 mks)

3. a) Simplify

i. √ 32 (1mk)
ii. (√ 2+ √ 32 ) (√ 2+2 √3 ) (2mks)

iii. (3 + √ 2 ) (3 - √ 2) (2mks)

b) Simplify by rationalizing the denominator

√3 (4 mks)
√3−√ 2

√5−2 √2 (5 mks)
2 √ 5−√ 2

4. The length of a rectangular field is 40m greater than its width. and its area is 6000m2
I) Form an equation involving the length x cm of the field. (3 mks)

II) Find the area of the rectangle. (3mks)

III) Find the perimeter (2 mks)

5. a) Multiply the following equations using long multiplication

i) (x + 4) (x - 6) (3 mks)

ii) Multiply term by term (2 mks)

b) Factorize
i) x2 – 20x + 100 (2 mks)

ii) 6x2 + x + 72 (3 mks)

6. i) Solve x4 - 13x2 + 36 = 0 (4mks)

ii) Solve using completing square methods

x2 – 6x + 2 = 0 (4mks)

iii) Given the equation y= x2 + 4x +9

a) Write it in complete square form. (3 mks)

b) Write down the line of symmetry and the coordinates of the vertex. (3mks)

c) Sketch the graph. (4 mks)

7. i) Given that quadratic equation is in the form of x2 + bx + c = 0

ii) Using completing square method prove that quadratic formula is

−b ± √ b −4 ac

iii) Hence solve 3x2 - 6x + 2 = 0 using the quadratic formula

8. Solve the following pair of simultaneous equations using substitution method

i) 6h + d = 40 (4mks)
4h + 3d = 36

ii) X + 2y = 7 (6 mks)
X2 + y2 = 10
9. Solve the inequality 2y + 6 > 7y + 11 (4mks

Section B
10. Find the equation of perpendicular bisector of the line joining P(-4,5) to Q(2,3) (6 mks)

11. Find the equation of line parallel to y=3x – 1 and passes through point (0,0) (4 mks)

12. Using chain rule differentiate the following

a) y = (x + 2)3 (4 mks)
b) y = (3x + 2)-1 (4 mks)

13. Given that y = x2 + 2x + 4

i) Find (3 mks)

ii) Find the nature of stationary point. (3 mks)

iii) Sketch the curve (4 mks)

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