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You are required to create a full-stack application that can detect user's cursors in real time.

● You have to create a Single page application in ReactJs/NextJs in TypeScript. It must be

a simple white page.
● It would be great if you could use Canvas to make this white page

● When a user gets into the system, ask his/her username and save it in the system.
● It would be great if you could use Redux for storing data in the system.

● All the users who are viewing the screen must be able to see the cursor position of other
users, something similar to the above given image. (Cursor PNG and name of the user is
enough for the practical)

● Use to achieve the real time progress of cursor position.

● Back-end application must consist of a real time socket server that can get the position
of the users who get into the web app front end and must pass the cursor movement to
the web app.

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