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Std CE Drow Fighter 8.

Strength 14 2 Initiative 4
Dexterity 18 4 AC 22 Reflex 6
Constitution 12 2 HP 73 Fortitude 8
Intelligence 14 2
Wisdom 10 0 Willsave 2
Charisma 10 0 SR 14
CMB 10 CMD 26

Feats (1)Dark Adept, Toughness

(2)Weapon Focus (Rapier)
(3)Two Weapon Fighting
(4)Weapon Spec (Rapier)
(5)Weapon Finesse
(6)Two Weapon Defence
(7)Fencing Grace
(8)Rapid Reload

Features (2)Bravery +1 (6) +2

(3)Armor Training (Light Armor)
(4) +1 Dex
(5)Weapon Training +1 (Light Blades)
(7)Armor Training (Advanced Armor – Armor spec +2 AC)

Skills (4/lv) Acrobatics 12, Intimidate 11, Stealth 12, Survival 7,

Dungeoneering 7

Attacks M Rapier +15/10 1D6+8 18x2

Or Dagger +15/10 1D4+3 19x2

Attacks R Handcrossbow +13/8 1D4+1 19x2 20feet range

Equipment +1 Rapier
+1 Dagger
+1 Handcrossbow with 10 poisonbolts and 10 normal bolts
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
Std CE Drow Cleric 9 of Abraxas.
Strength 10 0 Initiative 7
Dexterity 16 3 AC 23 Reflex 8
Constitution 12 1 HP Fortitude 9
Intelligence 14 2
Wisdom 18 4 Willsave 12
Charisma 12 1 SR 20
CMB 6 CMD 23

Feats (1)Combat Casting

(3)Improved Initiative
(5)Weapon Finesse
(7)Combat Expertise
(9)Improved Trip

Features (1)Channel Energy (1D6), Domains (Chaos, Magic)

(3)Channel Energy (2D6)
(5)Channel Energy (3D6)
(7)Channel Energy (4D6)
(9)Channel Energy (5D6)

Skills (4/lv) Spellcraft 14, Sense Motive 16, Religion 13, The Planes 13,
Perception 9

Attacks M Scorpion whip +11/6 1D4+2 x2

Or +12 when Trip

Attacks R Handcrossbow + 1D4+1 19x2 20feet range

Equipment Scorpionwhip +2, Elemental Gem (Earth or Fire), Chainmail +2

Cloak of Resistance +2, Steelshield +1

Spells per day 4 / 5+1 / 5+1 /4+1 / 3+1 / 1+1

Usually Prepared

0 Cure minor wounds, Detect Magic, Bleed, Guidence

1 Shield of Faith, Entropic Shield, Protection Law (d),
Command, Cure Light Wound x2
2 Cure Moderate Wound, Shatter (d), Silence, Flame of the Forge x2
Hold Person
3 Invisibility Purge, Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic (d),
Meld into Stone, Aura of Cannibalism
4 Chaos Hammer(d), Cure Critical Wounds, Terrible Remorse,
Lesser Spellcrash,
5 Dispel Law (d), Unholy Ice/Flame Strike
Special Dwarf CN Dwarf Fighter (Brawler*) 9 /Barbarian (Armored Hulk) 5

(20pts buy system)

Strength 18/22 6 Initiative 2

Dexterity 15 2 AC 27 Reflex 6
Constitution 16/20 5 HP Fortitude 15
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0 Willsave 4
Charisma 7 -2

CMB 14 CMD Speed 20(30 as Armored Hulk)

Feats (1F1)Improved Unarmed Strike, WF (Spiked Gauntlet)

(2F3)Toughness, Endurance
(3F5)Die Hard
(4F7)Weapon Spec (Spiked Gauntlet), Two Weapon Fighting
(5F9)Combat Reflexes
(6F11)Improved Critical (Spiked Gauntlet), Power Attack(-4/+8)
(7F12)Menacing Stance,
(8F/13)Double Slice, Improved Two Weapon fighting

Features (dwf)Defensive Training (+4 AC vs Giants)

(dwf)Hardy (+2 save vs spells, poison, disease)
(dwf)Darkvision 60 feet
(1F1)Bravery +2
(1B2)Indomitable Stance (Se Armored Hulk), Rage
(2F3)Close Control (Se Brawler)
(2B4)Armored Swiftness (Se Armored Hulk), Dex +1, RP
(Powerful Stance)
(3F5)Close Combatant (+2 to hit, +4 damage w close combat w.)
(3B6)Resiliance of Steel (+1 AC vs Crit Confirm)
(4B8)RP(Renewed Vitality) Str +1
(5B10)Improved Armored Swiftness
(9F14)No Escape

Skills 2/4

Attacks M Spiked Gauntlet +24/19/14 1D4+15 19x2

Off hand Gauntlet -2 to all 1D4+11 19x2

With Rage Spiked Gauntlet +26/21/16 1D4+17 19x2

Off hand Gauntlet -2 to all 1D4+13 19x2

With PA Spiked Gauntlet +22/15/10 1D4+23 19x2

Off hand Gauntlet -2 to all 1D4+15 19x2

With PA/R Spiked Gauntlet +24/19/14 1D4+25 19x2

Off hand Gauntlet -2 to all 1D4+17 19x2
Attacks R

Equipment Admantine Fullplate +3 with spikes (ac 12, 1, -4)

Admintine Spiked Gauntlet +1 Giantbane
Cold Iron Spiked Gauntlet +1 Acid
Ring of protection +2
Amulet of Natural Armor +2
Belt of Strength and Constitution +4

105000 gp

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