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Topic: Essential Tools for Digital Drawing

- The Move tool (shortcut: V) is used to move selected objects by pressing Ctrl and dragging.

- The Shape Selection tool (shortcut: M) is used to select shapes.

- The Lasso tool (shortcut: L) is used to make freehand selections.

- The Magic Wand tool (shortcut: W) is used to select areas based on color similarity.

- Once the selection area is set, all picture-related work will be con ned within that area.

- The Brush tool is used for painting, and the Eraser tool is used for erasing.

- The Crop tool is used to crop the image.

- Holding Alt while in Brush mode (shortcut: B) allows for color picking using the Eyedropper

- The Pencil tool is used for drawing, and the Eraser tool for erasing.

- Settings can be adjusted according to individual working styles.

- The Gradient/Fill tool (shortcut: G) is used for applying gradients or lls.

- The Sharpen/Blur tool is used to sharpen or blur parts of the image using a brush.

- The Burn/Dodge/Sponge tools are used for darkening, lightening, and saturating the picture.

- The Typing tool (shortcut: T) is used for adding text.

- The Rotation tool (shortcut: R) is used to rotate objects.

- Quick Mask mode (shortcut: Q) is helpful when unfamiliar with drawing on a monitor. It allows
for checking the selection area with color and editing in that state.

Key points:

1. Move, Shape Selection, Lasso, and Magic Wand tools are used for selection.

2. Brush, Eraser, Pencil, and Crop tools are used for painting, erasing, and cropping.

3. Settings can be customized to suit individual preferences.

4. Gradient/Fill, Sharpen/Blur, Burn/Dodge/Sponge, and Typing tools serve speci c purposes.

5. The Rotation tool is used for rotating objects.

6. Quick Mask mode aids in checking selection areas and editing.

Note: Familiarize yourself with the essential digital drawing tools and their functions.
Experiment with the settings and tools to nd a working style that suits you best. Quick Mask
mode can be particularly helpful for beginners to check selections and make edits with ease.

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