What Are Your Best Pratices

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National Training on Challenges, Opportunities, & Best Practices in

Management During this Pandemic

Best Practices During this Pandemic 1 2 3 4 5

Guide team to create new norms, protocols, purpose
Revisit shared purpose /
Reasess available resources
Understand employees’ constraints /
Restablish norms
Cultivate 7Cs attributes shared by effective leaders (Calm Confidence, /
Communication, Collaboration, Community, Compassion, Cash)
Believe small talk works big wonders
Confront the unknown in your strategic planning /
Protect the core business/function and pivot to new opportunities
Reward your loyals/high performing employees /
Use technology to scale your organization to current conditions
New employees have rapid connections to key people /
Other best practices/strategies (Please specify)
 What are your best pratices?

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