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for the SMARTem24 and DigiAtlantis Systems

DATE: 21 April 2023

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Sy 21 Apr 2023

Table of Contents
1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................7
2 Shipping & Handling...........................................................................................................................7
3 Servicing & Support...........................................................................................................................8
4 Training..............................................................................................................................................8
5 EMIT Contact Details..........................................................................................................................8
6 System Specifications.........................................................................................................................9
6.1 SMARTem24 System.............................................................................................................9
6.1.1 SMARTem24 Receiver.................................................................................................10
6.1.2 SMARTem24 IP Breakout............................................................................................11
6.1.3 SMART Fluxgate..........................................................................................................12
6.1.4 SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller...........................................................................13
6.2 DigiAtlantis System.............................................................................................................14
6.2.1 DigiAtlantis Receiver...................................................................................................15
6.2.2 DigiAtlantis Probe.......................................................................................................16
6.2.3 DigiAtlantis Controller.................................................................................................17
7 Common Hardware Operations.......................................................................................................18
7.1 SMARTem24 System...........................................................................................................18
7.1.1 Warnings.....................................................................................................................18
7.1.2 SMARTem24 Receiver.................................................................................................18 Power on/off.......................................................................................................18 LEDs....................................................................................................................19 Converting screen to Tablet Mode......................................................................19 Swapping/Changing Batteries.............................................................................19
7.1.3 SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller...........................................................................21 Power on/off.......................................................................................................21 LEDs....................................................................................................................21 Menu Buttons.....................................................................................................21 Activating transmitter timing control signal........................................................22
7.2 DigiAtlantis System.............................................................................................................22
7.2.1 Warnings.....................................................................................................................22
7.2.2 DigiAtlantis Receiver...................................................................................................22 Power on/off.......................................................................................................22
7.2.3 DigiAtlantis Controller.................................................................................................23 Power on/off and Reset......................................................................................23 LEDs....................................................................................................................23 Auxiliary 12V Power-Feed...................................................................................24 Menu Buttons.....................................................................................................24 Transmitting Timing Signal..................................................................................24
7.2.4 DigiAtlantis Probe.......................................................................................................25 Power on/off.......................................................................................................25

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8 Synchronisation/Timing Procedure..................................................................................................26
8.1 GPS Synchronisation...........................................................................................................26
8.1.1 SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller...........................................................................27
8.1.2 SMARTem24 Receiver.................................................................................................27
8.1.3 DigiAtlantis Controller.................................................................................................27
8.2 Crystal Synchronisation.......................................................................................................28
8.2.1 SMARTem24 System...................................................................................................28 Synchronisation Status & Measuring Drift..........................................................29
8.2.2 DigiAtlantis System.....................................................................................................29 Synchronisation Status & Measuring Drift..........................................................30
9 Transmitter Setup.............................................................................................................................31
9.1 SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller....................................................................................31
9.2 DigiAtlantis Transmitter Controller......................................................................................31
9.3 SMARTem24 Direct Control (Stand Alone)..........................................................................32
9.4 DigiAtlantis Direct Control (Stand Alone)............................................................................33
10 Receiver Setup...............................................................................................................................34
10.1 SMARTem24 Receiver.......................................................................................................34
10.1.1 Connecting Sensors...................................................................................................34
10.2 DigiAtlantis Receiver.........................................................................................................34
10.2.1 Connecting the Probe...............................................................................................34
11 SMARTem24 StatusApp..................................................................................................................35
11.1 Summary Tab....................................................................................................................35
11.2 GPS Tab.............................................................................................................................36
11.2.1 Summary (side tab)...................................................................................................36
11.2.2 Detail (side tab).........................................................................................................36
11.3 Synchronisation Control Tab.............................................................................................36
11.3.1 GPS Mode.................................................................................................................37
11.3.2 Crystal Sync Mode.....................................................................................................37 Auto Crystal Sync..............................................................................................38 Manual Crystal Sync..........................................................................................39
11.3.3 Direct Drive (Stand Alone) Mode..............................................................................40
11.4 Options Tab (Battery management)..................................................................................40
11.4.1 SMARTem24 Options................................................................................................40
11.4.2 DigiAtlantis Options..................................................................................................41
11.4.3 About Tab..................................................................................................................42
12 Quick Start Guide - Survey Setup - SMARTem24 Software.............................................................43
12.1 General System Setup.......................................................................................................43
12.2 Specific System Setup.......................................................................................................46
12.2.1 Induced Polarisation (IP)...........................................................................................46
12.2.2 BH43-3D....................................................................................................................48
12.2.3 VECTEM-V.................................................................................................................49

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13 SMARTem24 Software Shortcut Keys/Hotkeys...............................................................................50

13.1 Mouse shortcuts...............................................................................................................50
14 Transferring Data Files....................................................................................................................51
15 File Formats...................................................................................................................................52
15.1 General.............................................................................................................................52
15.1.1 Date_Time stamps....................................................................................................52
15.2 Project (*.project) file.......................................................................................................53
15.3 Settings (*.sini) file............................................................................................................53
15.4 User Profile (*.ini) file.......................................................................................................53
15.5 Panels (*.panels) file.........................................................................................................54
15.6 Raw (*.raw) file.................................................................................................................55
15.7 Stacked (*.stk) file.............................................................................................................57
15.8 Data (*.dat,*.tem, *.mmr & *.ip) files...............................................................................59
15.8.1 FLAGS Column...........................................................................................................65
15.9 Post Acquire Processing Log (*.pplog) file.........................................................................66
15.10 Atlantis (*.atl) file............................................................................................................66
15.11 Borehole Survey (*.sur) file.............................................................................................67
15.12 Transmitter Loop (*.tx) file..............................................................................................68
15.13 Customised window schemes (SMARTem24User.times) file...........................................69
15.14 Custom sensors (CustomSensorDefinition.xml) file.........................................................70
15.15 DigiAtlantis calibrations (DigiAtlantisCalibrations.ini) file...............................................71
15.16 Customised calibrations for smart sensors (CustomCalibrations.ini) file.........................71
16 Data Processing..............................................................................................................................73
17 Battery Charging............................................................................................................................74
17.1 SMARTem24 System.........................................................................................................74
17.1.1 SMARTem24 Receiver...............................................................................................74 Estimated recharge times.................................................................................74
17.1.2 SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller..........................................................................74 Estimated recharge times.................................................................................74 LED Indicators...................................................................................................75
17.2 DigiAtlantis System...........................................................................................................76
17.2.1 Estimated recharge times.........................................................................................76
17.2.2 LED Indicators...........................................................................................................77
18 Updating SMARTem24 Software....................................................................................................78
18.1 Updating SMARTem24 Receiver........................................................................................78
18.2 Installing or Updating a PC................................................................................................78
18.3 SMARTem24 Utilities.........................................................................................................78
19 Updating Firmware........................................................................................................................79
19.1 SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller..................................................................................80
19.2 SMARTem24 Firmware Updater........................................................................................81
19.2.1 Update Tab................................................................................................................81

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19.2.2 About Tab..................................................................................................................81

20 Hardware Parts Descriptions..........................................................................................................82
20.1 SMARTem24 System.........................................................................................................82
20.1.1 SMARTem24 Receiver...............................................................................................83
20.1.2 SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller..........................................................................86
20.1.3 SMARTem24 IP Breakout..........................................................................................87
20.1.4 SMART Fluxgate........................................................................................................89 SMART Fluxgate Sensor....................................................................................90 SMART Fluxgate Auto Nulling Interface............................................................90
20.2 DigiAtlantis System...........................................................................................................91
20.2.1 DigiAtlantis Receiver.................................................................................................92
20.2.2 DigiAtlantis Controller...............................................................................................93
20.2.3 DigiAtlantis Probe.....................................................................................................94
21 SMARTem24 Software....................................................................................................................95
21.1 Welcome Screen...............................................................................................................95 About Window..................................................................................................98 Licence Authorisation Form..............................................................................98
21.2 Main Screen......................................................................................................................99
21.2.1 Overview – Graphical Panels & Views.......................................................................99 Views..............................................................................................................100
21.2.2 Graphics Buttons.....................................................................................................101
21.2.3 Information Bar.......................................................................................................102
21.2.4 Notes Form.............................................................................................................103
21.2.5 Graphic Options Form.............................................................................................104
21.2.6 Control Menu..........................................................................................................106
21.2.7 Main Menu.............................................................................................................106
21.2.8 Graphical Panels & Options.....................................................................................107 Scope Panel.....................................................................................................108 IP Scope Panel.................................................................................................111 Raw Panel.......................................................................................................112 Stacked Panel..................................................................................................114 Decay Panel.....................................................................................................117 Argand Panel...................................................................................................120 Profile Panel....................................................................................................123 MMR Profile Panel..........................................................................................126 IP Gradient Array (GA) Profile Panel................................................................129 IP PseudoSection Panel.................................................................................131 Plan Panel.....................................................................................................134
21.3 Acquire Screen................................................................................................................140
21.3.1 Contact Impedance Window...................................................................................141
21.4 Scope Screen...................................................................................................................142

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21.5 Setup Screen...................................................................................................................143

21.5.1 Survey (Setup) Screen.............................................................................................144
21.5.2 IP Survey (Setup) Screen.........................................................................................146
21.5.3 General (Setup) Screen...........................................................................................149
21.5.4 Transmitter and Timing (Setup) Screen...................................................................150 Loop/Wire Editor Form...................................................................................152
21.5.5 Processing (Setup) Screen.......................................................................................154
21.5.6 Hardware Setup Screen..........................................................................................155
21.5.7 Location (GPS & Geographic Setup) Screen............................................................159
21.5.8 Smart Device (Setup) Screen...................................................................................160
21.5.9 DigiAtlantis (Setup) Screen......................................................................................162 Optimising DSL connection rate for long (+2km) winches...............................163
21.6 Post Acquire Editing and Processing...............................................................................166
21.6.1 Reprocessing Form..................................................................................................167 Notch Filter Form............................................................................................169
21.6.2 Edit Data Form........................................................................................................171
21.6.3 Unit Conversion Form.............................................................................................174
21.6.4 Sensor Conversion Form.........................................................................................175
21.6.5 Sensor Processing Form..........................................................................................176
21.6.6 DigiAtlantis Processing Dialogue.............................................................................177 Survey File Options Form................................................................................179 Update Rotation Form....................................................................................181
21.6.7 Smart Sensor Processing Form................................................................................183 Update Rotation Form (Surface Projects).......................................................184
21.7 Files Form........................................................................................................................187
21.7.1 Export Form............................................................................................................188 Step Response Calculation Form.....................................................................189
22 Li-ion Batteries – Care & Maintenance.........................................................................................190
23 Trouble Shooting..........................................................................................................................191
23.1 DigiAtlantis System.........................................................................................................191
24 Wiring Diagrams/Schematics.......................................................................................................192
25 Cable assembly diagrams.............................................................................................................207
26 Glossary.......................................................................................................................................217

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1 Introduction
This User Guide provides details on operation of the SMARTem24 System and the borehole DigiAtlantis
System. It is written with the presumption that the operator or user has existing knowledge of electrical
geophysical surveying. This Guide is intended to be used as a standalone document, and also as the
software’s online HELP.
The SMARTem24 and DigiAtlantis Systems have a commonality that allows users familiar with one
system to easily understand and use the other. Each system relies on the SMARTem24 software to
acquire, display and process collected data and therefore functionality within the software is similar for
both systems. The software can also be installed on a PC for the purposes of QC and data processing.
This Guide steps through setting up each of the hardware components and software settings for
acquiring electrical geophysics survey data. Included are sections on:
• Description of the supplied system’s hardware components (sections 6 & 20)
• Synchronising transmitter Controller and Receiver (sections 7 & 8)
• Setting up the transmitter (section 9)
• Setting up the Receiver and connecting sensors (section 10)
• Setting up the survey on the Receiver using the SMARTem24 software (sections 12 (Quick Start),
13 (Hot keys) and 21 (full description of software))
• Recharging batteries (section 17) and battery care (section 22)
• Delivering data (section 14)
• Cable wiring diagrams (sections 24 & 25)
• Troubleshooting (section 23)

2 Shipping & Handling

Despite the rugged nature of EMIT’s equipment all components should be handled with care during
transport and use. All equipment is packed in a heavy duty aluminium or plastic case for care and ease
of transport. Dimensions and weights for shipping are included in section 20.
Equipment should be inspected prior to use. Damaged items should not be used – please notify EMIT
and return items to EMIT for repair.
The equipment should be stored in a cool and dry location.

The following items have Li-ion batteries, and to meet international shipping requirements these items
are shipped with a caution label for handlers.
• SMARTem24 Receiver
• SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller
• DigiAtlantis Receiver
• DigiAtlantis Probe
Additionally, the DigiAtlantis Probe will be accompanied by copy of the UN Transport Testing Report -
certifying that the batteries are approved for shipping via air freight.
A packing list detailing each item packed in the case is included in the case. We recommend this list be
checked upon receipt to ensure all components have been received. If the equipment has been
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provided on a hire basis EMIT requests that the list be checked off and returned with the equipment at
the end of the hire period. A list of standard system hardware components is also included in section 6.
When connecting equipment do not apply undue force. Ensure all connectors are clean and free from
dirt. Take care with the SMARTem24 touch-screen and avoid impacts. Please use only the supplied
magnetic stylus for optimum results.
EMIT recommends this documentation remain with the equipment.

3 Servicing & Support

Any equipment sold by EMIT includes a 12 month warranty unless otherwise specified.
SMARTem24 Software is provided with the equipment and all updates are available for download from
EMIT's website. Should the software be required for a PC please contact EMIT.
The SMARTem24 and DigiAtlantis Receivers are provided for the purpose of recording electrical
geophysical data, and performing subsequent processing and display. The Receivers should not be
treated as a general use laptop for receiving email or surfing the internet, or other miscellaneous
activities. Computers that communicate with the Receiver directly (via network cable) or indirectly (via
usb stick) should have an up-to-date anti-virus software.
All personnel using the equipment should have had appropriate training.
If the equipment has been provided on a hire basis, in accordance with the rental agreement the
customer shall:
• not alter the equipment without the approval of EMIT.
• not endanger the safety or condition of the equipment.

4 Training
EMIT can provide training for all equipment and software at a location to suit. Please contact EMIT for
further information.

5 EMIT Contact Details

Please contact EMIT should you have any queries regarding information contained in this User Guide.
We would appreciate being notified if you find any errors or omissions so that they can be rectified for
other users.

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd (EMIT) can be contacted via the following:

physical address: 23 Junction Parade

phone: +61 8 9250 8100

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6 System Specifications
The SMARTem24 System and the borehole DigiAtlantis System are presently provided as two separate
systems. The systems have different hardware components yet maintain familiarity through
commonality in operation.
Full listing and description of the individual parts is included in section 20.

6.1 SMARTem24 System

The SMARTem24 system is a compact, portable, 16-channel, PC based package which is the next
generation of a system that has already set the benchmark in electrical geophysical surveys. It has
been designed to be efficient in the field and to deliver the highest quality TEM, IP, CSAMT and MT
data. The GPS Synchronisation, small footprint, long-life batteries and bright colour touch-screen
make this instrument a pleasure to operate.
The system consists of a SMARTem24 Receiver and a SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller. The
specifications of each component are described in the following subsections.

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6.1.1 SMARTem24 Receiver

The SMARTem24 Receiver is a multichannel 24-bit digital receiver for electrical geophysical
surveys. It consist of the base unit with an integrated Toughbook®. At no time should attempts
be made to separate these components.

Number of input channels Up to 16
Max input signal level, per +/- 10 V on gain 1
channel +/- 1 V on gain 10
+/- 0.1 V on gain 100
Input impedance 10 Mohm
Bandwidth Up to 60 kHz
Sample rate 12.0 - 120 ksps per ADC
Synchronisation GPS, direct trigger, crystal, asynchronous
Base frequency Programmable: 50/60 Hz,
compatible ranges 0.00 1Hz to 10 kHz
Internal Battery Dual 14.4 V Li-ion (hot swappable),
external 12-28 V
Battery life >10 hrs (constant operation)
Operating System Windows XP or 7 Tablet
Display 10.4" XGA 1000 nit daylight-readable colour
User interface Touch-screen, digitiser and active stylus
screen, QWERTY keypad (backlit optional),
Data storage 160 GB (or optional SSD), USB, SD and CF
Transmitter control As per SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller
Network Wireless, Ethernet
Dimensions 310 mm x 290 mm x 120 mm
Weight 8 kg

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6.1.2 SMARTem24 IP Breakout

The SMARTem24 IP Breakout is a 16-channel (17 electrode) interface for collecting IP data in pole
or dipole configurations. This single unit allows a single 16-channel line or two 8-channel lines of
potential electrodes to be connected. Electrode Impedance may be measured when power is
supplied from the Receiver through the first channel group (ch1-4).

Number of input channels Up to 16 (17 electrode connectors)
Dimensions 280 mm x 240 mm x 80 mm
Weight 2.4 kg

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6.1.3 SMART Fluxgate

The SMART Fluxgate is a 3-component magnetometer for TEM or MMR surveys. The system
utilises an auto-nulling interface that allows automatic removal of the earth's field if required via
the SMARTem24 software. Requires power from the SMARTem24 Receiver.

Sensor 3 orthogonal fluxgate magnetometers
Max signal level +/-70uT
Sensor noise level max. 6pT/√Hz @ 1Hz on all components
Noise level approx. 3pT on late time window at 1Hz
transmitting frequency
Bandwidth 0-4 kHz
Dimensions 280 mm x 240 mm x 80 mm
Weight 6.4 kg

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6.1.4 SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller

The SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller is compatible with transmitters made by Geonics, Zonge,
Phoenix and others.

Synchronisation GPS, crystal, direct trigger
Duty cycle 25%, 50%, 100%
Base frequency Programmable: 50/60 Hz,
compatible ranges 0.001 Hz to 10 kHz
Transmitter current recording 12.5 - 120 ksps
rate (optional)
Internal Battery Li-ion (or external 12 V power supply)
Battery life >12 hrs (constant operation)
Dimensions 310 mm x 260 mm x 135 mm
Weight 5 kg

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6.2 DigiAtlantis System

DigiAtlantis is a digital 3-component borehole magnetometer system for TEM, MMR and magnetics.
It represents a new generation of borehole EM system with 24-bit, rapid, simultaneous sampling of
the magnetometer’s three components to improve data quality and significantly increase efficiency.
The colour display is fully customisable for viewing raw and processed data as profiles or decays,
along with real-time data viewing. Signal processing options results in improved QA and QC.

The system consists of a DigiAtlantis Probe, a DigiAtlantis Receiver and two DigiAtlantis Controllers –
one to control the Probe and one (optional) to control the transmitter.
The specifications of each component are described overleaf.

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6.2.1 DigiAtlantis Receiver

The DigiAtlantis Receiver is a rugged and lightweight Toughbook®.

Display 10.4" XGA 1000 nit daylight-readable colour
User interface Touch-screen, digitiser and active stylus
screen, QWERTY keypad (backlit optional),
Data storage 160 GB (or optional SSD), USB, SD and CF
Operating System Windows XP
Connectivity Single Ethernet connection to DigiAtlantis
Internal Battery Li-ion (or external 12 VDC or 240 VAC power)
Battery life >10 hrs (constant operation)
Dimensions 271 mm x 216 mm x 49 mm
Weight 2.3 kg

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6.2.2 DigiAtlantis Probe

The DigiAtlantis Probe is a 3-component magnetometer borehole tool for TEM, MMR and
magnetics surveys. It includes accelerometers to measure orientation.
DigiAtlantis Probes can be differentiated from the analogue Atlantis Probes by serial numbers
stamped into their metal casing – a DigiAtlantis Probe will be numbered 100 or greater.

Sensor 3 orthogonal fluxgate magnetometers
Depth rating 2000m
Max signal level +/-70uT
Sensor noise level max. 6pT/√Hz @ 1Hz on all components
Noise level approx. 3pT on late time window at 1Hz
transmitting frequency
A/D 24-bit delta-sigma
Available gain settings 1, 10 or 100
Sample rate 12.5 – 25 kHz per ADC, simultaneously
Bandwidth 0-4 kHz
Internal Battery Li-ion
Battery life >10 hrs (extended with power-feeding)
Dimensions 2280 mm x 33 mm (Ø)
Weight 7 kg

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6.2.3 DigiAtlantis Controller

Two DigiAtlantis Controllers are provided with the DigiAtlantis System - one provides
communications with the DigiAtlantis Probe and the other functions as a Transmitter Controller.
The DigiAtlantis Controller is compatible with transmitters made by Geonics, Zonge, Phoenix and

Synchronisation GPS, direct trigger, crystal
Waveform shape Bipolar rectangular
Duty cycle 25%, 50%, 100%
Base frequency Programmable: 50/60 Hz,
compatible ranges 0.001 Hz to 10 kHz
Internal Battery 12 V NiMh (or external 12 VDC power)
Battery life >10 hrs (constant operation)
Dimensions 310 mm x 260 mm x 135 mm
Weight 5 kg

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7 Common Hardware Operations

This section describes common operations for the hardware components of each system, particularly
power cycling. LEDs and menu buttons.

7.1 SMARTem24 System

7.1.1 Warnings
Please observe these operational warnings:
• The system may be operated whilst connected to 12 VDC auxiliary power.
• Transmitter Controllers provide the transmitter timing control signal to the transmitter. These
do not power on/off the transmitter. Always turn off the transmitter before any work is done on
circuits attached to the transmitter. Please refer to the operations manual for the transmitter
being used for safe operation of the transmitter.
• The system electronics need to be kept cool (<50degC). Try to keep the components shaded
from direct sunlight but exposed to cooling breezes.

7.1.2 SMARTem24 Receiver Power on/off
The SMARTem24 Receiver is an integrated device comprised of a Toughbook® unit and the base unit,
with a power management system that balances power consumption between the two components.
The two components are powered on and off individually. Please follow the sequence below for
optimal performance of the power management system.

Power on
1. On the base unit, press and hold the power button until it beeps and the Power LED illuminates.
2. On the Toughbook® unit, slide the power control to the right and hold until it starts.

Power off
1. On the Toughbook® unit,
a) Close and Exit the SMARTem24 software
b) Shut down the Windows operating system from the ‘Windows Start bar’ and wait for
the unit to power off.
2. On the base unit, press and hold the power button until it beeps. The unit will then power off.
a) Note that there is an option in the SMARTem24 StatusApp to automate this on Software

Power Feed
A SMARTem24 software setting allows the Receiver to supply power to select Channel Groups, and is a
requirement for certain Smart Sensors. Once enabled, the power supply may be temporarily disabled by
a new function of the Power button, without powering off the base unit. This button function is only
available when a project is active and Power Feed has been enabled. Clicking Acquire or Scope will
automatically apply the project's Power Feed settings regardless of the current power state.
• Quick press the Power button to disable power to all channel groups
• Quick press the Power button to re-enable power feed.
The current power state will be reflected in the Power LED status (see Power LED (base unit) in the
following subsection). It is recommended that sensors are not disconnected or connected whilst the
base unit is supplying power.
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Power LED (base unit)

• Green: base unit is powered on.
• Green blinking: base unit is supplying power to at least one of the channel groups.
◦ Refer to Power Feed option above and in section 21.5.6 Hardware Setup Screen.
• Red: external power detected
• Green with red double quick flash (once per second): System not authorised for data acquisition.

Transmitter control signal and Battery LEDs (red and green)

This LED pair indicates status for two states:
1. the timing control signal status (red)
2. and the battery status (green) when the device is powered off and a charger is connected.
Timing control signal:
• Red alternate flashing: output activity of the timing control signal - frequency and polarity.
Battery charger / external power is connected (and Power LED is red):
• One LED per internal battery: + is battery A; - is battery B
• Blank: no battery detected (if required, check battery connections).
• Green solid: battery is charging.
• Green flashing: battery is fully charged.

Lock LED (red and green)

This single LED indicates both the status of the 1PPS timing reference (red) and the synchronisation lock
• Red slow flash (once per second): no external signal found.
• Red quick flash (once per second): external signal is good, or in Direct Control (Stand Alone)
• GPS mode: requires minimum 3 GPS satellites and timing error less than 100 nanosecs.
• Red double quick flash (once per second): GPS leap second update has been received. Restart
the device to apply.
• Solid green with red quick flash (once per second): valid timing solution is locked.
• Solid green with red double quick flash (once per second): Valid timing solution is locked and
GPS leap second update has been received. Restart the device to apply new leap second value.. Converting screen to Tablet Mode

To convert to Tablet mode:
1. open the display screen so it stands perpendicular to the keyboard.
2. slide and hold the display release latch and rotate the display 180° clockwise until it clicks.
3. close the display (now face up), align the corner screws and lock using the front latch.
Reverse these steps to revert back. Swapping/Changing Batteries

The SMARTem24 base unit includes provision for two Li Ion batteries (see section 20.1.1). These can be
‘hot-swapped’ for fully charged batteries at any time without requiring the device to be powered off
(see below).
Battery status can also be interrogated using the SMARTem24 StatusApp, as described in section 11.
Battery capacity is also displayed as a digital bar graph on the end of each battery underneath the paper
pull-tab once the SMARTem24 Receiver's battery cover has been removed.

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1. Unscrew the two slotted screws securing the battery cover, as indicated below for Battery A, and
remove the battery cover. The screws are spring loaded so take care as the cover may spring off.
2. Remove the battery by grasping and pulling the tab attached to it.
3. Insert the replacement battery with notched edge first aligning the slot with its notch. Gently
push the battery in until it is recessed by about 5mm.
4. Reattach the battery cover using the slotted screws, taking care to enclose the battery’s paper
tab. The edge of the battery cover should align with the bottom, or top, edge (battery A or B
respectively) of the base unit..
Ensure that battery, battery cover and screws are free from dirt when replacing.

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7.1.3 SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller Power on/off

Power on
Press and hold down the power button until the red power LED is illuminated and the system beep
occurs (approx. 2 seconds).

Power off
Press and hold down the power button until the device powers off.
• The Controller will automatically power-off after 1-hour of no activity.

May be required if the device stops responding to user input.
Press and hold down the power button for 10 seconds. On release the system should power off, and
may restart. LEDs

Power LED (red)

Indicates status of internal batteries.
• Solid: device is powered on and battery level is normal.
• Flashing: battery capacity is less than 1% remaining.

Transmit +/- LEDs (red)

• Alternate flashing: output activity of the timing control signal - frequency and polarity.
• Blank: no activity (no transmission of timing control signal)


1PPS LED (red)

Indicates the status of the 1PPS timing reference, either from GPS satellites or external device,
(depending on which synchronisation mode is selected):
• Slow flash (once per second): no external signal found.
• Quick flash (once per second): external signal is good.
• GPS mode: requires minimum 3 GPS satellites and timing error less than 100 nanosecs.
• Double quick flash (once per second): GPS leap second update has been received. Restart the
device to apply.

Lock LED (red)

Indicates synchronisation lock:
• Solid: valid timing solution is locked.
• Blank: not locked.

Only used during battery charging. Menu Buttons

To manually configure the Controller’s parameters, use the menu screen and buttons:
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• Select key to enter or save the new setting

• Arrow keys to scroll through menu items
• Menu key to go up one menu level Activating transmitter timing control signal

Activation of the Transmitter Controller's transmitter timing control signal is a separate operation once
the device has been powered on. This Controller only sends the timing control signal to the transmitter
– please refer to the transmitter’s operation manual for safely powering the transmitter loop.

Start Transmission
Press the play/pause button to activate transmission of the transmitter control signal.
• The ‘Transmit +/-‘ LEDs will illuminate and indicate output activity of the transmitter timing
control signal - frequency and polarity.

Stop Transmission
Press the play/pause button to deactivate transmission of the transmitter control signal.
• The ‘Transmit +/-‘ LEDs will be blank.

7.2 DigiAtlantis System

7.2.1 Warnings
Please observe these operational warnings:
• Do not operate the DigiAtlantis system whilst charging via AC mains power as damage to the
system may occur.
• The system may be operated whilst connected to 12 VDC. When running the probe Controller
on this 12V auxiliary power-feed, a supplemental power feed signal transmitted down the
winch cable can be potentially up to 90V. Please see the Auxiliary 12V Power-Feed section for more information.
• Do not connect a DigiAtlantis Probe to an analogue Atlantis Controller or Charger. The systems
are not compatible and component failure may occur.
• Transmitter Controllers provide the transmitter timing control signal to the transmitter. These
do not power on/off the transmitter. Always turn off the transmitter before any work is done
on circuits attached to the transmitter. Please refer to the operations manual for the
transmitter being used for safe operation of the transmitter.
• The system electronics need to be kept cool (<50degC). Try to keep the components shaded
from direct sunlight but exposed to cooling breezes.

7.2.2 DigiAtlantis Receiver Power on/off

Power on
Slide the power control on the Receiver to the right and hold until the device starts.

Power off
1. Close and Exit the SMARTem24 Software
2. Shut down the Windows operating system from the ‘Windows Start bar’ and wait for the device
to power off.

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7.2.3 DigiAtlantis Controller Power on/off and Reset

Power on
Press and hold down the power button until the red power light is illuminated and the system beeps.
• If a DigiAtlantis Probe is connected, the Controller will also automatically attempt to power it on
and synchronise to it.

Power off
Press and hold down the power button for 1 second.
• If a DigiAtlantis Probe is connected the Controller will attempt to shut down the Probe before
powering off, and this may take a few seconds
• The Controller will automatically power off after 1-hour of no activity

Hold down the power button for 10 seconds. On release the device should power off. Older versions
may restart.
• May be required if the device stops responding to user input a system. LEDs
Please refer to SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller in section as the LEDs have similar
Additional LEDs for when the Probe is connected - CH1, CH2, CH3 & CH4 LEDs - are described below.

Indicates DSL status.
blank: only at startup before DSL is configured
orange: DSL attempting to establish link at requested rate
green: DSL connected at requested rate
orange flash: DSL connection attempting to establish link at fallback rate
green flash: DSL connected at fallback rate
red: DSL Off
red flash: DSL Fault – refer to Trouble Shooting in section 23.

CH2 and CH3 LEDs:

If the Probe disconnects these LEDs will stay in their last state to give an indication of why the probe
might have shut down.

Indicates probe battery status.
off: no health info from probe yet
green: ok
orange: warning getting low
red: flat

Indicates probe temperature status.
off: no health info from probe yet
green: ok

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orange: warning - getting hot/cold

red: temperature out of operating range

Indication for probe power-feeding.
off: Not power-feeding
orange: Adjusting power-feed to recommended levels
green: Power-feeding at recommended levels and tracking
red: Fault Auxiliary 12V Power-Feed

It is anticipated that the Controller battery life is ~12hrs. This will be reduced in hot weather and with
battery age.
Battery voltage in the DigiAtlantis Controller, and DigiAtlantis Probe, may be extended by attaching an
external 12V battery to the Controller at the ‘Charge’ connector. When a Probe is connected the
Controller will also supplement power, via the winch cable, to the Probe’s battery. This should only be
attempted with a reasonable length of winch cable, ie greater than 100m. It should NOT be attempted
with the soft Probe charge Cable.
This is a supplementary system only - battery voltage will continue to decrease, although more slowly, as
the power-feed system is not able to provide 100% of the system power requirements.
The external battery can be connected at any time during the survey without having to turn off the
Controller. If auxiliary power is likely to be needed it should be connected at the start of the survey.
Note that this does not recharge the batteries and if power-feed is disconnected the system may shut
down due to low voltage.
Caution: When running the DigiAtlantis Probe Controller on 12V Auxiliary Power-Feed up to 90V can be
potentially transmitted down the winch cable. Menu Buttons

To manually configure the Controller’s parameters, use the menu screen and buttons:
• Select key to enter,
• Arrow keys to scroll through menu items
• Menu key to go up one menu level Transmitting Timing Signal

Activation of the Transmitter Controller's transmitter timing control signal is a separate operation once
the device has been powered on. This Controller only sends the timing control signal to the transmitter
– please refer to the transmitter’s operation manual for safely powering the transmitter loop.

Start Transmission
Press the play/pause button to activate transmission of the transmitter control signal.
• The ‘Transmit +/-‘ LEDs will illuminate and indicate output activity of the transmitter timing
control signal - frequency and polarity.

Stop Transmission
Press the play/pause button to deactivate transmission of the transmitter control signal.
• The ‘Transmit +/-‘ LEDs will be blank.

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7.2.4 DigiAtlantis Probe Power on/off
The DigiAtlantis Probe is powered on/off at the DigiAtlantis Controller once the Controller is powered on
(see previous section 7.2.3).
It is anticipated that the Probe battery life is 6-8hrs. These times will be reduced in hot weather.

Probe power on
Press the play/pause button on the DigiAtlantis Controller to power on the Probe.
• Synchronisation between the Probe and the Controller may take up to 1 minute.
• Should the Probe be disconnected and reconnected at any time the connection must be re-
established by again pressing the play/pause button.
• The Controller will attempt to power-on and synchronise to the Probe whenever the Controller
is turned on.

Probe power off

Press the play/pause button on the DigiAtlantis Controller to power off the Probe.
• To prevent unnecessary drain on the Probe’s internal battery it should be powered off before
being disconnected.
• The Probe will automatically power off after 10 minutes of no activity.

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8 Synchronisation/Timing Procedure
Synchronisation is a term used to describe the matching of timing solutions between the transmitter
and receiver so that recorded data is consistently timed with the transmitter waveform. The timing
solutions are synchronised in the controller devices for the SMARTem24 or DigiAtlantis Systems.
Each device contains a precision Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator (OCXO) which can be synchronised to
provide an accurate timing solution. There are two methods of synchronising the devices, the choice of
which depends on where and how the survey is being conducted.
1. GPS synchronisation (refer to subsection 8.1)
• Typically used for surface surveys as good GPS coverage is anticipated.
• This is the default timing mode for both the SMARTem24 System and the borehole
DigiAtlantis System.
• This method is quick and easy to setup and the devices do not need to be brought
together or configured at the same time. Additional systems can easily be brought
2. Crystal Synchronisation (refer to subsection 8.2)
• Typically used for underground surveys or when one controlling device does not have
access to GPS.
• Requires the controlling devices to be brought together for syncing. If one of the
devices is restarted then resynchronisation will be necessary.
There are no limitations to making changes to the systems after synchronisation is complete. This allows
the user to change the setup, for example the transmitter frequency, without having to resynchronise.
Readings are time stamped with the receiver ’s timing solution:
• for GPS timing this will be UTC time;
• for crystal timing this will be time since the controller was powered on. This can be reset to a
pseudo-UTC time if GPS lock is obtained prior to crystal synchronisation.
The synchronisation methods are outlined in the following subsections.

Direct Drive (Control) or Stand Alone Mode

An additional option for managing the timing is to have the receiver directly controlling (driving) the
transmitter timing. Whilst this is not a synchronisation option, but rather a transmitter control option,
the receiver may be synchronised to GPS or simply used stand alone. This Stand Alone (direct drive /
control) mode requires the Receiver to be in close vicinity to the transmitter and directly connected by a
control cable, which may or may not be appropriate due to transmitter type, logistics or Health & Safety
• To use this mode with GPS timing, refer to point 1 above.
• To use this mode as Stand alone go directly to the setting up the transmitter in sections 9.3 (for
SMARTem24) or 9.4 (for DigiAtlantis).

8.1 GPS Synchronisation

GPS Mode is the default timing mode for both the SMARTem24 System and the borehole DigiAtlantis
System. Each device contains a GPS-disciplined timing reference which provides an accurate timing
solution using GPS time as an absolute reference.
GPS synchronisation can be established, or re-established, at any time, assuming devices have GPS
The steps for GPS synchronisation are outlined in the following subsections for each system's

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8.1.1 SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller

1. Connect the GPS antenna (100-251 (with in-line connector)) to the SMARTem24
Transmitter Controller at the GPS antennae connector as indicated below.

2. Turn on the Transmitter Controller (refer to section 7).

3. Wait for a timing solution to be established – this may take up to 3 minutes, or more. The
status of the LEDs, outlined in section 7, will display the progress of the synchronisation.
4. The device is synchronised when:
◦ Good GPS lock has occurred: 1PPS LED flashes quickly, once per second.
◦ Device is synchronised: Lock LED illuminates solid green.
5. Once synchronised, refer to section 9.1 to connect to the transmitter, or to section 8.1.2
to synchronise the Receiver.

8.1.2 SMARTem24 Receiver

1. Connect the GPS antenna (100-091 (with right angled connector)) to the SMARTem24
Receiver at the GPS antenna connector as indicated below.

2. Turn on the Receiver's base unit (refer to section

3. Wait for a timing solution to be established – this may take up to 3 minutes, or more. The
status of the LEDs, outlined in section 7, will display the progress of the synchronisation.
This may also be be monitored using the SMARTem24 StatusApp software as outlined in
section 11.2.
4. The device is synchronised when:
• Good GPS lock has occurred: Lock LED illuminates solid green with a quick red flash.
5. Go to the previous subsection 8.1.1 to synchronise the SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller,
or to section 10.1 to setup the SMARTem24 Receiver for surveying.

8.1.3 DigiAtlantis Controller

1. Connect the GPS antenna (with in-line connector, 100-102) to the DigiAtlantis Controller
at the ‘GPS’ connector as shown in the image below.

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2. Turn on the Controller (refer to section 7.2).

3. Wait for a timing solution to be established – this may take up to 3 minutes, or more. The
status of the LEDs, outlined in section 7, will display the progress of the synchronisation.
4. The device is synchronised when:
◦ Good GPS lock has occurred: 1PPS LED flashes quickly, once per second.
◦ Device is synchronised: Lock LED illuminates solid green.
5. In addition, the Probe is synchronised with the Controller when:
◦ Lock LED is illuminated.
◦ Sync LED is illuminated red, and CH1, CH2, CH3 LEDs are green.
6. When the system is synchronised, refer to section 9 to connect to the transmitter or
section 10 to setup the Receiver..

8.2 Crystal Synchronisation

Crystal synchronisation adjusts the crystal oscillator timing reference of the slave (usually the receiver)
to match that of the master (typically the Transmitter Controller). Multiple slaves can be synced to the
Master. Crystal synchronisation may be used for any survey, however the devices will need to be
brought together at the commencement of the survey to carry this out.
Whilst all equipment provided by EMIT has been designed to be rugged and hard wearing, for longevity
of the equipment it is recommended that all components be treated as fragile.
• Crystals need to be sufficiently warm and stable prior to synchronisation. Allow 30 minutes
for this, and even longer in cold weather. If the crystals are not sufficiently warm, the drift
levels on them may make synchronising too difficult, or may lead the clocks to drift
significantly after the synchronising operation.
• For best performance shock, movement and re-orientation should be kept to a minimum
once the devices are synchronised.
• If the devices are restarted they will need to be brought together and resynchronised prior to
• Drift rates should be checked at the end of the day, and possibly during the day.
Resynchronisation may be required.
The steps for crystal synchronisation for each System are outlined in the following subsections.

8.2.1 SMARTem24 System

1. Power on the SMARTem24 Receiver and the SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller prior to
synchronisation to allow crystals to warm up. Allow 30 minutes for this.
2. Use the SMARTem24 sync cable (100-039) to connect the Transmitter Controller to the Receiver

at the timing connector on both devices, as indicated below.

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SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller SMARTem24 Receiver

3. On the Transmitter Controller: (refer to section 7.1.3 for using menu buttons)
a. Put the Controller into Stand Alone timing mode:
i. Setup > Sync Setup > Set Sync Mode > Stand Alone
ii. the PPS LED should start to flash red once per second and Lock LED
illuminates red.
4. On the SMARTem24 Receiver:
a. Open the SMARTem24 StatusApp (by double-clicking the icon on the bottom
right side of the screen, section 11), and follow the Crystal Sync Mode
instructions in section 11.3.2.
5. When synchronised, disconnect the sync cable from each device. Synchronisation Status & Measuring Drift

Status of the synchronisation can be viewed at any time on the SMARTem24 Receiver via the
SMARTem24 StatusApp (see section 11.3.2) when the two devices are connected.
1. Connect the two devices with the sync cable, as outlined in previous subsection
2. Open the SMARTem24 StatusApp > Sync Ctl Tab.
3. Note the Sync State, Drift Rate and Error values:
a) Acceptable drift rate would be in the order of 2usec/hour. Large values within 5
minutes of a sync indicate a poor sync and the synchronisation process should be
b) Record the Error and Drift Rate value at the end of the day and provide these values
to the data processor. These may be required to process any synchronisation issues.

8.2.2 DigiAtlantis System

Two EMIT controllers are typically provided with the DigiAtlantis system. A DigiAtlantis Controller must
be used for the Probe and the other controller used for the transmitter, being either another DigiAtlantis
Controller or a SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller.
1. Power on both Controllers prior to synchronisation to allow crystals to warm up. Allow 30
minutes for this.
2. Use the DigiAtlantis sync cable (100-039) to connect the Controllers at the ‘SMARTem’
connector on both devices, as indicated below.

DigiAtlantis Controller front panel DigiAtlantis Controller front panel

(as Transmitter Controller) (as Probe Controller)
3. If using two DigiAtlantis controllers, allocate one device to be the Transmitter Controller
and the other to be the Probe Controller.

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4. On the Transmitter Controller, use menu buttons (section 7.2.3) to:

a) Put the Controller into Transmit mode
◦ Setup > Set Mode > Tx Controller Only
b) Put the Controller into Stand Alone timing mode:
◦ Setup > Sync Setup > Set Sync Mode > Stand Alone
c) The PPS LED should start flashing once per second and Lock LED turns on.
5. On the Probe Controller:
a) Put the Controller into Acquisition mode:
◦ Setup > Set Mode > Acquire Only
b) Put the Controller into Sync timing mode:
◦ Setup > Sync Setup > Set Sync Mode > Sync Mode
6. At this point both devices are starting to synchronise. The Probe Controller’s LED will
display sync status, and are synchronised when:
◦ PPS LED flashing 1Hz: receiving valid timing information
◦ Lock LED: illuminates
◦ If not synchronising, check the connections and confirm the Controllers are
configured correctly as described in steps 4 and 5 above.
7. When synchronised, unplug the sync cable from each device. Do not power-off either
controller or you will need to resynchronise. Synchronisation Status & Measuring Drift

Status of the synchronisation can be viewed on the Probe Controller’s Sync Status screen at any time
when the devices are (re)connected.
1. Use the DigiAtlantis sync cable (100-039) to connect the DigiAtlantis Controllers at the
‘SMARTem’ connector on both devices, as outlined in previous subsection.
2. On the Probe Controller, use menu buttons (section 7.2.3) to display the Sync Status
Status > Sync Setup > Sync Status
e: Synchronised error in microseconds; accumulated drift between the systems;
c: Tuning control voltage;
phase: phase difference in degrees between clocks.
3. Disconnect the sync cable when finished.

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9 Transmitter Setup
The SMARTem24 system is compatible with various transmitters, including Zonge, Phoenix, Gap
Geophysics Australia and Geonics types. Each of these systems has a unique timing solution, and other
transmitters that replicate those solutions may also be utilised, assuming the connectors are
The steps to connect to the transmitter are outlined in the following subsections for each system.
Refer to the transmitter manual for powering the loop.

9.1 SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller

Refer to section 7.1.3 for common button operations of the SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller.
1. Ensure that the SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller has been synchronised.
2. Ensure that the transmitter is turned off.
3. Select the appropriate transmitter control cable for the transmitter being used, e.g Zonge.

4. Use this transmitter control cable to connect the transmitter to the Controller at the
timing connector as indicated below.

5. On the Controller, use menu buttons (see section 7.2.3 to navigate and select) to:
a. Set the TX Frequency
◦ Setup > Tx Setup > Set Tx Freq.
b. Set the TX duty cycle
◦ Setup > Tx Setup > Set Tx Duty Cycle
c. Set the local powerline frequency
◦ Setup > Tx Setup > Set Pwr Line Freq.
d. Set the timing table to be compatible with the receiver being used.
◦ Setup > Tx Setup > Timing Table
◦ Note that selection of Phoenix or Tsikl tables will also automatically set the Tx
Controller Type (option not user selectable/visible) and will apply their relevant
phase shifts.
e. Set the TX type
◦ Setup > Tx Setup > Tx Type
6. Activation of the Controller’s timing signal can now be done – play/pause button.
7. Go to section 10.1 to setup the SMARTem24 Receiver for surveying.
8. When the survey has completed, shut down the transmitter, shut down the Controller and
disconnect the cables.

9.2 DigiAtlantis Transmitter Controller

Refer to section 7.2.3 for common button operations of the DigiAtlantis Transmitter Controller.
1. Ensure that the DigiAtlantis Transmitter Controller has been synchronised.
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2. Ensure that the transmitter is turned off.

3. Select the appropriate transmitter control cable for the transmitter being used, e.g Zonge.
4. Use this transmitter control cable to connect the transmitter to the Controller at the
‘SMARTem’ connector, as indicated below.

DigiAtlantis Controller front panel Transmitter (a ZT30 is shown)

5. On the Controller, use menu buttons (see section 7.2.3 to navigate and select) to:
a) Put the Controller into Transmit mode
◦ Setup > Set Mode > Tx Controller Only
b) Set the TX Frequency
◦ Setup > Tx Setup > Set Tx Freq.
c) Set the TX duty cycle
◦ Setup > Tx Setup > Set Tx Duty Cycle
d) Set the local powerline frequency
◦ Setup > Tx Setup > Set Pwr Line Freq.
e) Set the timing table to be compatible with the receiver being used.
◦ Setup > Tx Setup > Timing Table
◦ Note that selection of Phoenix or Tsikl tables will also automatically set the Tx
Controller Type (option not user selectable/visible) and will apply their relevant
phase shifts.
f) Set the TX type
◦ Setup > Tx Setup > Tx Type
6. Activation of the Controller’s timing signal can now be done – play/pause button.
7. Go to section 10.1 to setup the SMARTem24 Receiver for surveying.
8. When the survey has completed, shut down the transmitter, shut down the Controller and
disconnect the cables.

9.3 SMARTem24 Direct Control (Stand Alone)

In this mode the SMARTem24 Receiver provides the transmitter timing control signal directly to the
transmitter. Power into the loop is still controlled by the transmitter - please refer to the transmitter
manual for powering the loop.
1. Ensure that the transmitter is turned off.
2. Select the appropriate transmitter control cable for the transmitter being used, e.g Zonge.
3. Use this cable to connect the transmitter to the SMARTem24 Receiver at the transmitter
control connector as indicated below.

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4. Once the system is setup and ready to survey, activation of the timing control signal will
occur at the start of each scope or acquisition reading, and deactivate at the end of the
• If the operator would prefer that the transmitter was activated continuously, rather than
at each reading, then this may be managed via the SMARTem24 software using
Start/Stop buttons at Main Menu > Setup > Transmitter > Local Transmitter Continuous.
5. Go to section 10.1 to setup the SMARTem24 Receiver for surveying.
6. When the survey has completed, shut down the transmitter, shut down the Receiver and
disconnect the cables.

9.4 DigiAtlantis Direct Control (Stand Alone)

In this mode the DigiAtlantis Receiver provides the transmitter timing control signal directly to the
transmitter. Power into the loop is still controlled by the transmitter - please refer to the transmitter
manual for this.
1. Ensure that the transmitter is turned off.
2. Select the appropriate transmitter control cable for the transmitter being used, e.g Zonge.
3. Use this cable to connect the transmitter to the DigiAtlantis Probe Controller at the
'SMARTem' connector as indicated below.

4. Once the system is setup and ready to survey, activation of the timing control signal is
managed by the SMARTem24 software using the Start/Stop buttons at Main Menu > Setup >
Transmitter > Local Transmitter Continuous.
5. Go to section 10.2 to setup the DigiAtlantis Receiver for surveying.
6. When the survey has completed, shut down the transmitter, shut down the Receiver and
disconnect the cables.

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10 Receiver Setup
Once synchronisation has been established proceed to connect all the other components of the receiver

10.1 SMARTem24 Receiver

Start the SMARTem24 Receiver, as described in section 7

10.1.1 Connecting Sensors

1. Sensors can be connected via appropriate cables to the front analogue input connectors.
Contact EMIT if appropriate cables are required.
2. Refer to section 8 to synchronise the Receiver, and to section 12 to setup the SMARTem24

10.2 DigiAtlantis Receiver

The DigiAtlantis Receiver is a Toughbook® and connects to the DigiAtlantis Controller & Probe via a
network cable.

10.2.1 Connecting the Probe

A winch with an appropriate length of 4-core cable is required to use the DigiAtlantis Probe. To ensure
optimum performance of the Probe the cable and winch should be wired in the correct manner. Refer
to wiring diagram provided in section 24.
Prior to connecting the equipment ensure the mechanical integrity of the winch cable head by checking
components such as the pin alignment and O-rings, and cleaning or replacing as necessary.
1. Use the network cable (100-043) to connect the DigiAtlantis Receiver to the DigiAtlantis
Controller at the ‘Network’ connectors.

DigiAtlantis Receiver DigiAtlantis Controller

2. Use the controller-winch cable (100-048) to connect the winch to the Controller at the
‘Probe’ connector.
 If carrying out surface testing, or utilising the Probe for a surface survey, the
shorter bypass cable may instead be connected directly between the Probe
and Controller.
3. Connect the DigiAtlantis Probe to the winch.
4. Power on the DigiAtlantis Controller and the Probe.
◦ The Probe requires a continuous connection to the Controller to maintain an
accurate time reference. Disconnecting the probe will require the systems to
synchronise which can take up to 1 minute.
The Probe may be safely plugged/unplugged into the Controller at any time.
12V Auxiliary Power may be connected at any time to prolong the Controller and Probe batteries. Refer
to section on how to do this.

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11 SMARTem24 StatusApp
The SMARTem24 StatusApp is additional software that allows the user to view the status of the
connected device in regard to operating temperatures, battery capacity and GPS status, and is also used
to manage synchronisation options.
The software is supplied on the SMARTem24 and DigiAtlantis Receivers and can be accessed via:
1. the StatusApp icon on the Windows System Tray (lower banner, right side)
2. the Windows Menu:
◦ Windows 8 or later: Windows Start Menu > EMIT > Status App
◦ Other Windows: Windows Start Menu > Programs > EMIT > Status App
The software will be automatically minimised at start-up, and can be retrieved by double clicking on the
system tray icon.
To close the StatusApp, (e.g. prior to updating the Sm24Utils package) right click on the StatusApp icon
and select Exit.
If, and when, the StatusApp needs upgrading refer to SMARTem24 Utilities in section 18.3.

11.1 Summary Tab

This displays the:
• Device type, serial number and IP address of the connected hardware.
• Battery charge level and estimated runtime (SMARTem24 receiver's only).
• Battery voltages (DigiAtlantis and DigiProbe).
• Various temperature measurements internal to the device.
• DSL connectivity information (DigiAtlantis only). Note that detailed information may be
found via the SMARTem24 software > Setup > DigiAtlantis > Inspect DSL Details button.

Figure 1: Summary Tab - SMARTem24 connected

Figure 2: Summary Tab - DigiAtlantis connected

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11.2 GPS Tab

This displays information about the GPS.

Figure 3: GPS Tab

11.2.1 Summary (side tab)

Number Sats: Displays the number of satellites that are currently being tracked (for timing purposes).
Note that this may differ to number displayed in the Signal Strength graph below.
Antenna status: Displays physical status of the antenna, and will indicate either:
• Initialisation: ??
• Don't now: ??
• Not Connected: Open circuit.
• OK: Antenna found, working correctly.
• Shorted: Antenna short circuit detected.
World Map graphic: Displays as a red 'cross' symbol the current location of the receiver GPS, on a world
map schematic.
Constellation: Displays the current GPS constellation. This can aid in positioning of the GPS antenna in
areas with limited visibility of the sky.
Signal Strength graph: Displays the signal strength per GPS satellite ID number of the current
constellation. Values greater than 10 would indicate good signal strength.

11.2.2 Detail (side tab)

GPS Version: Displays the software and firmware versions of the GPS antenna.
SBAS Status: Status of the Satellite Based Augmentation System used for corrections to improve
positioning information.
• Update: Click this button to poll the GPS for latest (correction) data.

11.3 Synchronisation Control Tab

This implements or changes synchronisation modes, and tabulates and displays graphically the status
and quality of the synchronisation, including drift rates. The actual information displayed depends on
which mode is currently set. The sync process is automatic, but may also be controlled manually and
adjusted from here if required.
Mode: (default= GPS Mode) The mode of synchronisation to be used. Select from the drop down list.
• GPS Mode (default): see subsection 11.3.1.
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• Sync Mode (crystal): see subsection 11.3.2.

• Stand Alone (direct drive): see subsection 11.3.3.
Master: (default= off) Option used by EMIT to continuously output the 10MHz and PPS (pulse per
second) signals. Normally, these signals are automatically output when required, e.g when the
synchronisation cable is connected.

11.3.1 GPS Mode

Selection of this mode uses GPS UTC time as the timing reference. This is the default synchronisation
mode for SMARTem24 and DigiAtlantis Systems.
Once the GPS antenna is connected and current time and position is calculated from the GPS satellites
the system will automatically start the synchronisation process. This process is automatic and no user
input is required.
At startup, four GPS satellites are required to calculate the current time and position; thereafter only
three are required to maintain accuracy. If at any time the GPS signal is lost the system will
automatically use the internal crystals to maintain synchronisation.

Figure 4: Sync Control Tab – GPS Mode

Sync State: Displays the current synchronisation state of the device, being:
• Warm up
• Waiting for Sync: waiting for GPS sync signal.
• Reset Time: aligning clocks PPS to GPS.
• Tuning Crystal: adjusting frequency of crystal to match GPS.
• Tracking GPS: Continually updating frequency to track GPS. Device is now GPS synchronised.
UTC Time: Displays the GPS current UTC time.
Control: Displays the current OCXO control (tuning) voltage (V).
Error: Displays the error (us) between internal system time and GPS UTC time.
Graph display: Displays the Error and Control values in real time.

11.3.2 Crystal Sync Mode

Selection of this mode provides crystal synchronisation of the system's slave controller with the remote
master controller device. Typically the master device is the Transmitter Controller, which will be in
“Stand Alone” mode (see following section).
Once this mode is enabled the systems will automatically attempt to synchronise. However Manual
synchronisation via adjustment of the control value may also be undertaken.
Refer to the following subsections for steps required for auto or manual crystal synchronisation.

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Figure 5: Sync Control Tab – Sync Mode

Sync State: Displays the current synchronisation state of the device, being:
• Warm up.
• Waiting for Sync: waiting for External sync signal.
• Reset Time: aligning clocks PPS to External Sync.
• Tuning Crystal: Course adjustment of crystal to match External Ref.
• Fine Tuning Crystal: fine adjustment of crystal to match External Ref (using phase).
• Correcting Time: re-aligning clocks PPS to External Sync.
• Locked: devices are crystal synchronised.

UTC Time: Displays the GPS current UTC time.

Control: Displays the current OCXO control (tuning) voltage (V).
Error: Displays the error (us) between internal system time and remote time.
Phase Error: Displays the Phase Error (degrees) between the internal 10MHz clock and the remote
10MHz reference clock. This is essentially a zoomed in version of error.
Drift Rate: Displays the estimated drift rate (us/hour) based on the amount of change in the phase
Graph display: Displays the Error, Control and Phase values in real time.
Manual button (Sync Mode only): (default= off) Click to enable control buttons for manual
synchronisation. Should only be used when Sync State is ‘Fine Tuning’ or better, or if auto sync is
oscillating and cannot get out of this state. Once activated the increment buttons will be enabled.
• Auto Sync is described below in subsection
• Manual Sync procedure is described below in subsection Auto Crystal Sync

The procedure to perform an auto crystal synchronisation is as follows:

1. Refer to section 8.2 to setup the transmitter as the Master Clock source.
2. Connect the Sync cable (100-039) between the slave and master device.
3. Ensure the displayed Device on the Summary Tab is correct.
4. On the Sync Ctl Tab select 'Sync Mode' in the Mode drop down list.
5. The two system will then communicate and configure themselves as required.
6. The system will then automatically start the synchronisation process:
1. The Receiver’s LOCK LED will change from a slow red pulse to a quick red flash.
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2. The Sync State will display the progress of sync status.

3. When Sync State becomes ‘Locked’ the systems are successfully synchronised.
▪ SMARTem24 Receiver LOCK LED will illuminate green with a quick red flash.
▪ Controller display will not differ.
7. When synchronised, disconnect the sync cable from each device.
8. To view the drift/error at any time reconnect the two devices with the sync cable, and refer to
section Manual Crystal Sync

If automatic synchronisation is unsatisfactory, e.g in those instances when you are trying to crystal sync
and the system gets into an oscillation that it cannot get out of, it is possible to manually synchronise the
devices by adjusting the Crystal control voltage.

The procedure to perform this manual synchronisation is as follows:

1. Setup the system as per the auto sync process.
The 'Manual' button will be enabled when the system is ready for manual control.
2. Press 'Manual'.
Wait a few moments for the adjustment controls to enable themselves once the system is ready.
3. Use the adjustment controls to adjust the crystal control voltage until the phase error is stable
with a drift rate of less the 2 us/hour. The magnitude of the phase error is not important. The
aim here is to first get the blue error line to level out – this will in turn result in the red line
slowing to a more stable figure
◦ Use the Dec/Inc 100 buttons to change the control voltage. The value should normally be in
the order of 2.1-2.9 V. Outside of this means the OCXO is probably getting old.
◦ Be patient – the OCXO sometimes takes a few seconds to respond to the change.
◦ If it looks like the blue line’s slope is increasing then you may need to use Dec instead or vice
◦ Once the blue line has flattened out you can concentrate on stopping the red line moving up
and down.
▪ Use the finer control Dec1/Dec10 or Inc1/Inc10 buttons.
◦ Because the chart automatically scales during this procedure it may look like the lines
becomes very squiggly again. This is just because you are viewing it in finer detail, observe
the scales to the left /right.
◦ If required, use the Zero button to reset the control voltage to the mid point (0V).
4. Once an acceptable drift rate has been achieved, e.g below 2 us/hr, press the 'Lock' button to
finish the synchronisation process. This resets the time reference to the reference pulse per
second (PPS) which realigns the pulses.
5. Lock LED will then illuminate once the offset error has been corrected.
6. When synchronised, disconnect the sync cable from each device.
7. To view the drift/error at any time reconnect the two devices with the sync cable, and refer to

11.3.3 Direct Drive (Stand Alone) Mode

Selection of this mode places the system into a 'locked timing state' without any synchronisation.
Crystal is running freely. No adjustment is required, although the Manual buttons can be enabled.

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This mode would not usually be utilised, but may be used when:
1. The SMARTem24 Receiver is directly connected to the transmitter via a control cable.
2. The transmitter and DigiAtlantis Probe are connected to the one DigiAtlantis Controller.
3. Using the device as a master time source.
• NB: It is recommended that the Transmitter Controller be the master time source.
4. Testing the device in the office environment.

Figure 6: Sync control Tab – Stand Alone Mode

Sync State: Displays the current synchronisation state of the device, being Standalone only.
UTC Time: Displays the GPS current UTC time.
Control: Displays the current OCXO control (tuning) voltage (V).

11.4 Options Tab (Battery management)

The user can configure various setting for warning notifications and device battery management
Warning notifications will pop up from the Windows system tray based on these settings.
The options for each system are described separately in the following subsections.

11.4.1 SMARTem24 Options

Figure 7: Options Tab - SMARTem24 Connected

Power Off on Exit: (default= no) Select to automatically shutdown the Receiver base unit when the
StatusApp Exits.

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Run Time Alarm Thresholds

Sets the time remaining threshold for when to display warning notifications that the Receiver's battery
voltage is low or critical.
Low Warning: (default= 30 mins) Enter the time remaining (minutes) at which to flag a low battery
warning. This message will be repeated every 5 minutes.
Critical Warning: (default= 10 mins) Enter the time remaining (minutes) at which to flag a critical
battery warning. This message will be repeated every 2 minutes. Once the system has reached critical
levels then it will automatically shutdown.

Power-Feed Thresholds
When the Receiver system is fully charged during use the base unit power-feeds to the Toughbook®.
Use these settings to disable power-feeding based on battery capacity thresholds.
Off: (default= 35%) Enter the Toughbook® battery capacity (percentage) above which power-feed from
the Receiver's base unit will be disabled.
On: (default= 11%) Enter the Toughbook® battery capacity (percentage) below which power-feed from
the Receiver's base unit will be enabled.
Hysteresis: (default= 10%) If the base unit's battery capacity also drops below the 'Off' threshold then
power-feeding to the Toughbook® will be limited. A cycle of power-feeding can be maintained only
between limits defined by the Toughbook®'s 'On' value and ('On' + 'Hysteresis') value. Enter this
additional hysteresis capacity (percentage) for disabling power-feed.

11.4.2 DigiAtlantis Options

Options for when to display battery level warning notifications as pop up windows from the lower
system tray, right hand side.

Figure 8: Options Tab - DigiAtlantis Connected

Runtime Controller / Probe Alarm Thresholds

Sets the voltage thresholds for when to display warning notifications (as pop-up windows) that the
Controller or Probe battery voltages are low or critical.
Low Warning: (defaults= 11/14.5 Volts) Enter the voltage (Volts) at which to flag a low battery warning.
This message will be repeated every 5 minutes.
Critical Warning: (defaults= 10/14 Volts) Enter the voltage (Volts) at which to flag a critical battery
warning. This message will be repeated every 2 minutes. Probe will shutdown at 13V.

11.4.3 About Tab

Application Information
Lists this SMARTem24 Status App's version number and build date.

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Connected Devices
Lists firmware details of the connected device, as per selection on the Summary Tab.

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12 Quick Start Guide - Survey Setup - SMARTem24 Software

For more detailed information on the SMARTem24 Software see section 21.
The SMARTem24 Software is required to operate both the SMARTem24 and the DigiAtlantis systems.

12.1 General System Setup

Welcome Screen
When the program is started the welcome screen is displayed. There are three settings that must be
defined from this screen –
• the user profile, which defines the custom graphical settings and the operator name,
• the project file, which defines the names and locations of all the files associated with a survey,
• and the settings file, which defines the survey specifications.
The ‘About’ button also provides software version, HELP and license information.

Figure 9: Welcome Screen

The User Profile defines the layout of the data display in the Main Screen and is also saved in the data
files as the operator name. Old profiles can be reloaded from the list or create a new one by typing in a
new name, in which case default layouts will be used for data display.
When starting a new survey a new Project needs to be created- this is typically the survey line name.
Next, define the survey mode & configuration by either loading settings from a previous survey or using
new settings to be specified. The connected device should limit the available options here. Note that
these two settings affect the layout and options available in the software and cannot be changed once
the Project has been created.
If continuing a survey then load the project file from the list. The previously loaded data file will be
selected, along with any other data files available in the project folder in the drop list.
Select the connected Device. The device that is powered on and connected to the SMARTem24 Receiver
will be displayed in the list or may be found using the ‘Find’ button.
When this screen is complete, click the ‘Explore’ button to enter the software where the Main Screen
will be displayed.

Main Screen
This Main Screen displays the data as Graphical Panels according to the User Profile and the current
View type (drop down list at the top left). Additional menus down the left and along the top and
bottom provide the controls for displaying information. General survey information is displayed along
the top in blue text.
For a new user the View type will default to Data with a Decay Panel and a Profile Panel displayed. For a
new project these will be blank.

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For a new project, click the ‘Setup’ button to configure the survey parameters. Step through each of
these Menus and enter the required values. Click ‘OK’ button to save these settings and go back to the
Main Screen. Hit the F1 key at any time to get HELP on that screen.
Once Setup specifications are correct data can be acquired.

Scope mode
Incoming data utilising the current settings may again be confirmed in scope mode by clicking the
‘Scope’ button. In Scope mode no data is saved to file.

Figure 10: Scope Screen

Use the Scope Options menu on the left to customise the panel. Click on one of the tabs to view options
for zooming Display or setting Scale.

Acquire mode
When the incoming data is satisfactory and the system is ready to survey, click the ‘Acquire’ button to
start the acquisition process, collect data and save to file.
During acquisition buttons are available so that readings may be stopped during the acquire cycle and
data acquired to that time will be saved to file or, if necessary, may instead be cancelled.

Figure 11: Acquire Screen

Acquisition progress is shown as a progress bar along the top. To the left of this there will be
information about which reading is being done out of the number of readings chosen on the Setup >
Survey page (repeat readings). The display panels will update with incoming data if real time processing
is turned on. When the acquisition cycle has completed the Main Screen will change from Acquire View
to the Data View.
The acquired data for the active line/station will be displayed in the graphical panels. The quantity, type
and layout of these panels can be changed using the Graphics Buttons along the bottom. The
information displayed in each panel can be modified using the Options menu on the left.
The panel presently selected will have a dashed-blue border. Select the panel by clicking on it. The
Options menu will update according to the type of panel selected.

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Display Panels can be added by selecting the Panel type first and then click ‘Add’ button on the Graphical
Buttons Menu. Change the type by clicking the ‘Set’ button. This menu can be displayed or hidden by
clicking the ‘Show/Hide Graphical Buttons’ button.

Figure 12: Main Screen

Use the Control Menus on the left to customise each panel. The Control Menu displayed will be for the
currently selected panel.
The display can be changed by changing the View type (top left list box) and then customising the panels
for that View. Switching between Views allows a quick way of displaying data in different panels rather
than constantly adding and removing panels.
Another reading may be acquired at the active station by simply clicking the ‘Acquire’ button. This will
automatically increment the reading number.
Data processing and other useful functions are performed via the Post Acquire Editing and Processing
Form. Refer to section 21.6.
Data files can be renamed, copied, exported and merged via the Files Form. Refer to section 21.7.
Once the data has been interrogated and the quality is satisfactory, move to the next station. Increment
the active station by typing in the station value, or use the up/down arrow buttons or the ‘]’ ‘[‘
shortcut/hotkeys. A list of shortcut/hot keys is available overleaf as section 13.
The screen can be pivoted and locked down so that it is always displayed. The touch-screen keyboard
can then also be utilised and the display rotated to suit. Refer to section 7.1 on how to do this without
damaging the device. Remember to protect the screen from damage when walking through dense bush.

End of survey / day

At the end of the survey day, click ‘Close’ on the Main Screen and click ‘Exit’ to close the software.
Then shut down the Receiver - first the Microsoft Windows software from the Start bar, and then the
base unit.
Refer to section 14 for transferring data files to another computer.
Refer to section 17 for recharging batteries.

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12.2 Specific System Setup

The use of certain sensors or survey configurations and technologies can present some additional
configuration options that are useful to understand. This section details some such specifics.

12.2.1 Induced Polarisation (IP)

Versions of SMARTem24 released after support multi-line IP surveys with some previous
versions supporting only single line IP surveys.
IP surveys are conducted using the SMARTem24 IP Breakout box as pictured below. The channel
referencing on the cables' labels needs to be be adhered to at the Receiver for the correct channels to
be established. The cable ordering should not be interchanged. The SMARTem24 software terminology
has been designed to match the labelling on the Breakout box such that wiring and configuration is
The software allows for single or multi-line configuration on the Setup > Summary screen and this
selection must match the wiring that has been physically configured. A single line survey has the
electrodes wired in sequence without using the L2 reference post. A multi-line survey utilises the L2
reference post and P9 – P16 electrode posts for the second survey line.

Figure 13: SMARTem24 IP Breakout box connected to SMARTem24

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Depending on the type of IP survey being configured, various options are made available via the
SMARTem24 Setup > Summary screen. A graphic of each survey configuration indicates parameter
terminology used within the software and to better visualise the configuration. Contact impedance
measurement conditions, roll-along behaviour and positional information can all be configured here.
Hardware configuration within the SMARTem24 software requires enabling of the number of IP
channels, and then defining the channels for each input channel group. The software automatically
enables the specified number of channels sequentially (see figure below) and assigns the sensor type as
Electrode. The east & north position of each electrode channel are automatically generated and
displayed. This is useful when verifying that spatial configuration information has been correctly

Figure 14: Example IP Hardware Setup illustrating automatic sequential channel enabling.

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12.2.2 BH43-3D
Versions of SMARTem24 released after support the Geonics BH43-3D borehole tool.
Surveys require a SMARTem24 Receiver (ie not a DigiAtlantis receiver) with the BH43-3D control box
connected to both the serial port at the rear of the Receiver, as pictured below, and also to the
Receiver's input channel using EMIT supplied analogue banana cable or other appropriate cable.

Figure 15: BH43-3D controller connected to SMARTem24 serial port

Within the SMARTem24 software, select TEM survey mode and Downhole configuration on the
Welcome Screen. Then on the Setup > Hardware screen enable only a single channel for the module (&
channel) that the tool is connected to. Only data for the chosen component will be displayed when in
Scope mode, however during a reading all components are acquired and displayed in sequential fashion.
Select the appropriate Sensor as listed in the table below. Free modules on the Receiver may be
configured to capture data from other sensors as required. A typical channel setup for a BH43-3D tool is
pictured below, which will display X component data when in scope mode.

Figure 16: Typical BH43-3D channel setup

BH43 Sensor name Controller output Tilt conversion (uV/deg)

BH43-3D_100sqm_Dig attenuated 200
BH43-3D_100sqm_Ana attenuated 20
BH43-3D_A5000sqm_UV1250sqm unattenuated 20,000
BH43-3D_A10000sqm_UV2500sqm unattenuated 20,000

An acquisition with a BH43-3D tool will differ to the typical SMARTem24 acquisition process. Initial
interface with the controller box (<5secs) sequentially selects the alpha and beta channels and records
small amounts of data from which tool orientation is derived. This is followed by the sequential
acquisition of the three components for that reading - acquisition sequence is Z, then X then Y (as per
LEDs on controller). Readings may be aborted but component data may have not yet been acquired.
Users should run the BH43 tilt meter tests as outlined in the Geonics BH43 Operation Manual recording
this test data as a new project. Alpha and Beta values recorded in the data file should be interrogated -
if polarities are not correct (reversed) then the signal cable should be modified (signal cables crossed
over) and then tilt tests run again to confirm all is ok. Incorrect alpha & beta values will result in
incorrect rotation of cross-component data.
Information on wiring of the signal and serial cables can be found in Section 24 Wiring
Diagrams/Schematics of this manual.

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12.2.3 VECTEM-V
Versions of SMARTem24 released after version 10.7 support the Monex GeoScope VECTEM-V borehole
Surveys require a SMARTem24 Receiver (ie not a DigiAtlantis receiver) with the terraTEM24 controller
connected to both the serial port and the receiver input. The serial port is located at the rear of the
SMARTem24 Receiver.
Within the SMARTem24 software, select TEM survey mode and Downhole configuration on the
Welcome Screen. Then on the Setup > Hardware screen enable only a single channel for the module (&
channel) that the tool is connected to. Only data for the chosen component will be displayed when in
Scope mode, however during a reading all components are acquired and displayed in sequential fashion.
Free modules on the Receiver may be configured to capture data from other sensors as required.
The VECTEM-V allows gain to be applied in the sensor for each component, along with the SMARTem24
Receiver’s standard channel gain. Options for Sensor Gain on the Hardware page are 1 (default), 10 or
100, with X and Y components having the same gain. The sensor gain value is used by the VECTEM-V to
apply a scale factor which is incorporated in the UNITCONVERSION value for each component.
NOTE: Raw and stack data will include the sensor gain, which will then be removed from final data when
applying the UNITCONVERSION value.

A typical channel setup for a VECTEM-V tool is pictured below, which will display X component data
when in scope mode.

Figure 17: Typical VECTEM-V channel setup

An acquisition with a VECTEM-V tool will differ to the typical SMARTem24 acquisition process. Initial
interface with the terraTEM24 controller records the rotation and inclination of the probe. This is
followed by the sequential acquisition of the three components for that reading - acquisition sequence
is Z, then X then Y (as channel pass 1, 2 & 3) as per the controller. Readings may be aborted but
component data may have not yet been acquired.
During an acquire, the sensor’s gain for the component being acquired will be displayed in the legend at
the top right side of the scope panel, in addition to the channel & pass number and gain value. The
sensor gain value is displayed within brackets. When running in scope mode, the sensor gain for the
selected component will be displayed.

Figure 18: The scope panel legend for VECTEM-V

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13 SMARTem24 Software Shortcut Keys/Hotkeys

There are several programmed key combinations ('hotkeys' or 'shortcut keys') that enable quick access
to commonly used tasks. These are listed below.

Key Function

F1 Help.
F2 Change panel to Scope,
or add Scope Panel if no panel present.
D or F3 Change panel to Decay
or add Decay Panel if no panel present.
P or F4 Change panel to Profile
or add Profile Panel if no panel present.
F5 Change panel to Stacked
or add Stacked Panel if no panel present.
F6 Change panel to Raw
or add Raw Panel if no panel present.
F9 Zoom in X axis.

F10 Zoom out X axis.

F11 Zoom in Y axis.

F12 Zoom out Y axis.

A Acquire.

I Measure the receiver electrode Impedance (IP only).

S Scope.

X Increment the selected View.

Z Decrement the selected View.

[ Decrement Active station.

] Increment Active station.

Esc Stop Acquire/Scope,

or Exit some functions.

13.1 Mouse shortcuts

Use Scale tab options, or mouse/stylus options, for zooming and panning panels.

Function Mouse Action

Zoom in Left button down and drag left-to-right around area to zoom in.
Zoom out Left button down and drag right-to-left to reset zoom.

Pan Once zoomed in, right button down and drag panel. Panel should follow the mouse.

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14 Transferring Data Files

The SMARTem24 project includes several files for the setup and the acquired data plus some optional
files. These files are saved in the project folder and are described in the following section.
*.dat (TEM surveys)
*.mmr (MMR surveys)
*.ip (IP surveys)
*.sur (optional, may be generated for DigiAtlantis)
*.tx (optional)
raw folder
stacked folder
If data files are to be transferred to another computer then:
• only the data files (*.dat / *.mmr / *.ip) are required.

Viewing in SMARTem24 software

If data files are to be viewed with SMARTem24 software then also include:
• *.project,
• *.sini files, and
• *.atl files, if they exist, are also required. Note that *.atl.bak files are not required.

Processing & further interrogation in SMARTem24 software

If further processing is to be undertaken that recreates the data files, e.g. applying different turn-off
ramp time or adding primary field column, then:
• stacked folder will also be required.
If further interrogation is to be undertaken, e.g time series or spectra of raw data, then:
• raw folder will also be required.
If viewing stacked or raw files then the entire folder contents may not be required – interrogation of only
a few files may suffice – and will speed up file transfer. Acquired readings are saved to the data files
with reading number, station, component and time references. The names of stacked or raw files are
cross referenced based on some of these parameters.
Reprocessing will generally require files for all readings.

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15 File Formats
Files supported by SMARTem24 software, either those generated by the software or those that can be
imported, are detailed below.

15.1 General

15.1.1 Date_Time stamps

All data files are time stamped with the time of the turn-on sample. For files containing data this will be
• UTC where available, or
• Running time since the (master) time controlling device was powered on.

UTC time
All UTC time stamps are in the following format:
• yyyy: year
• mm: month
• dd: day
• hh: hour
• mm: minute
• ss: second
• uuuuuu: fractional second

Note: The display of dates & times within the SMARTem24 software will usually be formatted as per the
computer's Region date and time format settings.

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15.2 Project (*.project) file

This ASCII file contains information on version number, last opened data file and scales for Images.
Project files can be loaded by double clicking on the file or loaded through the Welcome Screen using
the list of previously saved/loaded projects or by using the Browse button.

File name
The name of the *.project file may be any combination of alpha or numeric characters. Symbols should
not be used. Spaces ' ' will be converted to underscores '_'. Consideration should be given to shorter
lengths as this name is included in the naming of stacked and raw files.

File location
The file is located in the current project folder.

File format
This file should not be edited.

15.3 Settings (*.sini) file

An ASCII file containing the SMARTEM24 software setup settings for the project as they were defined
when the project was last closed. Many of these settings are also saved in the data file so that the
acquisition history is properly recorded.
Each project has a settings file within the project folder. Once loaded the settings (survey parameters)
are available for editing via the Main Menu > Setup button .
The settings file can be exported to become part of the default list on the Welcome Screen, so that
similar settings can be used to start other surveys.
• Export the settings *.sini file via Main Menu > Files > Export Settings Write File button. See
section 21.7
NB: This file should NOT be edited.

File name
Settings *.sini files will be the same name as the project *.project file, or the data file if a new data file is

File location
File is stored in the current project folder.

File format
This file should not be edited.

15.4 User Profile (*.ini) file

An ASCII file that contains display settings, specifically View settings, for the specified user (is the user
profile name). This allows operators, or users, to customise the display of data to suite their
preferences. Therefore the one project may be opened by different users each with their own
customised view settings.
User Profiles are created, and selected, during software startup on the Welcome Screen.
They can be renamed and copied on the Graphic Options Form form. Refer to section 21.2.5.

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The name of the User Profile is the name of the *.ini file. The name is also saved in the data file as the
'Operator'. Additional operators will become part of the default list and available for selection at
The currently loaded User Profile is updated with the current display settings whenever the software is
User Profile *.ini files can be shared to other users and renamed so that data may be viewed in a similar
NB: This file should NOT be edited.

File location
User Profile *.ini files are stored in the User subfolder that can be located via:
• Windows 8 or later: Windows Start Menu > SMARTem24 Common Data > Common Folder
• Other Windows: Windows Start Menu > Programs > SMARTem24 Common Data > Common

File name
Name of a User Profile *.ini file is usually the operator name.
The name of the User Profile may be any combination of alpha or numeric characters. Symbols should
not be used. Spaces ' ' will be converted to underscores '_'.

File format
This file should not be edited.

15.5 Panels (*.panels) file

An ASCII file that stores the last chosen line/station/channel etc. data for each graph, ensuring a similar
state when the project is next opened.

File name
The name is always [project].panels.

File location
The file is located in the current Project folder.

File format
This file should not be edited.

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15.6 Raw (*.raw) file

A binary file containing time series sampled raw data from the device for the entire reading cycle.
Raw files are created on a per channel basis.
These files can be displayed in the SMARTem24 software in a Raw Panel.

File location
*.raw files are saved in the 'raw' sub folder for the current project.

File names
Naming of each *.raw file has the following format:
ProjectName: The name of the *.project.
Date_Time: Data & time of the acquisition, see previous subsection 15.1.1 Date_Time stamps for
decoding this value.
Component: Channel component as defined on the Hardware Setup Screen.
ChannelNumber: ADC channel number.
ReadingNumber: Reading number, as per the RDNG column in the data file. This reading number
applies to the project, it is incremented each time data is acquired. It is not the same number as that
shown in the raw XML structure, which is the reading number since the device was last switched on.

File format
The raw file is structured as follows:
1. An arbitrary number of text/XML data blocks that indicate status and progress of the device
when starting an acquire. Each block is terminated by an empty line terminated by a CR/LF pair.
ie byte pattern CRLF/CRLF
2. An XML DataInfo structure followed by an empty line terminated by a CR/LF pair.
3. The raw data, the format and organisation of this data stream is describe below.

DataInfo Structure

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CalInfo Structure Fields

m_slope: Slope of the fitted line between volts and raw data using linear regression.
scale: Inverse of m_slope.
y_offset: y-axis intercept using the line regression (in bits).
r2_correlation: Square of the correlation coefficient.
volt_offset: y_offset converted to volts.
y_zero_offset: Measured offset with zero input voltage.
y_zero_volt_offset: y_zero_offset converted to volts.

Converting Raw Data to Volts

The raw data is little endian and each sample is either 3 byte (24bit) or 4 byte (32bit) signed data as
specified by the DataInfo/ChannelInfo_array/ChannelInfo/DataFormat field.
To convert the raw data (24/32 bit format) to volts:
1. multiply by: DataInfo/ChannelInfo_Array/ChannelInfo/CalInfo/scale
2. subtract: DataInfo/ChannelInfo_Array/ChannelInfo/CalInfo/volt_offset
3. subtract: (DataInfo/ChannelInfo_Array/ChannelInfo/NullingVoltage) /

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15.7 Stacked (*.stk) file

A binary file containing data that represents a half period of stacked data. The first data sample (sample
zero) is the initiation point of transmitter switch-off. The sample count in a stacked file is the number of
samples in a transmitter half period.
Files can be viewed in the SMARTem24 software in a Stacked Panel.

File name
Naming of each *.stk file is similar to Raw files, and has the following format:
ProjectName: The name of the *.project.
Date_Time: Data & time of the acquisition, see previous subsection 15.1.1 Date_Time stamps for
decoding this value.
Component: Channel component as defined on the Hardware Setup Screen.
ChannelNumber: ADC channel number.
ReadingNumber: Reading number, as per the RDNG column in the data file.

File location
*.stk files are saved in the 'stacked' sub folder for the current project.

File format
The file is structured as follows:
• A comment indicating the stack file format version (e.g. <!--Stack File v2>
• The XML DataInfo structure for the Raw file from which the Stacked file was created (see
previous subsection Raw (*.raw) file), followed by an empty line terminated by a CR/LF pair.
• An XML StackDataInfo structure giving information about the stack data, followed by an empty
line terminated by a CR/LF pair.
• A binary data stream
◦ Each sample is an 8 byte double precision floating point number (IEEE Standard 754), in
◦ The total number of samples is equal to the SAMP_RATE * 0.5 / FREQ.

StackDataInfo Structure

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15.8 Data (*.dat,*.tem, *.mmr & *.ip) files

An ASCII file automatically created by the SMARTem24 software that contains processed and windowed
survey data plus survey and processing meta data. Note that TEM files need to be manually exported.
File data can be viewed in the SMARTem24 software

File names
The extension of the file name will be .dat for TEM survey data, .mmr for MMR survey data and .ip for IP
survey data.
The file name may be any combination of alpha or numeric characters. Symbols should not be used.
Spaces ' ' will be converted to underscores '_'. The name of a downhole file is usually the drill hole
It is suggested that any reprocessed files have additional annotation following some agreed convention
that reflects the processing undertaken.

Each time the data file is saved a time-stamped backup of the previous version is saved in the “backups”
folder. Backup files may be copied and reloaded into SMARTem24 software if necessary.

File format
Data files follow an AMIRA style file format, with:
• a text row, that includes SINI file reference and SMARTem24 software versioning & time stamps,
• a keywords row, described below,
• a row with data column headers, described below,
• two rows with start & end times for the selected window scheme,
• optional comment rows, for post processing and notes,
• and then the blocks of data rows.
Keyword header row
The data in the keyword header row provides general survey information & settings, and typically
reflects values for when the file was last saved/closed.
Keywords and their values are tabulated and described below, in the order that they appear in the file.

Keyword Descriptor Values Comments

DATATYPE Survey mode, as selected TEM, TIP or MMR
on the Welcome Screen
RECEIVER Name of the connected SMARTem24 or
device. DigiAtlantis
SERIAL_NO Serial number of the Old files only
connected device
LINE Line name [project name] for
DigiAtlantis, else MULTI
CONFIG Survey configuration, as Fixed_Loop, Moving_Loop,
selected on the Welcome Downhole, Dipole_Dipole,
Screen Pole_Dipole, Pole_Pole or
LOCATIONMODE Method used for entering Auto or Manual Surface TEM only
station locations

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Keyword Descriptor Values Comments

LOOP Name of the active Tx Loop User entered Downhole and fixed
loop only
TX Transmitter Type Selected from the list
LOOPSIDE Along line length (m) of the User entered Moving loop only
transmit loop
LOOPSIDEACROSS Across line length (m) of User entered Moving loop only
the transmit loop, if not
WINSCHEME Window scheme for the Selected from the list Time domain only
data channels
TIMINGMARK Indicates that data was 0, or is absent if not done Old files only [also
reprocessed as on time see ONTIME below]
MAGINC & MAGDEC Magnetic inclination (deg) User entered Smart magnetic
and magnetic declination sensors only
ONTIME Indicates that data was Yes, or is absent if not Newer files [also see
reprocessed as on time done TIMINGMARK above].
XCOLLAR, YCOLLAR & Collar co-ordinates of the User entered Downhole only
RX_GPS_EASTING, Position of the GPS, Auto Downhole only
RX_GPS_NORTHING & determined from GPS lat,
RX_GPS_ELEV long, elev, zone and sys.
RX_GPS_ZONE & Geographic zone & Selected from the list Downhole only
RX_GPS_SYS reference system used to
determine GPS E,N,Elev.
RX_LAT_WGS84, Latitude (deg), longitude Auto Downhole only
RX_LONG_WGS84 & (deg) and elevation (m) of
RX_ELEV_WGS84 the GPS position in WGS84.
DIP & AZIMUTH Dip (deg) and Azimuth User entered Downhole only
(deg) of the hole
COMPANY, PROSPECT & Company, Prospect and User entered
TENEMENT Tenement names
SURFILENAME Name of the survey .sur Selected from the list DigiAtlantis only
REMOVEDWIREFIELD Indicates that theoretical YES, or is absent if not MMR only
primary wire field (TPRIM) removed.
has been removed from the
REMOVEDPRIMARYFIELD Indicates that theoretical YES, or is absent if not Non MMR, on time
primary field (TPRIM) has removed. data only.
been subtracted from the
REDUCTION Type of Reduction SubLstWnd or UTEM (see TEM only
processing applied to the export Step), or is absent if
windowed data not done.

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Data Rows
Data is stored as one record (row) per reading per ADC/channel. Data rows are stored by increasing line,
station, reading, channel then component.
Column headers for these rows of data are tabulated and described below, in alphabetic order.

Column Descriptor Comments

ACC1, 2, 3, 4 Sensor accelerometer values (g), taken at the beginning of DigiAtlantis only
the reading
ACC1_END, 2, 3, 4 Sensor accelerometer values (g), taken at the end of the DigiAtlantis only
ACC_ROLL Sensor roll (degs) calculated from the accelerometer ARMIT sensor only
ACC_PITCH Sensor pitch (degs) calculated from the accelerometer ARMIT sensor only
ACCELTEMP1, 2 Sensor accelerometer temperatures (degC), if available
ACCELTILTX1, Y1, X2, Sensor accelerometer tilt values (deg) SMART Fluxgate only
ACCELTILTROT1, 2 Sensor accelerometer tilt-rotation values (deg) SMART Fluxgate only
ACCELX1, Y1, X2, Y2 Sensor accelerometer values (g), taken at the beginning of Smart sensors only
the reading
ACCELX1_END, Y1, X2, Sensor accelerometer values (g), taken at the end of the Smart sensors only
Y2 reading
ADC Receiver's ADC (channel) number
ALPHA BH43 sensor tilt measurement value (V) BH43 sensor only
APPRES Apparent Resistivity (ohm.m) IP only
ASPACE Potential electrode spacing (m) IP only
ASYNC_PHASE Phase offset (radians) between the reference channel IP only
waveform and the anticipated waveform when in
asynchronous transmitter mode
AZIMUTH Derived (or imported) Azimuth (deg) of the sensor Smart sensors only
BETA BH43 sensor tilt measurement value (V) BH43 sensor only
BITOFFSET ADC calibration offset value (bits). See section 15.6 Raw
(*.raw) file.
BITSLOPE ADC calibration slope value (bits/V). See section 15.6 Raw
(*.raw) file.
C Component
C1E, C1N, C1Z Position (East, North, Level) (m) of the C1 current IP only
electrode closest to L1
C2E, C2N, C2Z Position (East, North, Level) (m) of the C2 current IP only
CALIBDATE Sensor calibration date (yyyymmdd) Smart sensors only
CH1...CHxx Time channel windowed data (saved as UNITS)
CMAG Component's Magnetic Field Intensity (nT)

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Column Descriptor Comments

COLECOLE_M Cole-Cole Chargeability. Calculated as M * 25.13. IP only
COMPASS_X, _Y, _Z Sensor compass readings ARMIT sensor only
COMPASS_HDG Calculated heading (degs) from the compass values ARMIT sensor only
CURR Total Current (Amps) (calculated as Turns * Current)
DC_OFFSET Average offset (V) of the input signal. Calculated using 4
periods at the start and end of the reading
DECON_F0 Deconvolution values ARMIT sensor only
DIRCOSU, V, W Directional cosine values (east, north, up) for Component DigiAtlantis only
direction. Calculated when a sur file is loaded
DUTY Duty cycle (%)
EAST Station's Easting (m). Manually entered or auto derived Not for IP
from GPS or sur file information.
FLAGS Flags for acquisition, and some reprocessing, settings (see
section 15.8.1 FLAGS Column)
FREQ Base Frequency (Hz)
GAIN Receiver's channel gain value
IMP Electrode Impedance (ohm) IP only
INCLINATION Inclination (deg) of the sensor. Positive down, negative up. Smart sensors only
LOOP Transmitter loop/wire name
M Chargeability (mV/V). Calculated over 52-98% of the off- IP only
MERR Standard Deviation (mV/V) of M IP only
NADC Total number of receiver's input channels used
NCH Number of time channel windows
NHARMONICS Number of harmonics MMR only
NOISE Standard deviation of late off-time data (saved as mV for
IP surveys and UNITS for all other survey types)
NORTH Station's Northing (m). Manually entered or auto derived
from GPS.
NSTACKS Number of stacks. There are two stacks per waveform.
OPERATOR Name of User Profile
ORIG_RDNG The original reading number. This is created only when
files are merged and reading numbers were duplicated.
P1E, P1N, P1Z Position (East, North, Level) (m) of the P1 potential IP only
P2E, P2N, P2Z Position (East, North, Level) (m) of the P2 potential IP only
PARAMETERS Logged acquisition parameters, various. Refer to
'/LOG_PARAMS' in file header for field names.
PHASE Phase (mrad). Calculated as M * 2.38 IP only
PHASE1...PHASExx Phase (mrad) of harmonics MMR only

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Column Descriptor Comments

POWERLINE Powerline (50 or 60 Hz) amplitude (mV)
POWFREQ Powerline frequency (50 or 60 Hz)
PROJECT Project file name
R2CORRELATION ADC calibration correlation value (see section 15.6 Raw
(*.raw) file)
RAWMAG Component magnetic field strength (nT). Calculated as
(nulling value + DC_OFFSET) * UNITCONVERSION
RDNG Reading number. If ORIG_RDNG also exists, then RDNG
has been adjusted to retain uniqueness when files were
REFCHANNEL Reference channel used for determining synchronisation IP Only
phase when in asynchronous transmitter mode
REQD_AZIMUTH Specified Azimuth (deg) for tilt and azimuth corrected data Smart sensors only
RL Station's Relative Level (m). “0” or auto derived from GPS
ROTATION Rotation (deg) of the sensor Smart sensors only
RX_ELEV_WGS84 Elevation (m) of the Receiver's GPS in WGS84
RX_GPS_EASTING Easting (m) of the Receiver's GPS, calculated using
RX_GPS_ELEV Elevation (m) of the Receiver's GPS, calculated using
RX_GPS_NORTHING Northing (m) of the Receiver's GPS, calculated using
RX_GPS_SYS Co-ordinate system used for calculating E, N, Elev from the
GPS Lat, Long, Elev
RX_GPS_ZONE Zone used for calculating E, N, Elev from the GPS Lat, Long,
RX_LAT_WGS84 Latitude (decimal deg.) of the Receiver's GPS in WGS84
RX_LONG_WGS84 Longitude (decimal deg.) of the Receiver's GPS in WGS84
RX_SERIAL_NO Serial number of the connected device
RXAREA Effective Area (m^2) of sensor, from Sensor Definition file Coil sensor only
SAMP_RATE Sampling rate (Hz) of the signal
SAMP_SHIFT Number of samples to shift stacked files for viewing and
SENSORCLASS Type of sensor, from Sensor Definition file
SENSORDELAY Sensor Delay (ms, milliseconds)
SENSORID Sensor serial number Smart sensors and
SENSORNAME Name of the sensor, as it appears on the Setup > Hardware
page. This is obtained from either the Sensor Definition
File or the sensor itself when a Smart sensor is in use
SENSOR_GAIN Sensor’s component gain value VECTEM-V only
SENSOR_TEMP Temperature reported by sensor VECTEM-V only

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Column Descriptor Comments

SENSOR_VOLTAGE Line Voltage reported by terraTEM24 controller VECTEM-V only
SP Self Potential (mV). Calculated as the average DC offset IP only
STN Station. Is either manually entered or derived from GPS
and snap distance, or calculated from the electrode
positions for IP
TIME Time of the reading (see section 15.1.1 Date_Time stamps)
TIMING_TABLE Frequency Timing table
TMAG Total Magnetic Field Intensity (nT) Magnetometer sensor
TOTAL_TPRIM Calculated Total theoretical primary field (saved as UNITS)
TPRIM Calculated Theoretical Primary Field (saved as UNITS)
TURNOFF Transmitter turn-off (ramp) time (ms, milliseconds) TEM only
TURNON Transmitter turn-on (ramp) time (ms, milliseconds) TEM only
TX_CTRL_TYPE Transmitter controller type Not for IP
UNITCONVERSION Volts to Base Unit conversion factor, from Sensor
Definition file
UNITS Data units
VERSION Version of the SMARTem24 software used for the reading.
VOLT1...VOLTxx Amplitude (saved as UNITS) for each harmonic MMR only
VP Measured Primary Field voltage (mV). Calculated over 52- IP only
98% of the on time
VPRI Component measured Primary Field (saved as UNITS) over Not for IP
the nominated time window

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15.8.1 FLAGS Column

The FLAGS column in the data file is a 20-character sequence with each value representing an
acquisition or processing state. Flag columns and values are tabulated below.

Column Descriptor Values

1 Raw files were saved 0 = No
1 = Yes
2 Stacked files were saved 0 = No
1 = Yes
3 Power Feed 0 = Always Off
1 = Always On
2 = Power off during reading
4 APPRES automatic polarity adjustment 0 = Off
1= On
5 APPRES polarity was adjusted 0 = No
1 = Yes
6 Smart stacking was used 0 = No
1 = Yes
7 Smart windowing was used 0 = No
1 = Yes
8 Tuned windows were used 0 = No
1 = Yes
9 Smart Fluxgate 0 = No
F = Yes
10 Surface orientation corrections 0 = Corrections failed
N = No corrections
T = Corrected for tilt only
A = Corrected for tilt and azimuth
11 Deconvolution was done 0 = No
1 = Yes
12 Loop Selection Mode 0 = Manual (includes single loop/wire)
1 = Timed
13 Reserved 0
14 Reserved 0
15 Reserved 0
16 Reserved 0
17 Reserved 0
18 Nulling 0 = Off
1 = On
19 Channel Gain - Mode 0 = Manual
A = Auto
20 Saturation 0 = No Saturation
1 = Saturated

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15.9 Post Acquire Processing Log (*.pplog) file

An ASCII file automatically created by the SMARTem24 software that contains information about post
processing done on a data file. The same information can also be found in the data file itself, within
the /POSTPROC comment lines. The log file can be read with any ASCII file editor.

File names
The name of a *.pplog file is the same as the data file.

File format
The log file has one line per post processing change, and includes information about what changes were
made. Each entry is of the format:
Date Time – Trigger: Details
Date: is in the format dd/mm/yyyy;
Time: is in the format hh:dd:ss;
Trigger: is the form or action that triggered the change;
Details: Includes the processing done, values applied to the data etc.

15.10 Atlantis (*.atl) file

An ASCII file containing DigiAtlantis specific information (e.g. magnetometer and accelerometer
measurements) created with older versions of the software.
When an older version data file is loaded, the ATL file data is transferred to the DAT/MMR file and the
ATL file renamed to *.atl.bak.

File location
The file was located in the current project folder.
ATL files are no longer saved. Information is now stored in the DAT file.

File format
Atlantis files stored probe data & information with one record per reading per channel.
Data rows were stored by increasing reading, component.

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15.11 Borehole Survey (*.sur) file

An ASCII file containing orientation information of a borehole (borehole depth, azimuth and dip) and is
used to calculate the east, north and RL position of each station in the borehole. Values may be supplied
from other surveys, or may be calculated and saved to file by SMARTem24 software as a processing
option for DigiAtlantis data.
This is an optional file, but needs to be loaded whenever an additional process requires actual station
The *.sur file is referenced in the header of the *.dat or *.mmr file.

File name
Name of *sur file may be any combination of alpha or numeric characters. Symbols should not be used.
Spaces ' ' may be converted to underscores '_'.

File location
Files created by SMARTem24 software are located in the current project folder. User created files will
have a copy saved in this folder.

File format
• Contains three columns of data separated by a space – borehole depth, azimuth and dip.
• Dip values may range from 90 to -90 and is defined as being positive downward, and negative
for upward facing holes.
• Azimuth may range from 0 to 360 and is relative to survey grid north.
• Comments may be included and are preceded by forward slash '/' character. Any characters
after the comment character (and including it) will be ignored.
The file has the following format:
Segment_1_Start_Depth Segment_1_Azimuth Segment_1_Dip
Segment_2_Start_Depth Segment_2_Azimuth Segment_2_Dip
Segment_n_Start_Depth Segment_n_Azimuth Segment_n_Dip

Example file
// MagInc:67.000 MagDec:1.200
/ Depth Azi Dip – optional comment
0 210.0 58.0 / Another optional comment
52 209.2 58.6
100 209.7 57.5
151 210.7 56.0
200 209.7 56.0
250 208.2 54.0
290 209.2 51.4

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15.12 Transmitter Loop (*.tx) file

An ASCII file listing east, north, RL co-ordinates of the transmitter loop vertices. Values may be entered
directly into the file, or may be entered into the SMARTem24 software which are then automatically
saved to file.
This is an optional file but needs to be loaded whenever an additional process requires loop details.
Transmitter Loops can be managed using the Loop Editor (see section
The *.tx file is referenced in the header of the *.dat or *.mmr file.

File name
Name of *.tx file may be any combination of alpha or numeric characters. Symbols should not be used.
Spaces ' ' may be converted to underscores '_'.

File location
Files created by SMARTem24 software are located in the current project folder. User created files will
have a copy saved in this folder.

File format
• Contains three columns of space-separated data: east north RL. If only two columns are
present then the RL of each vertex will be set to 0.0.
• Each row of the file contains a single transmitter vertex. The rows of vertices should be defined
in either a clockwise or anti-clockwise sense (vertices out of order will produce strange shaped
• Comment lines may be included in the file by using the / character.
• A warning will be issued when reading the file if there are 2 or less valid vertices.

Example file
/ x y z – optional comment line
97100 82250 185
97100 82550 185
97400 82550 185
97400 82250 185

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15.13 Customised window schemes (SMARTem24User.times) file

An ASCII file with customised window schemes that may be used during acquisition or for reprocessing.
These can can be utilised by selecting its 'unique name' from the Window Scheme list via:
• Acquisition: Main Menu > Setup > Timing > Window Scheme
• Reprocessing: Main Menu > Edit & Process > Reprocess > Windowed Data Options > Adjust
Windowing Scheme.

File names
Name of file must always be SMARTem24User.times.

File location
The file is included as part of the SMARTem24 software installation and can be located for editing via:
• Windows 8 or later: Windows Start Menu > SMARTem24 Common Data > Edit
• Other Windows: Windows Start Menu > Programs > SMARTem24 Common Data > Edit

File Format
This ASCII file contains definitions with the following fields. Instructions for editing the file are contained
within the file.
• Multiple window schemes may occur in this file, each being a 'repeated' block of the example
file shown below.
• TF is used as a filter for which Survey Mode the scheme will be available for, such that:
• Times: for TEM surveys
• IPTimes: for TIP surveys
Warning: Do NOT edit the SMARTem24.times file - it will be overwritten when a new version of the
application is installed.

Example File
NEW TIMES / Key word to indicate the start of a new set of values.
TF:Times / Filter for when this list will be selectable: Times or IPTimes
NAME:MyTimes / Unique name that will be displayed in the software.
BFREQ:1.0 / Base frequency in Hz. Use -1 if frequency dependence is unimportant.
FORMAT:SE / Window time arrangement: SE (= StartTime EndTime) or MW (= MidTime Width)
UNITS:ms / Window time units: us, ms or s
TIMESSTART / List of window times, as per FORMAT
0.087499 0.112498
0.108627 0.139664
0.134858 0.173389
0.167423 0.215258
TIMESEND / End of window times

NEW TIMES / Key word to indicate the start of a new set of values.
TF:Times / Filter for when this list will be selectable: Times or IPTimes
NAME:MyLowFreq / Unique name that will be displayed in the software.
BFREQ:0.1 / Base frequency in Hz. Use -1 if frequency dependence is unimportant.
FORMAT:SE / Window time arrangement: SE (= StartTime EndTime) or MW (= MidTime Width)
UNITS:ms / Window time units: us, ms or s
TIMESSTART / List of window times, as per FORMAT
0.5 1.0
1.0 5.0
5.0 10.0
10.0 50.0
50.0 100.0
100.0 500.0
500.0 1000.0
1000.0 2400.0
TIMESEND / End of window times

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15.14 Custom sensors (CustomSensorDefinition.xml) file

An XML file that allows users to add sensitivity calibration data for their own sensors. These custom
sensors will then be presented as an option in the Sensor drop down list via:
• Main Menu > Setup > Hardware > Sensor

File name
Name of file must always be CustomSensorDefinition.xml.

File Location
This file is included during software installation, but will not overwrite existing files. The file can be
located for editing via Windows shortcut link:
• Windows 8 or later: Windows Start Menu > SMARTem24 Common Data > Edit CustomSensors
• Other Windows: Windows Start Menu > Programs > SMARTem24 Common Data > Edit

Instructions for editing this file are contained within the file, and contains the following fields:
Description: the unique name that will be displayed in the Sensor drop down list.
Type: the type of sensor. Valid options are Coil, Electrode, Generic or Magnetometer.
Conversion ('base unit'/V): (default= 1) coefficient used to convert Volts at the channel ADC to the
sensor's base unit. Further normalisations applicable to the sensor type, e.g pT/A, are accomplished via
UNITS selection in the Main Menu > Setup > Hardware Screen.
• Coil/Electrode/Generic: Base unit= V, so Conversion= 1
• Magnetometer: Base unit= pT, therefore, for example:
• If magnetometer A produces 5 uV at the channel input per pT at the sensor, then the
Conversion for this sensor would be 1pT/(5*10^-6)V= 200000 (pT per V).
• If magnetometer B produces 10 uV at the channel input per pT at the sensor, then its
Conversion value would be 1pT/10uV = 100000 (pT/V).
SensorDelay (us): (optional, default= 0) Group delay of the sensor. Exclusion of this field will allow the
value to be entered on the Setup > Hardware screen.
ReceiverArea (m2): (default= 1) Effective area of the sensor. Required for coil sensors, optional for other
SatMin (V): (optional) Minimum signal level of the sensor. Is used for warnings during acquisition. If
absent then system default values will be used.
SatMax (V): (optional) Maximum signal level of the sensor. Is used for warning during acquisition. If
absent then system default values will be used.

Example Format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Copyright EMIT-->
<SensorDefinition xmlns:xsi=""

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15.15 DigiAtlantis calibrations (DigiAtlantisCalibrations.ini) file

An ini file that contains orientation & magnetic calibration data for EMIT DigiAtlantis tools. The
calibrations are presented in the calibration drop list on the Sensor Processing Form.

File name
Name of file is always DigiAtlantisCalibrations.ini

File Location
The file is included in, and updated during, the SMARTem24 software installation, and is located in the
SMARTem24 Common Data folder, which can be accessed via Windows shortcut link at:
• Windows 8 or later: Windows Start Menu > SMARTem24 Common Data
• Other Windows: Windows Start Menu > Programs > SMARTem24 Common Data
Updated versions of the file, for new probes or new calibrations, can be downloaded from the EMIT
website and copied into this location over the existing file.

This file should not be edited. Please contact EMIT.

15.16 Customised calibrations for smart sensors (CustomCalibrations.ini) file

An ini file that allows users to add orientation & magnetic calibration data for EMIT smart sensors, other
than DigiAtlantis, that do not have internally stored calibrations. These custom calibrations will then be
presented as an option in the calibration drop down on the Smart Sensor Processing Form.

File name
Name of file must always be CustomCalibrations.ini

File Location
This file is located in the SMARTem24 Common Data folder. It can be edited via the Windows shortcut
• Windows 8 or later: Windows Start Menu > SMARTem24 Common Data > Edit CustomCalibrations
• Other Windows: Windows Start Menu > Programs > SMARTem24 Common Data > Edit
The calibration data may also be entered in a local <project name>.cini file, of the same ini format,
within the project’s data folder.

Please contact EMIT

Example of Long Format

[SMARTSensor 12345]

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[SMARTSensor 12345 CFG 0]

Acc1 Offset=0
Acc1 East=-1
Acc1 North=0
Acc1 Up=0
Acc2 Offset=0
Acc2 East=0
Acc2 North=-1
Acc2 Up=0
Acc3 Offset=0
Acc3 East=-1
Acc3 North=0
Acc3 Up=0
Acc4 Offset=0
Acc4 East=0
Acc4 North=0
Acc4 Up=-1
Mag1 Offset=0
Mag1 East=0
Mag1 North=1
Mag1 Up=0
Mag2 Offset=0
Mag2 East=-1
Mag2 North=0
Mag2 Up=0
Mag3 Offset=0
Mag3 East=0
Mag3 North=0
Mag3 Up=1

Example of Short Format

[SMARTSensor 12345]
[SMARTSensor 12345 CFG 0]
A=[-1 0 0; 0 -1 0; 0 0 -1][0 0 0]
M=[ 0 1 0; -1 0 0; 0 0 1][0 0 0]

Example of ARMIT Format

[SMARTSensor 9997]
[SMARTSensor 9997 CFG 0]
A=[1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1][0 0 0]
S=[1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1][0 0 0]
C=[1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1][0 0 0]
RIA=0.0; 0.0; 0.0

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16 Data Processing
Processing, or reprocessing, of data files can be undertaken in the field to correct for errors, or may be
undertaken at a later stage for QC and interpretation purposes. Some of the common processing
options are listed below.

Field processing
• Edit transmitter loop co-ordinates
• Main Menu > Edit & Process > DigiAtlantis Processing button
• Setup Menu > Transmitter menu
• Plan Panel > Setup > Edit Loops
• Edit the loop used for readings
• Main Menu > Edit & Process > Edit Data button
• Adjust effective current value on a reading or time-frame basis
◦ Main Menu > Edit & Process > Edit Data button
• Adjust transmitter turn-off value on a reading or time-frame basis (note that changes in current
will likely also effect the turn-off times)
◦ Main Menu > Edit & Process > Edit Data button
• Add comments
◦ Main Menu > Edit & Process > Edit Data button
• Rotate DigiAtlantis data based on new probe calibration information
◦ Main Menu > Edit & Process > DigiAtlantis Processing button

Data QC
• (Re)create stacked or data files
◦ Main Menu > Edit & Process > Reprocess button
• Export a subset of the data file to a TEM/MMR file compatible with Maxwell software
◦ Main Menu > Files > Export TEM button
• Shift data due to drift or synchronisation errors
◦ Main Menu > Edit & Process > Edit Data button
• Apply simple maths (+ - * / ) to account for incorrect sensor type
◦ Main Menu > Edit & Process > Edit Data button
◦ (* or / only) Main Menu > Edit & Process > Reprocess button
• Create a borehole survey path file
◦ Main Menu > Edit & Process > DigiAtlantis Processing button
• Calculate the Theoretical Primary Field at each station location
◦ Main Menu > Edit & Process > Sensor Processing button
• Reverse polarity of all data
◦ Main Menu > Edit & Process > DigiAtlantis Processing button

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17 Battery Charging
Procedures for recharging each system are included the following subsections which also include
estimated recharge times. LEDs will indicate battery status during charge.
Battery charging should be undertaken in a safe, secure location free of inclement weather. Recharge
equipment differs between the SMARTem24 and DigiAtlantis systems and should not be interchanged.
Inspect all cabling and connectors prior to use and do not use if damaged.

17.1 SMARTem24 System

The components of the SMARTem24 System are charged separately, as outlined in the following

17.1.1 SMARTem24 Receiver

1. Ensure all components are powered off.
2. Connect the AC charger cable (100-103) to the SMARTem24 Receiver's base at the
“Charge” connector.
Note: Align the red dots on both connectors and gently push straight in until seated – no
rotation is required.
3. Connect the other end of the AC charger cable to 240V power outlet and turn on 240V
+/- LED will provide feedback on the charge status for each of the two internal batteries.
4. When fully charged, turnoff the 240V power and disconnect the cable from the
SMARTem24 Receiver. Do not attempt to rotate the connector when disconnecting. Estimated recharge times

Estimated recharge times for flat batteries are:
• Receiver's base to 100% ~4 hrs
• Receiver's Toughbook® to 100% ~ 3.5 hrs

17.1.2 SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller

1. Ensure all components are powered off.
2. Connect the AC charger cable (100-103) to the SMARTem24 Transmitter “Charge”
3. Connect the other end of the AC charger cable to 240V power outlet and turn on 240V
• LED labelled 'A' LED will provide feedback on the charge status.
4. When fully charged, turnoff the 240V power and disconnect the cable from the
SMARTem24 Receiver. Do not attempt to rotate the connector when disconnecting. Estimated recharge times

Estimated recharge times for flat batteries are:
• SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller to 100% ~2 hrs

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Only the 'A' LED is used and displays the charge status.
Serial no's lower than 1220:
• Green with red flash: charging
• Green: fully charged
• Red: error
Serial no's 1220 onward:
• Green flash: charging
• Green: fully charge
• Red: error

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17.2 DigiAtlantis System

All components of the DigiAtlantis System are usually charged at the same time, however individual
components may be charged if required.
The DigiAtlantis Probe must be connected via a DigiAtlantis Controller, which must always be connected
to the leftmost connector so that the batteries in both devices are charged.

To recharge the DigiAtlantis system follow this procedure:

1. Ensure all components are powered off.
2. For DigiAtlantis Probe & Controller
a) Use the DigiAtlantis Probe charge/test cable (100-038) to connect the DigiAtlantis Probe to a
DigiAtlantis Controller.
b) Use a DigiAtlantis Controller charge cable (100-037) to connect this DigiAtlantis Controller to
the DigiAtlantis Charger. This must be plugged into the charger’s left-most connector so that
the two sets of batteries are charged.
2. For DigiAtlantis Controller only (no probe)
a) Use a DigiAtlantis Controller charge cable (100-037) to connect the DigiAtlantis Controller to
the DigiAtlantis Charger at the right-most connector. This connector will only charge one set
of Controller batteries.
3. Plug the DigiAtlantis Charger into a 240V power connector and turn on.

Figure 19: Schematic of DigiAtlantis recharging setup

4. Check the LEDs to ensure that no errors have occurred and leave the system to charge.
Description of LED indicators is contained overleaf in subsection 17.2.2.
5. When all battery LEDs are solid green the system is fully charged, and can be disconnected in
reverse order to the above.

17.2.1 Estimated recharge times

Estimated recharge times for flat batteries are:
• DigiAtlantis Probe to 100% is ~6 hrs
• DigiAtlantis Controller to 100% is ~4 hrs
If the charger is reset during charging it will automatically restart the charge cycle.
Note: Once the batteries are fully charged the DigiAtlantis Charger will revert to trickle charge.

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17.2.2 LED Indicators

The LEDs on the front panel of the DigiAtlantis Charger display the charge status.

Figure 20: DigiAtlantis 240V Charger (front panel)

The pair of Li-ion LEDs indicate the status of batteries in the DigiAtlantis Probe which needs to be
connected to the controller on the left-most charge connector.
The two pairs of Ni-Mh LEDs indicate the status of batteries in the two DigiAtlantis Controllers.

LEDs in the following states define routine behaviour:

• Traffic light (red-orange-green): System is being reset, wait. Occurs at power on or connection
of new battery or Controller.
• Very brief orange blink: System waiting to detect batteries. Connect Controller (& Probe).
• Solid orange: Constant current phase (bulk of normal charge cycle).
• Orange with green blink: Constant voltage phase (near end of normal charge cycle - batteries
close to fully charged.)
• Solid green: Charge complete.

LEDs in the following states define errors:

• Slow orange blinking: Trickle charge whilst battery voltage is very low. Once voltage is sufficient
it should revert to regular charging.
• Rapid red-orange blinking: Output paused while input volts too low. Hardware fault - contact
• Solid red: Fault. System requires a power reset to resume. Restart power to the charger.
• Three Red Flashes: Charge suspended. Battery voltage too low.
• Two Red Flashes: Charge suspended. Battery voltage too high.
• Slow Red Blinking: Charge suspended. Battery temperature too hot.
• Fast Red Blinking: Thermistor error. Needs power cycle to reset.
• Orange Blinking: Timeout. Check all cables & connections and restart power to the charger.

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18 Updating SMARTem24 Software

There are two SMARTem24 applications that can be updated. These are:
• SMARTem24 Software, for the Receiver or a PC.
• SMARTem24 Utilities, extra files for the Receiver only (see below and subsection 18.3).
Installing SMARTem24 applications on the Receiver or a PC is similar to installing other Windows
software, and the procedures are outlined in the following subsections.
SMARTem24 update files, and the accompanying Release Notes of software changes, may be
downloaded from the EMIT website by registered SMARTem24 users. Users will need to be logged on to
access these files.
Registered users may subscribe to the Update Notification Service to be advised when a new software
release occurs. Once logged into the website, refer to My Account > Notifications to amend subscription

18.1 Updating SMARTem24 Receiver

SMARTem24 Software and SMARTem24 Utilities are released as separate installation files. There is no
requirement to update these together, or in any particular order.

The process for updating either of these software is identical and is as follows
1. Download the installer files from the EMIT website and copy to a USB memory stick:
• SMARTem24 [v....] Setup.exe
• Sm24 Utils [v...] Setup.exe
2. Power on the SMARTem24 Receiver (see section 7.1.2.).
3. Log on to an administrator account - the “SMARTem24 Admin” account is provided for this
purpose - contact EMIT for the password.
• For Receivers running Windows XP - the Installer Manager is no longer necessary.
• Owners of Receivers may add their own administrator accounts.
4. Ensure that the applications are not running.
5. Close the StatusApp (which automatically starts at Startup) via the icon on the system tray
in the lower right of the screen.
6. Insert the memory stick in the Receiver and double click on the relevant '...Setup.exe' file to start
the installer. Install one application at a time.
Once completed SMARTem24 software will have a new icon available on the desktop with the version
number. Utilities software will use the same (previous) icons/links.

18.2 Installing or Updating a PC

To install or update the SMARTem24 software on a PC the user will need to:
1. Download the new SMARTem24 [v....] Setup.exe from the EMIT website.
2. Ensure that the SMARTem24 Software is not running.
3. Double click on the SMARTem24 [v....] Setup.exe. This will launch the installation.
Once completed, a new shortcut icon is available on the desktop with installed version number.

18.3 SMARTem24 Utilities

The SMARTem24 Utilities is an application installed on SMARTem24 and DigiAtlantis Receivers to provide
additional hardware support.
This application includes the following utility applications which are discussed elsewhere in this

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• SMARTem24 StatusApp: used to display the status of the connected device and GPS, to manage
synchronisation options and set warning levels (see section 11)
• SMARTem24 Firmware Updater: used for updating the system's firmware (see section 19.2)
The SMARTem24 Utilities may be updated when required. The process for this is outlined at the start of
this section 18.

19 Updating Firmware
Firmware updates may need to be undertaken from time to time and may be undertaken by the user.
Device Firmware for SMARTem24 and DigiAtlantis systems are updated using Firmware Image *.up2 file
and the SMARTem24 Firmware Update software.
The Firmware Image *.up2 file is a single unified file that contains update information for all EMIT
devices and hardware revisions. Updates are available from the EMIT website. The Firmware Update
software is included as part of the SMARTem24 Utilities installation (see section 18.1).
Steps to update the firmware are outlined below, with description of the SMARTem24 Firmware Updater
included as subsection 19.2.
To support these firmware updates the SMARTem24 Software will usually also need to be updated - a
warning message will be displayed in the software if incompatible. Please contact EMIT to confirm if
updated software is required and if so follow the steps outlined in section 18.

Steps to update the firmware are as follows:

NB: When upgrading a SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller the SMARTem24 Receiver cannot be used -
the Controller must be connected to a separate PC and the IP address configured (requires administrator
privileges). See subsection 19.1. for configuration instruction. When updating DigiAtlantis systems the
supplied Toughbook can be used.
1. Prior to updating ensure that devices are fully charged. If the device powers off whilst updating
then the firmware may become corrupt which may require its return to EMIT for recovery.
2. Download the new Firmware Package File (is the Image *.up2 file) from the EMIT website and
copy to a USB memory stick.
3. Attach the device to be updated to the PC and power them on.
• SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller must be connected to the configured PC (refer to
subsection 19.1).
• All other devices should be connected the relevant system's Receiver.
4. Close all other applications on the PC whilst the update is being performed.
5. Insert the memory stick in the PC and double click on the Firmware Image *.up2 file. This will
launch the SMARTem24 Firmware Updater.
6. The application will automatically connect to the attached device.
• If more than one device is attached, e.g DigiAtlantis Controller & Probe, select the
desired device from the drop down box. NB: Probes should be updated prior to the
7. Press the Update button to begin the update. The application will display progress and status
during the process in the Progress Window.. If there are any problems with the update it will be
displayed here.
8. When successfully finished the device will power down and may automatically restart itself.
9. Firmware update is then complete.

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19.1 SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller

The update process for this device cannot be implemented from the SMARTem24 Receiver and
therefore requires a separate PC with an Ethernet connector. The user will require administrator access
on the PC in order to install EMIT’s applications and to configure IP addresses.

The steps to configure the IP address of the SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller are as follows:
1. Install the SMARTem24 Utilities onto the PC, selecting only the Firmware Updater module.
2. Configure the PC with a static IP address with the following parameters (you may wish to note
the previous values):
• IP Address:
• Subnet Mask:
Methods for doing this will vary depending on what version of Windows is installed. As a guide:
• Open ‘My Computer’
• Right click on the ‘Network’ link and select ‘Properties’.
• Select ‘Local Area Connection', and then select ‘Properties’.
• Select ‘TCP’ option, and then select ‘Properties’.
• Click ‘Use the following IP Address’
• Type in the IP Address and Subnet Mask numbers listed above
• Click ‘OK’.
Should the above procedure not work, look up the process specific to the Operating System on
the PC being used.
3. Use the supplied Ethernet cable (100-100) to connect the SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller to
the PC.
4. Power on the Controller.
5. Start the Firmware Updater Utility.
6. The application will populate the Device combo box with an IP address if all previous steps have
been completed correctly.
7. Perform the update as per the process described at the start of this section 19.
8. Once the update is complete restore the PC's original IP configuration.

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19.2 SMARTem24 Firmware Updater

This application is used to update firmware on the selected device. The following subsections briefly
describe the available functions of the application. Refer to the start of this section 19 for procedures
for updating.

19.2.1 Update Tab

Use this page to configure, apply and display status of the update.

Figure 21: SMARTem24 Firmware Updater – Update Tab

Device: Select from the list the currently connected device being updated. Use the Find button to locate
other devices not listed.
Current Version: displays firmware information of the currently selected device
• Software Version: version number of the firmware
• Device Type: displays the type of system component. Confirm that this is correct.
• Hardware (Sys) ID: EMIT hardware ID
• Build Date: date of the firmware version.
New Version: displays the new update information from the selected Firmware Image*.up2 file for the
currently selected device.
Browse button: click to load the *.up2 file containing update information. Currently loaded file name
will be displayed.
Update Now button: Click to apply the update.
Progress Window: displays progress and status messages as the update progresses. If the update is
successful without any critical errors then the last rows should state 'Completed' and 'Finished'.

19.2.2 About Tab

This displays the Software Version information of the SMARTem24 Firmware Updater and for the
currently loaded Unified Firmware Image *.up2 file, as selected on the Update Tab.

Figure 22: SMARTem24 Firmware Updater – About Tab

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20 Hardware Parts Descriptions

20.1 SMARTem24 System

The standard system is comprised of the following parts:

Part# Description Qty
100-001 SMARTem24 Receiver 1
100-103 AC Charger and cable 2
CH5050 Desktop battery charger 1
NL2054HD22 Smart Li-ion battery 4
100-091 GPS antenna (right angle connector) 2
100-097-5M Breakout cable (banana plug, 5m) 2
100-098 AUX DC power cable (6 amp) 2
CFCHARGE CF-19 charger 1
100-056 SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller 1
100-102 GPS antenna (patch, 4.5m) 1
100-251 GPS antenna (vertical stick) 1
100-039 SMARTem24 sync cable 1
100-040 Transmitter control cable (Zonge) 1
100-099 Transmitter control cable (Geonics) 1
100-100 Ethernet cable 1
Each cable is labelled with the EMIT part number for ease of identification.

Plastic case; 48 x 40 x 21cm; 13.0 kg
Plastic case; 63 x 49 x 35; 24.0 kg

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20.1.1 SMARTem24 Receiver

The SMARTem24 Receiver consists of a Toughbook® integrated into EMIT’s proprietary base unit. For
assistance with the Toughbook® component please refer to either the Toughbook® Operation Guide
provided with the Receiver or to the Reference Manual available on the Receiver via the Windows Start

SMARTem24 Receiver – FRONT

A. Toughbook® tablet buttons – use when in Tablet mode.

LCD brightness
Panel mode
B. Toughbook® power switch
C. Analogue input connectors (up to 16 channels over 4 inputs)
D. Battery and transmitter control LED
E. 'Lock' LED
F. Power LED (base unit)
G. Power button (base unit)

SMARTem24 Receiver – LEFT side

H. Toughbook® USB Port

I. Toughbook® IEEE 1394 interface connector
J. Toughbook® modem port
K. Toughbook® additional card slots
L. Battery A slot
M. LAN connectors

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SMARTem24 Receiver – RIGHT side

N. Toughbook® battery
O. Toughbook® hard disk drive
P. Battery B slot
Q. Synchronisation & transmitter control connector
R. GPS antenna connector
S. Charger or external 24V DC connector
T. Earth wingnut connector

SMARTem24 Receiver – REAR

U. Toughbook® headphone and microphone connectors

V. Toughbook® USB port
W. Toughbook® external display port
X. Toughbook® serial port
Y. Toughbook® stylus/digitiser pen holder

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SMARTem24 Receiver – TOP

Z. Toughbook® touch-screen
AA. Toughbook® screen release latch
AB. Toughbook® LED indicators
Wireless ready
Wireless WAN status
Caps lock
Number lock
Scroll lock
Hard disk drive status
AC. Toughbook® screen alignment screws
AD. Toughbook® power LED indicators
Battery status
Power status
AE. Toughbook® screen locking latch

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20.1.2 SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller

SMARTem24 Transmitter Controller

A. LCD display
B. Power button
C. Power LED
D. Lock LED
E. Sync LED
G. Play/Pause button
H. Transmit + / - LEDs
I. Menu Select and Scroll buttons
J. LEDs: A=charger; B,C,D not used
K. Charger or external 24V DC connector
L. Network connector
M. GPS antenna connector
N. Synchronisation & transmitter control connector
O. Analogue connector (optional)

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20.1.3 SMARTem24 IP Breakout

The standard system is comprised of the following parts:

Part# Description Qty
100-078 SMARTem24 IP Breakout 1

Plastic case; 48 x 40 x 21cm; 13.0 kg

SMARTem24 IP Breakout – Front

A. Output cables to SMARTem24 Receiver, for left-right groups 1-4

B. Analogue Input connector - L1 potential electrode
C. Group 0 Analogue Input connectors – P1 to P4 electrodes
D. Group 1 Analogue Input connectors – P5 to P8 electrodes
E. Analogue Input connector - L2 potential electrode
F. Group 2 Analogue Input connectors – P9 to P12 electrodes
G. Group 3 Analogue Input connectors – P13 to P16 electrodes

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SMARTem24 IP Breakout - Right side

H. Air gasket
I. Earth wingnut connector

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20.1.4 SMART Fluxgate

The standard system is comprised of the following parts:

Part# Description Qty
100-120 SMART Fluxgate Sensor 1
100-082 SMART Fluxgate Auto Nulling Interface with cable 1

Plastic case; 48 x 40 x 21cm; 13.0 kg

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USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023 SMART Fluxgate Sensor

SMART Fluxgate Sensor – Front

A. White line/groove to assist with visual alignment of X-component

B. Indicators for positive alignment of X, Y and Z components
C. Air gasket
D. Bubble level

SMART Fluxgate Sensor - Side

E. Output connector to Auto Nulling Interface & SMARTem24 Receiver SMART Fluxgate Auto Nulling Interface

SMART Fluxgate Auto Nulling Interface

A. Input cable (black) from sensor (not detachable)

B. Air gasket
C. Output cable (blue) to SMARTem24 Receiver (not detachable)

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20.2 DigiAtlantis System

The standard system is comprised of the following parts:

Part# Description Qty
100-030 DigiAtlantis Probe 1
CF19 DigiAtlantis Receiver (Toughbook®) 1
100-042 Toughbook® AC adaptor and cable 1
100-041 Toughbook® DC adaptor and cable 1
100-044 Toughbook® 12V DC line connector 1
100-050 DigiAtlantis Controller 2
100-102 GPS antenna (patch, 4.5m) 2
100-115 DigiAtlantis Charger 1
100-043 DigiAtlantis Controller network cable 1
100-036 DigiAtlantis Controller battery cable 2
100-037 DigiAtlantis Controller charge cable 2
100-038 DigiAtlantis Probe charge/test cable 1
100-039 Sync cable 1
100-040 Transmitter control cable (Zonge) 1
For first time users, the following will also be provided:
100-048 DigiAtlantis Controller -Winch cable 1
100-123 Wiring diagram (DigiAtlantis Winch Wiring) 1
(see section 24).
Each cable is labelled with the EMIT part number for ease of identification.

Aluminium case; 240 x14 x 14cm; 10.0kg
Plastic case; 48 x 40 x 21cm; 10.0kg
Plastic case: 48 x 40 x 21cm; 10.0kg

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20.2.1 DigiAtlantis Receiver

The DigiAtlantis Receiver is a rugged and lightweight Toughbook®. For assistance with the operation of
this component please refer to either the Toughbook® Operation Guide provided with the DigiAtlantis
Receiver or to the Reference Manual available via the Windows Start button on the Toughbook® itself.

DigiAtlantis Receiver – TOP

A. Toughbook® touch-screen
B. Toughbook® display release latch
C. Toughbook® LED Indicators
Wireless ready
Wireless WAN status
Caps lock
Number lock
Scroll lock
Hard disk drive status
D. Toughbook® display alignment screws
E. Toughbook® Power LED indicators
Battery status
Power status
All parts are the same as those listed as Toughbook® in section 20.1.1.

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20.2.2 DigiAtlantis Controller

DigiAtlantis Controller

A. LCD display
B. Power button
C. Power LED
D. Lock LED
E. Probe Sync LED
G. Play/Pause button
H. Transmit + / - LEDs
I. Menu Select and Scroll buttons
J. CH1, CH2, CH3 and CH4 LEDs
K. LAN connector
L. GPS Antenna connector
M. Charger or external 12V DC connector
N. Probe connector
O. Synchronisation & transmitter control connector
P. Analogue connector

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20.2.3 DigiAtlantis Probe

DigiAtlantis Probe

A. Cable connector
B. Stainless steel casing
C. Fibreglass casing. Sensor is located 10-15cm from this end of the probe.

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21 SMARTem24 Software
This section provides full details of operation of the SMARTem24 Software. This should be read in
conjunction with the Quick Start Guide - Survey Setup - SMARTem24 Software in section 12.

Installation & Updates

Instructions for Updating SMARTem24 Software on the Receiver is included in section 18.
The software may also be installed on any PC for the purposes of QC and data processing. Please
contact EMIT to arrange access should it be required.

A software or dongle licence is required to run the SMARTem24 Software.
EMIT recommends the user check the status of their licence prior to commencing field work via the
Licence Authorisation Form (see subsection Software licenses have an expiry date, and the
system will advise the user when approximately 5 days remain so a new license can be acquired. First
time installations will require a license at first run.

Help function
The SMARTem24 Software has a Help Function which links to this document. Press F1, or click on help

button where available, for help on that topic.

Starting SMARTem24 software

Start the software from either the desktop shortcut icon or the Start menu.
When the program is started the Welcome Screen is displayed. This screen allows the user to prepare
for a survey or access existing data for processing. This screen is also the last screen the user will see
when exiting the SMARTem24 Software.

21.1 Welcome Screen

When the SMARTem24 software is started the Welcome Screen is displayed. This screen allows the user
to prepare for a survey or access existing data for processing. This screen is also the last screen the user
will see when exiting the software. Different controls are displayed depending on whether a project is
being loaded, or a new project started.

This section assumes that the hardware device to be used for the survey is already connected as
detailed in earlier sections. If the SMARTem24 Software is being used with no hardware connected, e.g
in an office situation, some variation may occur as described subsequently.

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User Profile
This loads predefined settings to view the data (which may then be changed) and is also saved as the
operator name in the data file.
Settings are saved in a User Profile *ini.file with the file name as the name entered here. When using
the SMARTem24 Software any modifications to the data display settings are automatically saved to this
Select or create a User Profile: Select an existing User Profile from the list or create a new one by editing
the name. A User Profile must be specified for the software to run.

Choose to load an existing project or start a new one.
Load a project: Select the project to load from the list, or use the browse button to locate it. If you are
continuing a survey from the previous day, use this option.
• the location of the loaded *.project file will be displayed, along with available data files,
its survey mode and its configuration.
• if the chosen project has no data file, then you can choose to start a new file.
• If the chosen data file has no matching settings file, then you can choose to start a new
settings file.
• The Details button allows a quick view of the first line and post processing comments
within the selected data file.

New Project: enter the name of the new project to be created. This will typically be:
• borehole name for DigiAtlantis surveys
• line name for single line surveys
• area name for multi-line surveys
• the location of the new *.project file will be displayed.

Survey Settings
Choose to reuse settings from a previous survey or start with new Settings.
NB: Loaded Projects will start with their previously saved settings and so this option is disabled.
These settings defines the mode and configuration of the survey to be undertaken and are saved in the
settings *.sini file. These two settings cannot be changed once the project has been created, and they
will constrain some software options (e.g DigiAtlantis specific processing) but not others (e.g base
frequency, stacks, etc).
Load settings: Select this option if your (new) project will use similar settings to a previous survey.
Select the settings *.sini file from the list.
• mode and configuration used in the selected settings file will be displayed.
Start with new settings: Select this option to use the settings selected below:
• Survey mode: Select mode of survey from the drop down list.
• TEM or MMR must be selected for DigiAtlantis surveys
• Configuration: Select the configuration from the list.
• Downhole must be selected for DigiAtlantis surveys.

This is the device connected to the Receiver that will be used for the survey.

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Text box: The device presently connected and powered on should be displayed, along with its IP
address. If a different device is shown, reselect from the list provided or click the Find button to locate
• It is essential the equipment is connected and powered on prior to clicking the Find button.

Offline Usage
If the Receiver is not connected to a powered-on device then the software will operate in Offline mode.
This includes when running the software on an office PC. Data acquisition is disabled in this mode.
Projects may be loaded and data viewed and reprocessed if required, but no Acquires may be made.
Offline mode may be useful for preparing project files prior to acquisition, either on the Receiver or on
an office PC. Note however that the Setup > Hardware might not be configurable but other setting may
New projects may be created but will require the appropriate Mode and Configuration selections on the
Welcome Screen. These selections ensure that the appropriate project type is configured and therefore
acquired data is processed correctly. For DigiAtlantis surveys in particular, this will include selection of
TEM and Downhole and most importantly the DigiAtlantis checkbox option.

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Other Buttons

Explore button: Click to enter the application to define survey specifications and acquire,
process or display data.
Exit button: Click to exit the program.
About button: Click to open the About Window for information on the software version number and
license status. See subsection About Window

This displays the software version and provides a link for Help or Security Licensing Info.

This window can be accessed via the Welcome Screen > About button.
Security Info & Options button: Click to access the Licence Authorisation Form for licence status and
requesting renewal of the licence. See subsection Licence Authorisation Form

The SMARTem24 Software requires a security licence to run. This form displays the authorised
security type, time remaining and details for requesting a renewal of the license.

This form can be accessed from the Welcome Screen > About > Security Info & Options buttons.
Security: Is either ‘Dongle’ (if plugged in) or ‘Software Key’.
Remaining: Displays the remaining days left of the license.
To request a new licence follow the instructions detailed on this form.

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21.2 Main Screen

This is the main data display area and is displayed after clicking Explore button on the Welcome Screen.
This window displays the data as Graphical Panels (charts). General survey information is displayed
along the top in blue text. Additional menus down the left and along the top and bottom provide the
controls to customise the display of this data and information.

Information Bar (top): displays general information about the survey; provides controls for changing the
active station, active line, active loop and controls for selecting and editing Views. See subsection 21.2.3
Graphical Panels (centre): refers to each of the charts that display the acquired data for the active
line/station. The quantity, type and layout of these panels can be changed using the Graphics Buttons
along the bottom. The information displayed in each panel can be modified using the Control Menu on
the left. The panel presently selected will have a dashed-blue border. Select the panel by clicking on it.
See subsection 21.2.8
Graphics buttons (bottom): Use these buttons to configure the type of panels displayed and the screen
layout of those panels. See subsection 21.2.2
Main Menu (bottom): Use these buttons to collect and process data. Refer to the next subsection
21.2.7. for each of these.
Options Menu (left side): options for configuring the displaying the data in each Graphical Panel. There
are multiple Tabs each for specific aspects of the panel. There is an Options menu for each panel type -
only one Options menu is displayed at any time, and it updates upon selection of a Panel – the selected
Panel having a dotted blue border. See subsection 21.2.6.

21.2.1 Overview – Graphical Panels & Views

The display of data in SMARTem24 software is based around the concept of Views and Graphical Panels.
Graphical Panels are the individual charts that display the various data. Only one type of data can be
displayed in each panel, but multiple panels of the same, or different, type may be displayed. For
example, two components of data may be displayed in a single Decay Panel, along with a Profile Panel
for Z component and another Profile Panel for X component. Each of these may be scaled and zoomed
independently using the options on the Control Menus, or using the mouse/stylus (see section 13.1
Mouse shortcuts). The number of panels, their orientation and their display order can be modified
using the Graphical Buttons.
To assist displaying data in multiple ways a default set of Views is supplied with each view containing
Display Panels pertinent to the View type. For example the Data View has a Decay Panel and a Profile
Panel. The Acquire View has multiple Scope panels – one for each input channel. These Views can be
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swapped using the drop down list at the top left in the Information Bar. Swapping between Views
therefore provides a convenient method of re-displaying data, rather than constantly adding and
deleting or changing Panel types.
For new users a default set of Views are loaded. These can then be customised within the software and
are automatically saved to the current User Profile when the software is closed. Settings will only be
saved to the currently loaded User Profile.
Viewing of data within SMARTem24 software therefore depends on the Views contained within the
selected User Profile on the Welcome Screen rather than being saved with the Project.

Further explanation is contained in the following subsections. Views
A view is a collection of Graphical Panels, and their associated settings (such as panel layout), that form
the basis of the Main Screen display. The selected view is displayed on the Information Bar. A useful
collection of views will allow the user to see their data in many different ways by simply swapping to a
different view, as needed.
A standard collection of views is provided with the install and five Views are used as the default settings
for new users (ie a new user profile). These Views are:
• Acquire view: Contains a single Scope panel and provides an oscilloscope, or live, display of the
data being received from the device. This screen is displayed during the acquisition cycle.
• Raw view: Contains a single Raw panel to display raw data already collected (and saved).
• Stacked view: Contains a single Stacked panel in which processed stacked data already collected
(and saved) from a device is displayed, for all input channels.
• (MMR) Data view: Contains a (Argand) Decay panel and a Profile panel. This screen is displayed
once the acquisition cycle has completed.
• Profile view: Contains a single Profile panel in which a profile of the survey data is displayed.
• Plan view: Contains a single Plan panel to display station, loops and images.

Customising Views
The list of Views can be edited via the Graphic Options Form. Views can be saved to file, which allows
easy access to standard views for different projects.
The configuration of the panels in the current view can be changed using the Graphics Buttons near the
bottom of the Main screen. These buttons (add, swap, delete etc) allow the overall view layout to be
The data displayed in each panel can be further edited by utilising Control Menu options down the left

View Behaviour
When acquiring data the Main Screen will automatically switch to the 'Acquire' view and upon
completion of the reading will automatically switch back to the 'Data' view. Change Views by selecting
from the drop down list. Shortcut keys exist to easily toggle forward and backwards through the defined

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21.2.2 Graphics Buttons

These buttons near the bottom of the Main Screen control the type of graphical panels displayed, and
configures the screen layout of those panels. These button operations will apply to adding new panels
or to the currently selected panel – which can be recognised by having a blue dashed border.

This Graphics Button menu can be displayed or hidden – this is controlled by clicking the ‘Show/Hide
Graphical Buttons’ button in the Main Menu along the bottom of the Main Screen. Each of the buttons
is described below.

Panel Type list: Select from the list the panel type to be added or set. The panel types listed are limited
by the survey type, and will include a selection of these types. This selection will used by the Add or Set
Panel buttons.
• Scope: oscilloscope view of input channel data
• Raw: display raw data for single channels, by whole or sections of file
• Stacked:display stacked data for all or single channels
• Decay (TEM projects only): display decays as log and/or linear scale for all or single channels
• Argand (MMR projects only): display MMR data as frequency plots
• Profile (TEM projects only): display profiles of TEM data for all or single channels
• MMR Profile (MMR projects only): display profiles of MMR data for all or single channels
• Plan: display all survey information as plan, load a background image, plan stations.
The Control Menu will change to reflect the options available for the selected panel. See section 21.2.6.
Add Panel button: Click to add a panel of the selected type.
Set Panel button: Click to change the selected panel (has the blue dashed border) to the selected type.
Delete Panel button: Click to delete the selected panel (has the blue dashed border).
Swap Panel Mode button: Select a panel to be swapped, then click this button to initiate the swap
process and then click the destination panel. The two selected panels should have swapped places on
the screen.
Change Panel Orientation button: Click to change between vertical (portrait) mode, horizontal
(landscape) mode and group mode. In group mode, panels of the same type that are in sequential order
take up the space of one panel, and organised vertically in that space (see below).

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Link All Scales button: Click to link/unlink the scales of all panels of a similar type (e.g. Decay) within
each view. This is equivalent to clicking the “Link Scales” check box on each panel.
Link All By Line button: Click to link/unlink the line selection of all panels within each view. This is
equivalent to clicking the “Link Lines” check box on each panel.
Graphic Options button: Click to open the Graphic Options Form (see subsection 21.2.5) which allows
the user to change the name of the user profile (operator), set default Views; rename, import and save
Views; and also customise the information displayed in the General status information bar (see below).

21.2.3 Information Bar

This area along the top of the Main screen provides controls for selecting and editing Views; controls for
changing the active loop, active line, active station and general information about the survey.
This Information Bar is always displayed on the Main screen.


Preferences button: Click to toggle on/off the display of Control Menus (section 21.2.6).
View drop list: select the View from the list to swap between predefined display settings. For a new
user this will initially list the default views which include Raw, Acquire, Data, Stacked, Profile and Plan. If
Views are added, deleted or renamed then the list will update.
Notes button: Click to open the Notes Form to add comments and notes for the project. Refer to
section 21.2.4.
Current: Displays the effective transmitter current value to be used for the next acquire. Value can be
edited here, or as defined in the Loop/Wire Editor Form or Main Menu > Setup > Transmitter and Timing
(Setup) Screen.
Active loop: If more than one loop has been loaded, then this displays the active loop that will be used
for the next reading. If the loops are manually selected then a loop selection arrow button will be
provided. Loops are displayed on the Plan Panel with the active loop shown in bold.
Active line: If more than one line has been acquired or created, then this displays the active line.
Left/right buttons are displayed to allow easy switching between existing lines, however new lines must
be created via Survey > Setup.
Active station: Displays the Station that the next acquired reading will be saved to. Value can edited
here, or incremented using the adjacent arrow buttons (see below) or the [ and ] short cut keys. This
location is displayed as a medium sized blue dot on the Plan Panel, and will blink during an acquire.
Increment/Decrement buttons: Click a button to increment/decrement the displayed active
station (see above) by the increment value defined by the Main Menu > Setup > Survey Stations >
Increment Distance value. See IP Survey (Setup) Screen in section 21.5.2
Initiate Impedance Measurement (IP projects only): Click button to start a manual Contact
Impedance measurement and display the Contact Impedance Window. During the measurement Power
Feed will be automatically applied to channel group 1-4.
Move Lines (IP projects only): Click a button to move the Tx and Rx electrodes to the
next/previous lines, as per the Line Increment Behaviour and Value settings on Setup > Summary screen.
Roll Along (IP projects only): Click a button to move the Tx and Rx electrodes along the lines,
as per the Roll-Along Behaviour and Increment Value settings on the Setup > Summary screen.

Active Station / Electrode Position (IP projects only): Displays the active transmitter and
receiver lines that the next acquired reading will be saved to. Change these values using the Move Lines
and Roll Along buttons (see above), or shortcut [ or ] keys or settings on Setup > Summary screen.
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General status information bar: Displays commonly referenced information regarding the survey. The
information displayed can be customised via the Graphic Options form, accessed in the lower Graphic
Buttons, see section 21.2.5.

21.2.4 Notes Form

Notes, or comments, may be added or edited from this Notes form, and may be viewed in the Plan panel
via the Display > Notes checkbox control.
Notes are saved to the header of the data file with their time of creation, plus user-selectable location
and reading number.

This form is accessed via the Notes button on the Information Bar at the top of the Main Screen.
The left side of the form displays existing notes and the right side of the form contains controls for
adding new notes or editing existing notes.

Existing Notes
Displays the existing notes, plus controls for selecting a note.
Selection buttons: Click a button to cycle to the first, previous, next or last note in the
List All button: Click to display a list of all the existing notes.
Note X of Y: Displays the selected note X of the total number Y of notes.
• Upper portion of the display contains the UTC date/time that the note was initially logged, plus
the reading number, line and station as selected by the user when the note was last edited. The
corresponding easting and northing values for where the note will be plotted in the Plan Panel
are also shown.
• The lower portion displays the note itself.
Delete button: Click to delete the visible note.
Undo Delete button: Click to undo the last deletion.
Edit button: Click to edit the visible note and load it into the editing section on the right side of the

Add New Note/ Update Note

Controls for adding new notes or editing existing notes.
Time: Displays the current UTC time of the saved note.
Line: (default= the active Line) Select from the drop list the line to which this new/edited note is to
apply. Able to be re-selected/changed when editing existing notes.
Station: (default= the active STN) Select from the drop list the station to which this new/edited note is
to apply. Able to be re-selected/changed when editing existing notes.
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Reading: (default= the next reading) Select from the drop list the reading to which this new/edited
note is to apply. Able to be re-selected/changed when editing existing notes.
Note: Multi-line editing area for typing or editing the note itself. Area is empty/blank when a new note
can be added. Area displays the existing note if the “Edit” button has been pressed. Text is able to be
edited/changed when editing existing notes.
Cancel button: Click to cancel adding or editing of the current note and clears the Add/Edit controls.
Add button: Click to add the new note. List on the left will be updated and the note will be displayed.
Clears the Add/Edit controls.
Update button: Only visible when in edit mode once the “Edit” button has been clicked and heading
will now be “Update Note”. Click to replace the existing note with the selections & text above, and
update its display on the left side of this form. Clears the Add/Edit controls.

Help button: Click to load this user guide.

Close button: Click to close this form and return to the Main Screen.

21.2.5 Graphic Options Form

This form allows the user to customise Views and the information displayed in the Information Bar of
the Main Screen.
This information is saved to the current User Profile only.
This form is accessed via the Graphic Options button on the Graphical Buttons panel along the bottom
of the Main Screen.

User Profile: Displays the name of the loaded user profile.
New User Profile: edit the name of a new user profile to be used when clicking one of the buttons
described below:
• Copy and Load button: Click to copy the loaded user profile to the new name and load it.
• Rename button: Click to rename the loaded user profile with the new name.

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Edit View
Use these options to rename Views, save Views to file and set the default Views to be used during and
after the acquisition cycle.
Selected View: Select from the list the View to be edited/selected. This will only list Views in the
current User Profile – if required, change the list using the buttons further down the screen.
Name: edit the name of the View.
Default Acquisition View: Choose whether the selected view is the View to be displayed during the
acquisition cycle. Selecting ‘yes’ will reset any other Views to ‘no’.
Default Data View: Choose whether the selected view is the View to be displayed on completion of the
acquisition cycle. Selecting ‘yes’ will reset any other Views to ‘no’.
Save View to File button: Click to save a View file with this Name.
• This file can be distributed to other users so that the same display configuration may be utilised.
Save Changes button: Click to apply and save these changes.

New View
Name: Edit the name of the new View
New View button: Click to create a new View file with this name. This will be added to the View lists.

Delete a View
Name: Select from the list the View to be removed/deleted.
Delete View button: Click to delete the selected View for the User Profile. This will no longer be
available in the View lists.

Add View from File

Name: Select from the list the name of the View file to be added to this User Profile.
Add View button: Click to import the selected View file. This will be added to the View lists.

General Display Information

Select which general information to display in the Information Bar.
Time: Displays the Windows O/S time as per the Toughbook settings.
• Local: displays in local time.
• UTC: displays in universal time.
Hard Drive Space: Displays percentage (%) of disk space on the receiver available for saving data.
Project Name: Displays the name of the current project, as defined/selected on the Welcome Screen
during startup.
File Name: Displays the name of the current data file, as defined/selected via Files Form.
Line: Displays the active line that the next acquisition will be saved to, as selected via Setup > Survey
(Setup) Screen. Note that this may be different to the data currently being displayed.
Reading Number: Displays the reading number to be used for the next acquire. Acquisition will
increment this value. When a project is loaded this number is set to one more than the highest reading
number found in the data file, the name of a stacked file or the name of a raw file.
Panel Type: Displays the type of Graphical Panel currently selected (panel with the blue border).
Base Frequency: Displays the base frequency setting to be used for the next acquire, as defined on
Main Menu > Setup > Transmitter and Timing (Setup) Screen.
Serial Number: Displays the serial number of the attached device, as selected on the Welcome Screen
during startup.

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21.2.6 Control Menu

Control Menus are displayed down the left side of the Main screen and provides user control for the
data displayed in each Display Panel. Display of the Control Menus can be turned on/off using the
preferences button on the Information Bar.

There is an Options menu for each panel type and has the same name, e.g Profile Options for the Profile
Panel. Only one Control menu is displayed at any time, and it updates upon selection of a Panel – the
selected Panel having a dotted blue border. Select a different Panel by clicking on it with the
The options appear as buttons, check boxes, list items or cells for entering values.
For ease of use the options are further organised into Tab displays which have similar general
functionality between the panel types. The available Tabs are:
Display Tab: Constrains the information being displayed (e.g components or channels, station, spectra,
auxiliary, loops) and drawing style (e.g symbols)
Scale Tab: Constrains the axis limits (e.g log or linear, min & max value, zooming), cycle to next station.
Also see section 13.1 Mouse shortcuts.
Setup Tab: Design survey stations & lines, add or remove stations
Image Tab: Load and locate images to display as a background (Plan Panel only)
Full detail for each Control Menu option, as they appear for each Graphical Panel and organised by Tab
type, is detailed in section 21.2.8.

21.2.7 Main Menu

Provides access to the main screens, forms and dialogues used for setting survey parameters, viewing
data during acquisition, and processing data.

Acquire button: Click to initiate the acquire process that will collect and save data to file. See section
21.2. A yellow warning icon indicates a conflict between Power Feed settings and the current power
state. Initiating an acquire will reapply the settings.
Scope button: Click to initiate the Scope mode and display input channel data in real time. Data will
NOT be saved to file. A yellow warning icon indicates a conflict between Power Feed settings and the
current power state. Initiating the scope will reapply the settings.
• For a new survey it is recommended that channel input data be displayed in Scope mode and
confirmed for integrity prior to acquiring data via the Acquire button. See section 21.4
Setup button: Click to edit all parameter settings for the survey. See section 21.5.
Show/Hide Graphical Buttons button: Click to display graphical buttons as a row immediately above
these buttons. Click button again to hide this extra row of buttons.
Edit & Process button: Click to gain access to all editing and reprocessing forms. See section 21.6.
Files button: Click to load, copy, create, rename, export or merge data files. See section 21.7.
Close button: Click to return to the Welcome Screen.

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 106 of 220 Section: 21.2.7 Main Menu
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023

21.2.8 Graphical Panels & Options

Graphical Panels are charts of various types that display the acquired data. These include:
• Scope: oscilloscope view of input channel data
• Raw: display a channel's raw data, from saved files
• Stacked:display stacked data for all or single channels, from saved files
• Decay (TEM projects only): display decays as log and/or linear scale for all or single channels
• Argand (MMR projects only): display MMR data as frequency plots
• Profile (TEM projects only): display profiles of TEM data for all or single channels
• MMR Profile (MMR projects only): display profiles of MMR data for all or single channels
• Plan: display all survey information as plan, load a background image, plan stations.
The quantity, type and layout of these panels can be configured using buttons on the Graphics Buttons
menu (see section 21.2.2).
The data being viewed can be adjusted using the Control Menu (see section 21.2.6). The options for
each Control Menu Tab, organised by Graphical Panel type, are included in the following subsections.

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 107 of 220 Section: 21.2.8 Graphical Panels & Options
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023 Scope Panel

This panel displays in real time the voltage levels for selected channels. All channels can be displayed on
a single panel, or many panels can be used to display the channels separately. Scope panel will only
update and display data during an acquisition or in scope (data not saved to file) mode. Options are
similar to the Raw Panel.
The heading Scope (mV vs ms) [Ch1,Ch2,Ch3] provides the user with details of the data being viewed. Scope Options – Display Tab

Display by: Choose whether data is to be
selected/displayed by Channel or Component. Then select
from the list below which Channels or Components are to
be displayed.
The displayed list will expand to encompass all available
or Channels or Components. Colours of selections denote the
display colour in the Panel.
All On / All Off: Click a button to enable or disable all
channels for display.

Plot stacked: Select to display stacked voltages of the

This option is only enabled when the user has selected Real
Time Processing in the Setup Screen (see section 21.5).
Copy Chart: Click this button for a screen capture of the
selected Scope panel.

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 108 of 220 Section: Scope Options – Display Tab
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023

Display by: Choose whether to display Scope panel by

(transmitter) Tx Periods or Time.
Then define the length of display by either selecting from
the list below how many TX periods to display, or enter a
or time period value in msecs.

Display Style: Select from the drop-down list the display

style of data points for Raw or Scope Panels.
Lines: Connect data points by a line (no symbols)
Points: draw symbol for each data point (no lines)
Diamonds: draw larger symbol for each data point (no lines)
Link Scope Scales: Select to link the scales of each scope
panel in the current view.

Spectrum: Select to display the FFT spectra of the data.

Then also select to display as:
• Volts or decibels
• Y-axis as per rootHz Scope Options – Scale Tab

Y Axis options
Zoom to Saturation: Select to automatically scale Y axis to
the saturation limits of the displayed channels.
Auto Zoom Y: Select to automatically adjust the graph to
keep the waveform in view.
Y Axis: Choose to display Y axis as log or linear scale.

For log scale only.

Trans.: Enter amplitude for linear transition.
Scale: Enter relative height of linear portion to log decades.

Zoom Y: Click a button to manually zoom Y axis in or out.

Zoom value depends on Log (1 decade per click) or Linear
(50%/200%) scales.

Auto Zoom Y: Click this button to automatically scale Y axis

from first waveform. If the signal drifts off, the user will
need to click the button again each time.

Zoom X: Click on a button to manually zoom X axis in or

out. Zoom amount depends on scales: Log (1 decade per
click) or Linear (50%/200% per click).

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 109 of 220 Section: Scope Options – Scale Tab
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023

Auto X: Click this button to set the X axis extents to include

all data - as defined by the selection from the Display Tab >
Display By control (e.g 2 periods, or 3 seconds).

Pan: Click on a button to pan around the panel. Buttons

shift the view in that direction.
Pan amount depends on scales: Log (1 decade per click) or
Linear (25% per click))

Reset: Click this button to auto scale the axes limits.

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 110 of 220 Section: Scope Options – Scale Tab
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023 IP Scope Panel

This panel displays in real time the voltage and calculated IP parameters for all channels / connected
potential dipoles. These are displayed as individual graphs as a matrix of smaller screens, with one
screen per channel/dipole. The headings describe the data being viewed (see below).

No Controls or buttons are available in order to achieve maximum screen utilisation for the large
amount of data being displayed. The heading on each graph displays data and statistics of the incoming
data, and are described below.
Ch 'n' (mV vs s): panel title, one panel per “channel” (potential dipole)
M (mV/V): Calculated chargeability
Merr (mV/V): Calculated chargeability error (standard deviation)
Vp (mV): Measured primary field
APPRES (ohm.m): Calculated apparently resistivity, based on survey geometry and IP response.

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 111 of 220 Section: IP Scope Panel
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023 Raw Panel

This panel displays raw files.
The heading Raw (V) vs (msec) Rdg: 297 Stn:10 provides details of the data being viewed.

Note: For DigiAtlantis (only) Raw and Stacked files the cross-components are saved in their raw
orientations [X,Y] and have not been rotated to be aligned with borehole azimuth. Rotation to borehole
azimuth is performed when Stacked data is windowed and saved to data file as [U,V] components. Also
note that the polarity of Z and Y in Raw and Stacked files are reversed to that of final [A,U,V] data due to
orientation of sensors in the probe housing. Raw Options – Display tab

Display Raw: Options for which raw data is displayed.
Subst. Debug: Select to automatically display the debug raw
file (one waveform) if the full raw file is missing.

Chan/Comp or Alpha/Beta: (BH43 projects only) Choose to

display either EM channel & component data, or the
Orientation Alpha & Beta data.

Line: Select which line to display.

Only displays for multi-line files.
Note that the displayed line may be different to the active
line displayed on the Information Bar.
Rdg/Stn: Select from the drop-down list the Reading /
Station to be displayed.

Only one item can be selected.

Left/right arrow: Click a button to display previous or next
Button hover hint depends on ‘Display by:’ option.

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 112 of 220 Section: Raw Options – Display tab
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023

Display by: Choose whether data is to be displayed by

Channel or Component. Then select from the list below
which Channels or Components are to be displayed.
The displayed list will expand to encompass all available
or Channels or Components. Colours of selections denote the
display colour in the Panel.
All On/All Off: switch all of the Channels or Components
on/off with one click.

Link Scope Scales: Select to link the scales of each raw panel
in the current view.

Display Style: Select from the drop-down list the display

style of data points for Raw or Scope Panels.
• Lines: Connect data points by a line (no symbols)
• Points: draw symbol for each data point (no lines)
• Diamonds: draw larger symbol for each data point
(no lines)
Spectrum: Select to display the FFT spectra of the raw data.
Then choose to display as:
• Volts or decibels
• Y-axis as per rootHz Raw Options – Scale Tab

Manual Y: Select to enable manual zoom for Y axis with the
following maximum and minimum values.

Y Axis: Choose to display Y axis as log or linear scale.

For log scale only.

Trans.: Enter amplitude for linear transition.
Scale: Enter relative height of linear portion to log decades.

Zoom Y: Click on a button to manually zoom Y axis in or out.

Zoom value depends on Log (1 decade per click) or Linear
(50%/200%) scales.

Manual X: Select to enable manual zoom for X axis with the

following maximum and minimum values.
Enter maximum and minimum values.
Limits on the values depend on the choice of 'Load file by'
and 'Sect. to load' on the Display Tab.

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 113 of 220 Section: Raw Options – Scale Tab
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023

Zoom X: Click on a button to manually zoom X axis in or

Zoom amount depends on scales: Log (1 decade per click) or
Linear (50%/200% per click).
Pan: Click on a button to pan around the panel. Buttons
shift the view in that direction.
Pan amount depends on scales: Log (1 decade per click) or
Linear (25% per click))

Reset: Click to auto scale the axes limits. Stacked Panel

This panel displays Stacked files either by station or reading number and then on a per component or
channel basis, depending on Options settings.
The heading Stacked (pT/A) vs (msec) Rdg: 183,184 Stn:305 [Z,X,Y] provides details of the data being
The time axis represents the entire stacked file – being from the start of turn-off (time zero) to the start
of turn-off for the next half waveform.
Note that for DigiAtlantis Raw and Stacked files for cross-components are in their raw orientations [X,Y]
and have not been rotated to be aligned with borehole azimuth. Rotation to borehole azimuth is
performed when Stacked data is windowed and saved to file as [U,V] components. Also note that the
polarity of Z and Y in Raw and Stacked files are reversed to that of final [A,U,V] data due to orientation of
sensors in the probe housing.
When only one curve is displayed a statistical analysis will be performed to show the mean, standard
deviation and standard error of the mean.

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 114 of 220 Section: Stacked Panel
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023 Stacked Options – Display Tab

Line: Select which line to display.
Only displays for multi-line files.
Note that the displayed line may be different to the active
line displayed on the Information Bar.
Display by: Select whether to display data by station or

Display Stn/Rdg: Select which Station(s) or Reading(s) to be

Multiple selections are possible by holding down the CTRL
key during selection.


Left/right arrows: Click a button to display previous or next

Button text depends on ‘Display by:’ option
Display by: Choose whether data is to be
selected/displayed by Channel or Component. Then select
from the list below which Channels or Components are to
be displayed.
or The displayed list will expand to encompass all available
Channels or Components. Colours of selections denote the
display colour in the Panel.
All On/All Off: switch all of the Channels or Components
on/off with one click.

Symbols: Select to display a symbol at each data point.

Links: Select to display all panels of this type (Stacked)

within this View with the same scale.

Spectrum: Select to display the FFT spectra of the stacked

data. Then choose to display as:
• Volts or decibels
• Y-axis as per rootHz

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 115 of 220 Section: Stacked Options – Display Tab
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023 Stacked Options – Scale Tab

Manual Y: Select to enable manual zoom for Y axis with the
following maximum and minimum values.

Y Axis: Choose to display Y axis as Log or Linear scales.

Y Transition: Enter a value. Data below this amplitude will

display as Linear (rather than Log).
This is an additional control when displaying Y axis as Log
Y Scale: Enter a value for height of the Transition zone
relative to height of Log decades.
Values less than 1 will be narrower, larger than 1 will be
This is an additional control when displaying Y axis as Log
Zoom Y: Click on a button to manually zoom Y axis in or out.
Zoom value depends on Log (1 decade per click) or Linear
(50%/200%) scales.

Manual X: Select to enable manual zoom for X axis with the

following maximum and minimum values.
Enter maximum and minimum values.

Zoom X: Click on a button to manually zoom X axis in or

Zoom amount depends on scales: Log (1 decade per click) or
Linear (50%/200% per click).
Pan: Click on a button to pan around the panel. Buttons
shift the view in that direction.
Pan amount depends on scales: Log (1 decade per click) or
Linear (25% per click))

Reset: Click to auto scale the axes limits.

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 116 of 220 Section: Stacked Options – Scale Tab
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023 Decay Panel

This panel displays time domain Decays by station or reading number and then by channel or
component. During an acquisition this panel will be updated when the reading is complete.
This panel can also be used for deleting decays using the right mouse button options. Within the
Graphical Panel, select a reading by hovering with the mouse. The line will become bold and the hover
text will display the reading number and, depending on the project type, additionally display the sensor
type, the units, the receiver channel used to acquire the data, the X and Y coordinates and the time
window at the hover point as per the example below. When the required decay is selected, editing
options can be applied via right mouse click options (see subsection
When you click on the decay panel, the currently selected window time (denoted by the vertical bar) will
be applied to any profile panels in the view – that window time line will get highlighted. When the
decay panel station changes, the vertical bar on the profile panel will also update. In a similar manner,
when the profile panel is clicked on, the decay panel will update its selected station and window time.
The heading Decay (pT/A) vs (msec) Rdg: 189, 190, 191 Stn:290 [A,U,V] provides details of the data being
viewed. Decay Options – Display Tab

Line: Select which lines to displayed.
Only displays for multi-line files

Display by: Select whether to display data by station or


ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 117 of 220 Section: Decay Options – Display Tab
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023

Display Stn/Rdg: Select which Station(s) or Reading(s) to be

Multiple selections are possible by holding down the CTRL
key during selection.


Left/right arrow: Click a button to display previous or next

Button text depends on ‘Display by:’ option.

Display by: Choose whether data is to be

selected/displayed by Channel or Component. Then select
from the list below which Channels or Components are to
be displayed.
or The displayed list will expand to encompass all available
Channels or Components. Colours of selections denote the
display colour in the Panel.
All On/All Off: switch all of the Channels or Components
on/off with one click.

Average: When selected, the displayed decay plots are

averaged by channel or component depending on the
“Display by” selection specified above. In this mode, the
right click menu does not provide access to the delete,
undo, hide or show operations. Hover hints for the decay
plots indicate the averaging that has been performed.
Symbols: Select to display a symbol at each data point.

Links: if “Decay Scales” is checked, all panels of this type

(Decay) within this View will have the same scale.
If “Lines in View” is linked then all panels within this view
will have synchronised line selection.
Auto Update Decay: if checked, then clicking on a particular
station in a Profile panel will automatically change this panel
to display data for that station. If not checked then it will
continue to display the station chosen in the Display
Stn/Rdg control.

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 118 of 220 Section: Decay Options – Display Tab
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023 Decay Options – Scale Tab

Manual Y: Select to enable manual zoom for Y axis with the
following maximum and minimum values.

Y Axis: Choose to display Y axis as Log or Linear scales.

Y Transition: (for log scale only) Enter a value. Data below

this amplitude will display as Linear (rather than Log).

Y Scale: (for log scale only) Enter a value for height of the
Transition zone relative to height of Log decades. Values
less than 1 will be narrower, larger than 1 will be wider.

Zoom Y: Click on a button to manually zoom Y axis in or out.

Zoom value depends on Log (1 decade per click) or Linear
(50%/200%) scales.

Manual X: Select to enable manual zoom for X axis with the

following maximum and minimum values.
Enter maximum and minimum values.

X Axis: Choose to display X axis as Log or Linear scales.

X Transition: (for log scale only) Enter a value. Data below

this amplitude will display as Linear (rather than Log).

X Scale: (for log scale only) Enter a value for height of the
Transition zone relative to height of Log decades. Values
less than 1 will be narrower, larger than 1 will be wider.

Zoom X: Click on a button to manually zoom X axis in or

Zoom amount depends on scales: Log (1 decade per click) or
Linear (50%/200% per click).
Pan: Click on a button to pan around the panel. Buttons
shift the view in that direction.
Pan amount depends on scales: Log (1 decade per click) or
Linear (25% per click))

Reset: Click to auto scale the axes limits.

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 119 of 220 Section: Decay Options – Scale Tab
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023 Decay Options – Right Click Menu

• Delete selected decay: the data row that matches the selected decay will be deleted.
• Delete entire reading of selected decay: all data rows that were recorded at the same time as
the selected decay will be deleted.
• Delete entire station of selected decay: all data rows that have the same station as the selected
decay will be deleted.
• Delete all displayed decays: the rows for every decay currently displayed will be deleted.
• Undo last deletion: all rows that were deleted with the last right-click action will be reinstated.
• Undo all deletions for this station: all rows that have been deleted using right-click actions and
for the station that matches that of the selected decay will be reinstated.
• Undo all deletions: all rows deleted using right-click actions will be reinstated.
• Hide selected decay: the currently selected decay will be temporarily hidden.
• Show hidden decays: all hidden decays will be displayed again.
Note that deletions become permanent once the project is closed, or another form is opened. Argand Panel

This panel displays frequency domain data by station or reading number and then by channel or
component. Argand panels are only available for use within frequency domain projects. Different
display styles are available – argand (in-phase versus quadrature), amplitude (amplitude versus
frequency) and phase (phase versus frequency). This panel will be updated with the latest acquisition
data when the acquisition is complete.
The heading Inphase (pT/A) vs Quadrature (pT/A) Stn:60 provides details of the data being viewed.

This panel can also be used for deleting readings using the right mouse button options. Within the
Graphical Panel select a reading by hovering with the mouse. The line will become bold and blue text
will advise the reading number. When the required reading is selected, right click and select from the
options provided (see subsection

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 120 of 220 Section: Argand Panel
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023 Argand Options – Display Tab

Display by: Select between Amplitude, Phase or Argand.

Display by: Select whether to display data by station or


Display Stn/Rdg: Select which Station(s) or Reading(s) to be

Multiple selections are possible by holding down the CTRL
key during selection.


Left/right arrows: Click a button to display previous or next

Button text depends on ‘Display by:’ option.
Display by: Choose whether data is to be
selected/displayed by Channel or Component. Then select
from the list below which Channels or Components are to
be displayed.
or The displayed list will expand to encompass all available
Channels or Components. Colours of selections denote the
display colour in the Panel.
All On/All Off: switch all of the Channels or Components
on/off with one click.

Symbols: Select to display a symbol at each data point.

Links: if “Argand Scales” is checked, all panels of this type

(Argand) within this View will have the same scale.

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 121 of 220 Section: Argand Options – Display Tab
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023 Argand Options – Scale Tab

Manual Y: Select to enable manual zoom for Y axis with the
following maximum and minimum values.

Zoom Y: Click on a button to manually zoom Y axis in or out.

Zoom value depends on Log (1 decade per click) or Linear
(50%/200%) scales.

Manual X: Select to enable manual zoom for X axis with the

following maximum and minimum values.
Enter maximum and minimum values.

Zoom X: Click on a button to manually zoom X axis in or

Zoom amount depends on scales: Log (1 decade per click) or
Linear (50%/200% per click).
Pan: Click on a button to pan around the panel. Buttons
shift the view in that direction.
Pan amount depends on scales: Log (1 decade per click) or
Linear (25% per click))

Reset: Click to auto scale the axes limits. Argand Options – Right Click Menu

• Delete selected decay: the data row that matches the selected decay will be deleted.
• Delete entire reading of selected decay: all data rows that were recorded at the same time as
the selected decay will be deleted.
• Delete entire station of selected decay: all data rows that have the same station as the selected
decay will be deleted.
• Delete all displayed decays: the rows for every decay currently displayed will be deleted.
• Undo last deletion: all rows that were deleted with the last right-click action will be reinstated.
• Undo all deletions for this station: all rows that have been deleted using right-click actions and
for the station that matches that of the selected decay will be reinstated.
• Undo all deletions: all rows deleted using right-click actions will be reinstated.
• Hide selected decay: the currently selected decay will be temporarily hidden.
• Show hidden decays: all hidden decays will be displayed again.
Note that deletions become permanent once the project is closed, or another form is opened.

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 122 of 220 Section: Argand Options – Right Click Menu
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023 Profile Panel

This panel displays the Profile of the active line (user selected in a multi-line project) on a channel or
component basis, depending on the Control selection. Auxiliary data may also be displayed, such as the
Theoretical Primary Field.

The heading Profile (pT/A) [A,U,V] provides details of the data being viewed.
If multiple readings have been acquired per station, the profile displays the average response at each
Clicking on a Profile's station will update the Decay panel to display that station, as well as the vertical
bar on the decay panel, denoting the currently selected window time. In a similar manner, clicking on
the decay panel, or changing its station, will change the vertical bar and the selected line on the profile
Hover the mouse over a data line to also provide further information, such as the name of the line or the
time channel. Use Scale tab options or mouse to zoom in/out and to pan.
A small blue triangle just below the bottom axis gives the position of the active station. Profile Options – Display Tab

Line: Select which line to displayed.
Only displays for multi-line files.

Show Window Data: Select to also display windowed data

at each station

Windows: Enter the first and last range of time windows to

be displayed.
Allows the panel to focus on early time values, or late time
values, if desired.
Auxiliary: Select from the drop-down list additional
parameters to include in the profile panel. Reprocessing
may provide additional list items.
Multiple selections are possible by holding down the CTRL
or Shift keys during selection.

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 123 of 220 Section: Profile Options – Display Tab
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023

Display by: Choose whether data is to be

selected/displayed by Channel or Component. Then select
from the list below which Channels or Components are to
be displayed.
or The displayed list will expand to encompass all available
Channels or Components. Colours of selections denote the
display colour in the Panel.
All On/All Off: switch all of the Channels or Components
on/off with one click.

Symbols: Select to display a symbol at each station.

Links: if “Profile Scales” is checked, all panels of this type

(Profile) within this View will have the same scale.
If “Lines in View” is linked then all panels within this view
will have synchronised line selection. Profile Options – Scale Tab

Manual Y: Select to enable manual zoom for Y axis with the
following maximum and minimum values.

Y Axis: Choose to display Y axis as Log or Linear scales.

Y Transition: Enter a value. Data below this amplitude will

display as Linear (rather than Log).
This is an additional control when displaying Y axis as Log
Y Scale: Enter a value for height of the Transition zone
relative to height of Log decades.
Values less than 1 will be narrower, larger than 1 will be
This is an additional control when displaying Y axis as Log
Zoom Y: Click on a button to manually zoom Y axis in or out.
Zoom value depends on Log (1 decade per click) or Linear
(50%/200%) scales.

Manual X: Select to enable manual zoom for X axis with the

following maximum and minimum values.
Enter maximum and minimum values.

Zoom X: Click on a button to manually zoom X axis in or

Zoom amount depends on scales: Log (1 decade per click) or
Linear (50%/200% per click).

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 124 of 220 Section: Profile Options – Scale Tab
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023

Pan: Click on a button to pan around the panel. Buttons

shift the view in that direction.
Pan amount depends on scales: Log (1 decade per click) or
Linear (25% per click))

Reset: Click to auto scale the axes limits.

Track active station: Select to automatically include the

active station when in manual station mode.
Only available when ‘Manual X’ is selected (e.g zoomed in).
The station will appear on the Left, Centre or Right as
chosen using the radio buttons.

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 125 of 220 Section: Profile Options – Scale Tab
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023 MMR Profile Panel

This displays MMR profile data along the survey line by channel or component. MMR profile panels are
only available for use within MMR projects.
The heading Amplitude (pT/A) vs (metres) provides details of the data being viewed. (MMR) Profile Options - Display tab

Display by: Choose whether data is to be
selected/displayed by Channel or Component. Then select
from the list below which Channels or Components are to
be displayed.
or The displayed list will expand to encompass all available
Channels or Components. Colours of selections denote the
display colour in the Panel.
All On/All Off: switch all of the Channels or Components
on/off with one click.

Display by: Select from the list the type of data to display,
 Amplitude vs Station
 Phase vs Station
 In-phase vs Station
 Quadrature vs Station
Show Harmonics: Select to display harmonics

Number of Harmonics: Enter the first and last harmonic to

be displayed.

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 126 of 220 Section: (MMR) Profile Options - Display tab
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023

Auxiliary: Select from the drop-down list additional

parameters to include in the profile panel. Reprocessing
may provide additional list items.
Multiple selections are possible by holding down the CTRL
or Shift key during selection.

Symbols: Select to display a symbol at each station.

Links: if “MMR Profile Scales” is checked, all panels of this

type (MMR Profile) within this View will have the same
scale. (MMR) Profile Options – Scale Tab

Manual Y: Select to enable manual zoom for Y axis with the
following maximum and minimum values.

Y Axis: Choose to display Y axis as Log or Linear scales.

Y Transition: Enter a value. Data below this amplitude will

display as Linear (rather than Log).
This is an additional control when displaying Y axis as Log
Y Scale: Enter a value for height of the Transition zone
relative to height of Log decades.
Values less than 1 will be narrower, larger than 1 will be
This is an additional control when displaying Y axis as Log
Zoom Y: Click on a button to manually zoom Y axis in or out.
Zoom value depends on Log (1 decade per click) or Linear
(50%/200%) scales.

Manual X: Select to enable manual zoom for X axis with the

following maximum and minimum values.
Enter maximum and minimum values.

Zoom X: Click on a button to manually zoom X axis in or

Zoom amount depends on scales: Log (1 decade per click) or
Linear (50%/200% per click).

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 127 of 220 Section: (MMR) Profile Options – Scale Tab
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023

Pan: Click on a button to pan around the panel. Buttons

shift the view in that direction.
Pan amount depends on scales: Log (1 decade per click) or
Linear (25% per click))

Reset: Click to auto scale the axes limits.

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USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023 IP Gradient Array (GA) Profile Panel

This panel displays the IP Profile of selected parameter(s) for the selected line. The heading GA Profile
(units) [parameter] provides details of the data being viewed.

[Insert image here]

If multiple readings have been acquired per station, the profile displays the average response at each
station. If symbols are turned on, then each data point will be marked by a symbol.
Hover the mouse over a data line to also provide further information, such as the parameter name of
the line. GA Profile Options – Display Tab

Auxiliary: Select from the drop-down list the parameters to
include in the profile panel. Reprocessing may provide
additional list items.
Multiple selections are possible by holding down the CTRL
key during selection.

Show Window Data: Select to also display windowed at

each station

Windows: Enter the first and last time windows to be

Allows the panel to focus on early time values, or late time
values, if desired.
Linked Panels: if checked, all panels of this type (GA Profile)
will have the same scale (but not necessarily the same
maximum or minimum). Some options will then affect all
Profile panels in the view, such as panning and zooming.
Symbols: Select to display a symbol at each station. GA Profile Options – Scale Tab

Manual Y: Select to enable manual zoom for Y axis with the
following maximum and minimum values.

Y Axis: Choose to display Y axis as Log or Linear scales.

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Transition: Enter a value. Data below this amplitude will

display as Linear (rather than Log).
This is an additional control when displaying Y axis as Log
Scale: Enter a value for height of the Transition zone relative
to height of Log decades.
Values less than 1 will be narrower, larger than 1 will be
This is an additional control when displaying Y axis as Log
Manual X: Select to enable manual zoom for X axis with the
following maximum and minimum values.
Enter maximum and minimum values.

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USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023 IP PseudoSection Panel

This panel displays time domain IP data as an apparent depth vs easting /northing (PseudoSection) plot.
The user has the option of displaying data amplitude as text values and as an interpolated pseudo-
coloured image. The selected data may be an acquired IP channel amplitude or one of its processed
values which are stored in the IP data file.

The heading PseudoSection (Depth vs Easting) M (mV/V) provides details of the data being viewed.
If multiple readings have been acquired per station, the pseudosection displays the average response at
each station. Displays are a function of transmitter/receiver pairs as distinguished in the *.ip file.
Displayed Symbols
• Orange Arrows: the position of the current electrodes.
• Blue Arrows: the position of the potential electrodes.
• Black or Yellow diamonds: the position of the data points from previous readings. Colour
depends on the chosen colour palette. IP PseudoSection Options – Display Tab

Data: Select, from the drop list, the data to be displayed.

Post Data: Select to display the data values at the plot point.

Next Reading: Select to display, with red squares, the plot

point of the next reading.
Array: Select to display the location markers (orange and
blue arrows) of the Current and Potential electrodes.

Array Labels: Select to display labels for each of the Current

and Potential electrodes.

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Line: Select, from the drop list, which line to display.

Is only displayed for multi-line files.

Link Pseudosection Scales: Select to use the same scale for all
pseudosection panels. IP PseudoSection – Scale Tab

Maintain Aspect Ratio: Deselect to adjust the zoom of X
and Y axes independently. Separate Zoom X and Zoom Y
buttons will then become active.
Zoom (X and Y): Click on a button to zoom in or out. This is
available in Aspect Ratio mode only.

Zoom X or Zoom Y: Click on a button to zoom in or out for X

or Y axis, independently. These are additional buttons that
are only available when Aspect Ratio is off.

Pan: Click on a button to pan around the panel. Buttons

shift the view in that direction, 25% per click.

Reset: Click the button to rescale the panel in order to

display all information.

Manual Y: Select to enable manual zoom for Y axis using the

following maximum and minimum values (m). In Aspect
Ratio mode the X axis will adjust automatically to maintain
1:1 ratio.
Manual scaling is automatically turned on if the zoom or
pan buttons are utilised, and is turned off if the Reset
button is clicked.
Manual X: Select to enable manual zoom of X axis using the
following values (m). In Aspect Ratio mode the Y axis will
adjust automatically to maintain 1:1 ratio.
Manual scaling is automatically turned on if the zoom or
pan buttons are utilised, and is turned off if the Reset
button is clicked.

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USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023 IP PseudoSection Options – Grid SetupTab

Show Colour Grid: Select to display the data as a psuedo-coloured
grid image.

Grid Legend: Select to display a legend showing the values

represented by the colours in the colour grid.
Contour: Select to display equi-value coloured contours of
the selected data.

Choose to automatically (default) or manually set the colour

scheme for the grid image.

Auto: Select to use predefined schemes. Drop list includes

Grey Scale, Rainbow, Strong and Pale (default).

Manual: Select to enable manual selection of the low,

middle and high amplitude colours used for the grid image.
Click on each button to then select its colour.
Gridding of the selected Data (via the Display Tab) calculates
values at the centre of each cell, within the masking
distance, using the weighted (1/r2) average of data points
within the specified zone of influence.
Cell size: (default= 5) Enter the size (m) of the grid cells
where each grid value will be calculated. Larger number
results in a coarser/pixelated grid image.
Influence: (default= 200) Enter the search radius (m) of the
circular zone around each grid cell position that will
influence its gridded value.
Masking Distance.: (default= 50) Masking/blanking of the
colour grid image is applied as a diamond shape around
each data plot point, beyond which no grid image is
displayed. Enter a value (m) for the half-width of the

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 133 of 220 Section: IP PseudoSection Options – Grid SetupTab
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023 Plan Panel

This panel displays a top down or Plan (bird's eye) view of a survey, with station, electrode and loop
locations. An image/picture file can be loaded as a backdrop for superimposing stations, transmitter
loops and comments.

Features in the Plan Panel can be used for:

Pre-survey planning: Load an aerial image as a geographic background for the survey. Add lines of
stations, and mark locations with comments - such as heritage warnings.
During-survey – feedback: The field crew can use the GPS, updating the display in real time, on the plan
panel to navigate to planned stations. Notes regarding quality issues or mineral finds can be added as
comments to stations.
Post-survey overview: Back at the office, the Plan Panel is a starting point to seeing how a survey went
and to map data results to geographic features. IP data can be displayed over station locations.

Displayed Symbols
Symbols displayed in the plan panel are described here, based on the mode for locating stations.
Symbol display may toggled on/off using Plan > Display Tab selections (see following subsections).
All Location Modes:
• Yellow Dot: highlights the selected planned station(s), as per Plan > Setup Tab (
• Small Black Dot: stations with at least one reading.
• Pale Blue Dots: planned stations, created using a <Shift><MouseClick> on the Plan Panel or by
using the controls on the Plan Options – Setup Tab (
Manual Location Mode
• Dark Blue Dot: the active station position, as per Active Station on the Information Bar.
• Red Diamond: the position of active sensors (which may be offset from the Active Station as per
Setup > Hardware > Offsets).
Auto-Location Mode: See Location (GPS & Geographic Setup) Screen 21.5.7)
• Large Green Dot: the current GPS position. This updates every 5 seconds as a new GPS signal is
• Green Circle: the GPS accuracy radius.

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• Dark Blue Dot: the Active Station, as per the GPS position rounded by the Snap Distance on the
Setup > Location screen.
• Pink Diamond: the position of sensors as given by the GPS signal and the sensor offsets.
• Red Diamond: the rounded position of sensors (which may be offset from the Active Station).
IP Projects:
• Orange Arrows: the position of the current electrodes.
• Blue Arrows: the position of the potential electrodes.
• Red Diamonds: the position of the next reading for the currently selected depth.
• Pale pink Diamonds: the positions of the next reading, for depths other than the one currently
• Black or Yellow Diamonds: the position of the data points from previous readings. Colour
depends on the chosen colour palette.
Options outlined below may or may not be displayed, depending on the selected survey configuration. Plan Options – Display Tab

Show Show: Choose which items to display in the Plan Panel.
Tx Loops: Select to display the transmitter loops (only for
surveys with fixed loops). The Active Loop will use a bold
Rx Done: Select to display, as black dots, the stations that
have been surveyed.
Elect. Completed: Select to display, as blue dots, the
electrode stations that have been surveyed.

Collar: Select to display, as a blue dot, borehole collar, as per

Setup > Survey.

Rx Planned: Select to display, as pale blue dots, the planned

stations that are yet to be surveyed.

Active Station: Select to display, as a blue dot, the Active

Station, as per the Information Bar.

GPS: Select to display, as a green dot, the GPS position.

Active Sensors: Select to display, as small red (manual

mode) or pink (auto-location mode) diamonds, the position
of each sensor, as per settings on the Setup > Hardware
Snapped Sensors: Select to display, as small red diamonds,
the snapped position of sensors when in auto-location
Image: Select to display the loaded (background) image
picture file.

Notes: Select to display notes that were created with a

line/station designated.

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Legend: Select to display this Legend in the Plan Panel

Annotations: Select to display station E,N,Z labels.

Past Readings: Select to display, as small black diamonds,

locations already surveyed.

Post Data: Select to display the data values at the plot point.

Next Reading: Select to display plot position of the next

reading. A small red diamond is used for positions at the
currently chosen App. Depth. Pink diamonds are used for
other depths.
Array: Select to display the location markers of the Current
and Potential electrodes.

Array Labels: Select to display labels for each of the Current

and Potential electrodes.

Data: Select from the drop list the data to be displayed as

pseudo-colour grid image and/or posted data values.

App. Depth: Choose from the drop-list the apparent depth

of the selected data to be displayed. Plan Options – Scale Tab

Maintain Aspect Ratio: Deselect to adjust the zoom of X
and Y axes independently. Separate Zoom X and Zoom Y
buttons will then become active.
Zoom (X and Y): Click on a button to zoom in or out. This is
available in Aspect Ratio mode only.

Zoom X or Zoom Y: Click on a button to zoom in or out for X

or Y axis, independently. These are additional buttons that
are only available when Aspect Ratio is off.

Pan: Click on a button to pan around the panel. Buttons

shift the view in that direction, 25% per click.

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Reset: Click the button to rescale the panel in order to

display all information.

Manual Y: Select to enable manual zoom for Y axis with the

following maximum and minimum values (m). In Aspect
Ratio mode the X axis will adjust automatically to maintain
1:1 ratio.
Manual scaling is automatically turned on if the zoom or
pan buttons are utilised, and is turned off if the Reset
button is clicked.
Manual X: Select to enable manual zoom of X axis using the
following values (m). In Aspect Ratio mode the Y axis will
adjust automatically to maintain 1:1 ratio.
Manual scaling is automatically turned on if the zoom or
pan buttons are utilised, and is turned off if the Reset
button is clicked. IP Plan Options – Grid SetupTab

Show Colour Grid: Select to display the data as a psuedo-coloured
grid image.

Grid Legend: Select to display a legend showing the values

represented by the colours in the colour grid.
Contour: Select to display equi-value coloured contours of
the selected data.

Choose to automatically (default) or manually set the colour

scheme for the grid image.
Auto: Select to use predefined schemes. Drop list includes
Grey Scale, Rainbow, Strong and Pale (default).
Manual: Select to enable manual selection of the low,
middle and high amplitude colours used for the grid image.
Click on each button to then select its colour.

Gridding of the selected Data (via the Display Tab) calculates

values at the centre of each cell, within the masking
distance, using the weighted (1/r2) average of data points
within the specified zone of influence.
Cell size: (default= 5) Enter the size of the grid cells (m)
where each grid value will be calculated. Larger number
results in a coarser/pixelated grid image.
Influence: (default= 200) Enter the search radius (m) of the
circular zone around each grid cell position that will
influence its gridded value.
Masking Distance.: (default= 50) Masking/blanking of the
colour grid image is applied as a square shape around each
data plot point, beyond which no grid image is displayed.
Enter a value (m) for the half-width of the square.

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Transparency: Enter the transparency (%) of the pseudo

colour grid image. Plan Options – Setup Tab

Add Multiple Stations: Click this button to open the Add
Multiple Stations Form to define the planned stations along
a new line - this is useful for adding stations en-masse. (See
subsection New stations, not yet surveyed,
will be shown by red dots.
Single stations may be added using the Add Station button
(see below), or with a <Shift><Mouse Click> on the chart
Clear Stations: Click this button to remove all planned

Edit Loops: Click this button to open the Loop/Wire Editor

Form to manually edit loop co-ordinates or load from a file.
(See section
Station Drag: Select to enable manual dragging, using the
mouse, of planned station locations.
Add Station: Click this button to create a station at the
entered co-ordinate, rounded to the Snap Distance value
(see below). If the station already exists then the next co-
ordinate available along this line, based on the snap
distance, will be created. Click again to create additional
New stations not yet surveyed will be shown by red dot.
Single stations may also be added using <Shift><Mouse
Click> on the chart itself.
Plan Snap: enter the distance (m) to be used for snapping
(rounding) when adding new stations. New station co-
ordinates will be automatically adjusted based on this value.
Select Station: Click on a station in the Plan Panel or enter
co-ordinate (m) values to select (highlight) that station
(shown by yellow dot). This station can then be dragged or
deleted (see below).

Delete Station/Line: Click this button to delete the selected

Station/Line (see above and below).

Select/Deselect Line: Click this button to select/deselect all

stations inline with the selected station (see above). The
selected line will the shown as yellow dots.

ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd Page 138 of 220 Section: Plan Options – Setup Tab
USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023 Add Multiple Stations Form

This form is used to create lines of stations for planning purposes.

Access this form via Main Menu > Plan Panel > Setup Tab > Add Multiple Stations button.
Lines are added in the current survey direction as selected on the Setup > Survey tab.
Added lines can be removed using the Clear Stations button.

Origin East: (default= current minimum) enter the easting (m) of the first station to be added.
Origin North: (default= current minimum) enter the northing (m) of the first station to be added.
Number of lines: (default= 1, last used) enter the number of lines of stations to be added.
Line spacing: (default= 100, last used) enter the across line (m) distance between lines to be added.
Negative values may be used.
Number of stations: (default= 50, last used) enter the number of stations to be added, per line.
Station spacing: (default= 50) enter the along line distance (m) between stations to be added. Plan Options – Image Tab

Load image: Click button to load an image (picture) file to
display in the background of the Plan Panel. Image location
is defined below.
Clear Image: Click button to remove the image from display
in the Plan Panel.

X Axis: Enter values (m) that will locate the east and west
bounds of the image. Image will be automatically relocated
and resized to fit these values.

Y Axis: Enter values (m) that will locate the north and south
bounds of the image. Image will be automatically relocated
and resized to fit these values.

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21.3 Acquire Screen

This screen is displayed once the acquisition process has been initiated by clicking the Acquire button on
the Main menu. The View will change from Data View to Acquire View, with raw signal displayed in
Scope panels.
NB: For a new survey it is recommended that the user click the Scope button prior to clicking the
Acquire button (see section 21.4).
For DigiAtlantis projects, survey settings will be sent to the Probe - this will take a few seconds.

If nulling is on, the program will initiate a nulling cycle with which will also take a few seconds. Status
will be displayed via progress bars.
The progress bar at the top of the screen indicates the percentage complete and time remaining for that
During acquisition buttons are available so that readings may be stopped during the acquire cycle and
data acquired to that time will be saved to file or, if necessary, may instead be cancelled.

Extra panels can be added or deleted during the acquisition using Graphics Buttons(see section21.2.2),
giving the user the opportunity to examine the data. If the data is of poor quality, the user can click the
Stop and Discard Data button to terminate that reading.
Once the bar reaches 100%, the acquisition is complete. The data will be processed at this stage, and
will take a few seconds. Progress is again indicated by a progress bar.
Upon completion, the View will switch back to the Data View.

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21.3.1 Contact Impedance Window

Within IP projects contact impedance measurements are initiated on each acquire and may also be
initiated manually at any time. The window displayed in each instance is slightly different and are
described below.
Manual: Manual contact impedance measurement is made by clicking the button on the
Information Bar on the Main Screen. The window displays Contact Impedance values for each connected

Select close to return to the Main Screen.

Automatic: Contact Impedance Measurement are also made at the start of each acquire according to
the settings on the Setup > Summary screen. A “transmitter state” warning message may be displayed,
again according to settings on the Setup > Summary screen.

The window displays Contact Impedance values for each connected channel.

Select Accept to continue the acquire if values are acceptable. Otherwise cancel and then rectify any

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21.4 Scope Screen

Displays channel data in real time once the Scope process has been initiated. The View will change to
Acquire View, with raw signal displayed in Scope panels.

Access this screen via the Main Menu > Scope button.

For a new survey it is recommend that the user do this prior to selecting the Acquire Button. This will
allow Raw Data to be viewed without it being recorded.
For DigiAtlantis projects, survey settings will be sent to the Probe - this will take a few seconds.
If nulling is on, the program will initiate a nulling cycle with which will also take a few seconds. Status
will be displayed via progress bars.
The user should visually confirm that the data is as expected on the Scope Screen. This allows the user
to identify any issues prior to collecting data.
The legend at the top right of each scope panel displays the component and gain value. For VECTEM-V,
the sensor’s gain value will also be displayed in brackets.
Once satisfied with the data integrity, click Stop Scope button.

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21.5 Setup Screen

The Setup screen is where the survey settings (e.g timing, channels, prospect) are entered. Menu
buttons along the bottom provide dialogues for entering settings particular to that aspect of the survey.

This screen is accessed via Main Menu > Setup button.

Changing these settings during the survey will apply to future readings only. Existing data will remain
unchanged. To adjust any existing data, use Edit & Process > Edit Data or Reprocessing options.
Survey button: Click to edit coordinate settings, e.g station, line, borehole collar coordinates and
coordinate precision. See sections 21.5.1. and 21.5.2
General button: Click to edit general client information and set automatic repeats. See section 21.5.3
Transmitter & Timing button: Click to edit settings for timing & waveform, channel windowing and
transmitter loops. Also to manually start transmitter timing signal (only when transmitter is directly
connected by a control cable). See section 21.5.4
Processing button: Click to edit settings for smart processing and filtering options, measured primary
field, real time processing and saving of stacked and raw files. See section 21.5.5.
Hardware button: Click to edit settings for each input channel, including component, sensor type,
nulling, gain, data units and slingram offsets. See section 21.5.6.
Location button: Click to edit GPS location settings. See section 21.5.7.
DigiAtlantis button: (DigiAtlantis projects only) click to edit DSL rate, local magnetic field values and
manually get device orientation. See section 21.5.9.
Smart Device button: (Smart Fluxgate projects only) click to select orientation calculation, edit local
magnetic field values and manually get device orientation. See section 21.5.8.

The screens can be navigated and edited entirely from the keyboard using arrow, tab and enter keys. For
changes to be applied, click OK. Discard changes with the Cancel button.
NB: No edits are saved unless the OK button is used to close the screen.

NB: Setting options displayed will depend on the survey configuration and survey mode entered on the
Welcome Screen. If the settings are invalid for the survey being undertaken, close and return to the
Welcome Screen to create a new project.

Screen Images contained on the following pages are for example only and do not display all possible
selections as these would depend on the connected device and the survey settings. However, all
selection options will be described here.

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21.5.1 Survey (Setup) Screen

Provides the frequently edited survey settings, mostly related to locations. The options available for
editing will vary depending on the configuration selected on the Welcome Screen.

Access this screen via the Main Menu > Setup > Survey button.

Station/Line Precision
Coordinate Precision (m): (default= 0.1) enter the precision (m) to be used for station and line values.
This will restrict allowed values for any line or station value entered here or on the Main Screen. This
will also affect how stations are grouped when displaying Decays or Profiles.
For example, when displaying Decays or Profiles for stations at 50 and 50.2 then:
• precision of 1 will combine these as a single station,
• precision of 0.1 will consider these to be at different stations.
This value may be changed at any time without affecting the station or line value of previously acquired
Note that DigiAtlantis files will always be saved to two decimal places to facilitate SUR file calculations.

Direction: (default= east/west) select from the drop down list the direction of the survey lines,
• East/West: stations increase to the east.
• North/South: stations increase to the north.
Rx Line: (default= 0) enter the number that represents the easting or northing of the current survey line
so that the next acquisition will be saved to this location. Use the scroll arrows to change using the
increment value below.
Increment (m): (default= 50) enter the distance (m) to increment (change) the active survey line above
when using the scroll arrows.

Station (m): (default= 0) enter a number (m) that represents the position along the line so that the next
acquisition will be saved to this location. For down hole surveys this value typically represents the
distance down the borehole. This value is also displayed on the Main Screen's Information Bar and may
also be adjusted there (see section 21.2.3).

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Increment (m): (default= 50,5) the distance (m) used when moving to the next station along a survey
line, via the Station > Automatic Increment function below, or via the station move buttons on the Main
Screen's Information Bar or hot keys ‘[‘ or ‘]’.
Automatic Increment: (default= No) select from the list to enable or disable automatic increment of the
station whenever a reading is completed.

Borehole Collar & Orientation

Specifies the collar co-ordinates and orientation of the borehole, and are saved in the header of the data
file. The collar co-ordinates are used to calculate the stations as E,N,Level co-ordinates only when a
valid Borehole Survey (*.sur) file has been loaded.
East: (default= 0) enter the east (m) value of the borehole collar (ie value at station= 0).
North: (default= 0) enter the north (m) value of the borehole collar (ie value at station= 0).
Elevation: (default= 0) enter elevation (m) value of the borehole collar (ie value at station= 0).
Dip: (optional, default= 0) enter the average angle of descent (dip angle) (degrees) of the borehole.
• Enter a value between -90 and 90. Enter a negative value for up-holes.
Azimuth: (optional, default= 0) enter the average azimuth angle (degrees) of the borehole in local grid.
• Enter a value between 0 and 360.
Note: Detailed dip and azimuth values along the borehole may be utilised from a Borehole Survey (*.sur)
file via the Sensor Processing Form (section 21.6.5).

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21.5.2 IP Survey (Setup) Screen

This screen contains configurations settings for electrode geometry and movement behaviour, and
impedance measurement behaviour. The layout schematic provides a useful graphic for terminology
and will update per configuration, but will not update with user entered values.

Access this screen via the Main Menu > Setup > Summary button.
The options available for editing will vary depending on the IP configuration as selected on the Welcome

Line/Electrode Precision
Coordinate Precision: (default= 0.1) enter the precision (m) to be used for station and line values. This
will restrict allowed values for any line or station value entered here or on the Main Screen. This will
also affect how stations are grouped when displaying Decays or Profiles.
For example, when displaying Decays or Profiles stations at 50 and 50.2:
• precision of 1 will combine these as a single station,
• precision of 0.1 will consider these to be at different stations.
This value may be changed at any time without affecting the station or line value of previously acquired

Direction: (default= East-West) select the direction of the survey lines, either east/west or north/south.
Increment (m): (default= 100) enter the distance value to be used when moving survey lines via the
Move Lines button on the Main Screen's Information Bar.

Transmitter Electrodes
Transmitter lines are referenced by the current electrode (named C1) that is closest to the L1 potential
Tx Line (m): (default= 0) enter the number that represents the easting or northing (m) for the
transmitter line, ie the C1 current electrode.
C1 Easting/Northing (m): (default= 0) enter the along-line easting/northing (m) of the C1 electrode.
C2 Easting/Northing (m): (default= 0, -100) enter the along-line easting/northing (m) of the distant
(infinite) C2 electrode.

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Receiver Electrodes
Receiver lines are referenced by the potential electrode (L1 or L2) that is closest to the C1 current
electrode with the following convention:
• for a single line setup this is named L1,
• for a multi-line setup this is named L1 for the first line plus L2 for the second line (see diagram
for clarification).
Multiline Potential Electrodes: Select this option when your potential electrodes are layed out along
two survey lines so utilising L1 and L2, being Line 1 and Line 2.
Rx Line (m): (default= 0) enter the number that represents the easting or northing (m) for the line of
receiver electrodes, ie the L1 electrode.
Rx Line 1/Line 2 (m): (default= 0) only displayed when when Multiline Potential Electrodes is selected
(see above). enter the number that represents the easting or northing (m) for the two lines of receiver
electrodes, ie the L1 and L2 electrodes.
Spread is to the: (default=East) select which along-line direction the potential dipoles are located from
the reference electrode(s). T.
L1/L2 Easting/Northing (m): (default= 100) enter the along-line easting/northing (m) for each of the L1
and L2 electrodes. L2 will only be displayed when Multi-line Potential Electrodes is selected (see above).

Potential Electrodes
Default Spacing (m): (default= 100) enter the default (initial) along-line distance (m) between potential
electrodes that make up the potential dipole pair. This value is used to populate the initial spacing of
the potential electrodes. The spacing for individual electrodes can be changed on the Hardware Setup
Roll-along Incr. (m): enter the along-line distance (m) to be used when incrementing stations via the Rx
Line scroll buttons (see above) or via the Main Screen's Roll Along buttons.

Contact Impedance
Contact impedance measurement of the electrodes allows the user to locate faulty electrodes or those
with poor ground contact prior to data acquisition. User can select how frequently the measurement is
automatically made. Select from the drop down list:
• Measure every reading: Impedance measurement is made at the start of every acquisition.
• Measure on Spread Change: (default) Impedance measurement is made only when the
transmitter or electrode positions have changed.
• Never measure: Do not measure.
Impedance measurement may be initiated manually using the Launch Impedance Measurement button
on the Main Menu > Information Bar. For impedance measurement the Transmitter should be turned
• Enable warnings: (default= off) select this option to always display, prior to each impedance
measurement and Acquire, a reminder message regarding status of the transmitter.

Line Increment Behaviour

This selection is used by the Increment/Move Line buttons on the Main Screen's Information Bar to
move the Tx and/or Rx Lines to the next line by the Line > Increment value entered on this screen. Lines
may be moved together or separately based on the selection here. Select from the drop down list:
• Move Tx, Rx together: (default) Move all lines to the next lines.
• Move Tx only: Move only the Tx electrodes to the next line.
• Move Rx only: Move only the Rx electrodes to the next line

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Roll-Along Behaviour
This selection is used by the Roll Along buttons on the Main Screen's Information Bar to move the Tx
and/or Rx electrodes along the line by the Potential Electrodes > “a” Spacing value entered on this
screen. Electrode Lines may be moved together or separately based on the selection here. Select from
the drop down list:
• Move Tx, Rx together: (default) Move all electrodes along the line.
• Move Tx only: Move only the Tx electrodes along the line.
• Move Rx only: Move only the Rx electrodes along the line.

Automatic Adjustments
Automatically adjust APPRES polarity: Select this option when you require the acquire processing or
reprocessing to flip the polarity of APPRES if most of the values for the reading/line combination are
negative. Refer to section 15.8.1 FLAGS Column for the state of this setting.

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21.5.3 General (Setup) Screen

This screen allows the user to enter general survey information (meta data) that are saved as headers in
the data file. Also provides settings for automatic repeats and station increment distance (when

Access this screen via the Main Menu > Setup > General button.

This configures general survey information. Most of this information is written as headers to the data
file. Type data in the editable text boxes.
Company: (optional, default= unknown) name of the company/client/contractor.
Operator: (default= user) name of the User Profile being used, as selected on the Welcome Screen. If
this field is updated then a new User Profile will be used/created (using default settings).
Prospect: (optional, default= unknown) name of the project/prospect/survey area.
Tenement: (optional, default= unknown) name of the area or property being surveyed.

Readings are data acquisitions at a particular location (station) and time. Reading numbers are
automatically incremented (by 1) for each acquire. Some surveys require multiple (repeat) readings at
each station, so rather than having to manually instigate repeat readings this setting allows the system
to automatically initiate sequential, repeat readings at the active station, each time the acquire button is
Automatic Repeat: (default= No) select from the list to enable or disable automatic repeats.
Number of Repeats: (default= 1) enter the number of extra readings on each Acquire.
• For example, if enabled and set to 1, then two readings will be automatically taken every time
an acquisition is initiated.

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21.5.4 Transmitter and Timing (Setup) Screen

This screen configures the transmitter and timing and loop data. The screen displays a graphical
representation of the transmitter waveform and the windowing intervals, as specified by the timing
For fixed loop configurations the screen layout will be adjusted (as shown here), to allow settings for
multiple loops if needed. These will be available on the right side of this screen (being the Loop/Wire
Editor Form, (subsection which may also be accessed via the Plan Panel > Setup > Edit Loops

Access this screen via the Main Menu > Setup > Transmitter & Timing button.
Asynchronous Mode: (IP only, default= off) select this option if the transmitter is not synchronised to
the Receiver. The software will determine the synchronisation phase for all channels based on the
waveform of the Reference Channel that is selected on the Setup > Hardware page.
Transmitter Type: (default= Zonge) select from the list the type of transmitter being used. This selection
is only used when directly controlling a Local Transmitter (see “Local transmitter Continuous” below),
but always saved as a column in the data file.
Transmitter Controller Type: (default= EMIT) select from the list the type of the transmitter controller
being used. Incompatible selections may cause final processed data to be incorrect due to different
timing solutions.
Powerline Frequency: (default= 50) select from the list the frequency (Hz) of the local power lines. This
selection will affect the available Base Frequency options in order to minimise powerline effects.
Frequency Table: Select from the list the Frequency Table to use that best matches the Transmitter
Controller being utilised. This will affect the available Base Frequency options due to the various timing
solutions for each transmitter controller.
Base Frequency: (default= 1Hz) select from the list the base frequency (Hz) being directed into the
transmitter loop/dipole. Options are constrained by the above Powerline and Frequency Table settings.
Duty Cycle: (default= 50%) select from the list the relative amount (%) of on time versus off time in the
transmitter waveform's half period. Graphic will update depending on selection.
• 25%: transmitter is on for 25% of the half period, and off for 75%.
• 50%: transmitter is on for 50% of the half period.
• 100%: transmitter is on 100% of the time, with no off time.
Window Scheme: (default= SMARTem Standard) select from the list the scheme to use for windowing
of the final data. Standard window schemes are provided. Graphic will update with the selection.

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• Users may also create and load their own window schemes using Customised window schemes
(SMARTem24User.times) file. See section 15.13.
On Time: (default= no) select Yes to to apply the window scheme to the on time part of the waveform.
Graphic will update to show the window placement. Windowing will use the Turn On and Sensor Delay
times. Data file will contain ‘ONTIME:Yes’ in the header row. For on time windows you may also wish to
subtract the last time window’s data value, see Setup > Processing > On Time Processing (section
Note: The polarity of decays for on time has been updated, such that windowed data are the
same for acquired data and post-processed data, and subtraction of the last window results in
the same decay polarity to off time decay data. So from version 10.6 onward, 100% duty cycle
decays, and VPRI, are reversed in polarity compared to their stacked data. For duty cycles less
than 100% the on time decays and VPRI will be the same polarity as their stacked data.
Window Count: displays in brackets (xx) the total number of timing windows, based on selections of
base frequency, duty cycle, window scheme and on time.
Stacks: (optional, default= 128) enter or select from the list the number of stacks to be included in the
averaging process for the final data (two stacks per transmitter period). This value should be high
enough to achieve high signal-noise but low enough to achieve the required productivity. Some users
prefer to take a single reading of high stacks per station, but for QC purposes it may be preferable to
take several readings of fewer stacks.
This option is not available if the Tx Multiplexer (timed) choice has been selected (at the lower right of
this page). In this situation the maximum number of stacks will be auto-calculated from the loop
Minimum % to Keep: (default= 50) enter the percentage of stacks that must be acquired before the
'Stop acquire and keep' button is enabled. The number of stacks is given within braces to the right of
this control.
Tx Current: (optional, default= 100,1) enter the value of the current (Amps) being transmitted through
the transmitter loop/dipole. For fixed loop/wire surveys this value must be entered for each loop. This
value may be easily updated prior to (each) data acquisition via the Information Bar on the Main Screen.
Turns: (optional, default= 1) enter the number of turns of the transmitter loop. For fixed loop/wire
surveys, this value must be entered for each loop.
Total Current: displays the total effective current (Amps) for each loop, calculated as current * turns,
based on the above values. This value is used for processing and is saved in the data file as the
“CURRENT” value for each reading.
Turn On: (optional, default= 0) enter a value for the time (ms) taken for the transmitter current to switch
on at the start of each transmitter period. For fixed loop/wire surveys this value must be entered for
each loop.
Turn Off: (default= 0) enter a value for the time (ms) taken for the transmitter current to switch off. This
is used for positioning the windows along the waveform in relation the start of the switch off. Graphic
will update with the value. For fixed loop/wire surveys this value must be entered for each loop .

Local Transmitter Continuous

When the transmitter is directly connected to the Receiver then activation of the transmitter timing
control signal can be manually controlled via the SMARTem24 software. This emulates the play/pause
button on the Transmitter Controller.
Start Transmitter Now button: Click to activate transmission of the timing control signal.
Stop Transmitter Now button: Click to deactivate transmission of the timing control signal.

Configure Sync State

Click this button to initiate configuration of the connected controller using the above settings. It may be
used when directly controlling a Local Transmitter or to simply configure a controller.

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Loop Size
For moving loop surveys only.
Along: (default= 100) enter the along line length (m) of the moving loop.
Across: (default= 100) enter the across line length (m) of the moving loop.

Loaded Loops, Loop coordinates and Loop Selection Mode

For surveys with fixed loops/wires only.
Information about these can be found in the section on the Loop/Wire Editor Form. Loop/Wire Editor Form

Open this form to configure the transmitter loop or wire for fixed loop or downhole surveys.
Information may be entered manually or imported from a *.tx file. Loop names are saved as a column in
the data file.

Access this form via the Main Menu > Setup > Transmitter and Timing button; the Plan Panel > Setup >
Edit Loops button; (for Digi TEM projects) the Main Screen > Edit & Process> DigiAtlantis Processing >
Edit Loops button; and (for other projects using Smart Sensors.) the Main Screen > Edit & Process>
Smart Sensor Processing > Edit Loops button

Loaded Loops/Wires
Displays a list of loaded loops or wires. The information below uses the term loop, however it also
applies to MMR projects where wires are loaded instead (substitute wire for loop below). The number
in brackets is the total number loaded.
There must always be at least one loop and the default name is Default_Loop.
Columns are:
Selected Loop: The selected loop is marked with an asterisk on the left. Loop selection should not be
confused with the active loop, which is the loop through which current is to be transmitted for the next
acquire. (See Active Loop, below). If the form is part of the Transmitter and Timing setup page, then the
selected loop is the one used to validate the window scheme and to create the window scheme graphic.
Name: (default=Default_Loop) name of the loop (*.tx file). Can be altered using the rename button (see
Current: (default= 1) enter the value of the current (Amps) being transmitted through the selected loop.
Turns: (optional, default= 1) enter the number of turns for the selected loop.

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Turn On: (optional, default= 0) enter a value for the time (ms) taken for the transmitter current to switch
on at the start of each transmitter period for the selected loop.
Turn Off: (optional, default= 0) enter a value for the time (ms) taken for the transmitter current to switch
off for the selected loop. This is used for positioning the windows along the waveform in relation the
start of the switch off.

Buttons are:
Add button: Click to create a new loop. A file name will be requested and the new loop will become the
selected loop.
Import button: Click to load co-ordinates from an existing *.tx file. If the file chosen is already in the list
of loops then the coordinates will replace the ones for that loop. Refer to section 15.12 for Transmitter
Loop (*.tx) file format.
Copy button: Click to create a new loop with the same settings as the selected loop. A file name will be
requested and the new loop will become the selected loop.
Rename button: Click to rename the selected loop.
Remove button: Click to remove the selected loop from the list. The *.tx file will remain on disk.
Up/Down arrow buttons: Click to move the selected loop up or down the list to change the order in
which it will be used.

In addition, there are right mouse button options for editing values for the selected loops:
Copy Settings: Copy all column values for the selected loop to the clipboard.
Paste Settings to:
• selected loop: Paste clipboard values to the (*) selected loop only.
• all loops: Paste clipboard values to all Loaded (displayed) Loops.
Import Waypoints: Use this option to replace the selected loop’s co-ordinates with those from a .tx file
from another folder. You will prompted to browse to the *.tx file.
Copy Waypoints: Copy co-ordinates of the selected loop to the clipboard.
Paste Waypoints: Paste clipboard co-ordinates to the selected loop.

Loop/Wire Coordinates
Lists the co-ordinates of the vertices for the selected loop. These should be entered in either a
clockwise or anticlockwise sense. Loop vertices will be re-ordered to be clockwise when the editor is
closed and reopened.
East, North, RL columns: the co-ordinate of each vertex of the transmitter loop. These should be in the
same co-ordinate system as the survey station co-ordinates, and collar co-ordinates for DigiAtlantis
projects. Enter co-ordinates as one row per vertex.
Right Click Menu: has actions to cut, copy, paste, delete and insert a row of co-ordinates, as well as
undo and redo. The undo/redo lists are cleared when a new loop is selected.
Clear button: Click to set all loop co-ordinate values for the selected loop to zero.

Loop/Wire Selection Mode (default=Manual)

Choose which method is to be used to switch between loops when more than one loop has been
• Manual: (default) this is the choice for most surveys. Users will manually select the active loop.
Active Loop: The loop to be used for the next acquire can be selected with this drop-
down box. It can also be selected on the Information Bar of the Main Screen.

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• Simultaneous Transmitter: Choose this option if another transmitter loop at a different base
frequency is operating simultaneously within vicinity of the survey. Once enabled, an additional
drop list for the simultaneous transmitter base frequency will be available, next to the standard
Base Frequency option. Processing will occur at the standard Base Frequency using the selected
Active Loop, whilst considering the selected simultaneous base frequency.
◦ Simultaneous Base Frequency: select from the list the base frequency (Hz) being directed
into the simultaneous transmitter. Options will be identical to the Base Frequency list.

◦ Active Loop: If multiple Loaded Loops are listed above, user will also need to manually
select the Active Loop to be used for the next acquire with this drop-down box. It can also
be selected on the Information Bar of the Main Screen.
• Tx Multiplexer (timed): Choose this option only if the transmitter in use is also using an EMIT
SMARTxM Transmitter Output Multiplexer. Loops will be automatically cycled in the order they
appear in the Loaded Loops list (above).
Loop Duration: (default=120 sec, min.= 30 sec) Enter the value (seconds) for the
duration of each multiplexed loop. This value must match the loop duration selected on
the SMARTxM. The number of stacks will be automatically calculated during the
acquire, rather than specified on the Setup > Timing page.
Tx Acquire Delay: (default=0 sec) Enter the value (seconds) for any extra delay you want
to have between the loop switch and the start of the acquire. A standard delay is
already included, so this delay is only required if the transmitter in use does extra

Close button: Click to save changes, update *.tx files and return to the previous screen.

21.5.5 Processing (Setup) Screen

Parameters used for processing raw data to final windowed data during acquisition are defined here.

Access this screen via the Main Menu > Setup > Processing button.

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Smart Stacking: (default= yes) is option to use tapered stacking where a portion of the initial and final
stacks will have less effect on the data.
Smart Windowing: (default= yes) is option to use tapered windowing where a portion of the initial and
final stacked samples within a window will have less effect.
Tuned Windows: (default= no) is an option to adjust & optimise window sizes to minimise the effects of
the selected noise source. Only windows of sufficient width are modified and the modifications are
subtle enough so there is no significant change to the start or end time of the window. Select the noise
source from the list.
Spheric Filter: (default= no, presently disabled) is an option to enable filtering of spherics (short spikes in
the data, typically from from electricity storms) during reprocessing. Values that exceed a certain range
(threshold) from the running average will be discarded. This process is somewhat time consuming so
may be performed during reprocessing instead.
• Threshold: (default= 20) enter threshold value (mV). Data exceeding the average by this value
will be discarded. The value should be large enough to not exclude normal data noise levels.
PED Filter: (default= 0, presently disabled) is frequency of PED to be filtered out.
PED Harmonics: (default= 0, presently disabled) number of harmonics to include in PED filtering.
Calculate Primary Field: (default= yes) option to calculate the measured primary field during acquisition.
The value is averaged over the defined time range, relative to the start of transmitter switch off.
• Enter negative values for B field EM data (to capture on time data)
• Enter positive values for dB/dt data (to capture ramp data) and MMR data (to capture on time
• Start Time (ms): (default= -3) enter start of the time range. Sensor delay is added to this.
• Primary End (ms): (default= -2) enter end of the time range. Sensor delay is added to this.
Real Time Process: (default= no) option to control when these processes are undertaken.
• Yes: processing occurs during a reading's acquisition cycle with incrementally processed data
being displayed.
• No: all processing occurs at the completion of the reading, which takes a few seconds.

On Time Processing
• Subtract Last Window: (default = no) Option to subtract the last window’s data value from the
other data windows, for each data row. The last window remains unchanged. Only available for
on time data (see Setup > Transmitter & Timing > On Time setting). Adds
‘REDUCTION:SubLstWnd’ to the data file header row. To adjust existing data see Edit & Process
> Reprocess or (Smart/Digi) Sensor Processing options (section 21.6).

Output File Options

Save Stacked: (default= yes) option to automatically save stacked files per acquisition cycle. If raw files
are saved then stacked files can always be recreated through reprocessing.
Save Raw: (default= yes) option to save raw files per acquisition cycle. It is recommended that these
files be saved to allow for reprocessing, recreating of stacked files or for interrogation if required.

21.5.6 Hardware Setup Screen

Use this screen to configure settings for the connected hardware device on a per input group or per
channel basis. User can set sensor types, gain values, sensor offsets and final data units. Options on
display will be limited by the connected device and survey configuration settings selected on the
Welcome Screen.

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Access this screen via the Main Menu > Setup > Hardware button.
Refresh button: Click to apply Power Feed setting and update the screen.
A yellow warning icon indicates a conflict between the base unit's current power state and the
Power Feed settings on this screen. This may occur when reopening a project. Click the Refresh
button to reapply the settings.

IP Projects Only
Enabled Channels/Enabled Line1 Chans: Select or type the number of IP channels (electrode pairs) to
be used for the first line.
Enabled Line2 Chans: Select or type the number of IP channels (electrode pairs) to be used for the
second line.
Asynchronous Reference Channel: (default= 1) Select from the drop-down list the channel to be used
as reference when determining synchronisation phase for all channels. Only available when
Asynchronous Mode has been selected on the Transmitter and Timing (Setup) Screen.

These options apply to all channels in that input group.
Sampling Rate: (default= 24000) frequency (samples per second) at which the input response is sampled
for analogue to digital conversion. There is one ADC per input channel group but all use the same
sample rate. Select from the drop down list. Note that this is different to the base frequency.
Power Feed: options for SMARTem24 Receiver to supply power to the selected Channel Group from the
19-pin connector. This option is not available in DigiAtlantis. Select from the drop down list. The base
unit's Power LED reflects the current power state and will update immediately upon changes to the
Power Feed selection (see section7.1.2.2 LEDs). Initiating Scope or Acquire will also apply the selected
Power Feed option.
• Off: (default) No power is ever supplied. Power LED will be solid green.
• On: Power is continuously supplied. Power LED will blink.
◦ Select this option when using EMIT's SMART Fluxgate or Current Monitor.
◦ If using EMIT's IP Breakout and collecting impedance measurements, then power is required
for the first channel group.
• Auto Off: Power is on, but is then turned off during a reading and back on once the reading has
been completed. Power LED will blink when supplying power and be solid green when not.
◦ This should be used where the sensor (coil for example) is self-powered but has an EMIT
Tilt/Orientation sensor attached. This helps improve the SNR as the EMIT tilt sensors
generate a small amount of EMI that can be seen on very low noise coils.

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These options apply to each input channel for each input group. Some options may be not
changeable(ie grey ed out) or not displayed (ie not applicable) for the connected device.
Ch: Displays the channel numbers.
• For non-IP projects, these are auto-detected and will depend on the number of channel
modules installed into the Receiver base unit.
• For IP projects, as per user entered Number of IP Channels (see above).
Comp: (default= off) option to define the sensor component. Select from the drop down list.
• If set to 'off' then no data will be displayed or saved for that input channel.
Sensor: Select from the drop down list.
• Additional sensors may be added to this list using Custom sensors (CustomSensorDefinition.xml)
file, as described in section 15.14.
Nulling: (default= yes) option to null the earth's magnetic field prior to signal passing through the ADC to
improve signal resolution. Select from the drop down list. This will add a few seconds to the acquisition
Gain: (default= 1) option to apply a multiplier to incoming voltage signal prior to the ADC to improve
resolution. The high resolution of the SMARTem24's 24-bit ADCs generally mean a value of 1 is
adequate for most surveys. Careful selection ensures data is not clipped by voltage limits of the ADC
(+/-12V). Select from the drop down list.
Units: (default= uV/A,pT/A) option to select the units for the data file. Options list will be limited by
sensor selection. Select from the drop down list.
Sensor Delay: (default= 0,30) enter the time (us) taken for the sensor output to respond to applied
signal. This is used when processing to final data to allow for different response-time characteristics of
sensors. Values set by the device (such as for DigiAtlantis and Smart Fluxgate) cannot be edited.
(Rx-Sensor) East Offset: (default= 0) is the distance (m east) that the sensor is offset from the receiver
GPS (limited by the sensor cable length). Enter a negative value if the sensor is west of the receiver.
(Rx-Sensor) North Offset: (default= 0) is the distance (m north) that the sensor is offset from the
receiver GPS (limited by the sensor cable length). Enter a negative value if the sensor is south of the
Slingram: (default= no) option to enable slingram configuration. Once enabled the fixed offset between
the sensor and the centre of the transmit loop can be defined - this would generally be constant for a
survey. The station value becomes the mid-point between the transmit loop and sensor.
• (Sensor-Tx) Offset: (default= 0) enter the distance (m) between the sensor and the centre of the
transmit loop. A value of 0 is equivalent to an inloop survey, ie setting slingram= no. Enter a
negative value if the transmit loop is west/south of the sensor.
• Direction: option to define the direction that the transmitter loop and sensor are offset from
each other. An along line displacement will result in the offset being applied to the station term,
and an across line displacement will change the line value. It is therefore possible to perform a
multi-line and multi-station acquisition.
• AlongLine: (default) indicates that the Tx loop is in front or behind the sensor when
traversing along the survey line
• AcrossLine: indicates that the Tx loop is to the left or right of the sensor when traversing
along the survey line.
Spacing: (IP projects only) select the spacing between the electrodes for this channel.
Electrode 1: (IP Projects only) displays the E, N position of the first electrode of the dipole pair for this
Electrode 2: (IP Projects only) displays the E, N position of the second electrode of the dipole pair for
this channel.
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Sensor Gain Z: (VECTEM-V sensor only, default = 1) option to apply gain at the sensor for the Z
component. Select from the drop down list.
Sensor Gain X/Y: (VECTEM-V sensor only, default = 1) option to apply gain at the sensor for the X and Y
components. The X and Y components will be set to use the same gain. Select from the drop down list.

21.5.7 Location (GPS & Geographic Setup) Screen

Options to define the station location either manually or based on GPS.

Access this screen via the Main Menu > Setup > Location button.

GPS Status
Displays the current GPS status

GPS Location
Geodetic Datum: (default= WGS84) defines the reference ellipsoid for GPS processing. Select from the
Latitude/Longitude/Altitude: Calculated from the GPS information using the chosen Geodetic Datum.

GPS UTM Location

Enforce UTM Zone: (default=off)
UTM Zone: (Defaults to the zone calculated from the GPS) select UTM zone (1-60) to be used, or 0 to use
UPS (Universal Polar Stereographic).
Raw GPS Easting/Northing/Elevation: Calculated from the GPS Location, using the chosen UTM Zone or
the UPS if the zone was set to 0.

Receiver Location
Configures the settings for defining location of the receiver, and hence the station position. Only
available for surface TEM projects.
Location Mode: (default= manual) option to define the receiver position, choose from the list.
• Manual: user to manually increment station locations.
• Auto: software will calculate station co-ordinates (E,N,RL) based on GPS information and the
following settings:
• Snap Distance: (default=50) resolution of co-ordinates. Note that this should be at least
twice as large as the GPS positional accuracy shown in the GPS Status information.
• Snap Easting/Northing: Calculated from the GPS UTM Location, using the current Snap

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21.5.8 Smart Device (Setup) Screen

Access this screen via the Main Menu > Setup > Smart Device button.

Orientation Options
Choose the type of orientation correction that you wish to apply to the data at the end of reach reading.
For consistent results, only one option should be chosen per survey line. However, the option may be
changed afterwards in order to reprocess data in a different manner, via the Smart Sensor Processing >
Update Rotation Form (see section The selected option is recorded in the data file's FLAGS
All processing takes into account the calibration of the magnetometers and accelerometers if they have
been calibrated by EMIT.
Orientation Corrections: (default=Correct for Tilt Only)
• No Corrections: (FLAGS= N) data will be left as collected with no corrections made for
orientation of the platform. It is expected that the SMART Fluxgate platform is levelled to be
horizontal and aligned with its X axis in the desired direction. Usually the X axis would be
aligned using a compass or by sighting along the survey line.
• Correct for Tilt Only: (FLAGS= T) data will be corrected for the tilts but no azimuth change will
be applied. It is assumed that the platform has its X axis aligned with the desired X axis survey
azimuth, usually using a compass or by sighting along the survey line. The resulting processed
data should simulate the data that would have been collected had the SMART Fluxgate been
level and aligned.
• Correct for Tilt and Azimuth: (FLAGS= A) data will be corrected for both the tilts and the
azimuth. This option could be selected where it is difficult to level or align the platform.
Requires the local magnetic field values to be entered (see below) and also the desired azimuth.
The magnetometer outputs will be used as a compass to align the processed measurements in
the desired directions. The resulting processed data should simulate the data that would have
been collected had the SMART Fluxgate been level and aligned. Only available for smart devices
with magnetometers.
• Required Azimuth: (default=0 deg) the final azimuth (0-360degs) required for the
orientation of the data. Values will be de-rotated using the calculated rotation, inclination
and azimuth and then rotated so that X axis is aligned with this azimuth. Azimuth angles are
referenced to True North (and not Magnetic North) because processing takes into account
the local Magnetic Declination. User specified azimuth is recorded in the header of the data
• Calculate Azimuth: (default= off) option allows the calculation and storage of the azimuth in the
DAT file. Requires local magnetic field values to be entered (see below). Azimuth angles are

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referenced to True North as processing takes into account the local Magnetic Declination. Only
available for smart devices with magnetometers.
• Deconvolve: (default=off) option allows those sensors with deconvolution data to either
perform or not perform the deconvolution of stack data at the end of an acquire or when
reprocessing. The resultant altered stacked files are put in the stacked\Decon directory, unless
the Save Stacked option is off (see 21.5.5 Processing (Setup) Screen).
The software estimates those three rotation angles from the information presented to it - two of the
angles (“Rotation” about X axis and “Inclination” rotation about Y axis) specify the tilts of the platform
and one angle (“Azimuth” rotation about Z axis) specifies the azimuth of the platform. The processing
may then correct for these angles, and in the case of correcting also for Azimuth aligns the final results
so that X axis data aligns with the desired azimuth.
These angles (in units of degrees) are written to data files when available. Current values may also be
viewed at any time via the Setup > Smart Device tab and by clicking the “Get Orientation” button, as
described below.

Local Magnetic Field Values

Local Magnetic Field values are used to define the azimuth orientation of the sensor. Magnetic field
declination and inclination values, and other field values, can be obtained from or other equivalent websites. The website requires
the user to enter the location and date of the survey so that field values can be calculated.
Magnetic Declination: (default= 0) enter the declination (degrees) of the earth’s magnetic field at the
survey location relative to the grid North.
• Values range from -180 to 180. Enter a positive value if magnetic north is east of grid north.
• If you wish to consider azimuth values relative to True North then you can enter values here
directly from websites.
• If you wish azimuth values to be relative to a Local Grid North then you enter a value relative to
that grid. If the local grid (LG) is rotated from True North by (+ or -) LG degrees then the entered
value should be the declination value from the website minus LG.
Magnetic Inclination: (default= 0) enter the inclination (degrees) of the earth's magnetic field at the
survey location.
• Values range from -90 to 90. Enter a negative value for southern hemisphere.

Sensor Orientation
Options to calculate and display the current sensor orientation, including inclination and rotation, and
azimuth (using the above magnetic field values) if requested.
Select Module: Select the connected device from the list.
Get Orientation button: Click to calculate and display current orientation information.

• Report accelerometer errors at end of acquire: (default=on) Reports a warning at the end of
each acquire if accelerometer values vary or exceed threshold values. If this setting is turned off
it will be turned back on when a file is loaded or when any reprocessing is done.

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21.5.9 DigiAtlantis (Setup) Screen

Access this screen via the Main Menu > Setup > DigiAtlantis button.

Display and select data transfer (DSL) rate from the Controller to the Probe. Note that a summary of DSL
information is also available via the StatusApp > Summary tab.
Inspect DSL Details: Click this button to open the DSL Details form, which displays the current DSL
DSL Rate: (default= 44) displays the current DSL rate.
• Get button: Click to re-interrogate the device and display its DSL rate.
• Set button: if required, enter the new rate to be used and click Set button to apply. System may
take up to a few minutes to update.
• Recommended minimum DSL values for a given sampling rate (as selected on Hardware Setup
Screen) are listed below.
Sampling Rate Minimum DSL Rate
24k 36
19.2k 30
18k 28
16k 25
14.4k 22
12k 19
• If using a long winch and having having trouble establishing a good DSL connection, refer to
subsection DSL connection rate for long (+2km) winches .

Orientation Options
• Calculate Azimuth: (default= off) option allows the calculation and storage of the probe azimuth
in the DAT file. Requires local magnetic field values to be entered (see below). Azimuth angles
are referenced to True North as processing takes into account the local Magnetic Declination.

Local Magnetic Field Values

Local Magnetic Field values are used to define the azimuth orientation of the sensor. Magnetic field
declination and inclination values, and other field values, can be obtained from

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USER GUIDE for the SMARTem24 and borehole DigiAtlantis Systems 21 Apr 2023 or other equivalent websites. The website requires

the user to enter the location and date of the survey so that field values can be calculated.
These values may also be configured on the Survey File Options Form via the Main Menu > Edit &
Process > DigiAtlantis Processing > SUR File Create button (section
Magnetic Declination: (default= 0) enter the declination (degrees) of the earth’s magnetic field at the
survey location relative to the grid North.
• Values range from -180 to 180. Enter a positive value if magnetic north is east of grid north.
• If you wish to consider azimuth values relative to True North then you can enter values here
directly from websites.
• If you wish azimuth values to be relative to a Local Grid North then you enter a value relative to
that grid. If the local grid (LG) is rotated from True North by (+ or -) LG degrees then the entered
value should be the declination value from the website minus LG.
Magnetic Inclination: (default= 0) enter the inclination (degrees) of the earth's magnetic field at the
survey location.
• Values range from -90 to 90. Enter a negative value for southern hemisphere..

Sensor Orientation
Calculates and displays the current sensor orientation, including inclination, rotation and azimuth when
Select Module: Select the connected device from the list.
Get Orientation: Click this button to calculate and display current orientation information.

• Report accelerometer errors at end of acquire: (default=on) Reports a warning at the end of
each acquire if accelerometer values vary or exceed threshold values. If this setting is turned off
it will be turned back on when a file is loaded or when any reprocessing is done. Optimising DSL connection rate for long (+2km) winches

Long winches can make it difficult to establish a reliable DSL connection between the probe and the
controller. To check whether your winch may cause a communication problem, connect the system as
normal and confirm the state of the LEDs on the Probe's Controller:
• CH1 LED: solid green = link is ok.
• for other states, refer to the Common Hardware Operations section on LEDs, section
Even if the DSL link is established there may be too many errors for an acquisition to succeed. In which
case both the DSL rate and the sampling rate (configured on the Hardware Setup Screen, section 21.5.6,
via Main Menu > Setup > Hardware) may need to be adjusted.
Also refer to Trouble Shooting in section 23 to confirm hardware integrity.

Check DSL Details

To check the current DSL status, open the Summary Tab in the StatusApp application. Note that
detailed DSL information is also available via the SMARTem24 software > Setup > DigiAtlantis > Inspect
DSL Details button.
To check the errors, observe the HEC CRC field - if this number is incrementing it indicates an error prone
connection (note it may be non-zero but shouldn't be increasing) and the DSL link rate should therefore
be adjusted.
Note: When the probe is moved in the borehole to another station there may be a burst of CRC errors,
so we do not rely on this value to determine if we should drop the DSL link under normal operating

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Procedure to optimise DSL rate

The following procedure is a guide for setting the DSL rate, in the case where long or poor condition
winches are producing communication failures.
1. Connect the system to the winch.
2. Turn the system on.
• The first time a connection over the winch is attempted it may take about 3 minutes
before the probe and controller establish a connection, at its fallback rate which is not
fast enough to collect data.
3. Wait for the connection, indicated by the CH1 LED.
• A flashing green CH1 LED indicates a reduced connection speed. You must have a
connection to continue. See Trouble Shooting below if you cannot initially connect over
the winch.
4. Check the DSL details on the Summary Tab of Status App, as outlined above.
5. To adjust the DSL rate, click the Set button and type in the new value and click ‘Ok’. The rate
should be set as high as the winch allows. Refer to table in section 21.5.9 - DigiAtlantis (Setup)
Screen above for minimum DSL values based on sampling rate. Start from the bottom of the list
and work up until a link becomes reliable, then drop back one setting.
The noise margin value is recommended to be 9 or above. Lowering the DSL rate will increase
the noise margin.
6. The controller's CH1 LED will turn red as the controller and probe reset the DSL connection to
the new speed. Wait for it to turn green - this may take several minutes. If it does not succeed
after two minutes, the system will automatically attempt to re-establish the connection at a
fallback rate of 12. Do NOT resubmit the rate during this time as it may result in the Probe and
Controller being out of step with each other.
The StatusApp will display the stages the system goes through when establishing a connection,
a) Pending
b) Waiting_TSilence
c) GHS_Activating
d) BP_Activating
e) FR_Activating
f) Active
If the system is failing to progress with establishing the connection, it will flick backwards and
forwards between the first three or four states on the list repeatedly, rather than progressing
down to the final state. (See Trouble Shooting below)
7. After the connection has been established, the probe DSL settings should be displayed. Check
the ‘HEC CRC’ field - the value should not be incrementing over time. If it is, then the DSL
connection should be changed to a lower rate. Refer to points 5 & 6 above.

Trouble Shooting
Also refer to Trouble Shooting in section 23 to confirm hardware integrity. If the winch is particularly
long and resulting in communication errors or dropped connections, it may be best to follow the
instructions above via a direct connection using the probe charge cable, ie without the winch, to
establish the initial connection.
In this case, set the desired DSL rate and wait for controller CH1 LED to become red. Quickly connect the
controller and probe back to the winch - this must be accomplished within one minute to guarantee
enough time for the connection to be established.
If after four minutes the connection still hasn’t been established, hitting the play/pause button will reset
the connection. The system will then attempt to connect at the standard DSL rate of 44, and
successively drop the rate from there. Refer to controller's CH1 LED for status.
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If all else fails please connect the probe to the controller using the Probe Charge cable and cycle the
power on the controller.

Note: During the survey, if the connection is lost for any longer than 2 minutes the probe/controller
might try to re-establish the connection at the fallback rate, at which point the speed may need to be
reset again. This is indicated by the SMARTem24 software failing to collect enough data and the CH1
LED status (flashing green).

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21.6 Post Acquire Editing and Processing

This form is accessed via Main Menu > Edit & Process button.
File: name of the currently loaded data file. Some options below may just update this file, others may
prompt to write to a new data file.
Reprocess button: Click to open the Reprocessing Form to create stacked or data files from raw or
stacked files with any updated settings. Refer to section 21.6.1.
Edit Data button: Click to open the Edit Data Form to allow editing of some data columns. Refer to
section 21.6.2.
Unit Conversion button (not displayed for TIP or DigiAtlantis projects): Click to open the Unit
Conversion Form to convert data from one set of units to another. Refer to section 21.6.3.
Sensor Conversion button (only displayed for TEM projects that did not use a smart sensor): Click to
open the Sensor Conversion Form to convert data so that it appears to have been taken using a different
sensor and sensor definition. Refer to section 21.6.4.
Sensor Processing: Click to open the Sensor Processing Form for extra processing options. Refer to
section 21.6.5.
DigiAtlantis Processing button (displayed for DigiAtlantis projects): Click to open the DigiAtlantis
Processing Dialogue for extra Digi-specific processing options. Refer to section 21.6.6.
Smart Sensor Processing button (displayed for projects with smart, non-Digi, sensors): Click to open the
Smart Sensor Processing Form for extra processing options. Refer to section 21.6.7.

Note that some of these options may simply apply math to the current data file, whilst some options will
require reprocessing from raw or stacked files in order to finalise the changes made. The latter options
are indicated with the red asterisk, and the user may also be prompted further along in the process.

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21.6.1 Reprocessing Form

This form is for (re)creating data files, creating stacked files and reprocessing from raw files.

This form can be accessed via the Main Menu > Edit & Process > Reprocess button.
Values on this form will be populated initially from the current survey settings. Changes made here will
not alter those current survey settings, unless the current data file is overwritten by this reprocessing.

Select Line
This list option is only available for multi-line projects, and displays all the lines available within the data
Select the lines to be reprocessed. Multiple lines may be selected using Ctrl or Shift keys in combination
with mouse or arrow keys.
• This option may be used to produce a single line file of processed data from a multi-line project.
• To export a single line without any changes, the Export TEM/MMR/IP option may also be used
via Main Menu > Files > Export button. See section 21.7.1 Export Form.
Process for all lines: (default) select this option to include all lines in the data file for reprocessing. This
will disable individual selections.

Choose which source files to use for the processing– the selection will affect which further processing
options will then be made available:
Reprocess from Raw: select this to create new stacked and/or data files from the raw time series files. It
will be disabled if no raw files exist. This option will enable filtering and transmitter options. See
Destination below for selection of data file name and stacked directory.
Reprocess from Stacked (default): select this to create a new data file from stacked files.
• Input Stacked Folder: (default=the current stacked folder) select from the drop list the folder
containing the stacked files to be used for the reprocessing.

Stack Options
Options to create and apply filtering to stacked files.
SMART stacking: (default= yes) select this option to use tapered stacking, whereby a portion of the
initial and final stacks will have less effect on the stacking process.

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Notch Filter: (default= no) select this option to apply notch filtering of the stacked files. Settings are
configured via the adjacent button.
• Setup Notch Filter: Click this button to open the Notch Filter Form to configure PED, 50Hz, 60Hz
or other frequency settings. See section

Transmitter Options
Options to change transmitter settings applied to the data. Only available when reprocessing from Raw.
Unchanged settings will be sourced from either the raw files or the current data file.
Select which transmitter settings are to be changed, and then select the new setting from the list.
Settings that can be changed are:
• Tx Controller Type
• Powerline Frequency
• Base Frequency: enables choice of new timing table and frequency, and simultaneous
transmitter frequency.
• Duty Cycle
For any of these four settings that are not changed, the setting will be sourced from either the raw file
or the current data file, as selected by the user. Choose either:
• Non selected values sourced from Raw file: (default) choose this option to source non-selected
values from the raw files. Useful if the data file has altered values.
• Non selected values sourced from Data file: Choose this this option to source non-selected
values from the current data file. Useful if the data file has modified values you wish to retain.
If the Base Frequency option is selected, the user may also select a simultaneous transmitter frequency.
Simultaneous Frequency: (default= no) select this option to set the frequency of a simultaneous
transmitter. The list of available frequencies will be the same as Base Frequency.

See section 21.5.4 Transmitter and Timing (Setup) Screen for information on the transmitter settings.

Options for creating and naming the data and/or stacked files. Choose from the three options:
• Write new data file only: (default) only the data file will be created.
• Write both: Create a new data file and new stacked files. Only available if Reprocess from raw
was selected.
• Write stacked files only: Create new stacked files, but do not create a new data file. Only
available if Reprocess from raw was selected.
Based on the above choice, enter the name of the new file and/or folder to be created:
• Output Data File Name: (default=<Current File Name>_New)
• Output Stacked Folder Name: (default=<Current Stacked Directory>)

Windowed Data Options

Options for applying windowing to the stacked data, and some extra processing options, including on
time windowing. Some incorrect settings used during the survey can be 'corrected' here. Some options
are not available for all survey types.
Adjust Window Scheme: (default= no) select to enable changing of the windowing scheme applied to
the data, then select the new scheme from the drop down list (default= SMARTem Standard).
• Users may create and load their own window schemes using Customised window schemes
(SMARTem24User.times) file. See section 15.13.

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Smart Windowing: (default= yes) select to use tapered windowing during reprocessing where a portion
of the early and late samples within a window will have less effect.
Tuned Windows: (default= no) an option to adjust and optimise window sizes to minimise the effects of
the selected noise source. Only windows of sufficient width are modified and the modifications are
subtle enough so there is no significant change to the start or end time of the window. Select the noise
source from the list.
• No: no adjustment
• Powerlines: Select to filter 50/60 Hz and harmonics.
• Small Window Powerline Eliminate (SWiPE): (default= no) option to further reduce the
effects of powerlines on narrow windows.
• PED: Personal Emergency Device, an in-mine communication system centred on 374Hz. Select
to filter PED and harmonics.
Use Data Multiplier: (default= no) select to enter multiplier values for each channel.
Adjust TurnOff: (default= no) select to use this new transmitter turn off time (ms).
Adjust TurnOn (default= no) select to use this new transmitter turn on time (ms).
Calculate Primary Field (VPRI): (default= yes) option to calculate measured primary field from stack
data. The value is averaged over the defined time range, relative to the start of transmitter switch off.
• Enter negative values for B field EM data (to capture on time data)
• Enter positive values for dB/dt data (to capture ramp data) and MMR data.
• Start Time (ms): (default= -3) enter start of the time range. Sensor delay is added to this.
• Primary End (ms): (default= -2) enter end of the time range. Sensor delay is added to this.
Subtract Last Window from all others: (default= no) option to subtract the last window’s data value
from the other data windows, for each data row. The last window remains unchanged. New data file
will contain ‘REDUCTION:SubLstWnd’ in the header row.
On Time: (default= no) select to apply the window scheme to the on time, rather than off time, part of
the waveform. Windowing will use the Turn On and Sensor Delay times. New data file will contain
‘ONTIME:Yes’ in the header row. For on time data you may also wish to subtract the last time window’s
data value (see above). Also see Setup > Transmitter and Timing (Setup) Screen for a note regarding
data polarity.

Other Options
Write available accelerometer values to data file: (default=no) select to regenerate accelerometer
values from the raw or stacked file source. Useful when data file has missing values in some instances.
Associated columns will be recalculated.

Apply button: Click to create the data file and/or stacked files based on the chosen processing settings.
If the data file exists a warning will be displayed.
Cancel button: Click to close this form and make no changes. Notch Filter Form

Use this form to configure the filter settings when stacking. The filter being applied is a notch filter.
Filtered frequencies are interpolated rather than being weighted to zero.

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Access this form via Main Menu > Edit & Process > Reprocess > Stack Options > (enable Notch Filter) >
Setup Notch Filter button.

Set Frequency
Use this upper section to define the characteristic of each filter frequency. Multiple frequencies may be
added by entering new values and clicking the Add button.
Frequency (Hz): (default=50) enter the frequency to be added to the filtering process. The buttons
below may also be used to quickly define the value:
• PED button: (default= 374) click to use this value.
• 50 Hz button: (default= 50) click to use this value.
• 60 Hz button: (default= 60) click to use this value.
Filter Width (Hz): (default= 4) Enter the width of the filter, the maximum value is 400 Hz.
Harmonic numbers: (default= 1)select which odd harmonics of the selected frequency are to be
included in the filtering.
Add button: Click to add these selections to the filter list. Click this button after editing the values to
add multiple frequencies.

Freq Start, Freq End, Harmonics

This lists the frequency settings to be applied, and is appended to each time the Add button is clicked.
List items include calculated and selected parameters of the filtering based on the user entered values.
FreqStart: starting frequency of filter range, calculated as (Frequency – ½ Width).
Freq End: starting frequency of filter range, calculated as (Frequency + ½ Width).
Harmonics: the odd harmonic to be included. Multiple harmonics will be listed as separate rows.
Remove button: Click a button to remove that row of settings from the processing.

OK button: Click to save these processing settings and return to the previous screen.

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21.6.2 Edit Data Form

Open this form to change a column value in the data file or to manually resynchronise stacked files.
Various options become active depending on their relevance to selections made.
This form is accessed via Main Menu > Edit & Process > Edit Data button.
To use, select the parameter (or file) to be edited, enter the new value and then click the Change button
to perform the change. Repeat for different parameters or values. In some instances the data file will
need to be reprocessed via the Reprocessing Form for these changes to take effect.

Edit Data
Line: Choose the survey line to be edited, from the drop down list.
Column/File: Choose the data that is to be changed, from the drop down list.
• Station: Select to change the station value for a reading.
• TurnOn (ms): Select to change transmitter turn on time by reading or time.
• TurnOff (ms): Select to change transmitter turn off time by reading or time.
• Effective Current (A): Select to change transmitter effect current value by reading or time.
• Loop: Select to change the loop used for particular readings.
• Sample Shift: Select to change sample shift when viewing and processing stacked files, e.g to
account for synchronisation issues.
• Data: Select to change data (CH1, CH2...) values by applying a basic math operation (+, -, * or /).
All Channels/Readings/Stns/Rdngs: Select if want to apply changes to all readings/stations/channels.
Change button: Click to perform the requested change to the data file. There is no undo button.
Close button: Click to close the form.

Select by: Choose to make changes based on reading number or time. Is only visible for some
parameters, being station, turn-off time or effective current.
• Reading: Select to edit the parameter on a per reading basis.

• Reading: Select the reading number from the drop down list.
• All Channels: (default): Changes all channels to the same value. Uncheck to enable
individual channel/row selection by the drop list.
• Channel: Choose which channel is to have its parameter changed. Can use ctrl
or shift keys for multiple selections.
• Parameter old value: displays the saved value for the selected parameter.
• Parameter new value: enter the new value for the selected parameter.
• Time: Select to edit the parameter based on a date and time range.

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• Starting Date, Time: (default= first reading) choose start date & time for the time range.
• Ending Date, Time: (default= last reading) choose end date & time for the time range.
• Starting Value: (default= first readings value) enter the Parameter's value for the start of
the time range.
• Ending Value: (default= last reading's value) enter the Parameter’s value for the end of
the time range.

Changes the loop for one or more readings. If primary field rotation had previously been utilised then it
will be recalculated upon making the change.

• Choose Readings to edit: Select one or more readings for which the loop needs changing.
• Update Loop to: Select the new loop from the drop list of loaded loops.

Sample Shift
Changes the sample shift for one or more readings. Values are saved to the data file as “SAMP_SHIFT”
column. The EM windowed data will not be updated until reprocessing is done via Main Screen > Edit &
Process > Reprocess.

• Choose Stn/Rdg to edit: Select one or more reading for which the sample shift needs changing.
• Current sample shift: displays the saved sample shift value if the selected readings have the
same value. Displays “Multiple Values” if there are different values.
• New sample shift: enter the number of samples to shift the file by. Note that this number is the
final number, and is not cumulative. E.g., if current shift is 20 and need to shift along another 30
samples, then enter 50.

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Apply a math operation to all the data in a line.

• All Channels: (default): Changes all channels to the same value. Uncheck to enable individual
channel/row selection by the drop list.
• Channel: Choose which channel is to have its parameter changed.
• Operation: (default=Multiply) select the operation to be applied out of Multiply, Divide, Add and
• Value: (default=1) enter the value to be applied for the given operation.

21.6.3 Unit Conversion Form

This form allows the user to change the final units in which the data is stored. It does not convert data
to a different sensor type.

This form is accessed via the Main Menu > Edit & Process > Unit Conversion button.
Select the data rows to be processed by choosing either the type of sensor or the name of the sensor.
22 Li-ion Batteries – Care & MaintenanceThe units for that selection (as given in the dat file) are
displayed. If multiple values are found then choose from the list the one to be processed.
Select from the list the requested final units. Only units valid for that sensor type are available.
Click Apply to processes the selected rows.
Make further selections to apply if required. When finished click the Close button.

21.6.4 Sensor Conversion Form

This form allows the user to change all data affected by the original choice of sensor definition. Applying
the choices will convert all rows with the chosen sensor type, channel and component within the chosen
range of readings, to values consistent with having been acquired with the chosen sensor definition.
Therefore if, for example, Coil_100sqm was accidentally chosen originally for Channel 1, then the data
can be reprocessed to change this to be consistent for Coil_1000sqm having been chosen instead.

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• It only changes those readings that match the channel, component and sensor type or sensor
name chosen.
• It only changes values that are affected by the change in Sensor Definition (name).
• The new Sensor Definition name is written to the data file.
• The sensor delay is only changed if the chosen Sensor Definition has a defined sensor delay,
otherwise it remains as chosen on the setup form.
• The units change only if the units chosen on the setup form are not available for the new Sensor

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21.6.5 Sensor Processing Form

This screen provides processing options for non-smart sensor projects. If wanting to recreate a data file
from stacked or raw files use the reprocessing screen, via Main Menu > Edit & Process > Reprocess

This screen is accessed via Main Menu > Edit & Process > Sensor Processing button. When processing
changes the data, the displayed graphic panels will be updated.
Options displayed will depend on the survey configuration and the sensors connected. For DigiAtlantis
options see section 21.6.6 below. For Smart sensor options see section 21.6.7 below.

Loop Setup
Edit Loops button: Click to load and/or edit Tx loop information for fixed loop surveys. Opens the
Loop/Wire Editor Form, see section

Processing Options
Calculate Theoretical Primary Field: Calculates the Theoretical Primary Field values (TPRIM &
TOTAL_TPRIM) based on station location (E, N, RL) and Tx loop information. Click this button to update
the data file and the displayed data. Values are auto-recalculated if related parameters are changed.
Cross-component values are based on line direction, such that X component is along line direction (+ve
to increasing east/north) and Y component is across (left of) line direction (+ve to north/west). For Fixed
Loop surveys the loop’s RL values may need to be 0m.
Reverse Polarity: Reverses the polarity of all components/channel data, by multiply by -1. Is generally
used when measured primary field (VPRI) is reversed to theoretical primary field (TPRIM). Click the
button to update the data file and the displayed data.
Subtract Last Window: For each data row, subtracts the last window’s data value from the other data
windows. The last time window remains unchanged. Click the button to update the displayed data and
the data file (adds ‘REDUCTION:SubLstWnd’ to the header and a comment). [Note: User beware -
Presently, no checks are performed to determine if this action had already been undertaken. Each
button click will subtract the channel value again and add a new comment.] Also see 21.6.1
Reprocessing Form and 21.5.5 Processing (Setup) Screen.

Close button: Click to close the Sensor Processing options.

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21.6.6 DigiAtlantis Processing Dialogue

This screen provides processing options specific to DigiAtlantis projects. If wanting to recreate a data file
from stacked or raw files use the reprocessing screen, via Main Menu > Edit & Process > Reprocess

This screen is accessed via Main Menu > Edit & Process > DigiAtlantis Processing button. When
processing changes the data, the displayed graphic panels will be updated.

Probe and Calibration Selection

Options to alter the DigiAtlantis Probe number and to select calibrations.
• Reprocess each reading using the probe number and calibration for that reading: This choice
ensures that each reading in the data set is processed with the sensor calibration with which it
was last processed. This means that more than one sensor and/or calibration can be used when
data is acquired, within a single data file. It is only available if all sensor and calibration date
information within the data file is valid.
• Use the chosen calibration to reprocess only those readings that have the chosen probe
number: This choice allows the user to apply a new calibration to all the readings that were
done with a specific sensor. If no calibration is available for the given probe then a default
calibration is made available which will give close results. If the chosen probe number and
calibration match that which is in the file, then the “Apply Calibration” button will be disabled.
When in this mode, the “File Setup” and “Processing Options” are only available if only one
probe was used and the calibration is up to date.
• Reprocess the whole file using the chosen probe number and calibration: This choice allows
the user to apply a new calibration to the entire file. If no calibration is available for the given
probe then a default calibration is made available which will give close results. If the chosen
probe number and calibration match that which is in the file, then the “Apply Calibration”
button will be disabled. When in this mode, the “File Setup” and “Processing Options” are only
available if only one probe was used and the calibration is up to date.
Probe Number: Select the Probe number from the list. This is automatically detected during
acquisition, but if desired can be altered here and the calibration re-applied. Depending on the option
selected, numbers displayed will be either only those in the data file or all probe numbers.
Probe Calibration (Version & Date): Calibrations are undertaken by EMIT and provide sensor data used
for calculating probe orientation, during acquisition and for any post-processing. Select from the list the
desired (most recent?) calibration. If no calibration is available then contact EMIT or use the default
calibration provided which will give close results. Also refer to section 15.15 DigiAtlantis calibrations
(DigiAtlantisCalibrations.ini) file for updating the list if your probe or calibration date is missing.
Remove SUR file info (INC will be recalculated): If this option is chosen any SUR file values already
imported will be removed and the inclination will be recalculated with the new calibration. Primary field
and magnetic field rotations will be removed and replaced with accelerometer rotation.
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Apply Calibration button: Click to apply the chosen calibration to either part of the file or the whole file
depending on the chosen radio button setting.
Reload Calibrations button: Click to load an updated DigiAtlantisCalibrations.ini file.

SUR File Setup

Allows creation of a survey (*.sur) file that contains hole path information, and loading or changing the
sur file associated with the data file. Some reprocessing options require a sur file to be loaded.
File: Select a *.sur file from the drop list. Only files within the project folder will be available. This may
be a new file created by either SMARTem24 or from another survey.
Load button: Click to load the selected sur file and apply its settings to the current data set.
Reload List button: Click to refresh the listing of sur file names. Useful if a new file has been added to
the project folder.
Create button: Click to create a survey (hole path) file from the DigiAtlantis data. Opens the Survey File
Options Form, see section The created *.sur file is not loaded automatically - it must be
selected from the file list and then loaded by clicking the “Load” button.

Loop Setup
Edit Loops button: Click to load and/or edit Tx loop information for fixed loop surveys. Opens the
Loop/Wire Editor Form, see section

Processing Options
Delete rows with Missing components: This button is enabled when the software detects that one or
more readings are missing a data row for one of the three components, ie U row is missing (possibly the
decay was deleted). A warning message enumerates the offending readings when this DigiAtlantis
Processing dialogue is accessed, or when the data file is loaded. Click the button to delete all the non-3-
component Digi rows and update the data file.
Delete rows with Invalid Accelerometers: This button is enabled if one or more readings have invalid
accelerometer values, ie value is missing or inconsistent. Click the button to delete all 3-component Digi
rows associated with the bad accelerometer value and update the data file.
Recalculate Component & Total Magnetic Field: Click the button to recalculate the Total and
Component Magnetic field values from the raw magnetic field & calibration values, and update the data
file. Loading a survey *.sur file or updating probe rotation will automatically adjust these values.
Calculate Theoretical Primary Field: Calculates the Theoretical Primary Field values (TPRIM &
TOTAL_TPRIM) based on station location (E, N, RL) and Tx loop information. Click this button to update
the data file and the displayed data. Accuracy of result depends on accuracy of survey information
(collar values and *.sur file) and loop geometry (*.tx file) & current. Updating probe rotation will
automatically adjust these values.
Update Rotation: Cross-component data may be re-rotated using accelerometers or Magnetic or
Primary Field. Data may also be re-rotated to a fixed azimuth. These options are useful for vertical
holes or in magnetic terrain. Click the button to open the Update Rotation Form. See section
Reverse Polarity: Reverses the polarity of all components/channel data, by multiply by -1. Is generally
used when measured primary field (VPRI) is reversed to theoretical primary field (ThPrim). Click the
button to update the data file and the Display Panels.
Subtract Theoretical Primary Field: For on time data only. Subtracts the theoretical primary field
(TPRIM) from the windowed data. Click the button to update the displayed data and the data file (adds
Header keyword ‘REMOVEDPRIMARYFIELD:Yes’ and a comment).
Subtract Last Window: For each data row, subtracts the last window’s data value from the other data
windows. The last time window remains unchanged. Click the button to update the displayed data and
the data file (adds ‘REDUCTION:SubLstWnd‘ to the header and a comment). [Note: User beware -
Presently, no checks are performed to determine if this action had already been undertaken. Each

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button click will subtract the channel value again and add a new comment.] Also see sections 21.6.1
Reprocessing Form and 21.5.5 Processing (Setup) Screen.

Close button: Click to close the DigiAtlantis Processing options. Survey File Options Form

For DigiAtlantis projects only. Use this form to create a survey *.sur file that contains borehole
orientation at each station. Calculations are based on the earth's magnetic field values at the survey
A survey file is used to calculate E,N, RL of each station, which are required for some processing options.
Once the file is created it should be inspected for integrity. There are some filtering options on this
screen to assist this. If satisfied the file can be loaded back into the project via the previous screen -the
Sensor Processing Form.

Access this form via Main Menu > Edit & Process > DigiAtlantis Processing > SUR File Setup > Create

Local Magnetic Field Values

Local Magnetic Field values are used to define the azimuth orientation of the sensor. Magnetic field
declination and inclination values, and other field values, can be obtained from or other equivalent websites. The website requires
the user to enter the location and date of the survey so that field values can be calculated.
Magnetic Declination: (default= 0) enter the declination (degrees) of the earth’s magnetic field at the
survey location relative to the grid North.
• Values range from -180 to 180. Enter a positive value if magnetic north is east of grid north.
• If you wish to consider azimuth values relative to True North then you can enter values here
directly from websites.
• If you wish azimuth values to be relative to a Local Grid North then you enter a value relative to
that grid. If the local grid (LG) is rotated from True North by (+ or -) LG degrees then the entered
value should be the declination value from the website minus LG.
Magnetic Inclination: (default= 0) enter the inclination (degrees) of the earth's magnetic field at the
survey location.
• Values range from -90 to 90. Enter a negative value for southern hemisphere.

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Filtering & Data Discard

Use these options to filter or discard wayward orientations. Wayward orientations will produce
wayward data.
Filtering: (default= none) Option to apply a moving box-car averaging of orientations during
calculations. Select the filter width (number of adjacent stations to be averaged) from the list.
Discard Wayward Data: (default= no) Option to delete orientations that exceed (moving) average values
by user defined threshold during calculations.
Degrees from Average: (default= 10) Enter the maximum difference (threshold) (degrees) from the
average angle that is acceptable. Larger values will be discarded.
Averaging Distance: (default= 100) Enter the width (borehole length) (m) that defines how many
adjacent stations are included in the moving average calculations.
Output filename: (default= project) Edit the name of the survey *.sur file to create
Write .sur file button: Click to calculate orientations and save to survey file based on these settings. Update Rotation Form

DigiAtlantis projects only. This form is used to update cross-hole component data by applying updated
rotations. Stacked files are not required for this processing. Access this form via Edit & Process >
DigiAtlantis Processing > Update Rotation button.
This option is commonly used to process near-vertical holes to a fixed azimuth when the azimuth cannot
be determined from poor accelerometer values.

Select Rotation Method

Choose which method to use for the rotation calculations. Options are:
• Accelerometers: (default) This uses the accelerometers to identify the probes original
orientation, as determined by default on acquire. Use this option if probe calibrations have
changed. This may be inaccurate if the probe orientation was near vertical.
• Magnetic Field: This compares measured magnetic field values from the probe to the earth's
local magnetic field values to determine the rotation. This may be inaccurate if there is a
magnetic anomaly in the area but for steep holes may provide a better fit than the
accelerometers. Calculations use the displayed local magnetic field values (see below).
• Primary field: Compares the measured primary field values with the theoretical primary field
values to determine the rotation. Requires stations to be located and loop information
(geometry & effective current). Is useful when magnetic terrain is providing inaccurate results,
or for vertical holes.

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Specify an Azimuth
This option forces the rotation of the data to a fixed azimuth. May be useful for strongly deviating holes,
and is usually used for near-vertical holes.
Note: entering a value in one cell automatically updates the other cell so that the components are
always orthogonal, with U being 90deg clockwise from V component.
Specify Azimuth: (default= no) Select to enable user specified azimuth option.
New Azimuth U component:(default= 90) Enter an angle (degrees) for the U component's new
• Enter a value between 0 and 360 in the local grid.
• The U component value usually represents the azimuth of the borehole, which may be
determined by generating a borehole survey *.sur file. For near vertical holes you may
wish to use the general drilling azimuth in the survey area.
New Azimuth V component: (default= 0) Enter an angle (degrees) for the V component's new

Local Magnetic Field Values

Displayed when rotating by Magnetic Field.
Local Magnetic Field values are used to define the azimuth orientation of the sensor. Magnetic field
declination and inclination values, and other field values, can be obtained from or other equivalent websites. The website requires
the user to enter the location and date of the survey so that field values can be calculated.
These values may also be configured via the Main Menu > DigiAtlantis button.
Magnetic Declination: (default= 0) Enter the declination (degrees) of the earth’s magnetic field at the
survey location relative to the grid North.
• Values range from -180 to 180. Enter a positive value if magnetic north is east of grid north.
• If you wish to consider azimuth values relative to True North then you can enter values here
directly from websites.
• If you wish azimuth values to be relative to a Local Grid North then you enter a value relative to
that grid. If the local grid (LG) is rotated from True North by (+ or -) LG degrees then the entered
value should be the declination value from the website minus LG.
Magnetic Inclination: (default= 0) Enter the inclination (degrees) of the earth's magnetic field at the
survey location.
• Values range from -90 to 90. Enter a negative value for southern hemisphere.

Rotate button: Click to apply these settings. User will be prompted to overwrite or write to a new data
file. The changes to the data will be reflected in the displayed graphic panels.

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21.6.7 Smart Sensor Processing Form

This screen provides processing options specific to surface smart sensor projects. To recreate a data file
from stacked or raw files use the reprocessing screen, via Main Menu > Edit & Process > Reprocess

This screen is accessed via Main Menu > Edit & Process > Smart Sensor Processing button. When
processing changes the data, the displayed graphic panels will be updated.

Sensor and Calibration Selection

Options to alter the Smart Sensor ID and to select calibrations.
• Reprocess each reading using the smart sensor id and calibration for that reading: This choice
ensures that each reading in the data set is processed with the sensor calibration with which it
was last processed. This means that more than one sensor and/or calibration can be used when
data is acquired, within a single data file. It is only available if all sensor and calibration date
information within the data file is valid.
• Use the chosen calibration to reprocess only those readings that have the chosen sensor id:
This choice allows the user to apply a new calibration to all the readings that were done with a
specific sensor.
Smart Sensor ID: Select the serial id of the sensor to be reprocessed. This is automatically detected
during acquisition, but if desired can be altered here and the calibration re-applied.
Sensor Calibration (Version & Date): Calibrations provide sensor data used for calculating probe
orientation, during acquisition and for any post-processing. Select from the list the desired (most
recent?) calibration. Information about how to provide calibrations for smart sensors is given in section
15.16 Customised calibrations for smart sensors (CustomCalibrations.ini) file

Loop Setup
Edit Loops button: Click to load and/or edit Tx loop information for fixed loop surveys. Opens the
Loop/Wire Editor Form, see section

Processing Options
Delete rows with Missing components: This button is enabled when the software detects that one or
more readings are missing a data row for one of the three components, ie U row is missing (possibly the
decay was deleted). A warning message enumerates the offending readings when this processing form
is accessed, or when the data file is loaded. Click the button to delete all the non-3-component smart
sensor rows and update the data file.
Delete rows with Invalid Accelerometers: This button is enabled if one or more readings have invalid
accelerometer values, ie value is missing or inconsistent. Click the button to delete all 3-component
smart sensor rows associated with the bad accelerometer value and update the data file

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Recalculate Component & Total Magnetic Field: Click the button to recalculate the Total and
Component Magnetic field values from the raw magnetic field & calibration values, and update the data
file. Updating the smart sensor rotation will automatically adjust these values.
Calculate Theoretical Primary Field: Calculates the Theoretical Primary Field values (TPRIM &
TOTAL_TPRIM) based on station location (E, N, RL) and Tx loop information. Click this button to update
the data file and the displayed data. Values are auto-recalculated if related parameters are changed.
Cross-component values are based on line direction and not sensor rotation information, such that X
component is along line direction (+ve to east/north) and Y component is across (left of) line direction
(+ve to north/west). For Fixed Loop surveys the loop’s RL values may need to be 0m.
Update Rotation: Click this button to apply or change tilt and azimuth rotations to relevant smart
sensor data, using the Update Rotation Form (Surface Projects), see subsection
Reverse Polarity: Reverses the polarity of all components/channel data, by multiply by -1. Is generally
used when measured primary field (VPRI) is reversed to theoretical primary field (TPRIM). Click the
button to update all lines in the data file and the data displayed.
Subtract Theoretical Primary Field: For on time data only. Subtracts the theoretical primary field
(TPRIM) from the windowed data. Click the button to update the displayed data and the data file (adds
Header keyword ‘REMOVEDPRIMARYFIELD:Yes’ and a comment).
Subtract Last Window: For each data row, subtracts the last window’s data value from the other data
windows. The last time window remains unchanged. Click the button to update the displayed data and
the data file (adds ‘REDUCTION:SubLstWnd‘ to the header and a comment). [Note: User beware -
Presently, no checks are performed to determine if this action had already been undertaken. Each
button click will subtract the channel value again and add a new comment.] Also see sections 21.6.1
Reprocessing Form and 21.5.5 Processing (Setup) Screen.
Close button: Click to close the Smart Sensor Processing options. Update Rotation Form (Surface Projects)

Surface projects with smart sensor data only. This form is used to apply or change tilt and azimuth
corrections to some smart sensor data. Stacked files are not required for this processing. Access this
form via Main Menu > Edit & Process > Smart Sensor Processing > Update Rotation button.

Orientation Options
Choose the type of orientation correction that you wish to apply to the data at the end of reach reading.
The selected option is recorded in the data file's FLAGS column.
All processing takes into account the calibration of the magnetometers and accelerometers if they have
been calibrated by EMIT.
Orientation Corrections: (default=Correct for Tilt Only)
• No Corrections: (FLAGS= N) Data will be left as collected with no corrections made for
orientation of the platform. It is expected that the SMART Fluxgate platform is levelled to be

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horizontal and aligned with its X axis in the desired direction. Usually the X axis would be
aligned using a compass or by sighting along the survey line.
• Correct for Tilt Only: (FLAGS= T) Data will be corrected for the tilts but no azimuth change will
be applied. It is assumed that the platform has its X axis aligned with the desired X axis survey
azimuth, usually using a compass or by sighting along the survey line. The resulting processed
data should simulate the data that would have been collected had the SMART Fluxgate been
level and aligned.
• Calculate Azimuth: (default= off) Option allows the calculation and storage of the azimuth
in the DAT file. Requires local magnetic field values to be entered (see below). Azimuth
angles are referenced to True North as processing takes into account the local Magnetic
Declination. Only available for smart devices with magnetometers.
• Correct for Tilt and Azimuth: (FLAGS= A) Data will be corrected for both the tilts and the
azimuth. This option could be selected where it is difficult to level or align the platform.
Requires the local magnetic field values to be entered (see below) and also the desired azimuth.
The magnetometer outputs will be used as a compass to align the processed measurements in
the desired directions. The resulting processed data should simulate the data that would have
been collected had the SMART Fluxgate been level and aligned. Only available for smart devices
with magnetometers.
• Required Azimuth: (default=0 deg) The final azimuth required for the orientation of the
data. Values will be de-rotated using the calculated rotation, inclination and azimuth and
then rotated so that X axis is aligned with this azimuth. Azimuth angles are referenced to
True North (and not Magnetic North) because processing takes into account the local
Magnetic Declination. Specified azimuth is recorded in the header of the data file.

Three angles define the orientation of the SMART Fluxgate platform in any survey and are defined using
a left hand rotation convention, as follows. Consider a platform which is horizontal with positive X axis
pointing towards true North. A rotation of the platform around the vertically-upwards direction by
Azimuth degrees, followed by a rotation of the platform about it's positive Y axis by Inclination degrees,
followed by a rotation about it's positive X axis by Rotation degrees.
The software estimates those three rotation angles from the information presented to it - two of the
angles (called “Rotation” and “Inclination”) specify the tilts of the platform and one angle (called
“Azimuth”) specifies the azimuth of the platform. The processing may then correct for these angles, and
in the case of correcting also for Azimuth aligns the final results so that X axis data aligns with the
desired azimuth.
These angles (in units of degrees) are written to data files when available. Current values may also be
viewed at any time via the Setup > SMART Fluxgate tab and by clicking the Get Orientation button, as
described below.

Local Magnetic Field Values

Local Magnetic Field values are used to define the azimuth orientation of the sensor. Magnetic field
declination and inclination values, and other field values, can be obtained from or other equivalent websites. The website requires
the user to enter the location and date of the survey so that field values can be calculated.
Magnetic Declination: (default= 0) enter the declination (degrees) of the earth’s magnetic field at the
survey location relative to the grid North.
• Values range from -180 to 180. Enter a positive value if magnetic north is east of grid north.
• If you wish to consider azimuth values relative to True North then you can enter values here
directly from websites.
• If you wish azimuth values to be relative to a Local Grid North then you enter a value relative to
that grid. If the local grid (LG) is rotated from True North by (+ or -) LG degrees then the entered
value should be the declination value from the website minus LG.
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Magnetic Inclination: (default= 0) Enter the inclination (degrees) of the earth's magnetic field at the
survey location.
• Values range from -90 to 90. Enter a negative value for southern hemisphere.
Rotate button: Click to apply these settings. User will be prompted to overwrite or write to a new data
file. The changes to the data will be reflected in the displayed graphic panels.

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21.7 Files Form

Left side of the screen allows the user to copy or rename data files, switch between existing data files
and create new data files. The right side is for exporting or merging of files.

This form is accessed via Main Menu > Files button.

Data File
Project Folder: Displays the name of the current project folder, as defined at start-up, where the data is
Data File Name: Displays the name of presently loaded data file.
New data file: (default= LoadedName_New) The new file name to use for the following options:
• New button: Click to create new data and settings files with the name above.
• Rename button: Click to rename the loaded data and settings files to the name above.
• Copy button: Click to copy the loaded data and settings files to new files with name above.
Other Data Files: Select a file from the list to apply one of the following options. Only one data file can
be loaded into the software at a time, so the drop list includes all other data files within the current
project folder. The buttons shown below will be disabled if the list is empty.
• Load button: Click to load the selected data file and its associated settings file.
• Merge button: Click to merge the selected data file (from the current project folder) into the
loaded data file.
• Details button: Click to display a quick view of the first line and post processing comments
within the selected data file.

Export button: Click to open the Export Form to export data file to a TEM/MMR format file. File will
have reduced number of columns and can be separated based on component, units or line. File is
suitable for import into Maxwell. Refer to section 21.7.1.

Merge Projects
Select Project Data File button: Click to select a data file from another project and merge it with the
loaded data file. Referenced Raw and Stacked files will also be copied across. Duplicated reading
numbers will be adjusted and their raw and stacked files renamed accordingly.

Settings File
Option to export survey settings to a *.sini file for later use in a new project.
Export settings: (default= project name) Edit name of settings *.sini file to be created
• Write File button: Click to write the file.
File is saved in the ProgramData\EMIT\SMARTem24-common\Survey folder.

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21.7.1 Export Form

This form allows the user to export data to TEM/MMR or USF format files or as calculated Step
response. Exported data can be separated on a per component, channel, units or line basis. TEM and
Step.TEM files are suitable for import into EMIT Maxwell software.

This form is accessed via the Main Menu > Files > Export button.

Filter Elements
The user may select none, one or many items from each lists to specify export filter criteria. Any data
common to all selections will be exported. The more items selected the smaller the exported file. Note
that no selections will result in all data being exported.
Line Names: Lists all the Line Names that appear in the data file.
Units: Lists all the data units that appear in the data file.
Components: Lists all the components that appear in the data file.
Channels: Lists all the channels that appear in the data file.
Note that the export filter will apply either Component or Channel selections, whichever tab is visible at
the time of export.

File Format
Choose the file formats to be exported. Multiple selections are possible.
TEM: select to export data to a TEM format file.
USF: select to exports data to a USF format file, suitable for import into Interpex. Option is presently
enabled for MLEM projects only. If selected, an option to average repeat readings at a station is
Calculate Step Response: select to export data as calculated step response, to a TEM format file.
Reduction options will appear on a popup dialogue when click Export (see subsection below).
Option is presently enabled for data files containing B-field data only.

File Name
Browse: Click to define the location and name of the new file.
Output file name & path: Displays the defined file name and path. This entry may be edited.
• File extensions are assigned automatically based on data type, ie *.tem for TEM data, *.mmr for
MMR data, *.usf for USF moving loop TEM data and *_step.tem for Step Response files.. Other
extensions will be rejected.
Export: Click to create the new files based on these selections. If the file exists a warning will be
displayed. An *.explog file will also be created.
Close : Click to cancel the export process and return to previous screen.

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Provides options for processing exported data as step response. Option is available via Main Menu >
Files > Export > Step file and Export is selected (see the above section 21.7.1).

Selected processing information will appear as a PostProcess comment header in the exported
*_step.tem file.

Reduction Type
Options for removing (subtracting) the primary field. Output file header will contain relevant keyword
based on the reduction selection.
UTEM style: choose this to apply UTEM style reduction. Last data channel is subtracted from all
previous channel data. TPRIM is then subtracted from the last data channel. Keyword
‘REDUCTION:UTEM’ is added to the data file header.
Subtract theoretical primary: choose this to subtract TPRIM from all channel data. Keyword
‘REMOVEDPRIMARYFIELD:Yes’ is added to the data file header.

Data units
Options for units that final data is saved as.
% : final channel data is converted to percentage of TOTAL_TPRIM. Other column data is retained in
data UNITS. Output file header will contain keyword UNITS:%.
As per data File: final channel data is saved as per UNITS column.

OK: click to the export the files.

Cancel: click to cancel the export process and return to the previous screen.

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22 Li-ion Batteries – Care & Maintenance

SMARTem24 Receivers are dispatched with 4 charged Li-ion batteries - 2 are included within the
Receiver and 2 are packed as spares. When customers have attempted to use these spare batteries,
some have found them to be fully discharged and therefore unusable.
For reliability and longevity of Li-ion batteries EMIT offers the following care & maintenance
• Recharge Li-ion batteries on a regular basis.
• For the Receiver this may be undertaken by:
◦ cycling the batteries through the Receiver at regular interval;
◦ or placing the spare batteries on charge, using the supplied desktop 240V charger, on a
regular basis.
• Store in cool place partially charged - do not fully drain. Low charge can disable the battery's
internal protection circuit.
• Do not recharge battery if a cell has stayed at or below 2.3V for more than a week.
• Li-ion batteries require a tailored charger. Use only the supplied charger otherwise battery
safety will be compromised.
• Do not charge below freezing.
• Do not charge above 50°C (122°F).
• If battery is hot, disconnect and do not use. Battery may get lukewarm towards the end of
• Devices should be turned off while charging.
Extracted from

In order to prevent parasitic drain on the battery, the electronics will go into a shutdown mode if any cell
voltage is <= 2300mV. If this should happen, the battery pack will require an initial low charge to
activate the electronics prior to the implementation of the normal charge. Any SMBus version 1.0 or
higher compatible charger is capable of providing this initial pre-charge.
Battery Calibration
Periodically, the SM24 receiver will report that its internal batteries require calibration. This condition
does not limit the performance of the batteries, it simply means that their capacity may not be being
well-estimated by the receiver. Calibrating them allows the receiver to deliver accurate estimates of the
life remaining in each battery pack to the SM24 operator.
To calibrate battery packs, place them in the desktop charger supplied with the SM24 receiver. Turn on
the charger. Press the button on the top of the charging unit for each pack you wish to calibrate. The
blue LED for each battery will flash. The calibration can take up to 24 hours depending on the state of
charge in the battery. On completion of calibration, the blue LED will be solid. Also refer to desktop
charger documentation provided in the case with the charger.

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23 Trouble Shooting
This section contains some basic trouble shooting information.

System Unresponsive
Perform a hard reset.
• Refer to Power on/off in section 7 Common Hardware Operations.

Excessive GPS lock time

• Restart the device, ie Controller or Receiver.

No GPS detected
• Ensure that the GPS antenna has an unobstructed view of the sky.
• Restart the device. The device will recalibrate the antenna noise floor on startup.

Transmitter/Receiver out of sync by 1 second

• Ensure that the leap seconds setting is correct on both the transmitter and receiver.
◦ Refer to LEDs in section 7 Common Hardware Operations.

23.1 DigiAtlantis System

Intermittent loss of DSL
• DSL rate is incompatible for long (+2km) winches.
◦ Refer to section Optimising DSL connection rate for long (+2km) winches .
• Check Gearhart-Owen socket connection. If 4 pin socket assembly is worn, replace with new
• Check winch for intermittent shorts to shield or adjacent wires.
• Check winch wiring.
◦ Refer to section 24 Wiring Diagrams/Schematics for details on optimum configuration.

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24 Wiring Diagrams/Schematics
The following wiring diagrams have been included for use in either fault-finding or repairing cables.
Please contact EMIT should further assistance be required.

Analogue Input Connector wiring

100-040: Transmitter Control cable – Zonge

100-099: Transmitter Control cable – Geonics

100-104: Transmitter Control cable – Phoenix

100-098: SMARTem24 12V Auxiliary Power cable

100-039: Sync cable

100-038: DigiAtlantis Probe to Charger cable

100-037: DigiAtlantis Controller to Charger cable

100-048: DigiAtlantis Controller to Winch cable - unterminated

100-123: DigiAtlantis 4-core Winch wiring

100-144: DigiAtlantis 2-core Winch wiring

100-036: DigiAtlantis Controller to Battery (12V Auxiliary Power Feed) cable

100-234: Geonics BH43 Serial Cable

100-304: Geonics BH43-3D Control Box to SM24 Analog Cable Pinout

More detailed assembly diagrams are included in section 25 Cable assembly diagrams.

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Analogue Input Connector wiring

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100-040: Transmitter Control cable – Zonge

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100-099: Transmitter Control cable – Geonics

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100-104: Transmitter Control cable – Phoenix

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100-098: SMARTem24 12V Auxiliary Power cable

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100-039: Sync cable

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100-038: DigiAtlantis Probe to Charger cable

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100-037: DigiAtlantis Controller to Charger cable

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100-048: DigiAtlantis Controller to Winch cable - unterminated

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100-123: DigiAtlantis 4-core Winch wiring

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100-144: DigiAtlantis 2-core Winch wiring

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100-036: DigiAtlantis Controller to Battery (12V Auxiliary Power Feed) cable

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100-234: Geonics BH43 Serial Cable

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100-304: Geonics BH43-3D Control Box to SM24 Analog Cable Pinout

** Note that for some systems the signal wires may need to be crossed over to ensure correct tiltmeter
polarity is recorded at the Receiver. Refer section 12.2.2 BH43-3D.

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25 Cable assembly diagrams

The following pages includes detailed diagrams for assembling cables. Simplified pinouts and wiring
diagrams for fault finding purposes are included in section 24 Wiring Diagrams/Schematics
Please contact EMIT should further assistance be required.

100-040 (Rev01): Transmitter Control cable – Zonge

100-099 (Rev01): Transmitter Control cable – Geonics
100-104 (Rev02): Transmitter Control cable – Phoenix
100-098 (Rev01): SMARTem24 12V Auxiliary Power cable
100-039 (Rev01): Sync cable
100-038 (Rev02): DigiAtlantis Probe to Charger cable
100-037 (Rev02): DigiAtlantis Controller to Charger cable
100-048 (Rev01): DigiAtlantis Controller to Winch cable - unterminated
100-036 (Rev01): DigiAtlantis Controller to Battery (12V Auxiliary Power Feed) cable

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100-040 (Rev01): Transmitter Control cable – Zonge

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100-099 (Rev01): Transmitter Control cable – Geonics

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100-104 (Rev02): Transmitter Control cable – Phoenix

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100-098 (Rev01): SMARTem24 12V Auxiliary Power cable

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100-039 (Rev01): Sync cable

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100-038 (Rev02): DigiAtlantis Probe to Charger cable

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100-037 (Rev02): DigiAtlantis Controller to Charger cable

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100-048 (Rev01): DigiAtlantis Controller to Winch cable - unterminated

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100-036 (Rev01): DigiAtlantis Controller to Battery (12V Auxiliary Power Feed) cable

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26 Glossary
Accelerometer Is a sensor that measures the force of gravity. In the DigiAtlantis System
they are useful in determining the dip and rotation of the probe.

Acquire View The View displayed by the SMARTem24 Software during data
acquisition. It normally contains at least one Scope Panel (Oscilloscope)
to provide a live view of the data being received.
Acquisition or acquire; also see Reading
Term used to reference the gathering (display & saving) of geophysical
data with the SMARTem24 Software.

Active Station Software station location where the next acquisition will be assigned to.

Argand Panel This panel displays frequency data as argand, amplitude or phase plots.
Argand panels are only available within MMR projects.

ATL File *.atl file

A file created by early versions of the software only containing
DigiAtlantis specific information (e.g. magnetometer and accelerometer
measurements). Loading older projects will migrate this information
into the DAT/MMR file and the file renamed as a backup (*.atl.bak).
New surveys save this DigiAtlantis specific information straight into the
DAT/MMR file during acquisition.
Atlantis An analogue, 3-component borehole EM system manufactured by EMIT.
This analogue technology has been superseded by the DigiAtlantis.
Atlantis Probe A hardware component of the analogue Atlantis system. This fluxgate
magnetometer borehole probe transmits analogue data to a SMARTemV
on the surface. Atlantis gathers three components of data, one channel
at a time.
Axis See Component

Calibration Sensor specific data obtained by EMIT that is used to accurately

calculate orientation of the DigiAtlantis probe. Serviced probes will
likely have a new calibration.

Channel The input channel that the connected hardware's component is assigned

Collar Refers to the top of a borehole (usually the opening at the surface). The
collar co-ordinates (East, North, Elevation) can be entered into the
Component or direction
Is an axis of measurement, usually denoted as X, Y or Z. Borehole survey
data that has been processed to be aligned with hole azimuth is referred
to as A, U or V components.
Most sensors measure responses in either one component or three
orthogonal components.
Controller See Transmitter Controller or Probe Controller

CSAMT Controlled Source Audio Magnetotellurics

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DAT File *.dat file

An ASCII file containing processed TEM survey data.

Data Folder The computer location where all data is stored during acquisition &
processing. The default is C:\Data\<project folder>.

Data View The View that the software returns to when an acquisition is complete.

Decay Representation of a response as a function of time after transmitter

switching. Usually simplified from stacked data using Windowing
Decay Panel A panel to display decays, selected by station or reading number and
channel or component. This panel is updated when the acquisition is
complete, and may be used to remove bad decays.

DigiAtlantis A digital, 24-bit, three component, fluxgate magnetometer borehole

system made by EMIT. The DigiAtlantis samples all components at the
same time, digitises at the sensor, and transmits the signal to the
The DigiAtlantis is the next generation of the Atlantis Probe.
DigiAtlantis Controller A component of the DigiAtlantis system. There are usually two
Controllers provided with the system; one to be used as a Probe
Controller and one to be used as a Transmitter Controller.

DigiAtlantis Probe A hardware component of the DigiAtlantis system. The Probe measures
responses from three component simultaneously and transmits the
digital data to the DigiAtlantis Receiver on the surface.
DigiAtlantis Receiver A hardware component of the DigiAtlantis system. The DigiAtlantis
Receiver is a Toughbook® computer.
Downhole In a borehole.

EMIT ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology Pty Ltd - an instrumentation and

software developer for electrical geophysics. Products include the
SMARTem24 and DigiAtlantis systems and Maxwell Software.
For assistance please contact EMIT.
Fluxgate A type of sensor for measuring magnetic field strength.

Firmware A term used to denote the fixed, usually rather small, software and/or
data structures that internally control the Hardware.
Graphical Buttons A menu that provides controls for configuring the Graphical Panels.

Graphical Options form A form that allows users to alter the View list and General Information
displayed on the Main Screen.
Graphical Panels Each of the charts that displays data. Configuration of the panels is
managed via the Graphical Buttons.
Hardware Definition File or HwDef.xml file
The hardware definition file represents the hardware configuration of a
SMARTem24 receiver or other device that the SMARTem24 software can
interface with. This file should not be edited by users.

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Half period Or half-cycle

Half a transmitter period.

INI File Or *.ini file see User Profile.

IP Induced Polarisation.

IP Spread Layout of an IP survey.

Licence Authorisation A form (see section within the Software to view, request or
form renew the security license. EMIT recommends users check the licence
status prior to going out into the field.
Line A survey line consisting of survey stations.

Local Magnetic Field Local magnetic field values are available from
Values These are used to
calculate the azimuth of the DigiAtlantis Probe (see section 21.5.9). It is
recommended that these values are entered prior to starting the survey
so azimuth values are continuously updated.

Magnetometer A sensor for measuring magnetic field strength.

Also see Fluxgate, SQUID.

Magnetotellurics or MT
The natural electrical and magnetic fields of the Earth's subsurface. MT
surveys measure the natural variations of these fields at the surface.
Maxwell Software Programme developed by EMIT to display, edit and model electrical
geophysics data.
Measured Primary Field or VPRI
A measurement of the primary field signal, saved to the data files as a
column of data. May be saved during acquisition or calculated from
stacked files via reprocessing.
MMR Magnetometric Resistivity, a type of survey.

MMR Profile Panel A panel to display MMR data (amplitude, phase, in-phase or quadrature)
as profiles by Channel or Component.
Moving Loop A style of EM survey with a moving transmitter loop.

ms millisecond.

MT See Magnetotellurics.

Nulling The process of removing the DC magnetic field response from the
magnetometer sensors so that the AC part of the field can be amplified.
Oscilloscope An instrument used to display and analyse the waveform of electronic
signals. In effect, the device draws a graph of the signal voltage as a
function of time.

Plan Panel A panel to display the survey area as a plan view. An image can be
loaded as a backdrop for superimposing stations, tx loops, comments
and other information.
Probe See DigiAtlantis Probe

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Probe Controller Controller device providing timing and communication to and from the

Profile A plot of responses as a function of Station (distance) along a survey


Profile Panel A panel to display the data as a profile on a per channel or component

Program Version Number SMARTem24 Software is version controlled has the following version
number format, e.g. Access these details via Welcome
Screen > About button.
Project Represents all the settings and data gathered (or to be gathered) in a
single area. This may constitute many lines of data, and thus multi-line
data files.
To copy a project to another PC, copy the entire project folder.
Project File *.project file
An ASCII file referencing the last opened data file plus some image
scales. Used in conjunction with settings and data files to define a
Project files can be loaded by double clicking on the file or through the
Welcome Screen.
Raw File *.raw file
A binary files containing raw data - see section 15 and can be viewed in
raw panels. Represents the unprocessed voltages recorded by a receiver
for the entire acquisition cycle for the reading.
Reading The data collection acquisition cycle. Multiple readings can be
performed at a Station, each having a different reading number, which is
automatically incremented.

Receiver or Rx
Refers to either the SMARTem24 or DigiAtlantis Receiver, depending on
its context.
RL Relative Level or Elevation.

Rotation (SMART Fluxgate & DigiAtlantis only)

This represents the angle that the sensor/probe has been rotated
around the sensor's main axis for a reading, and is calculated using the
sensor's accelerometers.
Digi cross-component data is automatically derotated (using rotation
and calibration information) at the end of the acquisition cycle so that
final processed data aligns with borehole direction (although this final
data is typically referred to as being 'rotated'). Data may be rotated via
DigiAtlantis Reprocessing using alternative methods and to a specified
SMART Fluxgate data may also be derotated, depending on 21.5.8 Smart
Device (Setup) Screen software settings.
Scope Panel A panel to display channel voltages in real time, similar to an
Oscilloscope. Panels can display all channels or separate channels.

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Sensor Definition File or SensorDefinition.xml; or *.xml

This file is used to define sensor types for SMARTem24 software. It
includes basic sensors. Additional sensors may be included in the
CustomSensorDefintion.xml file (see section 15.14).

Sensor Delay Group delay of the sensor. Is used when windowing data, as defined in
the Sensor Definition File.

Settings file See SINI File.

SINI file Or *.sini file or settings file.

An ASCII file containing the software settings of a survey (e.g. location,
transmitter, file options). Each project has a settings file within the
project folder. A settings file can be exported to become part of the
default list on the Welcome Screen.
The content of a Settings File can be edited in the Setup Menu (see
section 21.5).
Site Code A text string requested by EMIT as part of the SMARTem24 Software
Licence and can be found on the Licence Authorisation form (see section

Site Key A text string provided to users as part of the SMARTem24 Software
Licence and can be found on the Licence Authorisation form (see section
SMARTem The family of geophysical receiver systems manufactured by EMIT. It
includes the SMARTemV which has been superseded by the

SMARTem24 A 24-bit, 16 channel receiver system, manufactured by EMIT, capable of

a variety of electromagnetic geophysics surveys.

SMARTem24 Transmitter Also see Transmitter Controller

Controller A component of the SMARTem24 system. One Controller is normally
provided with the SMARTem24 system.
SMARTem24 Receiver Also see Receiver
A hardware component of the SMARTem24 system. The Receiver is an
integrated instrument comprised of a Toughbook® and the SMARTem24
Receiver's base.
SMARTem24 Receiver The base section of the SMARTem24 Receiver.
SMARTem24 Software Programme provided by EMIT for collection of data on SMARTem24
Receivers and DigiAtlantis Receivers. Also used to process SMARTem24

SMARTemV A 16-bit, 8 channel receiver system manufactured by EMIT.

Also see SMARTem.

Software See SMARTem24 Software.

Software Licence Software based authorisation to run the SMARTem24 software. See
Licence Authorisation.

SQUID Type of Magnetometer.

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Stacked File *.stk file

A file containing stacked data - see section 15 - and can be viewed in
Stacked Panels. Stacking is the process of averaging raw data over many
transmitter periods (2 stacks per period) to improve signal to noise ratio.
The number stacks and will influence the length of a Reading.
Station The location at which measurements are made.
In the case of a borehole survey, the station number is normally the
distance the survey tool has travelled down the borehole, ie winch
SUR File or *.sur file
An ASCII file containing orientation information (station, azimuth and
inclination) of the borehole. Is used to calculate station Easting,
Northing and RL.
Survey Configuration Specifies which survey arrangement is being employed (e.g. Downhole
or Moving Loop). Selected on the Welcome Screen.
This selection combines with Survey Mode to control the SMARTem24’s
configurable parameters, available displays, nature of the acquisition
and processing options.

Survey Mode Specifies which survey technique is being undertaken (e.g. TEM, MMR
or TIP). Select on the Welcome Screen.
This selection combines with Survey Configuration to control the
SMARTem24’s configurable parameters, available displays, nature of the
acquisition and processing options.
Synchronisation or timing
The SMARTem24 and the DigiAtlantis systems can synchronise via GPS
and crystal. For set up of these timing modes refer to section 8.


Transient (or Time Domain) ElectroMagnetics

Theoretical Primary Field or TPRIM or ThPrim

The theoretically calculated primary magnetic field strength.
Calculations use the location of the Transmitter Loop, the transmitter
current and the locations of the stations.

Timing See Synchronisation

TPRIM Abbreviation for Theoretical Primary Field.

Transmitter Controller Controller device providing the timing signal for the transmitter.

TX File or *.tx file or Transmitter Loop File

An ASCII file listing co-ordinates of the transmitter loop vertices - the
wire on the ground connected to the transmitter that provides the
primary field.

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User Profile or User File; or *.ini file

Stores the graphical selections made by the user; enabling different
users to retain their own graphical settings. Files are saved
automatically upon exiting the software. A User Profile must be
selected to use SMARTem24.
When a new User Profile is started default settings are loaded.

View A particular configuration of display panels and their settings that are
saved with the User Profile. A default set of Views are included for first
time users which may be customised, and are selected via the
Information Bar. A useful collection of views will allow the user to easily
swap to a different way of viewing the data.
The list of Views may be modified via the Graphical Options form.

View File or *.view file

Stores the graphical settings defining a View. In normal usage this
information is stored entirely with the User Profile, but additional Views
can be saved to file and loaded manually by the user.

VPRI See measured primary field.

Welcome Screen First dialogue that appears when starting the SMARTem24 Software.
Start surveys, load data or query software license from here.

Windowing Scheme Specifies the start and end times of a series of windows used for
Windowing - the process of averaging stacked data at specified time
frames to reduce the number of samples, e.g for a Decay. Standard
schemes are included with SMARTem24, but users may create their own
if required.

End of SMARTem24 User Guide document.

Please contact EMIT should you have any queries regarding this Guide. We would appreciate being
notified if you find any errors or omissions.
Much appreciated,
EMIT Team.

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