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Are We Prepared

Against Blackouts
During the Energy
Tr risitic~n? By

Risk- Based /h~.. ~

— I

Jointly Security
and Resilience


power grids’ blackouts occurred world
wide, including grids with modern in c6H1JrTuMSivCt(co,4S~NDR

frastructure, since the infamous one

affecting parts of North America in 1965. Blackouts have had blackouts reveals root causes and enhances the understand
devastating social impacts (deaths, chaos, and severe discom ing of grid operation, triggering organizational and technical
fort due to disruption in sectors dependent on electricity, such improvements. Blackouts will continue to happen, at least
as heat, transport, water, and communication) and economic because the complex grid neither was planned nor can be op
impacts (exorbitant costs stemming from, e.g., the loss of pro erated to cope with massive natural disasters damaging sev
duction and equipment damage). The postmortem analysis of eral grid components. However, despite previous experiences,
there have been recurrent but avoidable blackouts due to the
Digital Object Identifier l0.1109/MPE.2023.3247053
lack of fuffilling or inefficient handling of N-i security, which
Date of current version: 19 April2023 degenerated into cascading outages.

may/june 2023 1540-7977/23©20231 EEE IEEE power & energy magazine

The world is transitioning to sustainable electricity grids, (lightning, flashover leading to short circuits, and com
powered by variable renewable generation. This digitalization- ponent failure), extreme weather hazards (e.g., floods,
enabled energy transition is producing major transformations wildfires, and storms), and man-made hazards (e.g.,
in the grid, notably a massive penetration of distributed en terrorism and cyberattacks); some hazards have not
ergy resources (DER5) (e.g., renewable generation) interfaced been foreseen or utilized in grid design due to budget
with the grid through power electronics. This transformation limitation and exorbitant associated costs.
radically changes the known grid dynamics, generates new A power grid cannot operate 100% securely, i.e., be
forms of instability, and requires rethinking grid operation, fully secured with respect to any possible contingencies and
control, and markets. In this context, new threats and atypi potential blackouts; such an attempt is cost-prohibitive if at
cal vulnerabilities of grids, not yet experienced by operators, all physically feasible, while establishing this percentage of
may materialize. Accordingly, the lessons learned from past security is still a difficult open question. Accordingly, the grid
blackouts serve little during the energy transition. To reliably is operated in practice at a tradeoff between the operation
succeed in the energy transition, one needs better anticipation cost and desired security level. This tradeoff is set by the so-
and cautiousness than seen so far. called N-i security criterion, which states that a grid with N
available components must~ be able to withstand at anytime
Why Blackouts Occur, Root Causes the failure of.ány. single component (e.g., a power. line or a
Classification, and Principles of generator) (see Figure 1). Withstanding contingencies iiicliide
Security and Resilience operator-initiated rule- or software-based corrective actions
The transmission power grid is a vital and complex infrastruc (e.g., grid topology control, generators, and redispatch) and
ture that underpins our society; therefore, it needs to operate automatic closed-loop controls. The ongoing grid digitaliza
securely but also at a reasonable cost. Security, or operational tion fosters corrective actions to the detriment of more costly
reliability, is the power grid’s ability to withstand distur preventive actions (decided before real time) but increases
bances, e.g., contingencies (unexpected failures of system decision-making compl~xit~’.
components), with an uninterrupted electricity supply. Ensur A blackout is an unplanned complete interruption of power
ing security is a difficult task for operators due to the follow in a certain area that lasts for an indeterminate period. Many
ing reasons: blackouts with catastrophic societal and economic effects
v’ the mathematical and physical complexity of phenom (e.g., hospitals, railways, airports, traffic, water supply, and
ena occurring in the grid wastewater treatment) occurred all over the world in the last
V the diversity of threats that power grids are exposed five decades. The average estimated societal cost of black
to (see Figure 1), such as plausible/frequent hazards outs (e.g., economic losses from lost output and damage)
is huge, e.g., hundreds of deaths
__________________ and US$130 billion for the Texas
blackout in 2021, dozens of deaths
Man-Made Hazards and US$6 billion for the U.S.
(Cyberattacks errorism ...)
blackout in 2003, and US$1.2 bil
lion for the Italy blackout in 2003.
Two classes of root causes of
blackouts can be distinguished.
Generator 1 Generator 2 Generator 3 V The first is a temporary
or permanent asset failure
N-3 ~ N-3 (e.g., due to short circuits).
Such a credible event is the
major cause of most black
outs. The common sequence
of events in such a blackout
starts with the failure of a
grid component, which de
teriorates operating condi
tions beyond the limits that
grid-automated protections
can tolerate, leading to a fast
and uncontrollable cascade
of components trips, in
figure 1. Threats to power grid operation and two examples of contingencies cluding power lines, power
(N-i and N-3). plants, and loads (e.g., entire

IEEE power & ener~y rna8azine may/june 2023

feeders in a substation due to underfrequency or under- security beyond N-i failures as their ultimate goal is to keep
voltage load-shedding protections or stalling of induc the lights on.
tion motors). Figure 2 illustrates the relationship between security and
The second is several (e.g., k) damaged or failed assets resilience via the likelihood and impact of events. Note that
during a short period of time, the common mode being they differ in terms of event probability but overlap to some
some natural disaster (e.g., hurricanes and floods). extent in terms of impact. Specifically, poorly managed ordi
The blackouts in the first category are due to the opera nary events (N-i contingencies) may also lead to high-impact
tors not satisfying, as required, the N-i security criterion, blackouts, as will be justified later.
including subsequent contingency handling that may not be
efficient or timely. The security was not met either deliber Salient Features of and Lessons
ately (including human error to factor in last-minute changes Learned From Some Major Blackouts
in the system) or due to large forecast errors and grid model The arduous work of experts released detailed documents
and inaccuracy in decision-making tools as compared to the analyzing each blackout, including the chronology of events,
real world. Should N-i security have been met, the blackout lessons learned, and mitigation measures. The main specifici
would have been avoided. This situation is worrying as it is ties of some notable blackouts are briefly highlighted for each
a recurrent pattern in most blackouts, and we have not yet class of root cause.
learned enough from it. In addition, as will be argued later, the
operation variability with a large share of renewable genera Blackouts of Power Grids
tion requires adopting a probabilistic assessment and manage Operating N-i Insecurely
ment of security. The first major blackout, affecting 25 million people and last
The blackouts in the second category occurred as the ing 13 h, took place in the northeast United States in 1965. It
power grid was not designed or operated to withstand implau was triggered by a defective protection relay that tripped, at
sible beforehand N-k (k> 1) contingencies, i.e., the failure of peak load, a healthy transmission line, leading immediately to
two or more grid components (see Figure 1). In the best case, fast overload cascade line outages and blackouts. This black
the operators could plan actions to mitigate but not fully avoid out is the richest in lessons and subsequent innovations. Spe
the impact of such blackouts. However, extreme events are cifically, Dr. Tom Dy-Liacco pioneered the concept, deployed
no longer deemed implausible or singular because worsen soon after, of a modern power grid control center, based on
ing climate change has resulted in recurrent extreme events the supervisory control and data acquisition and energy man
(e.g., natural disasters) and blackouts over the past decades agement system, a framework for computer-aided security
in various and unexpected places worldwide. This situation assessment and control using system states (normal, alert,
has spurred a growing interest of both researchers and utili emergency, in extreme circumstances, and restorative). It also
ties to further explore N-k (k> 1) security but also thoroughly determined the deployment of underfrequency load shedding.
address grid restoration. The combined consideration of N-k The blackout in the northwest United States on 2 July 1996,
(k> 1) security and grid restoration has recently been named was provoked by the faulty trip of a power line, which led
resilience. Resilience is defined as the power grid’s ability to to fast voltage depression causing generation and 11 GW of
mitigate and recover after extreme damaging events (natural load disconnection. This event primarily highlights the impor
disasters) of low probability and high impact. In other words, tance of fast reactive power compensation and raises aware
in operation, “resilience = N-k (k> 1) security + grid resto ness about voltage instability. Accordingly, fast-switching
ration.” While N-k (k> 1) security
has received substantial research
attention in the context of black- Event
outs, with various cascadmg out
age simulators being developed
for its assessment, transmission
grid restoration has been under- High Ordinary Event
addressed, as testified by the (Pertain to N 1 Securi
research literature.
This deficit constitutes a game
changer in setting an adequate Medium
level of grid security. Note that
even today, when operation risk is Low xtreme N-k (k > 1 vents ertain to esc ence
deemed high, e.g., under adverse
No/Low Medium High Event Impact
weather (a forecasted storm) or
stressed operating conditions, figure 2. The relationship between security and resilience regarding event
operators assess and may maintain likelihood and impact.

may/june 2023 lIFE power & ener~~y ma~’azine

capacitor banks and undervoltage load-shedding control were overloaded line caused a chain reaction of several line outages
installed. Furthermore, the event raises awareness about hid within seconds, resulting in a blackout. On the first day, it
den failures (e.g., protection relays that erroneously trip a took 15 h to restore 80% of service. The next day, the system
healthy and more critical line and the failure of a breaker to failed again for the same reason, and the restoration process
disconnect a faulty line), the major cause of disturbances in ultimately succeeded.
the United States and a subject that has received substantial In 2015, Turkey experienced the fastest blackout to date,
research interest. with the entire power grid collapsing in a few seconds after
The intricate Italian blackout in 2003, affecting 56 million the initiating failure, leaving 70 million people in the dark
people for up to 16 h, happened at night, so at a low load, while for several hours. This blackout was again caused by human
Italy was massively importing power (around 7 GW), mostly error; despite four important lines being in outage for mainte
from Switzerland and France. The initiating event was a line nance, the grid operated N-i insecurely.
trip, due to a flashover caused by a tree, in Switzerland, which Recently, a low-impact blackout occurred when the Euro
overloaded two lines in Switzerland. These lines tripped after pean grid split on 8 January 2021, due to a fault in Croatia, fol
an unsuccessful attempt by the Swiss operator to reduce the lowed by a cascading overload outage of more than 10 power
overload, including tardy communication and coordination lines. All these outages occurred in fewer than 43 s, triggering
with the Italian operator aimed to reduce the power import. the curtailment of a 1 .7-GW load. Given the large number of
Consequently, the largest chunk of power import (4 GW) was disconnected lines, the system’s automated protection reacted
flowing instantaneously from France. This action overloaded rather well, saving the system from worse consequences.
the interconnection lines between France and Italy, also ensu Last but not least, sometimes blackouts occur while the
ing in very low voltages at Italian substations. The intercon transmission grid is already weakened by multiple scheduled
nection lines tripped in a matter of seconds, isolating Italy line outages (e.g., Turkey and India). Although this is to a good
with a large power deficit from the rest of the European sys extent business as usual (but it needs enhanced scheduling
tem. Consequently, generators in Italy lost synchronism and accounting for the renewable generation effect on power flows),
tripped, ensuing in a complete blackout. This blackout teaches it should be accurately considered in security calculations.
us about the following situations:
The role of exchanging information in day ahead (e.g., Blackouts of Grids Operating Purposely
for congestion forecast) and real time between opera With Limited Resilience
tors of interconnected transmission grids (e.g., Europe) It is hard to quantify how resilient a grid is and set an adequate
is important since electric phenomena can spread wider level of resilience as these depend on a huge set of poten
beyond a country’s border. tial sequences of low-probability contingencies assumed to
Every operator must maintain the same N-i security happen. The meshed grid structure ensures redundancy and,
level in the interconnected European system; at that together with intricate control loops, naturally allows the
time, Italy maintained security only through preven grid to withstand the loss of some combinations of two or
tive actions, while Switzerland also allowed correc more components.
tive actions. The blackouts of grids operating rightfully with limited
This blackout also highlighted the high complexity and some resilience were produced by multiple correlated trips of com
times counterintuitiveness of power flows in the operation of
big meshed interconnected grids.
The root cause of the European blackout in 2006, which
ponents under the following conditions:
i” normal weather
b’ adverse weather (natural disasters) damaging grid
occurred outside peak load and affected 10 million people, infrastructure
was a human error consisting of the deliberate disconnection Three prominent examples of the former cause are ad
of a power line without reassessing grid security online. This dressed next.
error left the grid in an N-i insecure situation, triggering cas The Southern Brazil blackout in 1999 was the largest power
cading overload line tripping. This event led to the European outage to that date, affecting more than 80 million people. It
transmission grid splitting into three independent subsystems, was caused by a lightning strike on an electricity substation,
for a period of 2 h, and automatic load shedding to keep the causing most of the power lines connected to the substation
power balance in each subsystem. The N-i security criterion to disconnect simultaneously. Accordingly, many generators
was again not fulfilled, and the impact of this disconnection on automatically shut down in the absence of transmission lines
the security of the network was not properly, if at all, assessed. available to ship their power to load. The main lesson of this
The largest blackout to date in terms of the number of blackout is to pay attention to the remedial actions to faults
people affected (more than 620 million) took place in 2012 in impacting an entire substation, where several lines can be
the inadequately reliable power system of India, in a context connected, or a busbar of it.
where the country already had issues with generation short The blackout of parts of North America and Canada in
age to meet demand. The blackout occurred similarly twice, 2003, which affected 50 million people and interrupted
in two consecutive days, at peak demand. The trip of an 60 GW of load, initially had a slow development. After the

ower & eI?er~,’y I,,al4a7ine may/june 2023

first generator trip, for approximately 1 h, a few normally days. Several hundred people died, and the cost of the black
loaded lines tripped unexpectedly due to tree contact pro out was estimated at US$155 billion. Two main lessons were
voked by untrimmed vegetation. Then, fast cascade outages learned. First, one needs to redesign the electricity market to
occurred, resulting in collapse. The operators could have had avoid the huge profit (in billions of U.S. dollars as the whole
time to take remedial actions, but they lacked situation aware sale market price was almost 20 times larger than normal) of
ness of unfolding operating conditions as the state estimator some energy firms as well as the bankruptcy of other firms.
and real-time security assessment were not functional. This Second, one needs to profoundly rethink and enhance grid
blackout emphasizes, among other things, the importance of resilience. “Winterizing” the power sector in Texas remains
the adequate visualization of emergency conditions, under a big challenge.
pinning remedial actions in the control center, and prompted Finally, the recurrent natural disasters occurring in many
research in this direction. places over the world, e.g., Chile (earthquakes), the United
The U.K. blackout in 2019, affecting more than 1 mil States (hurricanes and tornados), and Greece (wildfires),
lion customers, was initiated by a line disconnection due to clearly indicate the need for a systematic approach.
a lightning strike. During the transient period, a few wind To summarize, the contingencies causing blackouts are
farms, interfaced with the grid through power electronics, did generally correlated and conditioned, and therefore, of non-
not ride through fault and tripped suddenly, leaving the grid negligible joint probability, as in the case of hidden failures in
with a power production deficit. In addition, three small gas protections. Very rarely, a blackout is caused by uncorrelated
power plants, responsible for restoring the power balance def contingencies of negligible joint probability. For example,
icit, tripped due to an erroneous overspeed signal. The lesson such a blackout occurred in Sweden and Denmark in 2003,
drawn is how sensitive to unusual operating conditions and where the trip of a large nuclear power unit was followed,
how little understood is renewable generation, controlled by 5 mm later in a far remote location, by a trip of a double bus-
power electronics, as compared to conventional synchronous bar and disconnection of four lines.
generators. This blackout highlights the difficulty of trading
off grid codes (legal contracts of mandatory simplicity) and Enhancing Grid Security
the technical requirements of renewable generation to ride and Resilience Today
through multiple successive voltage drops.
Some key blackouts caused by natural disasters, Lifting the Fog: Commonaiities and Differences
which damaged multiple grid components and affected Between Security and Resilience
smaller regions and a number of people for a long time, It is first necessary to elucidate the confusion that exists in
are the following. the community regarding the overlap and differences between
Hurricane Sandy left around 10 million people without security and resilience. Everybody agrees that power grids
power in the United States in 2012 for up to two weeks. must become more resilient, but different people have dis
Flooding and downed trees damaged vulnerable areas, cutting tinct definitions and interpretations of what resilience means.
their power supply. The source of confusion stems from a straight translation of
The Australian blackout in 2016 occurred during a very the original definition of resilience from the dictionary into
rare heavy storm, during which two lines tripped due to the power grid realm, without considering grid specifics and
fault. The grid experienced unusual electric transients during existing concepts. Accordingly, resilience can be directly
which many power electronics-controlled wind farms did not translated into power grids as the ability to quickly adjust to
respond according to the grid code, either tripping or reducing contingencies and recover normal operation after them. How
substantially their power production. These events overloaded ever, this definition is too generic since, by design, the power
a key interconnector and caused its subsequent trip, splitting grid must already be “resilient” and secure without the need to
the grid and resulting in a blackout. Two wind farm owners recover, in this sense, for N-i events. Furthermore, the power
were fined around US$1.2 million for their negative role in grid is even “resilient” and secure to the vast majority of N-2
the blackout. As in the U.K. blackout in 2019, the capacity or more dangerous contingencies, although it was not planned
of wind power generation to ride through unusual transients to achieve such robustness.
is in question. The power grid realm agrees to limit the dictionary defi
The state of Texas, which is not connected electrically nition of resilience only to extreme events, with high impact
with the rest of the U.S. grid, experienced during two weeks and low probability. Hence, according to the definition pro
in February 2021 a highly unexpected massive shortage vided at the beginning of this article, resilience is concerned
of power production (e.g., around 13 GW at the peak, the only with extreme N-k (k> 1) events, generally leading to
demand being the highest ever recorded) due to a severe win lasting damaged infrastructure and subsequent grid restora
ter storm causing extremely low temperatures and the freez tion process. These are the key differences as compared to
ing of some generating equipment. Rolling blackouts were security, which focuses generally on N-i events such that
implemented by operators to equitably share the available the grid provides nominal services without a noticeable
power; still, 5 million people were not supplied for several impact on its users.

may/june 2023 IEEE poller ~ ener~l magazine

V improving situation awareness

Figure 3 illustrates conceptually the following three phases is the expected unserved energy (trapezoid area), i.e., exactly
of an event consisting of the trip of three lines: as in reliability calculation.
V Before the event: The grid is strengthened through pre
ventive actions. Measures to Strengthen Security
v’ During the event: The grid is managed through users’ and Resilience of Power Grids
nonintrusive actions (automatic control and corrective Blackouts have stimulated debate and initiated concrete
actions) and, if necessary, via last-resort automatic measures to enhance grids’ reliability and resilience, in
emergency actions (e.g., partial load shedding). planning, as well as security and resilience, in operation.
After the event: The grid recovers normal operation Sometimes blackouts pinpoint weak areas or assets in
through restorative actions, including other potentially the grid that need to be reinforced. The main measures to
affected infrastructures (e.g., telecommunication and enhance reliability, security, and resilience are of a diverse
transport). nature (administrative, organizational, and technical), such
In operation, phases I and U are common in security and resil as the following:
ience. Furthermore, at the planning stage, all phases are com v grid reinforcement
mon in reliability and resilience. v’ managing assets maintenance and replacing aging to
Table 1 summarizes the common and distinct aspects of the existing assets
security and resilience according to several criteria. A variety v managing vegetation around overhead power lines
of elaborate indicators have been proposed to characterize, v’ improving organization and procedures (e.g., commu
from a resilience viewpoint, the grid performance during a nication and coordination) between operators in large
certain trajectory (see Figure 3). However, the only one that interconnections
really matters and can be used to steer the operators’ decisions V increasing the capacity of interconnections between
countries (e.g., ongoing in Eu
rope) to better share renewable
System generation from remote sites
Performance (N-i) Security Enforced v’ developing blackout simulators
N-i N-2 N-3 for operator training to be better
prepared for potential failures
Percentage and Prepare Absorb
of Load
Supplied (grid visualization) in the con-
Adapt Recover trol room in real time
Three Lines Outage Event v’ improving grid observability,
Reside using high-rate measurements
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
I via phasor measurement units
Before Event During Event After Event and deploying wide-area mea
(Preventive (Automated and~Emergency (Restorative surement and control ioops
Actions) Corrective Actions: Actions) Actions) exploiting such measurements,
______________ for global threats, as well as
ime decentralized control based on
Time Window
the idea of edge computing,
figure 3. Grid performance over time and the phases of an event in security acting as locally as possible in
and resilience. the grid, for more local threats

table 1. Differences and commonalities between security and resilience.

Criterion Security Resilience
Events considered N-k (k ≥ 1), mainly N-i N-k (k> 1)
Event probability High (credible) Very low (little credible)
Event impact Low/medium/high High
Objective Minimize operation cost (without unserved energy) Minimize the unserved energy
Control actions Preventive and corrective Preventive, corrective, and restorative
Computation tools Security-constrained optimal power flow, including Methodology, including a simulator for N-k
a simulator for (generally N-i) contingencies contingencies and grid restoration
Commonalities Operator-initiated optimal preventive and corrective actions; simulator for N-k (particularly N-i)

Jill pun cr ~ (n(r14, Ina&~aziI,L. may/june 2023

performing postmortem blackout or event analyses solar, interfaced with the grid through power electron
based on recordings to validate and improve grid mod ics in both transmission and distribution grids
els, although these would not be fully efficient with the V the deployment of DERs, other than RESs, mainly stor
increased integration of power electronics at all volt age and electric vehicles (EVs)
age levels; such analyses inform and foster grid code V the progressive phase-out of large dispatchable con
improvement. ventional synchronous generators powered by environ
Reinforcing the grid to enhance security is not necessarily an mentally unfriendly fossil fuel
effective means as economics will naturally tend to push the V a trend to electrify other energy sectors (heat and trans
grid to operate near its limits. Based on previous experience, portation)
satisfying operation principles (e.g., N-i security) is the first V the development of digital platforms as key enablers
step in preventing blackouts. of energy transition and more sophisticated electricity
Sufficient evidence exists from recent blackouts that markets, including local ones, for flexibility in distribu
assessing and improving grid resilience deserves careful con tion networks.
sideration. Providing resilience becomes of utmost impor These transformations are weakening the security and
tance during extreme conditions, and considering power grid resilience of the transmission grid through the follow
restoration for such events should not be ignored anymore. ing actions:
Incentives to utilities to increase resilience are rising world V introducing more variability and less predictability in
wide. Therefore, it is time that resilience considerations are operating conditions
integrated into power grid planning and operation, but it is not V introducing unexpected power flow patterns, unfore
fully clear yet how. For instance, preemptively reinforcing the seen at grid planning
power grid against extreme events is generally impractical at V increasing peak load
the planning stage because such events have a very low prob V decreasing transmission grid controllability through the
ability, although they may have a high impact. Indeed, costly scattering, volatility, and size reduction of controllable
network investments to cope with highly unlikely events are assets (e.g., generators); this leads to a shift from to
hard to justify. In operation, however, some natural disasters day’s security control (dozens of big dispatchable gen
(floods and storms) can be predicted with sufficient accuracy. erators) to tomorrow’s challenging control [thousands
If their probability becomes plausible and their impact is high, of variable output and smaller size DERs, most located
their associated risk (measured by the product of their prob in distribution grids and hence not controllable by the
ability and impact) becomes high and should not be neglected transmission system operator (TSO)]
by the operator. The grid should be strengthened, e.g., with recognizing that physical attacks are easy and could
corrective actions and closed-loop controls, to face such cred use affordable technologies (e.g., drones and GPS
ible extreme events. spoofing)
The natural way of handling extreme events, whose proba creating new grid vulnerabilities due to digitalization,
bility becomes credible at some time in operation, jointly with e.g., cyberattacks and failures in communication infra
ordinary N-i events is by operating the grid in a risk-based structure.
manner, i.e., controlling the overall grid risk to remain below Fortunately, besides typical grid flexibility (e.g., substa
some threshold. Operators are firmly contemplating migrating tion reconfiguration, line switching, and power transformers),
the way of decision making from the current rigid determinis some of the previously mentioned threats (especially DER5)
tic N-i security criterion to an adaptive risk-based one. How are also part of the solution to combat the deterioration of
ever, suitable risk metrics, including unserved energy during security and resilience via the following (see Figure 4):
the grid restoration phase, that embrace the same umbrella grid monitoring (e.g., phasor measurement units, dy
contingencies pertaining to both N- 1 security and resilience namic thermal line rating, and smart wires); control
are to be found. modernization through high-voltage dc (HVDC) links
(allowing the cheaper shipment of renewable genera
Challenges to Security and Resilience tion from a remote location—whether Europe needs an
Posed by the Energy Transition overlay dc supergrid has been debated for more than
a decade—fast control, and shielding harmful dynam
Transformations in Power Grids During ics propagation); flexible ac transmission systems; and
the Energy Transition hydrogen electrolyzers
The world is transitioning from fossil fuels to low-carbon and exploiting much faster control capability, as com
renewable energy supply. The main technological transforma pared to conventional generators, of DER power
tions during this energy transition, some shown in Figure 4, electronics, which opens up the possibility to shift the
are as follows: balance of generators’ dispatch effort from mostly
the accelerated penetration of a myriad of variable out preventive (today) to mostly corrective or just-in-time
put renewable energy sources (RESs), mostly wind and in the future

may/june 2023 lUFF power & e:icrgy ,,,a~azine

the support of the distribution system operator (DSO), Challenges due to a Massive Penetration
through appropriate coordination with the TSO, for us of Power Electronics in Power Grids
ing part of the DER flexibility present in the distribu The huge penetration of power electronics, controlling the
tion grid to meet the security of the transmission system behavior of millions of DERs and RESs, is fundamentally
since a blackout would severely affect both businesses changing the dynamics of power grids. Furthermore, accurate
the coupling of energy systems (e.g., hydrogen for dynamic models of increasingly active distribution grids, which
transportation and gas, fostering long-term seasonal affect stability, are to be found and included in dynamic simula
electricity storage). tions of the transmission grid. This trend prompted in 2021 a
Clearly, a wide front of research and development and revisit and extension of power grid stability, also including two
radical changes is awaiting progress to succeed in the energy new forms of instability, that is, resonance and converter driven,
transition. Power grid modernization and upgraded decision- which are exclusively due to the poor interactions of converter
support tools for operators do not seem to keep up with the control loops. It also necessitates research and engineering
fast transformations imposed by this transition. Digitalization efforts to ensure the interoperability of various DERs, RESs,
should receive special attention as the grid infrastructure (e.g., and HVDC links, proposed by different vendors.
the control center) faces more frequent cyberattacks. Indeed, Most notably, a high share of RESs dramatically reduces the
dangerous cyberattacks have been experienced in vital parts power grid’s inertia, provided hitherto by rotating masses of
of the electricity infrastructure, e.g., in Ukraine in 2015, synchronous generators that are being phased out. Although it
resulting in power outages for roughly 230,000 consumers, has not caused yet any blackouts, the low inertia challenge
or the Stuxnet malware attack that bit an Iranian power plant is receiving a lot of research attention. Possible, yet high-
in 2010. In this context, the catastrophic scenario produced by cost, solutions include synchronous condensers, the deloaded
long-lasting cyberattacks described in the book Blackout by operation of RES generation, and big battery storage systems.
Marc Elsberg in 2012 might not remain pure fiction. Further innovation is needed to come up with cheaper solu
One should not wait for a new blackout to happen to tions. The author envisions the huge cost of electricity, to be
improve security and resilience as this can be fatal to soci supported by the state and consumers, as the major technical
ety. The anticipation of blackouts and coping with new barrier in reaching 100% renewable supply power grids.
threats to power grids are the key to accomplishing the Another key issue with variable RESs is that they cannot
energy transition. provide the same quality of reactive power services (needed
to create variable electric and magnetic
fields allowing electricity transmission
from production sites to consumers) as
conventional synchronous generators.
Renewable This situation creates a reserves short
Energy Sources age for both reactive power production
Electrification of (Wind, Solar)
Energy Sectors Distributed and absorption in the transmission grid,
(Heat, Transport) Energy compromising its security through the
and Energy Resources inability to control voltages and maintain
Efficiency (Storage, EVs)
their stability. This shortage is owing to
the following reasons:
V Wind RES reactive power capa
Power Grid bility is roughly half that of a syn
Coordination of the Future TSO and DSO chronous generator of the same
for Flexibility Coordination
With Other for Flexibility size.
Energy Vectors V Unlike conventional generators,
(Heat, Gas) variable RESs were deployed where
Energy Advanced
the climate conditions are suitable
Technologies (e.g., off-shore wind power); there
Enablers (HVDC, DLR,
(Digital FACTS, PMU, fore, they may not be effective for
Platforms, Smart Wires) overall voltage control, particularly
close to high-load locations, as
shipping reactive power far away
figure 4. The key power grid transformations during the energy transition. is inefficient.
DSO: distribution system operator; TSO: transmission system operator; loT: V Millions of small RESs, deployed
the Internet of Things; EVs: electric vehicles; DLR: dynamic line rating; PMU: according to the grid code in dis
power management unit; FACTS: flexible ac transmission system; HVDC, tribution systems, are not control
high-voltage dc. lable and operate at a constant

IEEE power & energy magazine may/june 2023

(unitary) power factor, e.g., photovoltaic panels in low- V updated models of increasingly active distribution grids
voltage grids. V grid dynamics
These reasons urge rapidly rethinking and planning additional V a radical change in the philosophy to control grid fre
sources of reactive power (e.g., synchronous condensers and quency and voltages that should be implemented at high
static synchronous compensators), especially close to big load inverter-based RES penetration, at an extremum using
centers, further increasing the overall cost of electricity. the concept of grid-forming RESs, involving the droop-
Further changes in RES-rich grids pertain to protection based fine granularity control of millions of RESs
philosophy as, unlike synchronous generators, RESs can V risk metrics for managing security and resilience
not provide a large fault current. The blackouts in Australia V coordination for flexibility with DSOs and operators of
(2016) and the United Kingdom (2019) testify that, as com other energy vectors
pared to conventional generators, RES behavior is not yet well V compound physical-cyber power grid model and
understood and is more sensitive to unusual operating condi simulation.
tions; hence, RESs may unexpectedly disconnect, depriving The problems, including the previously mentioned features,
the grid of valuable production and reserves, possibly leading that need to be solved for computing optimal actions to
to a blackout. Some uncertainty lies ahead, and blackouts can improve security and resilience are huge in size and highly
occur in such circumstances. computationally challenging. Solving them will require pow
Further, since energy consumption should be met at any time, erful high-performance computers, if not the next generation
improved grid resilience and generation adequacy will be needed of quantum computers. Figure 5 illustrates (in red) the three
at high shares (up to 100%) of inverter-based RESs due to the main sources of computation complexity.
“Dunkefflaute effect” that translates into simultaneously low pro Tools for part of the security problem, focusing on steady-
duction of wind and solar generators as experienced sometimes, state (thermal and voltage) constraints, were addressed
especially during Febmaiy in Europe. Preliminaiy studies report recently in two Advanced Research Projects Agency—Energy
that, in Europe, the mean frequency of Dunkefflaute is reduced Grid Optimization competitions organized by the U.S. Depart
from roughly 3 to 9% at the country level to approximately 3.5% ment of Energy. The tools proposed for these competitions
at the regional level provided that the power transmission limits demonstrate scalabilily to very large grids. However, they do
of the interconnected grids increase. How to cover the deficit of not incorporate any other dimensions of complexity from those
energy during this effect, besides energy storage, is a tough cit shown in Figure 5, except contingencies. This demonstrates
izen-driven political matter pertaining to the optimal electricity clearly that decision-support tools are currently severely lag
supply mix during the energy transition. ging behind the speed as the energy transition evolves.
Despite these major threats to grid operation security and resil Algorithms embedded in these tools inherently require
ience, achieving a 100% renewable electricity supply (including decomposing the optimization and control problems as well
dispatchable hydropower and energy storage) is highly challeng as relying on fast and reasonable quality approximations. Fur
ing but technically feasible on a case-by-case basis. However, the ther, hybrid algorithms between machine learning, for solu
energy transition cost will not be affordable, at least in Europe, tion estimation, and rigorous classical optimization methods
unless low-carbon and dispatchable nuclear power is for some are emerging. In particular, physics-informed machine learn
time and to some extent part of the energy mix. ing is deemed by some researchers as a promising option to
deal with the increasing complexity. Still, the validation of
Decision-Support Tools for Operators machine learning techniques should depart from the straight
Are Largely Lagging Behind forward “learning by heart” of easy-to-estimate solutions and
Current decision-making tools to enhance security in day be proved when really needed, i.e., under sudden and various
ahead or real time, such as the security-constrained optimal realistic changes in operating conditions.
power flow, are largely deficient in properly modeling the
prevailing grid operation phenomena during the energy transi
tion. Accurate tools to enhance resilience are in their infancy, Uncertainties
and they should integrate and significantly extend modules Decision Variables
(TSO-DSO Links)
of tools for security. To ensure the security and resilience of
grids during the energy transition, the decision-support tools
for operators in all time frames need substantial advances in
the problems addressed, which should model the following: Contingencies
fr’ temporal coupling and intrinsic uncertainties of DER

V fine-time resolution since the current time resolution Temporal Links
(e.g., typically 30 mm if not 1 h) during which all
power flows in the grid are assumed constant is figure 5. The main dimensions of computation complexity
largely inaccurate in future decision-support tools.

may/june 2023 lIEU power & energy magazine

Methods to enhance resilience should further address an necessitate substantial enhancements in the relevance of prob
issue of nigh-impossible solution; scenarios modeled are gen lems addressed and high-performance computers, if not the
erally extreme (e.g., low voltages and abnormal frequency), next generation of ultrapowerful quantum computers, for
which questions the validity of power grid models and simu their solution.
lation accuracy outcome. Accordingly, the sequence of events The methodologies and tools pertaining to grid resilience are
(cascading disconnections and restoration process) gets under development. They face significantly more solution com
increasingly uncertain, and the outcome of events exhibits putational challenges than for security but could wisely benefit
high variability. from modules present in tools for tackling security. Enhancing
resilience to natural disasters (especially the restoration phase)
Conclusions and Outlook is cross-disciplinary and depends on diverse factors (e.g., crews
The lessons learned after each past blackout have allowed mitigating the disaster outside the power grid realm). However,
power grids to better face contingencies. However, the key the incapacity to fight against and tame nature drastically limits
lesson, namely meeting the N-i security operation require the capacity to enhance resilience. To properly address the entire
ment, has not been systematically or efficiently enforced and spectrum of threats, embracing it under the same framework of
remains the cause of many high-impact blackouts. Thus, the evi security and resilience, probabilistic risk-based decision making
dence collected in this work contradicts some articles on resil in grid operation must be urgently adopted.
ience, which claim that only the lack of adequate grid resilience
to extreme weather can cause (high-impact) blackouts. Acknowledgments
The world is transitioning to sustainable energy grids and The author acknowledges the funding from FNR Luxem
the electrification of some energy sectors, which is produc bourg in the frame of research projects ML4SCOPF, ECHO,
ing major transformations in increasingly hybrid ac-dc power and TESTIFY.
grids, especially a massive adoption at all voltage levels of
variable RES generation, interfaced with the grid through For Further Reading
inverters. Grid monitoring and control modernization via D. N. Kosterev, C. W. Taylor, and W. A. Mittelstadt, “Model
various technologies, including prevalent HVDC links, validation for the August 10, 1996 WSCC system outage,”
are following alarmingly at a slower pace, weakening grid IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 967—979, Aug.
security. This energy transition is fundamentally shifting the 1999, doi: 10.1109/59.780909.
known grid dynamics, creating new forms of instability, and G. Andersson et al., “Causes of the 2003 major grid
requiring rethinking grid operation, control, and markets. In blackouts in North America and Europe, and recommend
particular, it is of high interest to identify the critical turning ed means to improve system dynamic performance,” IEEE
point of RES share in the sustainable electricity mix, also Trans. Power Syst., vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 1922—1928, Nov. 2005,
encompassing conventional synchronous generator-based doi: l0.1109/TPWRS.2005.857942.
hydro and low-carbon nuclear power, which will lead to a A. Berizzi, “The Italian 2003 blackout,” in Proc. IEEE
radical change in the approaches to control frequency and Power Eng. Soc. General Meeting, 2004, vol. 2, pp. 1673—
voltages. In the prevailing context, new threats (e.g., cyberat 1679, doi: i0.1109/PES.2004.1373159.
tacks, low inertia, and reactive power reserves scarcity) and N. Hatziargyriou et al., “Definition and classification of
atypical vulnerabilities (e.g., cyberphysical, counterintuitive, power system stability—revisited & extended,” IEEE Trans.
and unpredictable power flows) of power grids, unknown to Power Syst., vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 3271—3281, Jul. 2021, doi:
operators, may materialize. 10.1 109/TPWRS.2020.3041774.
We are discovering the behavior of changing power grids F. Capitanescu, “Evaluating reactive power reserves scar
and can use little of the lessons learned from previous black city during the energy transition toward 100% renewable
outs in this new environment. In particular, the fragility of supply,” Elect. Power Syst. Res., vol. 190, Jan. 2021, Art, no.
DERs to unusual operating conditions already conveyed 106672, doi: i0.1016/j.epsr.2020.106672.
two warnings, which materialized in the blackouts in Aus M. I. Alizadeh, M. Usman, and F. Capitanescu, “Envi
tralia and the United Kingdom. It is risky to ride a blackout sioning security control in renewable dominated power
unprepared through the energy transition. To succeed, one systems through stochastic multi-period AC security con
needs superior blackout anticipation than hitherto available. strained optimal power flow,” mt. J. Elect. Power Energy
Still, blackouts will continue to happen, at least because the Syst., vol. 139, Jul. 2022, Art. no. 107992, doi: 10.1016/j.
increasingly complex grid with millions of small-size DERs, ijepes.2022.107992.
some uncontrollable, neither was planned nor can be operated
to cope with massive natural disasters. In this respect, grid Biography
reliability, security, and resilience are increasingly vital due Florin Capitanescu is with the Luxembourg Institute of Sci
to the electrification of key energy sectors, increased occur ence and Technology, L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.
rence of natural disasters, and unveiled new threats. However,
the decision-support tools to evaluate and enhance security

IEEE power & energy magazine may/june 2023

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