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Topic: Developing a Unique Painting Style with Color

- A well-executed painting e ectively conveys the artist's intended expression while

incorporating color principles.

- Artists can develop their own unique painting style and aesthetic by reinterpreting these color

- The examples presented in this book re ect the author's personal style, but it is crucial not to
merely imitate the nal outcome.

- Instead, prioritize gradual improvement of coloring skills by learning fundamental techniques

step by step and utilizing the examples as references.

- When creating background illustrations or expanding beyond character illustrations, there

may be slight variations in the central elements of expression, but the underlying principles of
coloring remain consistent.

Key Points:

1. Well-executed paintings align with the artist's intended expression and incorporate color

2. Reinterpreting color principles contributes to the development of a unique painting style.

3. Instead of imitation, use the provided examples as references while focusing on incremental
skill improvement.

4. While variations may exist in background illustrations, the core principles of coloring remain

Note: Developing a unique painting style involves understanding color principles and
progressively improving coloring skills. Rather than copying the examples, use them as
references to enhance your own artistic growth. Whether working on character or background
illustrations, the fundamental principles of coloring remain crucial.

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