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Shanghai G&W Technology Documents

2.3 Electromagnetic force

When short circuit current is taking place,
external force on the insulator by the
electromagnetic force is calculated as Equation
(3), Reference [4].

Fc = (0.0204 K L)/d×(2.5 Ic)2 (N) -----

Equation (3)

Where, Ic = Maximum short circuit current (kA)

d = Distance between phase (m)
L0 = Length of Outdoor Termination (m)
L = 1+L0+1 = 1+1.962+1=3.962 (m)
(Section 4 of Reference [4])
K = Revised coefficient of connecting
conductor between phase (circular connector
conductor, K = 1; square connecting conductor, K
= Refer to the right side diagram, Reference [2].)

Fc = (0.0204 K L)/d×(2.5 Ic)2

= (0.0204×1×3.962)/3×(2.5 31.5)2
= 167.08 (N) = 0.167 (kN)

d= 3 (Section 4 of Reference [4])
Ic= 31.5 kA (given)

2.4 External force by the earthquake (Reference [4])

Horizontal seismic: Fh= 1.2 AW/g × Kh
Vertical seismic: Fv= 0.6×1.2 AW/g × Kv

Where, A stands for maximum ordinate of response

for a damping value of 2%. In this case,
A/g=1.37(Right side diagram, Reference [4])
W = Weight of Outdoor Termination and Cable =
120+26.6=146.6 (kg)
Kh=1, Kv=1 (Reference [4]). As, these Outdoor
terminations are installed on rigid supports.

Cable weight = 13.09kg/m × (1.962+0.067) = 26.6kg

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Shanghai G&W Technology Documents

Without metal sheath nor jacket, approximately 1000mm2 cable weight is to be (8.9+4.19) =

Cable conductor copper weight = 8.9kg/m = 1000mm2 × 1000mm × 8.9 × 0.000001kg/mm3

Cable XLPE insulation weight = 4.19kg/m = 3.14 ×(75.3 × 75.3 39.5 ×39.5)/4 mm2 ×
1000mm × 1.3 × 0.000001kg/mm3

Fh = 1.2 AW/g × Kh = 1.2×1.37×146.6×1kgf
= 1.2×1.37×146.6×1×9.8 = 2.362kN

Fv = 0.6×1.2 AW/g × Kv = 0.6×1.2×1.37×146.6×1kgf

= 0.6×1.2×1.37 ×146.6×1×9.8 = 1.417kN

Center of gravity, approximately

(h = H/2)

3. Bending moment review of composite insulator

Review load:

[Case 1] {Wind velocity 113(km/h) + Tensile force 1000N + Electromagnetic force + Seismic
intensity 0.5g Horizontal seismic + Vertical seismic} × 2 (Safety factor)

BM2 = [(Fw×h) + (T×L) + (Fc×H) + (Fh×h) + (Fv×h)]×2

= [(0.123 0.868) + (1×1.962) + (0.167×1.736) + (2.362×0.868) + (1.417×0.868)]×2
= 11.28 (kNm)

BM2 (81.2%) < Specific Mechanical Load of composite insulator (=Rc×H= 8kN×1.736m =
13.89 kNm)
Where, according to the designed and tested to cantilever force and by following
requirement from Section 10 of Reference [4], Rc is the minimum rupture statistical value
which is defined by:
Rc = - 2

Averaged broken force:

= (8000+8000+8000)/3 = 8000 (N)

Standard deviation of the breaking force:

= sqrt {[(8000-8000)2+(8000-8000)2+(8000-8000)2]/(3-1)}

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