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1. Loud - голосний
2. fast   - швидкий
3. easy - легкий
4. difficult   - важкий (морально) (діфікалт)
5. excited - схвильований
6. heavy   - важкий (фізично)
7. quick   - швидкий
8. ready   - готовий
9. pleased – зодоволений (плізд)
10. euros – євро (юроу)
11. late     - пізній
1  Complete the adjectives with the missing letters.
1   l a t e
2   loud
3   slow
4   fast
5   easy
6   difficult
7   friendly
8   excited

2  Complete the sentences with the adjectives in Exercise 1.

1   I can’t walk quickly, I’m ……slow…… .
2   Gabriela drives quickly, she’s got a ………………. car.
3   Camila is good at science, she doesn’t need to study a lot. It’s
………………. for her.
4   The TV is very ………………. . I can’t hear what you’re saying.
5   We like our teacher, she’s ………………. and helps us.
6   They need to run. They don’t want to be ………………. for
7   Francesco is watching his favourite band at a concert, he’s very
………………. .
8   I don’t understand maths, it’s ………………. for me.

3  Put the letters in the right order to make adjectives.

1   wen           ……new……
2   gntsro        ……………….
3   unf             ……………….
4   yveah        ……………….
5   lliitbran     ……………….
6   kciuq         ……………….
7   draey         ……………….
8   sealdpe     ……………….
4  Match the questions (1−8) to the answers (A−H). Then
complete them with the adjectives in Exercise 3.
1   Do you enjoy playing the guitar?   …D…
2   Is your bike slow?
3   Do you like running?
4   What’s the weather like today?
5   Why is your rucksack h _ _ _ _?
6   Are you r _ _ _ _ for lunch?
7   Were you happy with your test mark?
8   Do you have a n _ _ job?
A   The wind is s _ _ _ _ _, it’s difficult to walk.
B   Yes, let’s eat.
C   Yes, I was p _ _ _ _ _ _ with it.
D   Yes, it’s f u n. I like music.
E    No, it’s q _ _ _ _, it’s very fast.
F    Yes, I was a farmer, but now I’m a nurse.
G   It’s b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, it’s my favourite sport. I love it.
H   I’ve got a lot of big books in it.

5  Put the words in the right order to make sentences.

1   do it. / Geography is / I can’t / difficult for me,
      ……Geography is difficult for me, I can’t do it. ……
2   was brilliant, / The film / amazing! / it was
3   too loud. / the music is / hear you, / I can’t
4   about his / Omer is / excited / new job.
5   easy / it was / Mateo was / the test and / ready for / for him.
6   very strong, / My brother is / heavy things. / he can lift
7   with it. / Anna has got / she’s really / pleased / a new phone,
8   late for school / Tom is never / because / really fast. / his bike is
6  Complete the conversations with the words in the box. There
are two extra words.
badminton     brilliant     euros     excited
friendly     geography     late     new     pleased
ready     strong
1   A:   Is your bag heavy?
      B:   Yes, but I’m 1……strong……, I can carry it!
2   A:   Are they your 2………………. shoes? Your old shoes were
      B:   Yes, I’m really 3………………. with them – they’re great.
3   A:   Is sport easy for you?
      B:   Yes, it is. My favourite sport is 4………………. .
4   A:   The film is starting now, where are you?
      B:   I was 5………………. to leave at eight o’clock, but my friend
was 6………………., she’s never on time.
5   A:   Was the 7………………. test difficult?
      B:   Yes, it was.
6   A:   The party was wonderful, it was 8……………….!
      B:   Yes, it was fun.
7   A:   Were the concert tickets expensive?
      B:   No, they were 20 9………………. .

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