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NAME: _____________________ GRADE 8: SEC:___________ DATE: 20-11-2022

____________________________ ANSWER KEY_____________________________

‫يم‬ َّ ‫ٱلر ۡح َٰم ِن‬

ِ ‫ٱلر ِح‬ ِ ‫بِ ۡس ِم ٱ‬
َّ ‫هلل‬

Q1- Deduce the controls established by Islam to protect lives and maintain the
security and stability of society from the given Hadith:-
i-The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: “Do not give your brother a drawn sword until you put it back into
its sheath”. Reported by Ahmad.
The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: secure your weapon while exchanging, so that the other person
would not get hurt. If you give the open weapon, it might fall down or hurt the other
Muslim. So, we must be careful while exchanging or giving the sword or any other sharp
weapon. First, we should cover it in its sheath, then give it to the other person.
ii-The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: “He who pointed a weapon towards his brother the angels invoke
curse upon him even if he is his real brother so long as he does not abandon it”.
Reported by Muslim.
The The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said not to point weapon towards your brother. It is not permitted to
use the weapon for any other purpose even as an amusement.
Q2- How does the Muslim protect himself from temptation by Shaytan?
Ans: Take refuge in Allah from the evil of Shaytan.
Remembrance of Allah.
Prayers and supplications.

Q3- Compare in the table below one who protects himself from temptations by
Shaytan and one who succumbs to such temptations:
Aspect The one who protects himself The one who succumbs
from temptations by Shaytan to temptations by
Worship of Allah‫ﷻ‬ Worships on time with Delays his worship and
sincerity is not sincere
Psychology He is full of peace and Unsatisfied heart
Treatment of Good morals Bad morals
Effects on his Good and active citizen A dependent citizen

Q4- Explain the positive effects of not frightening or intimidating others.

Ans: There will be love, compassion, care, peace, safety and security.
Not causing harm; Being just and fair.
No disputes or injustice with others, social cohesion and unity.
Q5- Read the Ayah of Surah Al-Maa’idah with translation carefully. Write the
points what you understood from the given Verse.

‫اس َجميعًا َو َم ْن أ َ ْحيَاهَا فَ َكأَنَّ َما أ َ ْحيَا‬

َ َّ‫سا ٍد في ْاْل َ ْرض فَ َكأَنَّ َما قَت َ َل الن‬
َ َ‫سا بغَيْر نَ ْف ٍس أ َ ْو ف‬
ً ‫َم ْن قَت َ َل نَ ْف‬
ۚ ‫اس َجميعًا‬ َ َّ‫الن‬
...whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he
had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind
entirely… (Surah al Maa’idah 5: 32)
• Killing human beings for no reason is Haram.
• Killing one human is like killing the entire mankind
• Saving one life is equal to saving the whole mankind
• Life is sacred. No one has the right to take the life of others!
Q6- Expect the results of the following behaviors on the individual and on the
i-Saher backbites his classmates.
She will be a sinner and spreads hatred.
ii-Sara wrote a letter insulting her classmate and posted it on social media.
It’s a bad behaviour that leads to fights and hatred.
iii-Amna took a photo of her classmate and started threatening her that she will post the
photo on social media if she does not help her cheat in the examination.
Threatening or frightening is prohibited. It breaks the trust between them.
iv- Some students jest (played) with their classmates using a sharp tool.
Unacceptable way of joking can lead to fight and harm others.
Q7- Specify the illuminations from the given Ahadith which indicates the
keenness of Islam on building a friendly and stable society.
i-The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: “None of you should point at his brother with a weapon”.
By Al-Bukhari
ii-The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: “ A Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hands the Muslims
are safe ; and a Muhajir (Emigrant) is the one who refrains from what Allah has
forbidden”. By Ahmad
• Abusing or Defaming a Muslim is evil & killing him is disbelief
• Frightening a Muslim is unlawful
• Pointing others with a weapon is prohibited
• Do not use sharp objects to point at others even for fun
• Others should be safe from your tongue and hands
• Safety and security is an important aspect of Islam
Q8- Organize the concepts of sanctity of the human soul

The wisdom of Islam is the religion of

The consequence of
prohibiting carrying peace
frightening others
weapons ___________________
__________________ A Muslim is from
He may fall into the pit Because he does not
whose tongue and
of hell fire. know that Shaytan hands the Muslims are
may make it fall from safe.
his hand.

Write any one answer from the below three questions in the Notebook.

Q4 is compulsory.
1- Define the various types of frightening people and give examples to describe
each one of them.

2- Explain the prohibition of frightening and intimidating people in Islam.

3- Explore the role of students and young people in preserving society from
frightening people.

4- Connect the topic to the Islamic Strands and explain. Connect the lesson to any
SDG and explain.


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