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• Comment on the question

• Relate the question to your own experience

I’m not an expert in this area so what I’m gonna say now is just a guesswork.
• Divide up the question


• Moving to a new place

• Why do some people keep moving?
• Experience new environment
+ Finding a more suitable job (hop their job)
+ establish more new relationships
• Their jobs require them to move
Journalists or flight attendant
• Living alone – roommates
• Living alone:
+ privacy and convenience as dont have to worry about others’ opinions.
+ increase their independence as complete all the tasks on their own
• With roommates
+ avoid financial burden as living costs => expensive
+ safer as unexpected accidents
• Beneficial to live alone ?
Yes + independence => job
No + without the guidance of parents => affected by several factors => play truant/commit
+ experience a sense of isolation and alienation => mental problems
• Besides cooking
• Time management
• Financial management
• What kinds of people tend to live alone ?
• The elderly -> …..
• Introverts => reliant on other people
• Parents and teachers can teach children to live independently
• Let them make their own decisions -> university
• Role models -> mimic/imitate
• Divide the class to small sections

Topic 2: JOBS
• Most popular jobs for young people
• White-collar professions => a 9 to 5 job => Officers/ ….
• Blue-collar professions => workers …..
• Difference between low-income and high-income jobs
• High-paid jobs require more factors => graduating from reputable universities / experience
• Pressure -> huge companies -> Working environment -> fast-paced environment
deadlines/workload -> complete these tasks on time -> get fired
• Work with excellent co-workers
• When making plans for their future careers?
Begin their high school years
• Keep track of what they need to do
• Avoid distractions
• Highest salaries
Famous singers => music
Those working for the government -> under the table
• Low-paid jobs but require a lot of skills
Teachers => patience/confidence/ a high level of knowledge.
Fire fighters => secure people from great heights
• Secondary schools should offer advice to students
Yes: right orientation/direction => young people tend to be adversely affected by many
No: rely on their parents/friends

1. Qualities of inventors
- Creativity -> come up with new ideas and look at things from unique perspectives -> apple
- Patience -> may fail multiple times -> thành công
- Knowledge
2. Only scientists can invent new things
- Normal -> datbike -> môi trường
3. Inventions should be improved?
- Vehicles -> fuel ->
- AI -> make a to-do list based on the schedule of a owner.
4. Make the world better
- The Internet -> a variety of purposes
- Transportation
5. All inventions bring benefits?
- Nuclear weapons
- The Internet -> health
6. Who should support and sponsor inventors?
- Government -> control ; however -> lead to financial burden

TOPIC 4: Decision
1. Children sometimes make decisions
- Choose their favorite activities => books/ sports => independence
- Choose to make friends with certain people
2. Teenagers
- Choose their university
- Take a gap year
- Do jobs
3. Who can chidlren turn to
- Parents
- Teachers
- Friends -> vì generation gap
4. Advertisements
- Provide a variety of options => refer to -> make a right choice
- Purchase unneeded products -> children -> affected -> toys/ fast food
5. How do people make important decisions?
- Consult experienced individuals => interview => what clothes we should put on
- Make decisions on their own -> because they’re confident in their ability.

TOPIC 5: a famous person

1. Media is putting too much attention on famous people
- Offer the audience/readers a variety of sources when it comes to surfing the Internet.
ð Sports -> Messi ->
ð Music -> taylor swiff
- Attract more readers -> gain huge revenues/profits
2. Famous people are necessarily good in their fields?
No, gain fame through factors such as publicity, controversy or even mere luck.
è Example: example, -> attract a huge number of people
è Not permanent
Yes, to remain fame for a long time -> talent and dedication
Singers -> deliver emotional songs to the public -> will remember that song for the rest of their
3. Differences between famous people today and those in the past ?
- Concentrate more on their appearance.
- Easier to become famous -> posting some videos on youtube
The past
- Their ability/talent
- Hardwork -> made a lot of mistakes and had a lot of failures
4. What kinds of famous people are there?
- Sports
National football team -> after they won the victory in many important leagues.
- Entertainment
Singers, rappers -> a lot of people are stressed -> music -> unwind -> demand
- Politic
The president plays a significant role => covid 19 -> wise policies
5. Why some kids are popular at school?
- Possess outstanding academic achivements => an example/role model
- Have gorgeous appearance -> admired
6. Why some people become faois but not successful
- Scandals -> stay away from them -> turn their back to them
- Fail to keep up with the latest trend -> traditional music was popular -> now have a
tendency to listening …. Pop, rap …

TOPIC 6: water transportation

1. Advantages
- Carry/accommodate enormous goods -> make more profits
- avoid some problems related to traffic jams -> the ocean is huge
2. why people like to live near water ?
- relaxation -> get closer to nature -> immerse themselves in breath-taking sceneries.
- More career opportunities -> seafood restaurants -> which serves seafood such as
craps, fish or shrimps
- Find available sources of food -> go fishing
3. Water sports => popular
- Swimming -> keet fit/ unwind to avoid some mental problems
- Surfing -> more challenging -> control surfboard
4. Swimming at school
- health
- dangerous situations -> drowning
- expensive -> financial burden
- hire expert -> difficult
5. wasting water
- believe the reserve of water is infinite -> take it for granted -> the unbridled use of water.
- Population growth --> increasing demand for water --> a shortage of the amount for
manufacturing, farming, domestic use
6. Characteristics of goods transported by water
Water transport is suitable for transporting low value and high volume commodities
7. Disadvantages
It is the slowest means of transport. As compared to this, railways are quicker, safer and cheaper
means of transport.

Floods caused during rainy season, lack of flow of water during summer season affect to ply boats and

Sometimes rivers also change their way. It leads to stoppage and uncertainty in usage of this means of


1. Ways when people get lost?
- Ask a passerby/ local people -> know this place like the back of their hand.
- Google maps -> …..
- Rely on huge landmarks
2. Do some preparation before traveling
- Có:
+ avoid some unexpected problems (weather/restaurant/ money)
- Không:
+ experience something new -> encounter gorgeous views
3. Reading maps is important ?
- Time-saving (get lost/loose track of where they are/ in the middle of nowhere)
- Live-saver ( get lost in a jungle) animal attacks
4. Paper map still necessary
- Không: digital maps -> information related to certain attractions
- Có: no wifi/internet available. Phones die. -> escape from these daunting circumstances.
5. Some people get lost easier?
- Dont Pay much attention to the surroundings (example: chatting with friends/ surfing the
- Have a memory of a goldfish (…. Arduous)
6. How do people react when getting lost?
- Panic(adj) -> crying or screaming
- Cool-headed ->

Topic 8: car journey

1. Benefits of public transportation
- Finance -> cheap -> underpriviledge/ imporverished/ less well-off individuals
- Environment -> reduce the amount of exhaust fume/ co2
- Establish more job opportunities
2. Under 18
- Immature -> careless drivers -> experience (handle dangerous situations)
- A variety of purposes -> commute to school
3. Quality
- Concentration
- Driving skills
- Have a comprehensive understading of rules -> fined
4. Should use public transportation
- Có
è Traffic jams -> the ecosystem
- Không
Unexpected problems: pickpocketing/ delay
5. Jobs require
- Driving instructors
- Drivers of the ambulance ->
- Drivers of important people
6. Driverless cars
Convenience : increase their life satisfaction (listening to music or even chatting and
watching a movie)
Safer: being intoxicated
Have technical problems -> counterproductive
Enthical individuals may hack into the police’s car -> escape

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