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~ BP Ratio and percentage (9. RATIO Acommon scale for a detailed map is 2cm to | km. This means that 2em on the map represents an actual horizontal distance of 1 km. This scale may also be given as 1 in 50.000 or 1:50.00, which compares the distance on the map with the actual horizontal distance. ‘Two different quantities of the same kind may always be compared in this way. If one of the quantities is expressed as a fraction of the other quantity, this fraction is said to be the ratio of their sizes. Care must be taken 1 two quantities are in the same Example (i) If 1 am 45 years old and my son is LL Ld, the ratio of my age to his is 45: 11; the ratio of Fis ago mine is 11:45. — ~_ < (ii) The speed of a cyclist is 10 kmjh and of a car is 35 kmjh, The ratio of the speed of the cyclist 4a that of the car is 2:7. (iii) The price of teais increased from 240 pence per kg to 260 pence pet-kg. The ratio of the old i price to the new price is 240:260 or 12-13. (io) The price of an article is increased from £1.25 to £2. The ratio of the old price to the new { price is 125:200 or 5:8. 25 %2 ee oad IDs. 2 \ : | Too \ C Exercise 6.1 vp s2 202 | Express each of the following ratios as simply as possible: | A Alength of 8cm to a length of 3m. B km —> m9 (1000) 1 Aspeed of 12km/h to a speed of km/h. | an — ern f & 1000) 3 Aspeed of 12 km/h to a speed of 10 m/s. 4 “Acost‘of 4:pence per kg (0 a cost of 12 pence per kg. F Acost of 2 pence per g to 2 cost of £0.48 per g y o> Um (100) 6 {25 pence; £10. | om wn (+ 100) : 17 4em?:10 mm? | 8 100m-1km. @ unm (x10) aaee, ‘ am > Om (+10) 10 thectare:100m*. @O) pound = Sooupene * = & Express each of the following ratios as simply as possible: @ \mn= too eid) 1 A length of 9cm to a length of 24cm. : _ 100 Pou 2 Aspeed of 1S km/h to a speed of 35 km/h. al Kas, fouls, 3A speed of 1Skm/h toa speed of 40 m/s. v u 14 A cost of 88 pence per kg td a cost of 72 pence per kg. a hae 4 & (008) ao ia (=1222) Exercise 6.1b 4SZ1 218 SySeW [e101 2194 ay aatod02 YDRD Soop UBL MOY “SUIIAYIED se sew Auew Se yjety Son2asop epudrg PUR epuiarg Se SIR KWELI Se 291%) SOAIDSOP ADH} J] OY / “bed pay ¢:p = cP pur ¢:z = Bd yA 1S Yon Moy 6°95 pred axe sayreHoy Surys0m B9syp BUN JE IG Se ASE ‘SAMOUj 3no} UN S2op [}ig Se SANOY 2a4Hf1 UT 20M YontU SE S90} yoru se-aatmi sey fy puv g se yoriw ge anv) sey y Tey) Os.) pu g -Y U29MI9G OPIS aPIAN 7a {auauy axe puly yore jo suioa Auew wo}] 9oUed ¢ Pu ‘ovad 0} “222d 9g YOM suy09 Jo saqunu yenba Ue jo sisisuoD ¢13 yRIOM KauoU JO WINS yg Soe ot Puy S3224 p11 sy sae aay a Jo wns ay pue 9 se ule pose te sig pur g se wee poses SEY IL 2 {,anta02! Yoe9 pINOys ret ‘OCCT asaM SIYOs ay) J) “papraoad jerideo ay 01 yeuonsodosd asam siyoad ayp Jo saxeys yp TEMP BupuEIS “rapwin aif Uo ssauisng & 30} 9GZ PUR OST "00015 STEAD popinosd Nam AON. p” 2u0 ret} os s)ed 0 Cree “Spisayy pers Wye e7"g as1019x3 ‘OOIZT s9138yD PUL QOSTS PrEUIER ‘0O6T SA419923 INV “Oor= 4 10 00SP=¥SI OOS = ALAS HAE vatLL “JL SepeYD pure yCF psEUsag “yEF Sentsoas nyTY TeyD asoddng (11) Pye ‘OOIZS = ODES X L S9nt2003 59128) “OOSTS = OOES * § Sea}oo0s prEwI9g (0063 = DOCS x € Soxtaa2 NIDA ‘o0es = 00sHI304. sured jenbo ¢1 30 ‘syed yonbo (1-4+5-+ ) 0161 popup 29 ww (eror ata ‘sized yenbo 1 soqseyo) pue sued Jenba ¢ preusog ‘sized yenbe ¢ soareoar anypay yeu) oS paplatp st Kavour oq) J () powaw _ganra0a1 yo0a S20p 104 Af °L 25°F SONB4 a4) MI SO}ADY.D pun paowi2g, “unypy suos aoayy siy uaamrag papianp 24 01 OOSFF ‘fo kov6aj 0 soavaj saynf y 7% TAWYXD “pquina ‘ulos $1 y a3aya “yg PUR Ap HE 94 ISN D 'G *y sayjuenb ay) Jo sanyea yenjoe oy, Sop st 201g Jo VENI pues O1¢ S1D.01 ¥ JOE + OVE SIG OV Jo ones ayy TET sueaw sty HE OeY : ‘kom. Suimoyjoy ayp ur sones se passasdxa aq Kew pury sures au) jo O ‘g ‘Y sonnuenb 29m sqaed jeuonsodosd y.10d 3:8 30d 20004 51 O1/ “SVB Ovl 64 aT MOC 8 vweaemyt Ly SL83'ST9 9 4 10d 99°13 01809 ¥ 01 8 30d 2ouad Z J01809V S Gy eBeyua0ed pue oney 50. Ordinary level mathematics Exercise 6.2b ; ios 14:2:3 A pivide 246 in the ratios between his thi be divided 2 ‘A father leaves £1500 to hi does each receive? as fund in te ratios of theif age, Which divide their Christm how much does each ec: Years. Ifthe sum collected is £12, ae 45 yeas, ree sons in the ratios } 4:4. How much ve? ‘ 4 Ar the perimeter ofa triangle is 36cm and the Fl : i man, The sum eal hat i old as Martin and Martin is half as old again as Nor it 91 years, How old is Leonard? a eeesko Gana ey worth £13.65 consists of an equal number of coins worth 50 pe pence and 5 pence. How many of each i ae te ide £21 into two parts so that one is 3 of the other. 2 8 Divde fis between Jack ill, George and Georgina so that each boy has twice as much as each girl If Mark lend £40 for 9 months, Peter lends £300 for 8 months and the total interest paid is £25, how mucti should each receive? 10 Ux:y = 3}:24 and y:z = 14:24, find x:y:2, tios of the sides are 3:4 5, what is the PERCENTAGE Suppose that, in a certain school, 3 of the pupils are girls. The ratio of the number of girls in the school to the total number of pupils is 2:5 or 40:100. On average, of every 100 pupils, 40 are girls and this fact may be more easily expressed by stating that 40 per cent (or 40%) of the pupils are girls. A percentage is simply a ratio in which the second number is arranged to be 100. : 40% is equivalent to the ratio 40:100 or 2:5. 40% is equivalent to the fraction #48 or 3 40% is equivalent to the decimal 0.4. {mn the example we have considered, it is worth noting that 40°% of the pupil school are girls and so the remaining 60% must be boys. eee To express one quantity as a percentage of another quantity of the same kind, first express it as a fraction of the second quantity and then multiply by 100. Some of the common percentages y 3 Y should be immediately associated wi fractions corresponding, For example, eh Saga ith Exampre 3 In au percentage bir" 12% haben, there were 56 bets dering 184 Find the ‘The percentage rates affy x 100 = 348 = 131% ueaee Sa Ratio and percentage 51 xercise 6.3a Express statements 1 to 6 in the form of a percentage 29 people out of 82 die before reaching the age of 45. 5 eggs are bad in a box of 14. Income tax is charged at 33 pence in the pound. 4) The rates in a certain town are 74 pence in the pound. A 10a school of 960 pupils, 42 are absent. < aThe interest on £125 is £5.50, BOM ol the inhabitants ofa town are men and 329 are women. What i the peroentsgeoE children? ‘8 Aman spends 12% of his income on rent and 52°% on food. What percentage of his income left? eaves Bas a percentage 10 Whatis 15% of £28.607 He 6.3b Express statements 1 to 6 in the form of a percentage, <" attown of 42 500 there are 504 births in a year. A man has a weekly income of £34 and spends £15.50 on food. A boy has 480 cigarette cards and gives 25 away. 4A tax of 25 pence in the pound. A rate of 83 pence in the pound. 76 pln a room of area 216m? there is a carpet of area 152m? At an election 42% vote Conservative, 37% vote Labour and the rest vote Liberal. What percentage vote Libtral? 46" 48 Express 0.042 as a percentage. What is 124% of £34? /10 What percentage is £3. 75 of £42.502 # Percentage gain and loss Ifa man buys a watch for £10 and sells it for £7.50 he has lost £2.50. This loss i 2 . £2.50 incurred on a capital outlay of £10 and his percentage loss is ho x 100 = 25%. N.B. Percentage gain or loss is always expressed in terms of the cost price. . _ actual gain Percentage gain = See x 100. cost price actual loss Percentage loss = ———— x 100. cost price actual error Percentage error = ———— x 100. true value Pe pe 61) A Lengte of om Ye 0 ngtle of 2H own eg > 2-093 mg, 4-oULS ite) Y- A-cost of Bo pence per ha u “pli E_pespet pall « Td peptle pang De 12 Uo ag 20: 48 10 2 Lo] (Usit Uhh’) E- Apence pre te 41:68 pet leg. 2 pence perget 16 3"'2 op Mg: Deponce > 16% pnt a ~ its a 4: pence pig =| oa ahein Kaess Of 47: aroh po thet oO i 4414 B= 44> Peau. 4-4 x38. Bon ee coe We the ides of thi a i poimelin ih aa Fiid he dil haliss of 1 arch po 14.8: Ow eee oe 230" (Go 4 the Tt Divide £140 bln A,B anol & Bal? ee ee Ba Bed 8b dou 0b muh os C- 4 i 4 bideclligil 3 — ” Mes a = ep at ee “Dial _ aoe 32 ee ee

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