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Embedded Operating systems

and Representation
Sudhansu Koirala(30)
Ashutosh B. Rajan(46)
Nischal Shakya(51)
Kalash Shrestha(52)
● operating system designed for use in embedded computer systems
● also refers to a "real-time operating system"
● produces an easily understandable result
● improves overall efficiency by controlling all hardware resources and
minimizing response times

Overview of Operating system
● Manage resources
● Schedule Tasks
● Device drivers (communicate with
● Handle interrupts

Overview of Operating system
● Manage resources: Allocates and controls resources like memory, CPU,
input/output (I/O) devices etc to ensure optimal performance and prevent
conflicts between different tasks or processes.

● Task Scheduling: The OS schedules and prioritizes tasks or processes based on

their priorities and deadlines. It determines the order and duration of task
execution, ensuring that time-critical tasks receive the necessary resources and are
executed within their specified deadlines.

Task Scheduling
● First-Come, First-Served (FCFS): Processes are executed in the order they arrive.
● Shortest Job First (SJF): The process with the shortest burst time is selected next.
● Round Robin (RR): Each process is allocated a fixed time slice (time quantum) for
execution before moving to the next process in a circular manner.
● Priority Scheduling: Processes are assigned priorities, and the scheduler selects the
highest priority process for execution.
● Multilevel Queue Scheduling: Processes are divided into different queues based on
their priority, and each queue has its own scheduling algorithm.

Device Drivers

Types of Embedded Operating system
Embedded systems are computer systems designed to perform specific functions
within larger systems. There are several types of operating systems commonly used in
embedded systems. The following below are some of the examples:
● Single loop control system.
This type of embedded OS exercises control over a single variable. An example
would be temperature control in a smart home. A smart thermostat measures
the temperature in the house and if it exceeds the limit set by the user, turns off
the heat.
● Multi-tasking Operating System
When an embedded system must perform several tasks or functions at the same
time, it requires a special type of functionality called multitasking. A
multitasking operating system is programmed to allocate processing time
between various system functions according to application needs. 7
Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS)
A Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) is an operating system specifically designed to
handle real-time applications that require precise and predictable timing. These
applications have strict timing requirements where tasks must be completed within
specific time constraints.

Imagine you have a system where you need certain actions to happen at required time.
The RTOS makes sure these actions occur when they are supposed to, without any
delays. It manages and schedules tasks in a way that guarantees timely execution of the

Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS)
There are different types of Real-Time
Operating Systems (RTOS) for different
Here are the main types of RTOS:
● Hard Real-Time Operating Systems
● Soft Real-Time Operating Systems
● Firm Real-Time Operating Systems

Hard Real-Time Operating Systems
● Hard real-time operating systems are designed for applications with strict timing
● They guarantee that critical tasks are completed within their deadlines, and timing
constraints are met deterministically.
● Failure to meet a deadline in a hard real-time system can result in catastrophic
● For example a pacemaker

Soft Real-Time Operating Systems
● Soft real-time operating systems also prioritize tasks based on timing
requirements but offer more flexibility than hard real-time systems.
● While meeting most deadlines is important, occasional deadline misses are
tolerable as long as they do not significantly impact system functionality.
● Soft real-time systems focus on providing good average-case performance.
● For example a TV remote

Firm Real-Time Operating Systems
● Firm real-time operating systems lie between hard and soft real-time systems.
● They guarantee timely completion of critical tasks most of the time but may
occasionally miss deadlines .
● These systems strike a balance between Hard and Soft real time systems.
● Examples of firm real-time systems is robotic assembly lines.

Difference between RTOS and GPOS
Real-Time Operating System General Purpose Operating System
Fixed amount of time required to execute a There may not be fixed time to execute a
service i.e, deterministic in nature service i.e, non-deterministic in nature

The RTOS always uses priority-based Threads and processes are often dispatched
scheduling. using a "fairness" policy.

RTOS are used in time critical systems GPOS are used in non-time critical systems

The kernel is Preemptive Kernel is non-preemptive

The real-time operating system optimizes The GPOS does not optimize the memory
memory resources. resources.

The real-time operating system has a task The general-purpose operating system has no
deadline. task deadline.

Example: FreeRTOS, Contiki source code, etc. Linux, Windows, IOS, etc.
Embedded system
Assuming h/w and s/w specifications

● No cost Analysis
● No performance Analysis
● No Power consumption

New Trends in Embedded System
# Internet of Things (IoT)

- ES integrated into IoT networks enabling communication,

data exchange and control.

# Energy Efficiency

- Focus on energy efficient designs & low power

consumption devices

- Advance analytics, prediction and decision making

New Trends in Embedded System
# Edge Computing
- Process data closer to the source
- Faster response along with improved security and privacy

# Edge to Cloud Integration

- Designed to seamlessly integrate with cloud platforms

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