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 TAF  TEST BATCH
 



STAGE - 1
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 
  

  
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 IAS 

HEAD OFFICE: TENKASI 04633 – 226703, 8220444230



TIME: 2 HRS STAGE – 1 1  TOTAL MARKS: 150



1. Examine the following statements
1. The media is considered as the fourth pillar of democracy.
2. The media ensures the transparency of Legislature, Executive and Judiciary.
A) 1, 2 correct B) 1 only correct C) 2 only correct D) 1, 2 incorrect
A B C D
2. Examine the following statements
1. To be recognized as a national party, a party that secures atleast 6% of the valid votes in
Lok sabha election or assembly elections in four states.
2. To be recognized as a state party, a party that secures atleast 6% of the valid votes in the state
legislative assembly election
3. To be recognized as a national party , It has to win 2% of seats in Lok sabha from atleast 3
different states in the latest general election.
4. To be recognized as a state party, it must win 2% of the total seats in the state legislature.
A) 1 only incorrect B) 2 only incorrect C) 3 only incorrect D) 4 only incorrect
 
 
 
 
A B CD


3. Rule of law was advocated by
A) Prof. Laski B) AV Dicey C) Jawaharlal Nehru D) Ambedkar
AB CD
4. Examine the following statements.
1. The term monopolistic competition was given by Prof Edward H. Chamberlin of Harvard
University in 1933 in his book Theory of Monopolistic Competition
2. The term monopolistic competition represents the combination of monopoly and perfect
A) 1, 2 correct B) 1 only correct C) 1, 2 incorrect D) 2 only correct
A B C D
5. Who is a consumer?
1. Payer
2. promised
3. partly paid and partly promised
A) 1,2,3 B) 1 only C) 2 only D) 3 only
A B C D
6. Examine the following statements
1. Consumer Protection Act came into force in India on December 24, 1986.
2. District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum is a district level court that deals with cases valuing
up to 40 lakhs
A) 1, 2 correct B) 1 only correct C) 2 only correct D) 1, 2 incorrect
A  B C D
7. Find the incorrect option :
A) Legal Metrology Act - 2009
B) Bureau of Indian Standards Act - 1986
C) Essential Commodities Act - 1955
D) National Consumer Disputes redressal Commission - 1986
A   


8. Find the incorrect option :
A) First Women Director General of Police - Kanchan Chaudhary Bhattacharya
B) First Indian Women to win Booker Prize - Arundhati Roy
C) First woman President of the Indian National Congress - Sarojini Naidu
D) First Women judge in Supreme Court - Meera Sahib Fatima Bibi
9. Road safety is for
A) Passersby B) Drivers C) Public D) For all road users
A    
C   
10. Examine the following statement.
1. For the upliftment of women, 33% reservation has been given for women in local bodies.
2. Gender equality is the 5th of seventeen sustainable development goals of the United Nations in
the year 2017
A) 1, 2 correct B) 1 only correct C) 2 only correct D) 1, 2 incorrect
A  B C D
11. Examine the following statements.
1. As per the 1968 Election Symbols Order, there are two types namely reserved symbols and Free
2. Election Commission has stopped giving animals as election symbols to parties.
3. The reserved symbol is meant for unrecognized party
4. Norway is an example of single party system
A) 1, 2 correct 3, 4 incorrect B) 1, 2, 4 correct 3 incorrect
C) 2, 3 correct 1, 4 incorrect D) 1, 2, 3 correct 4 incorrect
A    B
C    D


12. A party is recognized if
1. It must have been involved in political activities for ten years.
2. Its candidates secure at least 2% of total votes in the last general election
A) 1, 2 correct B) 1 only correct C) 2 only correct D) 1, 2 incorrect
A  B C D
13. Fundamental duties are included under _____constitutional amendment
A) 42 B) 24 C) 44 D) 54
A   B  C  D
14. Examine the following statements.
1. Carpooling is the sharing of car journeys so that more than one person travels in car, and prevents
the need for more cars to the same location
2. Raksha safe drive is a device reveals where the vehicle is currently located, engine health
monitoring and smart panic button.
A) 1, 2 correct B) 1 only correct C) 2 only correct D) 1, 2 incorrect
A  B C D
15. Choose the correct statement
(i) Democracy means rule by the people.
(ii) It combines two Greek words.
(iii)Demos refers to citizen. Kratos means either power or rule
A) only (i) B) only (ii) C) only (iii) D) All the above
A B C D
16. Choose the incorrect statement about Ambedkar
i)Dr. BhimraoRamjiAmbedkar popularly known as Baba Saheb.
ii)Dr. BhimraoRamjiAmbedkar earned his MA in 1915and obtained a D.Sc at the London School of
Economics before being awarded Ph.D by Columbia University in 1927.
iii) Ambedkar was independent India’s first Law Minister
iv) Bharat Ratna awarded for Ambedkar in 1990.
A) (i) & (iii) B) (iii) & (iv) C) (ii) & (iv) D) None


A B C D
17. In which year Bharat Ratna awarded for APJ Abdul kalam?
A) 1990 B)1991 C)1997 D) 1996
A B  C  D
18. Match the following
a. Art 14 - 1. Provides equalopportunity in matters relating to employment
b. Art 16 - 2. Equality before law
c. Art 17 - 3. Prohibition of discrimination
d. Art 15 - 4. Untouchability
a b c d
A) 4 3 2 1
B) 3 2 4 1
C) 2 1 4 3
D) 1 2 4 3
        a b c d
a. A    
b. B    
c.  C    
d.    D    
19. Who called India as Ethnological museum?
A)V.A. Smith B) Nehru
C) Gandhi D) None
A B  
C     D
20. Match the following a b c d
a. Tamil -1) 2004 A) 1 2 3 4
b. Sanskrit -2) 2005 B) 2 1 3 4
c. Telugu -3) 2008 C) 3 1 4 2
d. Malayalam -4) 2013 D) 3 2 4 1
     a b c d
a.   A    
b.  B     
c.  C     
d.  D    


21. Choose the correct statement about National Flag
1. The National flag was designed by PingaliVenkayya from Andhra Pradesh
2. This flag was hoisted by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on 15th August 1947 at Red Fort (Delhi)
3. This flag is now exhibit at the St.George’s Fort Museum, Chennai.
A) only (i) is correct B) only (ii) &(iii) is correct
C) All are correct D) None
A BCD
22. Match the following a b c d
a. Banyan Tree - 1. 1963 A) 3 1 4 2
b. Peacock - 2. 2008 B) 3 1 2 4
c. River Ganges - 3. 1950 C) 1 3 2 4
d. Tiger - 4. 1973 D) 4 3 2 1
     a b c d 
a.  A     
b.   B     
c.   C     
d.   D    
23. Choose the correct statement
(i) The Constitution of India adopted on 26th november 1949
(ii) The Constitution of India came into existence on 26th jan 1950
A) only (i) is correct B) only (ii) is correct
C) statement 1 &2 correct D) None
A B 
C   D
24. Choose correct statement about secularism:
1. The word secularism is mentioned in the part of preamble of our constitution
2. The word secularism is mentioned in our constitution when it was adopted in 1950
A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both are correct D) None
A B C D
25. “Religion does not teach us animosity; we are Indian & India is our home!” who said this?
A) Poet Iqbal B) Poet Abdul Rahman
C) Poet Bharathi D) None


A B 
C    D
26. ----------- had a long history of a successful direct democracy.
A) Switzerland B) Greece C) Russia D) None
A B  C  D
27. International Day of Democracy is observed on
A) 12thSeptember B) 13thSeptember C) 14thSeptember D) 15thSeptember
A B C D
28. Statement 1: India has a federal system of government.
Statement 2: According to our constitution the power is divided between central and state
Which of the following statement is correct?
A) statement 1 & 2 correct
B) statement 1 only correct
C) statement 2 only correct
D) none of the above
A B
C    D
29. Choose the correct statements about Governor.
1. The Governor acts as the Chancellor of the state Universities.
2. Governor has the power not only to convene and adjourn the state assembly meeting but also to
dissolve the legislature
3. Governor appoints Advocate General, Chairman &members of the State Public Service
A) Only 1 correct B) 2, 3 correct C) 1, 2 correct D) All correct
A B C D
30. Choose the correct statement
(i) The Election commission has stopped allotting animals as symbols
(ii) The only exceptions animals arethe lion and the elephant
(iii) Different parties in different states can use the same symbol
A) only (i) B) only (ii) C) only (iii) D) All the above


A B C D
31. The PanchayatRaj Act was enacted on
A) April 24,1992 B) April 23,1992 C) April 25, 1992 D) April 22,1992
A B C D
32. What are the objectives required for secular education?
1.To overcome narrow-mindedness, to create a powerful and intelligent purpose
2.To create Moral &humanitarian vision
3. To train young people to be a good citizen
A) Only 1 correct B) 2 only correct C) 3 only correct D) All correct
A  B C D
33. Choose the correct statement about the objectives of secularism.
1. Non-dominance of one religious group against another
2. Some members of one religion do not dominate the members of the same religion.
3. The State will interfere with the religious freedom of individuals and insist on following any
particular religion
A) 1, 2 correct B) 2, 3 correct C) 1, 3 correct D) All correct
A  B C D
34. Choose the correct statement about National symbols
1. The four-faced lion on top of the Ashoka Pillar at Sarnath was adopted as the National Emblem
of India on January 26, 1950.
2. At the bottom , "Satyameva Jayate" has been inscribed.
3. We can also see the figures of four lions in our emblem
A) Only 1 correct B) 1, 2 correct C) 1, 3 correct D) 1, 2, 3 correct
A  B C D


35. Find the incorrect statement :
A) The birth place of democracy is Greece.
B) Switzerland is a country that implemented direct democracy
C) UK is the first country to allow women to vote
D) Voting rights to women were given in 1920 in USA
36. Who among the following is not appointed by the Governor?
A) State Chief Election Commissioner
B) Chief Justice of the High Court
C) Vice chancellors of Government Universities
D) Chairman of the State PSC
B 
37. “To call woman the weaker sex is a libel; it is man’s injustice to woman” said by
A) Annie besant B) Jyothiba Phule C) Periyar D) Mahatma Gandhi
A B C D
38. Examine the following statements
1. Women were given the right to vote in India in the first general election held in 1952.
2. In Switzerland, women were given the correct to vote only in 1961.
A) 1, 2 correct B) 1 only correct C) 2 only correct D) 1, 2 incorrect
A  B C D
39. Find the incorrect statements
A) The candidate must be above 25 years of age to be a member of the Legislative Council.
B) The Governor is the Chancellor of Government Universities.
C) The Governor is an integral part of the State Legislature
D) Fort St. George was the first fort built in India by the British


40. Examine the following statements.
1. In a region where a girl receives seven or more years of education, the wedding date is delayed
by four years suggested by the United Nations Population Fund
2. A single year of primary education has shown to increase a girl’s wages later in life by
20 % .
3. When 10 percent more women attend school, GDP increases by three percent on average.
A) 1 only incorrect B) 2 only incorrect C) 3 only incorrect D) All correct
A B C D

INDIAN NATIONAL MOVEMENT)

41. Choose the correct statement about the New Education Policy in 1986
1. To transfer a static society into a vibrant one with a commitment to development and change
2. It emphasized in equal opportunities for marginalized sections of the country and the removal of
disparity through scholarships,adult education and open universities,especially for rural India
A) All are true B)1 only is true C)2 only is true D)none
A)  B) C) D)
42. Statement 1:In the Pre colonial period,Indian economy was predominantly an agrarian
Statement 2:British government introduced three major land revenue and tenurial systems in
India namely the Permanent settlement,the Mahalwari system and the Ryotwari
A) 1 is true, 2 is false B)1 is false,2 is true C)1,2 is false D)1,2 is true
A)    B)
C)  D)

43. Choose the correct pair ( Phases of development of local government in the British India)
1. First Phase - 1688-1882
2. Second Phase - 1882-1915
3. Third Phase - 1920-1942
A) 1 only true B) 2 only true C)1,2 is true D)none
A) 1   B) C)  D)
44. Statement 1:In the medieval period,most of the towns developed as headquarters of
principalities and kingdoms
Statement 2:Among them important cities were Delhi,Hyderabad,Jaipur,Lucknow,Agra and
A) Statement 1 only is true B)statement 2 only correct
B) none D)1 and 2 are true
A)     B) 
C)     D)
45. Choose the correct statement (Second carnatic war)
1. Robert clive defeated the French at Arni and Kaveripak with the help of Lawrence
2. Chanda Sahib killed at Trichy
3. Muhamed Ali the son of Anwar-ud-din became the nawab with the help of british
A) All are true B)1,3 is true C)2,3 is true D)1,2 is true
A)  B)  C)  D)
46. Which of the following is one of the causes of the conflict of sivaganga by company?
A) The merchants of Sivagangai did not like the interference of the company in their internal
B) Sivagangai people have more intensive with Kattabomman
C) Sivagangai people refused to pay the taxes
D) Give protection to Velu nachiyar
A) 
   
B) 
C) 


47. Whose resolution as the Magna carta of Local self government?
A) Lord Curzon B)Robert Clive C)Lord Mayo D)Lord Ripon
A)   B) C) D)
48. Statement 1:In Mahalwari system,initially the state share was fixed two-thirds of the gross
Statement2:In Mahalwari system,Lord William Bentinck reduced the land revenue into 50 %
of total gross produce
A) 1 is true,2 is false B)1 is false,2 is true C)1 and 2 are false D)1 and 2 are true
A)    B)
C)  D)
49. The commander in chief who enforced the new military regulations and forced to follow by soldiers
A) William Cavendish Bentinck B)Sir John Cradock
C)Henry William D)Thomas Munro
A)   B) 
C)   D)
50. Which of the following women are the exceptions in Medieval India?
1.Razia Sultana 2. Queen Durgavati 3. Chand bibi 4. Nurjahan
5. Jahannara 6. Jijabai 7. Mirabai
A) All the above B)1,2,4,5 C)3,6,7 D)1,2,4,7
    
    
A)   B)  C)  D)
51. Which of the following is the impact of the reforms movements?
1. Significant advances were made in the field of emanicipation of women
2. It created of national awakening among the masses
3. It created the feeling of sacrifice ,service and rationalism
4. The practices of sati and Infanticide were made illegal
5. It permitted widow remmariage
A) All the above B)1,3,4,5 only C)1,2,4,5 only D)1,2,5 only
A) B) C) D)


52. Choose the correct statement about the Merits of the Permanent settlement
1. The waste lands and forests became cultivable lands
2. The Zamindars became the owner of the land
3. This system secured a fixed and stable income for the british government
4. The british government had no direct contact with the cultivators
A) All are true B)1,2,4 is true C)2,3,4 is true D)1,2,3 is true
A)  B)  C)  D)
53. Who interpreted 1857 revolt as a “Planned war of national independence”?
A) Vijayaraghavachari B)Bethun C)M.G.Ranade D)V.D.Savarkar
A)  B)  C) D)
54. Pick out the incorrect Pair
A) Delhi - John Nicholson
B) Lucknow - Henry Lawrence
C) Kanpur - General Hughrose
D) Bihar - William Taylor
A)    B) 
C) D)
55. Which of the following statement is incorrect about the effects of Mahalwari settlement
1. The Lambardar enjoyed privileges which was misused for their self interest
2. This system brought no benefit to the cultivators
3. It was modified version of the Zamindari system and benefited the upper class in villages
A) 1 only false B)1,2 is false C)3 only false D)None of the above
A)     B)  
C)    D)
56. Choose the correct pair (Introducer of the land revenue policy under the british)
1. Permanent settlement - Lord Cornwallis
2. Ryotwari system - Thomas Munro
3. Mahalwari system - Lord William Bentinck
A) All are true B)1,2 is true
C)2,3 is true D)1,3 is true


A)  B)  C)  D)
57. Statement 1:Bernier who visited India during the reign of Mughal emperor Shahjahan marveled at
the incredible quantity of manufactured goods
Statement 2:Tavernier a French traveler admired the peacock throne carpets of silk and gold as well
as mini carvages
A) 1 is true,2 is false B)1 is false,2 is true C)1,2 is true D)1,2 is false
A)    B)
C)  D)
58. Statement 1:Muslim rulers promoted urban education by bestowing libraries and literary societies
Statement 2:Muslim founded primary schools (maktabs) in which students learnt reading ,writing
and basic Islamic prayers
A) 1 is true,2 is false B)1 is false,2 is true C)1,2 is true D)1,2 is false
A)    B)
C)  D)
59. Statement 1:The outbreak of the seven years war in Europe led to the third Carnatic war in
Statement 2:By this time ,Robert clive established the british power in Bengal by the battle of
plassey which provided them with the necessary finance for the third Carnatic
A) 1 is true,2 is false B)1 is false,2 is true C)1 and 2 are true D)1 and 2 are false
A)    B)
C)  D)
60. In which year did the Indian Women university was established by D.K.Karve?
A) 1890 B)1897 C)1906 D)1916
A)    B) C) D)


61. Who fought between them in the battle of Adyar held at Santhome?
A) Anwar-ud-din,Portuguese B)British ,French
C)Anwar-ud-din,French D)Muzaffur Jung,French
A)   B)
C)  D)
62. Choose the correct statement about the Industrial development during the period of 1950-1965
1. During this phase,a majority of consumer goods were produced in India
2. The Industrial sector was underdeveloped with weak infrastructure
3. Technical skills were in short supply
A) All are true B)1,2 is true C)2,3 is true D)1,3 is true
A)  B)  C)  D)
63. Statement 1:The two world wars gave an impetus to the development of number of industries such
as Chemical,iron and steel,sugar,cement,glass and other consumer goods
Statement 2:The accelerated industrialization began with the development of railways and roadways
A) 1 is true,2 is false B)1 is false,2 is true C)1,2 is true D)1,2 is false
A)    B)
C)  D)
64. During the british regime,which area was/were covered in the Madras Presidency?
1. Tamilnadu 2. Lakshadweep 3. Northern Kerala
4. Rayalaseema 5. Coastal Andhra 6. Districts of Karnataka
7. South Odisha
A)All the above B)1,3,4,5 C)1,2,4,6 D)1,3,5,6
     
  
A)   B)  C)  D)
65. Where did Velunachiyar lived under the Protection of Gopala Nayak with her daughter Vellachi?
A) Dindugul B)Sivagiri C)Sivagangai D)Ramanathapuram
A)   B)  C)  D)
66. The word Devadasi or Devar adiyal means
A) Servant of King B)Servant of God C)Servant of people D)Servant of Nature


A)     B) 
C)    D)
67. Where did the National Archives of India is located?
A) Calcutta B)Chennai C)Delhi D)Mumbai
A)   B)  C)  D)
68. Statement 1:In 1498,Vasco da gama,a sailor from Portuguese found the new sea route from Europe
to India
Statement 2:The rule of East India company became effective after conquest Bengal
A) 1 is true,2 is false B)1 is false,2 is true
C)1,2 is true D)1,2 is false
A)    B)
C)  D)
69. Statement 1:The most important Indian commodities traded by the dutch were
silk,cotton,Indigo,rice and opium
Statement 2:Dutch monopolized the trade in black pepper and other species
A) 1 is true,2 is false B)1 is false,2 is true
C)1 and 2 are true D)1 and 2 are false
A)    B)
C)  D)
70. Statement 1:In the 18th century,three Carnatic wars took place between different Indian rulers.
Statement 2:In the Carnatic wars,the English east India company and the French east India
company were on opposite sides
A) 1 is true,2 is false B)1 is false,2 is true
C)1 and 2 are true D)1 and 2 are false
A)    B)
C)  D)
71. Assertion : Prince Henry of Portugal,who is commonly known as the Henry the Navigator
Reason:Henry encouraged his countrymen to take up the adventurous life of exploring the unknown
regions of the world
A) Assertion is true,reason is false B)Assertion is false,reason is false
C)Assertion and reason are true,correct explanation
D)Assertion and reason are true,not the correct explanation


A)    
B) 
C) 
72. In the Tamilnadu Archives,the Danish records cover the period of
A) 1666-1745 B)1647-1845 C)1777-1845 D)1776-1845
A)   B) C) D)
73. Who is the father of Indian National Archives?
A) Anandaranganar B)George William frost
C)RokolanGuraps D)M.C.ramalingam
A)      B)  
C)    D) 
74. Which of the following statement is correct about maritime trade that took place during the English
Statement 1:The ports of Kallikottai on the west coast or surat in Gujarat are known as
intermediate ports
Statement 2:Kallikottai was devalued in 16thCentury.Instead the coastal ports of Gujarat gained
A)1 only true B)2 only true C)Both are true D)Both are false
A)     B) 
C)      D) 
75. Who was the first Portuguese governor sent from India to Portuguese?
A)Alfonso-de-albuquerque B)Fransisco-de-almeida
C)Nino-de-kunha D)Bartholomeudiaz
A)   
B)  
C)   
D) 
76. 1.The movement which gives more importance to give power to women is –MahilaSamakya
2.Reservation of 33 % to women envisaged an improvement in the socio-political status of women
Which of the following statement is true?
A)1,2 true B)1 is true C)2 is true D)Both are false


A)    B)  C)  D) 
77. Which of the following statement is correct?
1.The constitution of India guarantees (Article 14) equal opportunity and equal pay for equal
2.The national policy for empowerment of women was passed under the National policy on
3.Reservation of 23 percent to women envisaged an improvement in the socio-political status
of women
4.The main focus of MahilaSamakhya Scheme was on empower of women
A)1,2,3 true B)1,2,4 true C)1,3,4 true D)2,3,4 true
A)  B)  C)  D) 
78. The revolt which held at pune against the oppression of local moneylenders is
A)Pabna Revolt B)Deccan riots C)Punjab Peasants D)Indigo revolt
A    B 
C   D
79. State reorganization act was implemented in the year
A)1957 B)1956 C)1961 D)1959
A   B  C  D
80. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
1.Towns flourished Since Pre-historic times in India
2.British acquired the political control after the Battle of Plassey
3.Fort William is in Madras
4.Army people began to live in Cantonements
A)1,4 only true B)2,3 only true C)1,3 only true D)none
A B C D


81. Which of the following statement is true about the Francis day?
1.He is the member of the Masulipatnam Council
2.He is the chief of the Armagon factory
3.He made a voyage of exploration in 1637 with a view to choose a site for new settlement
A)1,2 true B)2,3 true C)1,3 true D)1,2,3 true
A  B  C  D
82. According to English Historians,the bravest among the leaders of the revolt of 1857 i
A)MangalPandey B)VeluNatchiyar C)Kattabomman D)Rani Lakshmibai
 
A B C D
83. Which is also known as Biswedari?
1. Permanent land settlement system 2.Ryotwari system 3.Mahalwari system
A) 2 only correct B) 3 only Correct C) 1 only Correct D) All Correct
  
A B C D
84. Which of the following evils called by british as “Criminal related murder”?
A)Female infanticide B)Widow remarriage C)Child marriage D)Sati
A)  B) C) D) 
85. South Indian Confederacy declared a proclamation known as
A)Dindugul Proclamation B)Tiruchirapalli proclamation
C)Coimbatore Proclamation D)Madurai Proclamation
A   B  
C   D


86. Match . a b c d
a. HDI - 1. Gross National Happiness Index A) 1 2 3 4
b. PQLI - 2. Physical Quality of Life Index B) 4 2 3 1
c. WEI - 3. Women's Empowerment Index C) 4 3 2 1
d. GNHI - 4. Human Development Index D) 1 2 4 3
        a b c d
a.HDI   A    
b.PQLI    B    
c.WEI    C    
d.GNHI    D    
87. Find the correct statement :
1. Tamil Nadu ranks 3rd in Industrial production, Per capita income, Foreign direct investment
2. Tamil Nadu is the 3rd largest state in terms of population.
A) 1 & 2 correct B) 1 only correct C) 2 only correct D) none
A B C D
88. Match . a b c d
a. Ambur - 1.Turmeric A) 4 1 3 2
b. Erode - 2. Printing B) 3 4 2 1
c. Namakkal - 3. Transport C) 1 2 4 3
d. Sivakasi - 4. Leather D) 4 3 2 1
      a b c d 
a.   A     
b.   B      
c.  C     
d.     D    
89. Which district is the largest producer of chemicals?
A) Sivakasi B) Thoothukudi C) Karur D) Salem
A B C D
90. Which state has the highest number of internet subscribers in the country ?
A) Tamil Nadu B) Maharashtra C) Andhra D) Karnataka
A B C D
91. Statement 1 : Chennai is the headquarters of the Southern Railway. There are 690 railway stations
in Tamilnadu.
Statement 2 : The total length of the railway track in Tamilnadu is 6693 km
A) statement 1 only correct B) statement 1 & 2 correct
C) statement 2 only correct D) none
A  B  
C D
92. Assertion A: Erode Central Bus Stand is the 2nd largest bus stand in Tamil Nadu.
Reason R : Tamil Nadu ranks third in road transport.
A) statement 1 only correct B) statement 2 only correct
C) statement 1,2 correct D) none
A    B  
C  D


93. Statement 1 : There are 3 major international airports in Tamil Nadu. They are Coimbatore,
Chennai and Trichy.
Statement 2 : Chennai is the third largest international airport in India.
A) statement 1 only correct B) statement 2 only correct
C) none D) statement 1,2 correct
A  B  
C   D
94. Find the incorrect option :
A) 28 lakh foreign tourists and 11 crore domestic tourists visit Tamil Nadu for tourism
B) The annual growth rate of tourism in Tamilnadu stood at 16 per cent
C) Tamil Nadu is a leading tourist destination for both domestic and foreign tourists at present
D) Tamil Nadu was not a tourist destination in the ancient times
B  
95. Which district of Tamil Nadu ranks last in the Human Development Index as per 2017 - 18
A) Theni B) Villupuram C) Perambalur D) Ariyalur
A B C D
96. Which of the following factors does the Gender Inequality index take into account?
1. Maternity Health of Women
2. Women Empowerment
3. Women Reservation in employment
A) 1, 2, 3 correct B) 1, 2 only correct C) 1, 3 only correct D) 1only correct
A  BC D
97. Which state in India ranks first in the Human Development Index in the year 2018?
A) Goa B) Uttar Pradesh C) Tamil Nadu D) Kerala
A BC D
98. Choose the correct option. ( As per 2011)
1. Tamil Nadu Literacy Rate - 80.33%
2. Rural population ratio of Tamil Nadu - 48.04%
3. The most spoken language in Tamilnadu besides Tamil is Telugu
A) All correct B) Only 1, 3 correct C) 2, 3 Only correct D) 1, 2 Only correct


A B C D
99. Human Development Report published by
A) United Nations
B) World Health Organization
C) United Nations Development Program
D) Asian Development Bank
100. Choose the correct option :
1. HDI was developed by Economist Mahbub ul Haq
2. Norway tops the list of Human Development index for the year 2019
A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) none D) All correct
A   B
C    D
101. Which measures only the physical aspects of life ?
AHDI BPQLI
CGNH DWHI
102. Choose the correct option.
1. Physical Quality of Life Index was developed by D. Morris.
2. 100 indicates best performance in the Physical quality of life index.
3. GNHI (Gross National Happiness Index) was coined in 1972 by Jigme Singye Wangchuck.
4. Gross National Happiness of the country is called the fundamental human goal.
A) All correct B) 2, 3, 4 only correct 1 incorrect
C) 1, 2, 3 only correct 4 incorrect D) 1, 3, 4 only correct 2 incorrect
GNH 
A B
C D


103. Who has stated that the calculation of HDI neglected many important aspects of human
development ?
A) D. Morris B) Biswajeet Guha
C) Singye Wangchuck D) Pitagopadesa
A BC D
104. Statement1 : Infant mortality rate in Tamilnadu is 14.
Statement 2 : Tamilnadu is the 5th most populous state in India.
A) statement 2 only correct B) statement 1 only correct
C) statement 1,2 correct D) none
A B
C D
105. Choose the correct answer. (As per 2011)
1. Dharmapuri is the district with lowest literacy rate in Tamil Nadu.
2. madurai is the district with lowest sex ratio in Tamil Nadu.
3. Nilgiris is the district with highest child sex ratio in Tamil Nadu.
A) 1 only correct B) 3 only correct C) 1 and 3 correct D) All correct
A B C D
106. Which districts in Tamilnadu ranks last three places in Child Development Index? (2017 -18)
A) Ariyalur, Sivagangai, Villupuram
B) Ariyalur, Thiruvannamalai, Krishnagiri
C) Nilgiris, Perambalur, Viruthunagar
D) Ariyalur, Perambalur, Theni
107. Tamil Nadu State Planning Commission released the Human Development Index for the first time
in the year ?
A) 1994 B) 1992 C) 1996 D) 1998
A B C D
108. ChildDevelopment Index is calculated based on
1. Education 2. Health 3. Income 4. Nutritional level
A) 1, 2 and 4 B) 2, 3 and 4 C) 1, 3 and 4 D) 1, 2 and 3


      
A B C D
109. Choose the correct option.
1. Infant mortality rate in India is 34.
2. India’s maternal mortality rate is 159.
3. punjap has the lowest maternal mortality rate in India.
A) Only 1 correct B) 1, 2 correct C) 1, 3 only correct D) All correct
A B CD
110. Statement1: Kerala is the state with the highest sex ratio in India. (1054)
Statement 2: Tamil Nadu ranks third in terms of sex ratio of 996 in India.
A) 1 only correct B) 1 correct, 2 incorrect
C) 1, 2 correct D) 1 incorrect, 2 correct
A B
C D

111. Consider the following statements
Statement 1:Production is a process of combining various material inputs and immaterial inputs in
order to make something for consumption
Statement 2:It is the act of creating an output a good or service which has value and contributes to
the utility of individuals
A)1 and 2 are true B)1 is true,2 is false C)1 is false,2 is true D)1 and 2 are false
A    B 
C    D
112. Choose the incorrect one
1.If the commodity is stored for future usage,its utility may increase
2.Agricultural commodities like paddt,wheat etc., stored for the regular uses of consumer
throughout the year
A)1,2 B)1 only
C)2 only D)None of the above


A   B  C  D
113. Choosethe incorrect statement about the Primary activities?
Statement 1:It give more importance to agriculture sector,so it is called as agriculture
sector production
Statement 2:Primary production comprises of protection of resources,fishing,mining and oil
extraction and separation of resources
A)1,2 B)1 only C)2 only D) None of the above
A   B  C  D
114. Whichof the following activities as extracting the gift of nature from the earth’s surface,from
beneath the earth’s surface and from the oceans?
A)Secondary activities B)Tertiary activities
C)Primary activities D)Fourth stage activities
A B C D
115. Under
which of the following activities manufacturing and constructing industries, such as the
manufacture of cars ,furnishing, clothing and chemicals as also engineering and building are
A) Primary activities B)Secondary activities
C)Tertiary activities D)None of the above
A B C D
116. Under
which of the following activities traders, banking, insurance, transport, communication, law,
administration,education,health and defence considered?
A) Industrial sector B)Service sector C)Production sector D)Safety sector
A  B C D
117. Which of the following is/are correct?
1. In Production,input products are converted into output products
2.The inputs of production are classified and referred as land,labour and capital
A) 1,2 B)1 only C)2 only D)1 and 2 are false


A   B  C  D
118. Whichof the following works are correct about the Adam Smith?
1.The theory of moral sentiments
2.An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of the nation-1776
A) 1 and 2 B) 1 only C)2 only D)None of the above
A  B  C  D
119. Whichof the following concept was introduced through the book of an inquiry into the nature and
causes of the wealth of the nations?
A) Division of industry B)Division of labour
C)Division of Money D)All the above
A    B 
C    D
120. Whichof the following example is/are correct about the physical capital or material resources?
1. Machinery 2.Tools 3.Buildings 4.Roads
A)1,2,4 B)2,3,4 C)1,3,4 D)1,2,3
A   B  C  D
121. Whichof the following statement is/are correct?
Statement 1:Capital is a passive factor of production
Statement 2:It has the highest mobility
A) 1,2 B) 1only C) 2only D)1 and 2 are false
A   B  C D
122. Considerthe statements
1. The entrepreneur is also called as organizer
2.An entrepreneur is creating the innovation
3.In modern times,an entrepreneur is called as the changing agent of the society
A) All are false B)All are true
C)1 and 2 are true D) 1 and 3 are false


A B C D
123. Who
said “It was only for the good of his subjects that he collected taxes from them,just as the sun
draws moisture from the earth to give it back a thousand fold”?
A)Thiruvalluvar B)Kalidas C)Manickavasagar D)Kambar
A  B  C D
124. Consider
the following statements
Statement 1:Taxation is a usually government levies or imposes a tax
Statement 2:Taxation is usually referred to as an act: the resulting revenue is usually called taxes
A) Both are true B)Both are false C) 1is true D) 2 is false
A  B C  D
125. Choose the correct statements
1. Total tax money goes to government exchequer
2.The government decides how are taxes to be spent
A)All are false B)1 only true C) 1 is false,2 is true D)All are true
A    B 
C     D
126. Whichof the following law denotes that the government should impose taxes in such a way that
people have to pay according to their ability?.
A) canon of economy
B)Canon of convenience
C)canon of equality
D) Canon of progressive tax
A  B  C D
127. Which
of the following tax is applied uniformly for low income earners and high income earners?
A)Proportional taxation B)Progressive taxation
C)Regressive taxation D)Convenience taxation
A B C D


128. Whichof the following taxes is levied on profit of corporation and companies?
A) Wealth tax B)Corporation tax C)Service tax D)Estate duty
A  B  C  D
129. Choose the incorrect statement about the Excise duty?
1. It is paid by the producer of goods, who recovers it from wholesalers and retailers
2.It is levied by the state government
A) Both B) 1only C)2 only D)None of the above
A  B  C  D
130. Choose the incorrect statement
1. The central government charge such tax on every transaction related to environment
2. Some examples are movie tickets,video game arcades,stage shows,exhibitions,amusement parks
and sports-related activities.
A) 1 and 2 B)1 only C)2 only D)None of the above
A  B  C  D
131. In
which year did the VAT was introduced first in Indian state of Haryana?
A)2002 B)2003 C)2004 D)2005
A   B  C  D
132. In
India,goods and service tax implemented in the year
A) July 1,2017 B)July 1,2018 C)July 2,2016 D)August 1,2016
A  B C D
133. Consider the statements
Statement 1:Initially it was proposed that there would be a single and national level GST
Statement 2:Economy union of our country with one tax,one market and one nation
A)1 is true,2 is false B)2 is true,1 is false C)1,2 is false D)1,2 is true
A  B C  D


134. Choose the incorrect statement about GST
1. It has two parts the central goods and service tax and state goods and service taxes
2.It is transparent tax
A) 1 only B) 2only C)Both D)None of the above
A  B  C  D
135. Choose the correct statement about GST
Statement 1:It was divided into 0 %,5 %,12 %,18% and 28 %
Statement 2:Taxes on petroleum products,alcoholic drinks and electricity are separately collected
by the state government
Statement 3:Almost all the necessities of life like vegetables and food grains are exempted from this
A)1,2 B)2,3 C)1,3 D)All the above
A   B   C   D
136. Choosethe incorrect statement about the Swachh Bharat chess
Statement 1: It was imposed by the government of India
Statement 2:It was started from 15th November 2015
Statement 3:The cess currently at 0.5%
A)All are false B)1,2 C) 2 and 3 D)None of the above
A B  C  D
137. Choose the correct statement about the Direct tax
1. Burden cannot be shifted by taxpayers
2.No inflation pressure
3.The impact and incidence are the same
4.It is less elastic
A)All are true B)1,3,4 is true C)1,2,3 is true D)1,2,4 is true
A B  C  D


138. Choose the correct statement about the Direct tax
1. Burden of tax cannot be easily shifted to another person
2.It has inflation pressure
3.The impact and incidence are different
4.It is more elastic
A)1,2,3 B)1,3,4 C)2,3,4 D)1,2,4 is true
A   B  C  D
139. Theword Indian Rupee is derived from which language?
A) Rome B)Latin C)Sanskrit D)Greek
A)  B)   C)  D) 
which king of Lydia founded a metal coin in the 8th century?
140. In
A) Herototus B)Midas C)Shershah Suri D)Humayun
A)  B)   C)  D) 
141. How much weight of silver coin introduced by Shershah?
A)168 gram B)178 gram C)178kg D)148gram
A) B)  C) kg D)
142. Match the following:
a) Gold coins - Carolina
b)Silver coins - Angelina
c)Copper coins - Cupperoon
d)Tin coins - Tinny
A)1,2,3,4 B)4,3,1,2 C)3,2,1,4 D)3,4,1,2
A) 
B)    
C)  
D) 
A) B)  C) D) 
143. In which year did the symbol of rupee was approved by the government of India?
A) June 15,2010 B)July 15,2015 C)July 15,2010 D)June 15,2010
A)  B) C) D) 15 
144. Who says that “Money is defined by its function ,anything is money which is used as money ,
“Money is what money does”?
A) Udhayakumar B)Walker C)Hicks D)Scitovsky


A) B)  C)   D) 
145. Inflation refers to the
A)Prices are rising,the value of money will fall
B)Prices are less,the value of money will rise
C)Prices are rising,the value of money will rise
D)Prices are less,the value of money will fall
B)   
146. The undisclosed foreign income and asset bill (Imposition of tax) on
A) 2002 B)1988 C)2015 D)2016
A) B)  C) D) 
147. An example for the Public sector enterprises also to have control of the “commanding heights of the
economy” is
A) Defence and banks B)Coalmines and Oil C)Both A and B D) Ironore
A) B)  
C) A&B D) 
148. The day in which government of India announced demonetization of all Rs.500 and Rs.1000 bank
notes against black money on
A) October 8,2016 B)November 8,2016
C)November 8,2018 D)December 8,2016
A) B)  C)  D) 
149. “Think Tank” is a
A)NITI Aayog B)Lok Pal C)Lok Ayukta D)Lok Adalat
A)  B)   C) D)
150. Benami transactions prohibitions act and amended in the year
A)1988-2016 B)1988-2015 C)1977-2016 D)1988-2014
A) B)  C)  D) 


 

 

 (GR – II TAF  TEST BATCH) – 10.01.2022 / Monday

   
 ENGLISH :7th Std (old) - Full Book

  

ENGLISH :7th Std ( New) - Grammar only

   Number System)
   (December –II)


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  
  
  




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