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Name of Organization: Association Evangélique d’Appui au Développement (AEAD)

Contact Information
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Project Location: CÔTE D’IVOIRE and BURKINA FASO

Project Name Emergency education
Project duration 5 years
Project Goal
- The Goal of the project in Burkina Faso is to give a second chance to children who have
dropped out of school because of the security crisis to continue their schooling.
- In Côte d'Ivoire, the Goal of the project is to allow teenagers who dropped out of school
because of the 2010 post-electoral crisis to learn a professional trade or to continue their
school studies.
Context of the project
Burkina Faso
“More than one million children in Burkina Faso are currently affected by school closures with 6,134
academic institutions closed in February 2023, an increase of more than 40% since the end of last
school year. Of four schools in the country, one is now out of service due to insecurity which has
forced nearly 2 million people to move.
The school closures affect 1,050,172 students as well as 31,077 teachers” Source: Ministry of
Education on Education in Emergencies February 28, 2023.
The crisis has a disproportionate impact on girls. A study by Plan International found that they are 2.5
times more likely to be out of school than boys in a crisis situation.
Insecurity is a big reason why so many schools are closing, but food insecurity in the northern and
eastern Sahel regions is also a factor in school dropouts. Setting up school canteens in schools and
non-formal education centers is also an effective way of keeping children in the education system.

Côte d’Ivoire
In Côte d'Ivoire, the post-electoral crisis has had repercussions on school education. The displacement
of populations has led to the dropout of a large number of students. In several localities children were
enlisted and armed by the rebels.
After the crisis, the Ivorian school system had to be rebuilt. The government has launched several
initiatives for this. One of these initiatives is the policy called "the school of the second change".
Thanks to this system, many children have been able to resume their schooling. However, all of the
children who dropped out of school because of the crisis have not been able to reintegrate into the
school system. And this has created a new phenomenon called children in conflict with the law in
Côte d'Ivoire. These are several groups of children and adolescents who engage in banditry and attack
Young girls have been more affected by the crisis and dropouts.
What solution to solve this problem?
There are three solutions that can effectively solve the phenomenon of school drop-out in the two
cases of Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire.

1. The implementation of an accelerated schooling strategy. This is the speed school method. It allows
children who have not attended school or who have dropped out very early to join the class of 3 years
of primary school after nine months of teaching/learning. Thus these children will be able to continue
their normal school curriculum. One of the causes of dropping out of school being hunger, it is
necessary to add school canteens to this strategy.
AEAD is already using this strategy and getting good results. The government of Burkina Faso has also
experimented with this strategy and adopted it.

2. Set up Literacy Centers for teenagers who do not go to school or drop out very early. Thanks to
these centres, they will be able to learn to read and write in their native or official languages of their
country. And this will allow them to do vocational training to have or create their own job.

3. Create Vocational Training Centers. In these centers, teenagers or young people who have dropped
out of school can learn a professional trade such as masonry, carpentry, welding, mechanics,
plumbing, electricity, sewing, gardening and other trades related to business needs.
Learners at the end of their training will be able to find a job or be their own employer.

Background of AEAD
AEAD has thirty years of experience in the field of education. AEAD is currently in partnership with the
Ministry of Education of Burkina for a literacy program in the North region. With other partners, AEAD
has already implemented vocational training programs. AEAD is recognized by the government of
Burkina Faso and that of Côte d'Ivoire and carries out development projects in these two countries.


Name/title of the duly authorized of AEAD Dr. OUEDRAOGO Philippe

Executive Director (Phd)
Name of the Partner Association Evangélique d’Appui au Développement
Date: 12/05/2023

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