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Profit Efficiency and Catastrophic Risk Analysis of Aquaculture in

Flood Prone Areas of Sylhet Division

Sample No.: ……….. Date: ……………………..

General Information
Name of the respondent: ……………………………………………………Village ...………………
Mobile no: ……………………..........
A. Household Characteristics
1. Gender of the HH 1. Male 2. Female

2. Age …………………….Years

3. Marital status 1. Single 2. Married 3. Widow/ widower 4. Divorced

5. Separated
4. Religion 1. Islam 2. Hindu 3. Others
5. Years of schooling ……………years
6. Total family member Total = Male Female

7. Family labour ………………….Numbers

8. Main occupation of the HH 1. Aquaculture farming
2. Others (specify)………………………….
9. Subsidiary occupation 1. Boro cultivation 2. Vegetable cultivation 3. Service
4. Business 5. Others (specify)………………………..

10. Family Income Source BDT

1. Farm Income
2. Non- farm Income
Total =
11. Farming experience ………………Years
12. Distance to the local market from ……………….Km

13. Do you have livestock 1. No 2. Yes………………………..Numbers

14. Do you have a mobile phone 1. Yes 2.No
15. Do you use it for market 1. Yes 2.No

B. Information on aquaculture
1. What type of farming do you 1. Subsistence…… 2. Commercial…………
2. Labour participation in 1. Part time ………………….Numbers
aquaculture 2. Full time …………………Numbers
3. Production system 1. Pond Culture 2. Seasonal Floodplain Aquaculture
3. Rice-fish Culture 4. Cage Culture 5. Gher Culture
4. Pond size and ownership Status Size (decimal)
1. Own
Marginal (5-49 decimals) 2. Rent in
Small (50-249 decimals)
Medium (250-749 decimals) 3. Rent out
Large (750 decimals-above) Rent in (tk/ Rent out (tk/ decimal)
Lease Value

5. Name of the fish species?

6. Cost of production Item Quantity Price (Tk)

 Permanent

 Hired
 Family labour
Land preparation
Seed/ fingerlings

 Rice bran
 Mustard oil-
 Others

Bamboo/ shrub
Fertilizer/ cow-dung
Net for fence
Doctor consultation fee
Others (equipment

7. Annual yield (kg/ha)

8. Return from fish production Item (Kg) Price (Tk/kg) Value (Qty × Price)

C. Catastrophic risk on aquaculture

1. Do you face any risk in aquaculture 1. Yes 2. No
2. Major catastrophic risks are 1. Flood
2. Heavy rain
3. Drought
4. Water pollution
5. Disease outbreaks
6. Pesticide
7. Others
3. Rank the Sources Very High Medium Low Very low
catastrophic risk high
Heavy rain

Pest and diseases

Water pollution


4. Do you get any climate related information 1. Yes 2. No
5. If Yes, from what source
6. Do you use risk management strategies to 1. Yes 2. No
cope up the catastrophic risk
7. Which risk management strategies do you 1. Contract farming
use? 2. Precautionary savings
3. Agricultural credit
4. Diversification
5. Others
8. What are the conditions of contract

9. How do you create savings for facing risk in


10. Which diversification procedure do you 1. On farm

2. Off farm

3. Both
11. From where you take agricultural credit? 1. Bank 2. Moneylender 3. NGO’s
4. Relatives 5. Neighbors 6. Friends
7. Family members 8. Cooperative society
9. Others
12. Do you receive training for coping with 1.No
risk? 2.Yes…………………………Numbers
13. Does extension worker visit your 1. Yes
aquaculture field? 2. No
14. Are you a member of cooperative society? 1. Yes 2. No
15. Do you receive any subsidy? 1. Yes 2. No

Signature of the Enumerator

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