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Unit 4: Investigating Plant Growth

1. The 2 things that seed needs to germinate.

2. The conditions that plant will not grow well.
3. The parts of plants and its function.
4. Investigation : How important are water and warmth to seed germination
5. Investigation : The importance of light and water to plant growth. ( identify variables , ways to conduct the
test fairly)
6. Analyse and interpret data and making conclusions.
7. Four stages of scientific investigation.

Unit 5: Earth’s movement

8. The apparent movement of sun.
9. Revise the order of Sun, Moon and Earth.
10. The effect of movement of Earth on it’s axis and on it’s orbit.
11. Definition – axis, orbit,
12. Reason why only Earth has life.
13. Reason of sun being a star
14. Reason of moon and planets not being a star.
15. Investigation : Measuring the length and position of a shadow to show the apparent movement of the Sun.

Unit 6- Position and movement
1. Read and plot coordinates in the first quadrant.
2. Predict where a polygon will be after reflection.
3. Identify where a polygon will be after translation.

Unit 7- Length , Mass and Capacity

4. Convert from larger to smaller metric units.
 Cm – mm , mm-cm , km-m , m-km
 Kg-g, g-kg
 Ml-L , L-ml
5. Order measurements in mixed units.
6. Round measurements to the nearest whole unit.
7. Measure and draw lines to the nearest cm and mm.
8. Read standard units ( Length , mass and capacity)
9. Interpret reading that lies between 2 unnumbered divisions on scale . (Heaviest, smallest , lightest)

Unit 6: Sport and Health

1. Give evidence from the text and comment on writer’s language from The winning run.
2. Changing direct speech to reported speech and vise versa.
E.g; “ I can finish the paintings today, “ she said.
She said that she can finish her painting today.

3. Writing direct speech with reporting clause at different positions. ( start , middle , end of a sentence)

4. Using Commas to separate information about a person.

E.g; Fatima, 12 years old, was awarded for her bravery.
5. The three features of diary writing :

Unit 7 : Making the news

7. Making comparisons using adjectives and i
 A one syllable adjective
E.g; ‘ bright’ : add ‘-er’ or ‘-est’ to the end of the word.
 A one syllable adjective ending in ‘e’
E.g; ‘white’ : add ‘r’ for comparative and ‘-st’ for superlative.
 A one syllable adjective ending with a single consonant with a single vowel before it.
E.g;’big’ : double the consonant and add ‘er’ ( comparative) ‘est’ for superlative
 A two syllable adjective.
E.g ; ‘careful’ : add ‘more’ for comparative and ‘most’ for superlative.
 A two syllable adjective ending with ‘y’.
E.g; ‘ angry’ : change ‘y’ to ‘I’ and add ‘er’ for comparative and ‘est’ for superlative
 Adjectives with three or more syllable.
E.g; ‘Beautiful’: add ‘more’ for comparative and ‘most’ for superlative
8. Using homophones correctly in a sentence .
E.g; they’re , their , there
 They’re – they are
 Their - belonging to them
 There – refers to a place
E.g ; we’re , wear,where
 We’re – We are
 Wear – something to do with clothes and shoes
 Where – refers to a place
9. Identify the meaning of some idioms
E.g; She visits her friends once in a blue moon – ‘ blue moon’ means rarely
10. Using suffixes to change pairs of verbs into nouns.
 The ending –cian is commonly used in the names of many jobs.
E.g; magician, technician
 You can change a verb ending in –de or –se into a noun which ends in –sion.
E.g; divide –division , revise – revision

Unit 7: Tools and Inventions

1. The use of astrolabe, hurdy gurdy and windmill during Tudor times.

Unit 8: Break of Rome

1. The Role of the Pope.
2. Reason why Henry divorced Catherine of Aragon.
3. The reformation.
4. People who supported the new church of England .
5. The person who went against Henry VIII to save the monasteries.
6. Only priest and scholars were able to read the bible as it was written in Latin.
7. Changes during the Reformation after Henry VIII became the Leader of the Church.
8. After the death of Henry VIII , Mary became the queen of England. Changes that she brought to the country.
Unit 9: Thomas More
9. Biography
 The day he was born.
 The place he studied and the subject that he was interested in.
 Very intelligent – elected to parliament at the age of 26 .
 Wrote a book – Utopia ( 1515)
 Henry VIII read his book and realized he could be a great asset to his court.
 Thomas was elected as the Lord Chancellor (a stage were his job is to tell the King that he was not
doing right)
 Henry divorced Catherine of Aragon and married Anne Boleyn- Thomas More did not like it so he gave
up his job 1532.
 1534 – he refused to sign a document agreeing to Henry’s control of the Church.
 1535- he was brought to Tower Hill and beheaded.
 His last words were – ‘ The King ‘s good servant, but the God’s first’.
Unit 1: Water
We need water
1. Importance of water to humans and living things.
Water Everywhere
2. Identify parts of oceans and sea
The water supply
3. How water supply is collected and processed to make it fit for human consumption.
4. Stages of how water supply is obtained and treated for human consumption.
5. Locating the major deserts of the world.
6. Understand the formation and landscape of deserts.
Life in the deserts
7. The problems faced by people in the desert and how to overcome it.
8. The importance of the date palm to the inhabitants of hot desert.
9. Methods of irrigation in hot deserts.
Tropical rainforests
10. Distribution of world’s tropical forest. Where are the tropical rainforests and the types of food and water
which came from the rainforests.
11. Causes and effects of long periods of droughts
Safe water
12. Examine the distribution of the driest and wettest cities in the world.
13. Importance of safe water and prevention in water borne disease.
Who owns water
14. Calculate the amount of water used in a day
Taking Risk
1. Meaning of risk.
2. Something that you need to do before taking risk.
3. Describing a situation where a risk is taken and a positive or negative outcome is achieved.
Positive Outcome- You were nervous before singing during the Talent Night competition, but you won first
Negative Outcome- You went out with your friends without your parents knowledge and you met with an
4. Different kinds of risk.
Peer Pressure
5. Meaning of peer pressure
6. The reason people give in to peer pressure.
7. Give advice based on situations.
E.g ; You saw some of your friends from your group teasing and bullying a new student.
Advice: report to a teacher
8. Ways to avoid peer pressure.
9. Peer pressure is not always bad.
10. Meaning of bullying.
11. Reasons why students bully.
12. Solving bullying problems
13. Types of bullying.

Unit 1: Working with text: Water world

1. Identify icons and toolbars in Microsoft word.

2. Purpose using text wrap
3. Types of wrapping
4. Uses of bullet points.
5. 2 rules using bullet points.
6. Purpose of heading styles.

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