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TRIBUNE PML-N doled out whopping Rs54b to MPs in six months ‘Over 90% expenses om lawmakers’ recommendation go to Pun Sbtackase | Deenbers 209 ovos ISLAMABAD: And concerns about pre-pol rigging, the PLAN government has doled out Reg bllon to partlamentarians fr development spending during pasts ‘months alone, taking se total disretionary spending toa whopping Reig bilion in shout three years Documents of the Planning and Development Ministry show that more than 90% ofthe funds were spent in Punjab, which wil be the battlefield to win the National Assembly in the 2018 general elections More than half ofthe 272 directly contested National Asserbly seats rein Pani. From July through December 2 this year, the planning missy dstbuted Rss Dillon for spending on gas eletrilty and rad projets inthe constituencies won bythe PML-N ots lid pate, aecording othe documents Ooh 5886 of KP uplift bade uted, “Thsineludes Ret.69 billion spending rom the Spi Federal Development Programme, Rs36 billion from Energy for Al programme, Rsa66 milion from Water for All scheme and Rega. billion of PM's Sustainable Development Gols ($D6) 1 achievement fond “The decision to distribute the SDGsfandsistaken by just few people inclading the parlameatary fais minister ad Capt (rtd) Mohammed Safdar, the sonia ofthe former prime minister Nawaz Shar. Prom the planning ministry, Development Budget ‘Advisor Asi Shes prosiding the requisite support to divert these funds, according to Bureaucrats ofthe ministry have already gone tothe Islamabad High Court, seeking ‘Sheikh’ removal on the pla that e is ilegally siting the ministry. In hs writ petition, the joint chet economist ofthe ministry allege that “Asif Sheth olin government by playing withthe public money for ther poical management” through ‘the grant to the MINAS of ions of rupees in development funds Develonment or rehabilitation: ADP funds wil be wt or lif work: Chant ‘Sheik wll tun 7o in March and cannot bea government contractual employe, fo ‘which the age limit is 65 yee. The sources said the planning minster and secretary ‘were not willing to remove Sheikh ahead of next elections despite the legal complications “The ministry’s documents shoe that mos ofthe diseretionay funds are gong into Punjab, For instance out of Rs743 billion SDG funds that the government gave to rovinees fom 2014-15 onwards, R697 Dillon, or 94%, has gone to Puja This amount is excuse of Raga billion thatthe federal init spent in the provinces ‘Over 90% ofthis amounts also gone to Puna “The funds given to Kayber-Pakdunkva and Sindh have also gone to the constituencies ‘ofthe PMLLN or ike-minded parties, Sindh received a paltry Reza blion from Re4.s Dili, KP Re. 48 blion and Blochstas only Rs935 milion {Uplift or the fatuze: Re ilion leased in development funds: [natal "These dlteretionary spending is loa viltion of the Supreme Cour’ judgment in the ‘aoe of former PM Raja Pervez Aahral. The sources in the planning ministry alleged that most ofthe projects were approved by flouting the rules. The ministry was nt involved ‘in technid, financial and economic appraisal ofthe schemes “The breakup ofthe Rs. 6 bili spending from the Energy for All Programme agin shows PMLLN cence patterns. To crete room for these as supply schemes, the ‘government diverted Rsg ili from Energy or Aland spel development areas ‘budge to the Petroleum Divison. tinzeaed the division's budget hy 890% to RSS 54 Dillon after the approval of the budget om paeianent In the constitueny ofthe planning minister, Reg. 42 milion was given recently for ‘2s supply scheme. A sum of Rs252.9 milion was given to MNA Ibedullah and his ‘brother Amir Mugam for NA-29, NA-go and NA. Thadulah is MNA from NA-31 and ugar lost elections from Ni During by-polls in NA-g, Peshawar, the PMI-N government gave Rs2g0 milion fora sas supply scheme, PMN ofa devel exchange or Yoalie in PTT strongholds i In the NA-iag constituency of PML-N'sShasia Mubashar, the government gave Rs900.4 milion for gas schemes. Inthe NA-6o constitueny of PML-N MNA Ma) ot) Tait aha it gave Rstgg2 milion fora gas scheme In the Nagi constituency of PML-N MINA Rana AfealHussin, the planning ministry lowed two sthemes of Rs229.4 milion. In NA~22, the eonsitueney of Defense Prudetion Miniter Rana Tanveerfussin, the government gave Rsg4o.s milion for ‘as schemes In NA-146 of PMI-N's MNA Rao Mohammad Ajmal Khan, Roag7 milion ‘was satione, in NS-87f Ghulam» Mobammad Lali Rs100 milion aa in NA-169 of Chaudhry Mohammad Mani Aaa Ret059 milion, ‘An amount of Rs29¢ lion was loted for ga schomes in Murree and Kata wile -Rsj00 million wes approved forthe eonsttueney of Industries Minister Ghoa ‘Nartaza Jato, Meanie the planning ministy/s internal corespondence reveal that the Singh and KP governments had asked the ministry and the Cabinet Division for matching grants forthe SDs progeare but had een denied the funds. This contrary tothe SDGs ‘Steering Committe lain that the provinces ruled by oppsition partis were not lnterestdin spending onthe goals. evom COMMENTS ‘els yeas ago Rey Why people of snd balocristan kok py taxes te federal govt. Saleen | yur Rely Development funds nathing but another way of cortuption to ine up pockets of so-called elected representatives. Of couse, Allin the name of democracy To be elected, no wonder these representatives span illons. Tey allan see peat the end ofthe read and knows that ‘heir fortunes will mulpty many folds they are elected, Indeed,» fruit of "democracy, Has any aust been ever done td out how or were all hs so-called development money is spent? And what benef eke downto 3 eommon man whe pays taxes 35 utmately this mene i supposed to ‘benefit him and not these representatives Name eared) Es fone < Comments are moderated and generally willbe posted ifthey are on-topi and not abusive, > For more information, please see our Comments FA MOST READ ‘Monsoon starts today with rains inupeountry

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