Learning Log

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Cyril Potter College of Education
Assessments for the Course
Differentiated Instruction and Multigrade Teaching
(EDU 212)

Name: Amy Pardesi

Learning Log
Week Topic Objective What I Learned from How I applied it in the teaching-
the weekly reading/activities learning processes this week.

2 What is  Develop an Adapting instruction to the requirements I used diversified instruction in the
Differentiated understanding of of each learner is what differentiated classroom by setting up a station for
instruction? differentiated instruction, according to what I've read, learning, where I worked this week on
instruction and means. Everyone who is a learner has the a fresh passage for the reading
multi-grade same learning objectives. However, the assignment "Shopping at Bourda
teaching. instruction varies depending on the needs, Market." In my lesson, I asked the
 To have a clearer obstacles, and interests of each individual students to use reusable materials to
understanding of student. make objects that one could find in a
differentiated market. After that, I asked them to
instructions perform a short drama utilizing the
 To apply the new objects they had created for the
definition of market. I then began asking them
differentiated questions utilizing the think, pair, and
instruction to share approach. Each student in my
learners with diverse class made a contribution in their own
learning needs. unique way, and I made sure that they
were all included in order to meet
their needs.

Week Topic Objective What I Learned from How I applied it in the

the weekly reading/activities teaching-learning processes
this week.
3 The Needs of  To identify the needs I discovered that many students learn in a This week, I organized my
Students in of diverse learners by variety of ways and have a variety of students into six groups based on
Differentiated specifying examples needs. Some words may be more difficult their needs. I worked on
Classrooms for them to understand than others. We are consonant blend pl words this
 Understanding who are not all the same, mentally, culturally, or week. I had some of them draw to
diverse learners otherwise. As a teacher, I tried to think of show pl words, another group
alternative ways to make my point if some complete a word tree with pl
 suggest/recommend of my students asked "why?" again after I words, and the other two groups
workable strategies for explained it. I experiment with various come up with a poem and a song
addressing learner’s methods, such as graphics, dramas, games, to suit their needs. This way, I got
needs worksheets, and so on. all of them engaged and working
to meet their needs.
Week Topic Objective What I Learned from How I applied it in the teaching-
the weekly reading/activities learning processes this week.
4 Rationale of  To differentiate I studied that we use differentiation in We are aware that learning occurs most
Differentiating instructions for the classroom to respect the diversity of effectively when a student is only slightly
Instruction in students with the students with whom we work. They challenged beyond their level of
Academically diverse learning are upbeat and friendly. They are independence. This week, I finished
Diverse needs observant and reserved. They are both Beyond Core, and I decided that my
Classrooms  collectively assured and insecure. They are students would learn the fundamentals of
provide a passionate about a particular subject Spanish as a second language. I asked my
rationale for and have a diverse set of interests. Even students to prepare a brief presentation in
differentiating if they are academically successful which they introduced themselves in
instruction "learners in the medium," they struggle Spanish using simple phrases such as
due to cognitive, emotional, economic, "hello," "good morning" or "good
or societal challenges. They now have afternoon," "my name is," and so on. I can
more homes where they speak a foreign tell that some of them are excited, while
language than ever before. They pick others are scared, and that one child, who
things up at different rates and in I know is from another country and speaks
different ways. They all interact in our the language, was so brave. She was so
academically diverse classrooms. eager to help everyone else. As each child
gained confidence, they all continued to
act in this manner.
Week Topic Objective What I Learned from How I applied it in the teaching-learning
the weekly reading/activities processes this week.
5 The Role of the  To engage in I learned about the Teacher's Role For social studies, we studied ethnic groups
Teacher in introspection.  in a Differentiated Classroom. this week. I had the children dress up as one of
Differentiated  To suggest When teachers differentiate their the ethnic groups and bring something related
Classroom ways that can instruction, they shift their focus to their culture and background. Each child
bridge gaps in from being knowledge keepers and was given the opportunity to present on one of
the role as a distributors to being facilitators of the ethnic groups. Following the presentation, I
classroom learning possibilities. Focus more had the children all participate in discussions
practitioner. on reading their students and less about what they had learned from their point of
on having all the answers. view. I met the goal and delegated my role as
Differentiating instruction entails class facilitator to my students for the day.
giving learners as much
responsibility for their learning as
they can handle while also
teaching them to handle a little bit

Week Topic Objective What I Learned from How I applied it in the teaching-learning
the weekly reading/activities processes this week.
6 The Learning  To become aware I successfully identified that the  • For mathematics, I compared
Environment in a of what makes up term "learning environment" numbers this week. And this week, I
Differentiated Classroom the classroom refers to how a classroom had them each choose their own spot
environment  operates and feels. While in the classroom to create a number-
 To observe differentiating the learning comparison game. I've noticed that
practical things and environment, the teacher while some of my students prefer to
items that can use considers the learners' work alone in a small space, others
to make the "environmental" perspectives. prefer to work in a large space to
classroom Some students, for example, generate ideas. I then devised a
environment more prefer to work alone, while workstation for each child to
supportive. others require a large amount of complete their math projects,
space. Some people also prefer assignments, and so on. I provided
a calm environment. spreadsheets, requiring my learners
to manipulate information through
trial and error. I also paired my
learners to tackle a variety of
problems together, supporting each
other's learning, and provided a
hands-on option by giving each
learner objects to use when solving
Week Topic Objective What I Learned from How I applied it in the teaching-
the weekly reading/activities learning processes this week.

7 Strategies for  Become aware of I understood that in order to This week, I managed my class by
Managing evidence-based differentiate education based on updating each learner's profile and
Differentiated teaching learner preparation, interest, and providing them with a space where they
Classrooms strategies that can learning profile, you must have can work alone, in pairs, or in groups,
be used in overall support. Following that, depending on their needs. putting my
differentiated discuss ideas with students and learners at the center of the learning
classrooms.  parents on a regular basis, just as process, enhancing my classroom
  Develop an we do as teachers. Both students experience and increasing engagement,
understanding of and parents need help developing using an open-ended approach in which
the importance of new mental images of classrooms my learners work alone or collaboratively
effectively as dynamic spaces that offer a to produce an engaging, intricate
managing a variety of learning opportunities. curriculum-related question or challenge,
differentiated and having each child participate in their
classroom.   own way and contribute to the classroom
by having their own stations for each
subject area where they can make time for
journaling and reflecting on what was done
in each week.

Week Topic Objective What I Learned from How I applied it in the teaching-
the weekly reading/activities learning processes this week.
8 Differentiating  To identify how to I've learned something new. "Equal is This week, I had my students choose
Content, Product enhance the not always the case," This is especially vocabulary from a work bank to help
and Process delivery of content. true when working with a group of them reinforce their understanding of
 Understand the learners in a classroom setting who each term they had previously learned in
importance of have varying levels of reading class. My students are participating in a
matching content to comprehension and academic skill. science lesson, so I created a simple
student readiness, Other things to consider are their assignment using terms from that subject.
interest and family situation, educational The terms I chose for this activity, such as
learning profile. background, and emotional need. energy, could represent a variety of things
Differentiating instruction is important depending on how my students learn. The
because not all students require the terms chosen help learners improve their
same level of assistance to succeed in knowledge of the English language while
the classroom. also assisting them in reviewing
important academic material they have
learned in class. Integrating more than
one subject.

Week Topic Objective What I Learned from How I applied it in the teaching-
the weekly reading/activities learning processes this week.
9 Differentiating  Identify how to can I discovered that differentiating This week, we read "Rice Cutting
Content, Product enhance the teaching- content, process, and product Season." Because each of my students is
and Process learning process and for each and every lesson is at a different level, I used the same
Continued motivate learners. neither practical nor realistic. language and content and adapted it to
  Understand the Differentiation is the process of their needs. As a result, each of my
importance of matching modifying a task or its students understood the lesson's goal.
content to student instructions so that all learners
readiness, interest and can access it and receive
learning profile.  rigorous education. The key
phrase is "all learners"!

Week Topic Objective What I Learned from How I applied it in the teaching-
the weekly reading/activities learning processes this week.
10 The Curriculum of  Understand the In the majority of elementary This week, I completed the One Minute
Early Childhood importance of classrooms, I discovered that some Reading Test after realizing that not all of
and Primary differentiating at the students have learning disabilities, my students could understand the two-
Learners in Guyana; nursery and while others achieve above grade level and three-letter sight words. So I created
Elementary elementary levels. standards, and the remaining students some flash cards and instructed my
Education  To suggest ways, fall somewhere in the middle. Within students to pronounce the letters by
based on previous each of these groups of learners, blending the sounds to form words. I gave
weeks’ readings and people study in a variety of ways and them the day to call the words in the
discussions how to have a variety of interests. Many morning, and I held a competition in the
differentiate professors tailor their instruction to afternoon to get them excited and
instruction at a level meet the needs of a wide range of motivated to study independently and at
students. their own pace.

Week Topic Objective What I Learned from How I applied it in the teaching-
the weekly reading/activities learning processes this week.
11 The Curriculum of  To show understanding of I discovered that the concept of This week, I added new math-related
Early Childhood the importance of learning learning styles has enormous games and worksheets to my classroom to
and Primary styles in the teaching- logical and intuitive appeal, and help my students understand the topic as
Learners in Guyana; learning process.   it is natural for us as educators well as the other subjects. Each of my
learning styles  To understand the to want to focus on them. students works at their own pace, so this
importance of fostering Teachers' proclivity to consider week we worked on ordering numbers,
learning styles at the early learning styles as an and each learner had the opportunity to
childhood level. instructionally relevant variable think of a way to make it simpler in their
when individualizing instruction own way, such as by using a song,
in extremely diverse classes creating a game, completing a worksheet,
may have increased recently as and so on.
a result of a growing emphasis
on differentiated instruction.
We investigate how the terms
"individualized instruction" and
"differentiated instruction"
overlap, provide a brief
overview of learning style
research, and argue that training
should be both "individualized"
and "differentiated."
Week Topic Objective What I Learned from How I applied it in the teaching-
the weekly reading/activities learning processes this week.
12 Assessment in  To discuss the role of I learned learners frequently This week, I used the results of their
Differentiated Classrooms assessment in the work at various paces and with diagnostic assessments and their
teaching-learning various support systems. While student profiles to evaluate each
process. learners are actively expected to learner's development while also
 To identify the benefits strive toward knowledge of the assigning grades to them. This week's
of the assessment. same learning standards in the projects in class were done to monitor
 To learn of techniques majority of schools, a and observe each learner's growth,
to assess student differentiated classroom which inspired my learners to do
progress in emphasizes better and provided a support system
differentiated two key elements students' right for them as they worked to become
classrooms. to "begin where they are" in better learners.
working with the parts of a
standard, and the assumption
that students will progress as
learners from their various
starting points. Having a solid
understanding of the roles that
curriculum design, assessment,
and instructional planning play
in student success. This essay
emphasizes characteristics of
superior classroom instruction
within and across these three
domains. It focuses especially
on the crucial connections
between formative assessment
and instructional preparation for

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