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Article review

The artwork displays numerous characteristics of the Baroque era. The first is a dramatic

contrast between light and dark to suggest motion. The second is employing vibrant colors to

evoke passion and excitement. The third is to portray wealth and luxury by employing ornate


Anthony van Dyck was a renowned court painter in England during the Baroque period.

The portraits he painted of aristocrats and other notable people made him renowned. The artist

also depicted mythological and sacred themes in his work. Van Dyck was a brilliant painter, and

his pieces quickly became collectors' items (Farago). A picture named "Saint Rosalie

Interceding for the Plague-Stricken of Palermo" portrays the saint praying for the city's plague-

stricken residents.

Many museums have closed their doors to the public due to the pandemic to limit the

spread of the virus. The rise in people using digital platforms to interact with museums is one of

the best results of the current scenario. Virtual tours, live broadcasts, and digital displays are just

some of the internet features many museums have jumped on quickly. Because of this, museum
collections are accessible to a much wider audience than ever before, allowing people from all

over the world to view them without leaving their homes.

During the epidemic, the Norton Museum has provided numerous online activities and

services to its members and the general public. They have used their website and social media to

organize virtual tours, panel discussions, and educational activities (Choi and Kim). The museum

has also made several of its artworks and instructional resources available on the web. The

museum has provided online content and virtual tours.

These are just a small selection of the numerous museums in the United States that

feature Latin American art. Museums in the United States should reflect the country's growing

diversity through exhibits and public programming (Choi and Kim). Museums dedicated to Latin

American art play a crucial part in this process by preserving the works of these artists and

educating the public about their significance.

I found the article to be very intriguing. I had no clue that Florida had so many distinct art

museums. I particularly enjoy that the post includes a little summary of each institution. I think

this is beneficial for individuals who are trying to determine which museum to visit. In general, I

think the piece is really interesting and helpful. I think it is a terrific resource for anyone who

would like to explore art museums in Florida.

Works Cited

Choi, Byungjin, and Junic Kim. “Changes and Challenges in Museum Management after the

COVID-19 Pandemic.” Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and

Complexity, vol. 7, no. 2, June 2021, p. 148,

Accessed 21 June 2021.

Farago, Jason. “The Saint Who Stopped an Epidemic Is on Lockdown at the Met.”, Accessed 19 Apr.


NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale – Art Museum in Fort Lauderdale.

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