Universiti Sains Malaysia School of Management: Semester II, Academic Session 2010/2011

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COURSE SYNOPSIS Organizational behavior (OB) is an interdisciplinary field drawing from numerous disciplines like psychology, sociology, engineering,

anthropology, management and medicine. It prepares students to appreciate how the findings of behavioral sciences can be applied to solve problems involving human behavior in the workplace. It demonstrates why managers and employees alike require a working knowledge of OB to assist them achieve their personal as well as the organizations goals. COURSE OBJECTIVES This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge of the complex interplay between people and the organizations in which they work. To demonstrate to students how managers and employees combine their knowledge, energy and time to assist an organization meet its goals.


Semester II, Academic Session 2010/2011


Lecturer : Mr. Quah Chun Hoo Office/Phone : 04-653 3426 E-mail : eq@notes.usm.my quah@usm.my Venue: DK SK 4 Time: 3.00 - 5.00 p.m. Day: Thursday Consultation Hours: Tuesday: 3.00 5.00 p.m. Other Days (By appointment)

To help students manage a myriad of current issues in organizational behaviour and to enhance students understanding of the processes and barriers in real work situations.

LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:1.

Appreciate how the findings of behavioral sciences can be applied to solve the problems involving human behavior in the workplace Understand the importance of both managers and employees contribution to an organizations success. To lean to work effectively in teams. Understand the role of leadership and the processes involved in an organizations culture.



4. 1


Provide students with the latest information organizational behavior via real life examples.


Mid-Semester Test I (20%) Mid-semester test I (20%) will cover the first five chapters of the main text book.

COURSE EVALUATION Coursework Mid Term Examination I Mid Term Examination II Final Examination TOTAL 40% 20% 20% 60% 100 %

Mid-Semester Test II (20%) Mid-semester test II (20%) will cover the next five chapters of the main text book. Final Exam (60%) The final exam for this course will consist of the following:





A 3-hour exam paper consisting of 120 multiple choice questions. The examination paper will be in both Bahasa Malaysia and English. MAIN TEXT BOOK Quick, J. C. & Nelson, D. L. (2011). Principles of Organizational Behavior: Realities and Challenges. 7th Edition, South-Western, Cengage Learning. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES


1, 2, 3

1, 2,3

K, C, AP, AN


1, 2, 3

1, 2, 3

K, C, AP, AN

Colquitt, J. A., Lepine, J. A. & Wesson, M. J. (2011). Organizational Behavior: Improving Performance and Commitment in the Workplace. 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY 10020. Greenberg, J. and Baron, R.A. (2011). Behaviors in Organization, 10th Edition, NJ: Prentice Hall. Kinicki, A. and Kreitner, R (2009). Organizational Behavior: Key Concepts, Skills & Best Practices. 4th Edition, New York: McGraw Hill. STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITIES

* Levels of Learning: Knowledge (K) Comprehension (C) Application (AP) Analysis (AN) Synthesis (S) Evaluation (E)

This course is divided into 3 components as follows:


Students are required to purchase original textbook. Photocopying is discouraged. Students are required to attend classes on a regular basis. Students with unsatisfactory attendance will be barred from the final exam. Students must read the relevant chapter/s prior to attending class. Students are required to make their own copies of the lecture materials. COURSE CONTENT
CHAPTER Course Introduction Chapter 1: Organizational Behaviour and Opportunities Human Behaviour in Organizations The Organizational Context Change Creates Opportunities Learning about Organizational Behaviour Managerial Implications: Foundations for the Future Chapter 2 : Challenges for Managers Management Challenges in a New Time The Global Village The Diverse Workforce Ethics, Character and Personal Integrity Managerial Implications: Beating the Challenges Chapter 3 : Personality, Perception and Attribution Individual Differences and Organizational Behaviour Skills and Abilities Personality Application of Personality Theory in Organizations: The MBTI Instrument Social Perception Attribution in Organizations Managerial Implications: Using Personality, Perception and Attribution at Work 3

Continuation of Chapter 3 Chapter 4 : Attitudes, Emotions and Ethics Attitudes Moods and Emotions at Work Ethical Behaviour Values Managerial Implications: Attitudes, Values and Ethics at Work Chapter 5 : Motivation at Work Motivation and Work Behaviour Maslows Need Theory McClellands Need Theory Herzbergs Two-Factor Theory Two New Ideas in Motivation Social Exchange and Equity Theory Expectancy Theory of Motivation Managerial Implications: Many Ways to Motivate People Chapter 6 : Learning and Performance Management Learning in Organizations Goal Setting at Work Performance: A Key Construct Rewarding Performance Correcting Poor Performance Managerial Implications: Performance Management is a Key Task


Chapter 7 : Stress and Well-Being at Work What is Stress? Sources of Work Stress The Consequences of Stress Individual Differences in the Stress-Strain Relationship Preventive Stress Management Managerial Implications: Stress without Distress

Chapter 9 : Work Teams and Groups Group Behaviour Group Formation and Development Work Teams in Organizations

Diversity and Creativity in Teams Teamwork and Self-Managed Teams Upper Echelons: Teams at the Top Managerial Implications: Teamwork for Productivity and Quality

FIRST MIDTERM TEST (Chapters 1-5) [NIGHT] 7 Chapter 10 : Decisiin Making by Individuals and Groups The Decision-Making Process Models of Decision Making Decision Making and Risk Jungs Cognitive Styles Other Individual Influences on Decision Making Participation in Decision Making The Group Decision-Making Process Techniques for Group Decision Making Diversity and Culture in Decision Making Decision Making in the Virtual Workplace Ethical Issues in Decision Making Managerial Implications: Decision Making Is a Critical Activity MID SEMESTER BREAK Chapter 11 : Power and Political Behaviour The Concept of Power Forms and Sources of Power in Organizations Power Analysis: A Broader View Symbols of Power Political Behaviour in Organizations Managing Up: Managing the Boss Sharing Power: Empowerment Managerial Implications: Using Power Effectively Chapter 12 : Leadership and Followership Leadership and Management Early Trait Theories Behavioural Theories 4

Contingency Theories The Emergence of Inspirational Leadership Theories Emerging Issues in Leadership Followership Cultural Differences in Leadership Guidelines for Leadership

SECOND MIDTERM TEST (Chapters 6-11) [NIGHT] 11 Chapter 13 : Conflict and Negotiation The Nature of Conflicts in Organizations Causes of conflict in Organizations Globalization and Conflict Forms of Conflict in Organizations Intrapersonal Conflict Interpersonal Conflict Conflict Management Strategies and Techniques Conflict Management Styles Managerial Implications: Creating a Conflict-Positive Organization

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Chapter 14 : Jobs and the Design of Work Work in Organizations Traditional Approaches to Job Design Alternative Approaches to Job Design Contemporary Issues in the Design of Work Managerial Implications: The Changing Nature of Work Chapter 15 : Organizational Design and Structure Key Organizational Design Processes Basic Design Dimensions Five Structural Configurations Contextual Variables Forces Reshaping Organizations Managerial Implications: Fitting People and Structures Together



Chapter 16: Organizational Culture

The Key Role of Organizational Culture Functions and Effects of Organizational Culture The Leaders Role in Shaping and Reinforcing Culture Organizational Socialization Assessing Organizational Culture Changing Organizational Culture Managerial Implications: The Organizational Culture Challenge

Chapter 17: Career Management Careers as Joint Responsibilities The New Career The Career Stage Model The Establishment Stage The Advancement Stage The Maintenance Stage The Withdrawal Stage Managerial Implications: Managing Your Career


Chapter 18: Managing Change Forces for Change in Organizations Change is Inevitable The Process of Change in Organizations Organizational Development Interventions Ethical Considerations in Organization Development Are Organization Development Efforts Effective? Managerial Implications: Managing Change Final Exam


AKP 202/QCH/SEM 2/2010-11

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