DK0014B2 Modbus RTU (ENG)

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Pelltech Burners Modbus RTU

Instruction manual
Pelltech Burners Modbus RTU p 2/9

Table of contents

1 Hardware description...............................................................................................................................3
2 Communication parameters.....................................................................................................................3
3 Burner setings...........................................................................................................................................3
4 Modbus messages....................................................................................................................................4
4.1 Supported Modbus functions, PDU structures...................................................................................4
5 Data registers address table.......................................................................................................................6
6 Parameters table.......................................................................................................................................9

Pelltech Burners Modbus RTU p 3/9 Hardware description

1 Hardware description

All burners with BBB controller board (PV350, PV500, PV700, PV1000, PV1500) have a Modbus RTU
connection through RS485 3 wire connection. It is accessed from the connector X22 on the left side of
the burners electric cabinet, definition of each pin inside the connector can be found from the wiring

2 Communication parameters

For Communication, next port parameters must be used:

Baud rate – 19200
Parity – None
Data bits - 8
Stop bits - 1
Handshake – None

3 Burner setings

Burner must have software version 2.9.18 (released 31.10.2017) or later. Next burner parameters must
be seted up:
Par Nr Par Name Default Min Max Description
PAR86 Modbus ID 1 1 255 Gives the Modbus station address for burner
PAR87 Modbus type 1 1 2 1 – Slave, 2 – Master
Modbus type must be set to 1 (Slave) to have external access.

4 Modbus messages

Modbus RTU message structure is following:

Name Length (bytes) Description

Station address 1 Burner Modbus ID. By default 1 („01” in Hex)
Modbus function 1 Function code. Supported „03” „04” and „06”
Data n Message data and length depending on function/type
CRC 2 Checksum (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
Each message has to start and end with a communication silence of 3,5 symbol length.
Modbus function + Data = Modbus PDU (Protocol Data Unit).
Maximum message length is limited to 255bytes (60 registers).

Pelltech Burners Modbus RTU p 4/9 Modbus messages

4.1 Supported Modbus functions, PDU structures

Function Function name Meaning in burner Error code Exception codes

03 Read holding registers Get parameters value 0x83 01, 02, 03, 04
04 Read input registers Get data registers value 0x84 01, 02, 03, 04
06 Write holding register Set parameter value 0x86 01, 02, 03, 04

Function 03 request PDU:

Function code 1 Byte 0x03 Get Parameters
First parameter number 2 Bytes 0x0001 to 0x00FF From 1 to 255
Quantity of Parameters 2 Bytes 0x0001 to 0x003C From 1 to 60

Function 03 response PDU:

Function code 1 Byte 0x03 Parameters value is
Byte count 1 Byte 0x02 to 0x78 2 x N* (From 2 to 120)
Parameters value N* x 2 Bytes
*N – quantity of asked registers

Function 04 request PDU:

Function code 1 Byte 0x04 Get data registers
Starting Address 2 Bytes 0x0000 to 0x00FE From 0 to 254
Quantity of Registers 2 Bytes 0x0001 to 0x003C From 1 to 60

Function 04 response PDU:

Function code 1 Byte 0x04 Data registers value
Byte count 1 Byte 0x02 to 0x78 2 x N* (From 2 to 120)
Registers value N* x 2 Bytes
*N – quantity of asked registers

Function 06 request PDU:

Function code 1 Byte 0x06 Set Parameter value

Parameter number 2 Bytes 0x0001 to 0x00F7 From 1 to 247

Parameter value 2 Bytes 0x0000 to 0x00FF If parameter number from 1 to 239
0x0000 to 0xFFFF If parameter number from 240 to 247

Pelltech Burners Modbus RTU p 5/9 Modbus messages

Function 06 response PDU:

Function code 1 Byte 0x06 Parameter value has been set
Parameter number 2 Bytes 0x0001 to 0x00F7 From 1 to 247
Parameter value 2 Bytes 0x0000 to 0x00FF If parameter number from 1 to 239
0x0000 to 0xFFFF If parameter number 240 to 247

5 Data registers address table Addr Hex Register description Unit Type
MODEL_NAME(1) 16 10 Burner model name – first character ascii code String

MODEL_NAME(2) 17 11 Burner model name – second character ascii code String

MODEL_NAME(3) 18 12 Burner model name – third character ascii code String
P_HF 20 14 Power value @HOLD FLAME kW x 10 Byte
POWERS(1) 21 15 Power value @ level 1 kW x 10 Byte
POWERS(2) 22 16 Power value @ level 2 kW x 10 Byte
POWERS(3) 23 17 Power value @ level 3 kW x 10 Byte
POWERS(4) 24 18 Power value @ level 4 kW x 10 Byte
POWERS(5) 25 19 Power value @ level 5 kW x 10 Byte
POWERS(6) 26 1A Power value @ level 6 kW x 10 Byte
FIRMVARE_VER(1) 27 1B Firmvare version first nr Byte
FIRMVARE_VER(2) 28 1C Firmvare version second nr Byte
FIRMVARE_VER(3) 29 1D Firmvare version third nr Byte
FIRMWARE_CRC_H 30 1E Firmvare CRC high byte Byte
FIRMWARE_CRC_L 31 1F Firmvare CRC low byte Byte
P_VAL 32 20 Current power value working at kW x 10 Byte
P_ACT 33 21 Current power level nr (1...6) Byte
P_ADD 34 22 On intermediate power level Yes/No (1/0) Byte
P_TARGET 35 23 Target power level – where we must work (1...6) Byte
STATE 37 25 Current state code (see state table) Byte
OLD_STATE 38 26 Previous state code (see state table) Byte
ERR_STATE 39 27 Error state code if thrue BURN END->END BLOW Byte
(see state table)
T_TIME 40 28 Current state time is seconds (0..59) sec Byte
M_TIME 41 29 Current state time is minutes (0..59) min Byte

Pelltech Burners Modbus RTU p 6/9 Data registers address table Addr Hex Register description Unit Type

H_TIME 42 2A Current state time is hours (0..23) hour Byte
D_TIME 43 2B Current state time is days (0..255) day Byte
T_ABS 44 2C Current state absolute time is seconds (0...255) sec Byte
M_ABS 45 2D Current state absolute time is minutes (0...255) min Byte
O2_FUT 48 30 Forecasted Oxygen value (207=20,7%) 0,1% Byte
O2_LASTVAL 49 31 Previously measured Oxygen value (207=20,7%) 0,1% Byte
O2_TARGET 50 32 Holded Oxygen value (207=20,7%) 0,1% Byte
O2_PID_TIMER 51 33 Byte
CURR_REAL 52 34 Feeder/grate current (10=1,0A) 0,1A Byte
CURR_PEAK 53 35 Feeder/grate max.current from last start (10=1,0A) 0,1A Byte
CURR_POINT 54 36 Feeder/grate current after start delay (200msek) 0,1A Byte
CURR_MAX 55 37 Feeder/grate maximum allowed current (10=1,0A) 0,1A Byte
TEMP_INT 56 38 Burner internal temperature (25=25C) C Byte
CELL_REAL 57 39 Light intencity recognized by photocell 0-no light, lux Byte
DRAFT_ABS 58 3A !!! will be removed to registers 146/147 Byte
DRAFT_DEC 59 3B !!! will be removed to registers 146/147 Byte
TEMP_FUT 61 3D Boiler temp. forecast (after 10minute) C Byte
TEMP_HIGH 62 3E Boiler temp. setpoint + hysteres C Byte
TEMP_LOW 63 3F Boiler temp. setpoint - hysteres C Byte
PS_MAX 64 40 Feeding cycle length ½ sec Byte
PS_TIME 65 41 Time counter in feeding cycle ½ sec Byte
PS_FEEDER_ROT 66 42 Time counter before feeder position change ½ sec Byte
PS_TO_N 67 43 Time counter for time to rotations converting ½ sec Byte
(without rotation sensor)
PS_FEEDER_ERR 68 44 Time counter after overcurrent event ½ sec Byte
N_COUNT 69 45 Byte
N_BY 70 46 Byte
N_TOTAL 71 47 Byte
N_LOAD_IGN 72 48 Byte
N_PREV 73 49 Byte
FDGR_CMD 74 4A Feeder/grate comand - feeder/grate must be Byte
turned on or off (feeder_on = 1, feeder/grate_off =
0, grate_in = 2, grate_out = 3 )

Pelltech Burners Modbus RTU p 7/9 Data registers address table Addr Hex Register description Unit Type

FEEDER_G_N 76 4C Feeder productivity selected (gram/rotation OR g/sek Byte
FEEDER_G_N2 77 4D Byte
N_LEVEL_OK 78 4E Rotations made by feeder when level recognized rot Byte
N_LEVEL_NOT 79 4F Rotations made by feeder when level NOT rot Byte
PS_LEVEL_OK 80 50 Feeder working time, level recognized ½ sec Byte
PS_LEVEL_NOT 81 51 Feeder working time, level NOT recognized ½ sec Byte
T_FLAME_OK 82 52 Timer, when flame contineously recognized sec Byte
T_FLAME_NOT 83 53 Timer, when flame contineously NOT recognized sec Byte
T_AUGER_ON 84 54 Timer, when auger working sec Byte
HZ 85 55 Fan PWM value (10...255) 255=100% Byte
HZ2 86 56 Fan2 PWM value (10...255) 255=100% Byte
HZ3 87 57 Fluegas fan PWM value (10...255) 255=100% Byte
RPS_REAL 88 58 Fan real speed rps Byte
RPS2_REAL 89 59 Fan2 real speed rps Byte
RPS_HOLD 90 5A Fan holding speed = RPS_MUST + RPS_BASE rps Byte
RPS2_HOLD 91 5B Fan2 holding speed = RPS2_MUST + RPS_BASE + rps Byte
RPS_MUST 92 5C Fan speed at current state/power rps Byte
RPS_LAST 94 5E Byte
RPS_BASE 95 5F Base air selected value (255=-1, 1=1) Byte
RPS2_MUST 96 60 Fan2 speed at current state/power rps Byte
RPS2_LAST 98 62 Byte
RPS2_BASE 99 63 same as PAR38 Byte
M_LOAD_MAX 100 64 Max allowed loading time (5 – normal loading/20 min Byte
– loading after error)
M_CLEAN_CNT 101 65 Byte
TURBUS_CNT 102 66 Byte
M_DRAFT_LEFT 103 67 Time until stop the fluegas fan if DRAFT TIME is set min Byte
FAN_LOW 104 68 Counter - how many times not enough energy to n Byte
run fan at needed speed.
FAN2_LOW 105 69 Counter - how many times not enough energy to n Byte
run fan at needed speed.
T_DRAFT_ERR 106 6A Time when Draft level lower then draft_err sec Byte
PS_OWERTEMP 107 6B Time when burner temp is over maximum ½ sec Byte

Pelltech Burners Modbus RTU p 8/9 Data registers address table Addr Hex Register description Unit Type

FEEDER_ERR_CNT 108 6C Feeder overcurrent event counter n Byte
VOLT_ERR_CNT 109 6D Voltage low event counter n Byte
START_MODE 110 6E Byte
PS_FAN 128 80 Fan1 speed measurement/regulation delay ½ sec Byte
PS_FAN2 129 81 Fan2 speed measurement/regulation delay ½ sec Byte
PS_FAN3 130 82 Draft measurement/ fluegasfan regulation delay ½ sec Byte
AMT_G 139 8B Byte
AMT_BYTE_CNT 140 8C Byte
TEMP_NULL 141 8D Byte
T_TEMP 142 8E Byte
TEMP_VAL 144 90 Boiler Temperature value Low byte (800=80,0C) 0,1C Word**
STONE_TEMP 146 92 Stone temperature in C (only BBB) C Word**
O2_REAL 148 94 Current oxygen value (100=10,0%) 0,1% Word**
FGF_TEMP 150 96 Fluegas temperature (if used) 100=10C 0,1C Word**
AMT_G100 158 9E Fuel counter (0,0...6553,5kg) 10=1,0kg 0,1kg Word**
TOT_G100 160 A0 Total fuel consumption, kg part (0,0...999,9kg) 0,1kg Word**
TOT_TONN 162 A2 Total fuel consumption, ton part (0...65535T) Tonn Word**
T_AMT 164 A4 Word**
VOLT 166 A6 System DC voltage value 0,1V Word**
TEMP_VAL_OLD 168 A8 Boiler Temperature previous value – fixed once in 0,1C Word**

6 Parameters

All parameters from 1..99 is described in software manual - see detailed description and values by
models from document DK0209.
All parameters from 1 to 247 is read/write. Parameters from 248 - read only.
Use function “03” to read parameter values

Use function “06” to set parameter value (see chapter 4.1)

Pelltech Burners Modbus RTU p 9/9 Parameters

6.1 Parameters Table

Par Hex Parameter (Par) name Default Min Max Unit Comment
1 1 Fan speed @power level 1 Depend from models rps

See DK0209 for par 1..99

99 63 Burner MODEL 1 1 10 see MODELS table

101 65 Screen STATE log row nr. 0 1 30
102 66 Screen INFO page nr 1 1 4
103 67 BURNER ON/OFF 2 1 2 1-ON, 2-OFF
104 68 HOLD FLAME mode 2 1 3 1-ON, 2-OFF, 3-AUTO
105 69 PELLET type 4 4 6 4-normal, 5-light, 6-heavy
106 6A Burning POWER level 0 0 6 0-Auto, 1..6 - level 1..6
107 6B BASE AIR 128 126 133 Rps -128 127=-1rps, 129=+1rps
108 6C Menu LANGUAGE 1 1 17
109 6D parameters menu 1 1 1

240 F0 BOILER TEMP. measured read/ 0 32000 0,1 °C 800=80C

value write
242 F2 Fluegas OXYGEN measured read/ 0 255 0,1 % 207=20,7%
value write
247 F7 Fuel counter value read/ 0 65535 0,1kg 100=10,0kg After 6553,5kg
write start from 0 again
248 F8 Total fuel consumption, kg read 0 9999 0,1kg
249 F9 Total fuel consumption, ton read 0 65535 tonn


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