C4 Cursob Ingles 30aulas Prof

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Global Warming is defined as the increase of the average temperature on Earth. As the Earth is
getting hotter, disasters like hurricanes, droughts and floods are
getting more frequent.

Over the last 100 years, the average temperature of the air near the Earth’s
surface has risen a little less than 1° Celsius. Does it not seem all that much? It is
responsible for the conspicuous increase in storms, floods and raging forest fires we
have seen in the last ten years, though, say scientists.
Their data show that an increase of one degree Celsius makes the Earth warmer
now than it has been for at least a thousand years. Out of the 20 warmest years
on record, 19 have occurred since 1980. The three hottest years ever observed
have all occurred in the last ten years.
Earth should be in cool-down-period
But it is not only about how much the Earth is warming, it is also about how fast it is warming. There have always
been natural climate changes – Ice Ages and the warm intermediate times between them – but those evolved over
periods of 50,000 to 100,000 years.
A temperature rise as fast as the one we have seen over the last 30 years has never happened before, as far as
scientists can ascertain. Moreover, normally the Earth should now be in a cool-down-period, according to natural effects
like solar cycles and volcano activity, not in a heating-up phase.
What is more, climate change won’t be a smooth transition to a warmer world, warns the Tipping Points Report by
Allianz and WWF. Twelve regions around the world will be especially affected by abrupt changes, among them the North
Pole, the Amazon rainforest, and California.
All these facts lead scientists to infer that the global warming we now experience is not a natural occurrence and that
it is not brought on by natural causes. Man is responsible, they say. What did we do? Read more about the man-made
causes and impacts of global warming in our next articles.

Now, complete the following sentences.

1. The reservoir dried completely during the __________________.
2. The state of Florida was hit by a ____________________ that did
Combine the following expressions with their explanations below and
serious damage.
translate them.
3. The rain has caused many _____________________ in the region.
1. hurricane ( C ) = ___________________________________

2. drought ( A ) = ___________________________________
seca II. Write the opposites of:
1. increase ≠ _____________________________________________
3. flood ( B ) = ___________________________________
2. hotter ≠ colder
a) a long period of abnormally low rainfall; a long period of lack of
rain. cooler
3. warmer ≠ ____________________________________________
b) the inundation of land that is normally dry.

c) a severe, often destructive storm; a tropical cyclone. 4. fast ≠ slowly


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III. Match the columns. Now, complete the sentences with the expressions studied in the
previous vocabulary.
1. average 1 e a) pelo menos
2. like 2 h b) levar a brought on
1. The earthquake _______________________________ a tsunami.
3. surface 3 c c) superfície
2. Her blond hair has made her ___________________ in the crowd.
4. to seem 4 j d) clima
5. fire 5 f e) média evolved
3. Man __________________________ from the apes.
6. at least 6 a f) incêndio
As far as
4. __________________________ I’m concerned, she can move to
7. ever 7 g g) já
the flat tomorrow.
8. climate 8 d h) como
9. to warn 9 i i) alertar raging
5. We got caught in a ___________________________ storm.
10.to lead to 10 b j) parecer
to ascertain
6. The police have been unable ____________________________ the
cause of the explosion.

IV. THOUGH smooth

7. We had a very ______________________ flight with no turbulence
at all.
Though, underlined in the 2nd paragraph of the text is a synonym for
_____________________________. VII. Put the verbs from the chart in the right column:

to decrease – to skyrocket – to go down – to increase –

V. DATA is a plural noun. Its singular form is datum. to lower – to soar – to plummet – to rise –
Write the plural form of these nouns. to go up – to diminish – to dive – to lift – to fall –
1. phenomenon – _________________________________________ to grow – to drop – to plunge
2. basis – ________
3. crisis – _______________________________________________ UP ↑ DOWN ↓
children ________________________________________
4. child – ________ to skyrocket to decrease
to increase to go down
5. goose – _______________________
to soar to lower
_mice ________________________________________
6. mouse – _______ to rise to plummet
to go up to diminish
_women ________________________________________
7. woman – _______
to lift to dive
_lice ___________________________________
8. louse (piolho) – _______ to grow to fall
to drop
_dice _______________________________
9. die (dado de jogo) – _______
to plunge
10.ox (boi) – ____________
VIII. Translate the following excerpts from the text.
VI. Combine the following expressions with their meanings below:
1. “There have always been natural climate changes – Ice Ages and the
1. conspicuous ( E )
warm intermediate times between them – …”
2. raging ( F )
“Sempre houve mudanças climáticas naturais – Idades do Gelo e as fases
3. to evolve ( B )
quentes intermediárias entre elas – …”
4. as far as ( G )
5. to ascertain ( C )
6. smooth ( A )
7. to bring on ( D )
2. “…climate change won’t be a smooth transition to a warmer
a) without any sudden changes world…”
b) to develop gradually “… a mudança climática não será uma transição tranquila para um mundo
c) to discover with certainty
mais quente…”
d) to cause
e) easy to notice; obvious, visible

f) violent, furious
g) in one’s opinion

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4. Por que o texto menciona o Polo Norte, a Floresta Tropical

Amazônica e a Califórnia?

I. Answer in Portuguese. Porque essas regiões estão entre as doze regiões do globo que serão mais
1. O que resultou do aumento de 1° Celsius na temperatura da Terra?
afetadas por mudanças climáticas abruptas.
O visível aumento de tempestades, furacões e incêndios florestais violentos

nos últimos dez anos.

2. De acordo com os cientistas, o que nunca ocorreu anteriormente

em relação ao aquecimento da Terra? 5. A que conclusão chegaram os cientistas?

Um aumento tão rápido da temperatura. Os cientistas chegaram à conclusão de que o aquecimento global pelo qual

estamos passando não é provocado por causas naturais e sim pelo homem.

3. De acordo com o texto, em que período a Terra deveria estar


Num período de esfriamento.
















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Child workers, some as young as 10, have been found working in a textile
factory in conditions described as close to slavery to produce clothes that appear
destined for one of the major high street retailers.
Speaking to a British newspaper, the children described long hours of unpaid
work and threats and beatings. The company said it was unaware that clothing
intended for its stores had been improperly outsourced to a sweatshop that used
child labour. It announced it had withdrawn the garments involved until it had
investigated the alleged breaches of the ethical code it imposed on manufacturers
three years ago.
The discovery of these children working in very bad conditions in the Shahpur
Jat area of Delhi has renewed concerns about the outsourcing by some large retail
chains of their garment production to India, recognised by the United Nations as one of the world's hotspots
for child labour. According to one estimate, over 20 per cent of India's economy is dependent on children, which
comes to a total of 55 million youngsters under 14 working.
Consumers in the West should not only be demanding answers from retailers about how their goods are
produced but also should be looking into their consciences at how they spend their money and whether cheap
prices in the West are worth the suffering caused to so many children.

VOCABULARY Now, translate the title of the text.

Trabalho Infantil

Translate the different meanings of labour in the following sentences. II. Match the columns.
1. There’s so much labour involved in redecorating a house. 1. workers 1 f a) código

trabalho 2. factory 2 b b) fábrica

* labour = ____________________________________
3. major 3 d c) consumidores
2. She went into labour at midnight and her baby was born at 6 a.m 4. clothing 4 h d) importantes
5. code 5 a e) cadeias
trabalho de parto
* labour = ____________________________________
6. chains 6 e f) trabalhadores
7. consumers 7 c g) baratos
3. The car manufacturers are planning to cut their labour force by half.
8. cheap 8 g h) roupa, vestuário
mão de obra
* labour force = _______________________________
III. Combine the following expressions with their definitions as
4. He was kept as a prisoner in a labour camp.
1. high street (d)
2. retailer ( g)
campo de concentração
* labour camp = _______________________________
_ 3. to outsource ( e )
4. sweatshop ( h)
5. She was exhausted – she’d been labouring in the garden for hours. 5. garment ( b)
6. breach (c)

* to labour = __________________________________
_ 7. hotspot ( a)
8. goods (f)

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a) a place where war or fighting is likely to happen 5. 11,000.000 bottles of water had to be withdrawn from sale due to
b) clothing health scare.
c) the act of breaking a law or agreement retirar
* to withdraw = ______________________________
d) the road with the most important shops and businesses in a town
e) to sub-contract services 6. The company’s main concern is to ensure the safety of its
f) merchandise; movable possessions employees.
g) a person or business who sells merchandise to the public preocupação
* concern = __________________________________
h) a small factory where workers are paid very little and work many
hours in very bad conditions 7. They are demanding higher pay and better conditions of work.

Now, complete the following sentences with the vocabulary studied exigir
* to demand = ________________________________
1. ___________________________ must be sensitive to the needs of 8. He didn’t think the television was worth repairing.
their customers. valer, valer a pena
* was worth = _______________________________
2. I see there’s a new Italian restaurant opening on the ____________
3. The border between Iraq and Iran is a ______________________. VI. Give the opposites of
garment old
1. young ≠ ___________________________________
4. He was wearing a strange purple __________________________.
5. There’s a 25% discount on all electrical _____________________. far from
2. close to ≠ __________________________________
3. long ≠ _____________________________________
6. His refusal to work on a Sunday was a _______________________
4. unaware ≠ _________________________________
of contract.
sweatshop small
5. large ≠ ____________________________________
7. She works hard in a _________________________ and gets a very
low salary. to save
6. to spend ($) ≠ _______________________________
8. As it’s impossible for us to buy new machinery, the only way out is expensive
7. cheap ≠ ____________________________________
to outsource
8. many ≠ ____________________________________

IV. Combine the words in column A with their synonyms in column B

VII. Translate the following excerpts from the text.
1. “…, the children described long hours of unpaid work and threats
1. close to 1 g a) if and beatings.”
2. clothes 2 f b) more than “…, as crianças descreveram longas horas de trabalho não pago e
3. high street 3 h c) shop
ameaças e surras.”
4. store 4 c d) young person
5. over 5 b e) ought to
6. youngster 6 d f) garment
7. should 7 e g) similar to 2. “…, recognized by the United Nations as one of the world’s
hotspots for child labour.”
8. whether 8 a h) main street
“…, reconhecida pelas Nações Unidas como uma das áreas de tensão do

mundo em relação ao trabalho infantil.”

V. Translate the underlined words and/or expressions.
1. Slavery was abolished in Brazil in 1888.
* slavery = ________________________________

2. Drunken drivers are a serious threat to road users.

* threat = __________________________________
3. “… and whether cheap prices in the west are worth the suffering
3. She gave her son a severe beating as a punishment. caused…”

* beating = _________________________________ “… e se os preços baratos no Ocidente valem o sofrimento causado…”

4. She was unaware of the illegal activities of her husband.


não ciente
* unaware = ________________________________

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Answer in Portuguese.
3. Além de exigir respostas a respeito de como os produtos são
1. According to the text,
manufaturados, o que devem fazer os consumidores do Ocidente?
a) children working in the Shahpur Jat area of Delhi are concerned
about India’s retail shops. Esses consumidores devem se perguntar se os preços baixos encontrados no
b) the textile company pays high wages to Indian workers.
Ocidente valem o sofrimento causado a muitas crianças indianas.
c) the textile company manufactures its own products.
d) the company has imposed an ethical code on manufacturers.
e) goods produced abroad are likely to be more costly.
RESOLUÇÃO: Resposta: D

2. In 4. A que se refere “55 million youngsters” no texto?

“… at how they spend their money…,”
the underlined word refers to:
Refere-se ao número de jovens abaixo de 14 anos que trabalham na Índia.
a) goods b) retailers
c) consumers d) children
e) westerners
RESOLUÇÃO: Resposta: C


















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We relaunch our series of audio guides for business travellers
What does a business visitor to London need to know about
the city? If remotely possible, avoid the airports and arrive by
train, stay in one of the lesser-known hotels and don’t discuss sex
at the dinner table.
A new audio guide, which you can download from our
website, takes travellers through the pitfalls of London life by
explaining the right etiquette both for meetings and for pubs, and
showing how to earn the approval of British counterparts. Hold
off on the wine at lunch, shop for souvenirs at Fortnum & Mason,
and if you do have to use Heathrow airport, consider taking the
Underground. If you’re delayed, you’ll be able to curse the
transport like any good Londoner. City guides
This is the first of 32 new guides to doing business in cities around the world that we will be rolling out over the next
20 months, to update our existing set. Negotiating airports, getting around town, choosing hotels and restaurants,
selecting souvenirs, filling time between meetings, and working—and indeed playing—with the locals are all covered.
To listen to the guide visit:

VOCABULARY b) Translate the word GUIDE in the sentence below.

The first thing you should do when you arrive in New York is to
I. Translate the title of the text.
buy a guide.
Londres para aprendizes * guia

Now translate.
II. a) Translate the verb LAUNCH in the following sentence. “We relaunch our series of audio guides for business travellers.”
The company will launch a new line of shampoos next month.
“Nós relançamos nossa série de guias com audio para viajantes a negócios.”
* lançará

III. Match the columns.

The verb LAUNCH may be used as follows
a new product in the market 1. to avoid 1 d a) na verdade, de fato
a rocket 2. to stay 2 f b) como
a new ship
to launch 3. lesser-known 3 h c) tanto… quanto
a space shuttle
a program 4. both… and 4 c d) evitar
a career 5. to shop 5 e e) fazer compras

What is the meaning of the verb RELAUNCH? 6. like 6 b f) ficar

7. to choose 7 g g) escolher
* relançar 8. indeed 8 a h) menos conhecido(s)

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IV. Pay attention to the use of AVOID

lookING at her resistir, evitar
3. to hold off = ___________________________________________
He avoids goING shopping on Saturdays Hold off on alcoholic beverages in the presence of children.

atrasar, retardar
4. to delay = _____________________________________________
As you’ve seen AVOID is followed by a ______________ (-ING form) The start of the meeting was delayed by five minutes.

Write in English. xingar, amaldiçoar

5. to curse = _____________________________________________
1. Evite comer comida gordurosa. É prejudicial a sua saúde. He cursed violently when he fell and broke his leg.
Avoid eating fatty food. It’s harmful to your health.
6. to roll out = ___________________________________________
The company rolled out its acquisition plans last week.

2. Ele evitou responder minha pergunta.

7. to update = ____________________________________________
He avoided answering my question. The site of the company will be updated over the next 10 days.

3. Evite tomar banho de sol entre 10 e 15 horas. VIII. DON’T CONFOUND

Avoid sunbathing between 10 am and 3 pm.
a) to fill, filled, filled = ___________________________________

b) to feel, felt, felt = sentir

V. The word PUB comes from public house and means ___________
c) to fall, fell, fallen = ___________________________________
in British English. In American English we say ______________.
derrubar, abater
d) to fell, felled, felled = __________________________________

Complete the sentences with the verbs seen above.
Translate the following sentences.
a) How much do you earn a year? fell
1. You _________________________ a tree when you cut it down.

Quanto você ganha por ano? fallen

2. One of the chicks had _______________________ out of the nest.
b) Coffee exports earn Brazil many millions of dollars a year.
3. When it rained we ________________________ the time reading
As exportações de café arrecadam para o Brasil muitos milhões de dólares
and chatting.
por ano.
4. Are you ______________________ cold?

c) He earns his living from his paintings.

VIII. Match the expressions in column A with their synonyms in
Ele ganha a vida com suas pinturas. column B.

d) She’s earned approval from the board. 1. to avoid 1 d a) bar

Ela recebeu aprovação do conselho.
2. pitfall 2 b b) difficulty

3. pub 3 a c) of course
VII. Translate the underlined words and/or expressions.
4. underground 4 f d) stay away from
armadilha, dificuldade
1. pitfall = ______________________________________________
This book helps students overcome some of the pitfalls in English 5. to curse 5 e e) to swear
6. to delay 6 h f) subway
pessoa que tem uma posição ou função correspondente
2. counterpart = __________________________________________
a sua em outro lugar, equivalente.
7. to roll out 7 g g) to launch
The American president will meet his European counterparts to

8. indeed 8 c h) to retard
discuss the war against drugs.

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IX. Translate the following excerpt from the text: 2. De acordo com o texto,
“If you’re delayed, you’ll be able to curse the transport like any good a) o novo guia pode ser adquirido nos aeroportos de Londres.
Londoner”. b) o londrino raramente reclama do congestionamento no trânsito.
c) 31 novos guias serão lançados num prazo de 20 meses.
“Se você se atrasar, você poderá amaldiçoar o transporte como qualquer
d) há aproximadamente 32 guias sobre a cidade de Londres.
bom londrino”. e) o guia mencionado no texto é dirigido a turistas em geral.
RESOLUÇÃO: Resposta: C


1. Qual das seguintes sugestões NÃO é dada pelo novo guia àqueles 3. Something that you keep to remind you of a place is
que viajam para Londres? a) a guide. b) a pitfall.
a) Hospede-se em hotéis menos conhecidos. c) a curse. d) a souvenir.
b) Use o metrô. e) an update.
c) Nunca tome bebidas alcoólicas em público. RESOLUÇÃO: Resposta: D
d) Sempre que possível viaje de trem.
e) Não discuta sexo na hora do jantar.
RESOLUÇÃO: Resposta: C


















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• conselho

{ }
a) capacidade, habilidade
You ought to study more.
She can speak five languages. (present) had better
She could play tennis when she was younger. (past)
She will be able to translate the text. (future)
b) permissão
You can use my car. • preferência
She can sit anywhere. I would rather stay home than go to the movies.


a) permissão (formal) • expectativa

May I leave the room, Miss Jones? Classes are supposed to begin at 7:00.
You may sit down. The children are supposed to put away their toys.

b) possibilidade
There are a lot of clouds. It may rain soon. VII. USED TO / BE USED TO
It might get cold.
a) hábito passado
c) May + sujeito + infinitive é usado quando queremos desejar She used to spend her holidays at the seaside.
algo a alguém.
May all your dreams come true! b) hábito presente
She is used to spending her holidays at the seaside.
• obrigação ou forte necessidade SHOULD HAVE, OUGHT TO HAVE e MUST HAVE + past
participle para indicar especulações e suposições sobre o passado.
{ must

} stop completely at a stop sign. (present)

{ }
have to may have been
She at the library.
As he was sick, he had to stay at home the whole week. (past) might have been

I’ll have to drive home tomorrow. (future)

You could have talked to your boss.
• negativas

{ don’t need to

don’t have to } sit here. (ausência de necessidade) She

{ should have studied

ought to have studied } harder.

You mustn’t sit here. (proibição) It must have rained a lot.


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12. _______________________ (permissão) I see your passport?
must / have to
13. All drivers ________________________________ (obrigação)
buckle up.
1. The weather forecast says it ___________________________
(possibilidade) snow soon.
is used to
14. My grandfather ________________________ (hábito presente)
is supposed to ____________ (expectativa)
taking a nap after lunch.
2. The bride _____________________
wear white.
15. The kids _________________ (dedução) be hungry. As soon as
3. May
___________________ (desejo) the best team win! they got home, they went straight to the fridge.

4. mustn’t
You ____________________ (proibição) take off your seat belt
while the plane is moving.
5. doesn’t have to / doesn’t need to
He ________________________________________________
(ausência de necessidade) turn here. He can turn at the next
intersection. 1. John got drunk at the party. You _________________________

would rather shouldn’t (oughtn’t to) have invited

_________________________________________ (invite) him.
6. I ________________________________ (preferência) read the
book than see the film.

7. will be able to
John _______________________________ (capacidade) speak 2. When I arrived at the office she wasn’t there. She ___________
English fluently after spending 6 months in London.
must have left
___________________________ (leave) earlier.

8. used to
The Smiths ______________________ (hábito passado) travel
to Europe every other year. 3. could have been
We were robbed last night, but it _________________________
_________________ (be) worse. At least we weren’t kidnapped.
9. must
The teacher wears something blue every day. She ___________
(dedução) like blue.
4. may (must) have
“How did the fire start?” “Someone ______________________
should / ought to / had better
10. Drivers ____________________________________________ dropped
_____________________________ (drop) a cigarette.
(conselho) obey the speed limit.

5. When we got to the restaurant there were no free tables. We

don’t have to / don’t need to
11. Tomorrow is a holiday. We _____________________________
(ausência de necessidade) go to school. should (ought to) have reserved
_____________________________________ (reserve) a table.






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15. _______________ (desejo) the rest of your married life be as
Complete each sentence with a modal auxiliary verb. In some cases,
happy as the first ten years have been.
more than one verb can be used.

1. am supposed to
I _______________________________ (expectativa) go to the
meeting my boss told me he wants me to attend. had to
16. Ann was feeling ill last night. She __________________ (forte
necessidade) leave the party early.

2. should / ought to / had better

You ______________________________________ (conselho)
have a balanced diet to keep healthy.
17. “Where are you going for your holidays?” “I haven’t decided yet
may / might
but I _______________________ (possibilidade) go to Paris.”
3. must / have to
I don’t have enough money to take the bus, so I _____________
(forte necessidade) walk home.

should / ought to / had better

18. You ______________________________________ (conselho)
4. May / Can
“ _________________ (permissão) I see your driver’s license?”
“Certainly. It’s in my wallet.” stay at home this evening. You have a bad cold.

5. mustn’t
Students ___________________ (proibição) cheat during tests.
doesn’t have to / doesn’t need to
19. She _______________________________________ (ausência
de necessidade) clean the windows today. She can do it tomorrow.
6. must
The girl is yawning. She ______________ (dedução) be sleepy.

7. used to
When I was a child, my father _____________ (hábito passado) 20. She can’t run very fast now but when she was at school she
read me a story at night before bedtime. could
__________________ (capacidade).

8. would rather
I ______________________ (preferência) study History than
21. “I wonder why the radio is on in the living-room. No one’s in
9. couldn’t
He had hurt his leg, so he __________________ (incapacidade) must
“Grandma ____________________ (dedução) have forgotten to
walk very well. turn it off. She was in the living-room earlier and was probably
listening to it.”

10. I wonder why Jane isn’t at school today. I suppose she ________
(dedução) be ill.
22. “I need to get to the airport.”
should / ought to / had better
“You _____________________________________ (conselho)
is used to
11. Ann _________________________ (hábito presente) drinking take the airport bus. It’s cheaper than a taxi.”
five cups of coffee a day.

used to
23. Illiteracy is still a problem in my country, but it _____________
12. “Do you know if they are married?” “I’m not sure. (hábito passado) be much worse.
They ______________ (possibilidade) be married.”

must / have to
13. Many children in Brazil ______________________ (obrigação) can / may
24. I’m not quite ready to go, but you ________________________
wear uniform when they go to school. (permissão) leave if you’re in a hurry. I’ll meet you later.

doesn’t have to / doesn’t need to

14. She ________________________________________________ are used to
25. The Browns ___________________________ (hábito presente)

(ausência de necessidade) get up early.

going to church every Sunday.
She gets up early because she prefers to.

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The global recession has reduced the value of some of the world’s
biggest brand names, according to a recent report. The report finds some
car and luxury product manufacturers have been seriously hit by the
economic downturn.
It’s hard to put a financial value on a well-known corporate name but
every year the marketing consultancy Interbrand has a go. For example,
it claims the world’s top brand Coca-Cola is currently worth $68bn, a
couple of billion dollars less than 12 months earlier.
Its latest survey suggests the recession has had a considerable impact
on the corporate pecking order. Car companies, such as BMW and Toyota,
along with Harley Davidson motorcycles, have seen above average
declines in the value of their brands - as have some luxury firms, like
watchmakers Cartier and Rolex, and Armani clothing. The lesson seems to
be consumers don’t value expensive things they don’t actually need to buy
so much when times are hard.
According to the report, Coca-Cola
Meanwhile, firms associated with relatively cheap products -
remains the world’s top brand
McDonalds fast food and Kellogg’s cornflakes, for example - have seen the
value of their brands rise relative to others in the recession. The Google brand has also done well - maybe
that’s because more people are bargain-hunting on the internet.
According to the survey, the world’s five most valuable brands are Coca-Cola, IBM, Microsoft, General
Electric and Nokia, unchanged from last year.

Mark Gregory.

VOCABULARY III. Fill in the blanks with the previous vocabulary.

I. Traduza o título do texto. 1. claimed

The job applicant ______________ he had a college degree.
As mais valiosas marcas
2. hit
Sliding on the ice, the car ___________ a pedestrian.

II. Match the columns. 3. currently

She is ____________ touring America promoting her new book.
1) value / to value 1 f a) atingir is worth
4. Do you think this pen ____________ 20 dollars?
2) brand names 2 g b) valer
5. value
The jeweler determined the ____________ of my ring.
3) to hit 3 a c) atualmente
6. downturn
The country’s economy has taken a _________________.
4) downturn 4 h d) alegar, afirmar

5) to claim 5 d e) mais recente

IV. Dê as formas primitivas dos seguintes verbos irregulares:
6) currently 6 c f) valor / valorizar
1. found
to find – _____________ found
– _____________
7) to be worth 7 b g) marcas
2. hit
to hit – _____________ hit
– _____________

8) latest 8 e h) recessão 3. put

to put – _____________ put
– _____________

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V. Traduza: IX. Traduza “The recession has had a considerable impact on the
“Car and luxury product manufacturers” corporate pecking order.”
A recessão teve um impacto considerável na hierarquia social corporativa.
“Fabricantes de carros e de artigos de luxo”

VI. Match the columns. X. Match these expressions with their explanations below
1. luxury firms ( c )
1) survey 1 f a) valioso 2. the lesson seems to be ( a )
3. associated with ( d )
2) along with 2 c b) parecer 4. bargain - hunting ( b )

3) to seem 3 b c) juntamente com a) the likely conclusion would be that…

b) looking for cheaper deals.
c) companies that manufacture expensive goods that are nice to
4) actually 4 e d) inalterado have but are not necessary.
d) known as producers of.
5) hard 5 h e) na verdade

6) maybe 6 g f) pesquisa XI. Fill in the blanks with these expressions:

meanwhile to rise to do well
7) valuable 7 a g) talvez

1. Meanwhile
I need time to think about that. _______________, I’ll wash the
8) unchanged 8 d h) difícil

2. did well
She _______________ in his exams last year.

VII. Fill in the blanks with the previous vocabulary.

3. rose
The elevator ___________ to the third floor.
1. unchanged
The ___________________ bed linen angered the hotel guest.

2. seems
I’m expecting Bill at 3:00, and it ________________ to be him, XII. Give the opposites of
but I’m not sure.
1. hard ⇒ easy

3. hard
It’s ______________ to swim against the current. 2. to rise ⇒ to decrease, to lower

3. valuable ⇒ __________________________________
4. Maybe
Do you want to see this movie? “________________”

actually XIII. Match the synonyms.

5. I am _________________ older than I look.
1) maybe 1 c a) in fact
6. along with
Jane went to the mall _______________ David.
2) to do well 2 h b) to make an attempt

3) actually 3 a c) perhaps
VIII. Match these expressions with their explanations below.
1. to put a financial value on ( b ) 4) hard 4 f d) research
2. has a go ( a )
5) currently 5 g e) downturn
3. top brand ( c )
4. have seen above average declines ( d ) 6) survey 6 d f) difficult
a) makes an attempt to do it. 7) to have a go 7 b g) nowadays
b) to estimate how much something is worth.
c) most successful product / manufacturer. 8) recession 8 e h) to be successful
d) have been affected by higher than usual decreases or reductions.

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c) it seems that people with high purchasing power are not affected by
the economic downturn.
d) Nokia was not ranked as the five most valuable brands last year.
1. According to the text,
e) the Google brand has been successful in the recession.
a) Coca-cola is not ranked the world’s top brand any longer. RESOLUÇÃO: Resposta: E
b) with the global recession, BMW and Toyota have seen much more
decline than Harley Davidson motorcycles.

XIV. Responda em Português

1. Qual a marca mais valiosa do mundo? Quanto ela vale hoje e qual sua situação em relação ao ano passado?

Atualmente a marca mais valiosa do mundo é a Coca-Cola e seu valor é de 68 bilhões de dólares. Em relação ao ano passado, seu valor diminuiu alguns

bilhões de dólares.

2. O texto nos mostra uma relação entre o valor de uma marca e a recessão econômica. Explique, exemplificando.

Numa recessão econômica, fabricantes de produtos caros perdem um pouco do seu valor de marca e aqueles com produtos baratos ganham.

Exemplificando: a marca Armani desvalorizou-se na recessão ao passo que a marca McDonald’s valorizou-se.















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Translate the following proverbs: 10. You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.

1. Seeing is believing. arranhar, coçar

to scratch = _____________________________________________
Ver pra crer. Uma mão lava a outra.

11. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

2. Better late than never.
Cavalo dado, não se olha os dentes.
Antes tarde do que nunca.

3. The face is no index to the heart. 12. United we stand, divided we fall.

índice, indicador
index = ________________________________________________ ficar de pé – to stand, stood, stood
to stand = _______________________________________________
Quem vê cara, não vê coração. A união faz a força.

13. Behind every great man there is a great woman.

4. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Por trás de um grande homem, há sempre uma grande mulher.
beholder = ______________________________________________
Quem ama o feio, bonito lhe parece.

14. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

A stitch in time saves nine.
5. Love is blind.
onça (28, 35 gramas)
ounce = ________________________________________________
O amor é cego.
libra (453 gramas)
pound = ________________________________________________

stitch = ________________________________________________
6. Good things come to those who wait.
Antes prevenir do que remediar.
Quem espera sempre alcança.

15. Forewarned is forearmed.

7. While there’s life, there’s hope.
alertado com antecedência
forewarned = ____________________________________________
A esperança é a última que morre.
armado com antecedência
forearmed = _____________________________________________
Um homem prevenido vale por dois.
8. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

will = __________________________________________________ 16. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
way = __________________________________________________ arriscado
ventured = ______________________________________________
Querer é poder. Quem não arrisca, não petisca.

9. A word to the wise is enough. 17. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

wise = _________________________________________________ que chia, que range.
squeaky = ______________________________________________

Para o bom entendedor, meia palavra basta.

wheel = ________________________________________________

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24. Let bygones be bygones.

grease = ________________________________________________
coisas do passado
bygones = ______________________________________________
Quem não chora, não mama.
Águas passadas não movem moinhos.

18. Two’s company three’s a crowd.

Um é pouco, dois é bom e três é demais. 25. All good things must come to an end.

Tudo o que é bom dura pouco.

19. Slow and steady wins the race. Acabou-se o que era doce.

steady = ________________________________________________

Devagar se vai ao longe.

26. He who laughs last, laughs best.

20. Water dropping day by day wears the hardest rock away. rir
to laugh = ______________________________________________
dropping = ______________________________________________ Quem ri por último, ri melhor

gastar com o uso

to wear away = __________________________________________
27. Every dog has his day.
a mais dura
the hardest = ____________________________________________
Um dia é da caça, outro do caçador.
Água mole em pedra dura, tanto bate até que fura.

28. Business is business.

21. Haste makes waste.
Negócios em primeiro lugar.
haste = _________________________________________________ Amigos, amigos, negócios à parte.

A pressa é inimiga da perfeição.

22. Birds of a feather flock together.

29. Make do with what you have.
pena (de ave)
feather = _______________________________________________
make do = ______________________________________________
to flock = _______________________________________________
Quem não tem cão, caça com gato.
Dize-me com quem andas e te direi quem és.

30. Make a mountain out of a mole hill.

23. He who lives by the sword, shall die by the sword.
um monte de areia ou terra que você obtem cavando
mole hill = ______________________________________________
sword = ________________________________________________ um buraco.

Quem com ferro fere, com ferro será ferido. Fazer tempestade num copo d’água. INGLÊS B

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b) The summer temperatures in the northeast of Brazil are

abastecer ⇒
{ to supply

to refuel
very _____________________.

c) Volleyball players are usually very ____________________.

a) The Mississipi river ______________ 23% of the USA’s
drinking water.

to refuel
b) You have to stop at the next gas station _________________. birthday
aniversário ⇒
6. anniversary

aborto ⇒
{ abortion
a) My parents’ ______________________
got married in 1970.
is on May 2nd. They

b) My sister’s _______________________ is tomorrow.
a) She was pregnant but unfortunately had a _______________.

b) ______________ clinics are legal in Florida.

to erase
apagar ⇒ to put out

to think to turn off
achar ⇒
3. to find

put out
a) These firemen ______________________ the fire.
a) We ______________________ it’s going to snow .
b) Why did you ______________________ what was written?
b) Did you __________________ what you were looking for?
turn off
c) Could you please _________________________ the light?

admitir ⇒
{ to admit
to hire

to get beaten
to pick up
apanhar ⇒
8. to catch
a) She has __________________________ I was right. to suffer

b) My company must ____________________ new employees.
a) I _____________________ a terrible cold.

to get beaten
b) I’m sure you don’t want __________________________.

alto ⇒ tall
5. pick up
loud c) They’ll ___________ me __________ there at 11 o’clock.

loud suffered

a) The music is too _______________________. d) She ____________________ to solve that Physics question.

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apontar ⇒
{ to point

to sharpen 13.
atirar ⇒
{ to throw

to shoot

a) You’d better ________________________ your pencil. shooting
a) The robber started _________________ when the girl left the
b) Those strange people were ________________ at me.
b) The children ____________________ a stone at the window.


aproveitar ⇒
{ to enjoy

to take advantage of
atrás ⇒ behind

a) I met my boyfriend two years _______________.
a) My brother ______________ the winter vacation a lot.

b) Why don’t you go _____________________ him?
take advantage of
b) If I were you, I would ___________________________ that
opportunity. behind
c) The newspaper is ___________________ the sofa.

to fix

arrumar ⇒
clean up
get into
bala ⇒
{ candy


a) She’s eventually _____________________ a boyfriend. candies
a) My grandchildren love ______________________.

to fix
b) Call someone _____________________ the dishwasher. bullets
b) Don’t worry! There are no __________________ in the gun.

c) Your room is filthy. _____________ up
it ___________.

get into
d) Don’t _______________________ trouble.

banco ⇒ bench

assinatura ⇒
{ signature

subscription benches
a) I like to sit on the park ___________________
to feed the

a) I renewed the ________________________ to the magazine. bank
b) You need to save money. Deposit some in the ____________.

b) I need my brother’s ________________ on these documents. stool
c) I was sitting on the bar ______________ having some Coke.

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b) A _____________ reaction is a set of related events in which
to beat

each event causes the next one.
to spank
17. ⇒
bater to knock
to slam
to whip

a) I ________________ the cream and then you make the cake.
candidato ⇒
{ applicant


to spank
b) I don’t want you _____________________ your children! candidate
a) He will be a ___________________ for mayor next year.

b) How many job ___________________ do you have?
c) She’s ______________ on the door three times but nobody

d) He was so angry that he _____________________ the door.

e) The heart is still _________________.
canela ⇒
{ cinnamon


a) _____________________ is a spice used to flavour several

bateria ⇒
{ drums

b) He was playing soccer when he injured his ______________.

a) I can’t start the car. I need a new ____________________. to count on
contar ⇒ to count
to tell
b) My son likes to play the ______________________.

a) Eventually, she________________ me the truth.

boa noite ⇒
{ good evening

good night
c) Start ____________________
count on
b) If you have any trouble, you can __________________

from 1 to 10.

Good night
a) _______________________ ! I’ll see you tomorrow.

Good evening
b) _______________________, how are you? carnation
cravo ⇒ clove

cadeia ⇒
{ jail

a) We don’t see ____________________

b) ____________________
very often nowadays.

are her favorite flowers.

a) The criminal was put in ________________. cloves
c) I can’t stand the smell of ____________________ .

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As questões 1 e 2 referem-se à manchete da capa da revista Time, Responda em Português.
abaixo reproduzida:

While women are less likely to suffer heart attacks than men,
once a woman suffers her first attack she is 70 per cent more
likely to die from it than a man. These surprising new findings
highlight the need for medical staff to be more vigilant against
heart disease in women.
Researchers at the Municipal Institute of Medical Research
in Barcelona studied 331 women and 1129 men who had
suffered their first heart attack. The researchers report in The
Journal of the American Medical Association (vol. 280, p. 1405)
1. Na frase “Secrets of the New Matrix: We’re the FIRST to see the that women were 72 per cent more likely to die within the first 28
movie and play the videogame! If we told you everything, days, and 73 per cent more likely to die within the first six months.
they’d have to kill us”, extraída da manchete da revista Time, os “We were surprised that women were so much more at risk,” says
pronomes “we” e “you” referem-se, respectivamente, a
Jaume Marrugat, who led the Spanish team.
a) editores da Time – público que assistiu à estréia do filme.
Marrugat notes that women were less likely to get clot-busting
b) diretores do filme “The Matrix Reloaded” – público em geral.
c) público que assistiu à estréia do filme – público em geral. treatment than men, and that they generally took more time getting
d) editores da Time – leitores da revista Time. to hospital – problems that may reflect the low priority doctors
e) público que assistiu à estréia do filme – leitores da revista Time. put on heart disease in women. Heart specialist Graham
McGregor of St George’s Hospital Medical School in London also
2. Considere as seguintes asserções: notes that women tend to be older than men at their first heart
Em “We’re” e “they’d”, “re” e “d” são, respectivamente, attack because they have some hormonal protection against heart
contrações de flexões verbais dos verbos ______
I e ______
II .
disease until menopause. On average, women in the Spanish
Uma outra forma de expressar a oração “If we told you
study were five years older than the men.
everything, they’d have to kill us.” é ______
“These are important factors to consider but they can’t
A opção que melhor preenche as lacunas I, II e III é account for the whole difference,” says Marrugat. “Women have
I II III more complications in the first six months and their initial heart
a) are would They’d kill us, unless we told you attacks may be more severe.” He speculates that narrower
everything. coronary vessels in women may be a factor. Nonetheless, heart
b) are had They had to kill us, unless we told you disease remains a bigger killer of men than women.
everything. Michael Day
c) were would Unless we told you everything, they
would have to kill us. 3. Considerando as razões apresentadas pelos pesquisadores, qual
é the surprising truth about women’s hearts?
d) were could Unless we told you everything, they
could kill us.
4. Por que, segundo Graham McGregor, as mulheres tendem a

e) are would They wouldn’t have to kill us, unless we sofrer seus primeiros ataques cardíacos em idade mais avançada
told you everything. que os homens?

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Texto para as questões de 5 a 8. Read the text below and answer questions 9, 10, 11 and 12, according
to it.
“CHINA has begun to enter the age of mass car consumption. The pre-teen years are very significant in the life of an
This is a great and historic advance.” So proclaimed the state-run individual. This is a phase of rapid growth and development of
news agency, Xinhua, last year. Environmentalists may feel a twinge both the body and the mind. For optimum development of the
of fear at this burgeoning romance with motoring. But a rapid social body, one needs both an enriched diet as well as physical
and economic transformation is under way in urban China, and the exercise. And what better way is there to indulge in physical
car is steering it. exercise than pursue some game or sport?
Sports and games contribute a good deal towards the
In 2002 demand for cars in China soared by 56%, far more
development of human mind. They teach you to be calm and level
than even the rosiest projections. The next year growth quickened
headed in all kinds of situations. You become a keen observer of
to 75%, before slowing in 2004 (when the govemment tightened
things around you. You are made to confront several situations
rules on credit for car purchases) to around 15%. But in a sluggish where you need to develop certain strategies. Besides, you learn
global market, China’s demand remains mesmerising. Few expect accuracy, precision and how to make the right judgment.
this year’s growth to dip below 10%. As long as the economy Games instill in you a sense of confidence, the confidence to
goes on galloping at its current high-single-digit clip, many expect go ahead and never to look back The individuals and / or
car sales to increase by 10-20% annually for several years to come. children also imbibe the team spirit, a sense of doing everything
jointly with othes without thinking about one’s self all the time.
The Economist Above all, sports and games foster in you the sportsman’s spirit.
To play a fair game without worrying about winning or losing.
5. According to the passage, Xinhua The pre-teen years are crucial for the children’s studies and
a) had proclaimed that China’s car industry would boom in 2004. future careers. Hence a balance needs to be struck between
b) played an important role in China’s social and economic studies and physical activities. “All work and no play makes Jack
transformation. a dull boy,” goes the adage. But all play and no work/studies
c) reported, with pride, in 2004, the beginning of a new era for China. could be disastrous. Remember studies and sports are equally
d) considers the new bank lending rules to be responsible for important in the lives of human beings. A healthy balance needs
China’s mass car consumption. to be struck between the two.
e) pointed out, in 2004, that China’s car industry would grow
beyond expectations in the short run. 9. Read the sentences below:
I. A rich diet and physical activities help people grow fat.
6. The passage suggests that China’s embrace of the car is likely to II. Games promote self-confidence and a feeling of cooperation.
make environmentalists III. Sports and games benefit both the body and the mind.
a) distressed. b) angry. IV. A balance between physical exercises and studies is needless.
c) scared. d) startled.
e) apprehensive. The statements which correctly express ideas found in the text are:
a) I and II b) II and III
7. The passage says that the demand for cars in China c) I and III d) II and IV
a) was extremely high both in 2003 and 2004. e) I and IV
b) is still quite impressive.
c) may dip below 10% this year. 10. The expression “the sportsman’s spirit” (underlined in the text)
d) fell by 15% when bank lending rules were tightened in 2004. can be understood as:
e) has been badly hit by the sluggish global market. a) Everyone wants to win when they play.
b) An athlete has religious beliefs.
8. Which of these statements is true according to the passage? c) Winning matters more than losing.
a) China became a car culture in 2003 thanks to the government’s d) A sportsman worries a lot about losing games.
industrial development policy. e) What counts is playing a game honestly.
b) Car sales in China are expected to increase by 10% at most as
soon as the global market recovers. 11. Based on the text, the pre-teen years are important in one’s life
c) Unless the global economy slows down, China’s rate of growth because that’s when
will remain in high single figures. a) children learn to show disgust at the sportsman’s spirit.
d) The car industry has been crucial for the radical changes urban b) the individual has no work and a lot of fun.
China is undergoing. c) people increase the sense of working individually.

e) Despite all rosy projections, China’s economic growth for the d) children may be guided into their coming professions.
next few years may be quite slow. e) the body and the mind develop very slowly.

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12. In the sentence “Besides, you learn accuracy, precision and how 15. Susan Blackmore says that
to make the right judgment,” the word Besides conveys the idea a) intellectual insight and practices like meditation can help us
of: become aware of our delusion.
a) Contrast b) Consequence c) Reason b) computers will help humans increase their intellectual expertise
d) Addition e) Time in the future.
c) meditation and similar practices are helpful for people who
FUVEST spend long hours in front of computers.
d) people easily fall into the illusion that computers will solve most
of their problems.
e) computers are necessary in people’s lives to free them from their
illusion of an overpowering consciousness.

16. According to the text, one day

a) computers will be prepared to think the same way we do.
b) computers may understand consciousness limitations better.
c) human beings will program computers which will help them
d) human beings will wake up and have better insights towards
e) computers may teach humans how to deal with their illusions

From Susan Blackmore

In his article on computers and consciousness, Igor Aleksander FUVEST
was quite wrong to say that “Susan Blackmore...implies that
constructing a machine that is conscious like us would be LOS ANGELES – Come summer 2006, Warner Brothers
impossible” (19 July, p 40). Pictures hopes to usher “Superman” into thousands of theaters
I do indeed claim that consciousness is an illusion. This is because after a 19-year absence. But given the tortured history surrounding
it feels to us humans as though there is a continuous flow of that studio’s attempts to revive “Superman,” the forerunner of
experiences happening to an inner self, when in fact, there is no Hollywood’s now-ubiquitous comic-book blockbusters, the Man of
such inner self. Steel’s arrival would be nothing short of a miracle.
Computers have no inner self either, but if ever they start thinking Since Warner began developing a remake of the successful
they do they will become deluded like us, and hence conscious comic-book franchise in 1993, it has spent nearly $10 million in
like us. And that day is surely not far off. development, employed no fewer than 10 writers, hired four
We humans can sometimes wake up from our delusion, through directors and met with scores of Clark Kent hopefuls without
intellectual insight or through practices like meditation. Maybe settling on one. The latest director – Bryan Singer, who directed
future computers will teach us a thing or two about waking up “X-Men” and its sequel, was named on July 18 to replace Joseph
from illusion. McGinty Nichol, known as McG, who left the project after
Bristol, UK refusing to board a plane to Australia, where the studio was
(New Scientist) determined to make the film.

(The New York Times)

13. The author of the text criticizes
a) the construction of machines that resemble human beings.
b) human expectations of mastering technology completely. 17. The passage says that Warner Brothers Pictures
c) an idea presented in a previous article published by New a) has declared that a sequel to “Superman” will appear in 2006.
Scientist. b) is having difficulty distributing “Superman” to theaters.
d) experiments made with humans and computers. c) is attempting to show a tortured hero in its “Superman” revival.
e) the illusions created by those who construct computers.
d) has made “Superman” into the most successful comic-book film
14. In her letter to the editor, Susan Blackmore claims that
a) computers are deluded in the same way human beings are. e) has been producing a remake of the “Superman” movie.
b) building computers with a certain degree of consciousness will
be possible in the future. 18. According to the passage, Superman’s arrival
c) human consciousness is changing the kind of experiences that a) has been facing many obstacles.
flow into an inner self. b) will have to wait another 19 years.
d) human beings are deluded in their belief that they possess an
c) will be evidence that there are no miracles.
inner self.
d) has been surrounded by mystery since 1993.

e) computers and humans will develop a new kind of consciousness

one day. e) has cost Warner over $10 million so far.

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19. The passage suggests that, for its new movie, Warner Brothers serve as the basis for discussion at the next round of global climate
Pictures still needs to talks in November. She also said Brazil is working with Papua
a) hire a more talented screenwriter. New Guinea and Costa Rica, who backed an earlier proposal to
b) find an actor for the role of Clark Kent. grant tradable credits to countries that reduce deforestation rates.
c) dismiss their recently hired director.
d) choose a more suitable shooting location.
(www.alertnet.orgtthenews/newsdesk/N31355372.htm. Adaptado.)
e) raise more funds for the film development.
21. A proposta do Brasil
20. According to the passage, Joseph McGinty Nichol
a) destina-se a compensar a queda do índice pluviométrico em
a) replaced Bryan Singer as the director of “Superman”.
florestas dos países em desenvolvimento.
b) wanted to shoot “Superman” in Australia.
b) foi considerada inovadora no encontro que aconteceu em Roma.
c) is an executive director at Warner Brothers Pictures.
c) foi elogiada pela Ministra do Meio Ambiente do Brasil em uma
d) is no longer working on the “Superman” project.
e) has co-directed “X-Men” and its sequel.
d) pretende diminuir o efeito estufa atribuído ao desenvolvimento
dos países pobres.
e) cria um fundo para monitorar o desmatamento a partir de 1990.
INSTRUÇÃO: As questões de números 21 a 25 referem-se ao texto 22. As emissões de gases geradores do efeito estufa
seguinte. a) são em grande parte provenientes de combustíveis fósseis como
petróleo e carvão.
Brazil proposes fund to stem rainforest cutting
b) são responsáveis pela morte de 20% das árvores das florestas
By Andrea Welsh. 31 Aug 2006 tropicais.
SÃO PAULO, Brazil – Brazil proposed on Thursday a fund to c) controlam o aumento de dióxido de carbono na atmosfera.
compensate developing countries that slow the destruction of their d) geram um desmatamento natural devido à chuva ácida que seca
rainforests, a move that could help lower emissions of gases as árvores.
e) fazem com que as florestas diminuam a troca de dióxido de
blamed for rising world temperatures. The Brazilian initiative,
carbono com a atmosfera.
presented at a planning meeting for upcoming global climate talks
in Rome, calls for creating a fund that countries could tap into if
23. Granting tradable emission credits
they could prove they had brought deforestation below rates of the a) is considered a feasible solution by developing countries.
1990s. “Once again Brazil is acting as a protagonist ... in b) will prevent deforestation because developed countries will
presenting an innovative proposal,” Environment Minister Marina invest in forest preservation.
Silva told Reuters at a conference in Sao Paulo. c) is backed by countries such as Papua New Guinea, Costa Rica
Disagreements over how to address deforestation have hurt and Brazil.
global efforts to cap emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon d) allows credit for planting trees in the Amazon as well as
dioxide and create markets for trading in carbon and credits. preventing the destruction of rainforests.
Most emissions come from burning oil and coal, but deforestation e) could be useless because industrialized nations might not
is responsible for about 20 percent because trees store carbon diminish their emissions and get credits instead.
dioxide when they grow and release it into the atmosphere when
24. No trecho do terceiro paragrafo – ... United States might buy up
they die. Global agreements allow credit for planting trees where
credits instead of reducing their own emissions. – a expressão
forests have already been cleared but offer no incentives for
instead of indica
preventing cutting in areas like Brazil’s Amazon, home to nearly a) reiteração. b) substituição. c) alternância.
a third of all species and a quarter of the earth’s fresh water. d) sugestão. e) causalidade.
Critics say developing countries want cash for preserving their
forests. 25. In the excerpt of the second paragraph – ... to cap emissions of
Brazil has long objected to granting tradable emission credits greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide... – the word like can be
for preserving forests because heavy oil and coal users like the substituted, without changing the meaning, for
United States might buy up credits instead of reducing their own a) prefer. b) similar to. c) unless.
emissions. Silva said Brazil’s proposal was a draft but it should d) such as. e) as if.

1) D 2) E 4) Porque elas contam com proteção hormonal contra doenças

do coração até o período da menopausa.
3) As mulheres têm menos probabilidade de sofrer ataques
cardíacos do que os homens; mas, quando sofrem o seu primeiro 5) C 6) E 7) B 8) D 9) B 10) E 11) D

ataque, têm probabilidade 70% maior de morrer do que os 12) D 13) C 14) D 15) A 16) E 17) E 18) A
homens. 19) B 20) D 21) C 22) A 23) E 24) B 25) D

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