Latihan PJJ Kls 8 (B.Inggris)

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Latihan PJJ kls 8

Choose A,B,C or D for the correct answer

1. D. Dayu’s life during her baby

2. A. With her parents
3. B. Cheered up
4. D. Enjoyed
5. D. Played
6. C. Asks
7. D. Grabbed
8. C. Seriously
9. D. 2-3-1-5-4-7-6

Read the following text

1. What is the text about?

2. Why was the event held?
3. When did the writer and his/her friends prepare for the event?
4. What was Erlin’s idea?
5. Did the writer’s friends agree with Erlin’s idea ?Why?
6. What did they finally decide in the meeting?
7. Where was the event be held?
8. Who was the event be held?
9. How did the principal respond to the event?
10. How did the writer and his/her friends feel?

Answer the following question based on the text

1. The writer and writer’s friend held an exhibition event to celebrate their club anniversary

2. To celebrating the third (3rd) anniversary of school photography club

3. My friends and I held a meeting to prepare for the event a month ago

4. Erlin idea was to hold a photography competition.

5. We didn’t agree because we held it last year. We’d like to have different event.

6. My friends and I decided to celebrate it by holding a photography exhibition.

7. The event be held at the school hall for the exhibition.We hanged the picture on the wall

8. The event was held by my school photography club.We invited the teacher and staff and also
9. The principal was amazed with the picture. Even the principal and several teachers bought the
picture. They all were proud of us

10. The writer and his/her friends feel happy and proud because attendees the event were amazed
with the picture.And also the principal and several teachers bought the picture.

Nama : Radhitya Noor Yala

Kelas : 8.1
Absen : 33

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