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Issue 1 × 2016

Jan 8 - Feb 4


Album of the year:

Tonik Ensemble
- Snapshots

The Reykjavík
Grapevine Music
Awards 2015


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The Reykjavík Grapevine The Reykjavík Grapevine
Issue 1 — 2016 2 Issue 1 — 2016


Hafnarstræti 15, 101 Reykjavík


Published by Fröken ehf.
Member of the Icelandic Travel Industry As-

An editorial by Haukur S. Magnússon

Printed by Landsprent ehf. in 25,000 copies.

Editor In Chief:
Haukur S Magnússon /
Journalist & Travel editor: Growing up in an isolated fishing vil- to explore and investigate, even within what end. Then, I sort of understood.
John Rogers /
Journalist & Listings editor lage (Ísafjörður, pop. 2,500) on Iceland’s the confines of a narrow fjord on the Their central purpose was not to in-
Gabríel Benjamin / northwest corner—at the edge of the edge of nowhere. My interest in the form or educate or mediate, regardless
Food Editor:
Ragnar Egilsson /
+354 540 3600 /
Arctic Circle—I developed an immense
curiosity about the world beyond my
outside world remained strong, but I
soon forgot my plan to read everything
of their makers’ intent. They formed the
basis of a club, a shared idea of an intan- TRACK
OF 2015!
Advertising: fjord and family as soon as I became in the library. Biking around town with gible space for socializing and engaging
+354 540 3605 /
+354 40 3610 aware of its existence. Deeply invested my friends was also important—as was with others of a similar mind. A nod to
Publisher: in learning everything I could about searching for treasure and breaking car the tribes and clans of our forefathers,
Hilmar Steinn Grétarsson /
+354 540 3601 / this world and its workings, yet frus- windows down at the dumps. I also liked or maybe a giant country club of the
tratingly unable to experience any of it doing my homework, since it pleased my mind. They helped us position ourselves
Contributing Writers:
Davíð Roach
Ragnar Kjartansson
Ragnar Egilsson
Heiða Eiríksdóttir
Axel Björnsson
Óskar Logi Ágústsson
firsthand, I greedily and
indiscriminately imbibed
and provided a vague sense
of family or community. No
“Elskan af því bara”
Krummi Björgvinsson York Underwood every potential source of wonder they started being
Paul Fontaine Gyða Hrund information within reach, a thing around the time of
Sveinn Birkir Þorvaldsdóttir
Björnsson Eydís Blöndal seeking glimpses and hints the Industrial Revolution—
Óttarr Proppé Dr. Gunni of what lay in store beyond we look to them to replace Download it FREE at
Hannah Jane Cohen Laura Studarus
Cameron Cook Grayson Del Faro the looming mountains that whatever we lost when our
Snæbjörn Ragnarsson Óli Dóri traditional communities dis-
Valur Brynjar Ciarán Daly
framed my reality.
Antonsson Early investigations in- solved and we all became in-
Editorial Interns: volved picture books and dividuals. Seeing as we’re spending much of this
Hadrien Chalard / television—the recent ad- Necessarily disposable and January issue celebrating Iceland’s 2015
Hrefna B. Gylfadóttir /
Rebecca Conway / vent of VCRs ensured there impermanent in nature, The in music—a vintage year, by any stan-
was always something to watch, or re- grandmother, and standing around on Newspaper’s aim is to evoke in its read- dards—we thought it fitting that our
Art Director:
Sveinbjörn Pálsson watch. It’s hard to say what, if anything, the harbour to see the boats come in, ers a sense of active participation in Track Of The Issue should be, in fact,
Contributing Photographers: I learned through these initial efforts; and watching TV. And reading books. the world, granting them a stake in the our Track Of The Year.
Magnús Andersen Axel Sig
Art Bicnick Hörður Sveinsson however my excessive TV regime re- Just not all of them. events and movements they deem sig- The fact that Vaginaboys’ quietly
Sales Director: sulted in me being able to speak a second I decided to try newspapers and nificant, while forging a comprehensible astounding torch-song “Elskan Af Því
Aðalsteinn Jörundsson / language, English, by the time I turned magazines, thinking they might of- narrative out of reality’s dark chaos. Bara” (“Baby, Just Because”, in English)
Helgi Þór Harðarson / five. This might explain why I sound like fer a different type of information about This promotes a sense of belonging and sat lonely and unlistened to on YouTube
Distribution manager: a cartoon character in English. everything. I read them all. A few were comfort for The Readers, who share a for almost a year before it went suddenly temporary community centered around
In first grade, patient adults taught published by political parties—the conser- viral is oddly fitting. It’s a particularly
Mark Asch me and others how to read. What vative one, the socialist one, the centrist the world as outlined by The Newspa- virulent earworm of a track, combin-
good fortune, what a gift. My curiosity one—then there was the tabloid, and some per, in accordance with the readers’ con- ing a languid rhythm and sparse synth
Submission inquiries: reached a boiling point once I fully fath- weeklies and glossies. I instantly liked all scious, or subconscious, wishes. arrangement with an affecting, pitch-
Subscription inquiries: omed that learning to read had granted of them, even though a few were mostly I was fascinated, enamored. Providing shifted, delay-swathed, vocodered lead
+354 540 3605 / me access to a whole new world of infor- boring, and others had zero stories that in- a space, granting a stake, forging a narra- vocal to create a sense of mournful, dis-
General inquiries: mation. Subsequently, I would spend en- terested me. Here’s why: each of them felt tive—building community!—for those of connected melancholy.
Founders: tire days at the library, carefully inspect- like its own, unique universe, each repre- us who felt the lacking, and sought them And forget the language barrier. It’s
Hilmar Steinn Grétarsson,
Hörður Kristbjörnsson, ing its seemingly infinite collection of sented a certain worldview or philosophy out. What noble goals! What a fun project! a testament to the quality of the song
Jón Trausti Sigurðarson, books spanning every conceivable topic. or mode of thought. The words and images So I kept reading, and wondering. that the emotions are transmitted to the
Oddur Óskar Kjartansson,
Valur Gunnarsson Based on my investigations, some care- they brought felt secondary to the unique -- listener whether they can understand
ful consideration and a lot of guesswork, character that accompanied each of them, The Reykjavík Grapevine’s first issue of Icelandic or not, as proven by the posi-
The Reykjavík Grapevine is published 18 times
a year by Fröken ltd. Monthly from November I surmised that the combined knowl- a great source of the sort of information 2016 is as usual dedicated to pondering tive reaction of the international press to
through April, and fortnightly from May til the year we just left behind. As usual,
October. Nothing in this magazine may be
edge contained in all the library’s books you can’t well convey with words. The Vaginaboys’ Airwaves appearances.
reproduced in whole or in part without the writ- was conclusive and all-encompassing, different characters didn’t have a specific we’re hoping that that accounting for The track also has impressive cross-
ten permission of the publishers. The Reykjavík
Grapevine is distributed around Reykjavík,
in the broadest sense. As far as I was placement or indicator. I would glimpse where we’re coming from might help us genre appeal. As Grapevine music critic
Akureyri, Egilsstaðir, Seyðisfjörður, Borgarnes, concerned, those books represented the him in certain words or letters, in images, discern where we are, which might in Davið Roach presciently noted back in
Keflavík, Ísafjörður and at key locations along
road #1, and all major tourist attractions and totality of collected human knowledge of in the way the stories were arranged, and turn give us an idea of where we’re head- December: “No one had a clue who they
tourist information centres in the country. and ideas about the world. By systemati- sometimes creeping on the margins. ed. Perhaps you’ll find some sort of nar- were, but everyone fell in love all the
You may not like it, but at least it's not sponsored cally reading all of them, I would thus be I was surprised to find that the act rative in here that helps you make sense same... their unique brand of ice-cold,
(no articles in the Reykjavík Grapevine are able to conceptualize a fairly comprehen- of reading a newspaper or a magazine of all that dark chaos. Perhaps some of sexy, 808 auto-tuned R’n’B resonated in
pay-for articles. The opinions expressed are the
writers’ own, not the advertisers’). sive idea of the whole world without ever felt almost categorically different from the music that we’re lauding will pro- hip-hop and indie circles alike.”
leaving Ísafjörður, I reasoned—thereby reading anything else I had come across. vide solace or new ideas. If nothing else, Track of the issue, and track of the
sating my growling curiosity. They demanded a different kind of at- it should be good for a chuckle or two. year—good job, Vaginaboys! We’re glad
Being a kid is busy work. There are tention, and yielded a different sort of we put you on the cover! Twice! Happy
On the cover: many distractions, and there is much reward. I wondered why, or at least to PS: Thanks to Kwaku at 1919 Hotel! <3 2016!
Anton Kaldal - Tonik
Recipient of the Best
Album prize.
Magnús Andersen -
A special thanks!
We'd like to say a special thanks to the lucky artist gets a tour-friendly one-year A lucky winner will recieve a free year of host a luxurious dinner for one of the
Stylist: Sigrún Ásta companies that supplied our Reykjavik Flybus ticket for getting to and from Ke- bass / guitar strings from musicians' ha- bands.
Jörgensen Grapevine Music Awards winner with flavik Airport. We teamed up with Sushi ven Tónastöðin. Another will get a vinyl- This will hopefully serve as encour-
Stylist: Jóhanna
their lovely prizes. The prizes are: Samba, who’ve invited one of the bands junkie’s dream: a 10,000 ISK gift-voucher agement for future generations of musi-
Clothes: Kron by One winner gets a free night of luxury to have a luxurious dinner party for six. to spend in Reykjavík Records. Finally, cians to release music and perform con-
KronKron & Selected at Hótel Búðir, chilling in the country- One of the bands will recieve a print run we’ve teamed up with the Grapevine- certs, and possibly get free stuff in return.
Men side. Thanks to Reykjavik Excursions, a of 50 band T-shirts, courtesy of Dogma. award-winning restaurant Snaps, who’ll Who knows.

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Say your piece, voice your
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the timeless
of Iceland th is issu e's lov eli est let ter !

Hello My name is Julian Fox and I am Hi Julian, when you make it to Iceland. We’d
12 years old, in the 6th grade. I live on write to you ourselves, but since you
Cape Cod in the state of Massachu- You sound really nice. What a nice want to meet up when you arrive
setts. kid you are. Not like those rotten here, we figure it’s better if we keep
I am looking to find a Pen Pal millenials. Nope. You represent a our distance, so as not to disappoint
to share about our lives in different new breed of human, a brand new you. Adulthood is hard on both body
countries. We could share music, art generation. Exciting times, we’re and soul, but it doesn’t even come
and other interests via e-mail and living in! Generation Nice, we’ll call close to what working at the Grape-
regular mail. Do you know of any- you guys. vine will do to you. From the bottom
one who might like to do this? At the Anyway, good idea you had, get- of our long-since putrified hearts
end of April I will be visiting Iceland ting a pen pal. Turns out Genera- and the shrunken core of our grey,
with my mother for one week during tion Nice is also Generation Smart! shriveled souls, we urge you: keep
spring break vacation. I would like to Pen pals are great, you know, be- clear! Stay away!
learn more about Iceland before we go cause unlike real, physical pals, pen Also, we get way too many effing
and maybe I could meet with that Pen pals can’t steal your stuff. The only letters as is.
Pal when we visit. My email address things they can take from you are Stay cool,
is: [REDACTED—write to letters@ intangible, useless and boring—like Your Friends At The Reykjavík if you wish to become Ju- your hopes, dreams and innocence. Grapevine
lian’s pen pal] Nobody cares about that stuff, it will (PS—you get a prize for being an
only get in the way of your career exemplary member of Generation
And my home address is: [REDACT- advancement when you eventually Nice: A cool Grapevine t-shirt that
ED—again, write to letters@grape- grow up. So, yes! Great idea! We ap- will surely serve to impress all of if you wish to become Julian’s plaud you! your friends back in Cape Cod. Just
pen pal] Thank you so much and if you Sincerely: Good luck finding a drop us a line to claim it.)
can let me know that would be great! pen pal, young man. We hope you
learn a lot and have a great time

Hæ, I live in Akranes and although I sidering that we are expecting a great Hopefully things will get sorted out
drive I sometimes have to look at the storm today, I wonder if Grapevine at Strætó at some point, although we
bus schedule for friends. I have been would get better results from Stræto? must note that they are traditionally
shocked to see that the website Can you please ask them why they rather hard to get a hold of in gen-
only has storm warnings or informa- don't have warnings about buses that eral—heck, a teenage girl with se-
tion regarding buses that are cancelled are cancelled due to the weather on vere developmental disabilities went
due to bad weather on their Icelandic their English page? I'm sure it is just missing for seven hours in one of
page and not on the English page. This an oversight, not that they are delib- their vans last year. Yup, that’s an ac-
means that immigrants and tourists erately trying to have tourists die of tual thing that happened. But they’ve
are not getting vital information and exposure. been getting better lately, we hear.
often are waiting at bus stops in dras- LoVe, Pauline While you await word from
tic weather as according to the English Strætó’s Director of Public Relations,
page everything seems fine. Hey Pauline, thanks for writing, and here’s a great tip for how you can
I've sometimes had to rescue such for placing your trust in us. We will check the weather: take a look out-
folk and put them up in my home un- make a modicum of effort to not let side. YOU’RE WELCOME. #lifehack
til the bus service resumed. I've writ- you down too hard. #wow
ten to the bus company several times Anyway. Yes. We agree. This is no Best regards,
about this problem but they have not good, it’s a case of bad—or at least ex- Your Friends At The Reykjavík
even acknowledged my emails. Con- tremely sloppy—organization. Grapevine


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The Reykjavík Grapevine
Issue 1 — 2016


Fun With Icelandic Names!

Ragnar Egilsson Explains Some Words!

Most Icelandic names have some cool, Steinbergur: Stained Burger

ancient symbolism. My name, Ragnar, Jóhannes: Yo, Honeys
means something like “Soldier of God” Snæfríður: It’s Not Free Though
(no biggie). The name has some female Ólafía: All Over Ya
variants and one of them, Ragnhildur, Ásgeir: Assgear
just means “War” (for real). Ásbjörn: Assburn
Áslaugur: Asslicker
But you can Google all that stuff for Ásdís: Assdick
yourself. Personally, I enjoy pretending Áslaug: Assbastard
I’m from Texas and I’m transcribing Ice- Haukur: Go to Hell For Making Me Write
landic names the way they sound to me. Another Stupid Word Article I Have No
So you get: Idea What I’m Doing
Gissur: Geezer It’s not my fault some of these sound a
Einar: A Nerd bit rude. Why, I’m just a humble word Everyone wants to recycle. Especially in for homes now - see for Red Cross (Rauði krossinn) container
Sæbjörn: Cyber wrangler, I jus’ rope ‘em and write ‘em, 2016. It was your New Year’s resolution, more info. and other goods in the Good Shepherd
Gunnleifur: Gonna Leave Her jus’ like my grandpappy did... yessiree. remember? Sure you do. But, it can get (Góði Hirðirinn) container.
Heiðar: Hey There Please start doing that. confusing. “Where do the jam jars go?” Porcelain and glassware (bottles,
“Is there a special thing for cork?” “What jars, etc.) Hazardous materials (batteries,
do I do with all these batteries?” “And • Clean or empty them as best as pos- spray cans, paint), light bulbs, CFLs,
should I really be rinsing out toilet paper sible. broken electrical appliances
AMEN'S WORLD to stow with old Fréttablaðiðs?” • Bring them to SORPA recycling cen- • Separate hazardous materials from
A poem by Eydís Blöndal Don’t you fret! We’ve made you this tres, and deposit them in the glass recy- electrical appliances. Don’t try to eat
handy guide to recycling in Iceland. You cling containers. Three drop-off centres them.
should totally cut it out and stick on your in Reykjavík currently have containers • Go to a SORPA recycling centre. De-
Dear God fridge for future reference. for glass, as well. posit hazardous materials in a hazard-
ous material container, and electrical
Cardboard, paper, beverage cartons Glass bottles, plastic bottles, alu- appliances in an electrical appliance
Tell them that I get afraid because I know • Rinse beverage cartons and remove minium cans, any deposit beverage container.
what they can do and what I can't do residue from the cardboard, then com- bottle
press them as much as possible to save • Empty them of contents. Do not Metal objects, aluminium trays, alu-
space. compress them, even if you’re really minium foil, jar lids, nails, food cans,
Tell them that my body is not exchangeable • Put them in the appropriate contain- good at crushing beercans against your etc.
for niceness and beer ers at drop-off centres and SORPA recy- forehead. (Ok, maybe do that one more • Remove residue from food contain-
cling centres, or in paper recycling bins time). ers.
found at some residences. • Take them to a drop-off centre or a • Put smaller metal items directly into
Tell them to please listen to me, even though recycling centre (see, and put the grey container or bring them to a
my voice is annoying and my boobs are big Plastic bags, plastic containers, them in the Skátarnir containers, for no SORPA recycling centre.
plastic packaging, trays, even Styro- refund. You can also take them to En-
foam is okay now (not really though. durvinnslan hf if you want them krónur. Organic waste: leftover food, paper
Tell them that when I talk about my real- Everyone hates styrofoam. Don’t buy towels, diapers, animal waste
ity I'm not attacking them. Not everything is stuff with styrofoam, OK?) Clothing, working electrical appli- • Either put waste into a plastic bag, or
about them. • Empty the items completely, and ances, household goods, knick- just throw it directly into the grey bin.
compress them to save space. knacks, etc. Oh! And you’re supposed to take candles
• Put them in the appropriate contain- • Separate clothing from other goods, to the recycling centre, too! Weird, right?
amen "NOT ALL MEN" ers at drop-off and SORPA recycling and place each in a closed bag or box. for more information and rules about re-
centres. Reykjavík city is also goin’ big • Bring the bag/box to one of SORPA’s cycling, go to
and offering plastic recycling containers recycling centres. Put clothing in the

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The Reykjavík Grapevine The Year | A
Politics | Bright?
visual presentation of by-whizzing
Issue 1 — 2016

Iceland’s 2015-in-gates-and-hashtags got off to a The gavel of Lady Justice fell upon four of Kaupþing’s In what would become one of Iceland’s political stories of the year, March saw the small but forward-thinking Pirate Party
fast start when Björk’s eighth LP, ‘Vulnicura’, leaked. main men this February, to great applause. Two of the leap to the top of the national opinion polls. Even the Pirates themselves were surprised by this development, but it was no
She responded by “going nuclear,” snap-releasing company’s former CEOs, the chairman of the board, and blip—nine months later, they’re still at the top, with a wider margin than ever.
the record via iTunes. The shock-and-awe strategy the owner of 10% of the company, were each sentenced
worked, and the album shot to the top of the iTunes to four years or more of jail time, as investigations into #EU_LETTERGATE
charts in 30 different countries. Good work, Björk! Kaupþing’s activities revealed the company’s shenani- After years of discussion about Iceland entering the European Union, Iceland’s post-collapse, left-wing government for-
gans were a contributing factor in the 2008 economic mally applied to join in July of 2009. The discussion didn’t end there, and Iceland’s bid to join was one of the 2013 parlia-
––––– January ––––– collapse. mentary election’s most heated topics. Despite both of the currently ruling parties’ campaign promises that the applica-
tion’s fate would be determined via referendum, Foreign Minister Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson single-handedly attempted to
The year started off with some long-awaited ––––– February ––––– repeal the EU accession process. He did this by sending the EU a letter which he wrote without the consent or knowledge
news for immigrants and asylum seekers of the nation’s Parliament. He was roundly slammed for the undemocratic, eccentric, off-piste gesture, which was ulti-
alike—namely, the creation of the Immigra- In this month, a comparatively easy-to-pronounce mately not accepted as a formal withdrawal by the EU.
tion Appeals Board. Designed to be an inde- volcano, Holuhraun, finally stopped spewing crap
pendent body that reviews cases rejected by into the sky. Having dominated headlines through- #FREETHENIPPLEGATE
the Directorate of Immigration, the board out 2014, it might not have been as spectacular or In protest against the double standards for nipple-baring, Icelandic woman began baring their breasts on social media
had been a long time coming. In theory, it confounding for anchorpeople as Eyjafjallajökull, but under the hashtag #freethenipple. The movement quickly gained traction, as news of the endeavor went global—prompt-
was to make things run more smoothly. In we were still glad it finally wound down. Holuhraun ing weird, sweaty men from all over the world to try and glimpse them some Icelandic booby—with everyone from singers
practice, the Board soon reported they were would have the last laugh, though, as it came to light to politicians joining in. Although hardly critical to the campaign’s widespread success, Grapevine’s online coverage of it
backlogged with cases pending review, claim- later in the year that the sulphur dioxide it had been reached hundreds of thousands of readers all over the world, culminating in that time Facebook determined
ing a lack of funding and manpower to meet puking up was very likely responsible for killing off a was a pornsite and blocked the entire site for a couple of days. Oh, we also had a lot of fun rickrolling the aforementioned
the demand. A step in the right direction, great number of sheep. At the time of writing, reports weird, sweaty men via the classic April Fool’s post “PHOTOS: The Hottest Icelandic Titties From #FreeTheNipple".
nonetheless. January also saw a crucial step are coming out that the area is rumbling again... so
in Jón Gnarr finally getting his name legally send your prayers to our sheep. Undeterred by our ––––––––––––––– March –––––––––––––––
changed to Jón Gnarr in Iceland’s National geological shenanigans, tourists in this month gen-
Registry, as he had his name legally changed erated enough revenue to make tourism the largest Perhaps jealous of all the attention #FreeTheNipple was getting, Minister of Foreign Affairs Gunnar Bragi
in the US while serving as a guest professor at industry in the country, beating out such perennial Sveinsson sent a letter to the EU announcing that Iceland was no longer seeking accession. As the matter had
Houston’s Rice University. This proved to be heavyweights as fishing and banking. In fact, in 2015 never been put to a parliamentary vote, many Icelanders were upset by this side-stepping of the democratic pro-
a laughably simple, easy and financially pain- tourist numbers crossed the one million mark, with cess, and organised protests at Austurvöllur to voice their displeasure. In the end, the EU grudgingly accepted
less ($100 USD, to be exact) process that puts final numbers showing four times the population of that Iceland just wasn’t that into them, while leaving the caveat that if we changed our minds, we could totally
our local bureaucracy to shame. Iceland visited the country in this year alone. hit them up anytime for Netflix and chill.

Traditional media and social media have a symbiotic relationship. Stories spread from the former to the lat-
ter, and the resulting discussion in the latter can make it back into the former. It's a fun back-and-forth. When
a news story really lights a fire on Facebook and Twitter, the results can be good: they can sway callous gov-
ernment policy and change bad business decisions, for example. But they can also backfire, as the facts of
A Sexy Infographic View of the story become distorted or exaggerated as they pop from feed to feed. Here, we’ve collected a few of the
the National Discourse 2015 stories that bounced back and forth between news sites and social media over the past year, for better or
for worse (although mostly for better). Additional material by Rebecca Conway, Ciarán Daly, Hannah Jane
By Paul Fontaine × John Rogers Cohen, York Underwood and Gabríel Benjamin.


In April, a pukey Progressive Party politician (known henceforth The 2015 edition of The Reykjavík Art Festival focussed on the The second Secret Solstice festival hit the headlines when rapper and sunglass-enthusiast Gísli
as the PPPP) projectile-vomited all over passengers on a flight to role of women in Icelandic art, and began by commissioning a Pálmi was videotaped throwing more than rhymes at former Jackass star Bam Margera. Bam had
Washington DC, citing illness as the cause. What was he eating? We new work from the feminist art troupe Guerilla Girls. The result- purportedly become belligerent whilst seeking festival promoter Leon Hill, whom he claimed owed
don’t know. Maybe more to the point was what was he drinking— ing billboard, located by the harbour, noted that only around him money. A war of words ensued online, with Leon denouncing the claims and Bam reiterating
numerous fellow passengers claimed he was wasted. If so, perhaps 10% of Icelandic film funding goes to female-led projects, rais- them in a facially bruised Instagram post, but no charges were filed in any direction. As of right now,
he should perhaps have played the rehab card, to garner sympathy ing awareness and sparking a much-needed debate. Bam fans from all over the world keep commenting on our news story about it. Bam fans? Yes, Bam
rather than disgust. fans. Those guys mean business. And they like Bam. Bam fans.
#CAKEGATE (also known as #FATTIEGATE)
#PINKGEYSIRGATE 2015 was a landmark year for politics. We saw the beginnings of #OUTLOUD, #KONURTALA, #ÞÖGGUN
As part of an ongoing project called “Pink State,” Chilean artist Mar- a major refugee crisis across Europe, new and important envi- These three conjoined hashtags originated in the women-only Facebook group Beauty Tips, but
co Evaristti dumped pink fruit dye into everyone’s favourite geyser, ronmental campaigns—such as Björk and Andri Snær’s #Pro- soon spread across Facebook and Twitter like wildfire. The campaign was highly visible, harnessing
Strokkur, resulting in a few hours of pink eruptions. Marco claimed tectThePark—and, of course, a range of major new challenges social media to successfully highlight the ways that female voices are discredited or ignored on a
to love nature (that’s why he decorates it), and even though the ef- for policymakers in Iceland as abroad. With so many difficult plethora of issues.
fect was temporary, he was punished with a 100,000 ISK fine and problems to worry about, who could then blame our Prime Min-
two weeks in jail. And lots of angry comments to our Facebook. ister, Sigmundur Davið, for turning to the buffet table? He was #BONKERSPRIMEMINISTERBLACKMAILGATETHRONE
so overwhelmed by all this important parliamentary business The month’s most deliciously amusing news story involved two sisters, Malín Brand and Hlín Einars-
#GENERALSTRIKEGATETHRONE last summer that he needed to skip a debate in order to go and dóttir, attempting to blackmail Iceland’s pudgy Prime Minister by linking him to the purchase of Ice-
With big companies reporting great profits and boards getting grab the last slice of yummy pear cake from the parliamentary landic newspaper DV (the latter sister just happens to be DV-buyer Björn Ingi Hrafnsson’s estranged
massive pay bumps, several labour unions banded together this cafeteria table. Solidarity, Siggi, for caring about the real issues lover… mysterious). In a plot reminiscent of a Coen Brothers movie, the hapless girls told the PM to
spring for a general strike, calling for something resembling a liv- so much. May your #cakethrone never grow stale. meet them in the lava fields outside Hafnarfjörður with a suitcase of money. He didn’t show up, obvs,
ing wage for the workers. After some 50,000 stopped work, deals rather opting to send some cops, who in turn arrested the handsome twosome. What is this, ‘Burn
were struck. And everyone lived happily ever after. Lol. –––––– May –––––– After Reading’?

–––––– April –––––– Whaling season began, again, and while this would end –––––––––––– June ––––––––––––
up having consequences involving the hacktivist group
This month had one dominant theme, and that theme was Anonymous later in the year, there was one big story this Perhaps one of the most bizarre stories of the year happened in June, when two sisters at-
general strike. While trade unions engaging in work stoppag- month: changing the clocks in wintertime. Iceland bears tempted to blackmail the Prime Minister. What did they want? Money, of course. What did
es and strikes is not an unfamiliar phenomenon in Iceland, the distinction of sharing in common with Russia and they have on him? That’s the bizarre part. The pair contended they had proof, in the form of
it’s been a long time since so many unions vowed to engage Belarus the refusal to set clocks back an hour in the fall emails, that the Prime Minister took an active part in the purchase of magazine DV by me-
in them. In fact, tens of thousands of workers were set to walk and forward an hour again in the spring. Everyone from dia company Vefpressan. You see, Vefpressan is owned by one Björn Ingi Hrafnsson, who
off their jobs, in fields from wholesale food service, to the tourist the Directorate of Health to members of Parliament hotly used to be a Reykjavík city councilperson for the Progressive Party. Prime Minister Sig-
industry, to general labour. The show of solidarity, and just what contested the pros and cons of the practice. Not even our mundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, as you know, hails from that same party. Oh, and Björn Ingi
kind of impact all these people clocking out would have, would readers could seem to agree whether “spring forward, had just broken up with one of the two women. But more importantly, this month also saw
lean on management throughout the year. Even public opinion fall back” is a wonderful way to just adjust your circadian a grassroots movement started in the unlikely Beauty Tips Facebook group: #KonurTala
rested solidly with the workers, which isn’t always the case. rhythm with the sun, or a horrible tool of oppression from (Women Speak), wherein numerous women came forward to speak candidly about abuse
In the end, many new collective bargaining agreements were those damn farmers. Spoiler: we haven’t changed our they had survived. The movement caught international headlines, and spawned similar
drawn up, while others are still pending. clocks. campaigns in other countries.
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The Reykjavík Grapevine
10 Issue 1 — 2016


When news broke that a Nigerian man had been detained on suspicion of deliberately passing TUREGATE Earlier this year, astronomers and bloodlusters alike rejoiced
on HIV to at least two women, panic, criticism, and a bunch of comment board-slash-talk radio “OH MY GOD,” screamed Icelanders, country-wide, when American cor- at the coming of a BLOODMOON-SUPERMOON 97% lunar
xenophobia ensued. As the story unfolded in the media, the proof of whether or not he’d spread poration Dunkin Donuts opened its first Icelandic store at a Laugavegur eclipse. Critics such as famous astrophysicist Neil deGrasse
the infection knowingly came into question. The man—an asylum seeker—was held in custody location. The global Icelandophile community soon joined in on the out- Tyson contested the superness of said supermoon—but
for a month and given a four-month travel ban, a decision later ratified by the Supreme Court of raged yelping—for some reason, those guys just can’t fathom why Ice- what does he know, right? Smarmy git.
Iceland. Later reports confirmed that the man was unaware of his HIV-positive status. landers might want to enjoy a fuckin’ corporate donut every now and again
(indeed, guys, if you hate it so much, go and protest the one on your block –––––– September ––––––
#LAMESNOOPGATE the next time you grab breakfast there). The opening ceremony was thrill-
Snoop Dogg aka Snoop Lion aka DJ Snoopadelic hoped to impress Iceland with his doggy styl- ing, though, complete with a DJ, a bouncer, a dancing donut-man and a line In a perhaps well-intentioned move, Reykjavík City
ings when he arrived to DJ at Reykjavík sports arena Laugardalshöllin this summer. But even down the block, creating a frenzy around the city. It has been enthusiasti- Council elected to stop making city purchases of goods
setting the bar low proved to be too high for the King of Kush, whose performance was sorely cally serving donuts to patrons ever since. Note: the donuts are way more made in Israeli-occupied territories. The move was
disappointing. Dear Snoop: Put down your joint. Turn the music off. In fact: just retire (oh, alright, expensive here than in the US. And they’re not any better, either. widely misreported as being made by all of Iceland, and
you can keep the joint). being against all Israeli products. More importantly, the
–––––– August –––––– Icelandic government announced it would accept 50 Syr-
–––––––––––– July –––––––––––– ian refugees this year. This announcement set off a grass-
This month witnessed a stunning flight from custody that gripped roots movement that would make international headlines,
In July, Iceland brought an end to a very old and largely unenforced blasphemy law, national headlines, as a baby seal escaped from the zoo. Perhaps as author Bryndís Björgvínsdóttir started a social media
which—while making international headlines—made little difference whatsoever wanting to set an example for other would-be escapees, the seal was campaign, #KæraEygló, imploring the government to
to the local culture at large. Leaked emails of the now-hacked Italian hacking team summarily put down, and fed to other zoo animals. Further afield, accept a lot more, which quickly snowballed, gaining the
known imaginatively as Hacking Team showed an Icelandic cop trying to acquire Iceland joined sanctions against Russia, already underway in the support of several thousand Icelanders. Like always, mis-
some spyware, and he was none too pleased with being called up about it. But most of EU and in direct response to Russian incursions into Ukraine. Rus- reporting in the international media was prevalent, as it
all, July will be known for tourists shitting all over the place. They shat in the street, sia, predictably, in turn began boycotting Icelandic products. You was falsely reported that 10,000 Icelanders had opened
they shat behind buildings, they shat in the moss and then set it on fire. It was pretty may scoff, but that means fish, and lots of it. Mostly mackerel, too. their homes to refugees. While the outpouring of support
shitty. In fairness, there is a dearth of outdoor toilets in the countryside, which is some- While our local fishing kings were displeased, Iceland has stood was indeed tremendous, the government has still yet to an-
thing numerous tour guides have complained about, to the deaf ears of municipalities. fast by their sanctions against Russia, which continue to this day. nounce any official change to their initial numbers.

An Infographic View Of The

NEWS vs. HASHTAGS Orðræðublabla Landscape
By Paul Fontaine × John Rogers


October saw a revelation of epic proportions, the kind that During the Iceland Airwaves festival, writer An- Storm of the century! Icelanders dreaming of a white Christmas got their wishes granted when Mother Nature decided to
causes people to absolutely lose their shit and burn the whole dri Snær Magnason and a masked Björk held take a massive snowy dump over literally everything at hurricane-force speeds. While citizens and tourists were advised
sick, broken system down. Ordinary citizen Flori Fundateanu a press conference slamming the government NOT TO LEAVE THE HOUSE OR EVEN MOVE, one beacon of hope remained: That famous Bæjarins Beztu hot dog stand,
bought an extremely heavy paprika from Bónus. However, fur- for failing to protect Iceland’s highlands from which carried on serving right through the #stormpocalypse. They weren’t the heroes we needed right then, and probably
ther examination revealed that the scales had been rigged to planned industrial development. The two con- not the ones we deserved either. But they had hot dogs.
fuck you, the consumer, personally, through overcharging and tinue to front the campaign to establish a na-
general trickery. Bónus denied any wrongdoing, proceeding to tional park in the area. Find out more at www. #NAKEDARTSTUDENTINABOXGATE
“recalibrate” the scales and charge the regular price for a pep- In the name of art, December saw a naked first-year art student spend one week living in a glass box, which was on display
per, which was pretty damn high to begin with. to the public both on location and via live internet stream. Wait, did we mention he was naked the whole time? Yes, a naked
–––– November –––– guy. We know you have a lot of questions, but don’t worry—the whole thing was filmed and streamed online. Apparently he
#ISITASTEALTHADCAMPAIGNORWHAT?GA pooped in there. Jacked off, too. Oh, art.
TE The Directorate of Immigration made
In October, 66° North put some pricey parkas in glass ad dis- news this month for the type of behaviour #HEARTLESS_UTLGATE
plays on bus stops. Predictably, parka-less thieves quickly that has made the institution famous, er, In the wake of the refugee crisis, Iceland’s mask slipped off, revealing the bubbling fascist Sith skin underneath. Iceland’s
broke the glass and stole them. “The thieves are presumed infamous. And by that we mean regard- directorate of immigration, the Nazi-founded UTL (seriously, look it up), made the decision to forcibly deport two Albanian
less cold than they were,” and lo, 66° North got into every ing all foreigners as guilty until proven families (both of which had toddlers with life-threatening ailments) in the middle of the night on International Human Rights
newspaper for free. Nobody asked why they didn’t use plexi- innocent. Yes, November saw a Vietnam- Day. After much public outcry, UTL backtracked, eventually granting the families citizenship. Yay!
glass. The chilly robbers would have needed jet fuel to melt ese couple accused of having a sham mar-
that. Or, you know, why they didn’t just print one of their pat- riage (an accusation that was revealed to #REDNECKGATE
ented frowny-parka-wearing-beardman posters. If the parka’s be way off the mark), and the deportations After discussing her battle to save the highlands from “redneck politicians” in the international media, Björk was caught in
flat against some glass, it’s hard to tell the difference anyway, of two asylum-seeking families: one from a comment-section shitstorm, with some protesting that the term “redneck” is a slur against rural people. Björk countered
right? Albania, and the other from Syria. In fact, by clarifying her perception of the term as “those who seek to control nature, often at the expense of others.” Erm, git ‘er
two Albanian families would end up being done?
–––––– October –––––– deported, to widespread public outcry, but
would ultimately be granted citizenship. #BRITISHFAKEADVENTURERJERKGATE
As hard as it may be to believe, Iceland does engage in Someone else who sparked widespread Three British adventurers seeking to be the youngest and fastest mountainjerks to traverse Iceland in the wintertime were
industrial factory farming. Factory farms were promi- public outcry: Justin Bieber. In a recent bailed out a grand total of three times by the Icelandic Search and Rescue team over the course of a couple of weeks.
nent in the news this month—pig farms in particular. video, he was seen cavorting and galli- Jerks. As expected, Internet commenter rage followed, with some recommending that ICE-SAR charge a fee for such
The Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority found that vanting around the country. Most notably, rescues. Others simply offered to show those boys what a bitter storm in Iceland really looks like.
all of Iceland’s pig farms kept animals that suffered pres- it seems he also tromped through some
sure sores resulting from a lack of movement, and at least naturally protected areas—some of which ––––– December –––––
one (so far unnamed) farm keeps pigs in stalls too small are covered with fragile moss that takes This month kicked off interestingly enough, as hacktivist group Anonymous launched a concerted distributed
to even allow them to stand up. This has put Iceland’s pig decades to grow—before taking a swim in denial-of-service (DDoS) attack against numerous Icelandic websites. But they weren’t doing it for the lulz—
farmers on the defensive, with every farm but one refus- the waters of Jökulsárlón. Tourism industry their objection was to the hunting of fin whales. They managed to shut down many government websites for a num-
ing to allow reporters to visit and film their grounds. It was workers in Iceland were none too pleased ber of hours, and have vowed to continue their campaign in other ways. For those of us living in Iceland, what really
also reported that thousands of foreigners are needed to fill with the example the young pop star set, and captured our imagination was the fact that we were getting snow. Lots of it, like record-breaking levels. You may find
tourism jobs, a story that still gets me plenty of emails and said so. Bieber has yet to issue an apology. it hard to believe a place called Iceland doesn’t see a lot of snow in the winter, but in the capital area anyway, winters
tweets from prospective job seekers. Stop. Please stop. are more known for high winds and freezing rain. Everyone who doesn’t drive was very happy.
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Photo by Art Bicnick

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like Barcelona, to get a vicarious taste more successful than the men’s one. Af- and his methodical approach to fight- As brave as their performance may
Athlete of the year: of victory. However, you’re stuck with ter some steady progress into the Euro- ing before getting signed onto the UFC, have been, the team was still outdone

Eygló Ósk your national team, for better or worse. pean Cup finals in previous years, they and he displayed exactly those qualities
when he returned to the octagon in July
by the Icelandic fans who accompanied
them to the tournament—they would

Gústafsdóttir to fight and beat Brandon Thatch in just have been awarded the tournament’s

by Hrefna Björg Gylfadóttir It’s wasn’t all two minutes and 54 seconds.
With fresh wind in his sails, he ac-
cepted a match against another skilled
MVP trophy, if that were possible, on the
strength of their unbreakable spirit.
On the women's side, the Icelandic

bad! For once!

On the second to last day of 2015, twenty- grappler, Demian Maia, only to find he national team returned to international
year-old swimmer Eygló Ósk Gústafs- had bitten off more than he could chew— play after years of inactivity on that
dóttir was crowned Iceland’s Athlete Gunnar lost the match, receiving 193 front, somewhat sweetening that acid
of the Year, becoming the fifth female punches in the exchange. Gunnar has taste of seeing prominent teams with-
winner to win the title since it was first reassured his fans, however, that this draw from league play for financial rea-
awarded in 1956. She earned it, too, hav-
ing swum the 200 metre backstroke in HIGHLIGHTS FROM LAST YEAR’S setback won’t stop him, and that he still
aims for the top. Also, he and Demian
sons and/or lack of enthusiasm.

just 2:09.86 minutes this past March,

breaking the Icelandic and Nordic re- SPORTING LIFE Iceland’s year
have remained friendly after the match,
and plan to meet up and train together
cords. Furthermore, she was the first
Icelandic athlete to earn the right to par- in: being su-
later in the year.

ticipate in this year’s Olympic Games,

which will commence in Rio on August Iceland’s year per strong
Upon receiving the award, Eygló not-
ed that it was a huge honour that would
As such, followers of Iceland’s national
men’s team have suffered almost a cen-
tury of hurt, never once qualifying for
failed to qualify for the 2015 Women’s
World Cup, held in Canada. Shame—it
was a surprise hit and reached a record-
in: basketball by Gabríel Benjamin

Hafþór Júlíusson, AKA “The Moun-

By Sveinn Birkir Björnsson
encourage her to do even better in 2016. the finals of a major tournament. breaking TV audience, with an estimat- tain,” broke two things in February: A
Eygló will be warming up for her even- That changed in 2015, as a new “gold- ed 25.4 million Americans tuning in to What a year it was for Icelandic bas- 1,000-year-old weightlifting record, and
tual, inevitable Olympics triumph at the en generation” of male Icelandic foot- watch Japan beat the US side 5-2 for the ketball. Admittedly, the domestic com- the Grapevine's website (our story about
17th biennial Games of the Small States ballers finally broke through into the title. But 2016 is a new year... petition was concluded in much the that ancient record was Iceland’s most
of Europe (GSSE) in San Marino this 2016 Euros. Literal generations of Ice- same way it usually is, with teams being read news article of 2015).
June, where she will no doubt crush the
competition. Go Eygló! You’re the best!
landic football enthusiasts have prayed
for this, and now that it’s happened, they Iceland’s crowned Icelandic champions, but that’s
not what’s important. All the glory fit to
Alongside winning the World's
Strongest Viking competition for the

Iceland’s year
still seem to harbour a sense of disbelief.
Wise footballing heads cited everything year in: print should be reserved for the Icelan-
dic national team, which made its first
second time in a row, Hafþór also took
on another challenge described in the

in: football
from the building of indoor training fa-
cilities to a retention of former players
in coaching, to the plain old indomitable
cage fighting ever appearance at a major tournament.
Yes, last summer's EuroBasket was very
much a coming out party for Icelandic
Sagas. The previous record holder had
carried a monster wooden log that was
10m long and weighed 650kg for three
by Gabríel Benjamin
by John Rogers Icelandic spirit as possible reasons for basketball. Granted, the team lost every steps, but Hafþór managed to improve
the breakthrough. Whatever it was, Following a disappointing loss to Rick game. But every game was lost in a he- on that by a further two. He then took
Supporting a shit football team is an 2016 is the biggest year ever for Icelandic “The Horror” Story in 2014, Gunnar Nel- roic fashion. The team held its own in a to his Instagram, exclaiming he was on
emotionally gruelling activity. When men's football. Áfram Ísland! son, Iceland’s premiere cage fighter, took historically strong group including hosts his way to his ultimate goal: becoming
it’s a club team (let’s say, for argument’s It wasn’t such a vintage year for Ice- some time off and went back to the draw- Germany, eventual champs Spain, semi- The World's Strongest Man. "NOTH-
sake, Chelsea FC), people often root land’s famously competitive women’s ing board. Gunnar had earned a name finalists Serbia, as well as powerhouses ING CAN STOP ME!! NOTHING CAN
for a sneaky “second team” affiliation, team, which has historically been far for himself for his prodigious grappling Italy and Turkey. BREAK ME!"



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“We don’t take ourselves
too seriously but I think
Úlfur Úlfur was our at-
tempt to make serious art
for the first time, rather
than just ‘do something’
like the years before.”

“I wanted to write and

draw, make some moth-
erfucking music; I wanted
to express myself.”

Enter The Wolf

Tarantulas Band of the Year:
Úlfur Úlfur

ULfur Ulfur are

BAND Of THE YEAR [*****] Band of the Year

By Laura Studarus Surprisingly to some, Icelandic hip-

hop totally dominated local airwaves,
venues and charts in 2015—hell,
as well as the radio airwaves, those
rappers even claimed ownership of
In the video for “Brennum allt,” time, rather than just ‘do something’ like struggle with this, though, the voice versity of Ice-
the Iceland Airwaves festival, which
course, lest one get
Úlfur Úlfur duo Arnar Freyr and the years before,” he notes of the pro- within me that tells me I’m different land. The group would have been unthinkable only the idea that Úl-
Helgi Sæmundur roll through the tracted gestation time. like it’s a bad thing, that I need to grow has forged a couple of years ago. The reason is fur Úlfur is strictly
suburbs of Reykjavik, spitting up and start behaving. Fuck that shit! ahead writ- clear though: all those years spent on about taking a
rapid-fire lyrics on horseback Nördic Deåth Röw Being different, having an explicit iden- ing new songs. the fringes granted Iceland’s hip hop swim in the deepest
and chilling in the countryside The album is heavy with bass and drum, tity, is the best thing ever and the mental (He obliquely scene time and freedom to expand, philosophical wells.
like a champs. (Meanwhile guest featuring melodic washes of guitar and struggle just makes it more satisfying.” mentions that experiment and exercise—to care- He points to the
emcee Kött Grá Pje chills with vocals. Even though they wouldn’t be they have “big fully hone their skills to perfection, hook of their tune
three oversized Saint Bernards completely out of place on Death Row’s Pissing off conservative national- goals for the reaching a new plateau. “Tarantúlur,” as
and visits a dog show, because roster (or at least on a Nordic arm of the ists is always fun New Year” but As the scene blew up, it proof that he and his
why not?) Coupled with the iconic label), it also features rich melo- Arnar makes it clear that his music isn’t declines to say quickly became clear that among bandmate are more
song’s opening salvo, a line that dies and intricate beats, as though Úlfur born of an attempt to ape influences. more on the top- many great contenders, Úlfur Úlfur than adept at letting
had established themselves as its
roughly translates to “I’m alone Úlfur are bound and determine to push He can only rep himself—as if it wasn’t ic.) To quote one their hair down.
main ambassadors to mainstream
in the world,” it might be easy to the sides of the rap box out just a bit far- 100% clear by the fact Úlfur Úlfur rap of Úlfur Úlfur’s
Iceland. While Gísli Pálmi has the most
After all, not every-
assign the single a glass-half full ther—or blow them out completely. exclusively in Icelandic. He handles the own heavily dedicated following, and Emmsjé Gau-
thing in life has to be
optimism, making it a tribute to That new-school/old-school vibe, obvious question (why?) with character- translated lines, ti gives the best live performances, a metaphor.
sticking it to the man, or perhaps says Arnar, can be traced back to his ear- istic grace. After all, it might still be an “I don’t want for Úlfur Úlfur are the Icelandic hip hop
a musical encouragement to let liest days as a hip-hop fan. Never mind important aspect to ask about, but it’s anything.” act that Icelanders best connect with, “Wolf wolf ta-
one’s freak flag fly. the fact Iceland doesn’t exactly boast one that has to be addressed less and less “I’m a meek managing to entice even the most rantula/Flies
Not quite. a booming gangster population—and these days. man, happy whitebread, U2-loving, Manchester like skimming
if there’s any sort of East Coast/West “It has gradually increased, thank- with what I got,” United-supporting, Independence tongues/you
“The [opening] lyric is one of the oldest Coast rivalry the players are mum on the fully,” he says, noting that there are he confirms. Party-voting listeners. and I and the
ones on the album, written more then matter. The MC’s relationship with 2Pac plenty of hip-hop acts busy reclaiming “I feel like I’ve And 2015 was certainly their full moon, just
three years ago,” explains Arnar. “I re- and Snoop Dogg began early. (“I started the national language. “Icelandic is stiff worked hard in year. They released a best-selling, lie and hugging,
member the day. I got up on the wrong listening to it as a kid for the simple rea- and most words are longer than their the past, and be- chart topping début, ‘Tvær Plánetur’, well-baked and
played a number of huge shows, and
side of the bed, mad at everyone, myself son that is was the coolest thing I had counterparts in English. Being able to ing where I am soft.”
were universally admired across dif-
included, disgusted with consumerism ever experienced,” he notes. “It still is!”) bend the language opens new dimen- today is great.
ferent sections of the population. As
and individualism. ‘The rat race,’ if you And sure, he even identified with them sions, really, and it pisses off conserva- Of course I want one of our panellists put it: “They’re “It’s a perfect exam-
will. Then I went to the gym to let out back in the days when he was a burgeon- tive nationalists, which is always fun.” more, I’m still impossible not to love. Both my moth- ple of saying some-
some steam and wrote the lyric on my ing big fish in a pond of some 2,500 in- He jokes about the “sprinkle of de- hu ng r y—t hat er and my five year old son constantly thing for the simple
phone between sets.” habitants, the village of Sauðárkrókur. pression” that comes with Icelandic life, is what drives play their record. Even [AOR-MOR fact that it’s cool and
It’s a matter-of-fact, slow-burning But not exactly in the way one might expect. a sentiment that anyone who has sur- me, but yeah, station] Bylgjan plays their record.” it rhymes,” he says
“us against them” mentality that’s car- “Being cool and expressing yourself vived a Nordic winter is likely to agree I don’t really The panel concurred: “Úlfur of the hook (which
ried the band along in their career so far. is international so it never hindered me with. Much of the band’s music is in- lack anything Úlfur’s skills, attitude, stage pres- indeed rhymes in
Although they’ve been writing together that I was just a country boy in North- credibly expository regarding this topic. even though I ence and songwriting are all top Icelandic). “But it
for over a decade—by their count, thir- ern Iceland,” Arnar reveals. “My ‘dif- (“‘Tvær plánetur’ was very personal, so wouldn’t turn grade. Their frequently viral music inevitably paints a
teen years on five separate projects— ference’ was the need to make some personal that we actually thought that down a mil- videos are stylish and tasteful, and big picture in the
‘Tvær plánetur’ (released in 2015) is the kind of art no matter what. I wanted it would be ‘too much,’ he notes. “But lion dollars and their sound came to define the year mind of the listener,
to a large extent, reaching a surpris-
duo’s first official full-length. It’s not an to write and draw, make some mother- in retrospect it was one of its biggest a yacht. You wolves and tarantu-
ingly wide audience”.
accident they reference the idea of meet- fucking music; I wanted to express my- strengths.”) But overall, Arnar describes know, the dif- las, somehow com-
ing in orbit. To hear Arnar tell it, that’s self. Sauðárkrókur is a small town and I himself as content. ference between 2014: Prins Póló bined in one gro-
exactly what happened. felt there was little foundation for a guy needs and tesque animal.”
“We don’t take ourselves too seri- like me. Not much support, but that just A million dollars and a yacht wants.” At this, Arnar
ously but I think Úlfur Úlfur was our made everything I did more punk and Really content, to be correct. He’s just Thoughtful? Well, of course. At that laughs.
attempt to make serious art for the first I liked that. Punk is good. Today I still finished a business degree from Uni- observation, Arnar veers slightly off “Holy shit! That’s me.”
The Reykjavík Grapevine
16 Issue 1 — 2016

By Davíð Roach | Photographs by Magnús Andersen

How often does an event have to be repeated to warrant tradition status? If the
number is four, we present to you the on-going tradition of the Reykjavík Grape-
vine Music Awards! Since its first ever edition, music journalism has always been
one of the cornerstones of The Reykjavík Grapevine media empire and the vi-
brant Icelandic music scene an endless source of inspiration, debate, and drunk-
en dancing among our writers and staff throughout the years.
In light of all this, we want to hand something back to the music community
that in a way spawned us and has given us so much over the years. Those who
give our grey and meaningless existence something resembling a purpose de-
serve to be honoured, even though we, the Grapevine staff don’t have a lot of said
honour in stock.
What we give is our admiration and unbridled celebration, but also moder-
ate prizes and a non-fancy ceremony where awards are handed out and copi-
ous amounts of alchohol will be consumed. Without further ado, feast your eyes
upon The Reykjavík Grapevine’s fourth annual music awards!
Our method is as scientific and peer-reviewed as we could manage. We got
three people we trust better than God and Ghandi together in a room with
You Should Have
pizzas and a large amount of time. It’s like jury duty, everybody has to agree on
Heard This In 2015:
the results. Their meeting was put to tape with a recording device and below is Bjarki
transcribed some of the reasoning for the awards handed out. – I Wanna Go Bang

THIS IS HOW WE DID IT (Iceland Airwaves’ PR and Market- and ideas and reconvened a week
ing Manager), and our very own Óli later, after everyone had had plenty
As per usual, we called up some Dóri (music journalist, DJ and host of time to think and listen, to deter-
folks who are deeply involved with of Iceland’s premier alt. radio show, mine the final list of recipients.
Icelandic music and whose opin- Straum). All in all, it was around four
ions we trust pretty well, asking We arranged two meetings with hours of feverish and passionate talk-
them to serve on a small commit- these people, which we ceremoni- ing about music. And the results are
tee that would determine who we ously monitored and recorded for here! Read on for our condensation
should deck out in shiny medals the purposes of eventually writing of the discussion of how they reached
and fancy prizes for their music down and publishing their argu- their decision. Feel free to fret and
related activities in the year 2015. ments. They had preliminary dis- disagree, you could even write us
These were the people we called up cussions at the first meeting, talking a letter telling us why (if it’s not an
this time around: Eldar Ástþórsson about what they liked in Icelandic asshole letter, we promise to print
(a veteran concert promoter and music in 2015 and who they thought it. We could even give you some sort
Kraumur Music Fund board mem- should get an award and why. Then of prize… imagine that!).!
ber), Henný María Frímannsdóttir we exchanged records and songs



One of the most interesting things we

learned through our panel discussion
was that one of the most—if not the
single most—successful Icelandic
musician of 2015 is almost entirely
unknown to Icelandic listeners. He
makes techno. He’s called Bjarki. And
in 2015, he totally went bang.
“It’s odd to think that Bjarki barely
got a nod in any local year-end lists,”
our most techno-savvy panellist not-
ed, “as he was responsible for one of
the year’s biggest international dance
music smashes, “I Wanna Go Bang.”
Artist to Watch The numbers confirm that it really is a
smash hit—it currently has 800,000
YouTube views and 150,000 Spotify
The track’s global success is no
GKR burst onto the scene at the wonder. With booming sub-bass
beginning of 2015 with his spitfire as deep as the Pacific, skittering hi
rhymes and a pair of playful videos for hats and a robotic voice repeating
the songs “Ballin” and “Hello.” By the endlessly “Sometimes I feel like…I
year’s end, he’d caught the public’s at- wanna go BANG,” it could transform
tention with his sincere ode to break- a squeaky-clean choirboy into a he-
fast, “Morgunmatur,” one of the best donistic Berghain-dweller at the beat
tracks in a strong, resurgent year for of a bass drum. And overseas at least,
Icelandic hip hop. he’s reaping the rewards of his tire-
“With “Morgunmatur,” GKR dem- Artist To Watch: less work—he probably played 200
onstrated that his approach to mu- GKR sets this year, DJing for huge crowds
sic and life is way different from his all over the world.”
peers’. Everyday swag, total sincerity “We’re experiencing a second wave
and not a hint of posing. No bitches, no of Icelandic techno, and Bjarki is at
money... just being yourself, waking the forefront,” our techspert noted.
up, eating cereal and doing your thing. “While he and associates like Exos
It’s a simple celebration, and that’s so and Ilo are very active in social media
refreshing.” in their respective scenes, they don’t
Where GKR’s newfound success send press releases to Fréttablaðið
might lead him is anyone’s guess, but every time they play a successful gig
it’s sure to be a hell of a ride. “GKR ob- abroad. They simply don’t care about
viously has loads of raw talent, cou- becoming celebrities in Iceland.
pled with high ambitions and fire in That’s why nobody’s noticed them—
his belly. I’m really excited about what their scene is underground.”.
2016 has in store for him.”
2014: Asonat - Connection
2015: Fufanu 2013: múm – Smilewound
2014: Samaris 2012: Skúli Sverrisson and Óskar
2013: Muck Guðjónsson – The Box Tree
The Reykjavík Grapevine
Issue 1 — 2016 17

aA space of colour
tonik ensemble's
music is rich and
By john Rogers

Sometimes, “dance music” goes be- Album of the Year:

yond its implied mission of moving Tonik Ensemble - Snapshots
people’s feet, and moves them in
other ways, too. Grapevine’s album
of the year 2015—Tonik Ensemble’s
’Snapshots’—does just that. An edu-
cated, simmering take on house-
techno-pop, it’s a lush production
of cello, saxophone and various dif-
fering styles of vocals, all laid over a
rich base of synth pulses and languid
rhythms with a dark, emotional tint.
The album was made through an
impressively long-term investment
of time and effort from its creator, the
Surprisingly enough, choosing AL- mild-mannered and quizzical Anton
BUM OF THE YEAR 2015 proved the Kaldal, who’s a graphic designer by
easiest decision of the bunch. Basi- day (full disclosure: he’s sometimes
cally, as soon as Tonik Ensemble was jumped in and designed issues of The
mentioned, our panellists started rav- Reykjavik Grapevine. Keep in mind
ing about ‘Snapshots’, seemingly try- that our awards panel was wholly
ing to one-up each other in their dec- unaware of the fact, not that it would
larations of love. “I wish we could give have affected their verdict). After a
Tonik Ensemble the award in every decade-long process of developing his
category,” one of them noted as the style under the Tonik moniker, Anton
lovefest peaked, succinctly summa- expanded his sonic palette consider-
rizing the group’s collective feels. “But ably for the ‘Snapshots’, resulting in
is it album of the year?” asked the his most ambitious collection to date.
moderator. “Tonik. Right on. Agreed.” “Snapshots is a turning point,” he
And that was that. says. “It was an evolution over time,
With a decision in the bag, our panel but the big difference from what I’d
was far from done heaping praise on been working on previously was the
‘Snapshots’. Some select quotes: inclusion of vocals. What I like about
On how ‘Snapshots’ rewards repeat- using vocals is that you could take
ed listening: “I heard it for the first time the most difficult noise track in the
and thought it was good, probably one whole wide world, but if you put a
of the year’s best. Almost a year and
“I lost a close relative
vocal on it, all of a sudden you have some ‘musical trolling’, by doing things phone and synth arrangements with
dozens of listens later, my conviction this bridge to a wider audience. It can like starting the vocal four minutes into artful sensitivity.
has only grown. It’s album of the year.” almost trick people into listening to a track. I was reminded of this the other Having been impressed by M-Band’s
On Tonik’s remarkable artistic
growth: “I’ve always liked Tonik’s stuff,
something they might not normally
listen to. That’s what the human
around the time I started day when I heard that particular track
on the radio. The host played four min-
first EP, Anton first asked Hörður to join
him onstage at the Extreme Chill festi-
but never like this. There is a sincere
and powerful aura hovering above the
voice does for the listener—it’s very
powerful.” writing ‘Snapshots’. It utes of the song, and started introducing
the next track—but at the very moment
val in Snæfellsnes. “It was a late-night
slot,” he recalls, “so I’d made some vi-
album, bittersweet, soulful and beau-
coloured the whole album.
she was going to push the button, the suals, and asked Hörður to join me as a
tiful. It gets better with every listen.” Electro-scholar vocal began.” He laughs mischievously, surprise vocalist alongside the cello.” He
On how ‘Snapshots’ serves as a Anton talks in an almost scholarly finishing: “She paused, and said “In- pauses at the memory, his eyes lighting
testament to Tonik’s professional ap-
proach and attention to detail: “He
style about contemporary music. He’s
a voracious and ever-curious listener
The lyrics deal with that, teresting! Let’s stick with this...” and
just left it running. So I got to hear the
up. “Little did I know his live skills until
just knows what he’s fucking doing.
It’s evident from listening that he has
and follower of new developments,
from mass-cultural pop stars to cult- and I think it subcon- ‘trolling’ happening in real time, on live
“All of the musicians and vocalists on
this record brought something that ele-
an encyclopedic knowledge of elec- ish niches and from neo-classical But along with the playfulness and vates the whole piece to another level,”
tronic music’s history, along with be-
ing up to date on the latest trends. The
composition to the ever-evolving tro-
posphere of dance sub-genres.
sciously slipped through experimentation, the album has a dark
and at times sombre sound. “I lost a
he continues, “and Hörður did make a
big mark on this record, as you can hear
sprawling and unique nature of ‘Snap-
shots’ is the result of Tonik’s undying
“I’ve always been framed—or framed
myself—in the electronic scene,” he
into the sound as well.” close relative around the time I started
writing it,” he reflects. “It coloured the
on the opening track onwards. His voice
has an unusual quality—almost Arthur
enthusiasm for music, and years of says. “But I don’t label myself either whole album. The lyrics deal with that, Russell-like. He also studied piano for
dedicated experimentation. He lays as pop music, or not. I’m a huge fan synth-heavy electronica into a more and I think it subconsciously slipped a long time, and although he doesn’t re-
the album’s foundation by infusing his of all music, and some of that is very retro ‘80s sound, and also into a darker through into the sound, as well. One of ally know it himself, his way of working
own, carefully crafted style with ele- mainstream. I like catchy music and palette. I’d been listening to yacht-rock, the reasons for the jazz elements on the is very impressive—fluid, and natural.”
ments of 90s rave and IDM, and then hooks. Pop has certainly gone into in- disco, post-dubstep… electronic music album—other than liking jazz—was that The homeland success of the album
sprinkles a plethora of rewarding little teresting directions lately. When you like Jon Hopkins and Trentemøller. I the relative was a big fan of jazz, so the has left Anton pleasantly surprised. “I
references all over it, which imbue the have someone like Arca producing became very fixated on a cinematic feel, saxophone parts were a small tribute.” think the word is humble,” he smiles. “I
album with life and serve to provide pop acts like FKA twigs, then we’re in and wanted to take it further.” had prepared myself for it to go totally
context and points of departure...” interesting times. There’s always the Made of solid gold under the radar in Iceland, because the
Worth noting is the fact that the per- bland stuff of course, but there’s also Musical trolling One of the most striking contributions PR was in the UK, and label was in the
son responsible for last year’s Album substance to a lot of pop music now.” As well as expanding his palette of from Anton’s expanded Tonik Ensemble Netherlands. So it’s humbling to get
Of The Year, Hörður Már of M-Band, ‘Snapshots’ took several years to cre- sounds and his range of collaborators, comes from Hörður Már Bjarnason, some recognition, especially for some-
plays a pivotal role in ‘Snapshots’, his ate, and Anton watched music change Anton pushed himself in other ways also known for his work as M-Band— thing as personal about this. Although
gorgeous vocals lending soul and lus- around him during that period. “It’s during the creation of ‘Snapshots’. perhaps not coincidentally, the winner I might sometimes talk with a design
tre to its mechanics. interesting to see how certain sounds “I put myself into a playful mode of Grapevine’s album of the 2014 award vocabulary about music, it’s a very per-
2014: M-band – ‘Haust’ that appeared a couple of years ago for this record,” he explains. “On the for his debut LP, ‘Haust’. Hörður’s rich sonal album. It totally reflects what I
2013: Sin Fang – ‘Flowers’ can still break into the mainstream,” technical side of things, I went out of tenor voice brings a spine-tingling spiri- was going through during that time.
2012: Hjaltalín – ‘Enter IV’ he muses. “When I started making my comfort zone with song structures… tuality to inner landscape of the album, And that makes the recognition even
the album, I was transitioning from but I was also almost thinking of doing swirling amongst the strings, saxo- more special.”
The Reykjavík Grapevine
18 Issue 1 — 2016

‘Icelandick’: simple them soon enough, there's a lot of new

pun, or is there stuff on the way. Song of the Year
more meaning
there? Book some Vaginaboys!
The plan is to do more
songs in English, so
that was kind of our Obviously the Icelandic music
goodbye to the Ice- community is small but very
landic lyrics for a prolific. How do Vaginaboys fit in?
while. Simply naming We are doing pretty good. It's amaz-
it ‘Icelandic’ was not ing to feel how everybody in the scene
interesting enough, sticks together, and it's heartwarming
and when we figured to feel the love when we meet fellow
“dick” goes very well musicians, like backstage for example.
Song of the Year
with “vagina,” it was Perhaps there's something about mu-
love at first sight. sic’s ability to bring people together that
makes them so likeable, or perhaps only
The video for “Ekki the likeable people produce music here. This was a fun discussion, and
nóg” fits perfectly We have yet to figure that out. reaching a conclusion was far
with the band's from easy, as 2015 brought many
aesthetic—sexual, Who came up with the logo? From great tunes. In the end, our panel
wobbly, old-school your social media presence, reached a consensus, agreeing
yet futuristic. How it looks like it's becoming a bit that Vaginaboys’ breakout hit
did the treatment ubiquitous, no? “Elskan Af Því Bara” (“Baby Just
come about—who Björn Loki, the man behind our first Because”) should take the cake,
Song of the year: are the women in music video, made the logo for us. We because it’s “so fucking refresh-
Vaginaboys the video? produced a few T-shirts and baseball ing,” as one panellist put it. “What
- Elskan af því bara Thank you so much. caps that Macland at Laugavegur is sell- a breath of fresh air—‘Elskan’
We know some talent- ing for us. We've been making that peace manages to be retro, poppy, ex-
ed people from when sign our main trademark for now, and perimental, detached and wholly
we were doing graffiti the sales are going pretty well—hope- sincere all at the same time,”
they continued. The panel was

For The Love Of Music

and I checked a few of fully people are satisfied with their ap-
them who have gradu- parel. also impressed with Vaginaboys’
ated from art school original sound and vision: “While
and they were kind Any resolutions for 2016? What most local purveyors of nu-RnB

By: Cameron Cook

enough to help us. The are your musical ambitions for take after Drake and The Week-
women are friends of the new year? nd a little too much, Vaginaboys’
ours who made the We're going to keep experimenting and approach to songwriting—and
video. bringing new talent to the crew. Our their overall aesthetic—is whol-
main goal for now is to nail the Sónar ly unique. Nothing else around
You've described show at Harpa in February. Then we'll sounds quite like it—serious
The biggest music story to come out dri asked us if we could perform with your music as “romantic,” yet the be playing at Secret Solstice in June. We RnB, with soul and guts.”
of Iceland in 2015 was arguably Vag- them, which resulted in our debut con- name Vaginaboys, the masks, hope to be able to do more DJ sets in Ice-
inaboys, the anonymous, maybe-or- cert at Húrra. It was amazing to see so and all that, they convey a level land and abroad. If anybody reading this 2014: Prins Póló – “París Norðursins”
maybe-not-a-supergroup, masked elec- many people show up, and the reception of sexual detachment, coldness. knows any good clubs in Europe and the 2013: Sin Fang – “Young Boys”
tro-pop-R&B crusaders who released we got was really heartwarming. We Can you describe what about your US please hit us up at info@vaginaboys. 2012: Moses Hightower – “Háa C”
an EP called ‘Icelandick’, played already played a lot of shows after that, and most music makes it romantic to you? com.
iconic sets at Airwaves, and made mu- of them were pretty packed. We did five
sic that managed to be sexy, sad, weird shows at Airwaves and every single one
and creepy all at once—no small feat for of them went beyond our expectations.
a band who dropped their debut single It was also kind of sexy to get a call from
on Soundcloud a little over a year ago, KEXP to perform for their sound and
with no fanfare to speak of. Their vid- camera crew at the KEX Hostel, to wake
eos have also left a mark on our collec- up a few tourists.
tive psyche—VHS-ripped images of
woman simulating sex acts on colorful It's always interesting, yet
backgrounds, 80s-esque neon logos unusual, when non-English pop
emblazoned across the screen. What acts with an obvious potential for
makes Vaginaboys seem so fresh is their international success choose to
amazing aesthetic sense: it's clear that sing in their native language. Why
everything they do is painstakingly do Vaginaboys sing in Icelandic?
thought-out, calibrated and unveiled ac- Yeah. We just kind of felt like it. It's
cordingly. Nonchalance is so 2000s. easier to relate to natives through their
In keeping with seasonal tradition, own language. I guess people in Iceland
they even released a wonky Christmas were seeking more love-inspired music
song last month, “Jólalag” (“Christmas in their native language.
Song”), complete with sleigh bells and
their own trademark autotuned vocals. Masked marauders
It seems like, from their name to their
approach to marketing (or lack thereof), Live Band Of The Year:
Vaginaboys expertly walk the line be- A lot of the time, performing
tween comedy and seriousness, novelty anonymously adds a level of
and sincerity, sex and love. immediate notoriety to your band
It’s fitting that our expert panel de- (think: Daft Punk, The Knife,
cided to name their début single, “El- Burial, etc). What exactly is the
skan af því bara,” as Song Of The Year reason Vaginaboys decide to wear
2015. A nice cap to a good year. masks?
We caught up with an anonymous Yeah, it's funny. The reason is that we
Vaginaboy over email right after ringing don't really aspire to become publicly
in the New Year, and it turns out they known faces. We do music for our love
are setting their sights on new horizons of music rather than to reach some kind
in 2016, between expanding their live of social status, and if we wouldn't per-
show out of Iceland, writing songs in form, very few people could potentially
English, and just generally spreading relate to our music. It's basically done to
the gospel far and wide. Godspeed, Vag- keep our private stuff private, and our
inaboys. Godspeed. music stuff music.

What a year! Is your use of autotune another Said one of our panellists: “The power thrill me.”
level to the anonymity, or is it and energy they produce on stage is
purely an aesthetic choice? just enormous. They are fun and in- As much as they probably hate the
What is your best Vaginaboys- We see the vocals as an instrument, and spiring and angry and tight as fuck, ex- thought, their appearance also factors
related memory of 2015? Shows, adding autotune makes it more easy to uding a kind of raw, primal power that in their appeal: “They come off as a
lyric, audience? work with, and sometimes it rhymes could fill any venue.” gang of nerdy cool misfits, but as they
Oh where should we begin! Well, we better with our music. You're also much Live Band of start playing you get the feeling that
just started doing shows in May, and a quicker to produce and record songs They even appeal to folks who don’t they might be a little bit dangerous.”
lot has been going on for us since, for- that way, especially when you're do- normally go for that whole “punk”
tunately. To be honest, I guess our best ing everything yourself in a low-budget thing. As one of our panellists noted: 2014: Pink Street Boys
memory is how our debut song blew up home studio. Börn won this category hands down, “It’s not the type of music I listen to at 2013: Grísalappalísa
and we just took it from there. Around drawing
The lyrics admiration from all quarters.
bring the romance. Our Eng- home, but their performances always 2012: Gusgus
the beginning of the year Sin Fang’s Sin- Explain the title of your EP, lish-speaking friends will get to know
We look forward to seeing you
Please book in advance at
The Superfun
Band to

Reptile Returns!
Band To Remember By Dr. Gunni
Risaeðlan was made up of kids that were ground). Like generally made up I can confirm that the show was kind of whom Risaeðlan had spotted on the
keen followers of the great resurrection other bands at their crowd. They a letdown, as the venue was about half street and dragged in just before the
of Icelandic rock in the early 80s. Magga the time, Ri- Everyone agreed: “It’s about time we would often per- the size of the smallest place in Iceland. show started. Roli went on to become
Stína (vocals/violin) and Dóra Wonder saeðlan also pay tribute to Risaeðlan, one of the form together Nonetheless, we kept our spirits high, a friend of the band, doing recording
(vocals/saxophone—the sister of drum- performed at best bands to come out of Iceland in in Iceland at so- pushed the bar’s pool table to the side sessions with both Risaeðlan and Ham.
mer Kommi from Taugadeildin and schools and the 80s.” called “Smekk- and tried our best to entertain the few Next, Risaeðlan embarked upon a fairly
Oxsmá) had been inspired by Grýlurnar, recreationa l Why was Risaeðlan so great? Ev- leysa Nights,” and NY-based Icelanders who showed up, successful European tour—however,
the first all-women rock band in Ice- centers around eryone agreed: “Their music made were collectively while keeping at bay the grumpy regu- that autumn Dóra was forced to quit the
land, to go out and do something. In MH the country. them great. And their unbridled cre- referred to as lars who wanted their pool table back. band upon commencing studies to be
college they met up with Margét Örnólf- This was ative joy! And the chemistry between “the Smekkleysa The following stateside gigs were much an actor at Reykjavík's drama school, as
sdóttir, who played the keyboards, and the time when singers Magga Stína and Halldóra Bands,” even better, at New York City’s Pyramid Club students at the school were not allowed
three boys: bassist Ívar Bongo, drummer the Sugarcubes Geirharðs.” though none of and upstate in Albany, where the bands to perform publicly while enrolled.
Tóti (who also played in Vonbrigði) and were becoming Risaeðlan played a wacky, unhinged them sounded at and poet travelled in a beat-up van. The group soldiered on and got a
guitarist Siggi (formely of a group called internat iona l type of rock music, rife with punk un- all similar. The New York sojourn was part of boy from the East Fjords, Hreinn Ste-
Trúðurinn, “The Clown”). indie darlings. dercurrents, yet simmering with pop Smekkleysa's “World Domination or phensen, to play guitar and the accordi-
The six-piece started playing in 1984, All the atten- sensibilities. Surfacing in the late 80s World Death” plan to push local artists on cool on. The band started working on a new
using names like No. 1 and Júhú-stelpur tion they got as part of the Smekkleysa collective, domination! foreigners in the wake of the Sugar- album with Roli Mosimann, but split
(“Yoo-hoo-Girls”) before settling on worked like a they made a huge mark on the scene, Risaeðlan's first cubes’ popularity. Various deals were before the album was finised, report-
Risaeðlan (it means “The Dinosaur,” shot of vita- and their influence remains audible in release, a 4-track made, and Risaeðlan's debut album edly because Magga Stína got pregnant
but they translated it to “Reptile” when mins for the certain corners of Icelandic music. “I 12” EP, came out ‘Fame and Fossils’ was released on UK and took it so seriously that she saw no
making their moves abroad). This was local alt-bands. was, unfortunately, too young to at- in June of 1989. indie lable Workers Playtime in May recourse but to give up on music for the
during the 80s so reptiles were cool, The Sugar- tend their shows when they were ac- Shortly after, the 1990. “Risaeðlan will be the next band to time being. Risaeðlan’s second effort,
along with space gadgets and colourful cubes had their tive,” noted one panellist, “but I really band ventured to break through after The Sugarcubes”— ‘Efta’, was thus not released until 1996,
dresses—think ‘Pee-wee’s Playhouse’, own label, Sme- loved their music. It was so wonder- New York to per- the Icelandic media claimed. “We have when it was finished and released on
with a slight punk leaning. The B-52's kkleysa, and fully weird and full of whimsy, unlike form at the New no idea what is going to happen or what CD with some older songs thrown in for
were an important influence—the kids when the indie anything else you’d hear on the radio.” Music Seminar we are gonna be doing,” the band said good measure.
would go to the Safarí discoteque (next cash started We hear Risaeðlan are planning a along with fel- in an interview at the time. “We don't Risaeðlan was and is unique on the
door to where Kex Hostel is now), where rolling in from reunion gig at this year’s Aldrei fór low Smekkleysa know what it means to get our photos Icelandic pop landscape, truly a band
the highlight of the night was dancing to across the seas, ég suður festival, so our panellists’ bands Ham and published in some dead boring English to remember. Their mix of Western and
“Planet Claire.” Smekkleysa dreams of seeing ‘em play might fi- Bless, and a shy pop magazines. The only thing we know Middle Eastern grooves and hooks is
had money nally come true. Risaeðlan: what a poet called Jón is that we are going to be collecting funky and always fun. There was noth-
That sweet indie cash to finance re- wonderful band! Gnarr, who usu- debts this summer.” ing like them then, and there is nothing
Nothing much happened with Ri- leases from ally got booed like them today.
saeðlan until 1988, when the band had various local off stage when The Icelandic Way And here’s the good news: We can all
gotten tight enough to play regularly at bands. Along with Risaeðlan, bands like he had appeared before the bands back And so, Risaeðlan collected debts. First brace ourselves for a comeback! Ó yes!
the Reykjavík joints at the time: Safarí at Ham and my own band, Bless, benefit- in Iceland. At the time, Risaeðlan were on the East Coast of the USA, where the Risaeðlan are reforming, and are set to
Skúlagata (which by then had changed ted from the Sugarcubes’ support. The a five-piece, as Margrét Örnólfsdót- band toured for three weeks that July. perform at the Aldrei fór ég suður festi-
its name to Casablanca), Hressó, the tiny Sugarcubes would invite them to play tir had left and joined the Sugarcubes. That tour’s highlight was a concert at val in Ísafjörður during Easter 2016.
Duus-hús at Fischersund and Tunglið support slot in their shows abroad, en- Their first gig was at an East Village bar NY’s fabled Knitting Factory, where
at Lækjargata (Duus-hús was later abling them to finally play for more called Downtown Beirut II. Speaking as David Byrne was among the audience,
torn down, and Tunglið burned to the than the loyal 50-200 local fans that someone who also performed that night, along with Swans’ Roli Mosimann,

"I want to carry

Reykjavík on
my chest!"
We teamed up with fancy design firm
karlssonwilker to make you some
artisanal t-shirts sporting several
iconic Reykjavík buildings. Get
them at and also
probably at some store eventually,
when we get around to talking to the
store people.

22 The Panelists

Eldar Ástþórsson has been an active presence in

the Icelandic music scene since the late ‘90s, when
he made a name for himself as writing about music
for fabled street mag Undirtónar and hosting the
legendary drum’n’bass radio show Skýjum ofar. He
began working for Iceland Airwaves in 2002, even-
tually assuming duties as the festival’s director,
overseeing its growth from an up-and-coming mu-
sic festival to one of the country’s most well-known
cultural events. Eldar was part of the team behind
music streaming service Gogoyoko, and has since
2010 been a board member of the Kraumur Music
Fund. He also works at CCP Games by day. And
that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We thank Eldar for
sharing his vast experience and knowledge of the
Icelandic music scene.

Óli Dóri is a well-known advocate of new and ex-

citing music—Icelandic and otherwise—via his
long-running radio show Straumur (tune in to X-ið
977 Monday nights at 11pm) and through his web-
site, He can regularly been found be-
hind the decks of Reykjavík’s top bars and clubs,
and co-writes a running New Music column for
Surprise of the this very magazine. He spends his days managing
Reykjavík’s art-house cinema, Bíó Paradís, where
Year: Misþyrming he regularly sets up concerts and screenings of
music-related films. Óli Dóri has top-notch taste
Once every category had been accounted through on so many levels. taste-making publications like Vice— and an impeccable record collection, and follows
for, a minor panic overtook our fine com- After building tension and excite- many of them entirely unfamiliar with met- the local scene with eagle eyes. What a guy!
mittee. Despite several attempts, they ment through a series of intense live shows, al’s more extreme fringes. As the band’s set
Henny María Frímannsdóttir has been working
hadn’t managed to fit in one of their favou- Misþyrming established themselves as reached a climax, it became apparent that as Iceland Airwaves’ PR and Marketing Manager
rite contenders for almost every category. serious contenders in their genre with the re- people were fascinated by the sheer power since 2014, but she has followed the local music
This was no good. lease of their face-meltingly amazing début, and magnitude of their performance—and scene with enthusiasm for much longer. Henny
The editor was phoned and told of the ‘Söngvar elds og óreiðu’. Black metal fans that they would be coming back for more. was CEO for the powerhouse concert promoters
dilemma. His response: “What? No! It’s our know about Misþyrming. And they love them. Noted the panel: “For years, Misþyrm- Prime Ehf. for five years, and as such has produced
goddamn magazine, we can do whatever the However, it was probably their ap- ing have quietly perfected their unique and planned shows for countless bands and musi-
Surprise of the Year hell we want. Just make up another category pearance at Iceland Airwaves that proved take on a genre that's often at risk of going cians, both domestic and foreign. Henny’s knowl-
or something?” So we did. Because leaving Misþyrming are that rare type of genre stale, and in 2015 it became obvious that edge of Icelandic music new and old is superior-
out Misþyrming would be absurd. band that has appeal beyond the niche. they had managed to reignite that north- -and, as part of the team behind Iceland Airwaves,
So, black metal maestros Misþyrming Their Gaukurinn show was packed with all ern blaze.” her grasp of what’s happening in the local scene
are our SURPRISE OF 2015! Because no types of punters, curious to check out this is as sharp and current as it gets. Thank you for
one really expected them, yet they came new local band that was getting hype from - IT’S A NEW CATEGORY! granting us access to your expert knowledge,
Henny, you are supercool!

Icelandic art in 2016
By Va lu r B r y n j a r A n t o n s s o n

its own idiosyncrasies, it’s because creeping sense of being monitored by a has now forced young men to re-eval- Hverfisgallerí. They’ve exhibited such
If one were to try and summa-
it is a village of many creative people Panopticon society. Everyone regulates uate their own position; not as passive artists as Hulda Rós Guðnadóttir, who’s
rize the main Icelandic debates who, despite their isolation, have been the opinions of everyone else. This is onlookers, but as active explorers in been exploring the transformation of
of 2015 in a magazine article, remarkably cosmopolitan. The genius a global phenomenon. We’re walking search of an identity. harbour spaces and the life of dock
Nipples & Facials would make who managed to represent the village on eggshells everywhere. We feel that workers who are gradually turning into
for a catchy title. It was year had to embody these contradictions— there’s a new gag order in place. A horrible year a tourist curiousa. Another artist of
when no single artist reigned su- beneath a worldly veneer, a sense of Yet, Iceland is also where the re- note is Ásdís Sif Gunnarsdóttir, who’s
preme in shaping the identity of rugged provincialism. demptive power of social media has be- That was the cultural scene. Art is of been exploring the inner space of fe-
Icelandic culture, and no single In 2015, the story of One is wholly come apparent. I would like to mention a different kidney altogether. Art may male fantasies.
untenable. To single out a work of art two examples. Young women flocked to influence culture. But if art is to be any-
writer penned that perfect ar-
that I found personally memorable, I social media and out on the streets to thing else than mere reflection of ten- SCANDAL
ticle that captures the soul of our would mention Björk’s ‘Vulnicura’. Also bare their breasts. The Nipple Revolu- dentious sentiments, then art can not
times—rather a great multitude of note is ‘Hystory’, a play by Kristín tion. An attempt to desensitize our por- be subjugated to culture. Artists need What is City Hall thinking? Well, they’ve
of people did. Well, relatively Eiríksdóttir; the film ‘Rams’ by Grímur nographic gaze. They are just as natural to question and distance themselves had their own space to deal with. This
speaking, in Icelandic terms. Hákonarson won the Prix Un Certain as men’s. They can be just as erotic as from current affairs—precisely if they year marked the 100-year anniversary
Regard in Cannes; the novel ‘Waste- men’s. They should not be censored. Or are to be in the vanguard of opening of Women’s Suffrage. City Hall invited
The reason is clear. The medium is the lands’ by Ófeigur Sigurðsson won the appropriated by porn. Women should up new horizons. Art is ceding ground Ekkisens gallery to host an exhibition
message. And this Icelandic Literature be allowed to breastfeed in the open. to culture every day that featured mostly
year, the medium was
"Art may
Prize. But it would be Girls should be able to bare them- on social media. "2015 was a young female art-
Facebook. More than
ever. influence
far from accurate to
claim that these work
selves wherever they see fit, without
fear of being slutshamed The second
Novelists, musicians
and filmmakers are
horrible year ists, along with a few
men— ‘Kynleikar’—
Usually, in what
culture. But of arts took centre example took place on a closed dis- somewhat protected for the visual where they were
now feels like ancient
times… there would if art is to be
stage in the cultural
debates. The centre
cussion group, but soon migrated into
the open. Women began to share their
by the conserva-
tive structure of the
arts" given the opportunity
to assimilate and cri-
be this One Person
who managed to
anything else stage belonged to a
particular medium:
stories of sexual and domestic abuse. It
was hashtagged, #konurtala—women
art form. They get leeway to distance
themselves. But visual artists are par-
tique the gender debates. But City Hall
staff covertly sabotaged the exhibition
seize the moment and than mere Facebook. speak up. ticularly vulnerable. They need space. by turning off the artists’ projectors and
define what it means
to be the face of a na-
reflection of Let’s consider
the material condi-
Something quite spectacular hap-
pened. If I were to choose The One
2015 was a horrible year for the
visual arts. Their space has been en-
And, finally, a veritable scandal—this
tion. There was room tendentious tions. Iceland is a Artist of 2015, it would be the duo Edda croached upon. Fortunately, there year marked the unheard-of occa-
for more than one at sentiments, large island, scarcely Ýr Garðarsdóttir and Jóhanna Svala are many artists who have stood their sion when the City of Venice issued a
a time, of course—
but not in the same then art can not populated. A nostal-
gic depiction of the
Rafnsdóttir. They designed the icon
that quickly became viral. The facial
ground. Skyrocketing rents are forcing
independent galleries out of the city
gag-order on Iceland’s contribution to
Biennale Venice 2015. The exhibition
field. So we had this be subjugated isolation living as a emoticon of a person speaking up. Or- centre. Týsgallerí had to shut down. featured a live-in Mosque. The work
One Politician. The
One Writer. The One to culture" farmer in a desolate
valley can be found
ange meant: I’ve been sexually abused.
Yellow meant: I know someone who’s
They’ve exhibited works by Bryndís
Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir, whose ‘Holning/
explored the shifting borders of Euro-
pean space, the interlocked relation
Musician. And so forth. A shot at be- in the film ‘Rams’. But nowadays every been abused. Countless of people on Physique’ was one of the most memo- between art and religion; and the very
coming The One was somewhat akin to farm, village and town is hooked up. Facebook adopted the icon. It hit a rable sights at the 2015 Reykjavík Art idea of sanctuary. The exhibition was
the story of Luke Skywalker. Get out, go Iceland is saturated with Facebook us- nerve. With men and women alike. The Festival. Also of note is Haraldur Jóns- censored. In light of the Syrian exodus
deep into space—til útlanda—and make ers. The account for 72,5 % of the total icon transcended age, class and loca- sons’s ‘Kjör’, whose minimalist explora- and Europe’s fragility—at a time when
a big bang. Halldór Laxness, awarded population. tion. But it was not a One Artist move- tion of existential themes question the iron curtains are once more being
the Nobel Prize in 1955, became the ment. Yes, Edda Ýr and Jóhanna Svala autofictional perspective of our times. raised—it’s particularly worrisome that
One Writer. And Björk, of course, would Redemption designed the icon, but it was the power Another gallery, Kling & Bang, an artist art’s space is being encroached upon in
define the meaning of Icelandic Music of a multitude that shaped the debate. collective that has spearheaded shows such a violent manner. Art should be a
for years to come. A people once accustomed to silence The effects are being felt on soci- by people like Ragnar Kjartansson, sanctuary. A scarcely populated island
Lately, the story of the One has lost are bombarded by a barrage of other ety’s every level. The justice system is also closed its doors, albeit temporar- in the North-Atlantic is well positioned
its lustre. It was always a lie, of course. people’s opinions. And Icelanders scrutinized. Legislation is reconsidered. ily. Ragnar’s last exhibition at Kling & to enshrine such a place.
An omission at best. It takes a village to don’t like it. Or so they say. They just Debates on freedom vs. security have Bang, ‘The Visitors’, attracted numbers
raise a genius. If Icelandic culture ever can’t stay away from social media. Ev- been reignited. Just as importantly, that would make any theatre envious.
managed to reflect anything else than ery opinion is debatable. And there’s a what began as a women’s movement Gallerí Þoka survived by merging with
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The Reykjavík Grapevine
MUSIC 24 Issue 17 — 2015

Gyða Hrund crappy at times, but he was always true

Þorvaldsdóttir to himself.
It is funny to think of someone that
Death-metalhead didn’t ever know you, but had so much
(Angist) of an influence on your life. It is clear as
day that had Lemmy not taken his path,
Lemmy was larger than life, a legend. It I would have developed into a totally
is in fact very hard to write this piece, different person than I did. Heavy metal
because… where do you start with such is my life, and without Lemmy, the cul-
a force of nature? ture and my band would just not be the
I was fortunate enough to witness same. I know these are big words, but
Motörhead in concert a few times. they are true.
At every show, And how do you
Lemmy kept the talk about such per-
crowd enchanted He had no time son? There is this joke
throughout with
his well-known wit,
for bullshit… in in the 1994 movie ‘Air-
heads’ that goes some-
refreshingly honest my opinion, it’s thing like this: “Who
pearls of wisdom
impossible to would win in a wres-

be a metalhead
and fierce stage tling match, Lemmy
presence. or God?” Someone an-
Lemmy’s au- and not to swers: “Lemmy. No,
through in some
be affected God.” But neither is
true: “Wrong, dick-
of the numerous by Lemmy’s head, trick question.
quotes he left be-
hind. He had this contribution Lemmy IS God!” And
it’s kind of true. I don’t
amazing knack for to the music, like to idolize people,
putting difficult
and controversial
whether you’re but when you put it all
together, how can you
things into a very a Motörhead not when it comes to
down-to-earth and
relatable perspec-
fan or not. Lemmy?
Lemmy, you were
tive. never my favourite.
He had no time for bullshit, and his That’s just absurd. Here’s to rock and
charisma and music has influenced roll’s finest!
many of my favourite bands. In my opin-
ion, it’s impossible to be a metalhead --
and not to be affected by Lemmy’s con-
tribution to the music, whether you’re a Óskar Logi Ágústsson
Motörhead fan or not.
He was one of the good ones, one of Vintage rocker (The
the great ones. Vintage Caravan)
Celebrating Lemmy: So long Lemmy, and thanks for all
the fish! Lemmy's death was expected, yet some-

He Was
how unexpected. I felt like he would
Snæbjörn Ragnarsson keep going forever. Now, it feels weird,
living in a world without Lemmy.
Viking-metalhead He was rock ‘n’ roll.
(Skálmöld) I think he was an underrated lyricist;

Killed By
he had a very cool style, witty but classy,
R.I.P LEMMY sometimes even kind of sleazy, yet at the
same time sophisticated—now that's art!
Motörhead was never my favourite Lemmy was and is a huge inspira-

band. It was just one of those bands we tion, reaching old age, still touring, still
all listened to from the very beginning, living the rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle, never
and have listened to ever since. I got into giving up, continually doing what he
metal when I was just a kid in the mid- loved. I think we can all learn something
80s, and Lemmy was there. My taste got from him.
heavier during the 90s, and he was still Let’s keep his memory alive, and
there, right next to Sepultura, Metallica, play Motörhead loudly! I also highly
Collected by Gabríel Benjamin Slayer and even Deicide. In the mid- recommend checking out his work with
90s I got more into punk. Lemmy was Hawkwind, it's awesome.
Illustration by Bobby Breiðholt there, too. For me, there has always been
Motörhead. Skál, Lemmy!
Lemmy was a true embodiment of
rock and roll. This has to do with so Ragnar Kjartansson
much more than just the music. Rock
and roll is about being true to yourself International Art
Óttarr Proppé chine Head, and RATM. Anyway, I pull there was no turning back. and sticking to your beliefs, even when Superstar and former
Rock ‘n’ roll politician out some Motörhead Best Of album and Fuck, man, Lemmy was a true leg- they’re not trendy. Real rock and roll has local Rock Star
ask the staff if they like it. They tell me end. I was recently digging into Hawk- substance, and is never out of fashion.
it’s old as hell… and that got me excited. wind’s discography, and it turns out ev- It can be ugly, smelly, loud, drunk, even
To me, Lemmy has always been a great I carefully examined the CD cover erything they made after firing Lemmy crappy, but it is always cool as long as it I love him.
role model. He was a genius at making as I listened in-store, and on the back sucked. That’s when I understood he comes from the heart. And that is the Lemmy was a ridiculously fun guy,
the most out of his simple merits. He I found three of the dirtiest rockers I’d was more than just a whiskey’d-out key: You can’t fake rock and roll. at least from a distance, and a true pio-
was a great bass player, and the first to ever seen! The guy in the middle had speedhead who looked good on stage. Seeing Motörhead in concert neer in creating ironic tough guy noise.
cast his instrument into the lead role in such a cool beard and sunglasses, ma- He was also a really good musician. changed me, and I don’t say that light- It was always interesting how much he
a heavy metal band, in place of the more jestic long hair, and two huge warts on God bless you, Lemmy. ly. By now, I’ve seen all of my favourite loved The Beatles. He said that when
ubiquitous guitar. He also sang few his cheek. I bought the album in a heart- bands live, but this was just something he founded Motörhead, he wanted to be
words, and with a limited vocal range— beat. Krummi Björgvinsson else; three dudes playing the easiest in a band that was as loud and brutal as
but in a manner that made every single It had all the hits: “Ace of Spades,” Underground King and most straightforward music, with The Beatles he witnessed at the Cavern
one count. “Killed By Death,” and “Bomber”—the no gimmicks to hide behind. It was just Club.
Generally speaking, Lemmy was just last of which became my favourite. (Mínus, Esja, Döpur) loud, rude, and done with such disre- One of my favourite Lemmy-lines is
a good, no-nonsense guy. He lived by a Motörhead have remained with me gard to everything else that you just about love: “relationships destroy rela-
slogan familiar to Icelandic metallers since then, and unlike the other bands There was a time that I wanted to sound couldn’t help but shake your head and tionships.” He drowned his sorrows in
as the motto of the Eistnaflug festival: I listened to at that time, they’ve never like Lemmy. try to grasp the whole thing. And the speed, leather, Nazi outfits, Jack Dan-
"Don't be a dick." A simple sentiment, stopped being cool. Lemmy was the fucker just stood there. iels, casual sex, rock, and noise, and he
but he took it all the way, and it’ll live on coolest rock ‘n’ roller in the world for al- There was a time that I wanted to play For some reason, I’ve kept on check- lived surprisingly long nonetheless. I
in his wake. most 50 years, and that’s inspirational. like Lemmy. ing out new Motörhead releases to this think it was his creativity that kept him
Later on, when I got into psyche- day. For a long, long time, Metallica was alive. Over the past few days I’ve been
Axel Björnsson delic music, Lemmy showed up again. I There was a time that I wanted to dress my favourite band, but after the black blasting “Killed By Death” and of course
was trying to start a new band, and got like Lemmy. album I simply lost interest. The same “Ace Of Spades” in his honour.
Rocker (Pink Street to know an older guy who was the big- goes for almost every band I’ve enjoyed
Boys) gest Lemmy fan ever. He had a Ricken- There was a time that I wanted to think through the years. Somehow, though, You know I’m borne to lose
backer bass, and we were jamming a bit, like Lemmy. I’ve always wanted to know what Lem- And gambling is for fools
My first memory of Lemmy is from but it was not working out so well. I told my had to say. I’ve liked some of their That’s the way I like it baby, I don’t wanna
hanging out in Japis, a record store, him I wanted to do a more psychedelic Now I’m just myself, thanks to Lemmy. releases better than others, but it didn’t live forever
when I was ten or eleven, digging sound, and then he starts talking about really matter, because it was always all
through the rock and heavy metal rack. I Lemmy’s old band, Hawkwind. When I See you on the flipside. true, and the guy yelling into the mi- Oh, yes indeed.
had already discovered Metallica’s ‘Kill said I hadn’t heard of it, he took me to his crophone meant every word, always.
‘Em All’ by then, as well as Korn, Ma- car and blasted “Silver Machine.” Then He was ugly, smelly, loud, drunk, even
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The Reykjavík Grapevine
TRAVEL 26 Issue 1 — 2016

South Iceland How to get there: Tours leave from BSÍ bus terminal.
Car provided by
Hotel provided by
By John Rogers


❸ ❺
Keflavík ❹ Skaftafell

Airport ❿❷ Hveragerði

❻ Selfoss
Hvolsvöllur Kirkjubæjarklaustur

Locations on the map
are approximate.
Please use accurate

maps, don't say we
Vestmannaeyjar didn't warn you
Vík í Mýrdal

The majestic Route One ring road threads down through Rauðhólar & Heiðmörk:
the mountains from Reykjavík to Iceland's southern ❶ about)
wild tracks and (just
unspoiled beauty
for bathing. However, seeing as it’s win-
ter, the track is probably waist deep in
snow right now, so perhaps it’s better to
These places are both farms that grow
vegetables in greenhouses, but each has
a unique and distinctive culture sur-
coastline, passing an endless trove of natural wonders visit the airy Listasafn Árnesinga, which rounding it. Sólheimar is a certified eco-
along the way. From the famous "Golden Circle", to the hosts a year-round programme of visual village and a community that teaches
One of the first sights to greet the hun- arts, or to have a snack at the town’s skills to residents that include the dis-
various vast lava fields, tumbling glacier tongues, tiny gry eyes of most southbound travellers well-regarded bakery or ice-cream par- abled, the infirm, former prisoners and
picturesque towns, craggy gullies and canyons, endless is Rauðhólar, a series of red rocky out- lour. the long-term unemployed. The fruits
black beaches and beautiful iceberg lagoons, it’s an un- crops at the outer edge of the capital of the residents’ labour are for sale in

forgettable experience, and one that bears repeating. Our

Mini South Iceland travel guide aims to point out a few
area. These naturally formed volcanic
craters were mined for construction
materials during the 1900s, but what re-
❸ Flúðir: the unlikely oasis
the shop, from arts and crafts to freshly
grown produce, and there’s a cafe where
you’ll get a warm welcome and a warm
mains is still impressive, jutting up out The sleepy agricultural town of Flúðir meal. Friðheimar is a different kind
tucked away treasures you can find along the way—plac-
of the ground dramatically. The rocks has some unexpected highlights, in- of farm, which also runs a stable, and
es to eat, sleep, or catch some local culture, for example— now lie inside the protected area of the cluding one of the most unlikely Ethio- grows famously sweet tomatoes result-
and a few lesser-known spots, off the beaten track. In this Heiðmörk nature reserve, acting both pian restaurants you’re likely to find. ing in a super-fresh vine-to-table tomato
as a landmark and as a cautionary tale It also has an IcelandAir hotel, with a soup, served right there in the green-
first of two installments, we venture from Reykjavík to to those who’d “develop” Iceland’s wild good restaurant, and hot pots that are house.
Sólheimajökull—part two will see us traversing from Vík places. If you’re looking for a short af- open all hours to guests and perfect for
to Kirkjubæjarklaustur—exciting stuff, so look out for
that in a future issue.
ternoon drive to make the most of the
winter light, or have the time to spare on
your trip south, Heiðmörk also contains
aurora-spotting. On top of that, there’s
Gamla Laugin, or ‘The Secret Lagoon’—
a century-old outdoor swimming place
Recreated Vikingism

forest walks, pools and lakes, and heath- that lay in disrepair for years until it
land criss-crossed with wild dirt roads. was reopened in 2013, with water piped This recreated Viking settlement in-
Remember to be safe, respect the nature, check the in from a nearby hot spring. Despite a cludes a turfed hall and a small church in
weather, dress well, and hire a 4x4 if you're thinking of Hveragerði:
taking any of the many side-roads. ❷
Art, Food & Nature
modern changing room building, it’s
still pleasingly rough around the edges,
with a tumbledown shack on the far
a jaw-dropping picturesque location. In
the summer, it’s a popular tourist stop,
with a programme of Viking-themed
shore and walls made from roughly- events. When we visited, it was closed
Most of all: have fun enjoying one of the most beautiful The first town you’ll encounter if you hewn stone. for the winter, but we wandered around
take the southern ring road is Hver- the buildings taking in the vastness of
places in Europe and, perhaps, the world. Sólheimar & Friðheimar:
agerði. Like many Icelandic towns,
this unassuming place contains many
secrets for those who know where to
farms full of character
the surrounding plains and mountains.
If the roads are open—and be sure to
check in advance—it’s worth the drive
look. The town is most tourist-famous just to feel some off-the-beaten-track
for a mountain trail that leads to Reyk- remoteness.
jadalur, a naturally hot stream that’s fit

a glacier
in retreat
As the dizzy heights of the Eyjafjalla-
jökull glacier come into view, most peo-
ple understandably feel a magnetic pull
to the otherworldly ice cap. The most ac-
cessible place to satisfy the urge get your
feet on the ice is Sólheimajökull.
Various tour companies offer short hikes
onto the glacier, which is accessible from
Route One via a short dirt road. They'll
supply crampons and experienced
guides, who can point out and educate
you about the glacier’s various features.
If you don’t fancy that, you can still get
a spectacular view over the jagged blue
ice—but don't go walking on there alone,
as the slippery glacier can be deadly to
the untrained.

Photo by Art Bicnick


Rauða Húsið, Við Fjöruborðið

❻ Tel:
Búðarstíg 4, Eyrarbakka
483 3330
❼ Stokkseyri
Eyrarbraut 3a, ❽ Icelandic
❾ Laugarvatn Fontana
Hverabraut 1, Laugarvatn
LÁ Art Museum:
❿ Hveragerði
Austurmörk 21

Rauða Húsið (‘The Red House,’ in Eng- In the town of charming seaside town of Icelandic Mountain L au g a r v at n Listasafn
lish) is a restaurant in Eyrarbakki that Stokkseyri, located 60km from Reykja- Guides offer dazzling gla- Fontana is a Árnesinga is
offers countryside fine dining at its very vík in Iceland’s largest lava field, you’ll cier walks that are a safe place to come a real find—a
best. We have been serving up melt-in- find Við Fjöruborðið, a homely and but daring trip, and a great and experi- tucked-away art hub with four spacious
the-mouth Icelandic lamb and some of welcoming restaurant. The menu spe- way to get up close to the wonders of ence authentic Icelandic nature whilst galleries, offering a year-round pro-
the best seafood in the country in our cialises in juicy Icelandic langoustine the Icelandic nature. Whether you’re relaxing in warm geothermal pools gramme of contemporary art. Located
historic building since 2005. The quaint tails sautéed in garlic herb butter, and by yourself or in a group, take a glacier and natural steam rooms. Nature meets in Hveragerði, the gallery also offers
seaside town of Eyrarbakki is a scenic succulent locally-sourced lamb. You can walk on the blue ice to experience one tradition at Fontana, where hot, heal- an insight into the historically creative
45-minute drive from Reykjavík, just 10 start with Við Fjöruborðið’s famous lob- Iceland’s most popular tourism activi- ing steam simmers from the ground up nature of this peaceful town, as well as
minutes from Selfoss. It’s ideally situ- ster soup, but remember to leave room ties. Icelandic Mountain Guides operate through the cabin floors of this newly a rich selection of catalogues and maga-
ated for a wonderful meal to top off a for one of our delicious desserts. For a glacier walks every day, all year-round decorated wellness centre. The baths zines in the cosy cafe-shop that’ll pro-
Golden Circle tour or a south coast ad- memorable meal, circle Stokkseyri on on the Sólheimajökull glacier and at vary in depth, size and temperature, and vide a fascinating insight into Iceland’s
venture. The restaurant is open for din- your map, and come visit one of south Skaftafell national park. Look for the the steam rooms sit directly over natural contemporary art scene.
ner every evening from 5pm. Lunch is Iceland’s very best eateries. Mountain Guides sign at the glacier, or hot springs that have been used for heal-
also served during winter weekends, or book online. ing and relaxation since 1929. Fontana is
daily in the summer season, from May 1. happily situated by the lake of Laugar-
vatn, and offers picturesque views from
sauna and pools alike.

Hafnarbraut 4, Höfn

After a day of travelling in southern Iceland, find the perfect end to your day at Hu-
marhöfnin, where you’ll experience the taste of local Icelandic langoustine, lamb
and arctic char in one of the region’s most charming restaurants. Höfn is a pictur-
esque south-eastern fishing town in Hornafjörður that’s often referred to as the ‘lan-
goustine capital of the north’. With seaside walks, scenic views of the Vatnajökull
glacier and Humarhöfnin’s delicious locally-sourced ingredients, it should be an es-
sential stop on your Iceland adventure.
The Reykjavík Grapevine
TRAVEL 28 Issue 1 — 2016

Southwestern Greenland

Feasting, sledding &

seeing stars in the Arctic Circle
Words John Rogers Photos Axel Sig

Welcome to part two of our Greenland of flaming liquor into the glasses from light. Just twenty minutes later, we de- top of a nearby ridge. “Just jump on as We pass through a couple of route
diary. In part one (read that in our De- a height, to create an “indoor aurora.” scend into Sisimiut, coming to a halt on it comes past!” he shouts. “Okay then!” marker flags, picking up speed. "I take
cember issue, or online at Despite being in the smallest town we’ll a seaside airstrip so picturesque it feels replies Axel, gamely, running up the hill. the sled to Kangerlussuaq every year to
land), we experienced the wilderness visit, Roklubben definitely served the almost unreal. Sun rays catch the tops The dogs' howling reaches a crescen- hunt the musk ox,” shouts Marius, “and
airport-town of Kangerlussuaq, and took best meal we enjoyed on our trip. of the snowy islands that dot the bay, do, and suddenly, the creaking sled bring back four, on the sled, to feed the
a drive to the vast Greenlandic ice cap. casting long shadows over the icy sea, leaps forwards. I grip the ropes that dogs.” He cracks the whip to either side
The story resumes as we head back into “Just jump on!” and the world takes on on an indefinite criss-cross the frame for dear life, gig- of the pack occasionally to guide them.
town for a Greenlandic feast to remem- magic-hour glow. gling uncontrollably as we shoot up the "I once took some tourists on a trip
ber. The next morning, we sit in the de- We're met at the gate by Ólafur, an steep slope. Within a few seconds Axel across the ice cap on the sled,” he yells.
parture lounge, sleepily watching the Icelander and an enthusiastic cham- appears out of thin air, plopping down “It got damaged and I had to repair it
On the outskirts of Kangerlussuaq, on sky’s gradient change from dark, inky pion of Sisimiut who's lived there for in front of me, his camera held aloft. We along the way. It took a month to cross
the shore of Lake Ferguson, lies a well- blue to fiery orange and luminous pink. several years. Our first order of busi- cackle with laughter as we cross the it, and another month to come back.”
regarded restaurant named Roklubben, Kangerlussuaq airport is tiny, but it’s ness is to go dog-sledding. Before long, ridge into a flat white expanse. After an hour of mushing between
or “The Rowing Club” in English, one of also Greenland's main air travel hub, we’re in the hallway of a nearby wooden Marius reappears from behind us, the frozen mountains, the colourful
the town’s only eateries. Named after and an improbably atmospheric hive of house, suiting up from head to toe in clambering deftly to the front of the houses of Sisimiut come back into view.
the building’s previous use, Roklubben activity, with snow-blowers constantly bulky sealskin clothing, worn over the sled. He communicates with the dogs As we reach the house once again, we
specialises in locally sourced ingredi- clearing the runway of ice. Planes come top of our lopapeysur, parkas, hats, by shouting out high-pitched syllables clamber off the sled, breathless and
ents, including thick reindeer steaks, and go in rapid succession, with their scarves and everything else. such as “jú, jú!” and they turn or change aching. I’m filled with admiration for the
various cuts of musk ox, and gamey attending baggage carts, landing ve- Marius, a no-nonsense Greenlan- speed in response. He sometimes hol- indefatigable Marius.
grouse—all hunted in the region—as hicles and fuel wagons zipping busily dic dog-team driver with a weathered, lers to us in broken Danish over the
well as Disko Bay halibut. across the frozen runway. lined face, waits outside. His dogs howl hissing of the runners scraping over A dog’s death
The meal's finale is a “Greenlan- The flight takes off into a glorious with building anticipation as he ges- the snow. “We’re crossing a frozen lake,
dic coffee”—a super-strong dessert sunrise that floods the plane’s cabin tures for me to sit in the back of the now,” he shouts. “All of this is water in Sisimiut, population 6,000, has a very
cocktail, mixed by pouring a stream and the frozen plains below in pink sled. He sends Axel running up to the summer.” different atmosphere to the more urban






The Reykjavík
Grapevine 29 TRAVEL

Accommodation provided
Flights provided by AirIceland: Kept warm by 66º North’s Distance to Nuuk
by Visit Greenland: Jökla parka: 1,434 km

tory of the Inuit people. The displays

start in pre-colonial times, explaining
the hunting culture, instinctive surviv-
alism, and other aspects of the Thule
culture (the indigenous people known
later as Eskimos and, today, Inuits). It
also explains the traditional Inuit spiri-
tual belief system, which centres on
mythology, shamanism, and maintain-
ing a respectful harmony with the natu-
ral world. I feel a pang of sadness that
this deeply rooted philosophy seems
confined to museums in modern, Dani-
fied Greenland.
Afterwards, we stop off for a chat
with Maliina Abelson—a former UN
representative for Greenland, on the In-
digenous Peoples’ Council, and current
head of the 2016 Arctic Winter Games.
“I’m quite sure that if you went to the
high school here and asked students
“I took some tourists on a trip across the ice cap once, on the dog sled. ‘Do you consider yourself an indig-
enous person?’ they would say ‘No, I’m
It took a month to cross it, and another month to come back.” just a Greenlander,’” Maliina explains.
“But I think what they fail to see is that
we’re also citizens with a relationship
–Marius, dog-sled driver to the rest of the world. The statement
‘We are an indigenous people’ is im-
portant to me. That’s what got us self-
governance. In 2009, we got the right
capital of Nuuk. The people we pass land,” he says, as Ólafur translates. “I of this material, which was previously never seen that happen before.” to manage our own natural resources—
smile and wave as they walk the colour- got this walrus tusk from a Japanese burned by hunters who thought it use- It’s a chilling reminder of the animal the right to the soil. I got goosebumps
ful, hilly streets, instead of marching by guy up North, to make these polar less. "They're cleaned and washed nature of the pack. that day, but a lot of people said: ‘It’s
heads-down. Ólafur tells us about the bears.” here. But we don't have anywhere to just soil.’ But for me, the land is a big
town’s culture, which includes an annu- He holds one of the finished bears spin it into wool in Greenland, so I send Seeing stars part of our identity.”
al music festival called Arctic Sounds, up to the sawed-off end of the tusk, it to Denmark and Peru to get the wool As the sun sets, we visit a Christmas
now on its third year. He shows us showing us the before-and-after. “I made.” When we return to Nuuk the next fair in a sports hall, meeting a boat-
around the recently completed culture also use polar bear claws,” he says. “I The tour winds up with a short morning, the temperature has plunged man from Ilulissat at one of the stalls.
house, which hosts open mic nights, had twenty, and I'm working on the last walk out into the hills, where most of down to -25º C, and the city has gone He carves ornamental fish that he sells
workshops, and an international exhi- two now. I have to finish them before Sisimiut’s dogs are kept. The adults fully Christmas. Every building in town at craft fairs, and tells us about his
bition programme, and takes us to visit December 11.” He hands us various fin- are kept apart in pairs, each one hav- seems to have sprouted an illuminated planned trip to Hafnafjörður next sum-
a small independent music school. With ished and in-progress objects to look ing a radius dictated by its chain. Some orange star in its window, a cosy tra- mer to sell his work at a Viking fair.
no music on the national curriculum, at, and gives out business cards with a of the mothers and their puppies run dition apparently passed down from We leaf through photo books and
the school aims to fill a valuable gap. gummy grin. "You have Facebook?” he free, bounding around our feet. As we German missionaries hundreds of years writings by various people who have,
We also drop into a Greenlandic asks, in rough English. "Follow me on approach, dogs start to howl, and the ago, and now considered not so much over the years, become curious and
art centre, where a handful of old Inuit Facebook!" sound soon passes through this dog- a custom as a civic duty. then infatuated with Greenland’s land-
people are showing off their craft skills, Around the corner is a workshop town, creating a chilling, discordant We spend our final day chatting to scape and culture. I realise that, in the
whether knitting or carving from soap- and store called Quiviut, specialising symphony as hundreds of dogs join in. locals and checking out museums. The space of just seven days, I’ve become
stone, whale bones, walrus tusks and in clothing made from musk ox wool. At one point, a fight breaks out—a Nuuk Art Museum houses an excellent one of them.
bear claws. The most talkative of them The shelves contain expensive mittens, large female picks up a puppy, shaking collection of paintings, sculptures and A week in Greenland might sound
is a funny old Inuit guy called Barse, socks, and decorative scarves that feel it violently until its neck gives a sicken- objects of interest, both contemporary like a lot, but it serves as just a tanta-
whose workspace carries the dentist- cashmere-soft. "I buy the musk ox skins ing crack. She carries it off as we stand and historic, and the National Museum, lising glimpse of a wild, immersive and
drill smell of burning bone. "I buy my in Greenland,” says Anita, the store’s watching, stunned. “I thought they were located in the well-preserved colonial fascinating country.
materials from hunters all over Green- Danish owner, who pioneered the use just playing,” says Ólafur, shocked. “I’ve harbour area, offers a fascinating his-

islenska/ FLU 73263 03/15

Let’s fly


The Reykjavík Grapevine

Völsungasaga, The
Saga Of The Völsungs
Episode three:
The one with the
most badass shield-
As usual, this story starts with some dude who is the son of some other dude. They have nar is too much of a dumbass to do it marry me” (paraphrase), adding that Sigurður’s manly confessions of love,
a bunch of other sons and all of that is boring. I’ll skip to the good stuff shortly, but here himself. her “weapons have been stained with Brynhildur has been betrayed and she
is what you need to know: There is one guy named Völsungur, which is where the story They go to Brynhildur’s dads (father the blood of men and this I still desire” wants blood. Also they’ve both seen the
gets its name, but of course he dies. There is a bunch of a marriage, someone offends and foster-father, technically, but it’s (literal translation). future, which you’d think would have
someone, there are a heaps of revenge killings, a dash of incest (or “twincest” if we want funnier to say “dads” because it makes She marries him anyway and he lays helped them steer clear of this whole
to get technical), some children are killed because they’re too wussy to commit more them sound gay) to ask their permis- his sword between them when they clusterfuck, but nope. Hell nope.
revenge killings, a super old, creepy guy marries a super young babe, and then eventually sion. Both are chill with the marriage sleep, saying he swore an oath to avoid
Sigurður is the son of somebody. There is also a prophecy about how he’s gonna fuck but warn that Brynhildur, like Beyoncé boning his wife in this way. He takes the Sigurður Bloody Sigurður
up everything for everyone resulting in his own bloody murder (which somehow doesn’t and Malala Yousafzai and J.K. Rowl- magic ring he gave her and gives her
change the course of events). See how easy that was? ing and basically every woman ever, another as “Gunnar.” She then dumps So Brynhildur comes up with the sen-
is a beautiful, powerful, independent her daughter she apparently had with sible solution of telling Gunnar that she
Sigurður (when the fuck that happened boned Sigurður when he was pretend-
Words Grayson Del Faro Illustration Inga María Brynjarsdóttir is never explained) with one of her dads ing to be Gunnar. I guess this was not

Now I can’t deny this part is important she’s hella smart and is like, “Teach me Morals of and moves into Gjúki’s hall with every-
one like some weird medieval reality TV.
part of the deal between the dudes, but
Gunnar can’t kill Sigurður himself be-
but it’s honestly not very interesting. If
you’re a normal human in 2015, you’ve
your sexy ways and also about runes.”
She’s like, “Sure,” and they vow to marry. the story: The Real
cause of the bonds of bromance. So he
gets his littlest brother Guttormur (who
probably seen ‘Lord of the Rings’ or Then they meet at her dad’s castle. Housewives wasn’t part of the bromance) to stab
1. Treat women with respect. of the Rhine
‘Game of Thrones’ (both of which were He’s all in love with her, but she says Sigurður in his sleep. But as Guttormur
obviously ripped off from whichever never to trust a woman because they
2. Let them make their own is leaving the room, Sigurður throws
poor, anonymous Icelander[s] wrote can’t keep promises. (Internalized pa- decisions. This is where shit gets real. And con- his sword at him, which slices him in
the poems on which this Saga is based), triarchy, much?) Like the smooth player 3. Don’t deceive them into fusing. Real confusing. One day, the half at the waist so his torso falls into
so you know how this shit goes. (And if that he is, he says he can’t wait “to sleeping with you. queens are bathing in the Rhine river the hallway and his legs back into the
you’re German, you’re probably think- enjoy each other” (actual translation, (okay, fine, Germans, you get this one). bedroom.
4. If you do, they might crave
ing, “Nuh-uh, those were totally ripped not my shitty paraphrase). But she’s Brynhildur wades further out, which is Guðrún awakens in the blood of her
off the German epic Niebelungenlied.” like, “Listen up, dumbass, I’m a shield-
your blood and when they medieval body language for, “Guðrún, dying husband to find half a corpse
But A) No, the Eddic poems probably maiden. I’ll never be your wife because get it, no one will pity you you’re a basic bitch and your husband is on her doorstep. (Although someone
came first and B) Seriously just shut up I have battles to fight, plus you’re gon- because you were a sexist weak and probably gay, unlike my dads.” must be pretty fucking hungover to
and keep reading.) na marry that dumb bitch Guðrún.” He asshole Guðrún retorts, “Whatever, slut, you mar- sleep through a murderfest like that,
Basically, someone tells Sigurður to swears he won’t, gives her the magic ried him first,” and shoves the magic ring amirite?) She lets out a horrific scream
slay the dragon because he has a bunch ring, and they vow again to get married. in Brynhildur’s face to make her jealous. that Brynhildur can hear from across
of gold, which includes a ring of dubi- Talk about mixed signals from both woman capable of making her own It works. Brynhildur realizes she’s the castle and she laughs. How badass
ous magical properties. (Real original, sides. What even just happened? decisions¬—including whom to marry. been cheated out of the hottest of hus- is that? But then she starts crying and
eh, Tolkien?) Surprise, surprise, he kills Also she has a sky-high wall of flames bands and this sends her into a down- after much more elegantly written ar-
the dragon. When he eats its heart and Gunnar needs to grow a pair encircling her tower to keep men away ward spiral of suicidal depression and ticulations of her grief and betrayal, she
drinks its blood, he is magically able to and she’ll only marry someone who can homicidal rage. (Both urges will be sat- stabs herself and requests that she and
hear the birds gossiping about how the Sigurður shows up at the castle of get through that. Just like annoying isfied.) While it obviously doesn’t pass Sigurður lay together in a funeral pyre.
guy that asked him to kill the dragon some guy named Gjúki, who has three men at the bar these days, they’re like, the Bechdel Test, this scene is notable This is granted to her, and they are fi-
is going to betray him. So he kills that stupid sons named Gunnar, Högni, and “Challenge accepted!” as one of very few Saga scenes with nally able to lay together in some hella
dude too. Guttormur. More importantly, his wife is When they get there, Gunnar can’t two main female characters, both in morbid but still touching conclusion to
As he rides triumphantly into the a malicious shitbag named Grímhildur get his horse or even Sigurður’s even positions of power, having any kind of their romance.
sunset, rich as fuck and tripping balls and she ruins everything for everybody. fancier horse to jump through the discussion. The Saga drags on to describe how
on dragon’s blood, he sees light shining She also happens to be a witch and she flames. This is because horses are al- Brynhildur locks herself away in Guðrún is basically sold off to Brynhil-
from a mountain. When he goes there, slips Sigurður a medieval roofie (or “po- ways fucking shit up in the Sagas. So grief and everyone takes turns trying to dur’s brother, who happens to be At-
he sees this badass warrior maiden tion of forgetfulness”) so he forgets his they transform into each other in a chill her out but she’s not having it. This tila the Hun (Atli in Icelandic). She’ll
sleeping—so naturally, he rips her sexy betrothal to Brynhildur. Sigurður enters Polyjuice-like fashion as Grímhildur sequence results in a conversation be- never be Brynhildur, but in her defence,
armor off and wakes her up. Instead of into bromance with Gunnar and Högni, apparently taught them to do, and Sig- tween Brynhildur and Sigurður where she does stab Atli to death for killing
being like, “Hey asshole, I was sleep- (or “blood brotherhood”) and every- urður rides through pretending to be they do something that’s unheard of her brothers and then burn his whole
ing,” and murdering him on the spot body successfully bullies him into mar- wussy Gunnar to propose to Brynhildur. with lovers in medieval heroic litera- castle down. And nobody lived happily
like any sensible warrior maiden would rying Guðrún. Then Grímhildur insists She says, “Don’t bother unless you’re ture: talk about their feelings. Consid- ever after because everyone was dead.
do, Brynhildur is super turned on by that Gunnar try to woo Brynhildur and the hottest man in the world and will ering people can’t even do this today, I Everyone loves a good love story.
his blood-crusted manliness. He thinks says Sigurður will help because Gun- murder everyone else who wants to think that’s commendable. But despite

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“Icelandic is stiff—most words are longer

than their counterparts in English. Being
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dimensions, and it pisses off conservative
nationalists, which is always fun.”
Úlfur Úlfur are our band of the year in the fourth
Grapevine Music Awards

iNFO P.9

“The more I get to know the music business,

the more I know you don’t have to do
anything you don’t want to do. It’s perfectly
possible to keep your integrity, and be wildly
successful, at the same time. You just need
to be a bit wise about it. Anyone can do that.”

Kira Kira reflects on ten years of making music

iNFO P.18

“This is probably the only photograph of

this iceberg that was ever taken. I got this
shot, and we sawed off a piece of ice to put
in our whisky.”
Photographer Ásgeir Peterson went to
Greenland for a week, and came back nine
months later

“He had no time for bullshit… in my opinion, Experience Snorkeling & Diving in Silfra fissure
it’s impossible to be a metalhead and not to between the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates
be affected by Lemmy’s contribution to the
music, whether you’re a Motörhead fan or
Icelandic metalheads remember Lemmy


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Issue 01 - 2016

Enter the magical world

of Kira Kira

Black metal engulfs Reykjavík!


Ásgeir Peterson’s frontier photography Stay updated on today's
events in Iceland with
THE YEAR IN FOOD our new app - Appening.
Mandi vs Ali Baba, #food- Available on the
truckogeddon & more Apple Store
The Reykjavík Grapevine
2 Issue 1 — 2016

Certificate of Excellence


R ESTAURANT | BAR - HAP PY HOU R F ROM 4 -8 P M Tasty Þórunn Gréta Sigurðardóttir
tapas and Classical, opera.
drinks by Electronic, dance,
the old house, techno.
Hip-hop, R&B.

Hardcore, metal, rock.



Acoustic, folk, jazz.

Indie, pop
This issue’s picker is Þórunn Gréta Sigurðardóttir, the chair of the
Society of Icelandic Composers, and artistic director of the Dark Music
Days festival. Since starting piano lessons as a child, Þórunn’s life has
Jan 8 - Feb 4 revolved around music, being educated in composition and music
How to use the listings: Venues are
theory, graduating most recently with an M.Mus. from Hamburg’s
listed alphabetically by day. Events Hochschule für Musik und Theater. She’s been busy since June of last
listed are all live performances, with year working on Dark Music Days, a festival that focusses on debuting
troubadours and DJs specifically Icelandic and foreign music compositions. Þórunn says she is drawn to
highlighted. For complete listings and
detailed information on venues visit
live performances, in particular alternative events. Her taste has evolved Send your listings through the years, and she often finds herself checking out events that
to: she’s unfamiliar with and sound interesting.

Friday January 8 You can find the events our picker of the issue found to be interesting
spread out over the music and art pages, marked with this icon.
American Bar
22:00 Troubadour Biggi / DJ Pétur
Bar 11

22:30 Vertigo / Skerðing / At
Bar Ananas January
TABLE RESERVATIONS: +354 517 1800 — WWW.FORRETTABARINN.IS 22:00 DJ Pilsner 2.25%
Nýlen d u g ata 14 . 101 Reyk j av í k 22:00 DJ De La Rosa
Café Rosenberg
22:00 Stebbi Jak & Andri Ívars
22:00 Foreign Land
English Pub
21:00 Troubadours Alexander / Eiki
& Steini
19:30 Iceland Symphony's New Years
Concert 2016
22:00 Axel Flóvent / DJ Simon
21:00 DJ Alfons X
Mengi Arise, Icelandic Black Magic
21:00 Samuel Gouttenoire: Opaque X-Heart / Mammút
21:00 DJ Logi Pedro Húrra
Naustin (D3) | 21:00 | Admission: from 2,000 ISK
22:00 DJ Myth

Saturday January 9 The dark and moody pop-rock quintet Mammút bring their sonic
witchcraft to Húrra. They had a busy 2015 after signing to legendary
American Bar UK indie label Bella Union, so they’ll surely be in top form for this
22:00 Troubadours Maggi & Ívar / hometown headline show. If fate smiles upon us, they might even
DJ Maggi
Bar Ananas
play some new material. Before that, rockers X-Heart will heat things
22:00 DJ Styrmir Dansson up with their dreamlike sound. Expect distortion, darkness, and a
beautiful night of moody rock music. HBG

listhús, Art Gallery
offers a range of artwork by
contemporary Icelandic artists
represented by the gallery, se-
lected works by acclaimed artists
and past Icelandic masters.
Represented artists:

Also works by:

– among others

TVEIR HRAFNAR listhús, Art Gallery

Baldursgata 12 101 Reykjavík (at the corner of Baldursgata and Nönnugata, facing Þrír Frakkar Restaurant)
Phone: +354 552 8822 +354 863 6860 +354 863 6885
Opening hours: Thu-Fri 12pm - 5pm, Sat 1pm - 4pm and by appointment +354 863 6860
The Reykjavík Grapevine
Issue 1 — 2016 3


22:00 DJ Herr Gott
Café Rosenberg
22:00 Svavar Knútur 9
Dillon January
22:00 Volcanova
English Pub
21:00 Troubadour Ingunn
22:00 The Vintage Caravan / Electric
16:00 Iceland Symphony's New Years
Concert 2016
19:30 Iceland Symphony's New Years
Concert 2016

21:00 Stormsveitin / Meistarar

21:00 Mammút / X-Heart
21:00 DJ Símon FKNHNDSM
21:00 Krakkbot, AMFJ & Svavar Knútur
Vintage Is The New Black

The Vintage Caravan / Electric Elephant
23:30 RVK Soundsystem Gaukurinn
21:00 DJ King Kocoon
Tryggvagata 22 (D3) | 22:00 | Admission: 1,500 ISK
22:00 DJ Doodlepops The Vintage Caravan have been growing at an exponential rate
since 2014, when they were featured at the Roadburn Festival Happy Christmas from John & Yoko
(and The Laundromat Cafe)
Sunday January 10 and Wacken Open Air. Mixing classic, psychedelic and stoner
rock influences, they produce their own progressive bluesy
American Bar rock sound—they’ll make you feel like you’re attending a gig by
21:00 Troubadour Siggi Þorbergs a hybrid band made of pieces of Led Zeppelin, Mastodon, and
Bryggjan Brugghús
20:00 Sunjazz Them Crooked Vultures, to name a few. Yeah, their shit’s real. HC
English Pub Photo by Johanna Persson
21:00 Troubadour Biggi
21:00 Dr. Hook Tribute Band
16:00 From Beloved to Forbidden:
Music of Robert Fuchs & Ernst Toch 16
Húrra January
21:00 Open Mic Night
21:00 Kira Kira & friends
21:00 Lowercase nights

Monday January 11
American Bar
21:00 Troubadour Roland
Café Rosenberg
22:00 Reykjavíkur Blues Company
English Pub
21:00 Troubadours Ingi Valur & Melancolia Perpetualis
Húrra Kristinn Sigmundsson & CAPUT
21:00 Monday Night Jazz
Breiðholtskirkja (the Indian tent)
Tuesday January 12 Breiðholt, 109 Kópavogur| 16:00 | Admission: 2,000 ISK
American Bar Beloved Icelandic composer Haukur Tómasson has written a
21:00 Troubadour Ellert piece made specifically with bass singer Kristinn Sigmundsson
Café Rosenberg
22:00 Spottar in mind. The collection consists of ten songs inspired by the
English Pub poems of Gyrðir Elíasson. CAPUT ensemble will perform with
21:00 Troubadour Biggi Kristinn, and actor Orri Ágústsson will perform a reading of
Gaukurinn poems. The performance is said to be designed with the acoustics
21:00 Karaoke Night
KEX Hostel of the church in mind, so it’s safe to expect a unique, site-specific
20:30 KEXJazz experience. HBG Photo by Pétur Jónsson

Wednesday January 13 Harpa English Pub

19:30 Young Soloists 21:00 Troubadours Ellert & Roland /
American Bar Hlemmur Square Ingi Valur & Tryggvi
21:00 Troubadour Alexander 21:00 Logi Marr and Frank Raven Gaukurinn
English Pub Húrra 21:00 System of a Down Tribute Band
20:00 In The Company of Men / Grit Kaffibarinn
21:00 Troubadours Ellert & Rolland
Teeth 21:00 DJ Kári
Kaffibarinn Prikið
20:00 Grúska Babúska / Just
21:00 DJ Alfons X 21:00 Ty (Geimfara DJ Set) /
Another Snake Cult /
Prikið Gervisykur / Marteinn
21:00 DJ Agzilla Inc. Salurinn
Salurinn 20:30 Jón Ólafsson & Páll Óskar
21:00 DJ John BRNLV
20:30 Jón Ólafsson & Páll Óskar Stofan
Solon Bistro 22:00 DJ Lappalísa
21:00 DJ Volante / Sonur Sæll
21:30 Nuestro Vicio

Thursday January 14 Saturday January 16

Friday January 15
American Bar American Bar
American Bar 22:00 Troubadours Ellert & Roland /
21:00 Troubadour Matti Matt
22:00 Alexander & Guðmann / DJ DJ André
Bar Ananas
Maggi Bar Ananas
22:00 5immtudans & Stél
Bar Ananas 22:00 DJ Silja Glömmi
Café Rosenberg
22:00 DJ Styrmir Dansson Boston
21:00 Hið Íslenska Illmannafélag
Boston 22:00 DJ Sexítæm
English Pub
22:00 DJ Vigfús Steinsson Café Rosenberg
21:00 Troubadours Hjálmar & Dagur
Café Rosenberg 22:00 Soffía Karlsdóttir
22:00 Rúnar Þórisson Album Release Dillon
21:00 Kósý Ljósár
Party 22:00 Low/Mid/High
The Reykjavík Grapevine
4 Issue 1 — 2016


English Pub
21:00 Troubadours Andri P / Hjálmar
& Dagur
22:00 PowakaSIRKUS Hip-Hop Mini-fest:
MC Bjór & Bland / Powaka /
Since When?!
20:00 Babies
21:00 DJ Margeir
21:00 Björk Níelsdóttir (vocals) & Grímur
Helgason (clarinet); music by Anton
Webern, Luciano Berio and more
21:00 DJ Karítas / Emmsjé Gauti
22:00 Krystal Carma DJ Set

Sunday January 17
American Bar
The Dark Days Are Over
21:00 Troubadour Alexander Dark Music Days Festival
Bryggjan Brugghús
20:00 Sunjazz
English Pub Harpa
21:00 Troubadour Arnar
Stofan Austurbakki 2 (D4) | January 28-30 | Festival pass: 12,500 ISK
22:00 Ambient Sunday: Beatmakin
Troopa It’s time to wipe away your (proverbial) emo-kid bangs, even if
it’s still dim and dreary outside—because the Dark Music Days
Monday January 18 festival is here. Since 1980, this cosy festival has been provid-
ing much-needed light and inspiration during the darkest winter
American Bar
days, also offering emerging and established composers a
21:00 Troubadour Ellert
English Pub platform to share new work written during their hibernation. The
21:00 Troubadours Ingi Valur & programme blends classical and electronic music, with highlights
Tryggvi including Nordic Affect, The Iceland Symphony Orchestra,
Húrra and Þóranna Björnsdóttir, to name a few. For these three days
21:00 Monday Night Jazz
Kaffibarinn at least, the dark ain’t such a bad thing after all. RTC
21:00 DJ Pilsner 2.25% Photo by Baldur Kristjánsson

Tuesday January 19
American Bar Thursday January 21 Friday January 22
21:00 Troubadour Roland
Café Rosenberg American Bar American Bar
21:00 Kvæðamannafélagið Iðunn 21:00 Troubadour Hreimur 22:00 Troubadours Biggi / DJ
English Pub Bar Ananas Bogi
21:00 Troubadour Arnar 22:00 5immtudans & Stél Bar Ananas
Gaukurinn Café Rosenberg 22:00 DJ Óli Dóri
21:00 Karaoke Night 21:00 Tónelskir Læknar Café Rosenberg
Kaffibarinn Dillon 22:00 Sigga Eyrún & Band
21:00 Krystal Carma DJ Set 22:00 Hector Rector Dillon
KEX Hostel English Pub 22:00 Þrír
20:30 KEXJazz 21:00 Troubadours Eiki & Steini English Pub
Prikið Gaukurinn 21:00 Troubadour Siggi Þ /
21:00 DJ Volante 21:00 Funky Jazz Jam Session Biggi
Harpa Hallgrímskirkja
09:30 Iceland Symphony: Open
Wednesday January 20 Rehearsal
14:00 The Icelandic Academy of the
Arts in Hallgrimskirkja
19:30 Osmo and Mahler Húrra
American Bar
Hlemmur Square 21:00 DJ Styrmir Dansson
21:00 Troubadour Siggi Þorbergs
21:00 Jara Kaffibarinn
Húrra 21:00 DJ Introbeats vs. Yamaho
21:00 Foreign Land
20:00 Celestine / Great Grief / Grit Prikið
Café Rosenberg
Teeth 21:00 DJs Sunsura
21:00 Myrra Rós Þrastardóttir Album
Kaffibarinn Stofan
Release Party
21:00 DJ Ewok vs. Kocoon 22:00 Nolo DJ Set
English Pub
21:00 Troubadour Biggi
21:00 DJ Introbeats
Saturday January 23
21:00 Ívar Pétur Undir Áhrifum
22:00 DJ Baldur Hjörleifsson
Prikið American Bar
Solon Bistro
21:00 DJ De La-Rósa 22:00 Troubadours Siggi Þorbergs
21:30 Boogie Trouble
/ DJ Pétur








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The Reykjavík Grapevine
Issue 1 — 2016 5


Bar Ananas
22:00 DJ De La Rosa
22:00 DJ Styrmir Dansson
Café Rosenberg
22:00 Axel Ó & Co.
English Pub
21:00 Troubadours Ingunn / Eiki &
22:00 Porridge and Metal:
Narthraal / The Restless / While
My City Burns / Aaru
21:00 DJ KGB Soundsystem
21:00 DJ Housekell vs. Ómar Borg
21:00 Berglind María Tómasdóttir
21:00 DJ King Kocoon
22:00 DJ Dorrit
From Berlin To Reykjavík With Love (And Jazz)
Sunday January 24 Berlin X Reykjavík Festival 2016
American Bar Húrra
21:00 Troubadour Siggi Þorbergs
Bryggjan Brugghús Naustin (D3) | 21:00 | Admission: 4,900 ISK
20:00 Sunjazz
English Pub The second edition of the Berlin X Reykjavík Festival pres-
21:00 Troubadour Alexander
Gaukurinn ents jazz and electronic music from the German and Icelandic
21:00 Blues Night with Andrea scenes. Various artists will perform in both capital cities in
Gylfadóttir & Eðvarð Lárusson late January, with artists like M-Band, Sísý Ey, Berndsen, dj.
Harpa flugvél og geimskip, and many more representing Iceland in
19:30 Chamber Music Society #4
this refreshing avant-garde festival. On the German side, Stud-
nitzky (pictured) and his orchestra mix jazz and classical music,
Monday January 25 creating something unique. HC
American Bar Photo by Art Bicnick
21:00 Troubadour Roland
Café Rosenberg
22:00 Stebbi Jak & Andri Ívars 19:00 Hlíf Sigurjónsdóttir, fiddle
English Pub
21:00 Troubadours Ingi Valur & Friday January 29 20:00 ERKI Tónlist
21:00 Reykjavik Chamber Orchestra
Tryggvi Húrra
Húrra American Bar
21:00 Berlin X Reykjavík: King
21:00 Monday Night Jazz 22:00 Troubadours Maggi & Ívar / DJ
Lucky / Samúel Jón Samúelsson
/ Studnitzky & Eyþór Gunnarsson /
Bar Ananas
Tuesday January 26 22:00 DJ Styrmir Dansson
Sísý Ey
American Bar
21:00 Troubadour Ellert
22:00 DJ KGB Soundsystem
English Pub
21:00 DJ KGB Soundsystem
Enjoy food
Café Rosenberg
21:00 Rakel & Band
21:00 Troubadours Siggi Þ
Valur & Tryggvi
/ Ingi
21:00 DJ Logi Pedro
Reykjavík Cathedral Enjoy books
Dark Music Days
English Pub
21:00 Troubadour Alexander
22:00 Andrea Gylfadóttir & Bíóbandið
13:00 Guðný Einarsdóttir performs Jón
Norðdal organ pieces
Enjoy culture
21:00 Karaoke Night
21:00 Eivør and the Legend of the Seal
22:00 DJ Api Pabbi
Enjoy the
Nordic House
KEX Hostel Woman
20:30 KEXJazz Dark Music Days
12:00 The Icelandic Guitartrio Sunday January 31
Wednesday January 27 16:00 The children tackle the
composers American Bar
American Bar 18:00 Edda Erlendsdóttir, piano 21:00 Troubadour Alexander
21:00 Troubadour Alexander 19:00 Kristín Mjöll, bassoon Bryggjan Brugghús
Café Rosenberg 20:00 Caput 20:00 Sunjazz
21:00 Þórunn & Band 21:00 Jennifer Torrence, percussions English Pub
English Pub 22:00 Electrical Music 21:00 Troubadour Biggi
Húrra Stofan
21:00 Troubadours Ellert & Rolland
21:00 Berlin X Reykjavík: Beatmakin 22:00 Ambient Sunday: Bervit
Troopa / Studnitzky / dj flugvél og
21:00 Monday Night Jazz
geimskip / Futuregrapher /
Frank Murder
Monday February 1
21:00 DJ Kári
English Pub
21:00 DJ Gunni Ewok
Thursday January 28 Salurinn
21:00 Troubadours Ingi Valur &
20:30 Jón Ólafsson & Páll Rosenkranz
American Bar Húrra
21:00 Troubadour Matti Matt 21:00 Monday Night Jazz
22:00 Krystal Carma DJ Set
Bar Ananas
22:00 5immtudans & Stél
Saturday January 30 Tuesday February 2
Café Rosenberg
21:00 Stebbi Jak & Andri Ívars English Pub
English Pub American Bar
21:00 Troubadour Arnar
21:00 Troubadours Hjálmar & Dagur 22:00 Troubadour Ellert / DJ André
Gaukurinn Bar Ananas The Nordic House Reykjavík is a vibrant Nordic cultural
21:00 Karaoke Night
21:00 Omotrack 22:00 DJ Pabbi
KEX Hostel institution with exhibitions, a library, shop and one
Harpa 20:30 KEXJazz
19:30 Melkorka & Víkingur 22:00 DJ Herr Gott of the best restaurants in Reykjavík, Aalto Bistro.
Dark Music Days English Pub
18:00 Elektra Ensemble & Errata 21:00 Troubadours Arnar / Eiki & Wednesday February 3 The building is designed by the internationally
Gaukurinn Harpa
21:30 Dans Les Arbres 20:00 The Tin Drum: Högni Egilsson
Hlemmur Square 22:00 Vertigo / Ring of Gyges Opening hours
Hallgrímskirkja Prikið Mon–Fri 9–17. Sat–Sun 12–17.
21:00 Indriði 21:00 DJ Siggi Skurður
Húrra 17:00 Organ concert: Beyond Human Visit for more information.
20:00 Þórunn Antonía & Bjarni. Control
Book a table:
Mengi Harpa Thursday February 4 Sun–Wed 11–17. Thu–Sat 11–21
21:00 Daníel Friðrik Böðvarsson & Dark Music Days
12:00 The Adventure of Sölvi and King Gaukurinn
Bryndís Jakobsdóttir
Oddur 21:00 Funky Jazz Jam Session
14:00 Guðný Jónasdóttir, cello Prikið
21:00 Karaoke Time The Nordic House
15:00 Nordic Affect 21:00 Árni Kristjánsson Boogie DJ Set Sturlugata 5, 101 Reykjavík
16:00 The Icelandic Saxophone Quartet Stofan
Tel: 5517030,
20:30 Jón Ólafsson & Páll Rosenkranz
17:00 Vents du Nord - Norðan Garri 22:00 Gylfi Freeland DJ Set

Singapore Sling
'Psych fuck'
Fuzz Club Records

Perversity, desperation
and death

Although not quite of it, there. Rather, what you’re drowning oblivion as the guitar fuzz tears through
Singapore Sling are a constant in is a seemingly infinite stream of your eardrums. An out-of-tune bar piano
in the Icelandic music scene. novel expressions of hate, contempt and hammers home the truth, while over it all
As trends cycle from hip-hop to krútt madness, in equal measures. Pay attention an outright Satanic Henrik implores the
to metal to techno and back again, to bandleader Henrik’s voice on “Let It listener, “Set me on fire!”
Sling comfortably rest on the outskirts, Rise,” as he abandons any last pretention But then, there are lighter moments
eternally gazing into the void through dark to humanity, whatever remains of him throughout ‘Psych Fuck’, although I
shades and a haze of cigarette smoke, hovering in circles around the bass line. wouldn’t go so far as to call them playful.
just doing their nihilistic rock thing until Singapore Sling’s ideology is “Give Me Some” offers a bubblegum
the darkness finally engulfs them. And focused, their aesthetic effective: melody, albeit one drenched in piercing
this is a good thing, as their eighth studio feedback drones, leather, dirty organs, J&MC feedback, and album closer
album, ‘Psych Fuck’, aptly demonstrates. rockabilly swagger, Henrik’s haunted “Tower of Foronicity” brings uplifting
It starts with a krautrock drum Lou Reed drawl and an eternal, sneering organ chords that are stacked with piles
Osushi is a unique restaurant in Iceland.
machine beat before a sticky-sounding contempt for any- and everything of white noise as the song progresses.
The method of dining involves snatching bass synth joins the mix. As unintelligible held dear by bourgeoise society. This “All I want is to be held/Stay by
small plates from a conveyor belt. Pricing is demonic whispers and creepy minor music absorbs light and hope, intently myself in the darkest cell,” Henrik drawls
key piano chords fade in, we find celebrating perversity, desperation and on “Na Na Now.” If he keeps on churning
distinguished by the color and pattern of the ourselves engulfed deep in the tar pool of death. And it is good. out albums like these, I hope they lock
plate – most range between 230 - 440 ISK. concentrated murk that is ‘Psych Fuck’. We reach Peak Nightmare on him in that cell and throw away the key.
Dark as that pit may be, there album standout “Try.” The mechanistic
isn’t a moment of dull depression down drum machine beat is scrambled to - DAVÍÐ ROACH GUNNARSSON
Everything off the conveyor belt is tasty
and innocent, like a child‘s heart, and
and if you don’t really fancy sushi, you can Jón Ólafsson & Futuregrapher the more I listened to it, the more it made
instead choose for example teriyaki chicken, me think of new beginnings, childlike
'Eitt' games, and the timelessness that is often
noodle salad, tempura and desserts.
Möller Records associated with youth.
There are eight songs on the album,
The vibe in Osushi is friendly and relaxed. For pure-hearted
all with single-word titles: “Pictures,”
“Window,” “Children,” “Psalm,”
The restaurant is located almost next door to children of all ages “Presence,” “Circle,” “Fragment,” and
Althingi (the parliament) which is in the “West.” They all stand by themselves, but
also fit together, like chapters in a book
heart of the city.
I was taken aback when I watching. that you have to write yourself. When the first started listening to this At first, I somehow felt a bit too last song dies out, you realised you’ve
album, which manages to grown-up listening to music that can only just finished a wonderful and artistic
simultaneously sound like a score for be described as beautiful and honest… journey—and like a Teletubby, you just
an unmade film, theatre music and and totally without any edge to it. I like want to experience it again.
meditation music. I really started enjoying punk rock, for crying out loud! It took a
it when out walking, as it provided the few listens to realise that it is actually the - HEIÐA EIRÍKSDÓTTIR
perfect soundtrack for my people- opposite of grown-up music—it is pure



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Our Definitive List Of 2015’s

Best Albums And Songs BISTRO & B

Straumur radio show airs
Mondays on X977 at 23:00

Words: Davíð Roach Gunnarsson & Óli Dóri

Us Straumur guys would like to wish all of our readers a happy new musical year! With
that out of the way, let’s dig into the recent past to uncover our top five favourite Icelandic
albums and songs of last year. Head to our website,, for an extended ver-
sion of both lists, with far more entries, and also YouTube embeds.


5. Mr. Silla – ‘Mr. Silla’

Mr. Silla has been active in the local
2. Pink Street Boys – ‘Hits#1’
For the second year in a row, those Pink
Street Boys made our second favourite
album of the year. PSB have firmly
3. “Stelpur” – Jón Þór
In “Stelpur” (“Girls”), Jón Þór digs into the
essence of being young, desperate and
lovesick in the midst of the whirlpool of a
uno  is  the  perfect  place  to  start  
music scene for over a decade, most cemented their status one of Iceland’s drinking binge in the Reykjavík nightlife.
prominently as a singer of múm, but this most explosive live bands (and they have The ridiculously catchy chorus sticks to
is her first solo offering, and it doesn’t the Grapevine Award to prove it!), and your frontal brain for weeks after listening a  good  day  or  end  a  great  evening
disappoint one bit. Silla’s angelic voice on ‘Hits#1’ they manage to harness that to it.
towers over the impeccably produced power—and then some.
album, which conveys an irresistibly
bittersweet melancholy. While her
eponymous début might brings to mind
hypermodern songstresses like FKA
twigs and Kelela, Mr. Silla fully succeeds
in building a sound and world of her own.

2. “Morgunmatur” – GKR
1.Tonik Ensemble – ‘Snapshots’ Rapper GKR managed to make a
‘Snapshots’ is so blazingly ambitious name for himself and get ahead of the
and carefully thought-out that one competition in what was by all accounts
can’t help but feel in awe of Tonik’s a very strong year for Icelandic hip-hop.
4. Gísli Pálmi – ‘Gísli Pálmi’ craft. It is a techno album that goes far He did this with a song about what some
After releasing a string of YouTube beyond techno, featuring some pristine say is the most important meal of the
videos to critical and popular acclaim vocal performances and meticulously day, breakfast. While other rappers brag
over the course of the last three years, arranged and sequenced “real songs.” about how hardcore they are, GKR offers
Gísli Pálmi finally dropped a proper LP Every detail has been considered to a very keen eye for everyday life and the
this spring. The record was a major event the point where there’s not an ounce of various details that make it up.
in Iceland, with eager GP fans lining up excess to be found. ‘Snapshots’ is digital
outside the record store to score the first and analogue, uplifting and gloomy, a
copies—and as soon as folks managed to humanist soul shining through it all.
bring the record home, Iceland’s Twitter
community basically exploded. People
went apeshit. It’s no wonder. ‘Gísli Pálmi’ THE FIVE BEST SONGS OF 2015
is a real phenomenon, cinematic and
larger than life, sporting futuristic hi-fi
extravaganza beats underscoring GP’s
debauched lyrics and outsized character.
1. “Elskan af því bara” –
This oh-so beautiful breakout hit from
Vaginaboys burst onto the scene this
spring from out of nowhere. It’s a
wonderfully bittersweet RnB-tinged slow
jam painted with old-sounding drum
machines and warm synth pads. The icing
on the 1980s cake is the vocals, drenched
in layers upon layers of autotune and
vocoder as they are, and tweaked in all
5. “Love, love, love” – Helgi Valur sorts of unexpected ways. It is both sad
Helgi Valur composed this epic ten- and sexy, like that final breakup fuck after
minute journey of a song while committed you decide to end a relationship and part
to a mental institution in the midst of a ways with a lover.
schizophrenic episode. Fittingly, the
3. Vaginaboys – ‘Icelandick’ lyrics hone on in that brand of insanity
Vaginaboys are mysteriously masked
musical love machines who claim to
we commonly refer to as love. Complete
with a spoken word rant and hair-raising
HAPPY  HOUR free  Wifi
make music that aims for your heart and
genitals. They finally dropped a début EP,
‘Icelandick’, (heh) at the end of the year,
guitar solo. Listen to it now. And again.

4. “We Will Live For Ages” – Hjaltalín

Weekends 11.30–24
offering six servings of 808s, heartbreaks,
synthesizers and sincerity. We can’t get
Finally Hjaltalín released a new song,
three long years after the release of
their breakthrough masterpiece, ‘Enter
17-19 Other days 11.30–23
IV’. The tune is a blend of neo-classical
minimalism and electronics, where every
sound has its own space. Högni’s vocals
kill it in the chorus. UNO at Ingólfstorg | Tel. 561 1313 |


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Kira Kira, aka Kristín

Björk Kristjánsdóttir,
stands at the front of a

low-lit lecture theatre.
As music students file
in, she plays a deep,
harmonic sound over
the speakers, and
R E S TA U R A N T & B A R wafts a smouldering
piece of Palo Stanto
“Holy Wood” in
circles, spreading its
Words by John Rogers Photo by Sigga Ella
pungent aroma. The
room gradually fills
Reflecting on ten years of up with people, and
music-making, Kira Kira They’re assembling for an hour-long
glimpse into Kristín's intriguing

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and grow in different directions.”
Even given her strong instincts for


improvisation and experimentation,
Kira Kira has distilled her work into
three albums to date. The first one,
‘Skotta’, came out in 2005, and has
just passed its tenth birthday. Freshly caught seafood and free range lamb – with a modern twist
“I actually feel like another musi-
cian made that record,” she smiles.
“And I mean, every cell in your body
regenerates, over time. So, both physi-
cally and spiritually, I’m literally a FROM 17:00
different person. But I still have that
same affection for making an im- DINNER
mersive world of sound... it’s all very
much a part of the journey. There are
no regrets.”
Kristín is also very candid about STARTS WITH A “REFRESHING“ SHOT
the obstacles and difficulties that OF THE NATIONAL SNAPS BRENNIVÍN
artists have to deal with over time. FOLLOWED BY A BITE-SIZED TASTE OF PUFFIN
The new choir, formed from Kristín’s
community of musician friends, also OCEAN PERCH
acts as a place where people come Slow cooked ocean perch, beetroot purée, spicy
together and discuss where they’re at.
butter, serrano ham, beetroot
“That part is so important,” says
Kristín. “Sometimes you really don’t MINKE WHALE
know how to continue, or even why Shallot vinaigrette, crispy Jerusalem artichokes
you would continue. Every artist goes
through that, and it’s tough when SEA TROUT
you’re in it. It comes in waves that Yuzu mayo, truffle mayo, crispy quinoa, apple
crash down, and rise again. It feels
amazing when the wave is rising. It’s PLAICE
a special time, when you’ve found Samphire, green asparagus, blood orange, lime beurre blanc
what you’re going to work on and
you’re in the flow of it. But when RACK OF FREE RANGE ICELANDIC LAMB
you complete a project and let it out Lamb fillet, leeks, pickled onions, browned celeriac, baked
into the world, you can feel com- carrots, spinach and dill cream
pletely lost. That’s when community
becomes very important.”
Dessert by pastry chef Axel Þ.
Chocolate mousse, raspberry gel, Sacher layer
the momentum
As well as investing time in nurturing 7.990 kr.
a creative support network, Kristín
has recently started to expand in
other directions, embracing the more
business-minded aspects of being a
“I put a lot of love and a tremen- Austurstræti 16 101 Reykjavík
1990s. She begins by talking about her dous amount of passion into what I
very first band Spúnk, moving on to make,” she explains, carefully, “but up
describe her path through the prolific until recently I hadn’t really focussed
Kitchen Motors collective and found- on creating a set-up that allowed
ing Big Band Brútal; creating a kite those creations to be enjoyed by a
symphony in Shanghai; producing the wider group of people. For the longest
award-winning documentary 'Amma time, I wanted to keep things at home
Lo-Fi’ and, of course, her work under and run them in a DIY, organic way,
the Kira Kira moni- with no outside
voices interfering.
"What really
ker, amongst many
other projects. But the more I get
Now, at the tail
turns me on to know the music
business—and the
is taking on
end of 2015, Kristín
shows no signs of world—the more I
slowing down. Hav-
ing recently founded things I’ve know you don’t have
to do anything you
a new choir, Kristín never done don’t want to do. So
discusses a forth-
coming film on before. It you just make sure
you don’t make bad
the theme of “the keeps me deals. It’s perfectly

alive, and in a
creative spark,” now possible to keep
in pre-production your integrity, and
for shooting in three place where be wildly successful,
at the same time.
different countries
in 2017. She’s also I feel like my You just need to be
working on two
artistry is a bit wise about it.
And anyone can do
new collaborative
albums—one with that.”
LA musician Eskmo, And despite the
and one mass-collaboration called discursive, varying
‘Kira & Friends’. “It's very important nature of Kristín’s practise—which
to push yourself,” she says, to the often lies between sound art, experi-
throng. “To belong to something big- mentation with new technologies,
ger than just yourself in a bottle.” music performance and group im-
provisation—it’s the sense of warmth,
inclusivity and creative curiosity that
Conversations, organ- most defines her work.
isms, waves “That’s just the way I roll,” smiles
Kristín. “It’s certainly not the easiest
Later, at Stofan café, we talk over way to go. But what really turns me
Kristín’s creative journey. I remark on is taking on things I’ve never done
that all of the different interconnect- before. It keeps me alive, and in a
ed projects seem to be driven along place where I feel like my artistry is
by the will to maintain a generous, expanding. And that’s completely by
plural, open-ended practise. choice. I could have made things easy
“Well, I’ve always created things for myself by following the momen-
from a place of wanting to be in tum at various different points in my
conversation with the world,” says journey. But I’m really happy things
Kristín. “There’s almost a sense of are exactly the way are.”
responsibility there—that you’re not Kristín pauses, and a smile creeps
allowed to just be in your cave and over her face. “I actually have this
make things, forever. It’s so important strange feeling that it’s all just begin-
to inspire conversation and dialogue. ning,” she finishes. “That so far, this
And for me, that is the process of was school. And now, we do it.”
making things. I’ve always had a very
open process—sparking something,
then allowing it to find its own shape.
Like an open organism that can move

Adventure at Sea
Runs until March 6
Kristbergur Pétursson
This exhibit features new oil- and
watercolour paintings by Kristbergur,
an artist who has been painting for over
twenty years. His aesthetic leans toward
the abstract, where colours flow within

dark, gloomy landscapes.
Opens January 23
Runs until March 13
‘Diktur’ by Ragnhildur Jóhanns

Ragnhildur uses mediums such as
sculpture, collage, drawing, and print to
explore the relationship between language
and art.
Opens January 23
IN DECEMBER Runs until March 6
Harpa Norðurbryggja
Temporal Moments Made Eternal ‘Hljóðalestur’ Dark Music Days
Festival Installation by Þóranna
The Icelandic Photography Festival Björnsdóttir
Daily departures in ‘Hljóðalestur’ or “sound reading” explores
December: 13:00
Reykjavík Museum Of Photography the relationship between certain read
Duration: 3-5 hours words and the soundscapes they articulate.
Tryggvagata 15 (D3) | Until January 17 | Admission: Free Þóranna is an artist noted for both
her electronic music and her classical
The Icelandic Photography Festival is upon us for the third time, approach to creating soundscapes.
Opens January 29 from 18:00-
and this year it focuses on photo-books. The programme includes
exhibitions, talks and portfolio reviews, and takes place at vari- Dark Music Days Festival
ous venues in Reykjavík and Kópavogur. The festival also seeks to Installation by Gunnar Karel
strengthen the relationship between the Icelandic and international In this installation, Gunnar recreates
a performance of his composition,
photography scenes, as well as to promote photography as an art ‘Pansonicon 1’, offering viewers the chance
medium. Highlights include exhibitions ‘Moods’ by Friðgeir Helgas- to experience the concert.
on and ‘Independent Mothers’ by Annie Ling; the full programme Opens January 30 from 16:00-
can be found at HBG 22:00

Photo by Annie Ling Óvera’ by Sigga Björg Sigurðardóttir
Sigga Björg Sigurðadóttir presents her
Jan 8 - Feb 4 “Drag-Súgur“ Drag Cabaret
For all the beautiful creatures of the night,
work at Hverfisgallerí. There is a special
opening event on January 16 at 16:00.

from queens to kings, fairies to trolls, and Opens January 16
How to use the listings: Events are
listed alphabetically. For complete everything in between. The event will Runs until February 27
listings and detailed information feature drag, cabaret, music and comedy Kópavogur Art Museum
on venues visit listings.grapevine. acts. Gerðarsafn
is. Send your listings to: listings@ January 22 at 21:00 ‘Deltas’ by Ingvar Högni
Daily departures in 'Make THIS Funny!' – Improvised Ragnarsson
Standup Comedy
December: 21:00 Ingvar Högni exhibits photographs taken
Opening Members of the Goldengang Comedy group during a three week residency at ARCUB in
Duration: 1.5-2.5 hours take your suggestions and run with them, Bucharest, Romania. He focuses on quiet
ASÍ Art Gallery turning them into improv comedy. spaces within the bustling city, thereby
‘L’ ile infernale’ by Anne Herzog January 13, 20, & February 3 at shedding light on the interactions between
Anne searches for the middle of the Earth 20:30 everyday life and complex social issues.
in Snæfellsjökull through various mediums. Poetry Party Opens January 15
She graduated from Pantheon-Sorbonne Join host Hildur Knútsdóttir and a slew Runs until February 27
University in Paris, and has had her work of Icelandic poets for a night of poetry ‘Double Happiness’ by Katrín
exhibited in Iceland, New York, Trinidad, and parties. There will also be musical Elvarsdóttir
Tobago as well as other places in Europe. performances by Kauko Röyhkä and Olga Katrín exhibits work created in China in
Opens January 9 Välimaa. 2010-2014. She explores city life, mainly
Runs until January 31 January 8 at 20:00 the lines between the everyday and the
‘Roði, strokur, andrá’ by Hulda
Vilhjálmsdóttir & Marta María
“So here‘s a funny story“ – Standup
Comedy Story Night
fantastic, and builds an idea of happiness
out of solemn, unreachable settings of
un Members of the Goldengang Comedy group
decem t in Jónsdóttir photographs.
Hulda Vilhjálmsdóttir & Marta María tell some of their funniest stories. Opens January 15
Jónsdóttir exhibit new paintings and Jan 27 at 21:00 Runs until February 27
drawings where they look at subjects both Standup Comedy Jonathan Duffy Listastofan (Hringbraut 110)
on a surface level, and at what’s hidden Australian comedian Jonathan Duffy shows Life Drawing Sessions
beneath, dealing with personal subjects. his comedy guns. After the show, the Flex your drawing muscles at Listastofan’s
Opens January 9 Benjamín Náttmörður Jazz Trio will perform. weekly Life Drawing sessions. There
Elding Adventure at Sea | Old Harbour January 17 at 21:00
Runs until January 31 will be a professional nude model at the
101 Reykjavík | Iceland Gerðuberg Cultural Centre
Gaukurinn session. Light refreshments and good vibes
Tel: (+354) 519 5000 ‘My world’ - Guðrún Ingibjartsdóttir
'Come Talk Funny' – Open Mic are provided, but please bring your own | Standup Comedy in English Guðrún has been painting with watercolours sketchpad and drawing tools. There is an
The Goldengang Comedy group hosts its for more than twenty years, and has extra session on January 16.
weekly OpenMic stand-up session. Come attended various masterclasses in Iceland, January 11, 16, 18, 25, and
for some laughs. England and France. Guðrún finds much of February 1 at 19:00
January 11, 18, 25 & February 1 at her inspiration in nature.
20:30. Opens January 17


Experience the best of Icelandic design
COME FIND OUT in Reykjavík’s oldest house

Reykjavik Old Harbour I 00354 519 5050 I FRESH  AND  LIVELY Kraum - Aalstræti 10, Reykjavík - 


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INSIDE Reykjavík Map Happy Hour Guide Places We Like Best Of Reykjavík Practical Info
Reykjavík January 8 - February 4 Keep it in your pocket

Four Weeks
The Grapevine picks the events, places and things to check out in the next four weeks.

Veganuary TED
30 Pig Out On Vegan Food
11 Women Of Their Word
January January

TEDxRvk Cinema
Stúdentakjallarinn, Sæmundargata 4 (G2) | 20:00
Veganuary potluck In conjunction with Reykjavík City’s celebration Iceland’s fi rst n iche per f u mer y,
Friðarhúsið, Njálsgata 87 (G8) | 20:00 | Free! of the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage, offeri ng a world class selection of
TEDxReykjavík presents talks by TEDxWomen, the fi nest ar tistic per f u mes and
The vegan and vegetarian society in Iceland has
in addition to TED and TEDx talks by female cosmetics i n dow ntow n R e y k j av i k
been hard at work promoting Veganuary, an
speakers. Activist and queer feminist Ugla
international event that challenges people to go
Stefanía Kristjönudóttir Jónsdóttir hosts the
vegan for the whole of January—which is, after
all, a month often associated with change and
event—and she is well-suited to do so, having Welcome to our enchanting
new beginnings. The association is running an
been a spokesperson for transgender people in Beauty Room where we offer a
Iceland, involved in activism both abroad and at range of treatements using only
online campaign, offering plenty of advice on
home, and on numerous boards and associa- the fi nest skin care products
where to find good ingredients and recipes on
tions for queer and trans students. The talks
their website The challenge
will be in English, and participation is welcome.
culminates in a potluck event, with people
Come celebrate women’s suffrage with fries,
bringing along homemade food and chewing
burgers, and food for thought. Oh, and admis-
the definitely metaphorical fat. GB
sion is free! RTC
Every Monday and Wednesday

Stand-up comedy in English

Photography Exhibit
Every Monday, a group of comedians called the 30-7
GoldenGang get together and perform a free Jan Feb The Fall From Paradise
comedy set in English for expats and locals alike.
Then on Wednesdays there are improv nights, and
a story night at the end of the month—admission is
1,000 ISK.
Gaukurinn at 20:30 Madison Perfumery Reykjavik • Aðalstræti 9 • 101 Reykjavik
tel : +354 571 7800 •
January 9
Svavar Knútur X FALK
Beloved folk singer Svavar Knútur joins extreme
music collective FALK for an unforgettable night,
where he plays his normal repertoire of tunes,
only to have his guitar and vocals mixed live by
KRAKKKBOT and AMFJ. Admission: 2,000 ISK.
Húrra at 21:00
January 29
Eivør and the Legend of the Seal Woman Photography Graduate Exhibition
The Faroese goddess Eivør interprets the legend Læknaminjasafnið, Neströð Nesstofu | Free!
of the transformation of the Seal Woman with
School of Photography graduates will come
the Danish National Vocal Ensamble and the
together and exhibit their final projects. Their
Danish Radio Big Band. Admission: 5,900 ISK.
work tackles subjects as diverse as environ-
Harpa at 21:00
mentalism, 101 shopkeepers, cosmopolitanism,
and much more, drawing inspiration from a
February 3 varied selection of ideologies and techniques.
There’s an opening party on January 30 at
Högni Egilsson - The Tin Drum 15:00, after which the exhibit is open for nine
Front man of Hjaltalín and Gusgus Högni is days, from 15:00-20:00 during the week, and
performing his solo project HE as part of The Tin 12:00-18:00 on weekends. HBG
Drum. Admission: 3,500 ISK.
Harpa at 21:00 Photo by Ellen Inga Hannesdóttir
1 2 3 4 5


n di
Places We Like A
R E Y K J AV I K 1 Hverfisgata 12 Museum
Hverfisgata 12 Saga
In an era when everyone is obsessed with
LUNCH AND DINNER MENU visibility and self-promotion, Hverfisgata
LOCAL AND FOREIGN DISHES 12 attracts its own crowd through word of N AU
BAR mouth and nothing more. It offers the kind ofÁNA B
pizzas you are unlikely to have tried before, M
with inventive toppings such as barbecue AR
sauce, shredded pork, pears, roasted seeds
and horseradish cream. LEN

RA 2 Bergsson Mathús MN



Templararsund 3 NA VES GE




Offering an eclectic selection of fresh and C BÁ R TA GA


healthy flavours, this addition to casual down- ATA Harpa



town dining prides itself on using local and ÖLD Concert

B A N K A S T R Æ T I 7 A - 1 0 1 R E Y K J AV Í K - T E L . 5 6 2 3 2 3 2


UG Art Museum

ND produce. Using this ingredient base, ATA Hall


R Aproduce

they Middle Eastern, Soul Food, Main TR

Tourist YGG

vegetarian and vegan dishes that are perfect The

Info VA
when you need more than a snack, but less HÁ GA Central


than a full horse. 5
1 Bank





V EL Culture



3 Nora A Magasin D DTUR House


IS T Austur STR


ME völlur Æ TI National
Pósthússtræti 9 KIRK



JUS BA 18 Theatre LIN


With its hardwood
R tables, turquoise blue TI AS GA
GU Icelandic TR Æ TA


SVE French windows and funk music
walls, huge SÓ
L LVA Parliament 7 TI

JÓ in the background, Nora Magasin has

VO 1
playing L 2



PL Aall the makings of a classy place. The food A GA RS



K TA TR Taxi



is entirely home-made and designed byGan GA 11 6



imaginative team that's always adding L fun 9 VEG

City UR





novelties to the menu. FS Hall


Vesturbæjar E














4 KEX Hostel





Skúlagata 28 EL

H V E R F I S G ATA 7 6





KEX Hostel is the ES

M darling of Reykjavík hipsters



and professionals andHA their visiting peers


from abroad, drawing Gcrowds Gallery

daily. With




its great views and cheap accommodation, SKOTH



SH and choice beer selection— UR

excellent dining




along with an abundance of exciting events—


you don’t have to wonder why. National BA
library A






Hafnarstræti 1-3 GI




. cucina italiana combines traditional G



Icelandic and Italian dishes. They’ve got a Hljómskáli



whole lot of appetizers to choose from and






mouth-watering main courses at affordable

of Iceland




prices. (And you can observe them craft their





fresh pasta daily!)





Nordic House UR
H STU G Culture Center

Drinking UA

6 Tíu Dropar AG 7 Prikið 8 AT
Sólon Bistro 9 Kaffibarinn



Bankastræti 12 ÐA 7a
Bankastræti Bergstaðastræti 1 GB


Laugavegur 27

AR Coach

. in a small, cosy basement on Prikið is one of those places that shape-shifts. Don't findNJyour crowd at Prikið? Maybe you'll A popular café on weekdays, on weekends

Laugavegur, Tíu Dropar is one of Iceland’s It’s a warm café lined with photographs of its fit right in on the other side of the street at Kaffibarinn turns into a ticket for a wild
oldest cafés. During the day it serves a EGsenior frequenters on weekdays, a hung-over Sólon Bistro. A café in the daytime, restaurant night out, as the space fills up with the
GER late-night souls oozing energy in every
selection of coffee, tea and
LYNfood (including hangout
TSGon weekend afternoons, and during in the evening and a club at night. A great
grandma-style pancakes), and GHduring the
AG nights it’sAfilled
TA to the brim with Iceland’s location in the middle of Laugavegur and corner. With DJs playing and the occasional
night it turns into a French-styled wine bar. resurgent hip-hop scene. Go there in the ideal for people watching. rock band, the party usually lasts until early
STA daytime for the cheap burgers; enter at night morning, yet often manages to leave you
RH for some OTT hip-hop debauchery, old skool begging for more.
I and the latest bangers alike.

Useful Numbers The Icelandic Travel Market, Bankastræti 2, Public Transport Shops: Mon–Fri 10:00–18:00, Sat 10:00–16:00,
Emergency number: 112 tel: 522 4979 Sun closed. The shopping centres Kringlan and
The only public transport available in Reykjavík Smáralind as well as most supermarkets and
Medical help: 1770 Trip, Laugavegur 54, tel: 433 8747
is the bus. Most buses run every 20–30 minutes tourist shops have longer opening hours.

Dental emergency: 575 0505 Pharmacies

(the wait may be longer on weekends) and the
Swimming pools: Weekdays 06:30–22:00 and
Information: 1818 Lyf og heilsa, Egilsgata 3, tel: 563 1020 price per fare is 400 ISK for adults and children.
ÞO weekends 09:00–17:00, although each pool
Taxi: Hreyfill-Bæjarleiðir: 588 5522 RR Lyfja, Laugavegur 16, tel: 552 4045 and Lág- Multiple day passes are available for purchase
AG varies plus or minus a few hours.
BSR: 561 0000 múla
ATA 5, tel: 533 2300 at select locations and through their eponymous
Reykjavík Banks in the centre are open Mon-Fri 09:00-
Coach Terminal app. Complete route map available at: www.bus.
Tax-Free Refund Domestic 16:00.
is. Tel: 540 2700. Buses run from 07:00–24:00 on
Iceland Refund, Aðalstræti 2, tel: 564 6400 BSÍ, Vatnsmýrarvegur 10, Airport Post Offices
weekdays and 10:00–24:00 on weekends. Main
Tourist Information tel: 562 1011, Taxi
terminals are: Hlemmur and Lækjartorg. Post offices are located around the city. The
Domestic Airlines Opening Hours downtown post office is at Pósthússtræti 3–5,
Arctic Adventures, Laugavegur 11,
Air Iceland, Reykjavíkurflugvöllur, open Mon–Fri 09:00–18:00. Stamps are also
tel: 562 7000 Bars and clubs: According to regulations,
sold at bookstores, gas stations, tourist shops
Tourist Info Centre, Aðalstræti 2, tel: 590 1550 tel: 570 3030, bars can stay open until 01:00 on weekdays and
and some grocery stores.
Iceland Excursions – Grayline Iceland, Eagle Air, Hótel Loftleiðir, tel: 562 4200 04:30 on weekends.
Hafnarstræti 20, tel: 540 1300

Party Every Night • Cocktails
Live Sports Coverage
Ribs - Burgers Hótel Loftleiðir
UG Live Music Every Night
ING Chicken Wings
ES 50 different kinds of beer

6 7 8 9
Venue Finder
New In Town Music & Entertainment


Austurstræti 7 | D3
Bankastræti 5 | E4
Tryggvagata 22 | D3
Austurstræti 20 | D3
1935 - 2015 DON’T LOVE US ON Bar 11
Hverfisgata 18 | E5
Naustin | D3

80 years Bar Ananas Kex Hostel

Klappastígur 28 | E5 Skúlagata 28 | E7
Bíó Paradís Kaffibarinn
13 Listastofan Hverfisgata 54 | E5 Bergstaðastræti 1 | E4
Bjarni Fel Kaldi Bar
Hringbraut 119 (outside of map) Austurstræti 20 | E4 Laugavegur 20b | E5
With its comfy couches, spacious exhibition
room, and welcoming co-directors,
Listastofan has it going on. In addition
by the old
Laugavegur 22 | E5
Kiki Queer Bar
Laugavegur 22 | E5
to exhibitions and workshops, the venue harbour Laugavegur 28b | E5 Lækjargata 6 | E4

boasts a shared studio for in-house Bunk Loft Hostel
artists and a photography darkroom. Laugavegur 28 | E5 Bankastræti 7 | E4
While they primarily host design, film, and Café Rósenberg Paloma
photography exhibitions, the directors are Klapparstígur 25 | E5 Naustin | D3
keen on incorporating other sorts of art, ww
Coocoo's Nest Prikið
too—everything from fiction readings to Grandagarður 23 | B2 Bankastræti 12 | E4

life-drawing workshops. Listastofan is a

ro m
Den Danske Kro Reykjavík Roasters

great place to look at art—but also to make Ingólfsstræti 3 | E4 Kárastígur 1 | F5

it, should you be inclined. Dillon Stofan Café
*UDQGDJDUêL_5H\NMDYtN Laugavegur 30 | E5 Vesturgata 3 | D3

Naustin 1-3 | D3 Lækjargata 10 | E3 H
I J Dúfnhólar 10 Ölstofan
Hafnarstræti 18 | D3 Vegamótastígur 4 | E5
SK SÆ English Pub
ÚL BR Austurstræti 12 | D3
Museums & Galleries
ART67 Reykjavík Art Gallery
A RG Laugavegur 67 | F7 Skúlagata 30 | E7
Open 09-21 Tue-Sun 14–18 Reykjavík Art

Aurora Reykjavík Museum -


Grandagarður 2 | B1 Hafnarhús

Mon-Fri 12-18 / Sat Tryggvagata 17 | D3

BORG A R 12-16 Open 10-17
4 Thursday 10-20
B Ásgrimur Jónsson
Museum Kjarvalsstaðir
Flókagata 24 | H8

Bergstaðastræti 74 | G4

Mon-Fri through Sep 1 Open 10-17



Better Weather Win-


GR Sigtún


dow Gallery

ISG L AG Open 10-17


ATA ATA Laugavegur 41 | E6






Bus Terminal MI Ð

The Einar Jónsson



T Reykjavík City Library

Tryggvagata 15 | D3

NJ 12 Eiriksgata | G5
SG HÁT Tue–Sun 14–17

BER Reykjavík City


Hallgríms ÞÓ Museum -

RU Ekkisens Árbæjarsafn
kirkja G ATA LA
BRAUTARHOLT UG Bergstaðastræti 25b F4 Kistuhylur 4
Church AV

Gallerí List Daily tours at 13

R The Settlement Exhibi-
Skipholt 50A | H10
M-F 11-18, Sat 11-16 tion

Sundhöllin Aðalstræti 17 | D3

TÍG Swimming Open daily 9–20

S Hafnarborg
NS Pool Reykjavík Maritime

Ó Strandgata 34, Haf-


AR Museum



Grandagarður 8 | B2



Open daily 10-17



Hannesarholt Reykjavík Museum of



Grundarstígur 10 | F4 Photography

A Tryggvagata 15 | D3


Hitt Húsið Mon-Thur 12–19 / Fri 12-


18 / Sat–Sun 13–17

V EGU Gallery Tukt


R Viðey Island

Pósthússtræti 3-5 | D4
STÍG Ferry from Skarfabakki

FLÓ Harbour, Sat-Sun only


Hverfisgata 4 | D4
Shopping 11 Hrím 12 Red Cross Saga Museum

Grandagarður 2 | B2
i8 Gallery
Laugavegur 25 Laugavegur 116
10 12 Tónar Tryggvagata 16 | D3
Sigurjón Ólafsson
Unlike other design shops in town, this one Tue–Fri 11–17 / Sat
Skólavörðustígur 15 goes beyond the local borders to bring some
of the most innovative and stylish creations
With two locations right in the downtown
core, real second-hand pickers and diggers
13–17 and by appoint-
Laugarnestangi 70 at it’s best
Both a record label and a store, 12 Tónar will delight in sifting through the hidden
from designers around the world. They are The Icelandic Phal-
have been bringing sweet sounds to treasures of these goodwill shops. The neigh- SÍM
also the official sales point of Lomography in lological Museum
Reykjavík for the past 15 years. They stock all bourly staff and quirky decorations will take Laugavegur 116 | F8 Hafnarstræti 16 | D3
of the best new Icelandic music on CDs and Iceland, so get yourself a Diana camera and Mon-Fri 10-16
you through a little slice of history.
some vinyl. Also, check out their Facebook start snapping.
page for information about in-store gigs. Vesturgata 4 | D3 Sólon Bistro Bankastræti 7a | E4
Mon-Thu 11-23:30
Mengi Fri-Sat 11-01
Public Phones The National and University Library, Public Toilets Óðinsgata 2 | F5 Sun 11-23
Arngrímsgata 3
There aren’t many public payphones in the Public toilets in the centre can be found
Tourist Information Centre, Aðalstræti 2 Spark Design Space
city centre. The tourist information centre inside the green-poster covered tow- Mokka Kaffi Klapparstígur 33 | E5
at Aðalstræti 2, City Hall, Kolaportið, Icelandic Travel Market, Bankastræti 2 ers located, for example, at Hlemmur, Skólavörðustígur 3A | E5 M-Fri 12-18, Sat 12-16
Reykjavík Backpackers, Laugavegur 28 Ingólfstortorg, by Hallgrímskirkja, by www.sparkdesign-
entrance at Landsbankinn and in Lækjar-
gata. Prepaid international phone cards Swimming Pools Reykjavík Art Museum, Lækjargata and by The National Gallery
are recommended for int’l callers. Eymundsson on Skólavörðustígur. Toilets of Iceland Tveir Hrafnar
There are several swimming pools in Fríkirkjuvegur 7 | F3
Internet Access can also be found inside the Reykjavík Baldursgata 12 | G4 Nordic House
Reykjavík. The one in 101 Reykjavík, Tue–Sun 11–17 Thu-Fri 12-17, Sat 13-16
City Hall and the Reykjavík Library.
Sturlugata 5
Most cafés offer free wireless internet Sundhöll Reykjavíkur, is an indoor one,
located at Barónsstígur. It features a
101 Reykjavik
access. Computers with internet connec- The National Museum Wind & Weather +354 551 0200
tions are available to use at: nice sunbathing area and some outdoor Suðurgata 41 | G2 Gallery
hot tubs. Opening hours: Mon-Thu from Open daily 10–17
Ráðhúskaffi City Hall, Tjarnargata 11 Hverfisgata 37 | E5
06:30–22:00, Fri from 06:30–20:00,
Ground Zero, Frakkastígur 8, near
Sat from 08:00–16:00 and Sun from The Nordic House
Laugavegur 45,
10:00–18:00. Sturlugata 5 | H2 G
The Reykjavík City Library, Tryggvagata 15 Mon–Sun 11–17

best of r ey k jav ík
Every year around the beginning of July, we make a BEST OF REYKJAVÍK ISSUE celebrating
some of what makes Reykjavík-life worthwhile, posting some good entries into a hopefully never-
ending discussion. The following are some nice tips we pulled from BEST OF REYKJAVÍK 2015,
which you can read in full at

Dining and Activities and Shopping and

COOLEST Grubbing Funtimes Commerce
GASTROPUB Best Ice Cream
Best Place To See A Movie
Bíó Paradís
Best Bookstore
Bókabúð Steinars (Sjónarlind)
Kitchen open
until 23

Grandagarður 21 Hverfisgata 54 Bergstaðastræti 7

The last few years saw a lot of growth in This downtown “cinema paradise” is a Even though Iceland is a country with
new artisanal ice cream parlours, but for surefire winner for the movie category. a remarkably high number of published
the best all-around ice cream joint, it still Showing indie flicks, older movies, cult authors per capita—some might say a
has to go to Valdís. You won’t go there films and a selection of new art-house nation of writers—it’s kind of surprising
for the soft serve, but if it’s inventively productions, the programme offers how limited the bookstore game is.
flavoured scoops you’re after then Valdís something for everyone, whilst avoiding Bókabúð Steinars on Bergstaðastræti is
is your place. It’s not gelato in the strictest the latest Hollywood stuff. Indeed, quite singular though, offering a lovely
Italian sense, but the rhubarb and Iceland’s only art-house cinema should and well-curated selection of primarily
peppery liquorice scoops are perennial satisfy any would-be cinephile, hosting non-fiction books almost exclusively in
favourites with locals and tourists alike. mini-film festivals and special events English. Ranging through topics such
One panellist recommended the caramel alongside recent Icelandic films with as biography, gastronomy, fashion,
and salted peanut, noting that the freshly English subtitles. It’s even a nice place to art, photography and beyond, they are
baked waffle cones really take it to the hang out for a drink or two, as the theatre the only first-hand indie bookstore
next level. has a pleasant seating area and regularly in town. “Not only do they have great
hosts art exhibitions and even concerts. books showing styles and photographs,
Also notable is the fact that Bíó Paradís they also have an excellent selection
is Iceland’s only cinema that doesn’t have of beautiful tutorial books,” said one
intermissions. bibliophile. “It is really great to find
something fun or to find something to
help you learn a serious skill.” Sounds
Laugavegur 24 | #publichouse101 great to us.

A Guide
Boston Iða Zimsen Reykjavík Chips
Every day from 16:00 to 20:00. Every day from 17:00 to 22:00. Every day from 20:00 to 22:00. 2 beers
Beer 600 ISK, Wine 650 ISK. Beer 450 ISK. and fries 2,000 ISK.

Ísafold Bistro Rio Sportbar
Every day from 17:00 to 21:00. Every day from 17:00 to 19:00. Every day from 12:00 to 20:00.
Beer 500 ISK, Wine 750 ISK. Beer 600 ISK, Wine 900 ISK. Beer 750 ISK, Wine 800 ISK.
Bunk Bar Kaffibarinn SKY Bar & Lounge

Fucks Every day from 16:00 to 20:00.

Beer 600 ISK, Wine 750 ISK.
Café Haiti
Every day from 15:00 to 20:00.
Beer 650 ISK.
Kaldi Bar
Every day from 17:00 to 19:00.
Beer 600 ISK, Wine 900 ISK.
Skuggi Bar

You Up Every day from 16:00 to 19:00.

Beer 650 ISK, Wine 800 ISK.
Den Danske Kro
Every day from 16:00 to 19:00.
Beer 650 ISK, Wine 650 ISK.
Kiki Queer Bar
Every day from 16:00 to 19:00. 2-for-1
Beer 500 ISK, Wine 700 ISK.
Skúli Craft Bar
Every day from 16:00 to 19:00. 2-for-1 Thursday from 16:00 to 19:00. Every day from 14:00 to 19:00.
Beer 1,000 ISK and Wine 1,200 ISK.
A list of every Dillon
Beer 500 ISK, Shots 500 ISK. Beer 700 ISK, Wine 1,000 ISK.
Kitchen & Wine Bar Slippbarinn
Happy Hour in Every day from 16:00 to 20:00. Thursday from 16:00 to 18:30. Every day from 15:00 to 18:00.
Beer 550 ISK, Wine 700 ISK, Whiskey Beer 750 ISK, Wine 900 ISK, selected Beer 500 ISK, Wine 600 ISK, selected
101 Reykjavík 550 ISK. cocktails 1,500 ISK. cocktails 1,000 ISK.
Dubliner Klaustur Bar Sólon Bistro
Every day from 12:00 to 22:00 Every day from 16:00 to 19:00. Every day from 15:00 to 18:00.
American Bar Beer 700 ISK, Wine 800 ISK Beer 800 ISK, Wine 800 ISK. Beer 650 ISK, Wine 700 ISK.
Friday and Saturday from 16:00 to
19:00. Dúfnhólar 10 Download the Konsúll Café Sushisamba
Beer 650 ISK, Wine 750 ISK. Every day from 17:00 to 22:00.
Beer 490 ISK, Wine for 700 ISK. FREE Grapevine Every day from 16:00 to 20:00.
Beer 600 ISK, Wine 900 ISK.
Every day from 17:00 to 18:30.
Beer 645 ISK, Wine 745 ISK.
Thursday to Saturday from 20:00 to Einar Ben Appy Hour app! Lebowski Bar Tíu Dropar
00:00. Every day from 17:30 to 20:00. Every day from 16:00 to 19:00. 2-for-1 Every day from 18:00 to 21:00. 2-for-1
Beer 800 ISK, Wine 800 ISK. Beer 700 ISK, Wine 800 ISK. Every happy hour in Beer 1,100 ISK and Wine 1,100 ISK. Beer 1,000 ISK and Wine 1,000 ISK.
B5 English Pub
Every day from 16:00 to 19:00.
town in your pocket. Loft Hostel Bar
Every day from 16:00 to 20:00.
Mon-Sat from 16:00 to 18:00.
Every day from 17:00 to 20:00.
Beer 500 ISK, Cocktails Beer 650 ISK, Wine 750 ISK. Available in the App Beer 600 ISK, Wine 700 ISK. Fri-Sat from 22:30 to 23:30.
1,100 ISK, Wine 600 ISK. Frederiksen Ale House Beer 600 ISK, Wine 700 ISK.
Every day from 16:00 to 19:00. 2-for-1 Store and on the MarBar
Every day from 16:00 to 20:00. Uno
Bar 7
Every day from 16:00 to 21:00. Beer 900 ISK and Wine 1,100 ISK. Android Play Store. Beer 600 ISK, Wine 700 ISK. Every day from 17:00 to 19:00.
Beer 350 ISK, Shot 350 ISK. Forréttabarinn Matur og Drykkur Beer 545 ISK, Wine 600 ISK.
Bar 11 Every day from 16:00 to 20:00. Hótel Natura Thursday to Sunday, 21:00-22:00. Uppsalir
Friday to Saturday from 21:00 to 01:00. Beer 500 ISK, Wine 650 ISK. Every day from 16:00 to 18:00. 50% off Beer 500 ISK, Wine 500 ISK. Every day from 17:00 to 19:00. 2-for-1
Beer 500 ISK. Gaukurinn all drinks. Beer 550 ISK, Wine 1,000 Micro Bar Beer 950 ISK and Wine 1,200 ISK.
Every day from 14:00 to 21:00 Beer 600 ISK, selected cocktails 1,600 ISK. Every day from 17:00 to 19:00. Vínsmakkarinn
Bar Ananas
Every day from 16:00 to 20:00. ISK, Wine 750 ISK, Shots 750 ISK. Hótel Plaza Bar Beer 700 ISK. Monday to Sunday from 17:00 to 20:00.
Beer 600 ISK, Cocktails 1,650 ISK. Glaumbar Every day from 17:00 to 19:00. Nora Magasin Beer 600 ISK, Wine 700 ISK.
Thursday to Saturday from 20:00 to Beer 600 ISK, Wine 900 ISK. Every day from 16:00 to 19:00. Ölstofan
Barber Bar
Every day from 17:00 to 20:00. 00:00. Beer 500 ISK, Shot 390 ISK. Hraðlestin Beer 650 ISK, Wine 600 ISK. Every day from 16:00 to 20:00.
Beer 650 ISK, Wine 700 ISK, selected Hótel 1919 Monday to Friday from 16:00 to 18:00. Petersen Svítan Beer 490 ISK, Wine 890 ISK, gin &
cocktails 1,150 ISK. Every day from 16:00 to 19:00. Beer 590 ISK, Wine 590 ISK. Wed-Sat from 17:00 to 20:00. tonic 990 ISK.
Bíó Paradís Beer 600 ISK, Wine 575 ISK, selected Húrra Beer 800 ISK, Wine 900 ISK.
Every day from 17:00 to 20:00. cocktails 1,090 ISK. Every day from 18:00 to 21:00. Prikið
Beer 500 ISK, Wine 500 ISK. Hótel Holt Gallery Bar Beer 500 ISK, Wine 700 ISK. Monday to Friday from 16:00 to 20:00.
Bjarni Fel Every day from 16:00 to 19:00. Íslenski Barinn Beer 500 ISK.
Monday to Friday from 21:00 to 23:00. Beer 600 ISK, Wine 750 ISK, selected Everyday from 16:00 to 18:00. Public House
2-for-1 Beer 1,090 ISK, single with cocktails 1,200 ISK. Beer 700 ISK, Wine 700 ISK, selected Every day from 14:00 to 18:00. 50%
mixer 1,500 ISK. cocktails 1,000 ISK. off beer and wine. Beer 495 ISK, Wine
695 ISK.

Route 40 takes you to

‘Stranger Than Fiction’ Creative

Reading Night
Each month, a selection of writers read
excerpts from their fiction, scripts, creative
nonfiction, or other writing in Listastofan.
This event offers an informal platform for
Icelandic Art
and Design
both emerging and well-seasoned writers
to share their work.
February 4 at 18:00
Social Theatre Workshop with
Martina F. Kartelo
Actress, performer, and teacher Martina
on your way to the Blue Lagoon
F. Kartelo helps you explore your voice,
body, and creation through the Brazilian
oppressed theatre technique, created by
Augusto Boal. Wear comfortable clothes
and bring a willingness to explore. Route 40
January 30 at 15:00
Íris Indriðadóttir, Ólöf Björk
Ingólfsdóttir & Signý Jónsdóttir Conversing with Hafnarborg
In this exhibition, artists give a new Existence / The Hafnarfjordur Centre
perspective on things. There will be an November 7th – January 17th of Culture and Fine Art
Exhibition of works from 1983 –
opening party on January 28 with wine, 2008 by artist Eiríkur Smith. Strandgata 34, Hafnarfjörður
olives and light refreshments at 19:00. Twentieth-Century Art Tourists Open 12–17 / Thursdays 12–21
Opens January 28 ‘The First Exhibitions of Icelandic Art in Copenhagen’ Closed on Tuesdays
Runs until February 11
Living Art Museum (Nýló)
‘Boekie Woekie - 30 years - Books The National Gallery of Iceland
and More’ Double Happiness Gerðarsafn -
Boekie Woekie is a bookshop in
Fríkirkjuvegur 7 (F3) | January 21-November 9 | Admission: 1,200 ISK Katrín Elvarsdóttir Kópavogur Art Museum
Amsterdam, founded by Rúna Þorkelsdóttir 15/1 - 27/2 2016
Hamraborg 4, Kópavogur
and Jan Voss. This exhibit reconstructs In 1920, over 160 works by five Icelandic artists reached the Deltas Open 11–17 / Closed on Mondays
the original Boekie Woekie. A special shores of Denmark. The occasion? The first joint exhibition of Ingvar Högni Ragnarsson
performance will be at the opening. 15/1 - 27/2 2016
Icelandic art, held by the Danish-Icelandic Society, entitled ‘Fem
Opens January 9
Runs until February 21 islandske malere’ (“Five Icelandic Artists”). These works made
Loft Hostel such waves that seven years later an even bigger survey of Ice- KEEPERS Hönnunarsafn Íslands
Icelandic design highlights, / Museum of Design
Once Upon a Human landic art took place, this time with almost 350 works by twelve from the Collection
This event creates both dialogue and and Applied Art
understanding between people. Individuals
Icelandic artists. This exhibition was incredibly influential in open- ICELAND IS Garðatorg 1, Garðabær
will volunteer as human ‘books’, and then ing Icelandic art up to the international public. Now, the National SO CERAMIC
Open 12–17 / Closed on Mondays
participants ‘read’ the book by having Gallery of Iceland looks back on these events in their showcase, – a retrospective of Steinunn
Marteinsdóttir’s works
a one-on-one conversation with the which presents pieces from both landmark exhibitions. RTC Jan 9, runs until Feb 28 2016
volunteer. Admission is free.
January 28 at 17:00
Swap Till You Drop
You know the drill: bring jewellry, clothes,
etc. to swap. Exchange them for other Ólafsson. Katrín Elvarsdóttir curates the
things, thus renewing your wardrobe at The National Gallery exhibit, which is a part of the Icelandic
no cost. What people bring is not counted ‘QUARTET’ by Chantal Joffe, Photography Festival.

or checked – just leave your things on Gauthier Hubert, Jocken Nordström, Opens January 16
the tables and feel free to take anything & Tumi Magnússon Runs until February 28
someone else has left. Admission is free. This exhibit brings together the work of ‘Independent mothers’ by Annie
January 27 at 16:30 - 19:30 four contemporary artists. Their works all Ling
Up-cycling Café centre on the human being as depicted In this photography exhibit, Canadian Annie
In this workshop, learn how to redesign old in various stages of art history, with each Ling showcases the lives of single Icelandic

Museum of
clothes into bags and turn old juice boxes artist taking aesthetic inspiration from a mothers.
into fashionable wallets and buckets. Old different period. Opens January 16
scrap paper and brochures will also be Opens January 15 Runs until February 28
transformed into colourful, personalized Runs until May 1 Reykjavík Art Museum -
notebooks. The space is open, so ideas are ‘UDSTILLING AF ISLANDSK KUNST Hafnarhús
encouraged. Admission is free. - THE FIRST EXHIBITIONS OF ‘Back to the Sandbox: Art and

January 21 at 16:00 ICELANDIC ART IN COPENHAGEN’ Radical Pedagogy’
Museum of Design and Applied In 1927, ‘Udstilling af islandsk kunst (An Some evidence suggests that potential
Art Exhibition of Icelandic Art)’ presented for learning declines while in school. This
‘Iceland is so ceramic’ – Icelandic art to the public in Copenhagen exhibit features works by artists who are
retrospective of Steinunn for the first time. This exhibition explores inspired by this paradox and who consider

Marteinsdóttir's works some of the works presented at this learning and education a key issue in
Icelandic artist Steinunn has had a long landmark event. today’s world.
and successful career as a ceramicist in Opens January 21 Opens January 15
Iceland. She is known for her elegant, Runs until September 11 Runs until April 16
diverse works, as well as her influence on The National Museum of Iceland ‘Envoi’ by Monika Grzymala
the field of Icelandic ceramic art. ‘breeze’ Monika Grzymala is known for her

Opens January 9 'Andvari, or 'Breeze', features black three-dimensional drawings, as well as
Runs until February 28 and white landscape pictures by five her unique and innovative approach to
contemporary photographers, as well contemporary drawing and installation art.
as Sigurður Tómasson and Arngrímur Opens January 15

An absolute House
must-­try! Saegreifinn restaurant (Sea Baron) is like none other
in Iceland; a world famous lobster soup and a diverse
fish selection. Open 11:30 -22:00
National Museum of Iceland  5IF$VMUVSF)PVTF
The country’s largest Manuscripts, fine art, natural
museum of cultural specimens, curiosities and
history from settlement archeaological findings form
to present day. the exhibition Points of View.
Suðurgata 41 )WFSñTHBUBǪǯ 101 Reykjavík
tel +354 530 22 00 UFM ǭǯǮǯǭǬǫǫǪǬ

The Reykjavík Museum of

‘MOOD’ by Friðgeir Helgason
This exhibit features photographs from both
Friðgeir’s homeland, Iceland, and the United
States, in which he has lived for a large
portion of his adult life. The exhibit brings
attention to the identity-shaping powers of
Opens January 16
Runs until May 15

Arion Banki
Georg Guðni Exhibition
Get Excited, Writers, Readers, Drinkers & Dilettantes!

Selected works (1985-2009) of Georg Guðni
There’s a new reading series in town… will be shown, some of which have never

E .
been shown in Iceland before.

Runs until December 11
Listastofan Anarkía
Anarkia Group Exhibition
Hringbraut 119 | February 4 | Admission: 1,590 ISK, 900 for students An exhibition of works by Anarkia Group,
the group that stands behind the Anarkía
Listastofan, a newly opened arts collective and gallery in Vestur- gallery.
bær (see page 13), already has a lot going on, with weekly draw- Runs until January 10
ing sessions (featuring live models!), knitting nights where folks
January Guest Artist: Ásgerður
The Saga Museum brings the Viking age to life. There you’ll walk can practice their Icelandic and a variety of special exhibitions and Höskuldsdóttir.
among some of Iceland’s most famous heroes and infamous villains openings. And, they’ve already added a new event to their monthly Ásgerður Höskuldsdóttir is an interior
portrayed in their defining moments; the Viking settlement in 874, calendar, one that involves reading, writing and drinking beer! architect who has studied in art schools in
Leif the Lucky’s discovery of America, the founding of the world’s Denmark, Sweden, and Iceland. She has
first parliament and the epic clan feuds that marked the settlement. Yes, readers, writers and drinkers can look forward to Listasto- participated in exhibitions for over twenty
This is as close as you’ll ever get to meeting Vikings in the flesh. fan’s new monthly reading series, which will commence on Monday years.
February 4. Entitled “Stranger Than Fiction,” each iteration of the Runs until January 31
Árbær Culture house
event will see a different handful of select writers reading to a lively ‘Cocktail’ by Unnur Þóra Skúldóttir
audience—with beer! Unnur Þóra spent her childhood drawing,
Try on the clothes and and recently starting painting with oils and
weapons of the Viking The shop has a wide
Fun fact: the event is hosted by frequent Grapevine contributor
creating mosaics, which are exhibited at
age. Great fun and a
great photo opportunity.
selection of traditional Grayson Del Faro (check out his Saga Recap on page 30!). And Árbær Culture House.
Viking handiwork,
souvenirs and clothing. guess what—he wants you! Here’s his pitch, which we cunningly Runs until January 29
culled from an email: Árbær Open Air Museum
‘Between the lines – How stay-at-
Saga Museum • Grandagarður 2 • 101 Reykjavík “We’re looking for submissions of writing from both new and home women earned a living 1900-
Tel.: (+354) 511 1517 • Open: Daily from 10 to 18
established writers, including fiction, scripts, essays, poems or any 1970’ This exhibition looks at how women were
genre of writing that is weird, funny, or otherwise wonderful. Send
able to generate revenue with odd jobs in
your work to info@listastofan to be considered for the first event— the twentieth century when many of them
or any of the following. We know Reykjavík is jam-packed with both stayed at home.
weirdos and literary geniuses, so don’t be shy. Submit or just come Runs until January 31
listen. Bring your own bottle; we’ll bring the books. But be warned: Better Weather Window Gallery
CHECK OUT THE NEW this is not your middle school English teacher’s historical fiction
‘Bein í Skriðu’ by Steingrímur Eyfjörð
Steingrímur, Iceland’s artist for the 2007
reading. You’ll have fun.” Venice Biennale, has set up a site-specific

REYKJAVÍK CITY MUSEUM You should listen to Grayson. He knows about fun.
Photo by Art Bicnick
exhibition of wood cut-outs, fabrics and
paints called ‘Bones In A Landslide’.
Runs until January 30
C O M P R I S I N G 5 TO P M U S E U M S : Gallerí Grótta
‘Portrett og landslag’ by Kristján
Runs until April 10 and Simmi, some of which are taken from Jónsson
‘Rate of Return %’ by Sæmundur Simmi‘s graduation project, the graphic In this exhibition, Kristján enters the rich
Þór Helgason novel ‘Super Viking Boy: When Alien tradition of landscape painting. The works
In this exhibit, Sæmundur Þór explores Robots Attack!’ show the artist's profound love for his
the functions and pathways of art in Opens January 8 country, in which he has spent many years
today’s technologically advanced and Runs until March 26 as a tour guide for foreign tourists.
economically-driven world. Gallery D at Reykjavík Maritime Museum Runs until January 8
Hafnarhús primarily shows work by artists ‘Wigry - a wrecked polish cargo Gallerí Skilti
who have not yet held a solo show in one of ship’ ‘Flicker’ by Anna Hallin & Olga
Iceland’s major galleries. On January 15, 1942, the Polish cargo ship Bergmann
Opens January 15 Wigry was wrecked while sailing through This photography exhibit is different from
Runs until February 21 heavy weather on the southwest coast most artist collaborations, in that it doesn't
Reykjavík City Library of Iceland. Only two of the 27-man crew concern itself with mankind's relationship
Árbær Open Air Musem The Settlement Exhibition ‘Drawings and Nice Things – survived. This exhibition is dedicated to that with nature and other systems, nor is it
A Comics Exhibition’ by Lilja ship and its perilous voyage. On January site-specific. 'Flicker' is a personal piece,
Hólmfriðar Pétursdóttir & 16, there will be a talk discussing this with strong elements of projection and
Sigmundur B. Þorgeirsson harrowing event. silhouettes, and can be said to be a tableau
The exhibition features a variety of Opens January 15 of a certain period in the two artists' lives.
drawings and sketches by cartoonists Lilja Runs until February 5 Runs until June 15
Gallerí 78
Þorbjörg Höskuldsdóttir Exhibition
Þorbjörg is lauded as one of the more
prominent contemporary Icelandic artists,
whose paintings show the range and
beauty of Icelandic landscapes. Her art has
a political nature, stimulating the debate
Reykjavík Maritime Museum Viðey Island surrounding the preservation of Icelandic
Runs until January 9
Gerðuberg Cultural Centre
‘A Visit to the Monsters’
A child-friendly exhibit that shows the daily
lives of Little Monster and Big Monster. See
how they live, where they sleep, and what
they do to pass the time.
Runs until April 24
‘Úr Ýmsum Áttum’ by Erna
‘Úr ýmsum áttum’ ("from various directions")
is an exhibit of oil paintings. This is Erna's
Reykjavík Museum of
Photography first solo exhibit.
Runs until January 10
‘The wishes of Icelandic children’ by
Ásta Kristjánsdóttir
A series of photographs illustrate the desires
More information in the of children who suffered through abuse in
Museums & Galleries section. their childhood. Ásta made the photographs
based on texts provided by the UN.

Runs until January 10 They began experimenting with electronic collaboration with the Árni Magnússon been working at sea since the mid-900s. Tveir Hrafnar
Hafnarborg sound, stroboscopic light, and video in the Institute for Icelandic Studies. At the centre The exhibit presents not only historical 'New Year'
‘Conversing with Existence’ by late ‘60s, and haven’t stopped since. The of this special exhibition are rarely seen material but also interviews with Icelandic This exhibit shows selected works from
Eiríkur Smith chamber’s purpose is not only to present manuscripts that tell the history of the women who work in the fishing industry some of the gallery’s most beloved
The last of a five-part series started in art from the genre, but to encourage settlement of Reykjavík. today. artists, including Guðbjörg Lind
2010, this exhibition features watercolour preserving and mediating such works. On permanent view On permanent view Jónsdóttir, Hallgrímur Helgason, Húbert
and oil paintings completed by Eiríkur On permanent view Reykjavík Downtown Hostel The Reykjavík Museum of Nói Jóhannesson, Jón Óskar, Óli G.
Smith from 1983 to 2008. The human The National Museum of Iceland Candle Workshop Photography Jóhannsson, Steinnun Þórarinsdóttir, Georg
figure often appears in the foreground, ‘Bundled Up In Blue’ Learn how to reuse wax from candles and Gunnar Rúnar Ólafsson - a Óskar, Hadda Fjóla Reykdal, Hulda Hákon,
while surrounding landscapes and objects This exhibition is centred around new create new ones as well. All materials will retrospective Nína Tryggvadóttir, and Kristján Davíðsson.
provide powerful frameworks. Admission archeological findings from bones believed be provided, though participants are invited The Reykjavík Museum of Photography Runs until January 31
is free to belong to a woman from the settlement to bring their own candles. Admission is honours the late photographer Gunnar Volcano House
Runs until January 17 era, discovered in 1938 in East Iceland. free. Rúnar Olafsson. This collection contains ‘The Volcano House Geology
Húrra New research provides answers as to the January 11, 16:00 photos illustrating how Reykjavík Exhibition’
Cult movie night. 20 pm. Free entry. age of the woman in question, where she Scrub-making workshop developed from a small village to a city in The exhibition gives a brief overview of
February 2 at 20:00 came from, together with indications of Come and make scrubs out of coffee just few decades. Gunnar Rúnar took many Iceland’s geological history and volcanic
Hverfisgallerí what she may have looked like and how grounds and various scents. The hostel will photos of his wife, Amy Bjarnadóttir, and systems with superb photographs of
‘Blind Spot’ by Gregg Louis she would have dressed. provide everything, including the recipe. All their children who would often accompany volcanic eruptions and other magnificent
This exhibit consists of a series of distorted Runs until August 31 you have to do is create. Admission is free. him on his journeys. aspects of Icelandic nature. Oh, and you’re
self-portraits of the artist. These self- 'The Making Of A Nation' February 1 at 16:00 Runs until January 10 allowed to touch the exhibits.
portraits are made quickly—sometimes This exhibition is intended to provide Reykjavík Maritime Museum ‘Where the Land Rises’ by Peter On permanent view
without looking—in vivid colours, insight into the history of the Icelandic The Coast Guard Vessel Óðinn Holliday Wind And Weather Gallery
exploring memory’s role in perception and nation from Settlement to the present day. This vessel sailed through all three Cod Scottish photographer Peter Holliday turns ‘Svona sirka nákvæmlega svona’ by
identification. On permanent view Wars and has also served as a rescue ship his lens toward Heimaey and its occupants, Halldór Ragnarsson
Runs until January 9 ‘What Is So Interesting About it?’ to more than 200 ships. some of whom experienced the volcanic Halldór’s exhibition ‘Svona sirka
The Icelandic Phallological In celebration of the 100th anniversary of On permanent view eruption of 1973. He explores ways in nákvæmlega svona’, or ‘Kind of exactly like
Museum women gaining the right to vote in Iceland, ‘From Poverty to Abundance’ which both people and land are exposed to this’, is a mixed-media installation with text
The museum contains a collection of this exhibit presents examples of the work Photos documenting Icelandic fishermen at continuous processes of destruction and on paper and wood.
more than 215 penises and penile parts and struggles women have faced since the turn of the 20th century. creation. Runs until February 27
belonging to almost all the land and sea gaining that suffrage. This show celebrates On permanent view Runs until January 26
mammals that can be found in Iceland. women who have achieved in fields that The History of Sailing Sólon Bistro
There’s also a penis sculpture honouring were previously dominated by men, such as Iceland’s maritime history that showcases Úlfar Örn exhibit
the Icelandic men's handball team. politics, business, arts, and sports. the growth of the Reykjavík Harbour. In this exhibit, Úlfar Örn looks at the mind
On permanent view Runs until August 31 On permanent view and soul of the Icelandic horse. He explores
i8 Gallery Reykjavík Art Museum - ‘If I had been…’ by Nina Zurier what the creatures are thinking, how
Arna Óttarsdóttir Exhibit Ásmundarsafn Nina Zurier has collected photographs they’re doing, and what they might see.
Arna’s textile exhibit is centred around one ‘Yearning for Space’ from the Reykjavík Museum of Runs until January 31
idea that she rejected when it was in its This exhibit presents dreams of the future Photography archives to reconstruct old Spark Design Space
infancy called “Stelputeppi” (“Women’s from the eyes of the 50s and 60s, during memories, and construct new ones. There’s Spark Design Space’s Annual
Blanket”). All the works reflect on the the age of space exploration. It addresses a special opening party on October 16 at SALON
experimental process in which she tries to the dialogue between visions of the future, 17:00. Spark’s Annual SALON shows work by
take her prime materials, Icelandic wool spatial and formal perception, and the Runs until January 17 designers and artist that have exhibited
and Swedish cotton, in bold new directions. genre blend between science fiction and ‘Seawomen - the fishing women of in the space during the past five years.
Runs until January 9 modernist art. Iceland, past and present’ The exhibit contains local product design,
Mengi Runs until February 7 This exhibition, in celebration of the graphic design, textile design, and
Crisis Meeting Reykjavík Art Museum - centennial anniversary of women’s suffrage architecture, as well as a book selection.
Performing are Árni Vilhjálmsson, Friðgeir Hafnarhús in Iceland, explores Icelandic women at Runs until February 27
Einarsson, Ragnar Ísleifur Bragason. ‘The Making of Erró’ sea. It is based on research conducted by
January 29 & 30 at 21:00 This exhibitions explores Erró’s early days the anthropologist Dr. Margaret E. Willson,
Museum of Design and Applied as an artist, showing his experiments who discovered that Icelandic women have
Art with self-expression, and his move from
‘Keepers’ impressionist art to collages.

Taste the best

This exhibit focuses on the collections in Runs until October 9
the Museum of Design and Applied Art, Reykjavík City Library
displaying a few key pieces, and explores ‘Paris, Rome & Bird Fashions’ by
how and why the museum curates the Sigrún Eldjárn
works that it does. The title refers both Sigrún exhibits new works, inspired by her
to the objects themselves, the ones stay in Rome and Paris. Influenced by the

of Iceland ...
worth keeping, as well as the people who fashion, culture, and birds, this exhibitions
preserved them, kept them, and eventually shows a fraction of what Sigrún made
gave them to the museum for safekeeping. during her stay.
Runs until June 10 Runs until January 10
The National Gallery Reykjavík City Library: Spöngin
‘Art in a Changing World’ by Nína ‘RUMSK Textile and glass works’
Sæmundsson by Ólöf Einarsdóttir & Sigrún
Though born into 19th-century farming Einarsdóttir
society, Nína Sæmundsson was the This exhibit features textile and glass works

... in one amazing meal

first Icelandic woman to work as a inspired by Icelandic landscapes and the
professional sculptor. Through hardships pressures of internal and external forces.
and international travels, Nína developed Runs until January 9
a classical style that persisted late into Reykjavík City Museum
her career. In her works, she combines Reykjavík 871 +/- 2
the magnificent and the intimate, mainly Archaeological findings from ruins of one
through the use of both the upright human
and her specialised style of bust.
of the first houses in Iceland and other
excavations in the city centre, open daily ICELANDIC GOURMET FEAST
Runs until January 17 09:00-20:00.
Vasulka Chamber On permanent view Starts with a shot of the infamous
Steina and Woody Vasulka are some of ‘Settlement Sagas - Accounts from Icelandic spirit Brennívín
the pioneers of multimedia and video art, manuscripts’
and have a show at the National Gallery. This special exhibition is held in Followed by 7 delicious tapas
Smoked puffin with blueberry “brennivín” sauce
Icelandic sea-trout with peppers-salsa
Lobster tails baked in garlic
Now offering Pan-fried line caught blue ling
with lobster-sauce
catering service! Grilled Icelandic lamb Samfaina
Minke Whale with cranberry & malt-sauce

And for dessert

White chocolate "Skyr" mousse with passion
fruit coulis

7.590 kr.
late night dining
Open: Our kitchen is open
Mondays-­Saturdays 11:30-­22:30 until 23:30 on weekdays RESTAURANT- BAR
Sundays 16:00-­22:00 and 01:00 on weekends Vesturgata 3B | 101 Reykjavík | Tel: 551 2344 |
The Reykjavík Grapevine
18 Issue 1 — 2016

“There’s just nothing I can compare it to.

It’s 22 times bigger than Iceland—you can
sail somewhere, walk to shore, and know
that probably nobody has walked in
your footsteps before.”

Frontier Photography
Ásgeir Pétursson’s stunning
photographs of southern Greenland
saw this iceberg, and I asked if we could Throughout his travels, Ásgeir was into the sea,” says Ásgeir. “They were in
By John Rogers – Photos by Ásgeir Pétursson go for a look. We went over there and always on the lookout for a good pic- shock about how rapidly it had retreat-
stopped there for ten minutes. I got ture. “I always had my camera with ed. In a couple more years, there’ll be
Ásgeir Pétursson is a 23-year-old pho- some completely different place in this shot, and we sawed off a piece of me,” he says. “When I was sailing or a big area between the glacier and the
tographer who’s just opened an exhibi- the world—like the middle of Africa or the iceberg to put in our whisky. This working, my boss always gave me good sea. You can really see what’s happen-
tion at Reykjavík’s Greenland Centre, at something—but it’s just two and half is probably the only photograph of that opportunities to shoot. These pho- ing with the climate there.”
the top of Laugavegur. He first went to hours away. Greenland and Australia iceberg.” tographs are all of Nuuk and South Having caught the bug for Green-
Greenland in January 2014, supposedly are the oldest countries in the world, Greenland, so I still have many areas of land, Ásgeir plans to go back and see
to visit with his relocated parents for and Iceland is the youngest, so it’s a The middle of nowhere the country left to photograph—the bru- the east coast this summer, both for the
two weeks, but wound up staying for completely different landscape.” tality of north Greenland, especially.” fun of exploration, and to further devel-
nine months. His exhibition shows a keen eye op his portfolio of images. “I’m already
“I just loved it,” says the soft-spoken for the vast emptiness of Greenland. He’d been doing some heavy work on Fast glaciers working on a photography book,” he
young photographer, standing in the Many of the shots were taken whilst the farm, owned by another Icelander. says. “It’s in the works. I know already
gallery space. “It’s hard to describe Ásgeir travelled around the country’s “The farm was three hours from Qa- I’ll go back many times. They say that
why. There’s just nothing I can com- coastline by boat. One particularly eye- rqortoq, in the middle of nowhere,” One magnificently textured shot shows nobody goes to Greenland just once.”
pare it to. It’s 22 times bigger than Ice- catching shot shows an iceberg in the recalls Ásgeir. “I had a job erecting a a glacier with twin icefalls, where the
land—you can sail somewhere, walk to sea, with various organic ice shapes reindeer fence up over a mountain, vast Greenlandic ice cap tumbles down The show is at Greenland Centre,
shore, and know that probably nobody rippling down into the ocean. with the farmer’s son. We would walk to ground level close to the coastline. Laugavegur 96, open 10:00-19:00 daily
has walked in your footsteps before. “I was sailing from a reindeer farm up there with the poles tied to our back. “I went to this glacier with two Green- until Feb 1. More info: www.facebook.
It feels like travelling for 24 hours to I was working on,” recalls Ásgeir. “We The weather was perfect—we were just landers, who said that six years before, com/greenlandcentrereykjavik
in shorts—but it was quite brutal work.” the glacier had come all the way down

rauða húsið “Very good food,

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Búðarstígur 4, 820 Eyrarbakki • tel. 483-­3330
just 10 minutes from Highway 1, the Ring Road, via Selfoss
open 7 days a week year-­round
The Blackest Metal In The Dark Heart Of Icelandic Winter
February’s Oration Festival revels in the darkness…
Words by: Hannah Jane Cohen Photo by: Haukur Hannes

Presented by Studio Emissary and the them a license to print money. We can
Oration record label, February’s Ora- do that ourselves!
tion Festival will bring some much-
needed black metal to the Icelandic And now the Oration festival…
winter. And with bands like Svarti- Well, I was trying to think of ways
dauði, Wormlust, Slidhr and Abominor to promote the studio and I thought,
on the bill, the two-night engagement well, the bands that are coming out of
(concurrent to Sónar Reykjavík) might the studio—that's a large percentage of
be all the rock you need to keep that Icelandic black metal. Then I thought,
eighteen-hour darkness perpetual. ok, we could have a gig, but you know,
To learn more, we sat down with I haven’t worked with Misþyrming or
Stephen Lockhart, the man behind the Wormlust, so basically if I wanted them
festival (and record label it draws its to play then it couldn't just be a Studio
name from, and Studio Emissary, and Emissary thing. So I broadened it a little
the band Rebirth of Nefast). bit and then it just became this Oration
Oration is presented by Studio
Emissary. How'd you start the Ok—sorry to ask—but how did
studio? you persuade Wormlust to finally
I have this one-man band called Rebirth play live?
of Nefast and there weren’t that many I am trying to think of a humorous
people to work with, so I just decided answer, but really it wasn’t that diffi-
I would record everything on my own. cult. I decided early that I wanted this
Then over the years I started record- festival to have a lot of bands that have
ing friends’ bands and eventually doing never played in Iceland before. Like
other people’s stuff to the point where Slidhr has never played here—I’m a part
I was like—hold on, this is a lot more of Slidhr. We just played our second gig
fun than my regular job! It started with ever, which was in Ireland. We'll play
Svartidauði asking me if I would record our first Icelandic show at Oration. The
drums for them, and then I just ended Wormlust thing—I just asked him and
up recording more and more stuff and he said yes. That’s pretty much it. I told
eventually the Svartidauði album, and him the lineup and what I was thinking
that’s it. This has now been my job for and he just said yes outright.
the last few years. Basically, I am a black Now, Rebirth of Nefast — this is ac-
metal producer. I’ve recorded Slidhr, tually for me the most stressful element
Sinmara, Zhrine, Abominor, Svarti- of the whole thing. It'll be the first time
dauði, a ton of stuff. I also did all the I play it live.
Angist stuff and recently the Church-
house Creepers. The festival is the same weekend
as Sónar. Is it a competitor?
Then you started a record label… [laughs] No, I don’t think so. Sónar
Well both myself and my friend Joe, a might actually be an incentive, because
couple of years ago, we had this idea of Oration is not a huge festival. It’s just
doing this record label thing, but it was two evenings and, at least by interna-
around the time of the crash, so getting tional standards, tickets are cheap, so
stuff into the country—getting vinyl some can come for Sónar and pop in for
presses made—just wasn’t an option, so Oration as well. I must admit I didn’t
the idea just kinda evaporated. think of it, though. I don’t even think
Now we're doing it properly, though. Sónar had been announced for those
Basically I had these bands coming dates when we chose them.
through the studio, new bands, and The original idea for having the fes-
they don’t really know how good they tival at this time was that there really
are yet! You can normally tell pretty isn’t much happening in February. In
quickly, like this band has got it, the “X the summer there are festivals every-
factor”—if you wanna call it that—even where, and in November there’s Air-
at pretty early stages of recording. waves, but then things are pretty quiet.
So rather than me giving names and I know myself from being an útlendin-
recommending other labels, it would gur [“foreigner”] that winter is one of
make so much more sense for people to the things that brings people here, more
come to me, and I’ll just release directly. so than summer. If tourists are coming
Then they aren’t going to an unknown here, they are coming to see landscapes
source. You know, if they are happy that look like ‘Game of Thrones’, you
with my work in the studio, then they know.
know they’ll get the same results from So having a black metal festival in
the record label. the heart of the Icelandic winter? You
And then the other half is, we just might get some northern lights, some
want to do our own thing, rather than snow, eighteen hours of darkness... It’s
getting record labels to, I don't know, a perfect fit.
make t-shirts? That's basically giving




To mark the New Year, I am giving you what I give my friends every year: opinions. Opinions are like orange peels at Christmas,
why toss ‘em away when you can boil ‘em in syrup, dip ‘em in chocolate and force ‘em on your friends? What are we waiting
for? Let’s dissect the corpse that was the food year of 2015 (dibs on the thigh meat).


Worldwide, 2015 was The Year Of The

Vegan. Vegans both grew in numbers
and were recognized as a bankable de-
mographic by the food industry.
The portents are plentiful. Isinglass
may sound like a hobbit marital aid but
rest assured it’s a simple fish swim-
bladder used to filter beer and in 2015,
Guinness replaced it with a vegan-
friendly substitute.
In major US cities, restaurants be-
gan to label their culinary approach as
“vegetable-forward,” which is about
the sleaziest adspeak this side of Saul
Goodman. (Seriously, if I see this
phrase one more time I will stab a broc-
coli to death with a sharpened aspara-
gus.) are set to open a new Nordic restau- in the Nordlige Norden gourmet hot
Last but not least, men’s magazine rant in Grand Central Terminal in early dog contest last May. This fun, annual
GQ picked the veggie burger at New 2016. event was held in the courtyard of a re-
York Superiority Burger as the best all- For some insane reason, an Icelan- purposed church in the heart of Copen-
around burger of the year. Better than dic family opened a fish store thirty hagen, and saw numerous Nordic small
meat burgers. Men’s magazine. Veggie. minutes away from Grand Central, in producers promoting stuff like kelp
No meat. 4 real. Closter, New Jersey. It’s called The Fish jams and rhubarb pralines. Iceland was
Iceland was no exception. Veg- Dock. represented via birch liquor from our
etarians and vegans saw an increase In Berlin, Victoria Elíasdóttir, sister very own Foss Distillery, licorice salt
in vegetarian offerings at mainstream of artist Ólafur Elíasson, opened the from Saltverk, and white chocolate skyr
restaurants and a growing selection of seafood restaurant Dóttir in the Mitte morsels from Rjómabúið Erpsstöðum.
veggie-wares in stores—whether it be neighborhood of Berlin, to much ac- The contest saw huge lines, and fea-
the holy grail of quorn or dairy-free claim. tured a lot of inventive hot dogs. The
cheese (we are still holding out for cru- Reykjavík Grapevine’s intrepid food
elty-free food programming, but I can’t editor happened to serve as a judge in
seem to get Guy Fieri to follow me into the contest (Grapevine knows its hot
a dark alley). Even meat-and-potatoes dogs) and tried his best to be impartial
sandwich company Júmbó introduced and eat the other teams’ votes when no
a vegan variety (their fare was mostly one was looking. Alas, like the redhead-
cardboard to begin with anyway). ed stepchild of Scandinavia that we are,
Yet, somehow, the only restaurant the Icelandic hot dog team turned up
in all of Reykjavík catering exclusively late and ended up in last place (despite
to vegetarians and vegans is a single, serving up a tasty and innovative dog).
tiny coffee house called Garðurinn. My The Danes took the prize because they
theory is that this is the same effect that have always been better at cheating
has seen a reduction in bars catering than Icelanders.
exclusive to LGBT people in the last
decade. As the mainstream has become FOODTRUCKAGEDDON
more welcoming, the need for places In Reykjavík, food trucks continued to
that cater exclusively to the niche has multiply. Noteworthy additions in 2015
dwindled. So in a weird way, fewer veg- were the two fish & chips carts, where
gie-only restaurants may be a cause for before there had been none. One was
celebration among vegans and vegetar- In Copenhagen, Unnur Pétursdóttir pretty traditional, but the other went
ians. won an international Deaf Chef contest a little leftfield, offering south-of-the-
which no one had known existed until border condiments. The traditional one
ICELANDIC FOOD ABROAD an Icelander won. You hear that Chris- is usually parked by the Víkin maritime
Iceland-ish restaurant Skál on Canal St. tine Ha and Michael Caines!? Unnur is museum. There were also reports of a
in New York closed its doors this year, the new sheriff in town, you bastards. third fish & chips truck spawning in the
but when life closes a door it opens a Also in Copenhagen, Icelandic chefs town of Stykkishólmur, although I can-
train cart because Gunnar Gíslason of from Gallery at Hótel Holt, lead by not confirm that at present.
Dill and Noma co-founder Claus Meyer Friðgeir Ingi Eiríksson, fought bravely Speaking of fish, we also got the

FOOD Amazing
7 course menu

A unique Icelandic Feast

Starts with a shot of the Icelandic
national spirit “Brennivín“
Smoked puffin with blueberries,
croutons, goat cheese, beetroot
Minke whale
Date purée, wakame and teriaky
Arctic charr
surprisingly decent Shirokuma Su- lic House. It will be designed by Leifur
“Torched“ arctic charr with parsnip
shi truck, which you’ll usually find Welding. Like every restaurant in Ice-
purée, fennel, dill mayo
at Mæðragarðurinn in downtown land. That is the way of things. The way
Reykjavík. of the Welding. Lobster
Lobster cigar with chorizo, dates, chili jam
The Reykjavík food scene started, final- Who could forget The Great Kebab War Reindeer
ly, to diffuse into other corners of Reyk- of 2015? The owners of Iceland’s two Reindeer slider with blue cheese, portobello,
javík after decades of being crammed in most popular shawarma places literally steamed bun
the 101 postal code. traded blows this summer. The own- Free range icelandic lamb
ers of shawarma joint Ali Baba pressed Lamb with coriander, pickled red cabbage,
104 charges against the owners of next- fennel, butternut squash purée, chimichurri
Hole-in-a-wall restaurant “Pad Thai door kebab-slingers Mandí. The own-
Noodles Iceland” in Álfheimar have ers had been in business together be- And to end on a high note ...
been diligently serving up their steam- fore going into direct competition, with Icelandic Skyr
ing eggy noodles since 2014 but 2015 nothing but a wall separating them. Skyr panna cotta with raspberry sorbet, white
was the year the Grapevine called them chocolate crumble, passion foam, dulche de leche
out as one of Reykjavík’s best-kept se- 7 RESTAURANTS WE
crets. REALLY LIKED IN 2015
7.590 kr.
105 Hverfisgata 12
Reykjavík got its first beer garden with A nameless pizza place that’s not afraid Our kitchen is open
Sushi Samba
Bjórgarðurinn at the gargantuan new to play with pork, pickles, and pears. 17.00–23.00 sun.–thu. By Ragnar
Þingholtsstræti 5 • Egilsson
101 Reykjavík
Foss Hotel (which also houses the res- 17.00–24.00 fri.–sat. Tel 568 6600 •
taurant Haust). The beergarden-ish Fish Company
restaurant Pylsa/Pulsa sprang up at at Despite the name, their tasting menus
Hlemmur Square around the same time are far removed from the assembly-line
for some strange reason. Plans were New Nordic approach, featuring tasting
also announced for an indoor gourmet menus full of far-flung ingredients.
food market styled after Copenhagen’s
Torvehallerne at the soon-to-be discon- Snaps
tinued Hlemmur bus station. And the Our dependable French neighborhood
coffee-perverts of Reykjavík Roasters bistro where the downtown cool cats
branched out into a larger spot in Brau- gather to lick their wounds.
tarholt, serving up an expanded selec-
tion of food offerings. Dill
New Nordic powerhouse. Possibly the
Grandi best restaurant in Iceland. ‘Nuff said.
While technically part of the 101 Reyk-
javík area, the Grandi section on the Matur og Drykkur
other side of the marina feels more A playful approach to Icelandic ingredi-
like it belongs to Reykjavík’s West Side ents and culinary history. What I mean
(107). The area has been ballooning as a is: they serve cod heads. A big honking
restaurant hub for the past three years, cod head staring right at you with its
and 2015 was no exception. Food-his- cold, dead eyes. Delicious.
tory-savvy fine dining spot Matur &
Drykkur opened in Sögusafnið. Brunch Kopar
favorites Bergsson opened up an off- A dependable place to start the night
shoot called Bergsson RE in the area. with a little horse meat and seafood.
Fish joint Verbúð 11 opened up in one
of the last remaining slots in the row of Restó
old green fishing huts by the marina. Restó didn’t close this year, which
And Magnolia-esque cupcake shop and is a bit of a shame as I really want to
bakery 17 Sortir opened shortly after. use my pun (“Restó in peace”). How-
ever, it would be far more of a shame
108 were Restó to close down, all puns be
Reykjavík got two ambitious taquerias damned, as it is one of the best and most
in 2015 (a 200% increase!). It started affordable places in Reykjavík to grab
with Tacobarinn in a lovely house at Mediterranean-inspired seafood.
Hverfisgata, and ended with Taquería
No mames at Ármúli 21. The Ármúli FAD INGREDIENTS
location is not far from Reykjavík’s Craft beer enjoyed a great year in Ice-
only place to get real pho—at the aptly land, and may have reached a pinnacle
named Pho Vietnamese Restaurant on with the opening of an outpost of ale
Suðurlandsbraut. god dispensary Mikkeller & Friends on
Hverfisgata, with the sours and lambic
GASTROPUBS beers getting quite popular among the
Reykjavík got its first self-styled gas- locals. The artisan coffee movement
tropub with Public House only two grew as well, with Reykjavík Roasters
decades after the trend first took off opening up a new, and larger, branch.
in America. However, Frederiksen Ale However, looking back at 2015 I am
House and Bunk Bar had basically been struck by how fad-less it seemed. Sure,
mining the same vein. Another “of- there was a continuation of trends
ficial” gastropub is set to open where from 2014, like pomegranates in salads,
bizarro faux-Mexican restaurant Ta- avocados in smoothies, roasted beets,
basco’s has lain for about a decade, home cooks using sous-vide, etc. But
cunningly ambushing its tourist prey. the macro trend among the hardcore
It will have a pig in the logo. Like Pub- food nerds was that there didn’t seem
The Reykjavík Grapevine
22 Issue 1 — 2016


to be a trend. marketing, Ugly Pizza opened for busi- prices down.

A few years ago, I started a small ness at the tail end of 2015, not to be And the cherry on top of the Bavar-
food community in Iceland for ambi- confused with pizza place The Ugly Pie ian cream donut would have to be the
tious home cooks and expats called Co. Meanwhile, sandwich and smooth- announcement that the USA’s eighth-
SUMAR. The community serves mostly ie place Lemon continues to spread biggest fast food chain, Denny’s, is set
as a resource for people trying to track around Iceland, as if Joe and the Juice to open an Icelandic location 2016, no
down hard-to-find ingredients on this wasn’t already a thing. Because Ice- doubt lured by the prospect of not hav-
strange, isolated island by working to- landers are nothing if not original. ing to turn away too many black cus-
gether. In 2013 and 2014, picking out Oh, and lest we forget, Iceland- tomers.
common threads in the group discus- ers lost their tiny frozen minds over
sions was fairly easy, but in 2015, the Dunkin’ Donuts, queueing around the FOOD BOOKS FOR ALL SEASONS
members’ interests were all over the block for a chance to patronize a fran- Of the Iceland-connected food books
place. People would inquire about fu- chise that miserably fails to contend released in 2015, ‘Vín: Umhverfis jörði-
rikake, okra, clotted cream, affordable in the one arena Dunkin’ Donuts al- na á 110 flöskum’ made for a particu-
paco jets, natto, squid ink and tigernut ways excelled in globally—keeping the larly pretty entry.
flour. They would share recipes for
pine soups, seaweed mussels, polish
stews, and carne seca. Of course, the
people who haunt that forum are outli-
ers, but is it nonetheless more than pos-
sible that your average Icelander be-
Baaah..! came more food-adventurous in 2015?


...! Surprisingly, the Kebab War wasn’t the
Moooh..! weirdest thing that happened in the Ice-
landic fast food scene last year. In 2015,
we got a fast food place serving noth-
ing but french fries, courtesy of pop
singer Friðrik Dór and modern com-
poser Ólafur Arnalds. Then we got yet
another burger place in 101 Reykjavík
with Block Burger on Skólavörðustígur.
In an attempt to properly brand the
place, the people behind Block Burger
basically came up with a carbon copy
of the Shake Shack logo, in what was
surely the most audacious attempt at
logo design since Cardiff restaurant
Dirty Bird made the news. Too bad they
failed to properly copy Shake Shack’s
burgers, though. Speaking of foolhardy

Do not miss !


Laugavegur 130

TEL : 692- 0564

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Let traditio

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Sunday - Wednesday: 11.30 - 18.00 / Thursday- Saturday: 11.30 - 23.30
Grandagarður 2 - 101 Reykjavík - tel: +354 571 8877 -
A L S O B E S T 2 0 0 9, 2 0 1 0, 2 0 1 1, 2 0 1 2, 2 0 1 3 a n d 2 0 1 4

The Reykjavík Grapevine
Issue 1 — 2016 23


wolffish. Speaking of which...

Chefs worldwide will pitch low-
grade bycatch fish, insects and bitter
greens, and attempt to dress it up like
they’re making this change by choice
and not because we’ve sucked our
overworked dairy cow of a planet dry.
They’ll give them a snazzy name to
reflect our relentless consumption
(Tribble Nibbles?).
In 2016, amateur chefs and regular
Jóns will start worshiping at the altar
of some magical vegetables or super-
powered berry which they’ve been
told will shrink their waistlines using
carbo-telepathy. Because the solution
to overconsumption is to consume
more, as long as you’re really anxious
about it.
It looks like we might get more
pop-up restaurants and one-off food
events. Those kinds of events are a
great way to try out new ideas, and
therefore you guys should attend as
many as you can. They are also fun.
Internationally, I think 2016 will be
the year of bitter and sour. We will
see more hot and sour soups, hot and
sour sambals, more Indonesian food
overall, and more bitter veggies and
fruit as an extension of our tolerance
for IPAs, dark chocolate, and black
Huh, that wasn’t that hard. Fuckit,
here’s my prediction for 2036. By
then, self-sailing solar energy ves-
The big fuck-you doorstopper of a of no interest to anyone except the food sels will be harvesting jellyfish from
book for the serious foodie would have writers who talked it up and down. the toxic and boiling-hot North Atlan-
to be Magnus Nilsson’s ‘The Nordic UberEats launched and may shut tic. These jellyfish will be served with
Cookbook’, which featured a few Ice- down the takeaway market faster than a steaming bowl of James Hansen’s
landic restaurateurs. Skepta at the Marquee. I-told-you-so’s. At night, we will keep
In more global terms, the hip young The six part Netflix series ‘Chef’s ourselves warm with memories of a
food lover’s must-owns for 2015 were Table’ had everyone talking, and for world caught in a constant state of civil
J. Kenji Lopez-Alt’s ‘The Food Lab: good reason. It’s the best bloody TV se- war, before we had to ride to work on
Better Cooking Through Science’ and ries in ages. explosive-detecting robot mules. By
Danny Bowien’s ‘The Mission Chinese 2036 the Bacon Festival will be labeled
Food Cookbook’. 2016 IN FOOD a crime against nature and will be held
The year ahead? How would I know? in an underground bunker where only
FOOD TRENDS IN COUNTRIES Who am I, Foodstradamus? the ultra-rich and ultra-depraved may
THAT AREN’T ICELAND Well, I guess I might as well have a attend. The curiously ageless Sigmun-
Cold brew coffee and ramen went more go. Ahem. dur Davíð will be master of ceremonies
mainstream (mainstreamer?). Every- The year 2016 will see more tourists at these events. And, in a dramatic turn
one American ate a lot of avocado on taking OMG wedding photos in front at the height of the 2036 Extreme Ba-
toast and pretended it was cooking. of melting glaciers and restaurants will conFest, it will be revealed that he is
Foodies remained in thrall to the same benefit from this and sell these starry- actually three cannibalistic pigs wear-
pre-industrial preservation methods eyed tourists many charred arctic chars ing a flesh suit. This will dominate the
they have been for stuck on for the past on chard. Those restaurants will then headlines until October, when Iceland
five years or so, and thus everything continue their slide into the matrix of gets sucked into the polar vortex.
was mostly slow-cooked, smoked, salt- New Nordic Cuisine and the name will Foodstradamus has spoken! Now I
ed, pickled, or fermented—just as long change to: Lemme-Tell-You-Young- must rest... and feed.
as it wasn’t refrigerated or frozen. For Bloods-About-Real-Nordic-Cuisine.
some reason, we continue to embrace Considering the popularity of beef
smartphones and post-17th-century jerky at the moment I wouldn’t be
medicine, the cowards that we are. surprised if harðfiskur (wind-dried
In countries that are not Iceland cod) caught on abroad. Someone with
there was that self-fulfilling proph- a wooden mallet and a fancy beard
ecy of making Hawaiian food the new should get started on artisanal harð-
Japanese food. Some seemed to think it fiskur and export it. You could have a
was good enough for a poke. This was good run until we run out of cod and

#109 Dill is a Nordic restaurant with its

focus on Iceland, the pure nature and
all the good things coming from it. Reykjavik Est. 2012

It does not matter if it’s the

ingredients or the old traditions, we
try to hold firmly on to both. FRENCH ONION SOUP
Icelandic Ísbúi cheese, croûtons
There are not many things that make
us happier than giving life to old
traditions and forgotten ingredients MOULES MARINIÈRES
with modern technique and our creative steamed mussels from Breiðafjörður
mind as a weapon.


chef´s special

Lífið er saltfiskur
Tel. +354 552 15 22 · +354 5116677

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