Gangstalking - 07-05-2023 Aggregate of My Posts From The Past Week

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Aggregate of my posts from the past week.

Gangstalking, the federally funded military industrial national security protocol that was poorly
implemented and snuck through the United States Congress via earmarks is regional in nature.
Gangstalking was spread about the people like a deadly virus. Its hand signals, verbal commands,
vehicular cues, and all of the covert communications methods that gangstalkers use to communicate
with each other while locating and "pointing out" targeted individuals for harassment and instigation
purposes, are federally directed military industrial protocols. The kinds of people who will gangstalk
you in Minnesota are a different socioeconomic demographic than the kinds of people who will
target you in Hawaii. The kinds of people who will disrupt you in Oklahoma are different than the
kinds of people that will obstruct you in Alabama. The kinds of people that will instigate against you
in Washington, are different than the people who will vehicularly contain you in Montana. The kinds
of gangstalking tactics you will ecnounter as a targeted individual will slightly vary based upon
where you are in the country, however the socioeconomic demographics of the people who will use
these tactics against you will vary greatly depending where you are in the country. Gangstalking is
not a racially exclusive practice. Any socioeconomic demographic that an America belongs to can
participate in gangstalking and every socioeconomic demographic that exists in the United States
uses gangstalking tactics. The United States of America is without a Constitution; it is also without a
Bill of Rights or any civil rights/civil liberties/civil freedoms/rights-bearing documents. None of the
fifty states in the Union have constitutions either. The post 9/11/01 national security measures that
were hastily drawn, hastily reviewed, hastily voted upon, hastily approved by the President of the
United States, hastily implemented, were 10,000 pages long, stuffed with earmarks, and laden with
stipulations that voided, revoked, and suspended all other overarching legal protocols that governed
this country. Now what you have, is a country, in which gangstalkers, (unpaid deputized and semi-
deputized United States citizens) roam about taking signals and cues from other stalkers,
purposefully and unpurposely, while obstructing, disrupting, and annoying the Hell out of any
targeted individual that has been "marked" for targeting by the United States federal security
mechanism. ''Inconclusive," "Unsubstantiated," "Can Neither Confirm or Deny," "Nonexistent," and
"Unproveable." These are a number of the many responsibility-dodging terms that the congress of the
United States and its federal auxiliaries will use to deny the reality of the gangstalking mechanism.
National security protocols, especially a top secret one like gangstalking are embedded so deeply into
the United States legal code and its societal mechanism, that investigating it, finding the legislative
enabling documents, and "pulling the plug" on it would result in a cataclysmic socioeconomic
catastrophe here in the United States. The military industrial complex has, over the past 50 years
drained the US treasury of tens of trillions of dollars; this being to the benefit of war machine
manufacturers and to the detriment of the United States taxpayer that footed the bill. As the United
States gets ever close to becoming, a national security state, a military junta, and a doormat for third-
party military industrial legislative earmark inserts, the congress, its Department of Defense (DOD)
and its Department of Justice (DOJ), must keep their mouths shut concerning their legislatively
advertent or legislatively inadvertent implementation of the gangstalking human rights erasing torture
The congressional representatives of the United States are too lazy, snarky, spiteful, and apathetic to
review the post 09-11-2001 national security bills that led to clandestine gangstalking. Therefore, the
program persists at the detriment of targeted and non-targeted persons alike. Its a detriment to
targeted persons because they have to continually evade, fight, wait for, and confront this covert
governmental war against them. Non-targeted people are disadvantaged because their taxes are raised
to feed the military industrial war monkey that prosecutes gangstalking campaigns against unwitting
United States citizens. The United States of America has an image problem. It doesn't know if it
wants to be the "shining city on a hill," a "great melting pot," a "military war hawk," a "creditor
nation," or a "stabilizer" for third world countries. I assert that with $32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt,
a historical record of having invaded and indeed decimated third world countries, its horrible record
on civil rights and jurisprudence, and its arrogant and buffoonish middle-east meddling, it is none of
the things that it portrays itself as through taxpayer salaried politicians on television. If the United
States were to discover gangstalking, it would not end it immediately, but "phase it out," likely
passing legislation enabling the excessively slow "phasing the gangstalking program out as long as
possible" (probably over a fifty year period) so as to continue feeding its military industrial complex
as the program is "phased out" while taking decades to phase it out to where all of the targeted
individuals would be too old or dead to enjoy their new found freedom. I, your host, Emmanuel
Isaiah Smith will continue to to report on gangstalking so that the rest of the world can see how it is
devised and implemented, so that they, in all good consciousness, can avert this American influenced
tragedy happening in their own country.
Apish, thuggish, degenerate, violent, hostile, clumsy, pandering, dumb, dumber, annoying, surly, ill
mannered, inbred, dull witted, ineffective, simpleminded, obstructive, disruptive, and intrusive all all
words that accurately describe American gangstalkers.
They are strangers to the targeted individual but are daily mobilized to his exact location regardless
of where in America he is. They follow a system of verbal commands, physical gestures, vehicular
cues, and other coded processes that lead them and their thuggish harassment protocols to a targeted
Gangstalkers are considered by the United States federal government to be assets, so they act with
impunity. Their unneeded aggression, unwarranted hostility, and unwanted presence in the life of the
targeted individual makes them particularly dangerous for the targeted person’s holistic health.
They swarm the target as he is conducting his daily business, they utilize a thuggish triangulation
mechanism to bring other gangstalkers into the fray, they attack the targeted person’s equilibrium
when he is on stairs, high places, or on ledges so as to attempt to cause him to fall, and they regularly
try to rip him off at cash registers or at various mercantile establishments.
I, and my significant other, Lori, encounter these buzzards on a daily basis and must protect
ourselves at all times.
The United States federal government has, through post 9/11/2001 legislative ineptitude, and national
security bravado and ignorance, legalized thuggish crimes against humanity and general thuggery
right under the American taxpayer’s noses.
Gangstalking campaigns can and do happen to any American citizen at any time, in spite of that
person’s work history, criminal record, academic or athletic achievements, voting record, tax paying
record, or anything else that constitute merits or credits to that person’s personal faculties.
The formula for who becomes a targeted individual and who does not is something that the United
States federal government will not disclose. This country has chosen pandering thuggery to law and
order, constitutionality, and the rule of law.
Gang-stalkers are United States citizens who are “plugged in” to the federally directed gangstalking
mechanism in such a way so as to deputize them in an unpaid capacity as a professionally disruptive
The United States will no doubt send it’s unwitting “yes man” ambassadors to its “allies” in an
attempt to “pitch” and “sell” why gangstalking should be a worldwide war against citizens of all
The United States of America’s human experimentation program has been found out and exposed as
criminally negligent wasteful military industrial thuggery, and legislatively incompetent dull-witted
buffoonery, all in one swift stroke.
The future demographic majority of this country, which is Hispanics, have embraced this thuggish
harassment protocol, have benefited from it, and are using it indiscriminately courtesy of the
American taxpayer. That is here in S. Florida. If I were elsewhere in the USA my gangstalkers would
be a different demographic. Gangstalking is equal opportunity thuggery.
The United States of America, at -$32,000,000,000.00 in net worth, at the legislative mercy of inept
politicians that know neither the law or good governance, and at war with its own citizens via
military industrial thuggery, ought to hold a vote in Congress as to whether or not to officially
designate this country a banana republic, a failed state, and an enemy belligerent to its people.
The gangstalking mechanism that United States citizens are placed in is a database driven American
catastrophe. United States citizens are “assigned” to a unit of human excrement called
“gangstalkers,” who throughout the day, provoke, obstruct, disrupt, annoy, threaten, and attack the
targeted individual.
This mechanism is obviously a “crime deterrent,” for its targets on behalf of society; the only
problem is, most if not all targeted individuals have no criminal record, terrorist ties, or violent
The forced hospitalization mechanism in the United States is something that is used against targeted
individuals to justify the gangstalking campaigns against them. If a relative or other acquaintance
makes the call, local police can, without any evidence or judiciary hearing, detain the targeted
person, take them to a psychiatric facility, and leave without making sense of the allegations against
the targeted person.
There are other justification mechanisms that can be used against a targeted individual in this
thuggish country as well. Traffic tickets, parking tickets, littering citations, and other minor
victimless offenses can land a potential targeted person in a gangstalking campaign, something that is
design to stimulate the military industrial complex’s revenue squandering surveillance and
detainment mechanisms, to the detriment of the targeted person.
The United States of America has a uniquely thuggish way of condemning its citizens, especially the
ones it cannot incarcerate for lack of a good reason.
The United States federal government has, particularly over the past 20 years, legislated, mandated,
argued for, participated in, and financed terrorism.
United States soldiers typically do not know the particulars as to why they fight foreign wars.
Chances are, they do it because being a soldier in the United States Army pays decent money, has a
good benefits package, and offers a pension for retirees.
The Congress of the United States has legalized a state-sanctioned terrorism mechanism against its
citizens. This terrorism takes the form of a mobile pandering thug unit called gangstalkers.
These gangstalkers come in many different packages. Some are rich, some are poor, some are highly
educated, others are learning disabled, some are this race or ethnicity, some are another, all are
federally directed thugs.
The United States of America, at $32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt to its own central bank, is a
grotesque reminder of what happens when a country, instead of the public good, places supreme
importance on its military industrial complex, purchasing trillions of dollars of war machines, and
giving your military, and federal law enforcement agencies unchecked power in prosecuting
gangstalking campaigns against unsuspecting citizens.
A word on the Waco, Texas Siege of 1993 : A comparison to Gangstalking :
The Waco Siege:
This post explores the political aftermath of the 1993 Waco, Texas bloodbath between sociopath, and
the self-proclaimed "messiah" David Koresh, and his Branch Davidians religious sect, versus a war
unit of federal law enforcers.
The Waco Holocaust is also known as the Waco Siege. This apocalypse of fire, brimstone,
explosives, and gunfire occurred on 4/19/1993 on the Branch Davidian (Seventh Day Adventist
offshoot) religious compound in Waco, Texas. 76 (possibly 87) Branch Davidians were crucified in a
war-like encounter with the FBI, the ATF, and the Texas Guard. David Koresh, the leader of the
isolationist Seventh Day Adventist religious sect had captured the attention of federal law
enforcement and possibly other interested third party gangstalking factions when he began
purchasing firearms en masse. The reason, according to him, was self defense. The USA federal
government felt otherwise. Eventually he was deemed to be weird, strange, detrimental to society,
and a-normal; much like a targeted individual is when he is initially "scoped out" for entry into a
gangstalking campaign. In the Waco bloodbath, the Branch Davidian compound was stormed,
riddled with bullets, and firebombed so as to " neutralize the threat " that the Branch Davidians posed
to greater society. The standoff and the ensuing massacre was videotaped, and broadcast to the world
on television. 76 USA civilians including 25 children were burned alive and to a crisp by the "
authorities " in what was a botched takedown of what had become a popular yet adversarial religious
sect. President Bill Clinton even expressed remorse at how badly the operation was mishandled and
regretted giving the green light to the law enforcement agents to carry out the operation at that time.
There were elements of COINTELPRO used against the Branch Davidians in the months and years
leading up to the eventual holocaust, carried out by the same disruptive, secretive, treasonous, and
cowardly private and governmental factions that perpetrate gangstalking to the present day. The
Waco Siege, this holocaust, never died, it only morphed.
The gangstalking conundrum is the Waco Siege in a mobile, covert, and hard to detect form. There
are no television cameras, no uniformed federal officers with guns and bombs, no explosions or
machine gun fire, only the quiet, annoying, intrusive, and mafia like protocols taken against a United
States citizen on United States soil. The perpetrators of the early gangstalking method learned
something from the Waco Siege, the bloody holocaust that ended in a fiery shower for the Branch
Davidians. They learned that the " blaze of glory " mechanism was unpopular, loud, legally and
politically problematic, and detrimental to their cause of extermination of their opponents. They
knew that in the future they had to be silent assassins, thieves in the night, behind-the-scenes
manipulators, and covert killers. The stalkers have gone from firebombing religious compounds to
more covert means of targeting a person such breaking and entering, street assaults, food
contamination, biological warfare, instigated police violence, workplace mobbing, derived car
accidents, relationship sabotage, coerced suicides, and perpetrating psychological stressors. These
kinds of attacks, to the stalkers' delight, likely evade international news headlines. There are indeed
other heinous tactics that are used against the targeted individual by the gangstalking subversive
quiet killers that I haven't named. That is because the attacks are so numerous and stealthy that it is
difficult to pinpoint them all. The Waco Holocaust was only the beginning, but I your host,
Emmanuel Isaiah Smith, learn more about gangstalking and its predecessor programs each day, and I
continue to draw the parallels between it and the atrocities of the past; continuing to find the weak
spots in that draconian program, that I need, in order to slay the beast with the Excalibur of Truth.
Thanks for tuning in . #gangstalking #thewacoholocaust
Gangstalking is like a corrupt force that harms who it will and helps who it will. The United States of
America is not a meritocracy or a Constitutional Republic in which a person can succeed based upon
their talents, merits, and credentials, but is a country that is run by corrupt forces that have the
capacity to derail a persons career or their entire life if that person proves to be a detriment to the
aims of the gangstalking based governmental corporate mechanisms that have embedded themselves
into the very legal code of the United States.
The gang member database is only one way that a person, a citizen, becomes a targeted individual.
There are other derogatory databases that a person can be placed into with no notification, warning,
habeas corpus, or legal process. These corrupt useless databases are used for little else but to enable a
gangstalking campaign against a person.
The United States of America has enabled and financed state-sanctioned domestic terrorism. The
post 9/11/2001 national security scare birthed draconian, thuggish, illbred, civil rights disasters like
gangstalking, namely because the national security bills passed through congress during this time
period and beyond were 9,500 pages long, loaded with civil liberty restricting earmarks, and no one
in the Congress or the President’s executive office read them thoroughly. Thuggery such as
workplace mobbing, community harassment, electronic communications interception, street theater,
derived or staged car accidents, murder and attempted murder, assault, burglary and vandalism, all of
which are a part of gangstalking’s violent repertoire, have been stealthily legalized due to
congressional legislative ignorance. The United States’ commitment to the purchase and use of
military industrial war machines has rendered its collective judgement on good governance as
useless. The United States spends nearly $1T per/year on the military industrial complex conundrum,
and because there are no wars to fight, the United States has waged war on its own citizens. This
covert war, called gangstalking, utilizes many of the costly and ineffective military industrial war
machines that are sitting around and collecting dust. This being done to stimulate the military
industrial complex in absence of any costly wars with “boogeyman” regimes. The military industrial
complex is a size able donor to political campaigns in the USA, and in return US politicians reward it
with trillion dollar government contracts, causing revenue explosions and increased stock prices for
the makers of war machines. Gangstalking is a war profiteering enterprise used to stimulate the
military industrial complex, this being done at the expense of its citizen’s freedom, liberty,
oppportunities for good governance, and their constitutional rights.
The United States federal government has produced no good reason for placing its citizens in violent,
intrusive, pandering, and disruptive gangstalking campaigns. The national security legislative
bureaucratic mechanism in this country was hoping that the program would never be figured out, but
information about it leaked, the same as the similar COINTELPRO “operation hoodwink” disruption
program of the 1960s and 1970s. You can read about COINTELPRO on . COINTELPRO
was a national security program aimed at disrupting the New Ku Klux Klan, the Black Panther Party,
the New Left, and in addition was aimed at surveillance and infiltrating MLK’s civil rights activity.
The blueprint for COINTELPRO was reformed, beefed up, made more stealthy, and made to disrupt
the activities of private United States citizens, many of which are not affiliated with any politically
active groups. These same targeted citizens usually have no criminal record or terrorist affiliations.
Gangstalkers are not patriots; they are not patriotic, nor do they suspect that they are doing their
federal government’s bidding with their actions. They are simply degenerate martinets that enjoy the
status quo in America, which has degenerated into a nationwide cabal of useful idiots who are
infatuated with being able to commit violent crimes and or crimes of aggravated menacing against
targeted persons with no recourse whatsoever. The formula for present day gangstalking involves a
number of hidden provocation, harassment, and psychological warfare techniques that are designed
to be difficult for the targeted individual to control, observe, or report. People who take an
adversarial stance towards targeted individuals’ endeavor of exposition to what they are experiencing
will say “go to the police,” or “try to cope.” I am especially suspicious of these kinds of people
because these suggestions given the totalitarian styled nationwide attack mechanisms that a targeted
individual experiences. Simply put, the police can’t do anything about gangstalking and “coping” or
not reacting is extremely dangerous for a targeted individual to do.
The American psychiatric and professional psychological community is violently and purposefully
rigged against targeted individuals. If targeted individuals can be clinically diagnosed as psychotic
for their assertions on gangstalking, then the lecherous and traitorous American program can
commence unchallenged. There is not one psychiatrist or psychologist in the whole of this country
that will agree with or give an acknowledgement of the degenerate congressional thuggery that
targeted individuals are experiencing. Rather they see it as an opportunity to charge the targeted
person fees and “diagnos” them with a mental disease that they may not have. As a matter of fact,
this program may be designed to stimulate the psychiatric and professional psychological industry
from the insurance money they will get from appointments/visits related to the psychosis and related
mental illnesses that gangstalking is “capable” of causing its targeted persons. Gangstalking is
ultimately meant to cause agoraphobia in its targets. More visits to these “mind doctors” means more
revenues generated for their respective industries. Gangstalking also stimulates the hospital industry
from all of the injurious “accidents” that targeted individuals experience at the hand of their
degenerate, thuggish, clumsy, and illbred The military industrial complex also benefits financially
from this program. The military industrial surveillance, communications intercepting technology, as
well as the unseen war machines used in a targeted person’s gangstalking campaign are a part of the
nearly $1,000,000,000,000.00 in taxpayer money that is spent on military industrial war
expenditures. This program should be investigated by the United Nations and the actors in it charged
with high treason. The United States federal government is guilty of political and economic thuggery
behind this program.
The United States political and governmental establishments are totally and utterly useless.
Gangstalking has been going on in an accelerated capacity since at least 2011. Its targets are chosen
in secret, the thuggery that they encounter is unexpected and unannounced, there is judicial process,
and no warnings or notices given to the targeted person. The congressional, legislative, and
bureaucratic thuggery that the United States has authorized post 9-11-2001, is tantamount to high
treason, thuggish preemptive actions against United States citizens, and constitutional rights
The United States federal government, its elected representatives, and the decision makers in its
various auxiliaries are not qualified to speak on good governance, the rule of law, or freedom. The
USA has, over the decades, billed itself as “the shining city on a hill” and “a beacon of freedom
around the world.” It is neither. Rather it is a nation, indebted to its own federal reserve system to the
tune of $32,000,000,000,000.000, is legislatively illiterate to the point where it no longer vets the
bills that come before it; it does not take responsibility for its human rights abuses or treason, it
ignores the assertions by its citizens that it has authorized the equivalent of a mobile gulag against
them, its wasteful, irresponsible, deleterious, degenerate, and criminally negligent Congress moves
so slowly on the political issues of the most importance, that these issues quickly snowball into
governmental catastrophes. The United States Federal Government has enlisted, for better or for
worse and purposely or inadvertently (through stealth national security legislation) a nationwide
group of degenerate animals, aloof thugs, criminally prone corrupted inbreds, and herd-mentality-
loving freedom haters that enjoy protection from any consequences related to their thuggish,
mindless, buffoonish, and ape-like behavior towards other citizens. This country is one thing and one
thing only, a fundraiser for the military industrial complex and related industries. With respect to
gangstalking, related industries are not limited to war machine builders, but includes the hospital
industry and the clinical psychiatric/psychological industries, all of which will enjoy increased
revenues from the derived persons problems and physical injuries that gangstalking causes its targets.
The American police mechanism has neither the authority or the investigative powers to do anything
about gangstalking, as it is a Congressional failure and a national security blunder.
A targeted individual can file thousands of police reports to no relief to their conundrum. This
problem is one of a systemic failure in American congressional leadership, and a breakdown of its
legislative process. The United States of America has an image problem. It wants to be the definition
of a democracy and a constitutional republic, but in name only. When a human rights issue, the likes
of which this country has never seen before, namely gangstalking arises, not only do the elected
officials in Washington keep their mouths shut and ignore it, but they continue, through legislative
incompetence to finance the very “national security” protocols that birthed gangstalking to begin
with. America is not a democracy, the people never got to render opinions on this political
catastrophe. The United States of America is not a Constitutional Republic; the Constitution or this
country has been rendered useless by the legislators and justices who draw six-figure salaries to
uphold it.
The United States of America is an international pariah. Its federal foreign ambassadors are officially
trying, for and on behalf of the United States, to influence other countries to adopt, as a part of their
national security repertoire, gangstalking, including its community harassment, workplace mobbing,
and its legalized murder and attempted murder mechanisms as the law. The United States does not
want to be the only country in the world to enable, finance, and mobilize the gangstalking
mechanism. It passed gangstalking as the law, in post September 11, 2001 national security measures
via thousands of unseen earmarks that were covertly inserted into its national security legislation. In
turn, the federal legislature of the United States has officially forfeited the United States Constitution,
revoked the United States Bill of Rights, and renounced itself as a democracy and as a constitutional
republic. Rather it is a blank check (courtesy of the American taxpayer) to the military industrial
complex, its auxiliaries, and the nationally malevolent pay-to-play surveillance protocols. The
military industrial complex, its fusion centers, and their combined influence on the federally directed
street-stalking, thug mobilization mechanism, have permeated every crevice of local, state, and
federal government, corporate America, Hollywood, the general American media, all of which are
subjected to the calamitous national security protocol that the United States Congress, terrified and
panick-stricken concerning the events of 9/11, foolishly, absentmindedly, and negligently passed and
unleashed upon the world-at-large. The Congress of the United States have unleashed upon society a
treasonous taxpayer funded thug mobilization unit called gangstalkers. And they use a system of
physical and verbal signals with each other to locate, disrupt, obstruct, injure, and/or harass a targeted
America, as an incorporated territory, as a sovereign nation, and as a politically established
governmental entity is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors, high treason, and crimes against
humanity. These things were true about the United States of America even before gangstalking
became legal here. The high cost of warfare adventures at home and abroad have not deterred this
country, its corporate establishments, its federal, state, and local governments, or its religious
community, from finding euphoria in the buffoonish, treasonous, wasteful, cost ineffective, and
ultimately futile military industrial spending projects that have led to the instigation of every
American war effort from Korea, to Vietnam, to Iraq, to Afghanistan, causing tens of millions of
human casualties while generating trillions of taxpayer dollars for the United States’ military war
machine industry. Gangstalking is another such thuggish American enterprise. America believes that
waging a covert war on its citizens will demonstrate to other countries the “control” that it has over
the populace. At $32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt to its own banking establishments, the USA isn’t
even in control of it own economy. Congressional stooges who pass inept pieces of national security
legislation which authorizes criminal menacing by a bunch of gangstalking thug inbreds doesn’t
secure America for its future.
The United States federal government has, particularly over the past 20 years, legislated, mandated,
argued for, participated in, and financed terrorism. United States soldiers typically do not know the
particulars as to why they fight foreign wars. Chances are, they do it because being a soldier in the
United States Army pays decent money, has a good benefits package, and offers a pension for
retirees. The Congress of the United States has legalized a state-sanctioned terrorism mechanism
against its citizens. This terrorism takes the form of a mobile pandering thug unit called gangstalkers.
These gangstalkers come in many different packages. Some are rich, some are poor, some are highly
educated, others are learning disabled, some are this race or ethnicity, some are another, all are
federally directed thugs. The United States of America, at $32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt to its own
central bank, is a grotesque reminder of what happens when a country, instead of the public good,
places supreme importance on its military industrial complex, purchasing trillions of dollars of war
machines, and giving your military, and federal law enforcement agencies unchecked power in
prosecuting gangstalking campaigns against unsuspecting citizens.
The United States of America, at -$32,000,000,000.00 in net worth, at the legislative mercy of inept
politicians that know neither the law or good governance, and at war with its own citizens via
military industrial thuggery, ought to hold a vote in Congress as to whether or not to officially
designate this country a banana republic, a failed state, and an enemy belligerent to its people. The
gangstalking mechanism that United States citizens are placed in is a database driven American
catastrophe. United States citizens are “assigned” to a unit of human excrement called
“gangstalkers,” who throughout the day, provoke, obstruct, disrupt, annoy, threaten, and attack the
targeted individual. This mechanism is obviously a “crime deterrent,” for its targets on behalf of
society; the only problem is, most if not all targeted individuals have no criminal record, terrorist ties,
or violent tendencies. The forced hospitalization mechanism in the United States is something that is
used against targeted individuals to justify the gangstalking campaigns against them. If a relative or
other acquaintance makes the call, local police can, without any evidence or judiciary hearing, detain
the targeted person, take them to a psychiatric facility, and leave without making sense of the
allegations against the targeted person. There are other justification mechanisms that can be used
against a targeted individual in this thuggish country as well. Traffic tickets, parking tickets, littering
citations, and other minor victimless offenses can land a potential targeted person in a gangstalking
campaign, something that is design to stimulate the military industrial complex’s revenue
squandering surveillance and detainment mechanisms, to the detriment of the targeted person. The
United States of America has a uniquely thuggish way of condemning its citizens, especially the ones
it cannot incarcerate for lack of a good reason.
Gangstalking campaigns can and do happen to any American citizen at any time, in spite of that
person’s work history, criminal record, academic or athletic achievements, voting record, tax paying
record, or anything else that constitute merits or credits to that person’s personal faculties. The
formula for who becomes a targeted individual and who does not is something that the United States
federal government will not disclose. This country has chosen pandering thuggery to law and order,
constitutionality, and the rule of law. Gang-stalkers are United States citizens who are “plugged in”
to the federally directed gangstalking mechanism in such a way so as to deputize them in an unpaid
capacity as a professionally disruptive thug. The United States will no doubt send it’s unwitting “yes
man” ambassadors to its “allies” in an attempt to “pitch” and “sell” why gangstalking should be a
worldwide war against citizens of all countries. The United States of America’s human
experimentation program has been found out and exposed as criminally negligent wasteful military
industrial thuggery, and legislatively incompetent dull-witted buffoonery, all in one swift stroke. The
future demographic majority of this country, which is Hispanics, have embraced this thuggish
harassment protocol, have benefited from it, and are using it indiscriminately courtesy of the
American taxpayer. That is here in S. Florida. If I were elsewhere in the USA my gangstalkers would
be a different demographic. Gangstalking is equal opportunity thuggery.
Furthermore, the United States of America's bureaucratic dump of a political system is rigged against
the targeted individual. A targeted person cannot reasonably go to anyone in law enforcement, the
military, or in politics about what they are experiencing because the above named options are all pre-
programmed to say they didn't see anything or that the targeted individual is wrong or mistaken. One
of the institutionalization mechanisms that befall many targeted individuals is the tampered-with
psychiatrist mechanism. Targeted individuals get erroneously diagnosed with mental diseases that
they don't have because they speak about their experiences to dishonest or otherwise unprofessional
or criminally tampered-with psychiatric doctors. The other institutionalization mechanism being the
targeted individual is provoked in such a way, over such a long period of time to where he lashes out
at someone, and gets arrested by a tempered-with police officer. One that may physically harm him,
saying he "resisted" or something similar. The goal of a gangstalking campaign is not to help, assist,
or otherwise aid the targeted person. The goal is to kill the targeted person, cause his death, cause
him to kill himself, kill someone else, or otherwise cause another person death. That is considered a
successful gangstalking campaign. My gangstalkers failed miserably with me in that regard.
The blueprint for COINTELPRO was reformed, beefed up, made more stealthy, and made to disrupt
the activities of private United States citizens, many of which are not affiliated with any politically
active groups. These same targeted citizens usually have no criminal record or terrorist affiliations.
The United States of America has enabled and financed state-sanctioned domestic terrorism.
The post 9/11/2001 national security scare birthed draconian, thuggish, illbred, civil rights disasters
like gangstalking, namely because the national security bills passed through congress during this time
period and beyond were 9,500 pages long, loaded with civil liberty restricting earmarks, and no one
in the Congress or the President’s executive office read them thoroughly.
Thuggery such as workplace mobbing, community harassment, electronic communications
interception, street theater, derived or staged car accidents, murder and attempted murder, assault,
burglary and vandalism, all of which are a part of gangstalking’s violent repertoire, have been
stealthily legalized due to congressional legislative ignorance.
The United States’ commitment to the purchase and use of military industrial war machines has
rendered its collective judgement on good governance as useless. The United States spends nearly
$1T per/year on the military industrial complex conundrum, and because there are no wars to fight,
the United States has waged war on its own citizens.
This covert war, called gangstalking, utilizes many of the costly and ineffective military industrial
war machines that are sitting around and collecting dust. This being done to stimulate the military
industrial complex in absence of any costly wars with “boogeyman” regimes.
The military industrial complex is a size able donor to political campaigns in the USA, and in return
US politicians reward it with trillion dollar government contracts, causing revenue explosions and
increased stock prices for the makers of war machines.
Gangstalking is a war profiteering enterprise used to stimulate the military industrial complex, this
being done at the expense of its citizen’s freedom, liberty, oppportunities for good governance, and
their constitutional rights.
How does the infamously brutish and wasteful American military industrial complex factor into
The military industrial complex is a system of purchases (trillions of dollars per-decade) made by the
United States federal government to aerospace, defense, and military equipment manufacturing
firms. These payments are in exchange for military equipment such as F-16 helicopters F-22 Raptor
fighter jets, army tanks, stealth bombers, RPGs, M-16 assault rifles, grenade launchers, cluster
bombs, nuclear warheads, body armor, Kevlar, military uniforms, Naval destroyers, satellite and
communication systems, radio communication modules, information systems and database
management systems, ammunition, mortar and related munitions, elephant knives and similar pointed
objects, army bases and facilities, naval aircraft carriers and facilities, air-force bases and facilities,
demolition equipment, boot camp training modules, recruiting protocols, test-taking mechanisms and
test-score storage modules, global positioning system protocols and equipment, architectural and
base-building costs, transportation, military police and related protocols, military lawyers, payments
made out for lawsuits, military jailing and incarceration holding facilities and related costs,
maintenance of military websites and related world-wide-web presences, the production and
marketing of Department of Defense related merchandise, training modules for terrestrial, aircraft,
and naval vehicles, DOD recreational and extracurricular on-base activities, commercial advertising
and marketing for television, radio, and online recruiting methods, stingray and other location
devices, the acquisition and retention of plain-clothes operatives and confidential informants,
electronic and communication-based information technology monitoring systems are all a part of of
the military industrial complex. Various firms throughout the country sell these equipment and
technological items to the United States Federal government in the interest of "national security."
The military industrial complex is a part of the "war industry." The government does long term
contracts with manufacturers of these military industrial items. The taxpayer pays for these war
machines whether the United States is at war or not. The firms that profit from these contracts with
the USA federal government, profit the same way that any for-profit company profits. The more
revenues that these military industrial firms raise, the more profits, and the more profits, the more
money in the pockets of those commandeering the military industrial ship.
No doubt there are US politicians that profit from these lucrative deals with military industrial
suppliers, probably through illicit kickbacks, and wars, whether they be with foreign countries, or the
USA's own citizens, as is the case in gangstalking, drive the sales of these military industrial objects
to the United States federal government at the expense of the taxpayer.
WW1, WWII, The Korean War, The Cold War, The Vietnam War, The Cuban Missile Crisis, The
Persian Gulf War, The Iraq War, the war against Mid-eastern militant groups such as ISIS, ISIL, Al-
Qaeda, etc..., all generated billions of dollars for the producers of military industrial equipment which
was used by the DOD to fight these wars, conflicts, and skirmishes, creating multi-millionaires of the
primary sellers of the war machines many times over.
The United States is not fighting any major wars now and hasn't for over a decade. The military
industrial complex and its contract-loving money-collectors are hungry; they're hungry for another
military conflict so as to have a need to sell the USA billions of more dollars in military equipment.
Gangstalking is a military operation in conjunction with Department of Justice elements.
Gangstalking is very expensive for the USA federal government to prosecute. It is a covert war
against every targeted individual. It follows a targeted person 24-hours-a-day 7-days-a-week via
vehicle, pedestrian and other personnel, GPS, street-corner and hidden camera surveillance,
airplanes/spy-planes, boats and spy-boats, deputized civilians constantly sending signals concerning
the targeted individual's whereabouts, interception of cellular phone pings, emails, text messages,
phone calls, and voice mails, staying in constant contact using satellite, internet-based, cellular based,
and human capital based means with various local, state, and federal law-enforcement and semi-law-
enforcement auxiliaries concerning how to contain the targeted individual and etc.... Many of the
participants of gangstalking including the law-enforcement and semi-law-enforcement elements do
not know that they are participating in clandestine military industrial street-stalking and disruption
The military industrial complex is fed by the financial resources needed to perpetrate gangstalking
campaigns against people. Gangstalking fills the void that the military industrial complex needs
when all the world wars that the USA has involved itself in have ceased. Without gangstalking, the
military industrial complex would be left twiddling its thumbs waiting on the next insanely profitable
war effort that will line its coffers with American gold and silver.
Gangstalking utilizes thuggery, intimidation, harassment, threats (implicit and explicit), violence,
murder, and attempted murder against the targeted individuals that are forced to endure this
legislatively and egregiously incompetently implemented national security protocol.
Violent street thugs, skinheads, gang-members, convicted felons, career criminals, criminally insane
knuckle-heads, homicidal maniacs, drunk drivers, juvenile delinquents, identity thieves, computer
hackers, trigger-happy law enforcers, false 911 dialers, degenerate dope dealers, grossly incompetent
medical staff, and the like, are used as liaisons for covert gangstalking activity.
These liaisons/actors follow a system of verbal cues, physical gestures, vehicular cues, and other cues
and street directives to mobilize other people to a targeted individual's exact location.
Near collisions with motorists (vehicle and motorcyclists,) pedestrians, bicyclists, scooter riders,
roller-bladers, roller-skaters, baby strollers (some of which have babies in them and some which do
not), dolly cart operators (in supermarkets), fork-lift operators, (in warehouse settings), are all
derived, staged. and orchestrated injury risks that targeted individuals must duck, dodge, and evade
in order to stay safe. The baboonish nicompoops that engage in the above mentioned forms of
clandestine thuggery are deputized and semi-deputized United States citizens that have taken cues as
to where the targeted individual will be. The gangstalker, while a thug for certain for participating at
all, may or may not be aware that the person they will collide into is a targeted individual placed in a
federally financed and directed harassment and obstruction protocol.
The idiots that participate in gangstalking and take these cues from clandestine third parties run the
risk of injury or death to themselves, as a collision with anyone or anything can immediately cause
other collisions which can cause other immediate crashes leading to the death of the gangstalker. So
by sending gangstalkers to initiate a close call collision or near-collision with a targeted individual,
both the targeted individual and the gangstalker are placed in an unnecessary dangerous situation.
The United States federal government, since the advent of the military industrial complex, and its
creation and contracted sale of its ultra-expensive war machines, has spend trillions of dollars on
these machines, started and engaged in unnecessary wars in foreign countries to utilize and purchase
more of these war machines, and used more taxpayer money for the upkeep and maintenance of the
war machines.
War expenditures are this country's biggest expense, and gangstalking is a continuation of the
pathetic waste on these expenditures that the Congress of the United States has authorized on the
backs of the taxpayers and to the immense profits of the makers of these war machines.
Gangstalking is a federally authorized war that is waged on targeted individuals. The Department of
Defense and the Department of Justice are stewards of this program.
List of companies:
This is a list of the world's largest arms manufacturers and other military service companies, along
with their countries of origin. The information is based on a list published by the Stockholm
International Peace Research Institute for 2020. [4] The numbers are in billions of US dollars.
(I got these figures from wikipedia and they are tedious to read so I will break it down for you. There
a re six "slots" per line.)
•The first slot shows the companies worldwide rank in revenue generated.
•The second slot shows the military industrial company's country of origin.
•The third slot shows the company's name.
•The fourth slot shows the revenue generated for defense activities per-year in a decimal number
representing USD Billions.
•The fifth slot shows its total worldwide revenue (all activities, defense and non-defense) in a
decimal number representing USD Billions,
•and the sixth slot shows the percentage of revenue raised by that country per-year from defense sales
to the United States federal government.
As you can see, the United States spends massive amounts of taxpayer resources on military
expenditures without regard of what congress has to do in order to authorize these expenditures
(gangstalking included).
•(Slot 1) Rank (In revenue generated)
•(Slot 2) Country
•(Slot 3 ) Company name
•(Slot 4) Defense-related Revenue (in a decimal number representing billions)
•(Slot 5) "Total" Revenue (in a decimal number representing billions)
•(Slot 6) % (percentage) of Total Revenue Generated from Defense-related activities
[Slot 1] [Slot 2] [Slot 3] [Slot 4] [Slot 5] [Slot 6]
1 United States Lockheed Martin 58.2 65.4 89%
2 United States Raytheon Technologies 36.8 56.6 65%
3 United States Boeing 32.0 58.2 55%
4 United States Northrop Grumman 20.2 36.8 55%
5 United States General Dynamics Corp. 25.8 37.9 68%
6 United Kingdom BAE Systems 24.0 24.7 97%
7 China NORINCO 17.8 71.0 25%
8 China AVIC 17.0 67.9 25%
9 China CETC 14.7 34.3 43%
10 United States L3Harris Technologies 14.2 18.2 78%
11 EU Airbus 11.9 56.8 21%
12 China CASIC 12.1 37.7 32%
13 Italy Leonardo 11.2 15.3 73%
14 France Thales Group 9.1 19.4 47%
15 United States Huntington Ingalls 8.3 9.4 88%
16 United States Leidos 7.4 12.3 60%
17 Russia Almaz-Antey 6.1 6.6 92%
18 United States Honeywell 5.9 32.6 18%
19 United States Booz Allen Hamilton 5.5 7.9 70%
20 China CSGC 5.4 33.9 16%
21 Russia United Aircraft 4.9 6.0 82%
22 United Kingdom Rolls-Royce 4.9 15.2 32%
23 UAE EDGE 4.8 5.0 95%
24 United States General Electric 4.6 76.6 6%
25 France Safran 4.5 18.8 24%
26 Japan Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 4.5 34.7 13%
27 Germany Rheinmetall 4.2 6.7 63%
28 Israel Elbit Systems 4.3 4.7 91%
29 United States CACI International 4.1 6.0 69%
30 EU MBDA 4.1 4.1 99%
31 France Naval Group 3.8 3.8 99%
32 France Dassault Aviation Groupe 3.7 6.3 59%
33 Russia United Shipbuilding Corporation 3.7 4.7 79%
34 United States Textron 3.5 11.7 30%
35 Israel Israel Aerospace Industries 3.5 4.2 84%
36 Sweden Saab 3.3 3.8 88%
37 United States Science Applications International Corporation 3.3 7.1 47%
38 Russia Tactical Missiles Corporation 3.2 3.3 98%
39 United Kingdom Babcock International Group 3.2 5.7 56%
40 United States Perspecta 3.2 4.5 70%
41 United States Amentum 3.1 3.7 83%
42 India Hindustan Aeronautics 2.9 3.1 95%
43 United States KBR 2.9 5.8 50%
44 Russia United Engine Corporation 2.8 3.9 73%
45 United States General Atomics 0.0
46 Israel Rafael 2.6 2.7 98%
47 Italy Fincantieri 2.7 6.7 40%
48 France French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) 2.6 5.8 44%
49 United States Oshkosh Corporation 2.2 6.7 33%
50 South Korea Hanwha Aerospace 2.3 4.5 50%
There are persons and institutions that have a critical interest in the success of the United States of
America, regardless of how inept and incompetent its decision-makers are. When gangstalking is
internationally exposed, (and it will be) those who have the most to lose with respect to America's
lost credibility will emerge as apologists, spin-doctors, misinterpretors of facts, attackers of the
targeted persons, federally paid critics and so forth.
As far as I am concerned, these people are just as bad as the thugs who comprise the gangstalkers
themselves. The United States of America offers a so-called Constitution, (which has been
legislatively voided) a Bill of Rights, (which has been erased) State Constitutions (which have been
nullified) and a Supreme Court (which has been forfeited as an institution). Because no citizen in this
country has any rights (even the "inalienable" rights that have been guaranteed by the United States
Constitution,) the United States cannot legally declare itself a democracy or a constitutional republic
under international standards.
Because of its love of, and exorbitant and irresponsible spending on, military expenditures
(gangstalking included) the United States, at $32,875,998,541,890.43 in debt to its own Federal
Reserve System, has caused catastrophic conditions on the ground for its citizens, non-military small
businesses, and anyone who has had their names secretly and extrajudicially entered in governmental
and semi-governmental databases as "dangerous or disruptive people." These people have been
placed in disruptive, dangerous, murderous sabotage campaigns known as "gangstalking campaigns."
The problem with gangstalking above all problems is that it is government directed. People living in
the United States of America encounter it daily, some don't know that the domination tactics,
including but not limited to, synchronized obstruction of movement, numerous coincidental
unplanned "run-ins" to people that they are acquainted with throughout the week, vehicular attacks
(in the form of "distracted" or "lost" drivers) derived interactions with hostile, surly, aggressive,
annoying, violent unwanted persons who get in your way throughout the day and the night, phony
911 calls placed against you, synchronized space crowding, gaslighting, people using verbal cues and
clandestine physical gesturing to other gangstalkers that you are "suspicious" and need "watching,..."
You can't escape it because the omnipresent United States federal government has authorized it
country-wide. The domination tactics that you encounter daily are legally protected under the
thuggish, legislatively illiterate, politically dumb, anthropologically asinine post 09/11/2001 national
security legislative bills that were laden with traitorous, unseen, and treacherous earmarks, those
which restrict civil liberties, causing an immediate forfeiture of one's constitutional rights from the
moment that these bills were signed into law.
It is too bad that Congress does not read the 10,000 paged national security bills that come before it.
Congress has passed hundreds of thousands of stealthily injected and hidden earmarks that have
slipped into bills with sketchy, vague, and insincere language. These earmarks have destroyed
America and rendered it a mere vassal state and a legislative vessel that can be controlled by anyone
politically connected enough to insert the right earmarks into these bills.
The Government of the United States of America perpetrates state-sanctioned murder. State-
sanctioned Murder is a part of the gangstalking program which is extremely prevalent in the
American societal function. Gangstalking is the result of several thousands of congressional earmarks
that have penetrated bills and nested themselves into the American legal code. Gangstalking is when
United States citizens are mobilized, deputized, and directed towards targeted persons [ people who
have been placed in a gangstalking campaign against their lives ] as they go about their daily
business. Gangstalkers are the cause of derived car accidents, violent street encounters, and deadly
police encounters, all of which are used against targeted individuals as weapons. Derived vehicular
containment against a targeted person, the mobilization of criminally insane street thugs, and phony
911 calls to local law enforcement officers are all weapons that gangstalkers use against a targeted
individual. Because gangstalking is a world-wide catastrophe, these tragedies are happening in all
four corner of the world. That’s right, other countries have had earmarks that enable gangstalking
plugged into their legal code, by the same thugs that have enabled community harassment and
workplace mobbing here in America. The only way to defeat gangstalking is to hold the Congress of
the United States of America accountable. Since 9/11/2001, there have been several hundreds of
thousands of earmarks that have stealthily snuck past Congress while having been tagged onto
national security bills, entire budgets, and infrastructure legislation. To call gangstalking in
particular, and earmarks in general, treasonous, harmful, unconstitutional, and misappropriations is
an understatement. Earmarks betray the public trust and make a mockery of the legislative process
which American congressional assemblies have used since the 18th century. There is a [ follow the
money ] element to gangstalking and the orchestrators of gangstalking stand to profit from the
carnage, chaos, and anarchy. The United States legal code is no longer a representation of
constitutional values. The United States of America is not a democracy. The United States of
America is not a Constitutional Republic. The United States of America is a client state and a
legislative dummy that malicious third-parties can manipulate using the earmarks mechanism. The
citizens of the United States of America are nothing more than expendible pieces of property that
march in step to the treasonous tune of gangstalking interests. The formulators of gangstalking knew
full well that this program would give them control over the vital institutions of The American
Republic, oftentimes at the expense of American blood and treasure. The orchestrators of
gangstalking should be arrested, tried and executed by public hanging or given the death penalty by
electric chair or firing squad for the crimes of treason and mass murder. An earmark is a stipulation,
sometimes, wasteful or harmful, and sometimes unconstitutional, that is tagged onto a congressional
bill. Congressional bills are often times thousands of pages long; as a result, earmarks often go
undetected and cannot be ‘deleted.’ Rather, the entire bill must be rejected, stagnating the process.
Gangstalking was earmarked into the American legal code under the guise of a national security,
police assistance, private security, or other such bill. Congress doesn’t read the bills it signs into law,
and sometimes thousands of earmarks are legalized along with the bill and go totally undetected.
#earmarks #congress #legislation #gangstalking #earmarking #legislation
{{Any United States Governor, Mayor, City Councilman, State senator, US Senator, US
congressional representative, or president will tell you that they do not read every page of every piece
of legislation that they sign into law. The bills that these people sign into law are thousands of pages
long and are rife with illicit, wasteful, traitorous, and disgraceful inserts (called earmarks) that
effectively turn the legal code of the United States of America over to megalomaniacal, murderous,
thuggish, and self-serving third parties, some of which are government affiliated and some of whom
are private sector war profiteers. One of the names of gangstalking, the leviathan that has been
unleashed upon the American public by such treacherous means, is “ covert war “. It is essentially a
private war that is waged on targeted individuals like myself, by semi-deputized meddlesome,
annoying, convoluted, self-loathing, and spineless factions. The United States of America is for sale.
With a $32,000,000,000,000.00 liability that has accumulated due to defective contracts given to
irresponsible and undeserving firms, it has clandestinely sold its virtue, its sovereignty, and its
faculties and resources to third-parties that have stealthily hijacked its political process through
under-handed and degenerate means. The United States of America is not a democracy nor is it a
Constitutional Republic; rather it is a slime pit, a legal pariah, and a client state to any entity that can
pound its agenda through Congress by the flick of a pen.
Gangstalking, like most American national security measures was rooted in thuggery from its
inception. It’s false pretenses and poorly conceived mechanisms were doomed to fail from the start.
It will come to the point, and indeed that time has arrived, where the United States of America, as a
governmental entity will begin to retreat, backtrack, skid, and recede from this monumental political
failure. It will defect blame, hire fall-men, bribe tight-lipped perpetrators and send them out of the
country, it will deny the facts, create false narratives, blame the victims, ask for “compromise” and
“understanding” as well as “patience” and “patriotism,” use media spin-doctors, ask “allies” for
“support” assert “misunderstandings,” and ask for the “benefit of the doubt.” The above named
retreat mechanisms will reveal the nature and character of the United States Federal Government. It
operates in a clandestine, violent, irresponsible, cowardly, greedy, and vindictive fashion. Since
09/11/2001, a number of hastily conceived and quickly and panic-stricken national security measures
have nullified the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the “No Taxation without Representation”
mechanism and other political essentials that are allegedly ingrained in federal constitutional
documents. Under these horrible and ill-conceived national security measures, no citizen has rights,
every citizen is a suspect and anyone can be treated as an enemy of the state regardless of personal
integrity, academic merit, occupational attainment, familial status, or participation in the American
national political/voting mechanism. I will take no lectures from the federal government of this
country on good governance, constitutionality, or the rule of law. All of these essentials for a society
and indeed civilization have been render asunder at the request of the beneficiaries of the poorly
managed and desperately incompetent military industrial complex in America, renders the United
States of America a mere political, social, and economic medium that anyone or any entity with
legislative access can control, manipulate and weaponize.
#earmarks #congress #legislation #gangstalking

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