Critical Success Factors

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Critical Success Factors

The concept of CSFs (also known as Key Results Areas or KRAs) was first
developed by management consultant

D. Ronald Daniel, in his article,

"Management Information Crisis."

Other author

John F. Rockart, of MIT's Sloan School of Management, built on and popularized

the concept almost two decades later, he said that

"areas of activity that should receive constant and careful attention from

The Four Main Types of Critical Success Factors

1- Industry Factors
Those factors which are must part of actions to remain competitive.
i.e Business School collaborate with businesses to give opportunities to students and practical
exposure too.

2- Environmental Factors

Macro-environmental influences on your organization

These can be Business Climate,

The economy where you operate

Technological Advancements

For this PEST analysis will remain a best choice

3- Strategic factors

Depends upon the competitive strategy of your business

Like it can be low volume with high price or high volume with low price

4- Temporal factors

These factors are temporary internal changes like growth attracts sales and
obviously higher profits.
Five Steps to Identify and Develop Your CSFs

1- Research Your Mission, Values and Strategy

2- Identify Your Strategic Objectives and Candidate CSFs

3-  Evaluate and Prioritize Your CSFs

4- Communicate Your CSFs to Key Stakeholders

5- Monitor and Measure Your Progress

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