Iste Standards

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Jay Olson 7/2023

ISTE Standard

Internal Society for Technology In Education

ISTE Educator Standards ISTE Student Standards

2.1 Learner 1.1 Empowered Learner

2.2 Leader 1.2 Digital Citizen

2.3 Citizen 1.3 Knowledge Construction

2.4 Collaborator 1.4 Innovative Designer

2.5 Designer 1.5 Computational Learner

2.6 Facilitator 1.6 Creative Communication

2.7 Analyst 1.7 Global Collaborator

The ISTE Standards for students describe the skills and knowledge students need to thrive, grow
and contribute in an increasingly digital society. These standards include learning how to be
responsible and safe online, understanding and employing computational thinking, effectively
curating and evaluating knowledge attained digitally, and using digital tools to successfully
communicate with others.

The educator section of the ISTE Standards defines the knowledge and insights educators need
to successfully support students in the achievement of the ISTE Standards for students. This
includes designing, facilitating and analyzing activities and environments that leverage
technology to improve student learning.

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