Classroom Management

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Jay Olson – 7/2023

Classroom Management Plan

Class Rules Rationale Consequences Reward
1. Be on time with your materials 1. Following directions can help with 1. Verbal warning 1. All homework in on time –10 free
ready. safety and make sure you are doing points
your work correctly.

2. Follow directions immediately. 2. We have a lot of information to learn 2. Name on board –as a warning (-) 2. Special privileges
so we need to make good use of all
the time we have.

3. Keep hands, feet, and objects 3. If you bother others, 3. In-class time-out 3. Name on the board – as a rock
to yourself. someone might get hurt or get their star (+)
things damaged.

4. Actively participate in class activities. 4. You learn by doing. It’s ok not 4. Parent contact 4. Cell phone use
to know everything. We
will all make mistakes. By practicing
and making those mistakes, our
brains grow.
5. Listen to others with your eyes 5. By closing our mouths, and 5. Referral to office
and ears. listening with both our eyes and
ears, we can hear what someone
else is saying.

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