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Student’s name: Geanella Jaramillo Ayala


1. Where’s a good place to star the day?

It's purebred bakery in gastown

2. Where’s a beautiful place for potos?

A beautiful place for photos is prospect point

3. What’s a good place to go when it’s rainy?

The mountains
4. What’s a good place to go to buy souvenirs?
A place to eat souvenirs is Main street
5. What are three examples of places to eat lunch?
Asian noodle restaurants, Canadian seafood cafes with fresh fish, and American burger
6. Is there a romantic place in this city?
Top of Vancouver revolving restaurant
7. What can tourists do at night?
They can go to clubs and music venues
8. Is this city famous for anything?
The city is famous for First Nations Art.

C. Study the underlined words in B and answer 1-3

1. Do adjectives come before or after a noun?

Before the nouns

2 Do adjectives com before or after the verb be?

After the verb be

3 Can you make adjectives plural?


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