4b Opening Script

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Rules to succeed

 I am the professional - I have the advantage because I have a game plan and the tools/bait to succeed. I will
follow the script and deliver it in a conversational matter and not sound like a used car salesman
 The customer is just a fish. I know more than they do. If I remain in control, stay focused, confident and
energetic, they will agree
 In every conversation, someone is selling someone. Either I am selling them or they are selling me. I want to be
the one selling them
 Goal is capturing their attention 15 seconds at a time, not to finish the script - creating bite size pieces that they
can swallow. Goal is not to sell them solar; goal is to sell them the idea of solar and get the appointment - It's
not what we say or ask - It's how we do it that matters
 Rebuttals - If you explain what you are doing and why you are doing it 95% of the time people will give you the
answer you need

Time Line 20 – 25 seconds (Start question 1)

30 – 45 seconds (Finished with question - 3 Electric bill)
60 -90 Seconds (finished with script)
Yellow - my instructions to the agent, Light Green - Tie downs, Dark Green – Speed through, Built in Rebuttal

Hi my name is __________and I am calling from Sun Light Solar. What we are doing is calling people, that are
interested in lowering their Electric bill by as much as 60%. (pause - Let your words breath)

This is a win/win opportunity. There are no out of pocket expenses for you and as I said, your electric bill will
be cut by as much as 60%. Sounds pretty good, right?

So, my job is not to sell you anything; but rather, to educate you on possibly switching to solar and see if you
qualify. If you do, we will then create a professional, no cost, no obligation proposal for you. It will show you
exactly, how much you can save or even earn by going solar. Does that sound fair?
Ask a question before you know they are qualified. - I understand you concern about______ and I will gladly answer it.
Just so I do not waste your valuable time, let me ask you 3 quick questions, so I know that you qualify. (Do not wait for
an answer) Do you own the property or rent it. What type of home do you live in, Is it a SFR, TH, Condo, Mobile Home or
manufactured home? Perfect. And what is your average monthly electric bill, If you took a 12 month average, knowing in
the Summer it may be higher than in the Winter? If they qualify - Repeat back the concern answer I have a specialist on
the line that can start the process for you, please stay on the line while I transfer you?

Great, now this call may be recorded for training and compliance purposes. So, the first step, is to see if you
qualify, by asking you some very simple questions. Do own the property or do you rent it?

What type of home do you live in? Is it a single-family residence, townhouse, condo, manufactured home or
mobile home? (if they have anything other than Single family they do not qualify- Hang up

Perfect. And what is your average monthly electric bill, If you took a 12 month average, knowing in the
Summer it may be higher than in the Winter? (Wait for an answer) - If Lower than $100 They do not qualify

OK, so far it looks like you qualify. If we can show you how there will be no upfront costs to you, while allowing
you to dramatically lower or eliminate your electric bill completely, would you be interested in finding out

Awesome, I have a specialist on the line that can start the process for you, please stay on the line while I
transfer you? Thank you and have a nice day.

Don’t Qualify: I’m sorry but you do not qualify at this time. Good Bye
WITH THE FOLLOWING: I understand you concern about______ and am glad you brought that up. Honestly, I do not
want to give you any wrong information, which is exactly why we want you meet with our specialist. He or she will
provide you with the proposal, explain all the options available to you, as well as the pros and cons of each option and
answer any and all questions that you have. So, you can make an intelligent choice as to whether or not solar is right for
you and your family. - Fair enough? Great - I have a specialist on the line that can start the process for you, please stay
on the line while I transfer you? Thank you and have a nice day.

Stock Response if they have questions or concerns

That's a great question for one of our specialists. I do not want to provide you with any wrong information.
Tell you what. Let me transfer you to a specialist and they will answer any questions, comments and concerns
you may have, please hold on and I will transfer you now. Thanks

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