COM508 Discussion 5

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Select one of the concepts presented in this module and discuss why it is

important in software security.

Vulnerability scanners are automated tools that allow organizations to see if their networks,
systems, and applications have security vulnerabilities that may just make them open to
attackers. Vulnerability scanning is a common practice in company networks, and it is a
requirement that is essential by industry standards and related legislation to improve the
security posture of the organization.
In the vulnerability scanning space, there are lots of tools and products that encompass
different types of assets as well as provide additional features to enable organizations in
instituting a complete vulnerability management program, that also contains the processes of
identifying, classifying, and mitigating vulnerabilities.
External and internal vulnerability scans
An external vulnerability scan can aid companies in identifying and repairing security flaws
that an attacker could exploit to obtain access to their network. An external vulnerability scan
is conducted from outside an organization's network, focusing on internet-facing IT
infrastructures such as web apps, ports, and networks.
An external scan can reveal weaknesses in perimeter defenses such as: -
1. Ports in the network firewall should be open.
2. Web application firewall with a focus on security.
An internal vulnerability scan is performed from within an organization's network. You can
use these scans to harden and defend apps and systems that aren't covered by external scans.
An internal vulnerability check can reveal problems like: –
1. Vulnerabilities that an attacker who has breached the perimeter defenses can exploit
2. Malware that has infiltrated the network poses a threat.
3. Disgruntled workers or contractors may constitute "insider risks."
Five types of vulnerability scanners
Vulnerability scanners are divided into five categories based on the assets they scan.
1. Network-based scanners: On wired or wireless networks, network-based vulnerability
scanners identify potential network security attacks and vulnerable systems. Network-based
scanners help determine if there are unknown perimeter points on the network, such as
unauthorized remote access servers or linkages to unsecured channels of business partners, by
detecting unfamiliar or unauthorized devices and systems.
2. Host-based scanners: Host-based vulnerability scanners are used to detect and identify
vulnerabilities in servers, workstations, and other network hosts, as well as provide additional
visibility into the scanned systems' configuration settings and patch history. In addition, host-
based vulnerability assessment software can show the potential damage that insiders and
outsiders might cause if some amount of access is authorized or taken on a system.
3. Wireless scanners: Wireless vulnerability scanners are used to locate rogue access points
and also verify that a company's network is programmed correctly.
4. Application scanners: Websites are analyzed for known software vulnerabilities and
improper configurations in network or web applications through application vulnerability
5. Database scanners: Database vulnerability scanners locate a database's weak areas in terms
of protecting against malicious attackers.

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