4 - Questions On Plugs

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4th Form Electrostatics and Circuits

4th Form Electrostatics and Circuits

1. The diagram below shows an electric mains plug.

wire X

3A B

wire Z
wire Y

(a) Name the parts of the plug labelled A and B.

A .....................................................................................

B .....................................................................................

(b) Name the colour of each of the wires X, Y and Z.

X .....................................................................................

Y .....................................................................................

Z .....................................................................................

(c) Name a suitable material for the case of the plug.


(d) Electric fires have three wires connected in the plug. One is the live wire to feed electric current in,
another is the neutral (return) wire.

(i) What is the third wire called?


(ii) Why is it important that the third wire is also connected?


4th Form Electrostatics and Circuits

(e) The diagram below shows a badly wired mains plug.

Look at the plug carefully. What four changes should be made to make the plug safe?

1. ..............................................................................................................................


2. ..............................................................................................................................


3. ..............................................................................................................................


4. ..............................................................................................................................

4th Form Electrostatics and Circuits

2. (a) The diagram below shows the three pins in a mains plug. The pins connect with the live, neutral and
earth terminals in a socket.

On the diagram, label each pin to show which is:

the live pin,

the neutral pin,

the earth pin.


(b) The diagram below shows the inside of a mains plug.



(i) Name one material which could be used for the part labelled X.


(ii) Complete the sentences below.

The part labelled Y is called the ................................................................ .

This is used to hold the ........................................................ firmly in place.

The component labelled Z is the ................................................................ .

(iii) The plug is used with an electric fire.

Which part of the electric fire is connected to the earth pin?

4th Form Electrostatics and Circuits

3. You wash and dry your hair, then comb it with a plastic comb. As you move the comb away from your
head some hairs are attracted to the comb.

(a) What has happened to the comb to make it attract the hairs?



(b) If the comb is now held above some small pieces of dry tissue paper what is likely to happen?



(c) If you rub your hands all over the comb it will no longer attract your hair.
Explain why.


4th Form Electrostatics and Circuits
4. The diagram shows an arrangement for silver-plating a fork.

d.c. supply

Silver electrode Brass fork

Silver nitrate solution

In a liquid an electric current is a flow of ions.

Silver nitrate solution contains silver ions which are positively charged. Silver nitrate solution conducts

(a) (i) To which terminal of the d.c. supply must the fork be connected?


(ii) Give a reason for your answer.



(b) The ammeter in the diagram reads 0.3 A.

(i) Calculate the charge which flows in 5 minutes.


.......................................................................... Charge ..................... C

(ii) Suggest one change that could be made to the circuit which would give a thicker coat of silver
on the fork.


4th Form Electrostatics and Circuits

5. (a)Complete the sentence below to name the instrument used to measure electrical current.

The instrument used to measure electrical current is called ......................................


(b) In the diagram below each box contains an electrical component or a circuit symbol.
Draw straight lines to link each electrical component to its circuit symbol. The first one has been
done for you.




fuse V



4th Form Electrostatics and Circuits

6. The diagram shows the inside of a mains plug.


Neutral Live

(a) Complete the table.

Wire Colour of insulation




(b) The diagram shows a washing machine without an earth connection. The live wire has become loose
and is touching the metal case of the washing machine.

(i) Draw on the diagram the path taken by the electricity when the person touches the metal case
of the machine.

(ii) Describe how the path of the electricity would change if the washing machine had an earth
4th Form Electrostatics and Circuits



(c) Some electrical appliances use a cable which does not have an earth wire. Which one of the
following appliances can safely use this type of cable?

hairdrier iron refrigerator


Give a reason for your answer.


Total 8 marks
4th Form Electrostatics and Circuits

7. (a)The diagram shows a 13 amp plug.


13 A


Cable grip

(i) What is wrong with the way this plug has been wired?



(ii) Why do plugs have a fuse?



(b) The diagram shows an immersion heater which can be used to boil water in a mug.

Mains cable

Plastic moulding

Metal cover

Heating element

(i) Which part of the immersion heater should be connected to the earth pin of the plug?

4th Form Electrostatics and Circuits

(ii) Complete the sentence by choosing the correct words from the box. Each word may be used
once or not at all.

chemical electrical heat light

When the immersion heater is switched on ...................................... energy is

transferred to .................................... energy.


(ii) When the immersion heater is used correctly, the heating element is at the bottom of the mug
of water. Describe how the water at the top of the mug becomes hot.

Water level



Total 7 marks

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