Collins Onyebuchi Letter

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11th July 2023

Dear Mr Collins Onyebuchi,
I trust this missive meets you very well, this message that you are reading is both a discourse and
an invite.
God loves nations, He is absolutely delighted in the salvation of nations. Yes, He loves souls and
wants them saved and this is His primary mission. However, He created and initiated the concept
of nations1 and He is coming not just for souls but nations and will separate between the sheep
nations and goat nations2. Just as people have purposes, nations have purposes and there are men
and women purposed by God before they were born to fulfil purposes that line up and come into
alignment with the purposes, and the times and seasons of the nations they are sent to. No man
can fulfil purpose outside of a given geographical territory, purpose is always geographical.
In the nineties, the Lord began to speak to me intermittently about His plans for Africa and the
nations of the earth and the manifestation of His Kingdom. This is beyond just having a sense of
the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, the local assembly and the promise of eternity. Over the
years, one of the things that has stood out in His conversations with me is the reality of His deep
love for the nation of Nigeria, the continent of Africa and His very intentional communications to
me that He would see to it that both Nigeria and Africa do not remain the way it is-
underdeveloped and impoverished. This may sound strange given the fact that as a church we
somehow have the notion that Jesus is typically concerned only about the salvation of souls and
the spirituality of man.
However according to Luke 4: 18 – 19, Jesus came for the total man. He wants to do something
about everything that sin brought into this world. Of course, the saving knowledge of Jesus
Christ is the most important reality that could ever happen to anyone but what happens after
salvation is equally vital.
Well over ten years ago, He told me to write the book, “The Transformation of Africa- the
Coming Josephs and Daniels”. In the last ten years, these conversations about Nigeria and Africa
have intensified as He spoke about a twin revival about to happen in Nigeria and Africa; a twin
revival of spiritual and economic dimensions or realities, that will birth a transformation in the
nation and in the continent. Early this year, He began to speak to me about bringing people
together from different spheres of activity for the purpose of transformation of Nigeria.
In the last few weeks, I have received the order to move forward. I have with guidance from
Him, sought carefully to bring together as a class, a group of diverse men and women from
different spheres and to carefully as a curator; bring, show, demonstrate and teach what will be
needed to help this group rise up and take their place.

Acts 17: 26, Deuteronomy 32: 8
Matthew 25: 32
You are therefore invited to be a part of this group; it will be called The Transform Group. Our
intention is to teach and show transformation by demonstration, according to the book of Acts 1:
8; first in Jerusalem which is the city where you dwell, then in Judea which is a nation, Nigeria
and then in Samaria which is all of Africa and to all the nations of the earth.
This class is very spiritual but not religious. It will be both practical and theoretical and will lean
heavily on teaching the word and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. It is intended that this
class will bring together people from different spheres of life according to the Kingdom strategy
of the 7 Mountains mandate or initiative. It will be intense, completely life-changing and will last
for eight months; one class a week, 4 lectures a month, and each class will be a 3-hour lecture.
The classes will be online over Zoom. A ninety-nine percent attendance is compulsory. Whilst it
is completely free in terms of finance, it will cost your time and concentration and the enemy
will seek to tell you it’s not worth it, it’s not the right time or you can’t spare or give the effort
needed right now. My answer to you is this; the Lord prepared this class for you and chose the
time, do not miss it now.
What the class will seek to achieve:
Over the years, the Church has majored on the salvation of souls according to Mark 16:15,
meanwhile, the command of Matt 28: 19 is just as vital which is “Make disciples of all nations”.
Without disciples, there is no way to truly make a nation great and no way to bring
transformation to a nation. This class will raise a people that will bring transformation to nations,
not religion but transformation.
What is Transformation of a Nation?
It is bringing a nation into the full purpose of God.
It has two parts:
1). The physical: it is bringing a nation into its fullness of potential. A nation is made up of
people, so transformation will be the art of bringing as many people as possible in a nation into
their purposes. No man can walk in the fullness of his potential unless he is in purpose.
The flip side: As more fulfil their purposes in a nation, it’s like a sea vessel where its roles
suddenly get filled and these roles steady the course of that vessel- nation. That nation’s
potentials begin to manifest in every sphere and activity of man.
2). The spiritual side: Discipleship is foundational to walking in purpose. Spiritual discipline is
needed to focus on purpose; As many more come into purpose in a nation, it raises the spiritual
tempo of the nation; moral uprightness and spiritual integrity becomes increasingly important in
that nation and righteousness begins to exalt the nation3.

Proverbs 14: 34
The intention of this class is to raise men and women in every sphere of activity that will be able
to equip, raise, and help people into
1. Coming to their fullness of potential
2. Bringing them into the purpose of their lives.
This class is founded on specific instructions from the Lord for we believe He is still speaking
today and you are getting this letter because we believe you are one of those who should be in
this class.
Framework for the Class
There will be two classes each week where you have the option of choosing the day that is
convenient for you. Both classes are the same. The classes will be 3 am – 6 am on Wednesday
and Sunday mornings.
Resumption will be on Saturday 5th of August 2023- An inaugural lecture.
Full resumption starts the next day 3 am – 6 am on Sunday and for those on Wednesday, it will
be 3 am – 6 am on the 9th of August.
However, there would be no random crossover from one class to the other. Attendance will be
marked by the class you chose. It will be assumed that you can’t change class till at least the
holiday break except of course, in extenuating circumstances. However, it will not be
What to do next?
If you believe like we do that you are part of this class, please indicate by sending us your
response no later than the 23rd of August 2023.
There will be an accompanying video sent to you in the next few days. Please take time to watch
the video, as it speaks very clearly about what we are doing, who we are, our commission and
why we believe you should be part of this class.
Thank you very much.

Success O. Success-Oso

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