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Collins FRENCH ZY 3000 WORDS AND PHRASES AT THE SHOPS DAY-TO-DAY LersuRE sport Inordert mae sure that vocabulary and ras are presented in away that's lea and eyo understand we hse olowed cera paises when Wana 1) The grammatical gender of Fereh nouns hasbeen indicated using the eles" (mascline) ora" feminine) All nouns whic have the ati nave been sown ty te gender, or ample year Fannée f noun, a well as he plural mara, fo example trsines les baskets gear iy (apm 07 ire met Otepecansratites 29 Sie decom ae Sivan Sonera wees ‘petty nd Sttnnmietinay omer oye Soyetoento col wie Cotes reve souanpro we conto Shegentpoce ‘Revcechanaergraon stud egried Tween aon stein ep anaes Feminine forms of nouns have been sown with he mazculine frm se the main vansation salesperson le vendeur /lven slays set use even fait formal st mes, fr earl ow re yout Coument aller? Remember that if you ate adiessing ncde ets osomeane you have lust et, youuse ous” Howe yu ate speaking te cxleen er those you know wel you can use" French people may ite You (iets wth them In general the masculine foam of adjectives only hasbeen shown fr etna a nnn, es annoyed mécontent Fries, Je suis fatigue. However, in some cases bith forms ae shown im marie vere (man) Je suis marig / dvoreé Fm mamea/averes (woman, Jesusmariee/avorcee Remember that, in French, the agece often changes depending on Uihether the noun deseibes ie maseaine or eminine. Oe the [sjecte ony ados an" tthe end, so “content becomes “cortente™ Sand Tate” becomes Yatguée" However, there are sme adjectives, ‘hattake ferent endings inthe feminine frm, oe dn change al ‘he adjective form also changes if youare aking about person or object Inthe singular arin the purl Unsay. the pl frm of te adjective formed by adding” for masculine runs} of" (or feminine nous) totheendof he word “The re se, Les es son agus. ocd morning. ves don kno please ng ood ish ocdtye Thankyou Som? See youon Satur. Havea good day Have good evening on undestang S May Las how oléyou > we m.. yeas Where ae you fom? 6 stepdaughter Ym fom. ‘re you varie? brother ams mingle, oninaw/sepson fend the Uk sister toawonan) ™ stepbrother Liven kana feayou ingle? sisterinsaw neighbour Iimmanied/dvrces. chien? Scottish man srandson uncle baby nave. eden Ensen sranddaughter sunt hie \m manied/vrces woman | don hive any we chien fatherin sew! nephew secnage stepfather Wels ice mother inte? Thisis my son bond ‘hese ae my. daughter siiend yeu? usband parents fancé/fancée How's ting? tow ae they? creat estes iss mses loner So-so. ‘They are. relaxed aaae bese Fost (Blaine Seen Pum aw = canltbevene, ext et 4 Teedvceur/ atime / ata ae se Intestin eer oa a ‘Not great. aim He/She feels. vores ‘electrician office worker i eee. bare Im hungry/thist annoye wel Jetravalle a temps Te plombier / FOR vin seni sect beat, tamer Vm ful ane a: | work as a/an. Vagricutteur / police officer Je n'ai plus faim. enclire Indleposs Je travaille comme. ‘agricultrice Te policier / tical at beer mavan frefihter * roa . mw nt wrporpiet/ soul voter ‘ste an = eee Seung’ EAE Toes Jai chaud, inquiet pire Varchitecte m / fisherman sailor tam i neon (Somme main Ttstachet ter ee clsenant , —_informaticenne? Ia vendeur Coa Infonetionnaite ——jciner — ceaner femenuisier/ cients / {a menuisiere Whee doyawok? Wate capin? fmseFemploe oar inscenungue Suurmifervous? —Queetvote” Jowraailes mon manage? aa : ont Mase Smee Fempoyecse ——Fouttstes tate What do oud menage ta boratste ae Quetaiceveus ——Doyeuvorvancy? —_rmunempoyed many Eecquevous" — Jemuseuchomage ‘rave ion? teacher business hott Ws quae tte inquineratan ter iepofeseur/ ecommerce Thiel m estahewres fowhfanhow/an plas tard company ofice iraunqinrt ow vet in compagnie febareae ies erate. here /ubedemi>—tmlntenant inveeernare conncionsig rere mma cng sete waiter tes1730, ee i eveur con sch! Meaicsept ES Pane Tete heures ene. tae = wires Srretard inne severest shop When, ? Rroweremen — lemasnin Quand? = two aor Bene Jeavalle’7pour/ hosp info scons Frei n toe mines Gans betcondes/ Tnmmieen oth ee testneatbeures dc sfeneon tener es quae past ee Monday Weénedy flay sendey Tapreemiin = emaie testacutheues tana need ad imac sour —— yesterdey Tuesday Thuy Study or i tesa5 paste. mora inal ted! 1 ezener neces viet am winging = F : fool Fn cess yy 1%, sid om ieseneueures - ; Hess busy May sgt a Shapaemii/ 0 ‘emer es woat cnet Wha tne it? Mesedisheures aren ne September Quetemaiceacity—maimevng oe isn spemore tstey sii Wsrine dock. ayy fori in Febraty Iesfoany vam wind Tejour ‘ours quinzejours enfewiet yada brouilaed —— chaud ipvent weskend months ina09 ies frezing. ils le Teweskeend mensuel en zeta sate ux Te coup devent wee yearly inthe Bos Iesrainingnowing. cool mist Insemaine Snel dans es années 80 pleut /neige frais Tabrume forniht con Mondays spring les wind, wet fog Tes quinzejours mp! leslundis Te printemps ya duvent pluviewe le brouilard smenth ever Sindy lessor. um ae Temois tous les dimanches Wy adevorage. hhumide eaneaea| last Thueday Ueschangeble as lighting fous deeter ptan rela decade rex Fay winter ee ae hunderstom endrod prochain Phiver Wiss rage the wer before insoing snow Hyeminrejours —Supantemps nice la neige weaty thewee ater inwiotr home ball temperature bebdomadaire dansdeuxsemaines enhiver ss ‘a grdle ltemperature hot How'sthe weather? How warmycoldis it? What ful weathed Queltempsfaivil? Estee quil fait Quel mauvais wnat sthe forecast for todavtomarrew?—Wsiteoeetorain? es sun. Guclessonties — Estcequilva, ya duel, previsoneméteo —_plewwor? our auiourd hi / les cloudy/miey, Semain’? Whatalcelyday! —Cestmuageun / ‘Quelle elle rumen journée! 2 dew 17 dicsept 4 quae 19 divneut 5 cing 20 vingt 6 ax 30 trente 8 59 cinguante 10 70 soinante-dix " Bo quatrevingts 1 doure 99 quatre-vingt-die 33 tine 00 cent ‘4 quatorse 1000 mile 35 quinze 1000.00 millon BOvOr a proce Teconducteur/ conduire Ineonductrice letaxi le passager / la station de axis aan treatin ourner eden les indieatons lapietonne out faire lanavette ct lewratic cad i ireante ier fe panneau d Fembouteilage Tei Theure de pointe Thoraire le monospace ecamping-car ladécapotable wail lesuv lncaravane Ie siage du passager ey “ “ la place du Vembrayage hybride Vessuie-glace m lephare Pyne ack eat le reguateur de démarrer le retroviseur le pare-chocs ica Tesidge enfant ie pot ous Gchappement ——_toovertake aa st =e a healt (etablenu debord —Fappute-t8tem Scere ge : lerésenvoirde ‘oak et gauge Inbatteri Ii boite de vitesses faire marche aire to sow dow lente tre en exces de ove compartment le frein & main ua carriage In route aquatee lemacadem ‘ayy accessite parking pavement Ietbae-cSeé caer letra in placede parking vocanuiany senvices handlcspe petrol tation — aire de service / Ia station service accident ‘otow vig Faeeident Femorquer speed iit Tepont pothole emarrage nl limitation do (enig-de-poule breakdown sitog veeze car park Iapanne Fairag mechanic Teparkng road Temscanicion/ diversion Taroute ——Fapparniyhoto_——_Terpid andere 7 sich Seite —— Pamanienf eatin desma cure vocanutany bul tepaint rine tarines ple wreonie player ‘virtual reality headset bowling tell chanes crossrd ieeanes rode aig es idea sek set ie Shes Jevelenpmating pipes stro sce sities ican poker to pay tes Réchettes fo! aaa peace rae Inand fn cards) torte dice leae recent face Seana ae ink stels watercolours eee ee iecouler . alpine en ao les dames jo! lapeinturearhuile —estylo fameconier——_tadgznmen (Spe pati anger reek sou nme pees » || & lof woo! loiinge cbs reed: eet sateypn tread Pers ea Pearce) lechampion / lachampionne le cogquipier / In eoequipiere le directeur sportif / pertciper smarguer wagner perare otic 7 offal varbitre letableau des le sportit/ Fequipes Tetrophée Ran aa ea Farr (du ballon) les chaussures de foot pl eyes zm ‘nrc dass running tender foul football match alte desport ——fecourderemise —_Iacourse fedetenseur/ faaute Te match de football snore Indeterseure sym instructor toovrcse offide footalpiten Ieprofesseur Plates faired spore suiker horsiew leterain de football ‘ness / leila Fateaquant/ {a professeure toherpft Fattaquantey penalty football payer achinest| ee seiaitenren : penalty tercratr ee me substi iafootballeure personal ines Teremplacant/ penalty box Fenwaineur pres-ups wgpforaran Ieremplagante surface ge personnal n/ tes pomes siler cour reparation Iebue penonnelley sicups togtothe gym Tecoup denver topay otal soahecper ine abdominawxmp! ier ls salle de Jauerswfootall garden de but spss menbeip Drore halftime ta gerdienne debut Fabonnement la Tamitemps totick sallede sport 7" donner uncoup de goacpers ves Tain ds match se but ol we evn ‘opus the bal rananarom gmat oo Te proonestions py pete bia levestsre Iban de gym les douches) Nes prolongation) gal es protige thins ml added time mmarauertnbat white euasene ae Sepp ope ietemps additionnel ice Tevéloeliptique _lekettebell incorde asauter ae smb _— — freebick Tejugedeiigne /——yelowrred card hatter tecasier ietapisroulant Necoup frame Hue dele lecarton jaune / header football rere bite rowing machine veihifeng bah anes ota teat ievelo ferameur iebanc de eee a backhand forehand lecoup droit ry faut Iafaute et Tefilet ‘aly Fechange ame set and match Jeursetetmatch & 86 gbyleaguesnion dtp goal rugby wheelchair basketball eo tow bastetsl Terupbyeeice? — bearep eeehy Ie banketfuteuit lancer Ie ballon de quince’ basket ball pore rh ba bacon tod heechnir usb Fepasee feballon de rugby le panneae ‘rbbier basketball court Terugby fauteuil Teterain headouard rugby fed layup to bleck leeasque ieterain de rugby Tete en course contrer bastttll game Te (match de) rrouthaard (sb goalposts slam dunk omark basketball Teprotige-dents _lespoteaux de but ie dunk marquer (erugby) np! basketball payer arrgre to play by, fre tow, toscoreabaset le basketteur / Vaniere? jouer’ fugby rugby player Fetancer franc ‘marquer unanier {Ig batketteuse leyoueur de rugby / wy oracle Iajoueuse de rugby toply basketball basket bastetbll shoes Messi plague: jouer au basketball epanier leschaussures de scum basket conversion toscoreaty lamelée tocatch {transformation marquer un essal seeper pena kick Tapenaine singles Tesimple doubles Tedouble top seed to playtemis Ree epoybsiminn/ thi tebrakhismersene Fees be oie Sra Itoi vere oon winner leas wise Sedrion Sadrinen act sec eeeer/ sige pionger fe badminton Inraqute de ievolant nae svinmingleson —tosurf. ieplonseur/ seuss 1S poneeoe ding pale savas suas a sash racket sesttcke plongée Paenver iSeguess IShaledesquash —laraquete de ae a as =m iMpetheslasene mer bsccvote “ " ens Iedorcawe ie a oe le pécheur / naviguer bet ov ‘er sconce font ecouse Cremer bahedatemin igure recut ef sebties ie sare peer Semen debates temnsout spe beer are IScouedetemis fate / (Spoon ISoureure neve Faroe rCjdge ie / tenis soot IShesd te lejower evens” ung che ‘Sfucecectens Wwhinede are armoanes epee seprngeurs sen IGramards i lemineteur/ Tesh bun icremie tamer ic pangeo sinmingcp_——_ maton ein ich in Iepamesio’ singe seages Teen de one & 3° lesion roosting Seemann —— =z < Riaterpna — edcietne cing ieoayboars eines ics Losnonbond weaving aa : faredvsnowboerd fea patra lecanoé le padde le ski nautique ae not seine — cenenas (eco one ‘Sion de — cme a Beetemner epee ot bani seottng winds Inplongée (avee —_nplanche Aveile = ice hating ifjacket masque et tuba) ‘cpries pation: leet esauvetage ions seme a on Ieee aut teers! pine skeet aa Ips teense incombinsion sone sence ISetopere desi emoreau desk conto eee et meee sites soe sowboars vocsnveany iercmsuresde lr bttne destin aie . srontodngoot ‘tn I om as iccehesores ce Teshiew /laakiewse Seve powdreune siglomes bonne snewbesrd jo iSotcoursen isa deen ion despots Tenure Welace stones i os (ent pt Weouede ———aalanche st ae Ty icremontepene sale iemontear estt/ ones Ta monitrice desk = te =e, = = = mr we wet ston ene penke Woes Soterne tc ian ERAT ER ae t= Ee mserts trie Fo seers | tits reams we SSRN pee soem at anton a om = ne aie iocaey’ Be a oe fateonge 7 pene corinne we wars Sache aa ee boxing gloves boxing shoes ‘mouthguard nena coun ‘hot put BebEere ES Epa ee a PEE sept i , — Ce Bite eae a coasts vat wie 2Eess = éliminatoire f sauter pointes fo! ereeeeeeeeeeeeereaae final tothrow ‘starting block ‘oc a ae it a aoe wn sce sepa Me ii — ein Bien, EBs "Su a rmitey » |f sole: la joueuse de golf cde Tend ofcourse Ieterrin de golf faiway lefaiway clubhouse Te pavilion hole ice ebirdie handica Tehandicap swing iene over/under par ‘Ni-desious du par to play st jouer ss golf toteeot og Iezae de golf selfoat Tabaie de got sof busy FRvoinurette de gol Mb feclub de golf puter Feputter American oot Ie football amerin sechery acetal lebacebal bowls les bouts fo lining Frenealade cricket feting apache handball Fehandball 6 hockey ippiaues lcenactey le hockey surglace motorcycle acing course de motes motoring eourse sutomobile etal {netball shooting stowiumpng stateboaraing table tennis Tetenne de table vackjcng Te eyelsme sur piste voteall ievaliey water polo Tewater oto weighting ‘areeropitey poe ees CeCe Sosa le secouriste / voirmal Femedicament pai seremettre infirmier m / Fadoutewr Vinfrmisre Tamaladie Ie secouriste/ treat lasecourste le symptome : patie es mental heath femedecin/ "a patiente iieeienrneeety IRsanté mentale tamédecin " treatment frst it lepharmacien / letraltement Introusse de tapharmacienne a Fesuancemaliey psp {a pharmacie iaborse Taergenes aénitaux fet ora re : cyedow benny eames breast isoure lesen Iapavpidre te poids vir ledoist lepouce fe paume tobe eM tosmel : Telabe devoreite IMC sentir a etl sense thea a legrorortel doistde pied etalon fs gensel sieht rou Female dupiedoy plant pi ines toe bers ius tucker a aa talanave Fedora: otter head chest ez sin nse ota tostan Inte Iapoitrine fajambe tapeau tezoot fire debout ‘ace comen owe (boa hi sense of touch teva levisage abdomen m le genou tes polls np ietoucher mmarcher ; at balance tolose one’s balance lecou lamain etibia tata Féaulibce m perdre equllbre . ase lepied lescheveuxmp! Frei Inbouche =a 5 - forehead heck jaw Fepautey Indoe tes fsses jo tefront injove lamachoire : , oe ese ‘ni incoude Iahhanche emote. Fest fenex ementon wr Two tngemat Tepoanet Farcuiation du ongle aise preachers In dovleurdentaire onan ‘ladder rene aopointment| home vt ‘raminaton tbe Torgane m havent Tener ierendex-vous Iavisitea domicile Iatabled'examen bain digestive system tendon sls vaccination op Tecerveau Tesystime digestif le tendon Tesconsultations ol levaccin Temédecin séneraliste / a heart resptrysytem tissue amination mediation ‘medecin généraliste iecour Tesyateme feussu Fexamen mesial —temegieament respiraaire practice nurse lung ligament test tomakeanagpeintment Finfirmierauxilisre epoumon ood teligemens lever Prendrerencerveus m7 tintrmere : lesang : co : susiaires Ie foie joie iacetule Fesantibotiques mp! examiner stethoscope articulation f Testéthoscope stomach anery the pil tobe on madaton a estonae bene arte Iaplute Sresousmélication springs Fosm eeringue leven muscle Taveine Tesomnitere Tetensiometee thermometer Temusde Tethermemetre Intestines ‘een brescrition cramination om Tes intetins pl Foxygtne Fordonnance f {asalled'examen waiting cam Tasale 'attente stall bs femur Weerine tee cbt fo te farnue colarbone spine neecap Teetevicule imetlorne vertdrale rote vertebrae ira fou Tevertsbressiy ——lecubitus le peroné humerus rade tibia humerus feradis letbia breastbone pes free uae cried INET DENTAIRE poet aa cnt check-up sbecess enti’ chase ophthalmoiogst cases contact es case Venamen dentro Pabeto tetauteull de Fophtalmetogue / dentiste Fophtalmelogue se contact ote tebrushana'e teeth epnaimoes shortsighted Tamotaire ebrosreries dente dent's il reading lsses smyope ye chart In fraise dentaire Teslumettes de Tetableau dacuité incisor toss Keneie lona-sighted svete Mteive f Se passer du 6 dentures hypermetrene dentaireentreles le dentier bifcas eye drops rine dents leslunettes double vsuallyimpaed Tecate reanine gums foyer ‘mahoyant braces Fes gencives eyetest wisdom ree Faposeil(dentaired haraysftcomtact lenses blind examen de a we m lesdentsdesagessejs! mouthwash lestentites de sveugle Te ain de bouche contact souples/ frames siting ental oss Figies i

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