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ANNA CHORSER, UNDEAD COMMANDER “Be it today or some distant tomorrow, everyone eventually falls under my command.” In the entire history of Golarion, few conflicts have produced more carnage and collateral damage than Isger’s Goblinblood Wars. Isger’s warriors fought valiantly, but by the end, their villages and homesteads lay burned, the rivers and fields were choked with dead, scavengers (both human and animal) roamed the land, banditry ran unchecked, and a whole generation of war orphans faced a grim future. Ie was into these desperate and merciless times that Anna was born. Anna was only five years old when her father took up a spear in defense of his homeland, never to return. Anna’s mother kept the homestead afloat for a while, but eventually, the goblin tide swept over their home as well. Anna’s mother was torn apart by goblin dogs while Anna hid whimpering under the floorboards. Hunger eventually drove her from her hiding place, and she fell in with the steady stream of refugees making their way south. When the refugees passed the town of Haugin’s Ear, they handed the waif over to Mother Comfort’s Orphanage, just outside the settlement. ‘The orphanage was founded by an old widow known locally as Mother Comfort, who had opened the large estate left to her by her wealthy husband to the orphaned beggar children overrunning the town. The impulse was a gracious one at the time, but it had been decades since Mother Comfort had reared children, and the stresses of dealing with the sometimes-unruly orphans made her bitter and short- tempered. She subjected children who misbehaved to increasingly bizarre forms of discipline, and soon began to regard any sign of unhappiness, such as crying or complaining, as defiance that needed to be corrected. She wielded an ever-heavier hand, starving her most troublesome charges into submission. The most severe punishment, however, was confinement in the “bad box”—a chest in the attic in which Mother Comfort locked children who incurred her wrath. Every resident of the orphanage could expect to end up in the bad box at some point, for fabricated misdeeds if they avoided committing real ones. Anna was so traumatized by the murder of her mother that she no longer spoke to other people—or so they thought; instead, she would often sneak away to talk to an imaginary friend she called “Eledia.” It wasn’t long before Anna’s disappearances, and her refusal to say “please” and “thank you,” drew Mother Comfort’s wrath. Anna was locked in the chest. Trapped with nothing but her tears, Anna called to Eledia for help. And Eledia answered her. In truth, Eledia was not an imaginaty friend at all, but was once a young orphan herself. Soon after being murdered by Mother Comfort only a year before Anna’s arrival, she rose again as an attic whisperer—a pitiable undead creature that steals the voices of children. She agreed to free Anna and help her escape the orphanage if she would one day come back and return the favor. The moment Anna sobbed yes,” Eledia brought her the key to the chest and once again disappeared with the child’s voice. Upon opening the chest, Anna’s loud gasp of fresh air was only surpassed in volume by the surprised gasp of Mother Comfort, who happened to be walking by. Having just missed Eledia and enraged at the git!’s apparent defiance, Mother Comfort might have killed Anna for the transgression, but the orphanage had fallen into financial destitution, so she instead decided to sell the girl into slavery—selling her off tocultists of Zon-Kuthon. Anna’s youth was thus little more than darkness and pain. The cult indoctrinated young Anna for years, ensuring that she would become a highly effective agent of evil. Since she showed an affinity and an interest in the undead, one of the few allowances the cule gave her was freely expanding her knowledge of the fell creatures and the dark arts necessary to create and control them. Alongside Anna were several other brainwashed children, including a young half-lf prodigy that was prophesied to one day do great things on behalf of the cult. Anna came to resent the crossbreed, who always seemed to overshadow her great accomplishments. Anna began constructing an elaborate plot to kill her cult sister, and to raise her own station within the cult by taking her place in the prophesy. Before she could follow through with the murder, however, the cult’s activities were discovered by the local authorities and was forcefully disbanded in a violent raid. The young prodigy was captured, ultimately finding a new home where she could be rehabilitated. Anna, on the other hand, escaped in the chaos of the assault and fled to even darker parts of the world. Whilst on the road, destitute, lost, and alone, Anna encountered a wandering Varisian witch. The witch, after hearing the teenager's story, saw her true potential. The witch directed Anna to the shadow- chained nation of Nidal, where she claimed her interest in the undead would not only be accepted but would be most welcome. The witch’s predictions ultimately proved to be correct, and Anna soon caught the attention of the Umbral Court, Nidal’s shadow-touched aristocracy. There she discovered her heritage as a descendent of the Nidalese people and was given a new home and purpose. Anna was trained as an agent of the Umbral Court, eventually blossoming into a devastatingly efficient military commander and necromancer with authority over many of the undead forces within Nidal’s borders. At the age of twenty-two, Anna returned to Mother Comfort’s Orphanage in Haugin’s Ear. She found that the orphanage had become shuttered and empty after Mother Comfort’s death ina fire years earlier. Most of the residents of Haugin’s Ear now gave it a wide berth. The building, abandoned for less than a decade, was still in good condition, making it a popular place for bold vagrants and desperate beggar children to squat. These visitors had stripped the house of most of its furnishings and valuables, leaving the orphanage an empty shell devoid of anything save two full-time residents. Eledia continued to shyly roam the hallways of the orphanage, her loneliness prompting her to court potential playmates by leaving them small trinkets, toys, and comforting nursery rhymes. More than a few beggar children have been lured into spending the night in the old orphanage by these kindnesses. Few of these children realized that while they slept, Eledia siphoned the breath from their lungs, and their voices from their throats. When the villa is quiet, the little attic whisperer could be heard comforting herself with dozens of different voices, each stolen from an unsuspecting child. Eledia would prefer the house be inhabited by a living family to keep her company, but Mother Comfort would never let that happen. The widow, haunted by Eledia’s sobs to the point of suicide by fire, had herself risen as an undead allip that continued to roam the hallways, looking for someone on whom to inflict her rage. For years Mother Comfort targeted adult vagrants as her victims, seeing them as trespassers. Many transients have disappeared overnight in the abandoned orphanage, eventually becoming haunts, poltergeists, or shadows themselves. Anna was first confronted by Mother Comfortand the other undead newcomers, whom she destroyed, then by Eledia. After reminiscing with her old friend for a time, Anna left several of her undead minions to watch over Eledia and returned home. With Mother Comfort and her minions now gone, Anna’s servants became Eledia’s new family, and she was finally able to find peace. Though Anna herself has never known true peace, she has at least found what she believes to be her rightful place in the world. ANNA CHORSER, VERSATILE HERITAGE HUMANCULTIST CREATURE13 Female Nidalese human oracle® Perception +20 Languages Common (Taldane), Necril, Shadowtongue, Undercommon Skills Acrobatics +17, Cult Lore +17, Deception +24 (master), Diplomacy +20, Intimidation +20, Medicine +18, Occultism +23 (master), Religion +24 (master), Society +17, Stealth +17, Thievery +17; Armor Check Penalty -1 ‘Str 10 (+0), Dex 16 (+3), Con 16 (+3), Int 14 (+2), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 20 (+5) Items adventurer's pack, elite disguise kit, expanded healer’s tools, explorer's clothing, material component pouch, greater pendant of the occult, phylactery of faithfulness, signal whistle, +1 resilient glamered studded leather armor (made to look like bone armor), concealable thieves’ tools, Stgp, 7sp, 2cp; Current Bulk 3.5 (2.5 with backpack) AC 33; Fort +21, Ref +21, Will +23; +1 circumstance vs. inhaled threats HP 151 Breath Control You can hold your breath for 25 times as long as usual before suffocating. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against inhaled threats, such as inhaled poisons, and if you rall a success on such a saving throw, you get a critical success instead. Resolve When you roll a success on a Will save, you get a critical success instead. Slippery Secrets When a spell or magical effect tries to read your mind, detect whether you are lying, or reveal your alignment, you can attempt a Deception check against the spell or effect’s DC. If you succeed, the effect reveals nothing. Speed 25 feet Melee °>? fist +20 (agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed); Damage 1d4+2 bludgeoning Ranged “9? divine lance +22 (attack, cantrip, evocation, range 30 feet); Damage 7d4*5 evil or law Divine Spontaneous Spells DC 32, attack +22; 7th (2 slots) final sacrifice’, finger of death; 6th (3 slots) blood vendetta’, heroism, vampiric exsanguinatior’; 5th (3 slots) drop dead, prying eye, vampiric maider’; 4th (3 slots) anathemic reprisal, enervatior’, talking corpse; 3rd @ slots) alarm, fear, vampiric touch’; 2nd (3 slots) death knell, harm’, shield other, 1st (3 slots) animate dead, bless, ray of enfeeblement; Cantrips (7th) chill touch, divine lance, message, prestidigitation, shield, stabilize Divine Innate Spells DC 40; 5th creation (at will, see Shadow Pact below) Oracle Revelation Spells 3 Focus Points, DC 32; 7th armor of bones (Advanced Player's Guide 230), claim undead (Advanced Player's Guide 230), death’s call (Pathfinder Core Rulebook 391), soul siphon (Advanced Player's Guide 233), touch of undeath (Pathfinder Core Rulebook 398) Divine Rituals DC 32; 2nd create undead (ghouls, graveknights, skeletons, zombies) Assured Ritualist You can cover for a secondary caster's error. If you are the primary caster, after rolling all the secondary checks, choose one check on which the secondary caster rolled a failure or critical failure, and treat the result as one degree of success better. Bizarre Magic The DCs to Recognize Spells you cast and Identify Magic you use increase by 5. Charming Liar When you get a critical success using the Lie action, the target's attitude toward you improves by one step, as though you'd succeeded at using Diplomacy to Make an Impression. This works only once per conversation, and if you critically succeed against multiple targets using the same result, you choose one creature's attitude to improve. You must be lying to impart seemingly important information, inflate your status, or ingratiate yourself, which trivial or irrelevant lies can’t achieve. Consult the Spirits (secret) You have learned rites or meditations that enable you to perceive minor, invisible spirits within a place. This allows you to contact lingering spirits, psychic echoes of the departed dead, and spirits from beyond reality, who tell you about things like strange auras, effects, or the presence of unnatural occult beings. Frequency once per day; Effect Spend 10 minutes and attempt an Occultism check to Recall Knowledge; the DC is determined by the GM (usually a very high DC for the level of the highestevel creature you might encounter in the area). Critical Success The spirits reveal themselves to you and have a helpful attitude toward you. Only you can perceive these spirits. They answer three simple questions about the environment within 100 feet of you, depending on the skill you chose and thus the type of spirits you contact. Their answers are almost always a single word, and their knowledge is limited to within their area of interest. ‘Success As with a critical success, but the spirits are indifferent to you and answer only one question. Failure You are unable to contact the spirits of this place. Critical Failure You contact one or more malevolent spirits. They are hostile toward you, though they may not immediately appear so. They answer up to three questions but give you information that is harmful to you in some way, as determined by the GM. Curse of Living Death (curse, divine, necromancy) Your curse progresses to its minor stage the first time you finish casting a revelation spell after your daily preparations. Once your minor curse has manifested, it remains in effect until you rest for 8 hours and again make your daily preparations. If you cast a revelation spell while your minor curse is in effect, you progress to the moderate curse effect immediately after you finish Casting ‘the Spell. The minor effect continues to affect you, though some moderate curse effects might alter the specifics of your minor curse. You can cast more revelation spells, progressing your curse to its major stage and then an extreme stage; these stronger curses are cumulative with the effects of the lower stages and can alter them. When you Refocus while under the effects of your moderate or stronger curse, you reduce your curse's severity to minor in addition to regaining a Focus Point. You can't mitigate, reduce, or remove the effects of your oracular curse by any means other than Refocusing and resting for 8 hours. Likewise, remove curse and similar spells don't affect your curse at all. Minor Curse Bones protrude through your skin and your flesh rots, combining with a stench of decay and an unearthly chill. Non-magical effects that would restore your Hit Points only grant you half as many HP as normal. Moderate Curse Your dead flesh continues to rot, affecting your health. You become drained 1, and this drained condition is cumulative with any other drained conditions you gain. This drained condition is removed only when you Refocus; effects that normally remove the drained condition reduce your drained condition to drained 1 instead. In addition, you gain resistance to poison equal to half your level. You gain a +4 status bonus to saves against diseases, poisons, and death effects, and if you roll a success on such a save, you get a critical success instead Major Curse You stand just steps from the grave. You become wounded 1. This wounded condition is removed only when you Refocus; effects that normally remove the wounded condition reduce your wounded condition to wounded 1 instead. When you would attempt a recovery check, you can choose to get an automatic success instead of rolling, and if you roll a critical failure on a save against a disease, poison, or death effect, you get a failure instead. Immediately after casting a revelation spell while under the major effect of your curse, you are overwhelmed. While overwhelmed, you can't Cast or Sustain any revelation spells-you effectively lose access to those spells. You can still Refocus to reduce the effects of your curse and regain a Focus Point, but doing so doesn't allow you to cast further revelation spells. These effects last until you rest for 8 hours and make your daily preparations, at which point your curse returns to its basic state. If you spend at least 2 Focus Points before you again Refocus, you recover 2 Focus Points when you Refocus instead of 1. Disturbing Knowledge “>? (emotion, fear, mental) You utter a litany of dreadful names, prophecies, and descriptions of realms beyond mortal comprehension, drawn from your study of forbidden tomes and scrolls. Even those who don't understand your language are unsettled by these dire secrets. Attempt an Occultism check and compare the result to the Will DC of an enemy within 30 feet, or to the Will DCs of any number of enemies within 30 feet if you are legendary in Occultism. Those creatures are temporarily immune for 24 hours. Critical Success The target becomes confused for 1 round and frightened 1. Success The target becomes frightened 1 Failure The target is unaffected. Critical Failure You get overly caught up in your own words and become frightened 1 Doublespeak You are skilled at saying one thing while meaning something different. You disguise your true meaning behind other words and phrases, relying on subtle emphasis and shared experience to convey meaning that only your allies understand. Any allies who have traveled alongside you for at least | full week automatically discern your meaning. Other observers must succeed at a Perception check against your Deception DC to realize you are passing a secret message, and they must critically succeed to understand the message itself. Efficient Rituals You can perform some rituals in less time. If the ritual normally requires 1 day to cast, you can cast it in 4 hours. If it takes longer than 1 day, you cast it in half the number of days, rounded up. Flexible Ritualist When you cast a ritual, you can reduce the number of secondary casters by 1. When you do, you must fulfill any requirements for the secondary caster, and you attempt the secondary check normally performed by that secondary caster. You can't replace a secondary caster who is the target of the spell (as in the atone ritual). Glamered Armor illusion, magical) Activate *? envision; Effect You change the shape and appearance of this armor to appear as ordinary or fine clothes of your imagining, The armor’s statistics do not change. Only a creature that is benefiting from true seeing or a similar effect can attempt to disbelieve this illusion, with a DC of 25. Pendent of the Occult (divination, invested, occult) This amulet is hollow and shaped in the form of an unblinking eye. Its cavity typically holds some fragment of occult text. While wearing the pendant, you gain a +2 item bonus to Occultism checks, and you can cast the guidance cantrip as an occult innate spell. Activate 10 minutes (Cast a Spell); Frequency once per day; Effect You cast a 4thlevel dream message spell Phylactery of Faithfulness (divination, divine, invested) This tiny box holds a fragment of religious scripture sacred toa particular deity. The box is worn by affixing it to a leather cord and tying it around your head just above your brow. You don't gain any benefit from the phylactery if you don't worship the affiliated deity. The phylactery grants you religious wisdom, which manifests as a +2 item bonus to Religion checks. Just before you perform an action that would be anathema to the phylactery's deity, the phylactery warns you of the potential transgression in time for you to change your mind. Activate *> envision; Frequency once per day; Effect You ask for guidance about a particular course of action, gaining the effects of anaugury spell Resourceful Ritualist You can attempt checks to cast a ritual that requires expert proficiency if you are trained, master proficiency if you are an expert, or legendary proficiency if you are a master. Ritualist Dedication You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to all primary checks to perform a ritual. ‘Schooled in Secrets You notice the signs and symbols that members of mystery cults and other secret societies use to declare their affiliation to fellow members. You can use Occultism in place of Diplomacy to Gather Information about such groups. If you belong to a secret cult, lodge, sect, or similar organization, you automatically recognize members of your group unless they are specifically attempting to conceal their presence from you. ‘Shadow Pact You can take 1 damage to mix blood and shadows to cast Sth-level creation as an innate divine spell. You can use this ability as often as you wish, but you can have only one such object in existence at a time. If ‘the object encounters bright light, the spell ends and the object dissolves into shadows. Signature Spells You don't need to learn heightened versions of signature spells separately; instead, you can heighten these spells freely If you've learned a signature spell ata higher level than its minimum, you can also cast all its lowerlevel versions without learning those separately. If you swap out a signature spell, you can choose a replacement signature spell of the same spell level at which you learned the previous spel. You can also retrain specifically to change a signature spel to a different spell of that level without swapping any spells; this takes as much time as retraining a spell normally does. Student of the Canon If you rol a critical failure at a Religion check to Decipher Writing of a religious nature or to Recall Knowledge about the tenets of faiths, you get a failure instead, When attempting to Recall Knowledge about the tenets of your own faith, if you roll a failure, you get a success instead, and if you roll a success, you get a critical success instead. Surprise Attack On the first round of combat, if you roll Deception or Stealth for initiative, creatures that haven't acted are flatfooted to you. Weapon Specialization You deal 2 additional damage with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you are an expert. This damage increases to 3if you're a master and 4 if you're legendary CHARACTER NOTES COMPANION CREATURES CAPTAIN BURLOR CREATURE 9 CS Ss Perception +18; darkvision, low-light vision Languages Common (Taldane), Cyclops, Jotun, Necril Skills Athletics +20, Fortune-Telling Lore +20, Intimidation +16, Religion +18, Warfare Lore +16 Str +6, Dex +3, Con +4, Int +3, Wis +4, Cha +3 Items composite longbow (20 arrows), greatsword, full-plate armor AC 29; Fort +21, Ref +15, Will +18 HP 155 (negative healing, rejuvenation); Immunities cold, death, disease, paralyzed, poison, unconscious Sacrilegious Aura (abjuration, aura, divine, evil) 30 feet. When a creature in the aura uses a positive spell or ability, Captain Burlor automatically attempts to counteract it, with a +17 counteract modifier. Rejuvenation (divine, necromancy) When Captain Burlor is destroyed, his armor rebuilds his body over the course of 1d10 days-or more quickly if the armor is worn by a living host (see Graveknight Armor, Bestiary 3 pg, 191). If the body is destroyed before then, the process restarts. Captain Burlor can only be permanently destroyed by obliterating his armor (such as with disintegrate), transporting it to the Positive Energy Plane, or throwing it into the heart of a volcano. Flash of Insight © (divination, occult, fortune) Frequency oncer per day; Trigger Captain Burlor is about to roll a d20. Effect Captain Burlor peers into an occluded spectrum of possible futures. He gets a success (but not a Critical success) on the roll instead of rolling. Speed 25 feet Melee ‘> frost greatsword +22 (cold, magical, versatile P), Damage 2d12+9 slashing plus 1d6 cold, Critical The target is made off-balance by the attack, becoming flat-footed until the start of your next turn. Melee“? fist +21 (agile, cold, magical), Damage 2d6+9 bludgeoning plus 16 cold, Critical The target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 28) or be slowed 1 until the end of Captain Burlor'snext turn. Ranged * frost composite longbow +19 (cold, deadly 1410, magical, range increment 100 feet, reload 0, volley 30 feet), Damage 2d8+5 piercing plus 1d6 cold, Critical If the target of the critical hit is adjacent to a surface, it gets stuck to that surface by the missile. The target is immobilized and must spend an Interact action to attempt a DC 10 Athletics check to pull the missile free; it can’t move from its space until it succeeds. The creature doesnit become stuck if it is incorporeal, is liquid (like a water elemental or some oozes), or could otherwise escape without effort. Devastating Blast “9 (arcane, cold, evocation) The graveknight unleashes a 30-foot cone of energy. Creatures in the area take Sd12 cold damage (DC 28 basic Reflex save). The graveknight can use this ability once every 1d4 rounds. Create Grave Squire Captain Burlor can gift a piece of its armor to a willing ally (usually a subordinate), which becomes its grave squire. Captain Burlor can communicate telepathically with his squire at any distance, see ‘through the squire’s senses, and cast suggestionas a divine innate spell through the telepathic link at will; the squire treats its degree of success as one step worse. If the Captain Burlor’s main armor is destroyed, the squire’s piece expands to cover the squire’s body over 1d10 days, after which point it becomes the Captain Burlor's new body. Captain Burlor can have only one squire at a time, and must recover the gifted piece of armor if he wishes to create a new squire. Graveknight's Curse This curse affects anyone who wears a graveknight's armor for at least 1 hour. Saving Throw DC 33 Will save; Onset 1 hour; Stage 1 doomed 1 and cannot remove the armor (1 day); Stage 2 doomed 2, hampered 10, and cannot remove the armor (1 day);Stage 3 dies and transforms into the armor’s graveknight. ‘Swipe ‘>? (flourish) Captain Burlor makes a melee Strike and compares the attack roll result to the AC of up to two foes, each of whom must be within its melee reach and adjacent to each other. Roll damage only once and apply it to each creature hit. A Swipe counts as two attacks for the Captain Burlor’s multiple attack penalty. Weapon Master Captain Burlor has access to the critical specialization effects of any weapons he wields. THE CANNIBAL CAVALRY CREATURE 9 (SI Ghoulish Cavalry Brigade (see below) Perception +17; darkvision Languages Common (Taldane), Necril, Shadowtongue Skills Acrobatics +14, Athletics +19, Intimidation +18, Religion +13, Society +13, Warfare Lore +13 ex +1, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +3 ort +19, Ref +14, Will +17 HP 135 (negative healing); Thresholds 90 (12 squares), 45 (8 squares); Resistances mental 5, slashing 5; Weaknesses area damage 10, splash damage 5; Immunities death, disease, paralyzed, poison, unconscious Troop Defenses Speed 40 feet; troop movement Arrow Volley “29 The riders draw or reload their longbows, then launch a ranged attack in the form of a volley. This volley is a 10-foot burst within 100 feet that deals 4d8 piercing damage (DC 23 basic Reflex save). When the troop is reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a Sfoot burst. The arrows are laced in the ghouls’ blood, so targets damaged by them are subject to ghoul fever. Cannibal Storm “ to >? Frequency once per round; Effect The brigade engages in a coordinated melee attack against each enemy within 5 feet (DC 23 basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions. +> 2d6+1 piercing damage plus ghoul fever and paralysis +9 2d6+11 piercing damage plus ghoul fever and paralysis +> 3d6+14 piercing damage plus ghoul fever and paralysis Consume Flesh *> (manipulate) Requirements The ghouls are adjacent to the corpse of a creature that died within the last hour. Effect The ghouls devour the corpse and regain Sd6 Hit Points. They can regain Hit Points from any given corpse only once. Dinner Rush +99 The brigade Forms Up, then Strides twice with a +10-foot circumstance bonus to its Speed. If it moves at least 10 feet, the brigade deals 348414 piercing damage (DC 27 basic Reflex save) to each enemy within 5 feet of the brigade at the end of its movement. Targets damaged by dinner rush are subject to ghoul fever and paralysis. Form Up ‘> Ghoul Fever (disease) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 17; Stage 1 carrier with no ill effect (1 day);Stage 2 2d6 negative damage and regains half as many Hit Points from all healing (1 day); Stage 3 as stage 2 (1 day}; Stage4 2d6 negative damage and gains no benefit from healing (1 day]; Stage 5 as stage 4 (1 day); Stage 6 dead, and rises as a ghoul the next midnight Mounted Troop The brigade's horses are themselves ghouls, so effects that target undead troops effect the brigade's steeds just as readily as their riders. Paralysis (incapacitation, occult, necromancy) Any living, non-elf creature damaged by the brigade must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save or become paralyzed. It can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each such save ‘Swift Leap > (move) The brigade jumps up to half its Speed. This movement doesnt trigger reactions. Trailblazing Stride While moving on land, the brigade ignores the effects of non-magical difficult terrain. Troop Movement Whenever the brigade Strides, it first Forms Up as a free action to condense into a 20-foot-by- 20-foot area (minus any missing squares), then moves. This works just like a Gargantuan creature moving; for instance, if any square of the brigade enters difficult terrain, the extra movement cost applies to the whole brigade ‘SUICIDE BOMBERS CREATURE 1 Anna Chorser often enlists tiny maneuverable undead, such as crawling claws Bestiary 2 pg, 56) or severed heads Gestiary 3 pg. 30) to utilize as suicide bombs, causing them to explode violently with her final sacrifice spell. Occasionally, she will create weak skeleton or zombie minions for this purpose as well (or even target Captain Burlor if desperate, relying on his sturdy armor to survive and later rejuvenate him), but as they aren't as quick or stealthy, they generally aren't her preferred targets for the spell. FEATS & ABILITIES Ancestry Feats and Abilities darkvision, Darkseer™, Gloomseer™, lowlight vision, Multitalented, Shadow Pact” versatile heritage ilities Advanced Revelatiort™, alertness, Assured Ritualist”, Domain Acumen” (undeath), expert spellcaster, Flexible Ritualist”, Greater Revelation’, light armor expertise, lightning reflexes, magical fortitude, major curse, mystery (bones), resolve, Ritualist Dedication”, Rogue Dedication’, signature spells, spell repertoire, surprise attack, weapon expertise, weapon specialization General Feats Breath Controf, Canny Acumen (reflex) Skill Feats Bizarre Magic’, Charming Liar, Consult the Spirits” (occultism), Disturbing Knowledge", Doublespeak", Resourceful Ritualist, Schooled in Secrets’*", Skill Training (intimidation), Slippery Secrets, Student of the Canon HOMEBREW MINIONS Captain Burlor is a cyclops (Bestiary pg. 68) with the graveknight template (Bestiary pg, 191). The Cannibal Cavalry isa Hellknight cavalry brigade Bestiary 3pg. 44) with the ghoul template Bestiary pg. 169) loosely applied. Some minor adjustments were necessary to make the resulting “ghoulish cavalry brigade” play a bit more easily, such as not having a mix of living horses and undead riders in a troop, applying ghou! fever and paralysis to noreattack abilities, and reducing reach since ghouls would likely prefer their paralyzing natural attacks to melee weapons. CAPTAIN BURLOR, CYCLOPS GRAVEKNIGHT COMMANDER “Many cyclopes today know nothing of their once glorious past. I, on the other hand, cherish the history of our Gho-Gan empire. They stood against dragons and giants in much the same way as 've stood against many of the terrors of Nidal. What chance have you against such lineage and power?” Captain Burlor was discovered by Anna as a frozen corpse on an expedition far to the North. She went through painstaking lengths to recover his body from its icy grave and revived him as a graveknight to serve under her as a military advisor and Captain of the Umbral Court. Though he was a savage creature in his past life, much like his people, his memories of that time are fractured at best. He has since used his new-found immortality to start a new life for himself, learning all he can about his peoples’ history, their Ghol-Gan empire, and the military strength they once possessed. He took the name “Burlor,” after a cyclopean warlord that led tribes of ogres, giants, and cyclopes in a rampage across Iobaria in 3679 AR. Burlor loyally puts his strategic knowledge and predictive skills to great use on behalf of Nidal and the Umbral Court. Even so, he is loyal first and foremost to his creator, Anna Chorser—whom. he fanatically protects—and will always prioritize her needs over that of his adopted nation or its court. THE CANNIBAL CAVALRY “It's dinner time boys?” Feared far and wide among the Nidalese for their violent cannibalistic gluttony, this elite strike force was created by ‘Anna to act as her personal bodyguard and, when necessary, military vanguard. Created from volunteers among the local horselords of the Atteran plains, they have come to be known simply as “The Cannibal Cavalry.” “© Advanced Player's Guide, ° Bonus feat, Character Guide MOTHER COMFORT AND POOR ELEDIA

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