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2022-23 2022-23 2023-24 2023-24 2023-24

Performance Performance
Descrip on Baseline EOY
Area measure
2022-23 Feb. 27 Aug. 07 Oct. 23 TBD TBD
Lead indicator #1 - % of
teachers comple ng PD
N/A 66%
sequence for ELA

Lead indicator #2- % of

Ar culates and teachers comple ng PD 32.1%
promotes high sequence for math N/A 66%
expecta ons for
teaching and
learning. Leading indicator #3 –
Student Percent of teachers
Works to analyze, using District adopted
Achievement update, and align curriculum in ELA and
(30%) the use of math for schools with
curriculum less than 3 stars in N/A 80% 64%
materials, performance as
resources, and evidenced through
instruc onal best District and school
prac ces. co-led Instruc onal
Lead indicator #4 - % of
students showing
27% 30% 14.8%
proficiency in Algebra I

Staff survey - % who

agree to understanding
Direct a proac ve 15%*
district priori es
system of internal
(Gallup- Understand N/A 60%
and external
Mission and Purpose;
communica ons
Communica ons Panorama – Does CPS
designed to
(20%) prepare students for life
improve staff and
Parent survey - % who
agree they understand 15%
the district’s priori es N/A 60%
district priori es.
(Panorama - Does CPS
prepare students for life
% of engagement in the
District’s website as
evidenced through an 1,818,470
2,573,028 (10%
increase in page view (as of Jan. 31)

Conduct monthly 80% SA/A

engagement sessions 11 during survey
across stakeholder 100-day response
groups entry -session was
a valuable
use of me
Staff survey - % of staff
N/A 61%
members taking survey 81%
Set baseline
Staff survey – %
expressed overall
sa sfac on with the
N/A 75% Set baseline
(Panorama - Well-Being;
Overall, how sa sfied
are you with your job
right now?)
Staff survey - % who
leadership for
agree at work people are
Culture assessing,
always treated with
(20%) developing and
respect 75%
improving climate
N/A 85% Set baseline
and culture.
(Panorama - Belonging;
How much respect do
colleagues in your
school/office show you?)
Staff survey - % who
agree everyone at CPS is
treated fairly regardless
of individual differences 62%
N/A 82% Set baseline
(Panorama -
Rela onships; How fairly
does the school/office
leadership treat the
Reorganiza on of
Human Resources with
developed plan for
Audit began
overall improvement N/A N/A
which includes
Monitor the monitoring metrics
opera ons, Reorganiza on of Round-tables
Organiza onal ensuring mely transporta on with concluded week
Management provision of developed plan for of 02.27
(30%) responses to overall improvement
schools and which includes N/A N/A 4ma v audit
departments. monitoring metrics launched 01.12

Audit results
available April
Partners and community
– Increase PTO 48 65 48
organiza ons

Addi onal Notes:

1. Student Achievement:
* Leading indicators #1 and #2 – Data system was not organized at first PD to capture par cipa on at the core instruc onal level. The
process has since been updated.
* Leading indicator #3 based on 9 schools and 92 classes. Instruc onal Review visits began 1.31.23. Data as on 2.28.23
2. Communica ons:
* Staff and parent survey ques on for the EOY survey will be updated to ask, Do you understand the district’s priori es
*Mul ple events for engagement, 100 Learning sessions – 100%, Be Present town halls- 83.4%, State of the Schools – 95%

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