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Name: Vince Octiza

2. Year: 7

3. Section/ Strand: Armstrong

4. Age:12

4. Year started playing axie: 2020

5. How long/short did you play axie infinity?(state): maybe 1 month and two weeks

6. What is the highest mmr score you've reached in playing Axie Infinity?: (He forgot this jhunscent

7. Are you still playing Axie Infinity?: No

8. What is the overall outcome or result of your investment to Axie Inifinity?: I waited for my points to
go up so that my money will raise

9. If you're an investor to axie inifnity, then how much money did you invest in buying axis or digital
creature in order to play this game?: (Sadly no answer )

11. Is there any relationship to your social circle behind your investement to axie infinity? If yes then,
how?: Yes
12. What were your initial expectations and goals when you first started investing in Axie Infinity?: To
have more income

13. Can you describe your motivations and reasons for investing in Axie Infinity? : I can make money and
play fun games, since the pandemic, that's the only thing I have fun with to get rid of boredom.

14. Can you explain the emotional and psychological effects you experienced throughout your
investment journey in Axie Infinity?: If I lose, of course I'll be sad, it's part of the game to win and lose, if
I win, it's okay, the game is fun.

15. Recal or look back any specific challenges or obstacles you faced while investing in Axie Infinity? How

16. Looking back, how would you evaluate the overall success or failure of your investment in

Axie Infinity

How did they align to your initial expectations? (follow up question of questions No. 12): My expectation
is that I will have a lot of money

17. Did your investment in Axie Infinity have any impact on your financial situation, either positively or
negatively? How did you manage the financial aspect of the game?:( I leave this blank cz you told me so)

18. Based on your experiences with Axie Infinity, what lesson or insights can you share for individuals
considering investing money in similar blockchain-based gaming platforms?: My advice is that if you
have a hard time playing axie, don't just pursue it, otherwise you will lose, but if you lose, you will be
motivated because you can win money, it's a fun game
1.Name: Vincent Noah Vitug

2. Year: 9

3. Section/ Strand: Neon

4. Age: 14

4. Year started playing axie: 2019 (pandemic ni sya like two months ahead ata )

5. How long/short did you play axie infinity?(state): 3 months

6. What is the highest mmr score you've reached in playing Axie Infinity?: (Nakalimutan nya na daw
tagalog sya waws to mga beh)

7. Are you still playing Axie Infinity?:No

8. What is the overall outcome or result of your investment to Axie Inifinity?: I didn't invest anything, I
just got a scholarship

9. If you're an investor to axie inifnity, then how much money did you invest in buying axis or digital
creature in order to play this game?:

I didn't invest and I didn't buy axis

11. Is there any relationship to your social circle behind your investement to axie infinity? If yes then,
how?: Yes
12. What were your initial expectations and goals when you first started investing in Axie Infinity?: My
expectation is that my mr will increase

113. Can you describe your motivations and reasons for investing in Axie Infinity?: To have money, to
buy whatever i want

14. Can you explain the emotional and psychological effects you experienced throughout your
investment journey in Axie Infinity?:

It's okay to lose or win because that's part of the game

15. Recal or look back any specific challenges or obstacles you faced while investing in Axie Infinity? How
did you navigate through them?: (Wala namn po sesh)

16. Looking back, how would you evaluate the overall success or failure of your investment in

Axie Infinity

How did they align to your initial expectations? (follow up question of questions No. 12): It's okay, I got
some money but not too much

17. Did your investment in Axie Infinity have any impact on your financial situation, either positively or
negatively? How did you manage the financial aspect of the game?

18. Based on your experiences with Axie Infinity, what lesson or insights can you share for individuals
considering investing money in similar blockchain-based gaming platforms?: this game is free sometimes
but it's hard to get a scholarship, but that's why it takes hard work and perseverance, so I hope you play
1.Name: EJ PIZON

2. Year : Grade 12

3. Section/ Strand: TVL-EIM

4. Age : 18

4. Year started playing axie : 2023

5. How long/short did you play axie infinity?(state)

- 4months

6. What is the highest mmr score you've reached in playing Axie Infinity?

- 1700

7. Are you still playing Axie Infinity? - No

8. What is the overall outcome or result of your investment to Axie Inifinity?

-I can easily and effectively invest my money with Axie. It did increase my income.

9. If you're an investor to axie inifnity, then how much money did you invest in buying axis or digital
creature in order to play this game?
- 40k+

11. Is there any relationship to your social circle behind your investement to axie infinity? If yes then,

-I had no idea what Axie Infinity was at first, but one of my friends asked me if I wanted to invest in it. I
found it very interesting, so I did, and things went well.

12. What were your initial expectations and goals when you first started investing in Axie Infinity?

-My friends says that I'll have my job despite the fact that i was just understudy. My goal for the time
being is to have a way to pay for my financial woes.

13. Can you describe your motivations and reasons for investing in Axie Infinity?

-As a student, I took advantage of the opportunity to earn money to alleviate my financial woes. That's
why I played axie.

14. Can you explain the emotional and psychological effects you experienced throughout your
investment journey in Axie Infinity?

-Axie Infinity is a business-like game where you play to win. In business, you'll have failures,
disappointments, and discouragements. I've had those things happen to me, but I just need to keep
fighting for my dreams.

15. Recal or look back any specific challenges or obstacles you faced while investing in Axie Infinity? How
did you navigate through them?

-It's not easy, and it's been so difficult for me because I was just a student and had to take care of my
investment, which is a big responsibility. However, I was able to get through it; all I needed was self-
discipline, time management, and especially the drive to finish.

16. Looking back, how would you evaluate the overall success or failure of your investment in
Axie Infinity

How did they align to your initial expectations? (follow up question of questions No. 12)

-With an Axie Infinity, you can begin a life-altering journey that is both challenging and rewarding by
becoming a player. My speculation didn't go to squander rather it truly helps my income.

17. Did your investment in Axie Infinity have any impact on your financial situation, either positively or
negatively? How did you manage the financial aspect of the game?

-Yes, playing axie has had a significant impact on my financial situation; as a student, I am able to
purchase whatever I want and pay my own bills with the money I earned from playing.

18. Based on your experiences with Axie Infinity, what lesson or insights can you share for individuals
considering investing money in similar blockchain-based gaming platforms?

-As a student, you should look forward to opportunities that can assist you rather than wasting time on
mobile games that won't help your financial situation. It's too risky to put your money into online
games, but you should take the risk to get better results. Just like gambling, you just need to be smart.
4. 2021

5. 2 years

6. 2400 mmr

7. No

8. A lot of knowledge about crypto and gaming

9. Not an investor. Just a Scholar

11. Yes my classmates invested and I joined later as a scholar.

12. Did not invest.

13. Did not invest

14. Did not invest

15. Did not invest

16. Did not invest

17. Did not invest

18. Did not invest

1.Name: Andy peniero

2. Year: 11

3. Section/ Strand: tvl

4. Age: 16

4. Year started playing axie: 2022

5. How long/short did you play axie infinity?(state): 30minutes a day

6. What is the highest mmr score you've reached in playing Axie Infinity? :210

7. Are you still playing Axie Infinity?: No

8. What is the overall outcome or result of your investment to Axie Inifinity? : It helped me financially

9. If you're an investor to axie inifnity, then how much money did you invest in buying axis or digital
creature in order to play this game? 20k per character or hero
11. Is there any relationship to your social circle behind your investement to axie infinity? If yes then,
how?yes, by helping each other some techniques to win and it gives us closer.

12. What were your initial expectations and goals when you first started investing in Axie Infinity?

That it will help me solve my financial situation and to be the best entrepreneur.

113. Can you describe your motivations and reasons for investing in Axie Infinity?

It motivates me to help my family financially and can build my own business.

14. Can you explain the emotional and psychological effects you experienced throughout your
investment journey in Axie Infinity?

Sometimes it made me feel stressed and can trigger my anger issues.

15. Recal or look back any specific challenges or obstacles you faced while investing in Axie Infinity? How
did you navigate through them?

Sometimes I have no time to play because of school and I can't catch up, but because of my co investors
who helped me and motivate me I know how to manage my time and play axie smoothly .

16. Looking back, how would you evaluate the overall success or failure of your investment in

Axie Infinity

Because I focus more about my studies I stop playing axie but I always put positivity to my mind.

How did they align to your initial expectations? (follow up question of questions No. 12)
So it did not go as I expected

17. Did your investment in Axie Infinity have any impact on your financial situation, either positively or
negatively? How did you manage the financial aspect of the game?

Yes, I loose sum of money in axie but it affects me positively because gives me a lot of lessons.

18. Based on your experiences with Axie Infinity, what lesson or insights can you share for individuals
considering investing money in similar blockchain-based gaming platforms?

Learn to accept defeat and always tell yourself that not all things can succeed.




-4 months 1 week



-The overall outcome of my investment to axie infinity was a regret

-in buying axis for my account, I spend more than 20k-30k

-there is a relationship, they influence me to try to invest because of it’s high possibilities to cope a high
extra income

-my first impressions about is I would enjoy my journey of investment to this particular game.

-my own motivationals are, since during the time I invested is pandemic, it is suited during that time
because I’m afraid that my family will run out of money, so I decided to generate an extra income for to
help my family during time of pandemic

-since gaining income in this particular game is through winning every pvp match, I was so disperately
try to cope winning every match that it leads me to fraustration and pressure.

And also one of the, since it is investment, sometime I experience anxiety that what if it’s economy
would breakdown that woud affect my investment.

 Semi-structured interviews 

 Semi-structured interviews are when the interviewer prepares a research discussion guide
ahead of time to guide the conversation, but allows flexibility in the interview to go off-
script. This allows for a balance between the structure of standardized questions, while
allowing the interviewee to take the interview beyond the discussion guide. Learn more
about semi-structured interviews.

 In depth interviews 

 In depth interviews are when the interviewer prepares a discussion guide and interviews a
series of participants one on one to explore behaviors, description, and
motivations. Interview coding is a great way to analyze what you find in these interviews.

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