Bahasa Inggris

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Nama :

Nomer :




KELAS : I (Satu)
HARI, TANGGAL : Rabu, 15 Maret 2023

Pilihlah jawaban dengan memberi tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, atau c pada
jawaban yang paling benar!
1. I have ...... books.
a. Two
b. One
c. Three

2. A: How many rulers are there?

B: There are......
a. six rulers
b. five rulers
c. eight rulers

3. Lala: Do you have six pencils?

Caca: No. I have ...... pencils.
a. Three
b. Two
c. Five

4. Aku punya tiga ekor kucing.

I have.....
a. Two cats
b. Three cats
c. Four cats

5. Ayah mempunyai 5 kelinci.

Father has...
a. Five rabbits
b. Four rabbits
c. Three rabbits

6. He is Bagus. He is a …..
a. Boy
b. Girl
c. Girls

7. She is Maria. She is a …….

a. Girl
b. Boys
c. Boy

8. She is Bu Asih. ……. Is a girl.

a. She
b. Is
c. You

9. Cici is a girl. ...... is my sister.

a. He
b. She
c. You

10. Andi is my friend. …… is kind.

a. He
b. She
c. You

11. “boy” in Indonesian is ....

a. Anak perempuan
b. Anak laki-laki
c. Keponakan laki-laki

12. Azzam is a ....... He likes playing football

a. Girl
b. Boy
c. Sister

13. Anita is a girl. ...... likes cooking.

a. She
b. He
c. You

14. Ani is my sister. She is a .....

a. Boy
b. Girl
c. Father

15. “She" in Indonesian is...

a. Ayah
b. Dia (perempuan)
c. Dia (laki-laki)

16. “Family" in Indonesian is....

a. buah
b. keluarga
c. teman

My Family
I am Azzam. I live with my family. Mr. Tony and Mrs. Tina are my parents. I have one brother. He is Azmi. I
also have one sister. She is Azma. I love my family.
17. Siapakah nama ayah Azzam?
a. Azmi
b. Tina
c. Tony

18. Siapakah nama saudara perempuan Azzam?

a. Azma
b. Azmi
c. Tina

19. Father and mother is our.....

a. Sister
b. Brother
c. Parents

20. Grandfather = ...

a. Ayah
b. kakek
c. nenek

21. Saudara perempuan = ....

a. Father
b. Sister
c. Brother

22. It is .......
a. Banana
b. Grape
c. Mango

23. I have two....

a. Bananas
b. Apples
c. Mangos

24. ...... is red.

a. Mango
b. Apple
c. Banana

25. Ibu saya punya 5 buah apel.

My mother has......
a. Five apples
b. Four apples
c. Three apples

26. Buah ini berwarna ungu dan kecil. Buah apakah ini?
a. Durian
b. Avocado
c. Grape

27. Buah yang memiliki banyak duri dan berbau tajam adalah....
a. Grape
b. Banana
c. Durian

28. This fruit is yellow and monkey likes it. What fruit is this?
a. Orange
b. Avocado
c. Banana

29. Saya suka anggur.

I like .......
a. Avocado
b. Grape
c. Banana

30. Anton likes watermelon.

Anton suka…..
a. Stroberi
b. Semangka
c. Belimbing

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