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ME - 403 4/9 73% Pacer Pont Engineoding Book -W Power Plenk ‘Technology © Ege Wakil, Tota M eGraw Hill. New Delhi 2010 4 n Engineering = The theory and prachte of Statohany Elechic Genenanny Plants , Morse, FT- OD spnotrlei, BrG-A ond Vopat w.a, Power Staion argireering and Economy , Tala Hill fublishing Companay Me Gra A) Praser Plany Engineening . PIA Nay. H Power plant 94 et c- Suitching systems aC between tranpmissioN Ana and genenaty r. “tae — sonner of ot equivalent Y fowler 4 hyaroutic dunbine - potential enenyy Vind a Kinetic ou Cre ctricg, energy Stu fie in Capacity WO age bakery Generation iy SOsy but steestore ATA difhuut - Remuooby enengy energy source. +thal- can be PePlenished ath eshork Period of Time. within seuond? or minutes. Non - renewab ERENT = AN energy sputuc: thal- we cannot replan, . diKonal a — Traditton: energy ; tudo vy Beakes > Conventiony — = Coal oh, gor. by Many forin GFA “Porm, > Won -conventional = an J) : ; IEA - Trternaton al Energy Agency. FEC — final Energy © onoumphon, Aon plore ip Augnr 2018, 202% Jorg . Bargiadsha.—a4 generation of etectrtury pene — website, OF SAME OA) Poweplan’ CorCE- 619-2003 Q fowen Plant Engineering — a Water and Solon Py Electricity Roduchon., > Tnstalled eapaci 7 De-vated capacity — fing jecoh oupacity G1 supply @aco- mae Power Grenereation Tir Bangladesh Sask Sole operatun in Bd — BPDB Sep doon transtormop — Bay ew B3KV CUT? I hat cA wonve ok Os Frequency - ISHo HFo - Heaxy pad oll, IPP -Traepenaent Pouxe Roducers Powen PLant Engineening (99a —> Variab load Frobum SS Economic analys!s of power plants Theory of = yaten Tr means thar the load on a power plant vanien Om ore the demand of eonsumens — these demands , very uneetton (1 natune 7 Electricity genenation. is, eosy bub . Store Mal dtHicul F SAA demand stae al, chonge 2% > Greneratim 04 speed AY agi with Tee increane and deereare. of food, OWA genenstor Caf trequincy B change RY so national grid A probum an — Ddeol bad onx power station is which remains corptank in mognitde andi dutaton, Bur ye does bt seMaNn on jatal load. > Etteck of variable. load @ In enease 19 prodvetion’ cost Alternator rota capacity 09 most efficiently BAD) SC fuel coor OH A , or. vay aR rOKd speed Y any wWACI~ at eH ien 4 AHL 90 proquction LSh ig high , ful C54 WA cast stobion 1 ALD STE unit ance Cama] cag opacity —9 LAAT power stahon ya unik Suppose. wean to prodve 400M and we ha. 30MW goMwo (Awct spllk A HERS) go Mw uni 2N(& , Suppose GOoMw Romo ver 2 10 30mw Low ond 1% 20N'8 Osc ‘nokead of having singh bigs size Unik a, IMoMy. uoMwW Id SAS (MOM MC te Wen'h be ‘economic bw ay unit cid Wnskallahion | MNT than smal sptit- amis G) Ther fo a change of Frequency nen ye ae inensanen oF dectuane). Frequency comtant MeN difficult, voltage ayicn PBICAT eno > © Proper operation Ud 5745 Frequency Most be in beween = EBZ Umit - 48-5 —5 SIS He Limit exceed — @I(A_ POLE Pleat shubdown TA(T © Special ~§ contro} excipment 2nd 40 Keep Huw Frequang wo HA Um iF De inenemes cOSE anawell o- compixity AB Therme) powenplant A cool CH feed @ACV- ZA and Proes> 207 OIA equipr-enr ACI~ for which the cask ine e7 - => Electricity Demand and Powerplanh choite and Operation, @ The rake of minmum daily ourpw~ + maximum doily ope i bet O° 5 —0- Ams minimum — wnt. finnus) maximum — summer Whe ratio ig even smaller for annual mnimum be onwual meximum. or foR power plants unysed BNO , They ane calkd annual systm capped’ factor whth is gerenalys Go}. © Base, eve) demand is mek whth bee (ead genenaling units whidy have lew vattiable optrabing * cost- ISTE always cun OT(47 and pave MimoMAMINIMUMH operating cost . Base tead onity can reduce outpw- when demand 16 low and also can meek demand above fre ove | Romping — Theuniks can vamp up or doan +o meek fluctuation in demena_ ° Pniermediatea. units JS 1oads Fottoeving or eyeing unity quickly can echange heir outpu- t0 Match 4+. Change indemand - Quickly ramping ACO oCe- capacity change. 4rqeO™ m1cem have! fas kM ramp Bate Level of demand MH CNG ramp down 94)~ 90 loene lave load unit SAUAl CR demand meet Rd» Oley Fluctuations IZA] inttrmediote. untig ficy meek ST 2m Rase load Pe plant — coat Aired Nuclear powerplants —~ agyitr Coinah Man On and off e2\ wWhrmediae —D combined eyek pp, Ugh efHicieny turbine ete . Peak lead unit > furtesr camp rate, openati ny Cosh very Wgh + [nstallerion Cosim is Lows, micnominuk ad erty run T~ onca~ spinning seserve unit —> gere load ss gaco- one and nol putting “power iN the grid, load BIG BOCA «MNT Machine , IP un anheipated income 24 BD 2-3 minwe Us UX Loading BCL power Qenendle stant ord NLOG -y Natonal Load Dispatch centre_ ‘Instantaneous load caleutar. Bel Spinning rovenve unit can also be used fo back up otter unit Thal ge offling due tv breakdown , highesl- dal loads —also known =D oad poaks peaking unib cag op orohy SHEA eS Bran — aay MY aspital Cost is low , operahing Cash is very Wigh Load ef onet —peaking units 1S BAI 2H in ordtr Fo meth He Loads. Quack stank units Shukdown Ct full load -Ca ote MIN IQ minutes The one peaking woth - BAGohr — Ayean, A pict peaking unit operate only for a few hundred hours © year > Seiection fowser. Plani- Unib SND Moy ence ea ee o The. 90..0nds Siaes of cenity should approximately Aik he onnual (oad curve, Joad eunve. T\. @roek Pir ckave,. SBR CAC BHA 5, exact fir SI BREF Cosh Hee COM mer, Unik SG site Capachy— 1 PF Pocferable. , * total capadty Should ’E made 1B to 20%. amore then maximum et demand ty meer tre Autv mm demand - mainvenane At BWI dmonth & cast ui Ad gal power plan off onga 40. edt. mreecd to produ more and store ae qresenve. capacity, to meeb® te demands, "There should bee spare genénating ANI so thak repaints and overhauling Of Abe working ani ean be conned our: CR machin SF) repair DRT IEA GT extra. oat (git units Waals a, ¢ Nis nor wise to choose smaller unths st Clonsification of Electric Power generation unib ._ * Bose load unis , Carpitat cost high Cstanting and stopping time is more) — Nuclear power plank — High parfermana. seam pers turbine plat. — Advanud combined gor and steam -pe-tunbire. plant . — Hydradectric Plank (fuel cosk is 2er0) » Bhesmediate Cmedivm load), toad following or nfts. C have both Le chanackrifi Of borg load unih and peal unit) — Simpe steam —bunbine plant. — Did Dweload plant- eyeing genenoakng ) , , y ’ ) ) J > > » » , > y , , > y y » y y Plants efficiency de crear with ime » GOI {dermeduk, plane FUT vse TAM —=— Combinth Nea oO 8 Peak load generating unt'h Gar turbine — Diesel dunbinn 7 To engine PP _AtFo engine — Hydro Pumped storage plant. — 01a Simpl. stam turbine plant. gad Curve *Vaniarien of load ont power station with respec +o Hime, monn. . Yeanty , mori, daily Jood curves, Load fator — lood cane, 9 OP Load fachor calewtae zfs Dorporrance_ OF the. Daily Load eudves & Snows qu yandahon of load on Reset stahen duning different houns of te day © Aren undin Th 2oad cunve gina tte mo. oF UK genenated I He day fee unib genenaled , eM day = Area undin daira Load cute. + a Prevage load = Area ander, daily load eunve ay hounm. © The rato af fre Anna undut te Load cunve +0 due +obal anen of +e Tectangh 2 load factor. Load Juror = Pvenag fod over agiven Hm inten val Maximum demand duning He same time inlerral, mae yh 10" kWh Avg load - Dunat on load factor «_ Avg load Max™ load , Loat factor helps in —_ ° Selechng die. sire. and no. of Genenahing uni kz e@ exact fit bLetl4 gn al. approimoue fit B12 A for wax effineny, o hales tn Prep acing ats operational — achedure For We Station ath Trporctane teams and factors | HrMpoahhr, rhe mass ARON TAONS ° * Connenked loud —- sum of continuous ratings ef all Aweequiprment connected to he supply System loc curve. i i ~ lod cue helar in electigy he. ving ond nember of epneraliay units . ~The. no. & siege of grmonity selected fo fil wad eunwe reap the point of may Rn. > Preprigy oparation neledule ¢ pbtion . clenportm tem befoctarn: Coproeiled Wood pom ef oonlinoun raking? of all the qquipments commected to oRPe opm. _Neximom Demand: g recto! cemond in peried tree. halen detrrig He inotollod copaity of we, Alaton. . Demand factor: in ta. rertio of maximun? demand on the Arcroge- lood /demerrd: kwh in 1864 fog er. Fb! Le Load -fecter * Arsiuay > Plays vite! ole. oot" overall wal per onit _Diversily sfetor, DF = 2 peiciiel Macdermond fe domrand on paueratstin . otk ttounenid 49 Moor cemand and Auerplent at Max demand. Mine demand of Parser Hation aleiogs br thon oven of individual » dy thir leony qnae nen 4, > The reer me anenity fetor, lessn in He. cool of gereraien. amet onl 2th srrft Moy cbmond of Rasrr oko 9 orb len copacig pour plon! vipa, CX Onna dnitiok Cortig a AEA Punt Copacty focter: Bete ong y poctsced eooegy prosued sT PCF = it Ee sindichdien of rere copactty May parable ey.” Font opacrig xT p eg Ay xT ef we plort . There —p= ed ap — tt AL Pee ee fo Pk : r onl vs2-fotsr __ fl genritd XT tain up in Hoh . Phil Gp xT" Pont Cop oa of hus of ways Dera ad come ge ar ue gy ome. ALE | Eeanamie. dnpelah rd Heed Rb _ Generating wnrh ovoilble to mtel aepsttm tad att djnpetehed (atin) in orden of leven! verrinble. cant , vef-00 cesrarmi dippotch boat Rok Plomt ening esmbuotible fulr 4 ker doin of variable cons in te -offokrny witn whith unverts felt obetiolty . fF hast energy inpod needed to product suuln of ebchstty nudpil , trun Wop rats rracr higher PCG wee wi barb caagiald in tne: peal og mete He ue tu al A rk “O5 Dy erathnath asic. uaanmacne 20 3 alo, . . Me + Wibod ¢ ats. . Litt to oe 4 7 5 aes sees Ponda couien 7 ) aed + TTT e é 12, 20 24 Repent tot rchis nomad lead, donation. Got, leat mel if ies ‘dala 1h nove Bideneble fort * ote no 4 - avrg suhien given load han prevailed | etree unde WD todd eainaanlne |e —it om be extended 4e"tridade | “any period) entire: conn ib norman jedi Ley neworityy so mv Sion taneoned don pt of wna. PD A LG Matnfenamte, pregrargsRn ed SPlont eftieteneg V0 ME onit, Price, pate “led per kW Yo oy of enity, «bine, VS Wigdheereétrie -powwrplenl;io. data pecdehgine a] Ceimllly ob cng water > rabilty af qe bot 5 du “a Gintcee ftir. vente fh -gnaye , . . 5 bah ef lends + fopace fr exh paprros blbad Cente, Chinas + Bh [ ™ sen {ne te? aoe aie 4? - ih, ip seg lo» itr cfu) Slommereial — anop lyin» agluetric cppliont ; ;Inoa aeerrel variaHiom G trdugtrial — Nel weather: ckpenden! “Monitipa — reat taht, pater mea feoske oan “er agile. ore yetisr — Afneral m naire : Tuctton (ood “trom, abn, trolley the, cert miln ete Locatién 8} “Powel plovits tos. drone, by water fod In utiliced . yf ead und: go aainlenan, spicier cree. 7 Doil chameterinor . 4 Wind di” fuss waley in ceoli 4 waleyfuchee in order eat ¥5 Tnuanimise, enw. pal -2pafiottyf power Plomtpumnle Gpenerndcatint Dayton Seis canker, fy Aceerrrodedin jor employer Girt ripe at glen —- 4 > pe cee ine vitinity of powserplon!. a Deyinet: gel Greater the Foren sn bruise on genereton da prune Ft method. ee of time value of money 9 Me “Teme value g” au “| , gl tit bd . =TER = (oan f fan ' —eoerplon| Sesnumie: System Preyyn: + Prime. object 4 p— bycctive. ip cond minim oe iomplee due to I jen ott at various “Homen- pruent worth motued . Dre. meltod f colouatng toa gration In 7 A wo of prorat volt. 7 pts, Uned - 6 grea te Leck tot eh pro sole rie Loat npn [Senate analy vl we. dont eft? econo am option eens -~ ‘axe. alsry> cubpckd to eneertvtf > dela) installed eof down nol poteg > Perunit oot toto! tnablled © A Cond & “a tl oe Oe one Bam, cob wbien oF" 74,100 ecioned in fee > Fine. vals. of PTY Thy. jo worth on homrbaog 7 eecorcerra7d « an a paled 2 > Gime. vale. ek apy. et eae Mod oe zale. arma : also repr2xo7 4d) > vague ae angel feel ‘edcaltion vale. ~ (‘+amual encolaticn rate Monti) grcalalion male. > Jincount pvr A,x Panen! Wert -fecler, PUP = Gy” | dimeouerd factory fie: Lege average con? ufos an ppp vi hy Sh block Menial Us fie fa, pe Bod a) HAT CAAT Plygaz Proent Volt. br uniform Sorion peoniod . . B ‘"yscun aaridy Pro? war Gt” al rap ame Gi? ‘| {al =| ‘i \ aa - ynifermner? PVF. L i i ay af —_— iO “sgl qf 54° PLE Gay i") ; OO (eRe), Loyal ‘iis e ett crn cto ‘Level ': evetipad dmmual and = mf 25/69 Levelized valuir -for_tonkenl pereerbyé. vont inerentn: won increnmn . (ost -te end af Par i f qr) rere a Leveliatd «onl i= proenl worth dinwun) valt . n-ne of yer 2 = anal acalation rab. be We, CRE = chit)” We 7 (uy Grobe toh Leveligad enmual’ cn} { ; eva ing mal ta 1h ned ve ‘ ours pont desamiin_ The. tone of treet RIP de up of fired cant ° aot of eteehicrg] an > Awd envoy owe. dire! 44 of ial of ik meine re nov wil production « of an iri Seni nun over tia ie 2 en psrert> 4 4xe oe | eee ne roa Foxe 27 toe, wo Car Cay HA O20 7 ine! ord dincov yal: . a ee «LS Biel cane depreciatisn rf >admininhotive and afr mrperan. > inpurone. and oxen . + fomerirgtioin eer prepa of cb} on wall on qreauaig woiligg off te Yrntial cook = 4ncrluen on ravity orddeb in 2190 wn0wn an minimum aeepheee buin. i ; } ef pen weaned ord my Ales Deore tnerieay obrolett . ual deprialction 2 An om | eee OB ~Danable toot ose. chiefty opr ond rmainleronee. Cont —- Oates) Susl woh = gpy tohsr eon) ~» ack sf? minteromce « = Cont i ist : af upprin & supermini Oper exes: Onan esol equiprent abeck-oud “eel > oteatep uat> seersing| 5 bye then tee : nal tax > mincollonua Ewctuctitn yprnn. 9 oR anrvie ,fild veutt naavictn . > Toy ione Lxpruned one ; ait? tof ees fm oie, -algrd toil > Comtaction ad > dpipmeal 4 ‘nnlilation onl. > fue! expe. = tan} due to eninementel relate nc ors. > Ourthect. tah (Cameroon, moaning) : i FE ack cae ppg tteMe, nig at BE Abn gnesel gost) daive- wip J he caren Pes tower! porble co) vning power ed uillihw. B ingle wiv cast FP" F iho. an telion ‘ equipment lo te 4 Propin capo -s thon lod clo . > we 8 pp. a > Prope? mornin > fee of tw PP g Aupevinion Break even. Arotynr . $f Unearteins in Heiee! col Stimalion: “Pawar gen cho Ge. cexpitel intensive * Mow ic tsi oevenall ‘anki *fechrnal. + Leonpmit + Dalloo ral. merears., GOP 4all ete *Ragulrty > Geaortioath Perel Terk, & ereatia CHD Per Ocke A nf 481 AKL, So dus such modification Prete curiene a une: end. flan ers aah Ne 8 poner ; Leonami feo _ , ‘economic. Metheclologies. sumof al ‘op # sprain) in cajeubted over plant fo Ay Pant th” Mee rkapsi en can svoliosolpretve a ne , Arnal poet ier Cant Oe TT anid afin evils + Cumulative. Prowl worth Meine’ Zo st Yr tovin “rvoypard 0 at pin jd tony Cen ned vei powert bo wd 1 alyetscry im 1 Capital aquivoln Mellod oa. opp , Bul ei uteged ook don mt + Levalisgd Armual Cont Medhed -eitt kel” ptinn. ty capri trent *Coprtel steve potiod —> yu bny H) woul“. oni imopr asl to juakep e J ohh cp cole . 4 : 4 Ss BERL Bengbdiah Srey mgulatory lemimisn. ane cronged afr ctmir may demands (eo call an “he. mer (ewh) wmomed . > feud vequnernent os He shri oe . “ony to undeystend + Provide, low svalin for high espumphion vén esrnunum hwigy high lead ns + Mole ints aces mov demand erarytn end emrey Provide. 0 charge qo foules ummectici? nem for Ughtng Noid completion poprote hing ond matrigy womnectonn , chong. iffin im une. | : anise of “riff " of, lop inokied & fxtd roe{hrvan ef we pan nrin erg * Led: deme fale Georlein priz/onp -vclimirat.up. of materirg aqionanl ; Anal sored Groene terme im Gal) Hy Beh + Shosytt muy Pole CUE ez “tae. Noflern-frorm a dyewkele Aveo torey Mh i ho 2M) tall mot JAMES incurring ome £xPrM + Step meby vb i + Back yok . | “wo part evil Thee part sniff Ye tot trun of bill pa Y= pK fae 9° fall pen of rrp K+ Max domend, wu) £ = frg vob Re wiry Ze Foy comows Wh ce Paoekplod Logingentn’d CMaghiub Si) °° BSR ee eee eersin g CMaghiu Sir’) Leveloed cost = (Cost as drerenel Or: Fivistl- yeu) 6A) x Yinate aad « ; ! Ve present ucotth discount rate ee annual escalation rate, - 9927 2 number. of Yea irs \ t g ‘ he tee yo ewe a Wiad 2° i44 (4-4. ’ Busban cat = levelined anual cosh J —_— leveliaed annual kwh) WeWh nek outpu; bech Piprets eh Conny 29/9/20 ergot an Spe un ea, Y= ER. ee — asd The amount to be charged From the consumer dependa upon the energy consumed Nay COR phlch i reconded BY A mean of a Kilpworl howe maken, \ Gus tale. suffers from o° ditawback than a ‘Consumer WING NO eneagy wi “Nok pay” any amount dtthough he he. haa incunned some, care fo “TK power slaton, eh. change Of for ene ny consumption chanyeo 4 Hheene 97 Consum Phan beeomes mone, oe Aaniff 5 eaprersed an follows \ > YO2. TM og2ea YFOi% un age cs THe ou Berce whene E. €1,€, ane enengy Tele> per kWh, Nee > umit oF enezgt coroumption, » Beck nate. tanifP. : VORA +b Pit 9%... A certain pric: pen nits CHWh) fy changed for att orc amy park of dio of each unih and for Sece ceding Diocks of energy he conne spending : uni chang w= decree. ODE] a] CAA, MRHTA- Cxcend Blectriaty vee WAS dei amount oe eee or seas fae, FOr 2NC& thot Ts why consumens ame encouray ea. +o wnsume Mone . q Rat foo park fAnifF: CHtepkinsed Demand! Pate!) :\! ' Tne total changes ane based on jhe ‘meximum olamend and enengy ckmana 1) , hand At af . Erpr seed a s \ Y2D.xX +ER ue Max demand4a GAS Trew fee, 8 da contend, sa" (sha oray 3 im faa > May demand Ul taka. Ton eonstan te) and ou BI use. aa(Hd Fed” 2ca'> ‘Aa cepanale * meter b required 40 reeord tre masimum b dlemand Pree. pank Ferd Ff ', C Doherty Rate) She customen. pays some fixed amount in adtetion ae the chonges rb marimem: demand. and ererngy © _goroered» , ya2Oxr ee +2 Zz AG > |rtre chonge, . . mox nd oc Consume charge change CT Syilabus . Vaniabe. load —F pk Nag. New @nhapien + Thercmat Power Plant Fust Handing Equipment. . f Coal cqa handling is quite a etait AA | ae 2caal fir. pp — wy conveyor Coal 24 volum. CRS, Buna C1 UE CALS”, Caq en{CH~ 4ansferr 271 947 Buctet compen a coweyern U2 Pear AGT OLS TF +e carcoal tot where if is soma. Ot coal y) Stoned Wi ae eae eS _ dangetovs - . ed oredr coal ten vapour 2 94 cra UA Ay, Fossibiulty oF catthing Hire ie hegh ott Kepr dry. TE water is spray: + furnace Cat fs tim —— economizer ney cpa df > neheaten * Coal pulverined AAR ctugnade. C2 oui Faanace 9 preheater Guperheaten B tubé ‘onca- . eer loop . , : » Maker loop. Ranrine agete Critical poink depends: on pressune ain @annor eye — 2 isentropic precess aa A eestrenmal Pres Meth \ * : . a Adiese! gowen stabon suppticn te fotowing loads, to wacious coneumens - Grdusirial consumen = (Sook Wi commereciat establishmenk = IEORW: dome pousin = Lookk dommahiy Ugnt = WFOKW:. Rp the maximo demand on tte Stabion is OO \K.ld end tte no. of kWh generated PEN Yea és 45 x 105, determine (1) the dvensihy factor and CY annuat toad specter. ; as G) Divensity factor + Sam of individual mar demand Sumo inva x demand gg 1BOO FTO ALOOFGSO rt . —— DO (tt) annual load factor 45x10 Avenaq— load 2 Gah X24 © 819-7. kW Monual loot factor > frerags lont Max™ load. £3 QlBh | 12800, 1 Fi Os20S Promiern 2 The deity demands ot three consumens ane given betow : Promo) 12MN —Bam wate ST | GAM — 2PM 2PM —upm CS 4em— topmM oa 1OPM — I2MN) Plot he load cunven and load cusation cure ond Fad CD maximum demand of wdividuas consumer OY Load teuon u o & Qu) divensity factor WY) Load fottor of Hestation. C1) Mayinum demand of individual eonsumen | c4 goo kw C2 , tomKw C3 1200 Kw UW Arnage load fon consumer + 2 Go0x6)+ (200%5)+Goord) QN nes s 366°CH- = Boo-ot cad factor for. consumer L ¢00(Max™) = Oubs Average load for C2 = 2mxB + loooxr + Looxr ae 44 © 158-33 158°33 looo Leak factor fom C2 & rs 0715s fvenage lood fon 5 = Qoon 6 + IRooX2+ 200% 2 he... ee at = 10G-6F don cons lec ‘6 Loaa Favre one temaan G1 orsear Ss O'132. mere SS Traividue! nd x

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