Peperiksaan Percubaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2004 - Paper 1

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ENGLISH FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Kertas 1 (Set 1) [Paper 1] Satu Jam lima belas Minit [1 hour 15 minutes]

Arahan: 1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 2 bahagian. 2. Jawab semua bahagian. Instructions: 1. This question paper consists of 2 sections. 2. Answer all sections.

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2004 Hak Cipta Terpelihara

Section A [ 20 marks ] You are advised to spend 30 minutes on this section. Part 1 Read the following text and complete the given task. About ten years ago, a consortium of 1100 scientists from the United States, England, France, Germany, China and Japan began working on a very important scientific research project. It was called the Human Genome* Project. The objective of the research was to enable scientists gain an understanding of the entire genetic blueprint of a human being. In the past, scientists had only a small picture of a persons genetic information. It was not enough for the genetic scientists who wanted the whole picture of a persons genetic information. Genetic information is found in each cell of the body. It is encoded in a chemical called deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA for short. Scientists refer to DNA as the blueprint of the human body because DNA tells everything about you. Information such as the colour of your eyes, hair, diseases that you may inherit from your parents and so on are encoded in your DNA. Its a bit like a barcode which can tell doctors all about your medical history. You may be surprised to know that Mother Nature is not entirely perfect. Defective genes account for an estimated 4000 hereditary diseases! The knowledge obtained from the HGP project would enable doctors to screen defective genes that cause diseases. It would allow more effective therapies for diseases like cancer, schizophrenia, cystic fibrosis, heart defects and immune system disorders. It would also allow new drugs to cure these illnesses. The Human genome Project was not a simple project. The scientists had to identify all of the estimated 140,000 genes in the nucleus of a human cell. Through a process known as mapping, the scientists extracted the codes that were embedded in the cells. Then, another process called sequencing was used to obtain further information from the cells. This was a tedious job. Some tasks were done by hand. Sometimes they used powerful computers to sort through the 3 billion bits of DNA contained in a cell. Finally, early last year, the researchers published their results. They revealed that humans have about 30,000 genes. While in the past, scientists looked at two or three genes at a time, today they can have a bigger picture of a persons medical information with 20,000 to 30,000 genes. This gives us a global view of biology, said one scientist. Genome: A genome is the complete collection of a human beings genetic information.

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2004 Hak Cipta Terpelihara

Based on the information in the text complete the graphic organiser. [ 10 marks ]

Definition: 2.

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The Human Genome Project Helps doctors 3. __________________________ 4. __________________________ What must scientists do? 5. __________________________ Processes used by scientists : 6.__________________________ and 7.________________ Findings by scientists: 8.______________________________________________ DNA is related to studies in the subject of 9. ____________________ _______________________________________. 10. What is a Genome? ______________________________________________________. Part 2 Read the following text and complete the given task. Butterflies and moths are a group of insects called Lepidoptera. Like all insects, butterflies and moths have a head, thorax , abdomen, two antennae, and six legs. Additionally, moths and butterflies have four wings that are almost always covered by coloured scales, and a coiled proboscis for drinking liquids such as flower nectar. Butterflies and moths are found in all continents except Antartica, and scientists estimate that there are approximately 12 15,000 species of butterflies and 150 250,000 species of moths. In the United States and Canada, more than 750 species of butterflies and 11,000 species of moths have been recorded. Butterflies fly during the day. Butterflies have antennae that look like long threads with a knot at the end. When a butterfly rests, its wings are up over its back. Butterflies make chrysalis. A butterfly does not have teeth to chew with but they have a feeding mechanism called a proboscis. Butterflies usually eat nectar of flowers, but they can eat fruit, mud, water and tree sap.

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2004 Hak Cipta Terpelihara

Moths fly at night. They have feathered antennae and rest with their wings open. Moths make soft cocoons. Moths are usually seen at night. Moths have antennae which look like feathers. When a moth rests, its wings lie down flat over the moths sides and back Moth caterpillars make soft cocoons instead of a chrysalis. Some moth caterpillars roll themselves into a leaf. This helps to hide and protect them. Some moth caterpillars do not eat leaves. They eat strange things like woolen clothes. Other caterpillars eat small insects such as aphids of plant lice. Fill in the table below with the correct particulars. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. _____________________ BUTTERFLIES Fly in the _____________ When it rests, its wings are _____ . Their antennae look like ____________________ . Butterflies do not have _______ . Butterflies can _________ ____________________ . = 7. 8. 9. Butterflies and Moths MOTHS Fly at _______________ . When it rests, its wings are ______ . Their antennae look like ______________________ .

10. Some moth caterpillars _____ .

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2004 Hak Cipta Terpelihara

SECTION B [ 30 marks ] You are advised to spend 45 minutes on this section. You are the Project Engineer of a company. Your company has asked you to decide on one source of power to recommend for wide public usage. Based on the information given below, select the best source of power that you would recommend. SOLAR POWER Water is constantly changing from liquid to vapour and floating up into the air. The heat for this to happen comes from the Sun. Its the suns warmth that makes water move, and this is what gives it energy. Solar power is rather cheap and can be easily harnessed with very little cost.Currently, solar power is being used in many ways. WAVE POWER Any form of moving water has energy. This includes waves, which are caused by winds blowing over the seas surface. Winds, in turn, are caused by the Sun. So the energy of waves, like the energy in a flowing river, came originally from the Sun. Wave energy is extreme and unpredictable. Wave power is sustainable, pollution-free and has little effect on the environment but harnessing its varied and violent nature is a great challenge for designers and engineers.

TIDAL POWER The forces of gravity from the Sun and Moon create tides. More steady and regular than wave energy, is the relentless rise and fall of the tide. Tidal power is another way to harness the energy of moving water for electricity. The water flow caused by changing water-levels is like a two-way river and can generate electricity. But there are risks of storm damage and environmental effects. Then again, the question of Man trying to play God arises. Can Man control Tides? Now write a report to the Company director. Your report should include the following: the source of power that you recommend. reasons for your choice. comparisons between your choice and the other two choices.

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2004 Hak Cipta Terpelihara

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Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2004 Hak Cipta Terpelihara

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