Going Green or Greenwashing From My Point of View

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June, 15th 2023

11:04 a.m
By: Qillay Gomez Arroyo


Hello everyone! Today I am going to share with you a experience and at the
same time an interesting problem. This week when I have been drinking soda. I
saw something curious. The color of the covers and the labels of many bottles
were green. At first I thought it's only a coincidence. But I finally had to read it,
it meant that an ecological process had been used to manufacture that product
to avoid affecting the Earth. But, is painting a product in green enough to be


Some months ago, I was surffing the web and there was a new that caught my
attention, its title was "Cambio climático: Coca Cola, una de las empresas que más
contamina en el mundo auspiciará la COP27". I have to admit Coca Cola is one of my
favorite drinks, for that reason I read it. Well, if I sum up my experience, I would dare
to say I felt so deceived. To put some context, in 2018 that company had made a
publicitary campagne about reduce its contamination and the millions of liters of water
that they use to 2030, they would start this action in other countries and said that it
could also applies in Central and South America. I live in Mexico therefore I tought it is
only a remot posibility but nowadays it is a real situation. This new showed that
company spends approximately 55 billion of water and 120 billion of plastic units (only
in Mexico), it means 400 bottles a second. And in places like Chiapas FEMSA uses most
of the potable water to make soda.


There are some common chacteristics when the companies make greenwashing, for
instance they promise you solutions in an uncertain future, telling wonders about their
green projects and showing awesome numbers that are just quantities because they
do not show real evidence of all that. Have you ever felt less guilty when you bought a
"green" product? I'd like you leave your comment below. Because at finally this
marketing strategy works because they sell you the false picture of taking care of the
environment, recycling the bottles of water to use less plastic, etc. And you pay money
to obtain this product but there is no difference between a common product and a
green one.

There is something ironic: When a company admit freely that they are the most
contaminating in the world is because they know perfectly that system have helped
them to reach the top, I mean one of the bestsellers. And If they change this way, there
is a risk of their placement in the ranking. Actually their goal is giving you the idea of
doing good changes without doing it really.


The problem is many people are not aware of this situations because they are not
informed about it and they are just consumers. However, if they knew about it, could
they make a change? I have found the answer in a chat I've heard some days ago.
When a group of friends were talking about it and one of the sentences was: "I don't
save water because the companies pollute so much then my actions don't make any
change". That bothers me and I'm sure that if you were in my shoes, it would bothers
you too, because they said it at the same time they were drinking this products.

Finally, I consider the personal responsability and the change we can do but almost
everyone says it is not true, is avoid consuming products from those companies and
choose others. It goes beyond, because replace the first ones is not enough, search
information about it is important before consume.
Well, that's all, I would like you leave your answer about: Did you know about
greenwashing? Do you feel motivated to do a change? Don't forget like below and
share this blog with your friends and the people you know. See you later!

If you want more information, you can click this link:

https://greenwasing.xd.information. com

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