21 Laws

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1st Law : LEADERSHIP - example of this is Coca Cola, leads on the market in terms

of soft-drink products.

2nd Law: CATEGORY - example of this is Fullybooked, one of the successful leading
bookstore in its category.

3rd Law: MIND - example of this is Apple products, became the first one who made to
a prospect/people’s minds when it comes to computers or any gadgets even if they’re
not the first one to introduce it to the market.

4th Law: PERCEPTION - The perception of consumers to market/product affects how

successful could it be, example of this is Honda automobile company is more
successful in USA as leading japanese brand company for cars, whilst in Japan it is
not a leading company for cars because their perception is that it is a motorcycle

5th Law: FOCUS - example of this is a toothpaste company called Colgate with a
tagline of “say “no” to cavity” which focuses on having good cleaning products for
oral health care.

6th Law: Exclusivity - BMW company owns the word “Driving” which made them
successful, their cars are known for the best driving experience you can have.

7th Law: LADDER - example of this is the Avis company for rental cars, the 2nd
leading company in their category. Their campaign “why pick us? we try harder” and
“avis is going to be number 1”

8th Law: DUALITY - example of this is Mcdonald & Burger King perfect example for a
two-horse race in the market.

9th Law: OPPOSITE - example of this is Pepsi as the “choice for the new generation”
faced with Coca Cola’s “old and established”.

10th Law: DIVISION - examples of this is separation in category, like for cars can
be identifies as luxury, sports, RVs, and etc.

11th Law: PERSPECTIVE - sales increase short-term profits but in long-term educates
people not to buy for regular price, therefore decreasing long-term profits.

12th Law: Extension - Here authors predict (in 1993) that Microsoft will fail
because the they use this unhealthy strategy of extending their brand to new
products. 9 years later and Microsoft is still going strong. Looks like the law
doesn't hold universally.

13th Law: SACRIFICE - 3 things to sacrifice is product line, target market, and
constant change.

14th Law: ATTRIBUTES - You can own the same word as the competition. You have to
find another word to own, another attribute. Like in Coca Cola and Pepsi.

15th Law: CANDOR - When you admit a negative, the prospect will give you a
positive. Candor is disarming. It's ok to admit, as Avis did, that "Avis is only
No. 2 in rent-a-cars".

16th Law: SINGULARITY - 80/20 principle 20% for effort and 80% of result, example
of these are buy and sell.

17th Law: PREDICTABILITY - example of this are the leading brands Apple and
Samsung, who are always flexible with innovation for their products. Unlike Nokia
who is also a leading brand in the early 2000 did not make it because it did not
adapt to the changing world of innovation.

18th Law: SUCCESS - Drop your ego, which is the enemy of success. Always have the
same perspective of winning same as when you were still in the bottom.

19th Law: FAILURE - Learn from failure and cope up easily, like what coca cola did
when they rebrand their product and lot of consumers did not like it. They cope up
just within a short period of time.

20th Law: HYPE - example of this is an online platform bondee, that only lasted for
only 1 week.

21th Law: RESOURCES - Without adequate funding an idea won't get off the ground.
You need a lot of money to market your ideas.

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