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Installing Avaya Control Manager

Release 9.0.2
Issue 5
February 2022
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Chapter 1: Introduction............................................................................................................  7
Purpose.................................................................................................................................. 7
Change history........................................................................................................................ 7
Chapter 2: Overview.................................................................................................................  8
Installation process overview.................................................................................................... 8
Control Manager configurations................................................................................................ 9
Architecture overview............................................................................................................  10
Chapter 3: Requirements.......................................................................................................  13
Hardware and virtualization requirements................................................................................ 13
Optional load balancer server configuration.......................................................................  15
Software requirements........................................................................................................... 16
Latest software updates and patch information..................................................................  16
Supported database server software requirements............................................................. 16
Supported Microsoft Windows Server and Microsoft SQL Server combinations....................  19
Supported client Web browser and client operating system software requirements ..............  20
Supported antivirus software............................................................................................  20
Certificate requirements...................................................................................................  21
Java Runtime Environment requirements..........................................................................  21
Transport Layer Security support......................................................................................  22
Virtualization support.......................................................................................................  23
Windows hardening setting....................................................................................................  23
Chapter 4: Installing Control Manager software..................................................................  26
Installation Checklist.............................................................................................................. 26
Installing Control Manager on a non-HA dual-box configuration................................................. 27
Installing 2x1 Multiplex HA ....................................................................................................  27
Installing 1x2 Multiplex HA ....................................................................................................  28
Installing 2x2 Multiplex HA ....................................................................................................  29
Installing Control Manager and SQL Server in one box (All-in-One)...........................................  30
Installing Control Manager using the Installation Wizard...........................................................  31
Installing Control Manager using CLI (Silent or Headless Installation)........................................  34
Configuring session timeout for Control Manager UI portals......................................................  37
Chapter 5: Installing and configuring prerequisites............................................................ 38
Installing and configuring IIS on the Microsoft Windows Server.................................................  38
Installing the Microsoft SQL Server software............................................................................ 41
Enable TCP/IP after installing the Microsoft SQL software..................................................  43
Installing the Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn and WSFC features...........................................  43
Installing the optional load balancer software........................................................................... 45
Configuring TLS and TDE for Avaya Control Manager Multiplex HA configurations.....................  46
Installing certificates..............................................................................................................  49

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Generating a Certificate Signing Request in IIS.................................................................. 50

Submitting the CSR to a CA for signing.............................................................................  50
Installing the signed certificate.......................................................................................... 51
Installing the root certificate.............................................................................................. 51
Enabling HTTPS for secure browser access......................................................................  53
Chapter 6: Configuring the optional load balancer software.............................................  54
About configuring the optional software load balancer..............................................................  54
Optional load balancer application server configuration............................................................  54
Creating a self-signed certificate to support SSL connections.................................................... 57
Configuring the HAProxy configuration file............................................................................... 58
Chapter 7: Configuring AlwaysOn........................................................................................  60
About configuring AlwaysOn..................................................................................................  60
Configuring the AlwaysOn Availability Group...........................................................................  61
Configuring the Basic Availability Group (BAG)........................................................................  62
Configuring the SQL logins..................................................................................................... 62
Adding the Listener IP...........................................................................................................  63
Chapter 8: Testing the installation........................................................................................  65
Logging on to the Control Manager user interface....................................................................  65
Getting Control Manager licenses...........................................................................................  66
Viewing WebLM licenses assignments....................................................................................  67
Verifying maximum concurrent Control Manager servers count from WebLM Server...................  68
Verifying the TLS version.......................................................................................................  68
Testing the Non-HA Dual box installation................................................................................. 69
Testing the 2x1 Multiplex HA installation.................................................................................. 69
Testing the 1x2 Multiplex HA installation.................................................................................. 70
Testing the 2x2 Multiplex HA installation.................................................................................. 71
Testing the All-in-One installation............................................................................................ 73
Chapter 9: Resources............................................................................................................. 74
Documentation...................................................................................................................... 74
Finding documents on the Avaya Support website.............................................................  75
Accessing the port matrix document.................................................................................. 76
Avaya Documentation Center navigation...........................................................................  76
Training................................................................................................................................  77
Viewing Avaya Mentor videos................................................................................................. 78
Support................................................................................................................................  79
Using the Avaya InSite Knowledge Base...........................................................................  79
Appendix A: Multiplex High Availability configurations.....................................................  81
Multiplex High Availability configuration...................................................................................  81
Multiplex HA 2x1 configuration.........................................................................................  81
Multiplex HA 1x2 configuration.........................................................................................  82
Multiplex HA 2x2 default configuration............................................................................... 83
Multiplex HA 2x2 optional configuration.............................................................................  84
Multiplex HA configurations for dual data centers...............................................................  85

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Appendix B: Control Manager databases............................................................................. 87

Control Manager databases installed......................................................................................  87
Appendix C: Server worksheets............................................................................................ 88
Server worksheets for All-in-One configuration........................................................................  88
Server worksheets for Dual host configuration.........................................................................  88
Server worksheets for optional load balancer configuration....................................................... 89
Server worksheets for SQL AlwaysOn configuration................................................................. 89

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 6

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Chapter 1: Introduction

This document contains checklists, descriptions, and procedures for installing Avaya Control
Manager for Enterprise in Multiplex High Availability (MHA) and non-High Availability (Non-HA)
Avaya implementation personnel and administrators who install and configure Avaya Control
Manager will use this document.
This document provides the following information:
• An overview of deployments and product architecture
• Hardware and software requirements
• Installation checklists and worksheets
• Installation procedures for the prerequisite third-party software
• Installation procedures for the Control Manager software
• Test procedures

Change history

Issue Date Summary of changes

5 February 2022 Added information about impact and troubleshooting sphere search
functionality in Installation process overview on page 8 and
Installation Checklist on page 26.
4 August 2021 Updated Documentation on page 74.
3 July 2021 Updated the Standard footprint table header in Hardware and
virtualization requirements on page 13.
2 May 2021 Added a new topic on hardening windows settings. See Windows
hardening setting on page 23.
1 April 2021 The initial release

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 7

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Chapter 2: Overview

Installation process overview

Perform the following steps to complete the installation process for Control Manager:
Avaya Professional Services or a certified business partner must perform all installation,
upgrades, migration, and expansion (upgrading from a non-HA to HA configuration). This is
imperative, irrespective of whether you are upgrading Control Manager to a newer major
release, minor release, feature pack, or service pack.
You must configure the automatic scheduled backup policy on your system before installing or
upgrading the Control Manager software. The system displays a warning message during
Control Manager installation if you do not configure the automatic scheduled backup policy.
The automatic scheduled backup policy can either be a Windows System Backup policy or a
backup policy from a third-party vendor backup software.
Control Manager first validates if the system is configured with Windows policy. If the system
is configured with Windows policy, installation continues without any warning message. If you
configure the scheduled backup policy with third-party backup software, click Yes on the pop-
up window to continue the installation.
1. Install the required hardware and deploys the required number of virtual machines, working
with Avaya.
Use localhost instead of host names for this release of Control Manager. All service level
configuration uses 'localhost' as a host-name instead of APP server's host-name.
2. On the Control Manager application server, install and configure the supported Microsoft
Windows Server operating system, as suggested in Supported client Web browser and
client operating system software requirements on page 20.

After you complete installation of Control Manager, delete all the guest accounts that
the operating system might have created.
3. For the Control Manager database server, depending on the type of deployment, install
and configure the Microsoft Windows operating system. Then, install the Microsoft SQL
Server software, as suggested in Supported Microsoft Windows Server and Microsoft SQL
Server combinations on page 19.

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Control Manager configurations

4. If you want to configure a load balancer software, configure the software on an additional
virtual machine. Depending on the type of load balancer software you select, you can use
Linux, Windows, or another operating system as the virtual machine.
5. Download the Control Manager software. Avaya personnel can download the software if
you grant Avaya access to your systems.
After you complete the deployment process steps, the Avaya personnel must perform the
following steps:
1. Install and configure the Control Manager software on the prescribed number of servers.
2. Configure the optional software load balancer. For more information, see Configuring the
optional software load balancer on page 54.
3. Configure the Microsoft SQL AlwaysOn feature. For more information, see About
configuring AlwaysOn on page 60.
4. Test the installed software to confirm proper operation.
For more information about Non-standard drive installation, in the Maintaining and
Troubleshooting Avaya Control Manager guide, see Chapter 6: General troubleshooting >
Troubleshooting Control Sphere > Sphere service not starting on non-standard drive.

Control Manager configurations

Control Manager is available in the following configurations:
• Non-HA: Offers one application server and one database server with a Microsoft SQL
database software without a High Availability (HA) support. Use the Non-HA configuration for
deployments that do not require HA capabilities on the application and the database server
• Multiplex HA: Offers a maximum of two Control Manager application servers and Microsoft
SQL Server AlwaysOn replicas.
MHA NxM: where N represents the number of application servers in the setup and M
represents the number of database servers or database nodes in the setup.
MHA scenario Number of application Number of database
server (N) servers or nodes (M)
2x1 Multiplex HA 2 1
1x2 Multiplex HA 1 2
2x2 Multiplex HA 2 2

• All-in-One (AIO) Enterprise: Offers a single host configuration without a High Availability
(HA) support. This configuration hosts a single server for both application software and
database software. This configuration supports only the Microsoft SQL Server Express.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 9

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Not recommended for production deployment. This configuration is suitable for trial or lab

Architecture overview
Control Manager provisioning server integrates Control Manager with multiple Avaya products and
systems through various connectors. These connectors are parts of the overall solution subject to
the type of active Control Manager connectors.
Control Manager uses the system architecture, software integrations, and software components to
provide a multi-channel contact center solution.
The following diagram and table show the key components of the Control Manager solution:

Call- Component Description

1 Application Server The Control Manager application server is the component that performs
the business logic or programming between the end-user interface and
the database. The component provides the security engine for Control
Table continues…

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 10

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Architecture overview

Call- Component Description

2 Provisioning Server The Control Manager Provisioning server is responsible for provisioning
components from Control Manager with different Avaya Team
Engagement and Customer Engagement applications. The provisioning
server integrates Control Manager with different Avaya applications
through the various supported connectors allowing the provisioning of
information from across the environment.
3 Database The main Microsoft SQL database that stores the Control Manager
system configuration and the pointers to data objects from adjunct
systems, such as Communication Manager. Control Manager
downloads the data in real-time from the adjunct systems.
4 Web Services A set of web services that developers use for integrating the Control
Manager provisioning server to add, delete, or modify configurations
within the Avaya environment.
5 Web Portal The management interface that provides complete access to all features
of Control Manager. Web Portal resides on application servers. With
web Portal, you can use various scenarios ranging from product-specific
managements to overall suite management.
6 Connectors Control Manager connectors that support the integration and
management of the Avaya Team Engagement and Customer
Engagement applications.

High-Level Solution Topology platforms, including all available solution connector, provide a
centralized operational management from a single web browser portal.

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Layer Components
Web • Web Interface
• Interface API
Application Security Engine
• Application Server
• Provisioning Server
• Security Engine
Data layer • Database
• Third-party systems

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Chapter 3: Requirements

Hardware and virtualization requirements

Before you install a new setup, upgrade an existing setup, or expand Control Manager servers,
ensure that the configuration meets at least the minimum hardware or virtualization requirements.
Ensure that you have a processor with 2.4 GHz x64 or higher. If you observe performance issues
with the minimum processor spec, Avaya recommends you to increase the recommended
Basic footprint1
You can use the Basic footprint, formerly known as Enterprise Legacy footprint, for both Non-HA
and HA deployments.
The following table lists the hardware requirement for Basic footprint:
Server Minimum Recommende Memory Minimum Hard Maximum
Processor d Processor Disk Space Hard Disk
Control 4 Core 8 Core 12 GB 100 GB 300 GB
Manager Processor Processor
Database 4 Core 8 Core 12 100 GB 300 GB
server Processor Processor

Standard footprint
The Standard footprint, formerly known as Enterprise Standard, is the go-forward and standard
capacity offering for both Non-HA and Multiplex HA deployments. The Standard footprint option
offers two Control Manager application servers and the Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn cluster.
The following table lists the hardware requirement for Standard footprint:

1 Used for dual-host Non-HA configurations, this footprint is backward compatible with Control Manager 8.0 for Oceana
and Enterprise customers who do not want to add additional hardware for a standard footprint setup.

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Server Minimum Recommende Memory Minimum Hard Maximum

Processor d Processor Disk Space Hard Disk
Control 4 Core 8 Core 16 GB 100 GB 300 GB
Manager Processor Processor
Database 4 Core 8 Core 24 100 GB 700 GB
server Processor Processor

Oceana Co-Resident footprint2

The following table lists the hardware requirement for Oceana Co-Resident footprint:
Server Processor Processor Memory Minimum Hard Maximum
(Minimum) (Recommende Disk Hard Disk
Control 4 Core 8 Core 16 GB 100 GB 300 GB
Manager server Processor Processor
Database 12 Core 12 Core 24 GB 100 GB Depends on
server Processor Processor usage3

Server Minimum Recommende Memory Minimum Hard Maximum

Processor d Processor Disk Space Hard Disk
Control 4 Core 8 Core 16 GB 100 GB 300 GB
Manager Processor Processor
Database 12 Core 12 Core 24 GB 100 GB Depends on
server Processor Processor usage4

All-In-One (AIO) footprint5

The AIO Enterprise setup offers a single host configuration without a High Availability (HA)
support. This configuration hosts a single server for both application software and database
software. This configuration supports only the Microsoft SQL Server Express.
The following table lists the hardware requirement for AIO Enterprise footprint:

2 DR, Single-Site Campus HA, and Lab configurations are available for Oceana Co-Resident footprint. The Lab
configuration is available only for trial or PoC purposes. In this configuration, Control Manager
and Oceana Context Store database instances co-reside on the same SQL Server.
3 Oceana Context Store database disk requirements can vary randing from 400 GB to 6 TB. Refer to the Oceana
documentation for more details. Control Manager usage is 300 GB.
4 Oceana Context Store database disk requirements can vary ranging from 400 GB to 6 TB. Refer to the Oceana
documentation for more details. Control Manager usage is 300 GB.
5 This configuration does not support HA. It is not recommended for production deployment and is suitable only for trial or
lab purposes.

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Hardware and virtualization requirements

Server Processor Processor Memory Minim Maxim

(minimum) (recommended) um um
Hard Hard
Disk Disk
AIO Production 8 Core Processor 8 Core Processor 12 GB 100 300
AIO Server Lab 4 Core Processor 8 Core Processor 12 GB 100 300
AIO Oceana Co- 12 Core Processor 12 Core Processor 24 GB 100 300
resident GB GB

For the above configurations, the virtualized machine and hardware requirements are nearly
the same. However, there are a few minor changes to the specifications. For more information
about footprint requirements for the Microsoft SQL Server database, refer to the product
documentation at
Related links
Optional load balancer server configuration on page 15

Optional load balancer server configuration

You can install a load balancer server to manage the distribution of administrative users accessing
the Control Manager application servers. This configuration is part of the Control Manager
Multiplex HA feature. A software load balancer deployment uses a VMware server to host the load
balancer software and a pair of Control Manager application servers. The operating system
required for the load balancer VMware server depends on the software load balancer the
customer purchases. For additional information about hardware requirements, see the Hardware
Recommendations page on the HAProxy website.
The HAProxy load balancer is certified to operate with Control Manager. You can deploy other
load balancers in the same way as the HAProxy load balancer. But Avaya has not tested other
products to operate with Control Manager.
The HAProxy support is provided on a best-effort basis. Avaya does not assure that HAProxy
will be compatible with the future versions of Control Manager, as HAProxy is not a part of
Control Manager. You must download the HAProxy software separately.
The following table lists the minimum virtual server resource requirements for the software load
balancer server:
Server Processor Processor Memory Hard
(Minimum) (Recommended) Disk
Software load 4 Core 8 Core Processor 12 GB 300
balancer server Processor GB

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Software requirements
You must install specific versions of the operating system, IIS software, and database software
before Avaya personnel installs and configures the Control Manager software. While installing
Control Manager, ensure that all of the software and certificates meet the specifications given in
the following sections.
Use a supported web browser software to access the administrative interfaces of Control

Latest software updates and patch information

Before you start deploying or upgrading an Avaya product or solution, download the latest
software updates or patches for the product or solution.
For more information, see the latest release notes, Product Support Notices (PSNs), and Product
Correction Notices (PCNs) for the products or solutions on the Avaya Support website at https://
After deploying or upgrading a product or solution, use the instructions in the release notes, PSNs,
or PCNs to install any required software updates or patches.
For third-party products used with an Avaya product or solution, see the latest release notes for
the third-party products to determine if you need to download and install any updates or patches.

Supported database server software requirements

You must install one of the following Microsoft SQL Server versions on the database server.
Control Manager supports Microsoft SQL Server only on Microsoft Windows server operating

Supported Edition Non-HA Multiplex HA

2x1 2x2 1x2
Microsoft SQL Standard Yes Yes Yes Yes
Server 2019 Edition (Configured for (Configured
BAG) for BAG)
Enterprise Yes Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft SQL Standard Yes Yes Yes Yes
Server 2017 Edition (Configured for (Configured
BAG) for BAG)
Table continues…

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Software requirements

Supported Edition Non-HA Multiplex HA

Enterprise Yes Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft SQL Standard Yes Yes Yes Yes
Server 2016 Edition SP2 (Configured for (Configured
BAG) for BAG)
Enterprise Yes Yes Yes Yes
Edition SP2

You must install the Microsoft SQL Server software on servers that are using the Microsoft
Windows Server operating system software.
• The customer must agree to create a user login ID on the SQL database servers that is a full
administrative member of the Sysadmin server role. This user login ID is used during
installation of the Control Manager software. Create the user login ID and its password and
note these items for later use. Use this login details during installation and not when
operating the application.
• When creating database user passwords, installing the SQL software, or upgrading the
Control Manager software, the user must agree to use passwords that contain:
- 8-14 alphanumeric characters
- Upper case and lower-case letters
Do not use long and complex database passwords because of limitations with the Control
Manager installation software.

Requirements when using a shared database

The Control Manager database might be shared with other database applications. To qualify for a
shared database, adhere to the following requirements and conditions:
• The database names used with the shared database software must not be identical to the
database names used for the Control Manager databases.
• The user logins used to access the Control Manager databases must not be used in the
shared database software.
Reserve the user logins for the following Control Manager database names:
- UserCMSysLog

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• When providing shared database software, customers must provide the database servers
that have enough computing resources to handle the required performance of the Control
Manager database software. This requirement applies to non-HA and HA configurations.
• Do not use a server configuration that is smaller than the minimum configurations listed in
Hardware and virtualization requirements on page 13.
• You must provide the sa or sysadmin roles to the Control Manager installer for user and
database creation.

Control Manager operating systems and database collation support

The Control Manager software supports the Standard or Datacenter editions of the following
Windows operating systems:
• Microsoft Windows Server 2019
• Microsoft Windows Server 2016
For Control Manager, English, German, and Japanese versions of Microsoft Windows Server are
tested and certified. Control Manager also supports Microsoft SQL Server database collation
settings for the following user interface languages:
• English (SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS)
• German (Latin1_General_CI_AS)
• Japanese (Japanese_CI_AS)

Limitations for using Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition

• You can only use Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition in the All-in-One configuration.
Avaya installation personnel can install the Express Edition while they install the Control
Manager software.
• You cannot use Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition in a Non-HA or Multiplex HA
configuration. For these configurations, use Microsoft SQL Server Standard or Enterprise
edition instead.
• You cannot use Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition when using the Communication
Manager SYSLOG feature. You must use Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition software or
Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition software.
After installing the Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition, you must enable remote
connections. For information about how to enable remote connections, see Microsoft
If you do not enable remote connections, you cannot install Control Manager software.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 18

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Software requirements

Supported Microsoft Windows Server and Microsoft SQL Server

Avaya provides specific combinations of Microsoft SQL Server versions and Windows versions on
which Control Manager is installed.
Control Manager does not document the following:
• The supported Windows versions for a given version of Microsoft SQL Server.
• The supported combinations of Windows versions where Control Manager is installed and
Microsoft SQL Server versions.
To know more about compatibility between Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Windows from
Microsoft documentation, refer to the specific Microsoft SQL Server documentation fom the
Microsoft support website.
The following table shows the supported Microsoft Windows Server and Microsoft SQL Server
combinations in Control Manager:

Microsoft SQL Server Edition Microsoft Windows Server

2019 Enterprise 2019
2017 Enterprise 2019
2017 Enterprise 2016
20166 Enterprise 2016

Avaya services is not responsible to provide Windows or SQL Server support and
Customers must :
• Provide a working environment.

6 Control Manager is tested with Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Service Pack 2

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 19

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• Perform Windows and SQL Server installation, administration, maintenance, and backup.
• Get a support agreement with Microsoft and work directly with Microsoft on Windows and
Microsoft SQL Server-related issues.

Supported client Web browser and client operating system

software requirements
The client OS used to access the Control Manager user interface must support the following client
Web browsers:
• Apple Safari 13 or higher
• Google Chrome 88 or higher
• Microsoft Edge 44 or higher
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
• Microsoft Edge Chromium 87
• Mozilla Firefox 85 or higher
You must allow pop-ups on all browsers used to access the Control Manager user interface.
Avaya recommends that you use a minimum screen resolution of 1920 x 1080 when using the
Control Manager UI. Lower screen resolutions may cause portions of the screen to not display
Control Manager supports browser usage within a Citrix XenApp environment.

Supported antivirus software

The Cylance antivirus software is certified to operate with Control Manager. You can install
Cylance on the servers where Control Manager is deployed.
You must temporarily disable any installed antivirus software when you install or upgrade the
Control Manager software. Re-enable the antivirus software after you complete the installation
or upgrade.
Avaya products cannot certify against all third-party applications, as versions, deployment
options, and other factors create many variations and complex interactions. Here are the
customer responsibilities with guidelines and implications to support the virus or malware
scanning software:
• Deploy third-party antivirus or malware software alongside the Avaya product(s).
• Deploy third-party applications at your own risk.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 20

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Software requirements

• Test third-party software before deployment.

• Ensure there are no TCP/UDP port conflicts and other protocol conflicts.
• Ensure that adequate hardware is available to meet the requirements of both the Avaya
applications and third-party applications.
• Monitor the performance of the operating system and applications, including the following
symptoms of performance degradation:
- Missed or excessive alarms
- Dropped remote access sessions
- Slow user interface response
• Uninstall the third-party software during an Avaya support engagement if the third-party
software is suspected to be a key contributor to or the root cause of an issue.
• Remove the third-party software before upgrading the product.
For those failure conditions directly or indirectly related to a third-party product, Avaya may, at
its sole discretion, remove the third-party product or require the customer to remove the third-
party product before proceeding with diagnostics and troubleshooting.

Certificate requirements
The Control Manager browser interface requires that the customer install signed certificates to
provide secure access (HTTPS). A public or private Certificate Authority (CA) provides the signed
certificates. To install certificates on the Control Manager servers, ensure that the servers have
access to the CA. You cannot use a self-signed certificate in a production system.
You must install certificates on the Control Manager application server.

Java Runtime Environment requirements

Control Manager supports specific versions of Java Runtime Environment (JRE). This version of
Control Manager installs the latest versions of the following:
• Zulu: 11.43.56 and JRE:

- Updating to an unsupported version of JRE can cause Control Manager to stop
working and can require the reinstallation of the Control Manager server.
- When upgrading Control Manager versions and earlier to Control Manager, JRE is updated to version Zulu 11.43+56-SA. Ensure that the Java paths are
updated to point to the new JRE.
- When upgrading Control Manager versions and earlier to Control Manager, which has an externally updated JDK version earlier than Zulu 11.43+56-SA,
you must update JRE to version Zulu 11.43+56-SA. Ensure that the Java paths are
updated to point to the new JRE.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 21

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- When upgrading from Control Manager version or earlier to Control Manager, which has externally updated JDK version Zulu 11.43+56-SA or later, do not
update JRE. However, ensure that the Java paths are updated to point to the new

Transport Layer Security support

Control Manager supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 for secure communications of
database connections and connections to other Avaya products.
The following table lists the TLS 1.2 connections supported for Control Manager:
Connection from Control Manager TLS 1.2 Status
Control Manager installer to database Supported
Control Manager inter-process Some internal services use non-HTTPS channels
HTTPS on the web client Supported
HTTPS on the API client Supported
SQL Server database connection Supported
Active Directory authentication Supported
Active Directory sync Supported
WebLM Supported
Avaya Agent for Desktop Supported

Avaya Analytics Supported
Call Center Elite Multichannel database Not Supported
CMS Supported through SSH
CMS Informix database* Not Supported
Communication Manager SSH strong cipher support for OSSI connections
Avaya Aura Contact Center Not Supported
Experience Portal Supported
Interaction Center API Not Supported
Interaction Center database (Microsoft SQL Supported
Interaction Center database (Oracle) Supported
Avaya IQ Not Supported
Avaya Aura Messaging Supported
Avaya Oceana Supported
Avaya one-X Agent Supported
Table continues…

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 22

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Windows hardening setting

Connection from Control Manager TLS 1.2 Status

Presence Services Supported
Proactive Contact Not Supported
Session Manager Supported
System Manager Supported
Avaya Workspaces for Call Center Elite Supported
Avaya Workforce Engagement Select Supported
Avaya Workforce Engagement Select Windows
shared folder permissions to security

* Not applicable for CMS19 and later releases, as there is no CLINT support.

Virtualization support
Avaya Control Manager operates on the following virtualized software platforms:
• VMware vSphere ESXi 7.0
• VMware vSphere ESXi 6.7
• VMware vSphere ESXi 6.5
VMware support includes VMware HA and vMotion. This is applicable only for Control
Manager application server. For database server, refer to Microsoft SQL Server

Control Manager software is not currently distributed using an Open Virtualization Archive
(OVA) file. Any older OVA files must be discarded and not used to install Control Manager
software. Verify that you have downloaded the latest version of Control Manager software,
which is provided as an ISO download.

Windows hardening setting

Avaya Control Manager provides recommendation on the following few Windows server hardening
best practices that can be implemented to reduce the risk of attackers compromising your critical
systems and data:

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 23

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Windows hardening settings list is not limited to the following settings. For more information
about Windows hardening settings, see Microsoft documentation.
• Install all the security patches on OS and SQL database server.
• Supported Antivirus Software. See Supported antivirus software on page 20.
• Enable the network ports mentioned in the Avaya Control Manager Port Matrix document.
Disable the remaining ports.
• Enable TLS 1.2 or higher and disable SSL1.0, SSL2.0, SSL3.0, TLS1.0 and TLS 1.1.
• Do not configure self signed certificates for Control manager server.
Additionally, you can implement the following Windows Server hardening practices:
• Windows Explorer Autoplay Not Disabled for Default User
Ensure that you define the value 255 for NoDriveTypeAutoRun in the following registry key:
• MS Windows Explorer Autoplay not Disabled
Go to the following registry key and change NoDriveTypeAutoRun value to 255 to disable
autoplay from any disk type:
• Allowed Null Session
Go to the following registry and change RestrictNullSessAccess value to 1:
• EOL/Obsolete Software
Ensure that you do not install Adobe Flash Player.
• Network Setting
Enable the following items:
- Configure Minimize the number of simultaneous connections to the Internet or a
Windows Domain.
- Status of the Network security: Allow LocalSystem NULL session fallback setting.
- Status of the Network security: Allow PKU2U authentication requests to this
computer to use online identities setting.
- Status of the Network security: Allow Local System to use computer identity for
NTLM setting.
- Status of the Microsoft network server: Server SPN target name validation level
- Status of the Prohibit connection to non-domain networks setting.
• Enabled Cached Logon Credential

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 24

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Windows hardening setting

You must first locate the following Registry key, and then set or create a REG_SZ
CachedLogonsCount entry with a 0 value:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Nt\CurrentVersion
• Administrator Account’s Password Does Not Expire
Configure the properties of the Administrator account, such that the password expires after a
specified duration as per the site's policy. Domain-wide policies must be set on the Domain
Controller, so that all the Windows hosts on the domain comply automatically, and each
individual host does not need to be configured.
• Default Windows Administrator Account Name Present
Change the administrator account's name to a non-default value.
• Unused Active WIndows Account Found
Remove the accounts which are not used
• Encryption
Enable the following items:
- Status of the Network access: Do not allow storage of passwords and credentials for
network authentication setting.
- Status of the Network Security: Minimum session security for NTLM SSP based
(including secure RPC) servers setting.
- Status of the Network Security: LAN Manager Authentication Level setting.
- Status of the Device authentication behavior using certificate setting.
- Status of the Set Client Connection Encryption Level setting (Terminal Services).
- Status of the Allow indexing of encrypted files setting.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 25

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Chapter 4: Installing Control Manager

Installation Checklist
Use this checklist before you begin the installation process to ensure that you have all the devices,
systems, and applications required to install Avaya Control Manager. Additionally, check the
release notes and other offer definition documents to ensure that you have the correct versions of
applications such as Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Windows. You can use this checklist for
non-HA and Multiplex HA installations.

Plan the Control Manager deployment with the customer.

Read the Avaya Control Manager Release Notes before you start any work. Follow any special
instructions for the installation or upgrade concerning required service packs, and patches.
Ensure that the WebLM server has a valid Control Manager license.
Download the Control Manager software package from the Avaya support site. Unpack the ISO
image into an executable file using standard ISO unpacking tools.
Ensure that the end-user and enterprise environments can support Control Manager.
Ensure that you installed and configured Communication Manager.
Ensure that all prerequisite software for Control Manager is installed and configured.
Ensure that you disable any scanning software previously installed on the server before
installing Control Manager. You can enable the scanning software after the installation is
Confirm that the Windows time and date is set accurately before you install Control Manager.
Begin the installation process using the appropriate Control Manager software installation
procedure that matches customer requirements.
Test the installation and troubleshoot any installation issues.
Configure the Control Manager deployment. For details, see Configuring Avaya Control
Complete the initial administration. For details, see Using Avaya Control Manager to Administer
Avaya Products.
Control Manager installation on non-standard drive might impact Sphere search functionality,
depending on the system settings. For more details on impact and troubleshooting step, see
Maintaining and Troubleshooting Avaya Control Manager guide.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 26

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Installing Control Manager on a non-HA dual-box configuration

Installing Control Manager on a non-HA dual-box

Before you begin
Use the Installation Checklist on page 26 to ensure that you have everything required to complete
the installation process.
1. Install all prerequisite software:
a. Install Microsoft Windows Server on the application server (ACM-APP-1) and
database server (ACM-SQL-1). For more information, on the Microsoft Documentation
website, see Install, upgrade, or migrate to Windows Server. See Link disclaimer.
b. Install and configure IIS. See Installing and configuring IIS on the Microsoft Windows
Server on page 38.
c. Install the Microsoft SQL Server Standard or Enterprise software on the database
server. See Installing the Microsoft SQL Server software on page 41.
d. Enable TCP/IP after installing the Microsoft SQL software. See Enable TCP/IP after
installing the Microsoft SQL software on page 43.
e. Install certificates. See Installing certificates on page 50.
2. Complete Installing Control Manager on page 31 on the application server (ACM-APP-1),
pointing to the database server (ACM-SQL-1).
3. Test the Control Manager installation.
To verify the installation, see Testing the installation Non-HA dual box on page 69.

Installing 2x1 Multiplex HA

Before you begin
Use the Installation Checklist on page 26 to ensure that you have everything required to complete
the installation process.
1. Install all prerequisite software:
a. Install Microsoft Windows Server on both the application servers (ACM-APP-1 and
ACM-APP-2) and the database server (ACM-SQL-1). For more information, on the
Microsoft Documentation website, see Install, upgrade, or migrate to Windows Server.
See Link disclaimer.
b. Install and configure IIS. See Installing and configuring IIS on the Microsoft Windows
Server on page 38.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 27

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Installing Control Manager software

c. Enable TCP/IP after installing the Microsoft SQL software. See Enable TCP/IP after
installing the Microsoft SQL software on page 43.
d. Install certificates. See Installing certificates on page 50.
2. Complete Installing Control Manager on page 31 on the application server (ACM-APP-1),
pointing to the primary database server (ACM-SQL-1).
3. Complete Installing Control Manager on page 31 on the application server (ACM-APP-2),
pointing to the primary database server (ACM-SQL-1).
4. (Optional) Configure the software load balancer software. See About configuring the
optional software load balancer on page 54.
5. Test the Control Manager installation.
To verify the installation, see Testing the 2x1 Multiplex HA installation on page 69.

Installing 1x2 Multiplex HA

Before you begin
Use the Installation Checklist on page 26 to ensure that you have everything required to complete
the installation process.
1. Install all prerequisite software:
a. Install Microsoft Windows Server on the application server (ACM-APP-1) and both the
database servers (ACM-SQL-1 and ACM-SQL-2). For more information, on the
Microsoft Documentation website, see Install, upgrade, or migrate to Windows Server.
See Link disclaimer.
b. Install and configure IIS. See Installing and configuring IIS on the Microsoft Windows
Server on page 38.
c. Install the Microsoft SQL Server software on the primary and secondary database
servers (ACM-SQL-1 and ACM-SQL-2). See Installing the Microsoft SQL Server
software on page 41.
For MHA AAG, install SQL Server Enterprise. For MHA BAG, install SQL Server
d. Install the Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn and WSFC features. For more information,
see Installing the Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn and WSFC features on page 43.
e. Enable TCP/IP after installing the Microsoft SQL software. See Enable TCP/IP after
installing the Microsoft SQL software on page 43.
f. Install certificates. See Installing certificates on page 50.
2. Complete Installing Control Manager on page 31 on the application server (ACM-APP-1),
pointing to the primary database server (ACM-SQL-1).

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 28

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Installing 2x2 Multiplex HA

3. Enable AlwaysOn on ACM-SQL-1.

For more information, see Installing the Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn and WSFC
features on page 43.
4. Configure AlwaysOn. See About configuring AlwaysOn on page 60.
5. Refresh the databases on the secondary node to ensure the state is synchronized for all
6. Replicate user logins from the primary database server (ACM-SQL-1) to the secondary
database server (ACM-SQL-2). See Configuring the SQL logins on page 62.
7. Re-point the application server (ACM-APP–1) to the AlwaysOn Listener IP. See Adding the
Listener IP on page 63.
8. Test the Control Manager installation.
To verify the installation, see Testing the 1x2 Multiplex HA Installation on page 70.

Installing 2x2 Multiplex HA

Before you begin
Use the Installation Checklist on page 26 to ensure that you have everything required to complete
the installation process.
1. Install all prerequisite software:
a. Install Microsoft Windows Server on both the application servers (ACM-APP-1 and
ACM-APP-2), and the primary and secondary database servers (ACM-SQL-1 and
ACM-SQL-2). For more information, on the Microsoft Documentation website, see
Install, upgrade, or migrate to Windows Server. See Link disclaimer.
b. Install and configure IIS. See Installing and configuring IIS on the Microsoft Windows
Server on page 38.
c. Install the Microsoft SQL Server software on the primary and secondary database
servers (ACM-SQL-1 and ACM-SQL-2). See Installing the Microsoft SQL Server
software on page 41.
For MHA AAG, install SQL Server Enterprise. For MHA BAG, install SQL Server
d. Install the Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn and WSFC features. For more information,
see Installing the Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn and WSFC features on page 43.
e. Enable TCP/IP after installing the Microsoft SQL software. See Enable TCP/IP after
installing the Microsoft SQL software on page 43.
f. Install certificates. See Installing certificates on page 50.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 29

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Installing Control Manager software

2. Complete Installing Control Manager on page 31 on the application server (ACM-APP-1),

pointing to the primary database server (ACM-SQL-1).
3. Complete Installing Control Manager on page 31 on the application server (ACM-APP-2),
pointing to the primary database server (ACM-SQL-1).
4. Enable AlwaysOn on ACM-SQL-1 and ACM-SQL-2.
For more information, see Installing the Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn and WSFC
features on page 43.
5. Configure AlwaysOn. See About configuring AlwaysOn on page 60.
6. Refresh databases on the secondary node to ensure the state is synchronized for all
7. Replicate user logins from ACM-SQL-1 to ACM-SQL-2. See Configuring the SQL logins on
page 62.
8. Re-point ACM-APP–1 and ACM-APP-2 to AlwaysOn Listener IP. See Adding the Listener
IP on page 63.
9. (Optional) Configure the software load balancer software. See About configuring the
optional software load balancer on page 54.
10. Test the Control Manager installation.
To verify the installation, see Testing the 2x2 Multiplex HA Installation on page 71.

Installing Control Manager and SQL Server in one box (All-

About this task
In this configuration, you install Control Manager on the application server and database server,
which are on the same box.
Not recommended for production deployment. This configuration is suitable for trial or lab
Before you begin
Use the Installation Checklist on page 26 to ensure that you have everything required to complete
the installation process.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 30

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Installing Control Manager using the Installation Wizard

1. Install all prerequisite software:
a. Install Microsoft Windows Server. For more information, on the Microsoft
Documentation website, see Install, upgrade, or migrate to Windows Server. See Link
b. Install and configure IIS. See Installing and configuring IIS on the Microsoft Windows
Server on page 38.
c. Install the Microsoft SQL Server Express software. See Installing the Microsoft SQL
Server software on page 41.
d. Enable TCP/IP after installing the Microsoft SQL software. See Enable TCP/IP after
installing the Microsoft SQL software on page 43.
e. Install certificates. See Installing certificates on page 50.
2. Complete Installing Control Manager on page 31, pointing to itself as the primary
database server.
3. Test the Control Manager installation.
To verify the installation, see Testing the All-in-One installation on page 73.

Installing Control Manager using the Installation Wizard

Before you begin
• Download the Control Manager software from the Avaya support site and copy it to every
server where you are installing the software. The software package is an ISO image that you
must unpack into an executable file using standard ISO unpacking tools. Using the MD5
Checksum, verify the data integrity of the downloaded file before you start the installation.
• Ensure that the client system supports the minimum resolution of 1920x1080 pixels or higher
to run the Web browser.
• Verify that the Microsoft .NET 4.8 or higher software has been installed before you attempt to
install the Control Manager software. Microsoft .NET Version 4.8 is included with the ISO
image of the Control Manager software.
• Ensure that the Windows time and date is correct before you install the Control Manager
For installation wizard logging, ensure that you have full administrative rights to access the
server and to create files on the drive where you install the Control Manager software. You
must initiate the installation by choosing the Run as Administrator option.
• The Control Manager installation setup appends the installation logs to the following log file:
• Ensure that the host names of the Control Manager application contain only alphabetic letters
and numbers and limited does not exceed 15 characters.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 31

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Installing Control Manager software

• Host names of the Control Manager database servers must follow the requirements. For
more information, on the Microsoft documentation website, see Naming conventions in Active
Directory for computers, domains, sites, and OUs. See Link Disclaimer.
1. Log on to the Control Manager server.
2. Open Windows Explorer and locate the Control Manager software you downloaded from
the Avaya support site.
3. Right-click the Control Manager executable file and select Run as Administrator.
The name of the file is similar to the following example:
The Setup Wizard prepares to guide you through the installation process.
• Welcome to the Prerequisites Wizard: If the Control Manager displays this screen,
step through one or two more prerequisites screens where the software may be installed
on your Control Manager. Click Next to advance to the next screen or click Cancel to
exit the wizard.
• End User License Agreement (EULA): After you read the license agreement terms,
click I Accept to proceed further or click I Decline to exit the installation wizard. See the
full text of the Avaya Global Software License Terms for additional information about the
license agreement.
• Welcome to the Avaya Control Manager Release Number Build Number Setup
Wizard: This is the final introductory screen you see before configuring the installation
4. Click Next.
Control Manager displays the Installation Type screen.
5. Select New Installation in the Installation Type field and then click Next.
6. On the SQL and ACM Database screen, configure the following parameters:
• In the SQL Server and SQL Port fields, enter the information in several different
formats using simple host names and TCP port numbers, IP addresses, and named
See the following examples:
Host Name in the SQL Server field and the TCP port number for the SQL database in
the SQL Port field.
Host Name\Named Instance in the SQL Server field and the TCP port number for the
SQL database in the SQL Port field.

You cannot use an FQDN in the SQL Server field.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 32

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Installing Control Manager using the Installation Wizard

Listener IP/DNS Name, if the installation is part of a B&R upgrade of MHA Nx2 and
expected to point to a listener IP, instead of a specific SQL instance.
• SQL Admin Username: Enter the name of a login that has Sysadmin rights on the
database server.
• SQL Admin Password: Enter the password for the user entered in the Username field.
• ACM DB Password: Enter a password for the Control Manager databases. The
password you enter here is used for all of the Control Manager databases created
during installation.

When creating database user passwords while installing the SQL software, the
customer must use passwords that are 8-14 alphanumeric characters long, with
upper case and lower-case letters. Because of limitations with the Control Manager
installation software, the customer must not use long and complex database
7. Click Next.

The installation software uses ODBC to test the database connection using the
connection details administered in the previous dialog. If the test is successful, the
installation program continues. If the test is not successful, you must correct the
connection details.
Control Manager displays the Configure Installation Folder and System Language
8. Complete the following steps on the Configure Installation Folder and System
Language screen:
a. In the Installation folder section, click Browse to go to the location where you want
to install the Control Manager software.
Avaya recommends that you install the Control Manager software on a non-system
drive. That is, not the same drive where the OS is installed, which is typically the C:
After you select the install location, click OK.
b. In the System language section, select the preferred language from the System
Language list. By default, this is English.
Changing the language has no impact on the Control Manager installation process.
After installation, when you start using Control Manager, the content in the application
appears in the language you selected.
c. Click Next.
Control Manager displays the Ready to Install screen. You can review or change the
installation settings by clicking Back repeatedly to step through all of the screens.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 33

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Installing Control Manager software

9. Click Install to begin the installation.

The installation process can take up to an hour, depending on how many components
Control Manager installs.
During the software installation, Control Manager displays the Installing Avaya Control
Manager screen.
Upon successful installation, Control Manager displays the Completing the Avaya Control
Manager Setup Wizard screen.
10. Click Finish to close the installation wizard.
11. Restart the server.

Avaya recommends that you create additional user login accounts as soon as you
complete installation of Control Manager. After installation, if you log out from Control
Manager without creating alternative login accounts, you might inadvertently lock out
the default itnv and admin user accounts. In such a scenario, if you have alternative
user login account, you can use these to log in to Control Manager.
However, if you get locked out of Control Manager and do not have alternative user
login accounts, contact Avaya Support to seek assistance to resolve this issue.
Next steps
• After you complete installing Control Manager version 9.0.2 and later, you must synchronize
Avaya Oceana® Work Assignment objects into the Control Manager system. In an MHA
setup, you must perform synchronization only on one application server.
For more information, in the Using Avaya Control Manager to Administer Avaya Products
guide, see Chapter 20: Synchronizer Management > Synchronizing Avaya Oceana Work
Assignment Objects.
• Optional: Configure session timeout for IIS and services. See Configuring session timeout
for Control Manager UI portals on page 37.
• To verify the installation, see Testing the installation on page 65.

Installing Control Manager using CLI (Silent or Headless

About this task
You can run Control Manager installation from the command line interface (CLI) by providing all
the required parameters so that no manual intervention is required for the rest of the installation

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 34

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Installing Control Manager using CLI (Silent or Headless Installation)

Before you begin

Install and configure the following prerequisites:
• Microsoft .NET framework 4.8
• Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 4 Runtime
• Zulu Open Java Development Kit 11.43
1. Open the CLI prompt on the system where you want to install Control Manager.
2. Navigate to the folder that contains the installer setup.exe and silent_install.bat

Ensure that the installer setup exe and silent_install.bat files are in the same
3. Use one of the following commands.
Use the following sample command that includes all mandatory parameters:
silent_install "FULL_VERSION=" "DB_SERVER="

Use the following sample command with mandatory and non-mandatory parameters:
silent_install "FULL_VERSION=" "DB_SERVER="
"APP_SERVER_IP=" "INSTALL_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Avaya\Avaya
Control Manager\" "ACCEPT_EULA=yes"

For Control Manager 9.0.2, the INSTALL_PATH for silent installation must be:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Avaya\Avaya Control Manager\"

4. Use the following parameters as required:

You can use the following special characters in the DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD and
ACM_DB_PASSWORD passwords: ! @ _ # $
Parameter Name Description Mandatory? Default Value
FULL_VERSION Full version of the silent installer Yes NA
file name
DB_SERVER Database server Yes NA
DB_ADMIN_PASS Password of the database Yes NA
WORD administrator
Table continues…

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 35

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Installing Control Manager software

Parameter Name Description Mandatory? Default Value

ACM_DB_PASSWO Password of the Control Yes NA
RD Manager database
ACCEPT_EULA End-User License Agreement Yes NA
(EULA) terms that you must
accept to proceed with
installation. If you enter No for
this parameter, the installation
process will stop.
DB_PORT Database server port number No 1433
DB_ADMIN_USERN Username of the Control No sa
AME Manager database
INSTALL_PATH File path where Control No C:\Program Files
Manager is to be installed (x86)\Avaya\Avaya
Control Manager
APP_SERVER_NA The server on which Control No host name where the
ME Manager is to be deployed installer runs
UI_SERVER_NAME Name of the UI server No host name where the
installer runs
APP_SERVER_IP IP address of the application No IP of the host where
server the installer runs
LANGUAGE The language in which users No en-us for English
will use Control Manager.
Select from the following
• en-us for English
• zh-cn for Chinese, simplified
• zh-tw for Chinese, traditional
• fr-fr for French
• de-de for German
• it-it for Italian
• ja-jp for Japanese
• ko-kr for Korean
• pt-br for Portuguese, Brazil
• ru-ru for Russian
• es-la for Spanish, Latin

5. Complete installing Control Manager on the application server (ACM-APP-1), pointing to

the database server (ACM-SQL-1).

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 36

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Configuring session timeout for Control Manager UI portals

Next steps
• After you complete installing Control Manager version 9.0.2 and later, you must synchronize
Avaya Oceana® Work Assignment objects into the Control Manager system. In an MHA
setup, you must perform synchronization only on one application server.
For more information, in the Using Avaya Control Manager to Administer Avaya Products
guide, see Chapter 20: Synchronizer Management > Synchronizing Avaya Oceana Work
Assignment Objects.
• Configure session timeout for IIS and services. See Configuring session timeout for Control
Manager UI portals on page 37.

Configuring session timeout for Control Manager UI

About this task
Complete the following procedure to configure session timeout for Control Manager UI portals:
1. Log in as an administrator on the Windows server where you have installed Control
2. Open the Health Monitoring tool and click the Settings tab.
3. Enter a timeout value in the Portals Session Timeout (In Minutes) field.
Enter a value between 1 and 99. Do not enter 0 or leave this field blank.
4. Click Save after you finish.
Control Manager restarts IIS and other critical services.

You must run this procedure when no users are logged in or no critical operations are
running. Before the procedure begins, Control Manager displays a confirmation
window to proceed. If you have important operations running on the system, click
Cancel and retry the procedure later. Else, click OK to proceed.
5. If this is a Multiplex HA setup, configure the same Portals Session Timeout settings on
both the application servers.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 37

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Chapter 5: Installing and configuring

Installing and configuring IIS on the Microsoft Windows

About this task
You must install the Microsoft IIS software on all Control Manager application servers depending
on your configuration:

Configuration Install Microsoft IIS on

Enterprise non-HA Dual host configuration The application server (ACM-APP-1)
Enterprise Multiplex HA configuration The following application servers:
• In Multiplex HA 1x2 configuration on the
application server (ACM-APP-1).
• In Multiplex HA 2x2 configurations on application
servers (ACM-APP-1 and ACM-APP-2 ).
• In Multiplex HA 2x1 configurations on application
servers (ACM-APP-1 and ACM-APP-2 ).
Enterprise All-in-One non-HA configuration The single server where the SQL database software
and Control Manager software are installed (ACM-

Before you begin

• Ensure that you have the operating system media available.
• Ensure that Microsoft .NET 4.8 or higher is installed on the application server. If it is not
installed, use the .NET 4.8 framework installer included with the ISO image of Control
To determine which .NET version is installed, on the Microsoft Documentation website, see How
to: Determine which .NET Framework versions are installed. See Link disclaimer.
You must install the Microsoft .NET patches for Microsoft .NET 4.8 or higher to pick up the
latest security fixes.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 38

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Installing and configuring IIS on the Microsoft Windows Server

1. On the server desktop, click Server Manager > Dashboard.
Control Manager displays the WELCOME TO SERVER MANAGER screen.
2. Click Add Roles and features.
Control Manager displays the Before you begin screen.
3. Click Next.
Control Manager displays the Select installation type screen. Confirm that the default
selection is Role-based or feature-based installation.
4. Click Next.
Control Manager displays the Select destination server screen. Confirm that the default
selection is Select a server from the server pool and that the Server Pool list has the
server where you are installing IIS.
5. Click Next.
Control Manager displays the Select server roles screen.
6. Select Web Server (IIS).
7. Click Add Features.
8. Click Next.
Control Manager displays the Select features screen.
9. Select the following features:
• .NET Framework 3.5 Features > .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)
• If you are installing Microsoft Windows Server 2016: .NET Framework 4.6 Features (2
of 7 installed) > ASP.NET 4.6
If you are installing Microsoft Windows Server 2019: .NET Framework 4.7 Features (2
of 7 installed) > ASP.NET 4.7
10. Click Next.
Control Manager displays the Web Server Role (IIS) screen.
11. Click Next.
Control Manager displays the Web Server Type (IIS) > Role Services screen.
12. Scroll through all the available options and confirm that the following options are selected.
• Web Server
• Common HTTP Features
- Default Document
- Directory Browsing

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 39

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Installing and configuring prerequisites

- HTTP Errors
- Static Content
- HTTP Redirection
• Health and Diagnostics
- HTTP Logging
- Logging Tools
- Request Monitor
- Tracing
• Performance
- Static Content Compression
• Security
- Request Filtering
- Basic Authentication
- Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
- Digest Authentication
- IIS Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
- IP and Domain Restrictions
- URL Authorization
- Windows Authentication
• Application Development
- .NET Extensibility (Version 4.6 for Windows Server 2016; version 4.7 for Windows
Server 2019)
- Application Initialization
- ASP.NET (Version 4.6 for Windows Server 2016; version 4.7 for Windows Server
- ISAPI Extensions
- ISAPI Filters
- Server Side Includes
- WebSocket Protocol
• Management Tools
- IIS Management Console

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 40

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Installing the Microsoft SQL Server software

- IIS Management Compatibility

• IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility
• IIS 6 Management Console
• IIS 6 Scripting Tools
• IIS 6 WMI Compatibility
• IIS Management Scripts and Tools
Select any options that are not selected by default.

If an Add Features screen is displayed at any time, click Add Features to continue
with the feature selection process.
13. Click Install.
14. When the installation is complete, click Close.
15. Restart the server before installing any other software.
16. Repeat this procedure on any other servers that require the IIS software.
Next steps
You must install the Microsoft .NET patches for Microsoft .NET 4.8 or higher to pick up the
latest security fixes.
When installing the Microsoft Windows Server OS for a new installation or upgrading from
Microsoft Windows 2008, verify that you install the ASP.Net 3.5 role and the ASP.Net 4.8 role
using the Microsoft Windows Server OS installation software disc or a downloaded ISO image.
When installing the roles, you must specify the following alternate source path:
Use the Specify an alternate source path option and set the alternate source path.
Control Manager supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 or newer. You can disable TLS 1.0
and 1.1, and also SSL 2.0 and 3.0, by editing the registry on the servers where you installed IIS.
To edit the registry and disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1, on the Microsoft Documentation website, see
Transport Layer Security (TLS) registry settings. See Link disclaimer.

Installing the Microsoft SQL Server software

You must install Microsoft SQL Server based on the following configurations:
• In a Dual host non-HA configuration: On the designated database server.
• In a Multiplex HA configuration: On all the designated database servers.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 41

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Installing and configuring prerequisites

• In an All-in-One configuration: On the server where Control Manager software is installed.

For more information, on the Microsoft Documentation website, see SQL Server Installation
Guide. Search the Microsoft website for installation instructions for other versions of Microsoft
SQL Server software. See Link disclaimer.
Considerations when installing Microsoft SQL Server
1. When installing the Microsoft SQL Server Standard or Enterprise software, you must select
the following features:
• Database Engine Services
• Basic Management Tools
2. When creating database user passwords while installing the SQL software or upgrading
the Control Manager software, you must agree to use:
• Passwords that are 8-14 alphanumeric characters long.
• Passwords with upper case and lower case letters.
Do not use long and complex database passwords because of limitations with the Control
Manager installation software.
3. After installing Microsoft SQL Server, enable remote connections. For more information, on
the Microsoft Documentation website, see Configure the remote access Server
Configuration Option. See Link disclaimer. If you do not enable remote connections, the
Control Manager software does not install.
4. On the SQL database servers, create a user login ID that is a full administrative member of
the Sysadmin server role. You can use this login ID during the installation of the Control
Manager software. Create the user login ID and the password and note these credentials
for later use. Use this login ID during installation only but not for the application during the
5. If you are setting up an availability group listener across multiple subnets, download and
install the Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver for the corresponding version of SQL Server
that you installed. Install the SQL Server ODBC driver on the Control Manager application
For additional information about driver compatibility for different versions of SQL Server, on
the Microsoft Documentation website, see SQL version compatibility. See Link disclaimer.
When installing the Microsoft SQL Server software, Microsoft notes that placing both log and
data files on the same device can cause contention for that device, resulting in poor
performance. Placing the log files on separate drives than the database data allows the I/O
activity to occur at the same time for both the data and log files.
After initial installation and configuration of the Microsoft SQL Server software, you must then
install the Control Manager software before you complete the final configuration of the Microsoft
SQL Server software.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 42

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Installing the Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn and WSFC features

Enable TCP/IP after installing the Microsoft SQL software

1. Navigate to Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Configuration Tools > SQL
Server Configuration Manager.
2. Expand SQL Server Network Configuration > Select Protocol for your SQL server.
3. In the navigation pane, select Enable TCP/IP.
4. Restart the SQL service.

Installing the Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn and WSFC

A Control Manager Multiplex HA 1x2 or 2x2 configuration requires database servers to have
Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) and Microsoft SQL Server with AlwaysOn feature
over a compatible Microsoft Windows Server operating system. Therefore, you must install and
configure the Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn and WSFC features.
Customers are responsible for installing the supported Microsoft SQL Server Always On
software and configuring the Windows Server Failover Cluster feature on all database hosts in
the deployment.
About this task
Do not perform this operation for Multiplex HA 2x1 configurations.
The instructions for this task are based on Microsoft SQL Server 2016. These instructions might
vary for different versions of the Microsoft SQL Server software.
For reference, detailed instructions for installing Microsoft SQL Server 2017 software are available
on the Microsoft Documentation website at Planning a SQL Server Installation. See Link
disclaimer for external website references here and in the following procedure.
Before you begin
Download a supported version of Microsoft SQL Server software to the database servers.
Before you install the Microsoft SQL Server software, you must verify or do the following items:
• Verify that none of the systems used in the cluster is a domain controller.
• Verify that all computers are on the same network.
• Verify that each computer is running on a supported Microsoft Windows Server operating
system. See Supported Microsoft Windows Server and Microsoft SQL Server
combinations on page 19.

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Installing and configuring prerequisites

• Open ports 1433 and 5022 in the firewall settings.

• Verify that the cluster name object (CNO) is granted permissions to the Secure DNS Zone on
each node of the cluster.
• Create four unused IP addresses in the same domain and network available for the cluster
and Availability Group listener configuration. One IP address for the primary database server
(ACM-SQL-1), one IP address for the secondary database server (ACM-SQL-2), one IP
address for the Listener IP, and one IP address for the cluster.
• Create a shared folder on a highly available machine within your network acting as a file
share available for the machines behaving as a node in the cluster. Map a network drive with
the same name on each node machine. The folder must have 512 MB of free space and
must not be a domain controller.
• Create a single Domain user that has administrative rights on all the machines in the cluster.
Use this user account for logging on to the server and configuring all related AlwaysOn
1. Using the ID of the domain user who has administrative rights on all machines, install the
Failover Clustering feature on all SQL servers (ACM-SQL-1, ACM-SQL-2).
For more information, on the Microsoft Documentation website, see Install the Failover
Clustering feature.
2. Create the failover cluster on the Primary SQL server (ACM-SQL-1) to include all SQL
servers within the cluster.
For more information, on the Microsoft Documentation website, see Create the failover
3. Configure the cluster quorum using file share witness.
For more information, on the Microsoft Documentation website, see Configure the cluster

If an error occurs when you try to configure file share for cluster quorum, ensure that
the domain user and WSFC cluster has Full Control and NTFS permissions to the
witness folder.
4. On all SQL servers (ACM-SQL-1, ACM-SQL-2), right-click on the SQL Server service,
select Properties > LogOn and modify it to log on as the domain user that has
administrative rights on all SQL servers in the cluster.
For more information, on the Microsoft Documentation website, see Transport Security -
Database Mirroring - Always On Availability.
5. Enable the AlwaysOn Availability Group feature on all SQL servers (ACM-SQL-1, ACM-
For more information, on the Microsoft Documentation website, see Enable Always On
Availability Groups.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 44

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Installing the optional load balancer software

Next steps
After initial installation and configuration of the Microsoft SQL Server software, the AlwaysOn
feature, and the WSFC feature, install the Control Manager software before you complete the final
configuration of Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn feature. For the final configuration procedures,
see Configuring AlwaysOn.

Installing the optional load balancer software

About this task
Use this task to install the optional load balancer software.
The HAProxy load balancer ( product is certified to operate with Control
Manager. Other load balancers can provide the same features. Required features include session
affinity and the ability to redirect user requests to alternate application servers if their are fail
overs. You must decide which load balancer to use. Control Manager documentation provides
instructions for the HAProxy product, but other software load balancers can be deployed in the
same fashion.
The commands given in this task apply to the HAProxy product. For any other products, follow
the respective product documentation to install the software.
Before you begin
Verify that the virtual server used for the load balancer software is installed.
1. Log on as an administrator to the virtual server where you install the load balancer
2. Enter the following command to download and install the software:
sudo apt-get -y install haproxy
If you get an error about connectivity, verify that the virtual server has a valid DNS entry.
3. Verify that the installation is successful by running the following command:
haproxy -v
The system displays a response similar to the following message:
HA-Proxy version 2018/10/2
Copyright 2000-2018 Willy Tarreau <>

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 45

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Installing and configuring prerequisites

Configuring TLS and TDE for Avaya Control Manager

Multiplex HA configurations
Before you begin
Ensure that you install Control Manager in Multiplex HA with Microsoft SQL AlwaysOn mode.
Enabling Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) for databases in Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn is
slightly different than those needed on standard Microsoft SQL Server databases. Complete the
following steps to set up and verify Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 and TDE on primary and
secondary database replicas, which are part of Availability Groups (AAG/BAG):
1. Use the following Microsoft SQL queries to create and enable encryption certificates on the
primary and secondary database replicas.
a. Run the following Microsoft SQL query to create a TDE certificate and apply it to the
primary replica of AAG/BAG


WITH SUBJECT = 'ACM TDE Certificate for all user database in the
Availability Group'

TO FILE = 'C:\ACMTDECert_File.cer'
ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = '[StrongPassword]' )




February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 46

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Configuring TLS and TDE for Avaya Control Manager Multiplex HA configurations



b. Run the following Microsoft SQL query to copy the certificate on to the secondary
database replica of AAG/BAG.

FROM FILE = 'C:\ACMTDECert_File.cer'
DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = '[StrongPassword]' );
c. Run the following query to enable TDE on the primary database replica of AAG/BAG.










d. Run the following query on the primary and secondary replicas to verify whether TDE
is enabled.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 47

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Installing and configuring prerequisites

FROM sys.databases db
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.dm_database_encryption_keys dm
ON db.database_id = dm.database_id;

2. To set up up TLS 1.2, open a text editor and create a file named tls1.2_enable.reg.
3. Enter the following code in the tls1.2_enable.reg file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

\Protocols\SSL 2.0]
\Protocols\SSL 2.0\Client]

\Protocols\TLS 1.0]
\Protocols\TLS 1.0\Client]
\Protocols\TLS 1.0\Server]

\Protocols\TLS 1.1]
\Protocols\TLS 1.1\Client]
\Protocols\TLS 1.1\Server]

\Protocols\TLS 1.2]
\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Client]
\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Server]

4. Copy the file on to all application and database servers in the Multiplex HA configuration.
5. Right-click the file and select Merge to enable TLS 1.2 on each server where you copy this
Ensure that you perform this step on both application and database servers so that you
enable TLS 1.2 on both clients and servers.
6. Install the security patch on database servers based on the SQL server version installed
on these servers, to support TLS 1.2. For more information, on the Microsoft Support
website, see TLS 1.2 support for Microsoft SQL Server. See Link disclaimer.
7. Install Wireshark on the application servers.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 48

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Installing certificates

8. Complete the following steps and verify using Winshark whether TLS 1.2 is used for
connection with the database servers:
a. To add a location, do the following:
• Log in to the ACCCM portal.
• Navigate to the Location option.
• Enter a name and description for the location and then click Save.
b. To add a user, do the following:
• Log in to the ACCCM portal.
• Navigate to the User portal and click the + icon to add a user.
• Enter the required details for this user and then click Save.
c. To delete a user, do the following:
• Log in to the ACCCM portal.
• Navigate to the User portal and select the user that you created in the previous
• Open the Expand icon options and click Delete user.
9. Verify whether the adding a location, adding a user, and deleting the user operations are
synced to both database servers within AAG.

Installing certificates
The Control Manager browser interface requires that you install signed certificates to provide
secure access (HTTPS). For signed certificates contact a public or private Certificate Authority
Certificates generated using System Manager works for Control Manager. However, if the
Control Manager system is hosted on a WAN, NLAN, or WLAN, Control Manager may not be
able to validate the certificate and the user may see a “Certificate not valid” warning message
when logging on to Control Manager.
Certificates must be installed whether it is a new installation or an upgrade. The certificates must
be installed before you install or upgrade the Control Manager software.
You must install certificates on all Control Manager application servers (ACM-APP1, and/or ACM-
APP2) in any of the following configuration: Dual host Non-HA, Multiplex HA, or All-in-One (AIO).

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 49

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Installing and configuring prerequisites

Generating a Certificate Signing Request in IIS

Before you begin
Confirm that Microsoft IIS is installed before you install a certificate.
1. Open the Microsoft IIS Manager tool.
2. Click the Control Manager server shown in the Connections tree.
3. Double-click Server Certificates.
4. Click Create Certificate Request.
The system displays a Distinguished name properties screen. Enter the values specific to
your installation.
5. Enter the server name or FQDN of the Control Manager server in the Common name

If the name entered in the Common name field does not match the host name of the
Control Manager server, the certificate is not valid, and users cannot access the
system using their browser.
6. Click Next.
The system displays the Cryptographic Service Provider Properties page.
7. Set the Bit length option to 2048.
8. Click Next.
The system displays the Save As dialog box.
9. Specify a file name that represents the name of the Control Manager server for which you
are requesting a certificate. If you are requesting more than one certificate, make the
names unique.
10. Click Open.
11. Click Finish.

Submitting the CSR to a CA for signing

About this task
Use this procedure to submit the CSR to a CA for signing.
Before you begin
Generate your CSRs.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 50

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Installing certificates

1. Log on to a CA signing page and click Request a certificate, or other similar option.
2. Open the CSR in a text editor.
3. Click advanced certificate request.
4. Click the second option, Submit a certificate request by using.
5. Paste the your CSR details into the Saved Request.
6. Select the Web Server under the Certificate Template option or a similar option.
7. Click Submit.
8. Select the DER encoded option and click Download certificate.
9. From the same CA site Welcome screen, download the root certificate by clicking the
Download a CA certificate, certificate chain, or CRL.
10. Click Download CA Certificate.
11. Copy the signed certificate and the root certificate to the Control Manager server.
12. Repeat this procedure for all application servers.

Installing the signed certificate

Before you begin
Ensure that the certificate generated by the CA has Server Authentication in the Enhanced Key
Usage field.
1. Open the Microsoft IIS Manager tool.
2. On the Server Certificates page, click Complete Certificate Request.
3. In the File name containing field, select the signed certificate that you copied on the
Control Manager server.
4. Click OK.
The Server Certificates screen displays the signed certificate.

Installing the root certificate

1. Log on to the Control Manager Windows server to install the certificate.
2. Select Start > Run.
3. Enter mmc and click OK.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 51

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Installing and configuring prerequisites

The server displays the Microsoft Management Console.

4. In the console window, select File > Add/Remove Snap-in.
The system displays the Add or Remove Snap-ins screen.
5. Select Certificates and click Add.
The system displays the Certificates Snap-in screen.
6. Select Computer account and click Next.
The system displays the Select Computer screen.
7. Select Local Computer and click Finish.
The system displays the Add or Remove Snap-ins screen.
8. Click OK.
The system displays the Microsoft Management Console again showing that the
Certificates snap-in is added.
9. Expand the Certificates folder.
10. Select Intermediate Certification Authorities > All Tasks > Import.
The system displays the Certificate Import Wizard Welcome screen.
11. Click Next.
The system displays the File to Import screen.
12. Click Browse to locate the root certificate.
13. Click Next.
14. Select Place all certificates in the following store.
15. Click Browse and select Intermediate Certification Authorities.
16. Click Next.
17. Click Finish.
18. Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities > All Tasks > Import.
The system displays the Certificate Import Wizard Welcome screen.
19. Click Next.
The system displays the File to Import screen.
20. Click Browse to locate the root certificate.
21. Click Next.
22. Select Place all certificates in the following store.
23. Click Browse and select Trusted Root Certification Authorities.
24. Click Next.

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Installing certificates

25. Click Finish.

Enabling HTTPS for secure browser access

1. Log on to Windows as an administrator on the primary application server (ACM-APP-1).
2. Open the Microsoft IIS Manager tool.
3. Click the Control Manager primary application server (ACM-APP-1) as shown in the
Connections tree.
4. Expand the Sites folder and select Default Web Site.
5. Select Bindings from the Actions menu on the right of the screen.
6. Click Add.
7. Administer the following parameters:
• Set Type to https.
• Set IP address to All Unassigned.
• Set Port to 443.
• Leave Host name blank.
• In the SSL certificate field, click Select to browse to the signed certificate you request
from the CA.
8. Click OK.
The system displays the Site Bindings screen again, showing the https type.
9. Click Close.
10. On the Default Web Site Home page, double-click the SSL Settings option.
The system displays the SSL Settings screen.
11. Select the Require SSL option.
12. Select Apply from the Actions menu on the right side of the screen.
13. Exit from the IIS Manager tool.
14. Repeat the procedure on the secondary application server (ACM-APP-2).

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 53

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Chapter 6: Configuring the optional load
balancer software

About configuring the optional software load balancer

Use the procedures in this chapter to configure the optional software load balancer. The
procedures are tested with the HAProxy Software Load Balancer product.
If you do not want to configure a software load balancer, you can skip this chapter.

Optional load balancer application server configuration

The software load balancer is a recommended, but optional, feature you can use in a Control
Manager deployment. The load balancer provides highly available access to the Control Manager
administrative user interface and allows many administrators to access the system simultaneously.
The software load balancer configuration is a part of the Control Manager Multiplex HA feature.
The software load balancer evenly distributes all administrator login requests automatically across
the Control Manager application servers. You can only have maximum two application servers.
All service level configuration uses 'localhost' as a host-name instead of APP server's host-
When the application servers are installed, one is designated as the primary application server
(ACM-APP-1), and the other is designated as the secondary application server (ACM-APP-2).
Initially, the following independent services run only on the primary application server (ACM-
APP-1) and is in a paused state on the secondary application server (ACM-APP-2):
• ACCCM Audit Log
• ACCCM License Tracker
• ACCCM Schedule Server
• ACCCM Sync Service
If the primary application server (ACM-APP-1) fails, subsequent login requests are automatically
redirected to the secondary application server (ACM-APP-2). Those users that were connected to

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 54

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Optional load balancer application server configuration

the failed primary application server (ACM-APP-1) are redirected to the secondary application
server (ACM-APP-2). Users must log in again to the Control Manager user interface. In this case,
the system switches these independent services on the secondary application server to the
running state. When the primary application server is operational again, the system pauses these
independent services on the primary application server.
If the secondary application server (ACM-APP-2) goes down, subsequent login requests are
automatically redirected to the primary application server (ACM-APP-1). Those users that were
connected to the failed secondary application server (ACM-APP-2) are redirected to the primary
application server (ACM-APP-1). Users must log in again to the Control Manager user interface.
Since the independent services noted above are still running on the primary application server
(ACM-APP-1), the system administrator only needs to repair the secondary application server
(ACM-APP-2) to get it operational again. At that time, login requests are distributed across both
the application servers.
From this release of Control Manager, the administrator need not manually intervene in case
of fail-over and fail-back. If the primary application server (ACM-APP-1) fails, then all the
independent services running on (ACM-APP-1) automatically switches to the secondary
application servers (ACM-APP-2) and secondary application server becomes primary by
switching paused service into running state and vice versa.
For more information about recovering from this failure, see Chapter 9: Troubleshooting failover
problems in the Maintaining and Troubleshooting Avaya Control Manager guide.

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Configuring the optional load balancer software

If a failover occurs, it is handled by independent service component within Control Manager,
no manual intervention is required to start the independent services on the secondary server.

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Creating a self-signed certificate to support SSL connections

Creating a self-signed certificate to support SSL

About this task
Use this task to create a self-signed certificate to support SSL in the load balancer deployment.
The commands given in this task apply to the HAProxy product. For any other products, follow
the respective product documentation to configure the software.
Before you begin
Verify that the HAProxy software is installed.
1. Log in as an administrator to the virtual server where you installed the load balancer
2. Enter the following commands to request the keys for a self-signed certificate:
sudo mkdir /etc/haproxy/ssl
sudo openssl genrsa -out /etc/haproxy/ssl/acmlic.key 1024
sudo openssl req -new -key /etc/haproxy/ssl/acmlic.key \ -out /etc/
3. While creating the CSR, enter the following information:
• Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]: <country code>
• State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]: <State Name>
• Locality Name (e.g., city) []:<City Name>
• Organization Name (e.g., company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:<Org Name>
• Organizational Unit Name (e.g., section) []:
• Common Name (e.g., server FQDN or YOUR name) []: <FQDN of this machine>

You must use the FQDN in the certificate. If you do not use the FQDN, the certificate
cannot be validated.
• Email Address []:
4. Add these attributes to the certificate request:
• Challenge password []:
• An optional company name []:
5. Enter the following command to generate the output files:

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 57

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Configuring the optional load balancer software

sudo openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in /etc/haproxy/ssl/acmlic.csr \

-signkey /etc/haproxy/ssl/acmlic.key \ -out /etc/haproxy/ssl/
Running this command generates the,, and
6. Enter the following command to concatenate the generated files and create the actual
sudo cat /etc/haproxy/ssl/acmlic.crt /etc/haproxy/ssl/acmlic.key \
| sudo tee /etc/haproxy/ssl/acmlic.pem
Running the command generates the certificate you can use when configuring the load
balancer software.

Configuring the HAProxy configuration file

About this task
Use this task to configure the HAProxy configuration file.
The commands given in this task apply to the HAProxy product. For any other products, follow the
respective product documentation to configure the software.
Before you begin
Verify that the HAProxy software is installed.
1. Log in as an administrator to the virtual server where you installed the load balancer
2. Open the following file for editing:
The first few lines of the file look similar to the following example:
log /dev/log local0
log /dev/log local1 notice
chroot /var/lib/haproxy
stats socket /run/haproxy/admin.sock mode 660 level admin expose-fd listeners
stats timeout 30s
user haproxy
group haproxy

3. Append the following lines to the end of the file:

frontend <BalancerName>
bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/ssl/acmlic.pem
reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 58

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Configuring the HAProxy configuration file

reqadd X-Forwarded-Port:\ 443

default_backend <WebServersName>

• <BalancerName> is a name to represent the load balancer.
• <WebServerName> is a name to represent the Control Manager application servers that
are a part of the load balancer configuration.
4. Append the following lines to the end of the file:
backend <WebServersName>
mode http
option http-keep-alive
option forwardfor
cookie SRVNAME insert
server webserver_130 <PrimaryAppServer>:443 check cookie SA ssl verify none
server webserver_131 <SecondaryAppServer>:443 check cookie SB ssl verify none

• <BalancerName> is any name to represent the load balancer.
• <WebServerName> is any name to represent the Control Manager application servers.
• <PrimaryAppServer> is the FQDN of the primary application server (ACM-APP-1).
• <SecondaryAppServer> is the FQDN of the secondary application server (ACM-APP-2).
5. Append the following lines to the end of the file:
listen stats
bind :9000
mode http
stats enable
stats refresh 10s
stats hide-version
stats realm Haproxy\ Statistics
stats uri /haproxy_stats
stats auth <UserName>:<UserPassword>

• <UserName> is the user ID of an authorized user.
• <UserPassword> is the login password for the authorized user.
6. Save and close the file.
7. Run the following command to restart the HAProxy service:
sudo service haproxy restart

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 59

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Chapter 7: Configuring AlwaysOn

About configuring AlwaysOn

Use the procedures in this chapter to configure the Microsoft SQL AlwaysOn feature.
If the customer is not using the Microsoft SQL AlwaysOn feature, skip this chapter.
Multiplex HA with the AlwaysOn SQL feature supports dual data centers. Traditional availability
groups spanning more than one data center requires all servers to be a part of the same Active
Directory domain. Different domains, even trusted domains, do not work. For more information, on
the Microsoft Documentation website, see Create a domain-independent availability group. See
Link disclaimer.
You can add new secondary replicas to an existing AlwaysOn group. For more information, on the
Microsoft Documentation website, see Add a replica to your Always On Availability group using
the Availability Group Wizard in SQL Server Management. See Link disclaimer.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 60

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Configuring the AlwaysOn Availability Group

Configuring the AlwaysOn Availability Group

About this task
Use these procedure to configure the Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Group (AAG).
Availability Groups must be configured with assistance from the customer DBA because it affects
the customer database and the DBA has to choose the options for database backup and
Before you begin
• Verify that Avaya or Business Partner personnel have installed the Control Manager software
and have verified that it is operating properly.
• Verify that all Control Manager databases (those with names that have “ACCCM” as part of
the name) are in full recovery mode.
• Take a full backup of all Control Manager databases.
• For information about external website references in the following procedure, see Link
1. Ensure that the prerequisites for the Availability Group wizard to do a full initial data
synchronization are met.
For more information, on the Microsoft Documentation website, see Prerequisites for using
the Availability Group wizard.
2. On the Primary SQL server (ACM-SQL-1), open the Microsoft SQL Management Studio
and use the Availability Group wizard.
For more information, on the Microsoft Documentation website, see Using the New
Availability Group Wizard.
a. When prompted to Select Database, select all ACCCM databases to form an
availability group.
b. When prompted to Specify Replica, add all secondary SQL servers (ACM-SQL-2) as
secondary replicas using Windows Authentication.
If you want to set up an availability group listener across multiple subnets, then open
the dialog where you enter the server name and authentication for secondary replica.
Click Options > Additional Connection Parameters, and in the additional
connection string parameters, enter the following value:

For more information, on the Microsoft Documentation website, see Specify Replicas
Page and Multi-subnet failovers.
c. Once the primary and all secondary servers are listed on the page, select Initial Role
of SQL Servers as appropriate.
d. Select Availability Mode to Synchronous Commit for the primary and the
necessary secondary servers.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 61

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Configuring AlwaysOn

For more information, on the Microsoft Documentation website, see Differences

between availability modes for an Always On availability group.
e. Select Failover Mode to Automatic for the primary and the necessary secondary
servers (recommended for ones that have Automatic Failover selected).
For more information, on the Microsoft Documentation website, see Failover and
Failover Modes.
f. Select Readable Secondary for appropriate servers.
g. Verify that endpoints are administered for each replica.
3. On the Specify Replicas screen, select the Backup Preferences tab. Use the default
settings for backup preferences.
4. Configure a listener for the AlwaysOn Availability Group.
To create an availability group listener across multiple subnets, for each subnet you must
specify a static IP address in the listener configuration. In this case, Control Manager must
point to the Listener DNS Name for database connections.
For more information, on the Microsoft Documentation website, see Configure a listener for
an Always On availability group.

Configuring the Basic Availability Group (BAG)

About this task
AlwaysOn Basic Availability Groups (BAGs) provide a high availability solution for the 2016, 2017,
and 2019 Standard editions of SQL Server. A BAG is created and managed like traditional
Advanced Availability Groups (AAGs) with Enterprise Edition and supports a failover environment
for a single database.
When you add a listener IP, ensure that you use the same listener IP across all BAGs. Do not
create multiple listeners, as Control Manager supports only one listener IP. For more information
about adding a listener IP, see Adding the Listener IP on page 63.
See Limitations of BAGs on the Microsoft documentation website.
You can configure BAGs if you are using Microsoft SQL Server Standard edition. Skip this
section if you are using Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise edition.

Configuring the SQL logins

Before you begin
• Extract the SQLServerLoginScript.sql file from control Manager ISO package.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 62

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Adding the Listener IP

Ensure that the ACCCM logins are not created on secondary database servers (ACM-SQL2).
You can do this by running the following SQL query on the secondary database server:
select name, sid from sys.syslogins

The system must not display any results after running the above query. If the system displays
any rows, you must fix these log-ins before proceeding.
1. Log on to the primary database server (ACM-SQL-1) as an SA user.
2. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
3. Run the SQLServerLoginScript.sql script on ACM-SQL-1.
This script creates the stored procedure sp_CreateRemoteLogins.
4. Run this command on ACM-SQL-1, for all secondary SQL servers using the IP address of
the respective secondary database server:
Exec sp_CreateRemoteLogins <Secondary_Database_Server_IPAddress>

Adding the Listener IP

About this task
Use this procedure to configure the host of the SQL Servers on the Control Manager application
server in the following conditions:
• If the SQL Server changes in the Control Manager application server.
• To update the listener IP in the Control Manager MHA 1X2 or 2X2 setup.
Before you begin
• Back up the following files:
- Database Server: ACCCM, ACCCMCMSYSLOG Databases
- Application Server from the following location:
• ACM Installed Drive\Windows\System32\Nav360Config.xml
• ACM Installed Drive\Program Files (x86)\Avaya\Avaya Control
Manager\Web\ACCCM ONEX CFG\web.config
• ACM Installed Drive\Program Files (x86)\Avaya\Avaya Control
Manager\Web\ACCCM ONEX WEB\web.config
• ACM Installed Drive\Program Files (x86)\Avaya\Avaya Control
Manager\Services\ACCCM Sphere\ACCCM Sphere Feeder\config

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 63

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Configuring AlwaysOn

• ACM Installed Drive\Program Files (x86)\Avaya\Avaya Control

Manager\Services\ACCCM Sphere\ACCCM SphereEngine\config
• ACM Installed Drive\Program Files (x86)\Avaya\Avaya Control
Manager\Services\ACCCM OneAgentProfilerLoaderService
1. Access the application server (ACM-APP-1) as administrator using the Host or IP address
of the application server (ACM-APP–1).
2. Open Avaya Control Manager Diagnostics and click the Database tab.
3. Enter the new SQL Server Name or the AlwaysOn Listener IP and port number of the SQL
Server in the SQL Server, Port field.
If you set up an availability group listener across multiple subnets, enter the Listener DNS
Name, Port in this field.
4. Click Save.
5. Click Confirm.
6. Restart all ACCCM services.
7. (Optional) For an Multiplex HA 2x2 setup, repeat the steps for the application server

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 64

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Chapter 8: Testing the installation

Logging on to the Control Manager user interface

Before you begin
• Confirm that all required certificates are installed on the Control Manager application servers.
• Ensure that a WebLM server with a valid Control Manager license is always configured with
Control Manager.
1. Open a browser and enter the following URL in the address field:
https://<server name>/ACCCMPortal
Where <server name> is the host name or FQDN of the Control Manager system.
The system displays the following screen:

2. Select the user interface language you want to use.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 65

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Testing the installation

The default language is English.

3. Enter your username in the Username field.
Enter itnv if you are logging in for the first time.
4. Enter your password in the Password field.
Enter itnv if you are logging in for the first time.

The first time you log in to Control Manager, ensure that you change the default itnv
password. Remember the credentials for your user ID until you create new Control
Manager users.
You must create system administrator users. Do not use the default itnv or admin user
IDs for your day-to-day tasks. Create administrator users and assign roles to those
users. For a multi-tenant deployment, you must use tenant-specific user IDs.
5. Click Log in.

If you enter your login credentials incorrectly thrice, the system requires you to enter
your correct user name and password along with a captcha string of characters before
attempting to log on again.
If Control Manager displays any licensing related warning or error and WebLM server is
already configured then see Maintaining and Troubleshooting Avaya Control Manager.

Getting Control Manager licenses

About this task
When you login to Control Manager for the first time, Control Manager operates in the Grace
mode for 30 days without applying license. Control Manager displays a banner indicating the
remaining days in the Grace mode. You must configure the WebLM server with a valid license
within the Grace period.
Reasons for getting new licenses:
• When upgrading or migrating from Control Manager 7.x or Control Manager 8.x system to
Control Manager 9.0.
• When activating new connectors for additional Avaya products.
• Before making Control Manager 9.0 operational.
For Control Manager 9.0, the WebLM server must have a valid Control Manager license installed.
You cannot configure the WebLM server with a Control Manager license post-installation or

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 66

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Viewing WebLM licenses assignments

Control Manager operates in the Grace mode for 30 days until you configure a WebLM server with
a valid license.
If you do not configure the WebLM license within 30 days grace period, then Control Manager
enters the Restricted mode, and the user cannot login. In such a case, you can configure the
WebLM server through Health Monitoring tool. For more information, see the Maintaining and
Troubleshooting Avaya Control Manager.
Before you begin
Ensure that the Control Manager license is installed on the WebLM server.
For more information on installing a license on the WebLM server, see the WebLM
1. On the Control Manager Web portal, navigate to Configuration > Licenses > WebLM
2. Click Add.
3. Enter the WebLM address.
For example, https://<WebLM_Server_Address>:52233/WebLM/LicenseServer.
4. To check the connectivity, click Test, if the connection is successful, then click Save.
5. Restart the License Server service.
a. In the Run window, type services.msc.
The system opens the Services window,
b. Navigate to ACCCM License Server.
c. Right-click ACCCM License Server and select Restart.
Ensure that a WebLM server with a valid control manager license is always configured with
Control Manager.
If Control Manager displays any licensing related warning or error and the WebLM server is
already configured then, see the Maintaining and Troubleshooting Avaya Control Manager

Viewing WebLM licenses assignments

About this task
Use this procedure to check license usage.
Before you begin
After you complete the WebLM server configuration, restart the Licensing Server service.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 67

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Testing the installation

1. On the Control Manager home page, select Configuration > Licenses > Licenses List.
2. Select localhost and click Edit.
3. Click the Licenses Info tab to view the following ACM Licensing details:
• License Duration and License Expiration Date
• Actual No of Concurrent users logged in with respect to the available limit
• Which Feature Licenses are Enabled and which are Disabled

Verifying maximum concurrent Control Manager servers

count from WebLM Server
The Maximum Concurrent Control Manager servers feature, you can track the number of Control
Manager servers, which are using the Control Manager license from the WebLM server.
Control Manager requests 1 count from the WebLM server when Control Manager starts, and
frees 1 count when the Control Manager server shuts down.
If the system has used all license counts, then the customer must place a new full order.
Otherwise, the server which failed to acquire the license from the WebLM server moves to the
Grace mode.
For example:
If there are 2 servers A and B with license services running, then the Server Count value on
the WebLM server must be 2, so that both servers acquire one license each. However, if a
customer has only one license on the WebLM server then, at a time anyone server A or B
works in the Normal mode and other server switches to the Grade mode for 30 days. Once
the server exceeds the 30 days grace period, the server switches into the Restricted mode.

Verifying the TLS version

About this task
Control Manager supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 or newer. Control Manager installs
TLS 1.2 automatically when you install the IIS software. HTTPS requires that you use TLS Version
1. Open a supported Web browser.
2. Login to the Control Manager administrative user interface.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 68

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Testing the Non-HA Dual box installation

3. Right-click the browser window and click Properties.

4. In the Properties window, confirm that the connection is using TLS 1.2.
If you are not using TLS 1.2, install TLS 1.2 on the Microsoft Windows system.

Testing the Non-HA Dual box installation

1. Confirm all Control Manager services are up and running.
2. Confirm administrator is able log in to ACCCMPortal.
3. Confirm the Control Manager version you installed is correct.
4. Confirm that you are able to do basic operations like creating a location, users, site,
department, teams, and are able to map the location, etc.

Testing the 2x1 Multiplex HA installation

1. Confirm all Control Manager services are up and running.
2. Confirm administrator is able log in to ACCCMPortal.
3. Confirm the Control Manager version you installed is correct.
4. Confirm that you are able to do basic operations like creating a location, users, site,
department, teams, and are able to map the location, etc.
5. Confirm that all organization hierarchy chart are available in the User Portal.
6. Confirm all the configured systems are present and available under their appropriate
7. Ensure that all the configured systems are of the version supported by Control Manager.
8. Shutdown ACM-APP–1 and check on ACM-APP–2 that the independent services are
9. Confirm that all organization hierarchy chart are available in the User Portal on ACM-APP–
10. Confirm all the configured systems are present and available under their appropriate
locations are running on ACM-APP–2.
11. Ensure that all the configured systems are of the version supported by Control Manager
are running on ACM-APP–2.
12. Confirm that ACM-APP–2 is accessible using load balancer.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 69

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Testing the installation

13. Start ACM-APP–1 and shutdown ACM-APP–2.

14. Confirm that the independent services are running on ACM-APP–1.
15. Confirm that all organization hierarchy chart are available in the User Portal on ACM-APP–
16. Confirm all the configured systems are present and available under their appropriate
locations on ACM-APP–1.
17. Confirm that ACM-APP–1 is accessible using load balancer.
18. Start ACM-APP–2.
19. Confirm all the configured systems are present and available under their appropriate
locations on ACM-APP–2.
20. Confirm that ACM-APP–2 is accessible using load balancer.

Testing the 1x2 Multiplex HA installation

1. Confirm all Control Manager services are up and running.
2. Confirm administrator is able log in to ACCCMPortal.
3. Confirm the Control Manager version you installed is correct.
4. Confirm that you are able to do basic operations like creating a location, users, site,
department, teams, and are able to map the location, etc.
5. Confirm that all organization hierarchy chart are available in the User Portal.
6. Confirm all the configured systems are present and available under their appropriate
7. Create an agent and extension on Control Manager.
8. Confirm that an agent and extension is created on Control Manager.
9. Shutdown ACM-SQL–1.
10. Confirm that all organization hierarchy chart are available in the User Portal on ACM-APP–
11. Confirm all the configured systems are present and available under their appropriate
locations on ACM-APP–1.
12. Ensure that all the configured systems are of the version supported by Control Manager
on ACM-APP–1.
13. Start ACM-SQL–1.
14. Shutdown ACM-SQL–2.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 70

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Testing the 2x2 Multiplex HA installation

15. Confirm that all organization hierarchy chart are available in the User Portal on ACM-APP–
16. Confirm all the configured systems are present and available under their appropriate
locations on ACM-APP–1.
17. Ensure that all the configured systems are of the version supported by Control Manageron
18. Start ACM-SQL–2.
19. Confirm that all organization hierarchy chart are available in the User Portal on ACM-APP–
20. Confirm all the configured systems are present and available under their appropriate
locations on ACM-APP–1.
21. Ensure that all the configured systems are of the version supported by Control Manager
on ACM-APP–1.

Testing the 2x2 Multiplex HA installation

1. Confirm all Control Manager services are up and running.
2. Confirm administrator is able log in to ACCCMPortal.
3. Confirm the Control Manager version you installed is correct.
4. Confirm that you are able to do basic operations like creating a location, users, site,
department, teams, and are able to map the location, etc.
5. Confirm that all organization hierarchy chart are available in the User Portal.
6. Confirm all the configured systems are present and available under their appropriate
7. Ensure that all the configured systems are of the version supported by Control Manager.
8. Shutdown ACM-APP–1 and check on ACM-APP–2 that the independent services are
9. Confirm that all organization hierarchy chart are available in the User Portal on ACM-APP–
10. Confirm all the configured systems are present and available under their appropriate
locations are running on ACM-APP–2.
11. Ensure that all the configured systems are of the version supported by Control Manager
are running on ACM-APP–2.
12. Confirm that ACM-APP–2 is accessible using load balancer.
13. Start ACM-APP–1 and shutdown ACM-APP–2.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 71

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Testing the installation

14. Confirm that the independent services are running on ACM-APP–1.

15. Confirm that all organization hierarchy chart are available in the User Portal on ACM-APP–
16. Confirm all the configured systems are present and available under their appropriate
locations on ACM-APP–1.
17. Confirm that ACM-APP–1 is accessible using load balancer.
18. Start ACM-APP–2.
19. Confirm all the configured systems are present and available under their appropriate
locations on ACM-APP–2.
20. Confirm that ACM-APP–2 is accessible using load balancer.
21. Shutdown ACM-SQL–1.
22. Confirm that all organization hierarchy chart are available in the User Portal on ACM-APP–
23. Confirm all the configured systems are present and available under their appropriate
locations on ACM-APP–1.
24. Ensure that all the configured systems are of the version supported by Control Manager
on ACM-APP–1.
25. Start ACM-SQL–1.
26. Shutdown ACM-SQL–2.
27. Confirm that all organization hierarchy chart are available in the User Portal on ACM-APP–
28. Confirm all the configured systems are present and available under their appropriate
locations on ACM-APP–1.
29. Ensure that all the configured systems are of the version supported by Control Manageron
30. Start ACM-SQL–2.
31. Confirm that all organization hierarchy chart are available in the User Portal on ACM-APP–
32. Confirm all the configured systems are present and available under their appropriate
locations on ACM-APP–1.
33. Ensure that all the configured systems are of the version supported by Control Manager
on ACM-APP–1.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 72

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Testing the All-in-One installation

Testing the All-in-One installation

1. Confirm all Control Manager services are up and running.
2. Confirm administrator is able log in to ACCCMPortal.
3. Confirm the Control Manager version you installed is correct.
4. Confirm that you are able to do basic operations like creating a location, users, site,
department, teams, and are able to map the location, etc.
5. Create an agent and extension on the Control Manager.
6. Confirm that an agent and extension is created on the Control Manager.
7. Confirm that the Apache Tomcat service is disabled.

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 73

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Chapter 9: Resources

The following table lists the documents related to this product. Download the documents from the
Avaya Support website at
Title Description
Avaya Control Manager Overview and This document describes the features and specifications for the
Specification Control Manager product.
Planning for an Avaya Control This document describes the planning and prerequisites that
Manager Deployment (formerly known customers must follow before deploying Control Manager.
as Avaya Control Manager Customer
New Installation
Installing Avaya Control Manager This document describes how to install, configure, and test the
non-HA and Multiplex HA deployments of Control Manager.
Upgrading Avaya Control Manager This document describes how to upgrade the Enterprise, and
non-HA Enterprise, Control Manager systems from an earlier
release to the current release. The document includes upgrade
checklist, upgrade procedures, and verification procedures for
each supported upgrade path.
Configuring Avaya Control Manager This document describes how to configure Control Manager to
work with other Avaya products.
Avaya Control Manager Release This document contains any special release information, upgrade
Notes steps, and known issues.
Avaya Control Manager Port Matrix This document describes the port usage for Control Manager.
Using Avaya Control Manager to This document describes how to use Control Manager to
Administer Avaya Products administer features on Avaya products.
Administering Avaya one-X® Agent This document describes how to use Control Manager to
Using Avaya Control Manager administer Avaya one-X® Agent.
Table continues…

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 74

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Title Description
Administering an Avaya Experience This document describes how to use Control Manager with
Portal Sample Application Using Experience Portal.
Avaya Control Manager
Administering Avaya Control Manager This document describes how to use Control Manager to
for Avaya Agent for Desktop administer Avaya Agent for Desktop.
Events and Alarms
Avaya Control Manager Events, This document describes the SNMP notifications for Control
Alarms, and Errors Reference Manager.
Using Avaya Control Manager This document describes how to use Control Manager
Conversation Sphere Conversation Sphere to administer vectors, strategies, and call
Using Avaya Control Manager Central This document describes how to use Control Manager Central
License and Traffic Tracker License and Traffic Tracker.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Maintaining and Troubleshooting This document describes maintenance procedures and
Avaya Control Manager troubleshooting scenarios for Control Manager.

Avaya Control Manager API docs

The following table lists the API documents related to this product. Download the documents from
the Avaya DevConnect portal at

Title Description
Using the Avaya Control Manager SOAP API This document describes how to use the SOAP
version of the Control Manager API.
Using the Avaya Control Manager REST API This document describes how to use the REST
version of the Control Manager API.

Finding documents on the Avaya Support website

1. Go to
2. At the top of the screen, type your username and password and click Login.
3. Click Support by Product > Documents.
4. In Enter your Product Here, type the product name and then select the product from the
5. In Choose Release, select the appropriate release number.
The Choose Release field is not available if there is only one release for the product.

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6. In the Content Type filter, click a document type, or click Select All to see a list of all
available documents.
For example, for user guides, click User Guides in the Content Type filter. The list only
displays the documents for the selected category.
7. Click Enter.

Accessing the port matrix document

1. Go to
2. Log on to the Avaya website with a valid Avaya user ID and password.
3. On the Avaya Support page, click Support by Product > Documents.
4. In Enter Your Product Here, type the product name, and then select the product from the
list of suggested product names.
5. In Choose Release, select the required release number.
6. In the Content Type filter, select one or both the following categories:
• Application & Technical Notes
• Design, Development & System Mgt
The list displays the product-specific Port Matrix document.
7. Click Enter.

Avaya Documentation Center navigation

For some programs, the latest customer documentation is now available on the Avaya
Documentation Center website at
For documents that are not available on Avaya Documentation Center, click More Sites >
Support on the top menu to open
Using the Avaya Documentation Center, you can:
• Search for keywords.
To filter by product, click Filters and select a product.
• Search for documents.
From Products & Solutions, select a solution category and product, and then select the
appropriate document from the list.
• Sort documents on the search results page.

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• Click Languages ( ) to change the display language and view localized documents.
• Publish a PDF of the current section in a document, the section and its subsections, or the
entire document.
• Add content to your collection using My Docs ( ).
Navigate to the Manage Content > My Docs menu, and do any of the following:
- Create, rename, and delete a collection.
- Add topics from various documents to a collection.
- Save a PDF of the selected content in a collection and download it to your computer.
- Share content in a collection with others through email.
- Receive collection that others have shared with you.
• Add yourself as a watcher using the Watch icon ( ).
Navigate to the Manage Content > Watchlist menu, and do the following:
- Enable Include in email notification to receive email alerts.
- Unwatch selected content, all content in a document, or all content on the Watch list page.
As a watcher, you are notified when content is updated or deleted from a document, or the
document is removed from the website.
• Share a section on social media platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
• Send feedback on a section and rate the content.
Some functionality is only available when you log in to the website. The available functionality
depends on your role.

The following courses are available on the Avaya Learning website at
After logging into the website, enter the course code or the course title in the Search field and
click Go to search for the course.
Course code Course title
Technical Design
3320W Avaya Customer Engagement Platforms Overview (includes Avaya Control
Manager Product Information Documents (PIDs))
3330W Avaya Customer Engagement Administration and Applications Overview
(includes Avaya Control Manager PIDs)
Table continues…

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 77

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Course code Course title

3420W Avaya Oceana® Design Fundamentals (includes Avaya Control Manager PIDs)
3371T APDS Avaya Customer Engagement Solutions Online Test
3470T Avaya Oceana® Design Fundamentals Online Test
Technical Services
2092W Configuring Avaya Control Manager for Cloud Service Providers
2092T Avaya Control Manager Instance Configuration and Administration Test for Cloud
Service Providers
5307T Avaya Control Manager Implementation and Support Test for Cloud Service
70920W Installing Avaya Control Manager
7093W Upgrading and Supporting Avaya Control Manager for Cloud Service Providers
70940W Configuring Avaya Control Manager for Enterprise
70950W Upgrading and Supporting Avaya Control Manager for Enterprise
70910W Administering Avaya Control Manager for Enterprise
7091T Administering Avaya Control Manager R8 Online Test
5306 Avaya Control Manager Implementation and Support Test
24310W Administering Avaya Analytics™ for Oceana®
24320W Administering Avaya Oceana® Basics

The following courses are also available on the Avaya Control Manager website at https://
ACM_host/ACCCMPortal. After logging into the website, go to Personal Settings > Training.
Course code Course title
24320W Administering Avaya Oceana® Basics
24310W Administering Avaya Analytics™ for Oceana® Basics
70910W Administering Avaya Control Manager for Enterprise

Viewing Avaya Mentor videos

Avaya Mentor videos provide technical content on how to install, configure, and troubleshoot
Avaya products.

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About this task

Videos are available on the Avaya Support website, listed under the video document type, and on
the Avaya-run channel on YouTube.
• To find videos on the Avaya Support website, go to and do one of
the following:
- In Search, type Avaya Mentor Videos, click Clear All and select Video in the Content
- In Search, type the product name. On the Search Results page, click Clear All and select
Video in the Content Type.
The Video content type is displayed only when videos are available for that product.
In the right pane, the page displays a list of available videos.
• To find the Avaya Mentor videos on YouTube, go to and do
one of the following:
- Enter a key word or key words in the Search Channel to search for a specific product or
- Scroll down Playlists, and click a topic name to see the list of videos available for the topic.
For example, Contact Centers.

Videos are not available for all products.

Go to the Avaya Support website at for the most up-to-date
documentation, product notices, and knowledge articles. You can also search for release notes,
downloads, and resolutions to issues. Use the online service request system to create a service
request. Chat with live agents to get answers to questions, or request an agent to connect you to a
support team if an issue requires additional expertise.

Using the Avaya InSite Knowledge Base

The Avaya InSite Knowledge Base is a web-based search engine that provides:
• Up-to-date troubleshooting procedures and technical tips
• Information about service packs
• Access to customer and technical documentation
• Information about training and certification programs

February 2022 Installing Avaya Control Manager 79

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• Links to other pertinent information

If you are an authorized Avaya Partner or a current Avaya customer with a support contract, you
can access the Knowledge Base without extra cost. You must have a login account and a valid
Sold-To number.
Use the Avaya InSite Knowledge Base for any potential solutions to problems.
1. Go to
2. Log on to the Avaya website with a valid Avaya user ID and password.
The system displays the Avaya Support page.
3. Click Support by Product > Product-specific Support.
4. In Enter Product Name, enter the product, and press Enter.
5. Select the product from the list, and select a release.
6. Click the Technical Solutions tab to see articles.
7. Select relevant articles.

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Appendix A: Multiplex High Availability

Multiplex High Availability configuration

MHA NxM: where N represents the number of application servers in the setup and M represents
the number of database servers or database nodes in the setup.
For information about Always On availability groups a high-availability and disaster-recovery
solution, see Microsoft documentation.
MHA scenario Number of application server (N) Number of database
servers or nodes (M)
2x1 Multiplex HA 2 1
1x2 Multiplex HA 1 2
2x2 Multiplex HA 2 2

Multiplex HA 2x1 configuration

Multiplex HA 2x1 configuration uses a single database server (ACM-SQL-1) using the Microsoft
SQL Server software and two application servers (ACM-APP-1 and ACM-APP-2).

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Multiplex High Availability configurations

Multiplex HA 1x2 configuration

You can use a single Control Manager application server with the Microsoft SQL AlwaysOn
database server configuration. You can have maximum one application server and two database
servers in this configuration. In this configuration, the Control Manager administrative users have
one Control Manager application server to log in. If the Control Manager application server is out
of service, users cannot access the Control Manager system for administrative changes. The
Microsoft SQL AlwaysOn database configuration works normally, using one of the database
servers as the active database server based on the AlwaysOn feature.

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Multiplex High Availability configuration

Multiplex HA 2x2 default configuration

You can use a pair of Control Manager application servers with the Microsoft SQL AlwaysOn
database server configuration. You can have maximum two application and two database servers
in this configuration. In this configuration, the Control Manager administrative users manually
decide which Control Manager application server to log in. If one Control Manager application
server is out of service; then use the other Control Manager application server. The Microsoft SQL
AlwaysOn database configuration works similarly, using one as the active database server based
on the AlwaysOn feature. This configuration is known as the Multiplex HA 2x2 alternate

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Multiplex High Availability configurations

Multiplex HA 2x2 optional configuration

When you combine the software load balancer application servers with the Microsoft SQL
AlwaysOn database servers, you have an optional Multiplex HA 2x2 configuration. You can have
maximum two application and two database servers in this configuration.

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Multiplex High Availability configuration

Multiplex HA configurations for dual data centers

Multiplex HA with the AlwaysOn SQL software supports dual data centers. Traditional availability
groups, spanning multiple data centers, require that all servers must be joined to the same Active
Directory domain. Different domains, even trusted domains, do not work. For more information, on
the Microsoft Documentation website, see Create a domain-independent availability group. See
Link disclaimer.
You can add new secondary replicas to an existing AlwaysOn group. For more information, on the
Microsoft Documentation website, see Add a replica to your Always On Availability group using
the Availability Group Wizard in SQL Server Management. See Link disclaimer.

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Multiplex High Availability configurations

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Appendix B: Control Manager databases

Control Manager databases installed

In a Control Manager installation, the system installs the following Control Manager databases by
Database Description Located on server
ACCCM Stores the Control Manager system ACM-APP-1
ACCCMAVP Stores the Experience Portal database. ACM-APP-1
ACCCMONEXDB Stores the Avaya one-X Agent users and ACM-APP-1
profile details.
ACCCMSYNC Synchronizes the database between ACM-APP-1
Communication Manager and Control
ACCCMCMSYSLOG Stores the Communication Manager Syslog ACM-APP-1
Configuration of Syslog is documented in
Configuring Avaya Control Manager.

• Avaya supports two installations of Control Manager on the same Microsoft SQL Server,
provided they are installed on different Microsoft SQL Server named instances.
• Avaya documents the SQL Server footprint for a single Control Manager deployment. If
you deploy another Control Manager instance on the same Microsoft SQL Server and
experience performance issues, you must either increase the footprint of your Microsoft
SQL Server, or revert to separate Microsoft SQL Server instances per Control Manager,
where each Microsoft SQL Server meets the minimum footprint requirement as specified
in the Hardware Requirements section of the Control Manager documentation.
• Avaya does not support two instances of Control Manager on the same Microsoft SQL
Server named (or default) instance, as the Control Manager database names are fixed.

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Appendix C: Server worksheets

Server worksheets for All-in-One configuration

Use the following table to track the host names and IP addresses for the different servers.
Ensure that the host names of Control Manager application and UI servers contain maximum
15 alphanumeric characters.
Host names of Control Manager database servers must follow the requirements set forth by
Microsoft naming conventions. For more information, on the Microsoft Support website, see
Naming conventions in Active Directory for computers, domains, sites, and OUs. See Link
Server Logical label Host name IP address
Application server ACM-APP-1
(includes database
server functionality)

Server worksheets for Dual host configuration

Use the following table to track the host names and IP addresses for the different servers.
Ensure that the host names of Control Manager application and UI servers contain maximum
15 alphanumeric characters.
Host names of Control Manager database servers must follow the requirements set forth by
Microsoft naming conventions. For more information, on the Microsoft Support website, see
Naming conventions in Active Directory for computers, domains, sites, and OUs. See Link
Server Logical label Host name IP address
Application server ACM-APP-1 NA NA
Database server ACM-SQL-1 NA NA

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Server worksheets for optional load balancer configuration

Server worksheets for optional load balancer

Use the following table to track the host names and IP addresses for the different servers.
Ensure that the host names of Control Manager application and UI servers contain maximum
15 alphanumeric characters. Host names cannot contain any special characters, such as
hyphens(-) or underscores (_).
Host names of Control Manager database servers must follow the requirements set forth by
Microsoft naming conventions. For more information, on the Microsoft Support website, see
Naming conventions in Active Directory for computers, domains, sites, and OUs. See Link
Server Logical label Host name IP address
Software load balancer LBS NA NA

Server worksheets for SQL AlwaysOn configuration

Use the following table to track the host names and IP addresses for the different servers.
Ensure that the host names of Control Manager application and UI servers contain maximum
15 alphanumeric characters. Host names cannot contain any special characters, such as
hyphens(-) or underscores (_).
Host names of Control Manager database servers must follow the requirements set forth by
Microsoft naming conventions. For more information, on the Microsoft Support website, see
Naming conventions in Active Directory for computers, domains, sites, and OUs. See Link
Server Logical label Host name IP address
Primary application server ACM-APP-1
Secondary application server ACM-APP-2
Primary database replica server ACM-SQL-1
or primary database server
Secondary database replica ACM-SQL-2
Listener IP
Cluster IP

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accessing port matrix ...........................................................76 enable TCP/IP after installing the Microsoft SQL software: .43
AlwaysOn feature ................................................................ 60 enabling
AlwaysOn software .............................................................. 43 HTTPS ..........................................................................53
overview ....................................................................... 10
topology ........................................................................ 10
audience ................................................................................ 7 finding content on documentation center .............................76
availability groups ................................................................ 61 finding port matrix ................................................................ 76
Avaya support website .........................................................79

HAProxy configuration file ................................................... 58
Certificate Signing Request ................................................. 50 headless install .................................................................... 34
certificates ......................................................................21, 49 health monitoring tool .......................................................... 37
checklist ............................................................................... 26
client operating system ........................................................ 20
collation ................................................................................18 I
IIS ........................................................................................ 37
delete ............................................................................76
InSite Knowledge Base ........................................................79
edit name ......................................................................76
installation checklist ............................................................. 26
generating PDF ............................................................ 76
installation process ................................................................ 8
sharing content ............................................................. 76
certificates .................................................................... 49
HAProxy configuration file ............................................ 58
IIS ................................................................................. 38
self-signed certificates .................................................. 57
load balancer software ................................................. 45
SQL logins .................................................................... 62
Microsoft SQL Server ................................................... 41
Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn software ................... 43
publishing PDF output .................................................. 76
root certificate ............................................................... 51
searching ...................................................................... 76
signed certificate ...........................................................51
sharing ..........................................................................76
installing 2x1 multiplex HA ...................................................27
sort by last updated ...................................................... 76
installing 2x1 Multiplex HA ...................................................28
watching for updates .................................................... 76
installing 2x2 Multiplex HA ...................................................29
Control Manager .................................................................. 46
installing Control Manager in a non-HA dual-box configuration
configurations ................................................................. 9
with one Control Manager and one SQL Server ..................27
CSR ..................................................................................... 50
installing Control Manager software
Cylance antivirus ................................................................. 20
MHA ..............................................................................31
non-HA ......................................................................... 31
D installing Control Manager using CLI ...................................34
installing in one box (All-in-One) ..........................................30
collation ........................................................................ 18
shared ...........................................................................17 J
databases ............................................................................ 87
Java Runtime Environment ..................................................21
document changes ................................................................ 7
documentation center .......................................................... 76
finding content .............................................................. 76 L
navigation ..................................................................... 76
documentation portal ........................................................... 76 latest software patches ........................................................ 16
finding content .............................................................. 76 licensing ...............................................................................66
navigation ..................................................................... 76 listener IP .............................................................................63
load balancer ....................................................................... 54

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load balancer software .........................................................45 sharing content .................................................................... 76

logging on ............................................................................ 65 signed certificate ..................................................................51
silent install .......................................................................... 34
software patches ..................................................................16
M sort documents by last updated ...........................................76
MHA .......................................................................................9 SQL logins ........................................................................... 62
multi-basic BAGs ................................................................. 62 SQL Server Express Edition limitations ............................... 18
Multiplex HA ...........................................................................9 submitting CSR to CA ..........................................................50
multiplex HA 1x2 configuration ............................................ 82 support .................................................................................79
multiplex HA 2x1 configuration ............................................ 81 supported antivirus software ................................................20
multiplex HA 2x2 configuration ............................................ 83 supported database server software requirements ............. 16
multiplex HA 2x2 optional configuration ...............................84 supported operating systems ...............................................18
multiplex HA configurations for dual data centers ............... 85
multiplex High Availability configuration ...............................81 T
My Docs ...............................................................................76
TDE ......................................................................................46
testing the 1x2 Multiplex HA installation .............................. 70
N testing the 2x1 Multiplex HA installation .............................. 69
NAV360CONFIG.XML file ....................................................63 testing the 2x2 Multiplex HA installation .............................. 71
NHA ....................................................................................... 9 testing the Control Manager and SQL Server in one box (All-
Non-HA .................................................................................. 9 In-One) installation ...............................................................73
testing the Non HA Dual box installation ............................. 69
TLS ...................................................................................... 46
O TLS support ................................................................... 22, 46
TLS version ..........................................................................68
optional software load balancer application server
training ................................................................................. 77
configuration ........................................................................ 54
transparent data encryption ................................................. 46
transport layer security ........................................................ 46
patch information ................................................................. 16 V
PCN ..................................................................................... 16
port matrix ............................................................................76
TLS version .................................................................. 68
purpose ..................................................................................7
verifying maximum concurrent Control Manager servers
count from WebLM server ....................................................68
R videos .................................................................................. 78
viewing licenses ...................................................................67
related documentation ......................................................... 74 virtualization support ............................................................23
release notes for latest software patches ............................ 16
client Web browser ....................................................... 20 W
hardware .......................................................................13
watch list .............................................................................. 76
Java Runtime Environment .......................................... 21
Window hardening setting ................................................... 23
load balancer configuration .......................................... 15
windows operating systems .................................................18
software ........................................................................ 16
windows OS .........................................................................18
virtualization ..................................................................13
Windows OS and SQL combinations ...................................19
root certificate ...................................................................... 51
all-in-one configuration ................................................. 88
S dual host configuration ................................................. 88
load balancer configuration .......................................... 89
searching for content ........................................................... 76 SQL AlwaysOn configuration ........................................89
secure browser access ........................................................ 53
self-signed certificates for load balancer ............................. 57
server worksheet ........................................................... 88, 89
timeout ..........................................................................37
shared database .................................................................. 17

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