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FULL NAME: _________________________________________ GRADE Y SECTION: 4th “____”
TEACHER: Karen Almendras Alvarado. DATE: Tuesday, August 3rd, 2020.
Competencia: Lee diversos tipos de textos escritos en Inglés como lengua extranjera.
Capacidad: Obtiene información del texto escrito en Inglés.
Propósito de aprendizaje: Obtiene e integra información relevante, complementaria y contrapuesta ubicada en
distintas partes del texto escrito en inglés con estructuras gramaticales de mediana complejidad y algunas
complejas así como vocabulario variado y especializado.
Evidencia: Responder adecuadamente a las preguntas para obtener información específica sobre experiencias de
acoso escolar.
I. Connect the feelings a victim of bullying might have with the image. Follow the example:

II. Match the picture with his/her right information. There are two that do not match.

III. Read Fabrizio and Carla’s stories about bullying:.

IV. Circle TRUE, FALSE or DOESN’T SAY about the two stories about Carla and Fabrizio.

V. Answer the questions. Follow the example:

1. Who was a victim of cyberbullying? _____Carla_____

2. Who is famous in many countries? _______________
3. Who is famous in the world? ____________________
4. Who was a victim of bullying because of the way she/ he spoke? _______________
5. Who was a victim of racism? __________________

PERSONAL: In your opinion, who can help a person that is a victim of bullying or cyberbullying?

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