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Level A Reader

cat mat hat

sat rat ran

Cat and Rat

A cat sat.

He sat on a hat.

It was red.

The hat was on the mat.

That cat sat and sat.

He saw a rat.

That cat ran! © K5 Learning 2019 4

Level A Reader

Cat and Rat (exercises)

1. Draw a line to match the word and





rat © K5 Learning 2019 5

Level A Reader

2. Fill in the blanks.

The cat sat on a red .

The cat saw a .

Then he !

3. Draw the two animals from the story. © K5 Learning 2019 6

Level A Reader

man cat fan

sad mad hot

The Mad Man

The man is hot.

The man has a fan.

The cat wants the fan.

The cat has the fan.

The man is sad.

The man is mad.

The man looks at the cat.

The cat still has the fan. © K5 Learning 2019 8

Level A Reader

The Mad Man (exercises)

1. Answer each question.

Who took the man's fan?


How does the man feel?


The cat has a ______________.

a. hot

b. fan

c. man © K5 Learning 2019 9

Level A Reader

2. Match the picture to the sentences.

The man is sad.

The man is mad.

The man is hot.

3. Draw the cat. © K5 Learning 2019 10

Level A Reader

tan van
red sun

Ann’s Van

Ann has a van.

The van is tan.

Ann is in the van.

Ann has a bag.

The bag is red.

The bag is on the van.

The van goes.

The bag goes.

Anne goes! © K5 Learning 2019 12

Level A Reader

Ann’s Van (exercises)

1. Answer each question.

What does Ann sit in?

She sits in a ______________.

What color is it?

It is ______________.

What is on the van?

A ______________ is on the van. © K5 Learning 2019 13

Level A Reader

2. Draw a picture to show where Ann is.

3. Label each picture. © K5 Learning 2019 14

Level A Reader

sat mat car

ball jar bag

The Bag

Dan sat on the mat.

Dan has a bag.

In the bag is a ball.

In the bag is a jar.

In the bag is a can.

In the bag is a car.

It is a big bag! © K5 Learning 2019 16

Level A Reader

The Bag (exercises)

1. Answer each question.

What does Dan have in his bag?

________________ ________________

________________ ________________

Is it a real car or a toy car?


2. Draw what is in your bag. © K5 Learning 2019 17

Level A Reader

3. Color the items. © K5 Learning 2019 18

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