12 BST Marketingmanagement Tp01

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Class 12 - Business Studies

Marketing Management Test 01

Question No. 1 to 4 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:

A company was marketing Hair Dryers which were very popular due to their quality and after-sales services. The company
became a leading company and start earning huge profits. Because of huge profits, the company ignored the after-sales services.
As a result, its relations with its customers got spoiled and the image of the company in the public was damaged. Top
management became concerned when the profits for the current quarter fell steeply. On analysis, it was revealed that ignoring
the after-sales services was its reason. Therefore the company took all possible measures to protect and promote its favorable
image. It also provides employment opportunities to the people belonging to weaker sections of society. As a result, the
goodwill of the company improved in society.

1. Identify the communication tool used by the company to improve its image.
a. Personal Selling
b. Advertising
c. Public Relations
d. Sales Promotion
2. The tool used by the company can work on-
a. Suppliers
b. Intermediaries
c. Customers
d. All of these
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3. Which element of the Marketing Mix is discussed here?
a. Price Mix
b. Product Mix
c. Place Mix
d. Promotion Mix
4. Identify the values shown by the company.
a. Development of Backward Areas
b. Concern towards Weaker Sections
c. Honesty
d. Protection of Environment
5. Advertising lacks ________.
a. Covering market in short time
b. Impersonal communication
c. Direct Feedback
d. Reaching to a large number of people
6. Link with customers is an advantage of this tool of promotion:
a. Sales promotion
b. Personal selling
c. Public relations
d. Advertisement

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7. When Khanak carpets develops new carpets that are highly stain resistant and durable, it wants to educate customers
about the benefit of product. Which one of the following marketing mix variables is relevant here?
a. Promotion
b. Product
c. Distribution
d. Price
8. Identify the main focus of selling philosophy/concept of marketing management.
a. Profits
b. Existing product
c. Factory
d. Selling & Promotion
9. Assertion (A): Channels of Distribution refer to the people or middlemen who help in distributing the goods.

Reason (R): It will become very difficult for the customers to purchase goods in the absence of these channels of
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true.
10. Assertion (A): Price is a crucial element of Marketing.

Reason (R): Little variation in price may shift your customer to a competitor's products.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true.
11. State True or False:
i. In the sequence of marketing functions, the first function is product designing and development.
a. True
b. False
ii. A tube of Shaving cream usually comes in a card board box which is kept till the consumer start using the shaving
cream and it ensure its transportation from place to place easily.
a. True
b. False
12. Fill in the blanks:
a. The most important function of ________ is to provide the information required by law.
b. The marketer does ________ of product to indicate different features or quantity of products.
13. Match the following:
(a) Selling (i) Focuses on the need of the customer 

(b) Marketing (ii) Focuses on the need of the seller

(c) Production Concept (iii) Added features in product
(d) Product Concept (iv) Large scale production to decrease cost
14. Name the  person who maintains public relations ?
15. What is meant by selling concept of marketing?
16. People think that it is the Product only that can be marketed. But something else can also be marketed, e.g. Visit Kerala
for Health Tourism. Identify what is being marketed here.

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17. Shudh Hava Ltd. is engaged in manufacturing of air conditioners and desert coolers. The company offers a wide range
of products to meet the requirements of people from varied income groups. Recently the company has developed a new
product, an air purifier that improves the quality of air by filtering out all allergens and microbes. The company
introduced the product on two variants namely 'Nano Tech' and 'Nano Tech Premium'. In order to persuade people to buy
the product it is offering easy payment options in equal monthly instalments for different time periods. Moreover, every
buyer will be offered 'scratch a card' option to win instant gifts like decorative items, T-shirts etc. The company is also
planning to organise competitive events based on skill and luck in various malls in different cities.

In the context of above case:

a. Name and explain the 'type of promotion strategy' adopted by the company to boost the sales of air purifiers.
b. Also, identify the various techniques of this promotional strategy being used by the company by quoting lines from
the paragraph.
c. "The company offers a wide range of products to meet the requirements of people from varied income groups." Name
the relevant consumer right being promoted by the company.
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18. Mother Dairy Fruit & Vegetable Pvt. Ltd. is an Indian company that manufactures, markets and sells milk, milk products
and other edible products. Its milk products include cultured products, ice cream, paneer and ghee under the Mother
Dairy brand. The company also sells edible oils, fresh fruits and vegetables, frozen vegetables, and processed food like
fruit juices, jams, pickles etc. Mother Dairy was founded in 1974, as a wholly owned subsidiary of the National Dairy
Development Board (NDDB). The company sells milk products under the "Mother Dairy" brand.

Safal is the fruit and vegetable arm of Mother Dairy. It operates a large number of fruit and vegetable stores in the NCR
and also has a significant presence in Bangalore. Safal also has a plant in Bangalore, which produces around 23000 MT
of aseptic fruit pulp and concentrates annually. It supplies to food processing companies such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi,
Unilever, Nestle etc. Safal also has a presence across 40 countries viz., USA, Europe, Russia, Middle East, Asia and
Africa and exports Fresh Fruits & Vegetables (Grapes, Banana, Gherkin, Onion, etc.), Fruit Pulp & Concentrate, Frozen
Fruits & Vegetables, etc.

Mother Dairy is also present into the edible oils segment under the brand name Dhara, which was launched under the
Operation Golden Flow program of NDDB.

In the context of the above case:

a. Identify the different brand names being mentioned in the above paragraph.
b. Give any one advantage of branding each to the marketers and to the customers.
c. Describe briefly any one function of marketing being carried out by 'mother diary'.
19. As the marketing manager of a big hotel located at an important tourist destination, what societal concerns would be
faced by you and what steps would you plan to take care of these concerns? Discuss.
20. Differentiate between marketing and selling on any five basis.

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Class 12 - Business Studies

Marketing Management Test 01


1. (c) Public Relations

2. (d) All of these
3. (d) Promotion Mix
4. (b) Concern towards Weaker Sections

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5. (c) Direct Feedback

Explanation: It is very difficult to judge the effectiveness of an advertising message as there is no

accurate feedback regarding its impact.
6. (b) Personal selling

Explanation: Personal selling directly deals with customers. 

7. (a) Promotion
8. (b) Existing product

Explanation: The main focus of selling concept is existing product

9. (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

Explanation: Channels of distribution are the middlemen that make the goods available to the customers from the
producers. Without them, it's really a very challenging job for customers to access the required goods.
10. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

Explanation: Price is a very important element of Marketing Mix as Customer is very sensitive to this element. Minor
variations in price can cost you your customers.
11. State True or False:
i. (b) False
ii. (a) True
12. Fill in the blanks:
a. Labelling
b. Grading
13. (a) - (ii), (b) - (i), (c) - (iv), (d) - (iii)
14. Public Relations Officer (PRO) is  maintains public relations.
15. The firms following selling concept believe that in order to make a customer to buy a product aggressive selling and
promotional efforts will be needed to convince a customer to buy a product.
16. Place is being marketed here. 
17. a. The type of promotion strategy adopted by the company to boost the sales of air purifiers is Sales Promotion.

Sales Promotion includes the various types of short term incentives offered by a marketer to increase the sale of a
product or service.
b. The various techniques of sales promotion being used by the company are listed below:
i. Full finance @ 0%- "it is offering easy payment options in equal monthly instalments for different time periods."
ii. Instant draws and assured gifts - "every buyer will be offered 'scratch a card' option to win instant gifts like
decorative items, T-shirts etc."
iii. Contests - "The company is also planning to organise competitive events based on skill and luck in the various
malls in the different cities."

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c. Right to Choose is the consumer right being promoted by the company. The consumer must have the right to choose
between different products at competitive prices. Thus, the concept of a competitive market where many sellers sell
similar products must be established to ensure that the consumer can actually choose what to consume and in what
quantity. This is to avoid monopoly in the market.
18. a. Mother diary, Safal and Dhara are the three brand names being mentioned in the above paragraph.
b. One advantage of branding to the Marketers

Helps in Advertising and Display Programmes: In the absence of a brand name, it will not be possible for a
marketer to advertise its product or promote it through displays. Branding lends a unique identity to a product beyond
its generic name.

One advantage of branding to the Customers

Helps in Product Identification: A consumer can easily identify a product with the help of its brand name. This
helps the consumer in buying a particular product and also facilitates its repeated purchase of the products without
detailed inspection every time.
c. Transportation: Transportation is an indispensible function of marketing. Transportation provides the physical means
of carrying goods and persons from one place to another. In other words, it is concerned with carrying the goods from
the places of production to the places of their consumption. It creates place utility by facilitating the movement of
goods from the place of production to the place of distribution. In the absence of efficient, reliable and cost-effective
transportation, facility marketing of goods is difficult. The entire economy and its development are dependent on a
well- knit system of transportation.
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19. As a marketing manager of a hotel in a popular tourist city, I will have a certain societal concern-
i. Activities of the hotel should not harm the tourist place, should not affect local and should not cause any pollution.
ii. To maintain ethics and fair pricing of hotel rooms.
Steps: We will ensure that activities of the hotel do not harm the environment and locality, we will have a proper process
for waste management, sustainable use of natural resources like water electricity, etc. and will make guest also aware of

We will also ensure that we charge for our room appropriately and we should not take advantage of guests in peak season
by pricing room inappropriately.
20. The two concepts referred to here are selling and marketing respectively. The differences between marketing and selling
Basis Marketing Selling

Scope It is a wider term and includes selling also.  It is only a part of the marketing process.
Focus It focuses on the needs of customers. It focuses on the product to be sold.

It aims to maximize profit through an increase in

Objective It aims to earn profits through customer satisfaction.
sales volume.

Start and It starts much before production and continues even It starts after production and ends with the sale of a
end after a sale. product.
Strategy It involves Strategies like product promotion, It involves efforts like promotion and persuasion for
used pricing, and distribution. selling the product
Conclusion: It can be concluded that Marketing and Selling are different in approach from each other.

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